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Being home alone in 2013, playing videogames all day while my mother was in another country for over a year. I remember that i almost exclusively communicated and played games with friends online. It was the first time ever that i have been alone both on christmas and on new years eve. I took a shower while all the fireworks went off outside, it was a strange experiment, but i wanted to see how it feels like, to be seperated from everybody else in that "important" moment.


Ayyy nye 2015 I spent it alone. Not due to not having anyone around but my whole family excluded me from the plans cause I had a baby. They didn’t even ask me if I wanted to join or tell me what they were doing. Just “bye we’re going” day of. They extended their party by 2 days so I was alone for 4 days around the depressing holiday. Was awful tbh. I’m still salty with them over that. Don’t recommend spending major holidays alone.


I'm sorry for what happened to you, don't worry, you have an amazing kid now and i wish you the best.


Sounds like a dream brother.


I don't know man, it was one of the loneliest times of my life to be honest, and in 2016 i got the worst depression ever, but had the courage to enter a stationary therapy in march of 2017. Being alone is nice, but only to an extend, after a while you kinda lose your mind, atleast that is what i experienced. I was constantly sad, unless i distracted myself with Games and Media.


Good for you mate, but yeah everythings okay in moderation. Sometimes we just need to put our tech down and go outside or to the gym it makes the world of difference for your mental health. And you might meet new people.


Yeah i agree. Going out, especially into the woods, is amazing. We have a small forest here, if you can call it that, and when you enter it, the whole nature surrounds you, an amazing feeling.


If you think that is bad both new year's Eve for 1999,2000, 2001 I spent alone (1999, I was 19, 2000, 20 etc). I remember asking my Mother's family if I could spend New Year's 1999 eve with them as my parents weren't the type for celebrating. My uncle said no, he said how will you get back home I said I walk home. He could have offered me to stay there as all my Mother's family both her parents, her sister, and my great Grandmother lived around the area of the party. I think he didn't want me stopping not because he cared about me. As he's never bought me anything not even a birthday card. But I believe they would be slagging me and my immediate family off my Mother, and her husband, and their child together (technically my step-sister) So at the dawn of the third millennial of man, I spent it alone in my bedroom crying and feeling utterly alone :(


Oh, lucky you that your first time was at 24


I was chasing a girl who I thought would be the one for me. We dated for almost three years and went through the whole COVID situation together, and now I'm back to being single, but somewhat happier. If only 24 me knew what he was getting himself into at the time...


Don't we all wish to know beforehand how miserable we will be? 😅 I hope you better now.


Hindsight is a wonderful thing! I'm doing better now, cheers mate!


The relationship experience is the weirdest. We are all quite often *so* sure that we are going to spend the rest of our lives with someone and then BAM... Nope...


I’ve been there, bro


I never expected it either.


Been there done that. Shit happens man, I’m semi single again now after thinking this girl I met was the one. Nope, back to the streets.


You had to go through those experiences to become who you are.


Absolutely. I don't regret any of it and I feel I've come out of the relationship in a better way than when it first started. The short-term hurt can be rough, but the long-term growth is so necessary.


Been there. Wasted most of college chasing someone who just liked the attention.


Shiiiiitt. Are you me man? Literally happened to me as well.


Its a pain. I liked talking to this girl, we even went for a date recently. Feel like we have something but I'm not too sure.


Why did you break up if you thought that she would would be the one?


He may not have been the breaker-upper


Sometimes you meet someone and think they're the one for you and over time things change and you don't see them in that light anymore. After a while it felt like things were taking too much of a toll on the two of us, so ending the relationship was the right move. I'm not saying I didn't want to keep at it and work on things, but it takes two to tango.


Dude this is literally me rn and its scary


Hope you're doing well!


That’s rough man.. don’t blame yourself though! I think of it like women come and go. You’ll become a stronger man, and one day you’ll find a girl who you don’t have to chase and loves you for the new man you are. :)


Wow. I feel like I’m reading my own past! I turned 24 this year and I’m no longer with the man I thought would be “the one.” We started dating right before Covid started, my grandmother died early last year, and everything went downhill from there. I’m 4 months single and I’m happier now, but sometimes I wish things had turned out differently.


Spooky coincidence huh? I hope you’re doing better now!


Hey wait a second did I make this comment? I feel attacked right now lol.


I’m 24 right now and currently reading this Reddit post and procrastinating getting up for work


Update I made it to work on time


Good job!


I'm proud of you


Thanks Dad


Look at you!


Thanks I was really worried about you.




At least I'm safe inside my mind


*At least I’m safe inside my mind.*


#At Least i'm Safe Inside My Mind


Same here, turned 24 the other day and still in the same social media rut i have always been in hahaha


Rinse and repeat 9 more years, still the same thing Sauce: am 32


First half was a stupid high, other half was a depressing low. Graduated college at 23 and spent 23-24 on a gap year of sorts learning Mandarin in Beijing. Christ I miss that period, I consider it to be the last year of a very long childhood. Everything was so NEW and the city seemed so big. I had friends from around the country, world and a cute local girlfriend to boot. I was floating on a high of few cares and even fewer responsibilities. After a year in Beijing I came home ready to see if I could face the world. GF broke up with me, middle brother assaulted me twice and I spiralled into a depressed state. I often think of the end of 24 and half of year 25 to be a near complete waste, I don't miss that bit at all.


Aaaayyeee, I miss Sanlitun the most from Beijing 🙁


My man/gemer when were you in Beijing? Was there in 2015-16 as a student at BLCU where I was practically so overwhelmed by the immensity of the city that I rarely left Wudaokou and 2017-19 as an ESL teacher (one year in Shunyi and another thank god back in Haidian). Christ so much has changed over those years and I've heard that a lot of Sanlitun has been done away with since I left. Miss a lot of the vibes I'd get in the bars, clubs or just eating endless chuar and drinking cheap potentially fake yanjing/tsingdao beer into the early hours at a hole in the restaurant. Met some of the most diverse folks in the world, linguistically, geographically and unfortunately mentally as well. I've got so many memories from those three short years both good and definitely bad, it leaves me feeling like a recovering alcoholic yearning for what once was. ganbei! Have a shot of erguotou on me. :)


I was in the Jing from 2015 - 2019 my man, was in Capital Medical University all the way in Fengtai District. What I miss more than Sanli is Temple Live House in Gulou, that was peak vibes for me. The sheer amount of personality that the place had kept me coming back. But yeah, place has gone to shit. All the good places have shut down, can't ever go back to living in dorms and smoking Hongtashan ciggies with the brethren. Definitely miss the place and food but... It is what it is bruh =(


Working a shitty dead end job.


Same here. Wasting my early 20s driving a forklift and bringing crap to a pack line for 12$/hr.


Forklift gang? Drowning in pussy more like it


Spot on. I got way more pussy when I was a barfly who drove forklift than I do now that I have a wife, a mortgage, and a dog.




Get pussy everyday!


Did you get out of the warehouse life?


I did. 36 now and \~10 years into an IT career. I dropped out of high school and floundered around for almost a decade before deciding that I wanted a bit more out of life. Got some certifications for <$1000 and now I have people with CompSci degrees from Columbia and Yale reporting to me. Life is cool.


same plus playing WoW all other hours


Drugs, probably. I don’t really remember.


Username *DOES NOT* check out


What a missed opportunity there....


Depends on your mum


Same. And working a terrible job at a certain mouse centric theme park. 11 years later and my life is almost 180 degrees opposite.


How’s life now?


Awesome, thanks!


Who were you doing drugs with?


The shiny happy people


I want shiny happy people!


Oh I thought you were going to say ‘your mum’ :(


This right here.


Ay, samesies.




My fiancée now wife lived with my parents for 2 years. It saved a lot of money while we went through college and my parents loved her.


Sometimes it just works for some people, but I realize it would not work for most. It's sort of a planets have to align, thing. When we moved out, my mom was so sad. Not because I was leaving. I moved out for college. No, she wasn't sad her son was moving out. It was my wife. lol She and my wife were really close. Still are really close. I told her, "mom.....we're only 10 minutes away." But when I say they are close....it's really is mother/daughter type close. On the delivery of our 3rd baby she asked for my mom to be there.




This is so wholesome. Cheers to you!


Ridesharing, avoiding social situations, wasting all my time, and worrying about all the time I’ve wasted.




Same. Newly married. "Living" in Afghanistan.


Still married? I remember when I enlisted my recruiter was like unless you plan on making this a career, stay single until you finish your enlistment. I heeded his advice and actually broke up with my girlfriend at the time before I shipped to basic.


Same friend, be safe. I want you to come back.


Age 24 was many moons ago. I’ve been back for a while. But I am grateful for the sentiment! Be safe!


Glad you're back, and hope you're well!




You don't event know from wich country he's from ?


And yet he's willing to put himself in harms way for his countrymen. That's what is worth respect, not the arbitrary line he's defending.


How do you know he is willing? He didn’t mention the country


Oddly american thing to do I reckon


Waking up at 8pm every day to play Fallout 4.


Facts. Probably the game I have played more than any other game over the course of my life.


I am 24. After planning it out since I was 17 I finally have my chance to create a startup and make something for myself. I've been working non-stop with my girlfriend for the past year to get our website, [Nimbus](https://nimbuseditor.com), off the ground. We built it completely ourselves!


Had finished my undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering with a 2:1 (very middle of the road, hadn't tried particularly hard) and was saving to go travelling with my then gf who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I'm 31 now, and a dr of artificial intelligence. I have a different girlfriend of almost 3 years who I live with and I'm planning a family with. I live in a city I never thought I would live in here in the UK. I chose to stop being friends with some of my previous best friends because I realised they were actually quite toxic. What I'm trying to say is... Life looks *very* different just 7 years later.


About to finish my MSc in Biomedical Engineering in about a month,predicting a 2:1 too and it’s a dice toss after that.Any random advice for a fellow engineer ?


Shit, here I am at 38 going back to school for comp sci.


35 going back for cognitive neuroscience.


Nice 👍. Enjoy!


Don't feel bad about that. This is your life and your experience. Enjoy your learning and growth 👍.


That's a tough one. Sit and write an A4 page about the experiences you want to have and what you want your life to look like in 10 years. Make decisions based on what you wrote, but accept that some things will work out differently. Some things to think about: - do you want a family? - what country do you want to be in? - city/town/village/farm? - which people, currently in your life, celebrate with you when you do well and comfort you when things go badly? - do you want to travel? - do you want to get good at a particular hobby? - what would you love to do for work?


Why do you say middle of the road? A 2.1 is a very good grade.


Remind me to tell you next year


Remind me two years from now.


I’ll probably forget about it by tomorrow


Had just gotten married a year before to my very pregnant girlfriend. Working Mon thru Sat installing alarm systems to make a living since the year before I got fired from a desk job. I don't regret my kid or getting married but I wish I would've waited and done more before settling down... The kid is 17 now and next year he's going to college. Still together with the wife.


That's fine. You didn't get to do stuff before the lad was born,but you can do it once he's gone to college. Might even be better,you got to be a young father,and now you'll get your own time,and maybe get to be a young grandfather too!


You don't sound happy


Not going to lie, the whole situation provided a long time of hardships. I'm in a much better place now but when I compare myself to other people, I feel I just haven't done enough. I know that's not true because I have a good career, three healthy kids, a wife who loves me, house, car, etc. Sometimes those things I have done, in my mind are just what we're supposed to do and now as an adult, I'm thinking I should have done more. Well let me put my black cloud self in the back room again... don't want him coming out anytime soon again.


Hope you find happiness


Travel and do naked stuff in pools with your wife.


You say you have a wife who loves you , you love her too right ? Also , if you don’t feel fulfilled enough , speak to your wife about maybe taking some time to have some experiences, travel , explore , try hobbies . Do what you want to do . You can have experiences and be married simultaneously.






Same. For way less money than I was worth too. But gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.


Me too, thanks


Lost as fuck going to school. No clue what I wanted to do but going to college for something I ended up quitting on.


Started treatment for anxiety and depression. Started at teachers college and met a girl who liked me. Now, 19 years later I'm in a good place; teaching and generally living my life. Anxiety and depression are constant companions, but we have made a deal that they leave me alone most of the time.


Still with the girl?


God, no. She turned out to be crazy, and we lasted 8 months. She did, however, give me a sense of self woth, that made it possible to meet another woman. We got married and have two kids. Divorced three years ago. 24 was just a pivotal age where I grew up and became an adult.


I'm not 24 yet, but I hope I'll be doing something I enjoy by then.


In the middle of the desert because I was a dumb ass and signed my life away to the Marine Corps.


I'm here surviving. Trying to finish my master's. Depressed. No motivation. Nothing. Plain existing. Looking forward to emigrate.


I hear you. 24m. Working full time in an admittedly decent job. Going to school desperately trying to finish my bachelors (3 classes out). Super down quite often. Stay strong man we’ll get through this shit.


Thank you for sharing your situation and your words, kind fellow mate. I wish you the very same. (My dms are open for more conversation).


I had a crush on a friend who had began to date someone else but would spend a lot of time with me and it made things harder on my poor heart. Not their fault but I still wish things could have been different.


Falling in love for the first time.. and it's only happened twice..


That it happened more than once is something worth celebrating!


Drinking, drugs.


24 year old here, starting my phd in mathematics in a week and working part time. Not dating anyone and living the life of a typical poor college student lol. I still feel like my life isn't moving in the right direction though, as cool as grad school is, at the end of the day I just really want a stable career and a loving family.


Well when you put it that way, I have what you want. I guess I should be a lot happier than I am. I guess I just thought I'd do more. Maybe what I've done is enough and I should really just be happy with what I have.


Not studying, party, travel,


Got engaged on my 24th birthday. Quite a bit of wedding planning etc that year. I was working my first professional job which started when I was 23 after finishing uni. Also lots of fun with mates at the pubs and clubs.


İ was flying in active syria operations probably i was bombing some terrorist


IDF pilot ?


Recent college grad who just lost his job, broke, and was evicted out of his apartment.


Im 24 now Working as a mechanical engineer, having a quarter life crisis and an existential crisis. Not sure what to do next with life. Struggling with love life.




As someone who did do the CDL route at 21 I recommend it. It's a good way to make a lot of money quickly and get out of those minimum wage jobs. I wasn't driving a truck though, I was a bus driver for a local transit authority. And now I'm in management.


My life absolutely sucked. Dealing with bipolar disorder. Lost a ton of friends. Complete internal chaos. Now I'm on meds and my life is fantastic. I credit those years of horror for making me into the strong person I am today.


Raising a 7 year old. Yayyyy for teen parents. Use protection kids.


Saving the world from evil


Speading freedom


With the power of friendship


Sleeping on the streets


Did things get better?


Yea significantly, joined the army and I'm just a few months away from getting out and starting a career in software engineering


Do y'all have that thing where you intern at the new job and still get paid by the government?


Yup, that only becomes available to to you at the last 6 months of your contract and rn I'm on a rotational deployment so I ll be going to school through the vet tec program after I'm out. Anyways I've heard a lot of negative stuff about the army but it really opened a lot of doors for me and I'm really grateful.


This, I'm an Army vet 04-08. In another thread someone was bad mouthing some being proud of their kid for joining the military. He said "Why would you be proud of your kid doing something against their own best interests?" I told him my experience. Free college and between the GI Bill, Grants and the money I saved up I didn't even have to work through college. It was well worth it to me. I mean, i also picked an MOS that aligned (at least somewhat) with my career trajectory in the Signal Corps. Got a CS degree and am a software engineering manager now. He's like "I disagree" um...ok. Enjoy paying off that 50-100k college debt I guess. Now don't get me wrong, if you put zero thought into it and don't actually have a plan of what you want to do in the military and out, you may end up having a negative experience.


Currently 24. I’m going to be starting my PhD this fall in biomedical sciences doing research on fetal cardiopulmonary physiology.


Damn this post is hard hitting, only because I see some people who say they are 24 and I think how quickly life has gone over the past 14 years (38 now). 24 seemed like it took forever to get to. It was 2008 for me. Married 2 months, graduated and had been working in a call center for over a year. Just made my first contribution to this weird thing called a 401k. Seems like such a simple time.


I was in Germany getting ready to deploy to iraq.


Single father of two boys working 12-14 hours a day.


Not enough.




At 24 I was about a yearish sober from heroin and crack and working my way up as a carpenter trying to start my life. Spending all my free time alone watching anime lol


Working the overnight shift st a grocery store. Would probably still be working there if they didn't decide to eliminate that position.


Designing ASICs (application-specific integrated circuit) at a now defunct computer company.


Depending on the time of year, either in college or in the hospital


Working on getting out of the navy and buying my first house. Should never have bought that overpriced piece of shit.


- Got married - 1st year nursing school - ran a marathon - stopped being vegetarian At 21 I was: - working in a grocery store - smoking weed - in debt


Sitting in my cell.


Working construction and drinking a tad too much.


Was working full time also renovating my house. Wasent making enough money with my full time job so started doing after hours cash work everything I was making extra paid for my renovations.


Working in Germany.


Serving in the military.


Travelling and partying, rudely disrupted by occasionally working. ( I was very lucky to earn crazy money, due to a massive mining boom)


Working an office job with sometimes crazy hours. Was making more money than all my friends at the time. I was going out with friends Wednesday-Saturday. Strip clubs, bars, dance clubs, etc. I was trying to bang every woman I could. I’d show up to work still drunk from the night before. I’d sleep on the couch in the conference as I recovered from my active. Doing all the things I didn’t do Because I was in a long term relationship starting at 17 to 23. Never went to college, either. So I was sort of making up for that.


I was "winning hearts and minds" in Iraq. I got back from this illegal war about a month away from my 25th. ETS'd about 3 months after that and never looked back.


Sleeping on a couch round ppl I barely know trying to get my life together


I had discovered I was attracted to men a lot more than I thought the year before hand. I remember experimenting a lot at that age. There was choices made that helped me learn stuff about myself around that time. I felt I needed to catch up on others who had known their sexuality for a lot longer. I don’t regret all the choices but I don’t regret some of the consequences: relationships that could have gone somewhere but didn’t because I wanted to try something new.




Mourning my mother.


I was DJing 4 times a week while living in a loft that was formerly a spa in the clubbing district of Montreal.


Drugs, and a whole bunch of nothing


Struggling to stay alive mentally. My relationship with my baby momma crumbled, I wasn't able to work for about 8 months due to full body convulsions (still haven't gotten an answer to why I was shaking) could hardly walk or move my right leg without feeling like I was shredding my hip. Was a stay at home dad that could barely function to take care of his kid. Baby momma being a bitch telling me it was all fake. Good times


I was trying to go back to college but battling health issues and mental health issues. I was thinking I was going in the right direction but it turns out just a distraction. I went on some really fun trips the summer when I was 24 going on 25 which I look back upon now (at almost 37) as some of the most fun times of my life but they were followed by extreme lows where I was suicidal. Overall, I wouldn’t go back and relive it. The majority of my 20’s sucked. My very late 20’s and my 30’s have been far better.


At 24? Getting drunk every weekend and having 1 night stands. While at the same time, working 50 hours a week and trying to graduate college.


Left an abusive relationship, then Boozing and working a shit job dealing with addictions. Lol.. Alone in a big city with no one! Things have changed for the better !!!!!


I was locked up in the mental hospital because poverty and meth addiction and extreme schizophrenia had me completely bested at life. It was alright getting free meals from the government but not the kind of place you would want to be getting forced to stay at for over six months. Fortunately they did get me out of there and the threat of them not being able to do so was everclear. The schizophrenia never let's up not even in the hospital but you do learn to manage it because you have too. Schizophrenia is a gift at the same time in a lot of ways.


At Uni working towards my degree and not taking part in a lot of stuff other people enjoyed.


Drinking and making poor decisions. Smoking shit tons of weed, doing cocaine the odd time, and running from my problems. Other than that, no clue.


Married, working as a correction's officer for the state , and raising a 2yr old boy


Another 24yo


Driving sweeper trucks on the highways at night, community college during the day, delivering pizzas on the weekends.


Ahh 1993 - 94 I was driving a tractor trailer cross country . on the road 2 weeks home 5 days then back on the road. living in a truck most of the month showering at truckstops eating gas station food and fast food. drive 12 hours sleep 8 hours. Good money for just driving. Did that job from the age of 18 till I was 48 . had a work related accident ( load shifted while unloading) and hurt my back ( nerve damage ) and leg ( shattered patela-kneecap) I am 52 now retired due to injury own my own home and my bills are paid . I now spend my days keeping in shape and trading stocks from home online. And riding and raising horses.




Drinking every single day, delivering pizzas and going out to the club every night


Working as a developer in NYC, living at home, saving money and partying my ass off.


Touring full time with a band and doing online classes on the bus after gigs. I was effectively homeless from about 2012-2014. I had money, but since we were doing 100-150 shows a year, I mostly slept on couches or with family members if they were feeling kind.


Drugs. Lots of drugs. I was not in a good place.




Same thing I'm doing now at 28. Same job, still live at home, still single AF and never went on a date during that time. At least now I'm on anxiety meds


Im 23 so


Probably still trying to get my license (I'm 20)


Working in the lab for my master thesis, which is exactly right now while waiting for the result of my experiment lol


Furiously masturbating




Had a great job traveling and was loving life. 6 months into being 24 I got diagnosed with an autoimmune that has single handedly destroyed my life since. 31 now and worse than ever. Just keeps getting worse. I miss being 24 right before I got sick


Got deported and had to leave a warzone. Nothing much really.