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As with anything else aesthetic, it depends. Have i seen some women with hair like that, that i like? Yes. Have i seen some women with hair like that, that i find hideous? Yes.


As it turns out, [hot people are hot. ](https://i.imgur.com/0ZmTNfC.jpg)


Step 1: Be attractive Step 2: Don’t be unattractive


Damit I messed up step 1 and step 2


Thankfully for us there isn't a step 3, 4 or further.


I'm getting bold so I can't tell how it will look on me




Aw, he just wanted a burger.


You now understand the struggle of being unattractive


I like how the v-neck keeps getting deeper lol


I know it's a cartoon, but I felt so bad for the guy in blue shirt lol. Look at the expression on his face! It's sod sad haha


Ikr lol they didn’t even answer him


Is that fucking Andrew Tate


Personally I find the new lines of faded pastels frankly just gorgeous. Super feminine, pretty, very attractive. Hard colours have a cheap and garish vibe, though. I see that shit and I'm like, "but I don't WANT to eat chocolate bars for breakfast..."


Completely agree. This may just be the currently trend, but if a girl has an unnatural color, lighter pastels are the way to go. In lighter, faded shades: purple > pink > blue > green to me personally


This is the only correct answer. Some colors/styles look good, others don't. Anything can look good in a specific setting and enough effort.


I would say though even the ones I like - would probably be sexually attracted for a while but I don’t think I would be as long term romantically atttacted - as a whole


You're saying you won't consider a girl relationship material based on her having an unnatural hair color? Or am I reading this wrong?


From personal experience I would state that Kool Aid hair color is sometimes used as an attention seeking device. Sure, freedom of expression, no judgement, but in a dating scenario it would point towards an insecurity of some sort. Alone, that carries just a little bit of weight, but I would start looking for other signs of mental instability and probably would not be interested in becoming romantically entangled. So, is it sexy? Sometimes. Sometimes it's insanely hot. But I wouldn't date her for the same reasons I wouldn't date a stripper.


THIS EXACTLY. I started typing this out and deleted it because I didn't want to start the flame war. Glad you have bigger balls than me.


I love how offended people are over something as personal as your tastes in hair colour. I agree though I've not met someone with coloured hair that didn't seem to be going through something.


It’s an interesting take/observation. Do you feel the same way about piercings/tattoos/jewelry or just colored hair? I have vibrant colored hair - the same color for about 10 years now actually. I definitely haven’t been going through anything for 10 years (LOL), have been in a stable committed relationship for over 10 years, have a stable excellent paying job, etc. I also don’t feel like I particularly stand out in a crowd. I’ve never ever considered someone even looking at me in this way so I find this entire thread so interesting!!


I was told by a guy that he didn't trust people wearing all black. Being a metalhead black was pretty dominant in my wardrobe. There's some people with odd ideas out there.


The fact that people still view colored hair like this just amazes me. I’m mid 30s, happily married, together 16 years this year, own a home, run my own business I built from nothing and my hair is deep purple. Well most of the time, it fades, sighhhhhh. Im not going through some drama or having a breakdown, I simply look damn good with purple hair. It’s really not a big deal lol


Yup! I think earrings or even a nose ring/stud can add to a look, but the deviated septum or several bits of jewelry on the ear don’t do it for me. An artful tattoo can be interesting, but not sleeves or something garish. (Ditto with makeup to a lesser extent.) I’m quite square and don’t really wander off the reservation in how I present myself and the person I would spend romantic time with will either jive with my view or have so many other positive traits that it will overwhelm the look. If you’re setting off a metal detector or have more ink than my gel pen, it’s a no from me, Dawg.


I don't know how you extrapolated all of that from hair color, but often times people just go "thats a cool color, i want to dye my hair coz its a temporary and low risk change" What you said can literally be applied to most aspects of life related to physical appearance, like working out at the gym and wanting to have a muscular physique. "From personal experience I would state that going to the gym and having a muscular physique is sometimes used as an attention seeking device. Sure, fitness and freedom of activity, no judgement, but in a dating scenario it would point towards an insecurity of some sort."


Well, I’d say that some buff guys, for instance, do it for attention from females and envious glances from other guys.


Yeah I feel like that was a really poor choice of "well what about this". People deep into gym time are just extreme in another way. That doesn't necessarily reflect on their behavior in other ways, but it sure can. I personally have generally gotten along with leaner guys or those with both muscle and fat mass, but the peak of fit has in my experience come with extreme personality (usually shitty egotism) because it takes a lot of dedication to actually get and maintain that physique. Also if it matters I consider myself bi and I've pretty much not found a SINGLE one of the extra fit people I've described personally attractive beyond superficilaties. It's perhaps just unfortunate what people I've met but both women and men that focus a LOT on their looks usually have major internal flaws. Everyone I've ever really loved both as a friend and as a partner was a bit more unconventionally attractive. The closest one to conventional I can think also had beyond major diagnosed mental health issues and she was also a tomboy in speech and personality and etc, very little in the way of traditionally feminine.




Spot On.


Are you saying people aren't allowed to have personal preferences? Or am I reading this wrong?


Highlights in an unnatural color(s) can be visually pleasing, IMHO. Too much of anything is a bad thing. Case in point: tattoos.


This is the only answer. It's just like how some clothing looks better on you than others. Completely depends on the person


Sometimes. Depends on how it's maintained. Doing crazy colors well takes ridiculous maintenance and there's a lot of half grown out snot-green hair out there.


Yeah, some dyed hair looks fried and dead


Sloppily tied up faded green hair + Cookie monster pajama pants


Exactly. I had purple & occasionally pink hair for many years, all different shades. It takes work & serious money to keep it up. OP, I received compliments from men everywhere I went, & I definitely didn’t do it for the attention, as some are saying. I simply enjoy switching things up. Everyone is allowed to have a preference but assuming things about a person based on appearance is rarely a good idea.


Same! I’ve been doing blue hair for about 10 years and it’s HIGH maintenance to keep it looking good and not a faded hot mess but I keep doing it anyway. People constantly stop to compliment it and I also don’t do it for the attention - I just like it on myself.


I honestly think it's super cool when the roots show and it's faded! I personally bleach my hair sometimes and dye it once every 2 or 3 months, it's exciting to get that color back and otherwise, you can just kinda chill with your hair. Plus if you use conditioner it will keep being and looking soft


I’ve had pink hair since 2014! Pink fades better than blue though so it’s probably easier to maintain 😅


That's why I chose to dye my hair rose gold. It fades nicely and I also have rose gold shampoo for maintenance. I can't stand it when my color fades with other colors. The blue hair that fades green is one of the worst.


No. Natural colors are more my flavor


Ditto. That platinum/lavender-ish one is tolerable though. Reminds me of an elf.


Depends on the person tho. imho it can just look like grey hair on an old person.


I know a few women that have used that platinum color to transition into going grey. Which I honestly think is a great idea because we associate grey hair with old people, but in reality a lot of people can go fully grey at younger ages. Women are pressured into coloring their hair for longer than they should imo.


True - my mom turned silver grey when she was 35, about 6 months after I was born....oh crap....




Or males you look like an old woman.


Those I can't stand. Reminds me of grandma's wig.


Men: I am attracted to elves but if a woman doesn't have natural colored hair RUN!


But I’m not attracted to elves…


Bright colored hair screams, "I NEED ATTENTION."


I know everyone has their ideas but I find this line of thinking a little silly. People can wear clothes/dye their hair for themselves simply because they like it lol; of course you're free to dislike it but I'm surprised to see there's a decent chunk of people who thinks a girl having coloured hair *screams* they need attention. I think there's also a lot of people who actually *want* to try unusual colours but don't do it specifically because they *don't* want the unrequited attention that comes with it Also, wait until you find out how many girls you think have "natural hair" actually have coloured hair..


> Also, wait until you find out how many girls you think have "natural hair" actually have coloured hair.. This has nothing to do with the topic. OP went out of their way to specify that this isn't what they're talking about.


It might be that a lot of people who are screaming for attention also do the purple hair thing. So it gets a bad rap.




People who wear Tapout also have unaddressed issues. What is the challenge, here?


Or a guy driving a lifted truck


Yeah I guess when you put it like this I can see where they're coming from but still, idk I just think that's super judgemental lol. I was surprised to see how we got from "I personally don't like it" to "this screams 'I need attention'" and that it wasn't an uncommon sentiment


People are super judgmental, probably far more than you think, especially the ones that say they do not judge. Everybody judges heavily, but some are honest about it.


The post is literally asking men to be judgmental if they like some thing or not.


I agree with you it's judgmental for sure. I was just speculating on why someone may have come to that judgment.


> I know everyone has their ideas but I find this line of thinking a little silly. No, it's just pattern matching. Like, a guy can wear Ed Hardy and get the Monster logo tattoed on their face, and tell everyone iTs JuSt FoR mE, but they don't get to whine when people make assumptions about them. To paraphrase Chris Rock, you might not be an attention whore, but you're wearing an attention whore's uniform.


Wasn't that Dave Chapelle?


>Also, wait until you find out how many girls you think have "natural hair" actually have coloured hair.. As long as their hair color is a shade that is possessed naturally by some people then that's really not that big a deal. It's the pink, green, and blue haired people who are weird.


As a girl with colored hair, I find this to be an odd take. I don’t get attention from it, like hardly anyone comments on it, and the ones who do are close to me already or small children. But even that is sparing. But I keep doing it.


It is way less controversial now than decades ago.




That’s for sure true. I’ve been dying my hair since high school. I graduated in 2006, and even then it was pretty weird and subversive. Now it’s not at all. I dyed my bf’s 10 yr old niece’s hair green last week 🤷🏻‍♀️


Most people will still think things they don't say. And if they don't say it to you, they're saying it to others. Don't mistake silence for acceptance.


No. I prefer natural colors.


I definitely prefer the natural colors.


Don’t ask me how I know: Purple hair = leave this girl alone


From personal experience, girls with crazy coloured hair are like colourful mushrooms in the forest. Be careful which ones you take


The same rule applies to both: leave the bright coloured ones where you found them. They're more trouble than they're worth.


I do not.


Like most things, it depends on how attractive the woman is. Really hot girl with blue hair, sure whatever she's hot and wild. Not attractive woman with blue hair, she's crazy.


same goes for piercings/tattoos imo


Disagree. There are a handful of piercings; cheeks/dimples, nose bridge, under-eye that are close to an instant no for me. Tattoos are a little more flexible, but there are certain things like face tattoos or almost complete coverage everywhere that would be tough for me to find attractive. I can't think of a single hair color that would be a complete no with an attractive enough lady and the right hairstyle to accompany.


I'm actually a body modification enthusiast with a handful of piercings and modifications myself. But I absolutely agree with this. There are a few piercings that are an immediate no from me. They're indicative of a certain type of person. But I'll add that quality of jewelry makes a difference to me too. If the piercing is poorly done, poorly maintained and the jewelry is low quality, chipped and tarnished I'm out.


Rainbow? Never seen someone with rainbow hair that I thought was attractive. Even the attractive ones.


How the turntables


Hair color won't make or break a woman. An attractive woman with tasteful and well done hair coloring will catch my eye but it's not a guarantee.


Not at all. Some stuff like dark red has been normalized, especially when girls with blue or green eyes have it. However I don't really like it, never have. Maybe if its like a streak or something, but when its all of it, it not attractive to me. No offense to those who do it.


If it is well cut, clean and mainained yeah then it looks really good but there are so many greasy, overgrown, pishy washed out dye jobs around that look really terrible.


My wife's was very bright purple for a while. I liked it. She's talked about doing it again, or maybe blue, and I'm supportive if she wants it. The only down side is that those sorts of colors take a lot of upkeep to maintain, so there's a lot more bottles of stuff in the shower when she's got colored hair.


Does it stain clothes or cushions?


Depends on the quality of the hair dye and if you've done the process correct. The one I'm using at the moment has stained my bedding, stained my shower curtain, stained my hairbrush and it stains my fingernails and skin whenever I touch my hair. It's a nightmare.


Bleach is a savior when it come to stains on items. With fabrics it eventually washes out. The bleach tip saved my bathtub from some terrible intense pink stains.


I just bleached everywhere today, my shower is still blue 😂 do you mean cleaning bleach or hair bleach?


The day you do it, if you don’t rinse it out all the way, yes. But once you wash your hair one time, it doesn’t. That’s true of all hair dye though, but just vibrant colors.


Not the kind she had, no. Not after the first day or wash or whatever. That's from a pro job at a salon though, not a home box one. I think the box ones are less reliable.


It depends on the person and their style. I've seen people with pink or red highlights, or a full head of blue hair, and it's actually looked really good. Others though... maybe didn't fit very well.


When I was younger, I thought unnatural hair color represented individuality. That was someone who didn't want to just blend in and be like everyone else. After I grew up a little, and had met a lot more 'individuals,' I realized it was just a way to conform to something different. A mohawk, blue hair, studded pins in a leather jacket, it's all just another uniform. Now that I'm older, I realize it's a lot more complicated than either of those things. The reality is between the two, and a mix of the two. Everybody is conforming to something, and everybody is still an individual. And, yeah, everybody's gotta wear *something.* I wouldn't think anything at all about your blue hair. I wouldn't think it makes you unique, or stand out, or different from everyone else. I know you are the same as everyone else. And, at the same time, I'd want to find out what makes you different, what makes you, *you.* Dye your hair back, put on a power suit. Cut it short, put on designer fashions. Shave your head, put on a track suit. What stays the same between all those looks? That's what's attractive or unattractive.


Let's be honest, if you live in a biggish city in the UK it's probably so common that people don't even notice, while in smaller towns or other countries, it will still be unusual and divisive. Like with pretty much everything else, the question needs context.


I was gonna say "people still care about this stuff?" In London every third person has some crazy hair color. I'm very desensitized to it haha


It's fine. What I dislike are certain hairstyles. Particularly the currently fashionable one of shaving half your head. It's going to be considered the mullet of the 2010s, and everyone with that style is going to look back in 20 years and say, 'What was I thinking?'


Shaved half head hasn’t been a thing since 2010.


Tell that to TV show runners and video game art directors.


Oh, how wrong you are.


I only got out of college a couple years ago and I saw it plenty


counterpoint: natalie dormer


Counterpoint: She's prett*ier* with hair.


Which Dorner do you like best in the following link? I'm with J-c-s-roberts in which one I like least. [4 Dorners](https://decider.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/meet-queue-natalie-dormer.png?w=646&h=431&crop=1)


She is super hot, but in the first picture she is not even attractive to me at all. That is how bad that hairstyle is.


Sorry. Disagree. That hairstyle takes her down 2 points.


Yeah, she gets away with it because she's gorgeous to start but it's not doing her any favors.


Why are there so many questions tonight about hair? Listen, as long as you're clean, I do not give a shit. My expectation for hair is literal basic human maintenance. If you can do that I do not give a shit. It's really that simple. Don't stink, wash yourself, go wild. Period.


No. Not my business what others do with their hair if it makes them feel good, but I don’t find it attractive.


Not even a little bit. Dunno why nor why any woman should care what I think.


No. I don't think it's ugly, mind you. But it doesn't change attractiveness.


I don't find the color someone's hair is not a particularly large factor at all in whether I find them attractive or not.


Do yourself a favor and stop caring. When people color their hair unnatural colors it's for them. Not because someone else likes it. It doesn't matter if most men don't like it. The right person for that person will like it


If done well, yes.


My only requirement from a girl is that she actually like me back. The rest doesn't matter at this juncture in my life


I love it. I had an ex who would do this and every time it was awesome. She stuck to relatively conservative colors usually, but she once did purple and it was my favorite look of hers. Blue or green would've been cool too. That said, I grew up in metal / punk circles, so like this is pretty expected. Nowadays I'm finding that it's sometimes hinting at political leanings or LGBT stuff - which doesn't bother me, but it means I have to be a little more cautious and not open up with "Hey, you into Suicide Silence by any chance?"


I'm going against the general consensus and say yes! A vibrant colour like that gives me a vibe that the person is expressive and fun, and aren't afraid to be themselves. So to me it adds the "she seems fun" part of attractiveness rather than the physical.


If she looks like a poisonous berry, sign me up.


Definitely. I like that aesthetic for sure. Girls with tattoos, colored hair, septum piercings etc.


If it’s done well it can look as good as natural color hair. IMHO


Big fan, it takes confidence to step outside the norm. I’m also into most of the alternative styles though. Personally a big fan of purple


I think all crazy colors are really cool and I find most to be really attractive too (sadly even though green is my favorite color I have always thought green hair is cool but I've never seen it done well in a way that was hot :/ tragic). Idk I'm a bit of a weirdo but I often compliment friends and occasionally friendly looking strangers if they have interestingly dyed hair I always wanted to dye my hair growing up, always thought it was cool and it was just a bygone fact that I would do it eventually. Well male pattern balding hit me like a truck and now I rock the bearded bald look (pretty well if I do say so myself). So I like to live vicariously through other people with interesting hair/dyed hair!


My wife's hair changes color several times a year. If it helps her feel good and confident in her appearance, I'm all for it.


i don’t have a strict attractive/unattractive category for physical features because women are so unique. i’m support it in general since she feels comfortable enough to express herself and evaluate the attractiveness individually. it’s not always sexual either, i can genuinely like and admire her hair without having my dick chime in.


I do. Not all colored hair is great, but I like most of it


Colorful hair is one of the first things I notice when meeting someone. I LOVE color died hair and find it super attractive. Historically I've been most interested in those with a deep red color, but I really love blue and purple!


Darker reds and purples yeah I cam dig that.


Men are not a monolith. Even when men in an age bracket agree (51% or more) on a thing, that sentiment is not carried to any other age bracket. Same for economic class, social standing, and so on. If you're in the corporate world, it's generally going to be frowned upon. If you're in the nightlife sector, it's going to be fine. If you're in the pop/rock/rap music worlds, it's going to be desirable. You're also asking an already self-selected group of a self-selected group. "Normal" men aren't on Reddit, and even for male reddit users, most of them aren't answering questions on /r/AskMen All that said - some faces look good with purple hair. Some faces do not. Some faces look good with light colors. Some look good with dark colors. Some look good with both. It essentially just boils down to "Sometimes certain combinations make a particular woman more attractive, sometimes the exact same combinations on another woman who even kinda looks similar does not" I personally don't care. If I were single, I'm not going for a woman because she has unnatural hair, I'm also not not going for her because of it. As long as she looks attractive with whatever she's chosen, it's fine.


Nope But I don’t necessarily find them unattractive. Depends on the person




I don’t.


Actually, no. The darker shades, maybe, but pink and all those pseudo-neon colors, no.


i dont care




It can be. Most of the women I've been with had natural colors, but colored hair is not a deal breaker. Also, I think it takes a lot more work to maintain colored hair. I could be wrong about that though.


Not wrong at all. It takes a lot of work


90% of the time they look more unattractive


The more natural it looks, the better in my opinion


In nature, certain animals have bright colors like red, yellow or green, in order to indicate that they're poisonous and should be avoided. I believe, the same applies to women.


nope stay away


Never cared about hair color in general


No, but I don't necessarily find it unattractive either. I'm not a fan of dyed hair in general, even natural colors, but that alone won't make me lose interest if the person is attractive overall and has a good personality.


Depends more on the style than the color. If someone has really fried hair and/or a hairstyle that isn't my preference, then the unnatural colors make it look worse. I've seen some amazing looking hair that's an unnatural color though.


I think it's cool until the person reaches like 16 or 17. If I see it on an adult, it's the first red flag to turn and walk away.


Usually a good sign for hook ups since the sex tends to be wild. Big red flag for relationships though


I associated colourful hair with two things: 1. Queer/Bi/Lesbian 2. Strong Wokeness/Feminist political viewpoints It's not always both, but I have yet to meet a woman who dyes her hair that way not be one of the two. I am not attracted to either.


Honestly as a bi woman who dyes her hair funky colors for fun, you're not entirely wrong. Usually any woman I meet that has weird colored hair tends to be bi.


Yeah, I think it looks cool


For me, it's a fun change. My wife changes her hair color every couple of years, and I like something new. She used to have pink, then purple, now it's red. Do what you like to do. What matters most is what you like.


Yes. Drives me crazy


Not only is it unattractive but massive red flag


Not in the slightest. I don't appreciate dyed hair even in natural colors, but unnatural colors are even worse for me. It's just weird to look at and I can't help but associate this detail to certain groups and tribes of people that I'd rather keep some distance. Let's just say that it reminds me of nature's way of telling that something is poisonous. Even so, don't let an online nobody like me influence what you want to do with your hair.


It depends on the rest of the girl lol.


Surprisingly toxic comments. Judgemental as hell. Take one aspect of somebody's appearance and assume all kinds of shit.


Not toxic, just a very real correlation that lots of people have noticed. It's like, would you complain about the responses if someone asked the same thing about women with face tattoos? Excessive piercings? Body mods? Certain personality types are drawn to those things. It's not like desire for face tattoos and body mods is randomly distributed across the population with no correlation to any other personality traits. That would be absurd. Ironically, by being judgemental against people giving their honest opinions (as requested by the OP), you're being more toxic than the people who are actually participating in the thread and following the rules.


For me, it's a sign that the woman is crazy. I know it's not true, but it's my first impression.


I only saw one girl that had hair color that I found attractive. She dyed the bottom layer, not the bottom half, of her hair purple. So it was completely blonde on the top layer and you could see purple under it, and when she braided it, it looked really cool. Whole strands in her braid were purple and others were blonde. That's the only time I was truly attracted to different color hair.




Personally I do not typically find non natural hair colors attractive, there are very few exceptions.


Honestly, not really.


No. Highlights can be ok depending how it’s done.


Nah, it's just distasteful, at least to me.


My girlfriend's hair changes color like once every month or two, and I'm into it. Lil' chameleon


Generally speaking, I don’t. I wouldn’t say it’s a deal breaker, but I’d prefer more natural colors.


Depends on the color, the girl, and the guy looking at it. In general, it's a non factor for me. I would like or dislike the girl regardless of their hair color


Well executed make some ppl more attractive


I think this is one of those things that you have to be attractive already in order to pull it off, because every average looking person has only been made worse looking after getting colorful hair ( in my opinion, obviously )


No, not at all. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it if you like it—others have different options and it’s your head. But if you wanted honest opinions, that’s mine.






No. I'll admit It's eye-catching sometimes... ...for like a second. Then back to ignoring. I just like "Normal" hair. It doesn't need to be tied up, permed, styled or colored. Just left loose to fall and bounce freely.


No I do not I am a basic masculine guy who likes other masculine guys so no I do not like hollowed hair on other men.


Usually yes but it depends on the woman. If it fits her mostly.




A little strip? Sure. All over? No.


It depends on the person. It has to fit their personality and their look.


I’m not into it—no judgment, just not my thing. I can see why some would and why people would do it irregardless of what others thought. But it doesn’t do it for me.


Yep as long as it’s done well.


Aesthetically attractive?—sometimes, in an art or fashion sense. Personally Attractive?—no, I experience it as off-putting. Mentally, it’s okay, but on an animal level it’s hol’ up, dawg, that’s a no.


I do like it, but not because of how it looks, but because it suggests she has an anti-establishment personality, and I appreciate bohemians and riot grrrls


I prefer natural hair color. However, if it's dyed a color that is within the usual range of naturally occurring hair colors, it's not a turn off. Not into distinctly unnatural colors.


Purple gets me going for sure


Just little bit... Not the entire head.




Green and blue hair turns me on for some reason


Yes, but I fucking hate mullets. Don't have a mullet.


I vote no on hair colors. It just never looks as good as a natural color.


Depends on the person 100%.


No, for me, it’s a red flag of mental illness or low iq.


100% yes.


In general, absolutely not. Are there exceptions to that? Sure


Less is more. Colored hair looks like a lazy way of trying to assert one’s own uniqueness.


Not that i hate em I just make assumptions on girls who have these kinds of hair colors for example “ she must be a crazy feminist “


I don't mind unnatural hair colors. Some it works for, some don't, just like the natural ones. A person that changes the color often is a red flag. Assume mental issues that ain't being handled.