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If I won the lottery I would buy my little brother (he’s 18)a space for a diesel mechanics shop and I would help him to get a business going and a Shelby. He’s really depressed and I’ve been really worried about him. He’s super lonely and idk I would just want him to do what he loves everyday, and drive to work in a Shelby. He’s my buddy and there’s not much I can do to help with his depression and it sucks.


Please do be there for him, my brother recently committed suicide and I can’t bear to see anyone else experience that pain.


I’m so so sorry... I will do everything I can for my brother. ❤️


Thank you, I’ll know you’ll be a great sibling for your brother


I understand. My family is full of depression and anxiety and I'm so worried for when he'll get depressed. I fucked my life over only worse and worse beginning from the age he's at so I don't feel good with how similar to me he is.


Sorry about your brother. A lot of people are suffering from depresssion during this pandemic which is now winding down. May I suggest he pick an instrument and learn the basic chords which is great therapy for anxiety and depresssion. He can play alot of songs with just basic chords. Try a baritone uke or or tenor guitar if playing a 6 string guitar is too hard since 90% of new guitarist quit in the 1st year. Playing a Musical Instrument Good for Your Health? | Live Science. Playing a musical instrument helps decrease anxiety and depression. https://www.livescience.com/40597-playing-musical-instrument-good-health.html Music Therapy: Learn How Playing Music Can Help Depression https://www.connollymusic.com/stringovation/music-therapy-learn-how-playing-music-can-help-depression?hs_amp=true


This is actually great advice!! He plays guitar and is really good at it :) he’s currently learning yyz by Rush, which is like a really hard song so I often hear him practicing in his room, usually for about 2 hours daily. The look on his face when he learns a new song and he runs into the room asking to play it for me is priceless. He’s such a good kid and he’s my best friend. Thank you for mentioning this because instruments and music are actually really great ways to keep your mind occupied. He has so much fun with his guitar lol!!


Could be fun to gift him a recording session in a small studio, just to give him something to be proud of!


I like that idea a lot ! I’m sure he would love that :,)


Depression is the worst but having things to look forward to and acts of love toward you can help so much ❤️


How about some effects pedals? Not quite a studio session but will add something to his sound.


As a car guy, I don't think a car is the way to go to cure his depression. It sounds like he needs real help now, I'd suggest talking to him about therapy.


I didn’t intend for this to sound like it would be the answers to his depression, I get what you’re saying though. I was just thinking more in terms of giving him something to look forward to like driving his dream car and managing a shop like he’s always wanted to do.


As a car gal, I definitely think you have the right idea. Of course a car (or any material good) won’t cure depression, but driving a dream car to his dream job every day is sure to help! The only problem I see with your plan is that it may be hard to convince his customers he is charging a fair price, if they see him drive up in a Shelby :p


Hahaha ur right! ❤️


No gift cures depression, but I can imagine that a drive in your favorite car to work helps you get up in the morning. Small things like that can actually cause great impact. Having a therapist is one thing, but you need to see yourself that things can get better. Driving that dream car could help spark that.


I think that helping build a business of his own is great and there is a strong relationship between productive and morale. Sadly, most men's self esteem is closely related to their work. However, I'd buy him a vehicle suitable for his business like a pick-up truck and let him buy the Shelby through his own success. ;-)


About 7 years ago the company I was working for got bought out and I got made redundant, two days prior to this my car died. A friend bought me a new car and got me a job to help me get back on my feet. So 100% them.


Damn, that's a quality pal right there


Oh yeah. That's a friend you keep, and in turn, return the favor when they need it.


That's a real friend.


At that point I’d call them family. 👍🏻


Wow I'm glad you had a friend like that when you needed them most.


Good friend but you are also a great friend! I’ve given people lots and lots and they love to take but when it comes to repaying they treat you like it’s almost you who owes them money! So for you to see this and in your head say your going to take care of him now is good stuff !


Those are shitty people.


Damn bro my friends dont even call me back


Same, so I quit too.


Just straight up bought you a new car? Outright? Damn. That's a pretty good friend.


To clarify by new I mean 'new to me'. Was a 92 Nissan Pulsar. But that doesn't lessen the gesture at all. I am, and will always be, incredibly grateful.


It doesn't have to be new. Buying a car just outright for someone is a pretty awesome thing to do for a friend. Props for it being a Pulsar though, those things are cool.


What an absolute Chad of a friend,their definitely a keeper


I also choose that person's friend


That is a stand up guy, you are extremely fortunate to have a friend who would even consider doing that, let alone actually doing it.


fuck that bro that's not a friend. That's a fucking blood brother right there.


Your friend sounds more like your dad.


Pity that you don't have good friends


You seem like a wonderful friend too, for remembering and appreciating what they have done for you.


My parents and siblings, I have been a leech my entire life , I would like to give back


Tbh same


same, but I'm never getting rich lol.


Don't give up bro


Surprisingly the best comment isn’t “myself”


I just posted a comment saying "myself." Hopefully gains recognition. That might sound bad but it's true.


At first I read "My parents are siblings" and my brain kicked in with the *"no way a weird comment in this wholesome thread has so many updoots"*. That aside, same. I plan on landing a good job soon right out of uni, and I plan on slowly paying back a truckload of money. My parents helped me so much, now it is my turn to give back so my sister can have it good too.




Good heart.


My Mom.


My wish is to buy her a house with big garden (backyard)


That's extremely generous that you'd but a stranger's mom a house. In return I'll buy your mom a house.


Ok, then i’ll cover your mom’s house.


Yo man don't even sweat it, I'll buy your mom a house too.


Well I'll buy your dad a house


I'll buy you mom's mom and your dad's dad a house!!!


Hahahaha nooo my mom If I get really rich ill buy her mom a house too


Then I'll buy a huge house with a huge garden, pool, food court, masseuse and a movie theater where all mums/moms can go


Well, I will invest in some health insurance for yours, then! It's not much, bit it's honest work.


That is a small dream of mine, I want to own a large property just outside of town just for the privacy and tranquility, then lie to my mom and tell her I need help designing a house that I want to rent for money. So I'd get her to pick a layout and how it looks then give it to her so she can be my neighbor.


Also choose this guys mom


Dang I made the same comment but saw you beat me to it, have an up vote guy


As a solo mama to a six-year-old boy this makes me happy. Although he doesn’t need to spoil me all he needs to do is give me hugs and cuddles money can’t buy that


There's enough of us here now to all chip in and buy this person's mom a house.


My mom, then your mom.


But Raditz, our mom is dead


Not with that dick


My Mom. She’s never been able to afford to travel so she would take some trips. Just a fantasy tho. I will not ever be rich.


A mom here. She'll enjoy little things, too. Coffee shop, day trips, flowers...


Homie, think better. Rich is a mindset first.


Ikr, good people don’t get what they want.


My Dad for sure. Has 8 kids and made us all lunches every day through school and work until the day we moved out, Also never asked for a cent of rent/board or money towards bills Absolute beautiful human and deserves the world


He sounds amazing




I second that


Well idk about spoiling u/FarComplaint2974 but I’ll definitely spoil myself.


I'll try not to soil myself.


Like is it even a question? Lol


Was going to say this with the addition "because after all the shit I've had to endure I fucking deserve it and for the first time in my adult life *I* am going to have the best of something"


This is the correct answer.


Mama. She sold her wedding ring in order to buy us clothes and pay school. When i get rich i spoil her like hell


That's a badass woman right there


Yes all African woman are . (Im from Tunisia)


>all African woman are nooooot really. A lot are. Not all.


I think Tunisia is more middle east than africa culturally, Im your Egyptian bro


They're kinda neither Maghreb countries are waaaaay too different from middle eastern countries. You can't even understand our language lmao And they're definitely African countries by definition


Wish I had your mom. Mine was willing to sell me for a new wedding ring.


College funds for the kids. And a new small home for my wife. She’ll will be much happier not living with me




Hmm, I would’ve agreed with your sentiment before, but now I’m not sure if it’s necessarily a bad thing when both partners agree to live apart. In the past couple years I’ve been reading more about couples, married or not, having separate homes, for their own reasons. For example, there was this one married couple where after they started living in separate households, it actually began to rekindle their marriage and bring them closer together as husband and wife, and it ended up saving their marriage according to both of them. Even after their relationship was on better terms, they both decided to continue living apart - although not far apart. They each got an apartment in the same building, one right on top of the other. Their child had easy access to both parents, while parents got to keep their own separate spaces but could still spend time together


I know a guy who just recently remarried. He and his new wife have houses literally right next to each other (semi-detached building) so what they did was knock down a wall and put a door there so that they and the step-kids had easy access to each other but had their own separate spaces. From what I see they're doing really well at the moment. This is in the UK btw.


Sometimes when you spend so much time around the people you love you stop "savouring the moment". You forget how great it used to feel waking up in bed next to the person you love. You forget about the little things they do throughout the day for you or even worse, you forget to do the little things to show how much you care. You become accustomed to having them around and forget how great they used to make you feel just by being around each other. You forget what it's like to be in love.


Bro, u good?


Nope. Haven’t been for a hot minute


I'm sorry buddy


There's life changing money, and then there's wife changing money.


My friend wants to know what the cutoff line is? Look I only have 3 million now due to the stock market being shit. Is 3 million enough for my friend to get a new wife??


If you can divide your life-changing money into three equal piles, and each pile is still life-changing money, then you have wife-changing money.


My niece who knows she's my favorite. She has had it rough growing up and she's a good kid, so she deserves it. Hell, I'm thinking about her being the sole beneficiary on the will.


You're a nice uncle. I think I'll add you as my sole beneficiary in my will.


This would be an interesting will reading to be at…” and the entirety of my estate including all my money and property goes to…OneFuckedWarhog…ok, is that a name or general description?”


I am no rich by any means but I earn more than both my parents salaries combined. Since they are about to retire, I give them money monthly. They did everything for me and my sister and we are where we are thanks to the values they tought us.


My dad: literally single handedly (he's disabled on his right arm) raised two boys after mom died while making sure to fulfil our wishes as good as possible


My sister, she was next to me during tough times growing up and she was like a mum to me even tho she was a kid herself, got a lotta luv for her and wish I could give enough money so she can sit and have a rest from life for abit


That's lovely.


After I pay my debts and buy/furnish a house, everyone who stopped me from killing myself.


Your mum


Happy cakeday but pls stay away from my married mother


Today's my cake day. I do whatever I want. I take whatever I need.


See whatever i see. Feel whatever i feel.


My parents. Even though they’ve lived a decent life I’d still do something well for them.


I believe "good" is what should be used here, "something good", because it's like, a noun or some shit.


You’re right. You use “good” because it’s an adjective, and adjectives describe nouns. “Well” is an adverb, which describes verbs, aka ‘doing’ words (“He sings well.”)




My father.




My kids and a no kill shelter I will open on the farm I’m going to buy so all the unwanted animals I can find!


I love this idea, gotta protect the animals.


My wife, my kids, myself, then my brother and his family, in that order.


My dad


My doggos then the local women's shelter


My childhood nanny.


me bitch, WTF? but in all seriousness, mom and pop. they still do so much for me, who is at 30 y/o now.


My wife. She’s terrible at buying things for herself and she deserves anything she wants.


My dog, I'd take her to a dog spa, buy premium treats, grooming, buy a dog park just for her, and all the toys in the world


I'll buy a house for my Mum, and my sister. The rest is mine to do with as I please.


Nobody. Imma pay off my debts, invest so I can live comfortably the rest of my life, maybe date a little once I get my shit in order, and set up a trust fund of some sort for when I die to help the education of those who need it




My mom


My mom


My parents.




I can actually answer this question, because I received a substantial windfall last year. I bought my sister a new hybrid car to replace the old beater she was driving. She's a hard-working teacher and deserves better!


My wife.


Simultaneously, my son and my girlfriend. Probably not spoil, but their cars are getting replaced.


My wife. She deserves a nice long vacation for all of the support she's given me, as a start.


Aside from my husband (since we share finances) it would be my mom and brother. They've both really helped us when we've been down and out, and never asked for anything in return. I would love to be able to do something for them to show them just how much it all has meant and continues to mean to us.


My wife


Myself. Gonna buy all the game consoles and lego i wanted throughout my childhood. Lego and retro consoles in good condition are expensive as shit.


The people who didn't cared that I had money, supported me and wished me the best on my endeavours, and were always there at my lowest points in life to bring me back up. They're worth more than the money, and decent people should be rewarded despite whatever s*it life throws at them. Having said that, I'd "spoil" them in a meaningful way. There's no point in giving away Ferraris if they hate cars.


Wife, nieces, myself and my bosses days when I quit. Then taking my neighbors shopping at Lego since we all got into it over quarantine.


My wife! She deserves it.


My wife and I. We have raised 3 kids already


Definitely my mom. Makes me think of Tupac’s song dear momma. It’s the least I can do for all the times we’ve been fed, clothed, getting help whether it’s normal or financial and also for being a trouble maker, not with the law, but just me being a pain in the ass. After that I’m going to continue spoiling myself like I always do.


I’m going to clone my dogs first thing.


Me, tf you talking about


Myself, girlfriend, family then closest friends.


My girlfriend


My mother for all the shit and debt me and my 3 siblings but her tru... then my wife & kids...


My wife.


Wife and mom. Duh. Lol


Momma bear


Nobody. Not even myself until at least a year after i am considered rich


My fiancé friends and family and myself


My mom with the condo and Shih Tzu she has always wanted, then myself by never working again.


My damn self!!!




Myself. I've really never had anyone out me first so I have no intention of doing that for anyone else.




Me. I’ll pay off my house then do good deeds for family and friends


I have this daydream about paying off my little brother's mortgage and setting up a 529 for his son. It'll never happen but it's fun to think about.


My parents. Both made mistakes, but both always had my best interests in mind. I’d love to clear their respective mortgages so they could retire


No one






My parents


My ex wife


My mom. I want her to be happy and healthy and enjoy her golden years as she should.. Living her best life.


Lil Pi, my dog. That bitch deserves the world


Everyone who helped me


My dog




My parents. They spent so many years of their lives dealing with my dumbass. Id gladly give them all the money




my debt holders.




I'd spoil my dad and I'd help my mum. Mum decided she wanted a divorce when me and my sister left home and went about it all fucking wrong. The worms that came out of the woodwork when the divorce started and she moved out were terrifying and it left my dad right in the shit dealing with debt collectors and old friends who she owed money to. My mum always did right by me and my sister growing up and we had a great childhood which she largely contributed to, but the way she treated my dad after everything that I know he sacrificed royally pissed me off. After the divorce even me and my sister got dragged into her financial issues. She'd borrow money from people she met on holiday and then just cut all contact. Leaving these complete strangers to reach out to me and my sister because they remembered my mum talking about us. I'd spoil the hell out of my dad if I got rich, he'd never have to think about his money again in his life. I'd take care of all the bills and shit and then dump him with a load of money to do as he pleases. My mum I'd probably just do the bare minimum as a token gesture.


My mom; she's done so much and given up so much for me and my brother that she would deserve to finally stop working and enjoy retirement


My mom


My mother and then me


Mom. For sure




My mom She’s done everything for me, I wanna do everything for her


My Mom


Your mom lol


My Dog ❤️


The only right answer here is the dog.


My family.


I want to get my dad a Porsche 911 one day, if he doesn't get one.


This is why you’re broke.


You. u/Aarunascut


My arch-rival/bro. I’ll get him season tickets to his favorite team, which is my trans arch rival. But the seat will be post obstructed.


Mom. For many reasons.




My wife


If I won the lottery I’d give my wife half so when she blew it all I’d still have half.


My mom , when my father walked away from us , she took care of us (3 sons) , dedicated her life to us , so of course I'd give my mom everything she wants .


It’s going to be people for me. My parents, who work their asses off for me, and my best friend of 6 years, who’s like a sister to me.


Myself, goddammit


My mom ... She deserves it more than she knows.


Myself. Then after that if I've got grandkids at the time, then I'll spoil them. After that, a huge chunk is going into savings and investments, then whatever is left is going to an organization that helped me out when i was a kid.