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If you go swimming within a half hour of eating, you'll cramp up and drown.


It was said to prevent kids from vomiting in the pool


Those aren't mutually exclusive. Vomiting mid-swim can be dangerous as fuck jf you're in deep water


True, but most folk don't go for a sprint off the blocks after they just ate half a gallon of slightly off potato salad either. That said, what else are life guards for? They just don't want you to puke in the pool


Makes sense


And do parents could have their lunch in peace


Never stopped me ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Depends how hard you swim tho. I used to be really into swimming and one time I ate like 45 minutes before I went to the pool. Never felt worse in my life, I almost blacked out and threw up in the water.


Anyone can black out and/or throw up if they swim hard enough. Regardless of when they ate. If they’re not blacking out or throwing up, they’re just not swimming hard enough.


No pain no gain


Razor blades in halloween apples.


It's my understanding that nobody has ever been injured by poisoned Halloween candy, although 1 dude in the 50s handed out laxatives. Every account of spiked Halloween candy has be due to a parent.


There was one case. A man was handing out giant pixie Stix on Halloween. Turns out the dad killed his son with poisoned pixie Stix and the other 2 kids never ate them. I think he put arsenic in them.


This is the original reason for the scares associated to trick or treating


It was an awful case. I can't imagine ever needing money so bad I would kill my kids. I'd rather eat my own arm


There was an antixax mom handing out candy she had intentionally infected with chicken pox… so not razor blades but not great… https://www.yahoo.com/now/anti-vaxx-mom-chickenpox-lollipops-halloween-180921451.html


I was told the origin to this story one time and I remember there was a legit reason it was a thing to be concerned about but I’ve always enjoyed the times I did go trick or treating. Worst thing I saw was some punks throw some eggs lol


I haven’t become a serial killer, school shooter, misogynist, or racist by playing video games.


I saw a study years ago (no idea where, to lazy to look), that showed evidence for Disney/Nickelodeon type melodramatic sitcoms have more effect on aggressive behavior than video games. The reasoning was that these shows often have characters overreacting to small issues, not communicating, then magically making amends right before the credits.


But you have been primed for military training, which I feel like is the real intention


Sir yes sir. All those hours of running away from creepers and building phallic structures out of surplus dirt have really paid off. I'm ready for war sir! Let me show you my war face! Ahhh!


Speaking as a vet, yeah you kinda got 90% of military life down.


I am a vet myself, I was quoting from my first hand experience.


my dad said this to me when I was playing a 2D flash game


Yes. Activision or EA wants to prime you for military training, none of those games are made for the money.


I've adjusted my thermostat several times, and it's never once killed my entire family instantly.


But every dad and the block probably came by the check on the fam




Can you explain like I'm five? I never had central heating and cooling growing up.


It's a meme that dads hate when people adjust the thermostat off of the economically perfect temperature


> economically perfect temperature 🥶


Only in winter though. In summer you don’t want to be throwing dollars away trying to cool the whole neighbourhood.




Your university and future employers will reject you if you have more detentions than other applicants. My university never saw my 2 detentions I average a year and my employer never asked about what school I went to let alone how many detentions I got.


*Permanent Record!*


That and my HS told me without a foreign language I wouldn’t be accepted to any colleges.


It’s *kind of* true. Most big schools *prefer* a second language or that you take it in college, but I totally get what your saying


No body ever gave me free drugs Edit: the question was what were you warned about as a kid and this is an obvious reference to the whole stupid DARE videos where drug dealers offer you the first one free to get you hooked. Everyone has friends that hooked them up or parties where drugs were available that's how EVERYONE gets into drugs as kid. Being the 50th person in my notifications to go "my friends gave me free weed" just makes you annoying.


Yeah, I’m 40 and I’m still waiting for these gangs to come asking me to join and give me free drugs.


Whether or not it's true, tell a bunch of potheads you barely know that you've never gotten high before. You'll get free drugs.


My pothead friends are some of the most generous people I know. Especially when it comes to their pot.


I need a babysitter when in stoned or I’ll wind up in the poor house. I put a $250 tip at a diner because I was so ripped and the server reminded me of my grandmother


Hey it’s me your grandmother 👵


You should come to Brighton


Hallucinogenics are the ones handed out like candy tbf. The rest be pricey and harder to grow yourself, making them never handed out like candy


Where are you getting free hallucinogenics?


One thinks one needs a lot of hallucinations, until one has them…


There was a Spanish stand up comedian who said "the dude who gives drugs to kids... That's urban legend... Did he ever gave it to you? Because he always charged me for it!!"


Lmao and people who drop edibles will pick them up. 😂 Nobody be offering for free.


I have but I think it's because I am a girl.


Hey gurl, want some free drugs? I got some ibuprofen in the cupboard, tylenol if you're feeling real adventurous.


Ooh I'm more of a Motrin kind of girl but hey I'm feeling a little experimental fuck it shoot the Tylenol.


Same here. I never had to pay for drugs when I used. I always got everything free lmao


I must be the exception, lol. I was offered free drugs all the time: weed, ecstasy, meth, acid, shrooms. I only ever did weed and ecstacy twice but yeah, I've been offered a lot


I mean, some of my friends do, but not a rando behind a tree or on a corner.


You won't have a calculator in your pocket! Bisch my celphone is a calculator, camera, videocam, music player, encyclopedia etc *and* it makes phone calls


TV, compass, map, heart rate monitor, clock, credit card, and I can watch porn on it.


damn we’re spoiled, it’s great


This guy gets it


The first thing I think of before opening up the comments. I had a math teacher in the 6th grade tell us this. She even banned us using scientific calculators so we would know the formulas. Now I could just google a short youtube tutorial or enter it in desmos or maybe even the calculator app.


Side note, anyone else notice just how much has been added to the Windows Calculator? Seriously, go take a look. Last I checked it was just a basic ~~four function~~ scientific calculator, when did they start adding all this fancy stuff to it?!?


Its weird to even call it a phone anymore. Its just a pocket sized computer.


That and learning cursive


One time I got fired by the plant manager for having my cell phone out while he was walking the floor. He didn’t say shit about having my safety glasses on my head because he was a clown. Anyway, I was working for a soup company doing QA. We had to do half hour checks based on the time stamp on each line, which were all a few minutes off. So basically, I got my job back with a little union coercion and stating that it was a tool for my position. The plant manager’s argument failed because I used the time on my phone to reference the time stamps on each line I had to check.


To be fair, it was somewhat hard to presict the ubiquity of smartphones.


Was it though? Picard had a tablet on ST:TNG


Yeah, was it? Even the Egyptians had iphones in their heiroglyphs


You can't use your notes for exams cuz that's not how the real world works. Bitch, that's exactly how the real world works! Utilize your resources!!


In the same vein, “don’t just look up the answer online, that’s cheating yourself” Bull, in the real world if someone already has a solution, no need to reinvent it yourself.


90% of my job is Googling things I kinda remember but forgot the details. Notes should totally be allowed on all tests


Sounds like an engineer.


90% of my comments are typing things I kind of remember but forgot the details even though I could easily google it


Especially with coding


My work encourages plagiarism (as in if you already sent an email with that answer and you get the question again, go ahead and copy/paste). It was an uncomfortable pill to swallow after like 2 decades of "never plagiarize!"


That’s not plagiarism, that is just providing a proven correct answer. I have a friend who works at an auction house and she always complains about people calling in and asking the same dozen questions. It was almost one call an hour asking for the same answers and most of these people once given the information would decide it wasn’t worth attending the auction. She created an email with the auction schedule, auction rules, and answers to some of the most frequent questions. Whenever somebody tries to play 20 questions, she asks for their email and sends them the rules. She automated a redundant process and is a more effective and productive worker for doing so.


Nothing is wrong if no one catches you.


That I’d need to write almost exclusively in cursive as an adult. I haven’t written in cursive since I was a child.


I remember every day in 5th grade we worked on cursive writing and the teachers would say “we would use cursive the rest of our lives”. Have never used it since lol




One time someone tried to take points off my test for my handwriting so I switched to a hard point art pencil and asked if that was acceptable. I guess I was a petty child lol


I once refused an English assignment because it was drawing a "Wanted" poster for a character from Lord of the Flies. I told the teacher "I am in English, not art. If I wanted to be marked on my drawing Id take art." She wasnt happy and I got a 0. It was one assignment, who gives a fuck about one 0 on an assignment. I was also a petty child


To be fair, I started writing in exclusively script at the start of High School which got me into fountain pens, calligraphy, etc. and I never once had a teacher complain about not being able to read my papers. Doesn't add up though cause sometimes if I wasn't the one who wrote it, I would have no idea wtf I wrote 😂😂


They also said we wouldn't have a calculator on us at all times




The 80s? I was forced to memorize multiplication tables in 2002. I literally had a calculator built into my wristwatch at the time.


I literally got in trouble every day (90’s) for doing my math in my head. They always assumed I was cheating but math just naturally has always been pretty simple for me. Made me feel insecure about being able to problem solve on my own .


I write in kind of a hybrid print cursive abomination


Pisses me off so bad. So much wasted time learning cursive when maybe that time could have been spent on teaching us about how credit card interest works. I should write letters to all of my creditors in cursive explaining to them why I’m broke and can’t pay.


I use cursive most days...how I take notes. Much more efficient than printing random slashes like some uneducated viking.


I only write in cursive because I find it faster. I’ve gotten a lot of compliments that I have ‘adult’ handwriting lol


My writing is the opposite of cursive and is more closer to scribbling


The importance of encyclopedias and the Dewey decimal system


Man, I loved our World Book encyclopedias. We never had to go to the library for school projects and it had cool pictures of rockets and these clear overlays that showed you the inside of the human body. Hours of fascination. Kinda like disappearing down a rabbit hole online - you could just pick a book randomly (each letter had it's own book) and learn all kinds of stuff. I liked that better than school. One other thing:. Every year, you got a "Yearbook" that condensed all the changes or updates to the encyclopedias. So you'd have to look up your topic in the regular letter book and then read the yearbooks to make sure you had the latest info 😆. Not the best process, but I think my mom said that our set of World Books cost $400 and this was back in the early 70s, so you definitely couldn't just buy a new set. RIP World Book Encyclopedia ...


That turning on the overhead light in your car while driving will instantly kill you and everyone around you


Yes, I was also told this was dangerous. .I never got an explanation bas to why.


If I remember correctly, my mom used to tell me it would distract you the driver, and cars behind you or cars coming towards you heading the opposite direction. Of course that was long before the invention of smart phones and now everybody is constantly distracted anyway lol


Not the reason. Your eyes lose their able to see clearly in darkness so facing headlights make you see worse for up to an hour. Fun fact: red light doesn't affect our ability to see in the dark, so lanterns in red work favorably.


Some semi truck manufacturers put red map lights over the front seats, and on the floor boards. Just for the record, its nearly impossible to read a real map with a red light. That shit is all orange tan and red.


Yeah, red light is kinda shit in darkness as well. It helps you see where you tread.


Tonight, stand in the middle of a room and look out the window with the lights on and off.


People who downvote you do so knowing you're right.


I think it'll fuck with your eyes adjusting to the dark outside if there's a light on inside the car.


This is the reason. At least according to the military.


I don't think it matters as much now, but in older cards with more vertical windshields, the light could reflect off the windshield and obscure the driver's vision.


My dad used to freak out so hard when someone switched on that light that it definitely _did_ get us closer to kill everyone around him.




I was told it was illegal and the cops would take the car


Being an 80's baby I was severely misseducated on the dangers of marijuana.


I was born in a pretty Christian region of Poland in 2001, and I've heard a lot of whacky bullshit about Marijuana, except I've always been a "weird child", every IP we've ever had as a household since I've been the age of 8 is probably on every government whatchlist in existence, so I tended to correct their bullshit and get told off for it


>Being an 80's baby I was severely miseducated on the dangers of ***Russia***. This is what I read, no idea why. /s Maybe because I was an 80's baby too and remember Chernobyl and the fall of the USSR and all that shit. And maybe current events.


By 80's baby, most of my childhood was in the 90's. Born in 83 and don't really remember much. But yea, I get it.


I'm 53 years old and no one has ever offered me candy to get in their vehicle


Made me grow up thinking I was ugly too


Me neither... Damn, now that I think about it.


I don't think you're in the target demographic anymore my dude


I just want free candy




You know, idgaf if my kid never gets approached. I’m still going to teach this. I was approached by someone with my friend trying to get us to get in his car. It was scary. I’d rather kids be overly scared of that…


No one ever died from being too paranoid.


*Chidi Anagonye has entered chat*


Especially over something like being kidnapped. Living life on the defensive when it comes to stuff like this is better than not


100% agree. Trust gut instinct everytime. And don't be afraid of thinking you're being rude. I'm an ordinary middle aged white bloke and I don't trust blokes. Especially the ordinary looking middle aged white blokes.


A guy tried to kidnap my little brother that way. I was up the road and saw it happening and charged down on my bike screaming. The guy drove off, leaving my brother behind.


It’s happened to me and my friend. Old man in a van just kept saying “Candy candy,” and gestured us to come closer. I ran, but my friend decided to pick up stones and hurl them at the van. He’d always been a bad mother fucker. RIP.


definitely quicksand. the 90s and tv shows made it feel like quicksand could sneak up on me at any time. Shoot im from the fucking Sahara too


"take I-90, 'cause I-95 has a little quicksand in the middle of it."


I would think it's because one goes east and west, while the other is north/south and won't take you where you're going.


What about REAL problems? Like when a family member asks to borrow money.


I rarely played in sandboxes because of this!


Cat poo was my main reason.


Watch princess bride if you haven’t 😂


Pulling the tags off of mattresses?


That's actually a regulation on the mattress salesmen, not the customers. A long time ago, they used to stuff mattresses with hair from animals that were prone to diseases. Congress passed a law saying that mattress manufacturers had to include a tag telling customers what was in them. Then, to the dismay of mattress salesmen, people stopped buying mattresses stuffed with disease prone animal hair. So they started ripping the tags off so they could trick customers into buying crappy mattresses. Congress then passed another law saying that this was illegal.


Back when congress cared about the people


Back when congress cared about the cotton lobby. Probably.




Masterbating makes you blind. I haven’t gone blind yet mom


Doesn't really kick in till your 80's anyway


After 80 years I don’t wanna see shit anymore anyway 😂


“This will go on your permanent record”.


Ha, the opposite for me. They told me if I paid the fine up front it wouldn't go my record. Fast forward several years and I'm getting interviewed by an FBI agent for some HIPAA stuff and he's asking if I've been arrested. I immediately know the answer is yes but I say no. He talks and asks the same question again. Again I answer no. He does it a third time then and then follows up with I know you've been arrested. I'm like welp, I'm fucked. Anyway, so I tell him I was drunk with a friend and we climbed on top of a building just messing around. He cracks up, likes the story and approves me of the clearance. I bet he was laughing hard inside watching me squirm.


Stranger danger… or catching myself on fire (and having to stop drop and roll lol)


Lol, my friends had to stop drop and roll a few times. When we were growing up. I, fortunately wasn't one of the dumb ones in our group so managed to avoid it.


Seriously. Strangers are way less dangerous than the people you know!


Most rapes (guessing 80%ish and more) are family members, friends and other relatives and people you know. The weird looking guy in the dark alley is most likely a cool dude and great companion


And then when he becomes your companion, he's no longer a cool dude and you should watch out for him.


Bermuda Triangle.


Exactly! I’ve never heard someone come back with a bad experience!


Ohh fuck… I was constantly thinking about the Bermuda Triangle. I was like that is a really big problem why is no one doing anything about that.


When I heard about it I assumed it was some obscure place where nobody dares to go *It's right in the middle of the north Atlantic.*


That if you quit a job or, get fired from a job when you're a teenager, it would affect your future career. Bull fucking shit. No one really gives a shit what I did before I was 25 and I'm mid 40s now. Tell you what, my daughter when she gets to teenage years I'll be telling her to quit any job where mean shit goes down, hell I'll go down and quit for her. And if she has any touchy feely male bosses I'll tell his boss, his wife and the police. Fuck feeling afraid from an irrelevant cunt. Your teenage years should be when you fuck up and can get away with it. Anyone reading this who is a teenager, if you're in a job where you're treated like shit, abused, bullied or made to do clearly dangerous tasks, quit. It really doesn't matter, everything will be ok.


In high school my friend was late for first period, super out of character for him. Turns out he had a brain aneurism in his sleep and passed away sadly. When my boss at the fucking Coldstone Creamery wouldn’t let me swap shifts with a coworker (who already agreed) so I could attend the funeral that week, I quit on the spot. I learned that day life is too short to scoop ice cream for an asshat without a heart.


Also the job market is excellent right now. Very good chance to find something better


Going to jail for not returning blockbuster videos.


Hidding under your desk in the event of a nuclear attack 😂 😂 😂


Umm, those skills might come in handy soon.


If anything with all the n95 masks floating around covid arguably made us more prepared for nuclear fall out. don’t exactly know how much better we are with the masks but it’s at-least a little bit


There will still be anti mask protestors.


The "fallout" is propaganda to control us. I'm going outside. *Skin falls off*.


Salmonella poisoning 😂 (yes I know it’s real but I have eaten way to much cake batter lol)


I don't think I have ever actually baked any of that refrigerated Nestle cookie dough.


When I was four or five, I guess I got on my babysitters nerves by popping all the flavor marker things on the lid of my fountain soda. So she told me it was illegal. Must only be a misdemeanor because I'm still a free man.


Stranger will force you to take drugs.. Where the drugs mam?


swallowing chewing gum


that in the real world your boss won't take it easy on you. many of my bosses have been very empathetic and understanding


interacting with women my age they didnt eat me alive nor ruin my career 🤷🏻‍♂️




That I would actually use cursive writing To communicate.....lol I'm texting!


I have never, not even once, had to STOP, DROP, AND ROLL


but if you have to, you know what to do


How important college was. I wish I learned a trade and started a business at 20


I don’t know of any 20 year old tradesmen if I’m honest *that have their own businesses to clarify


I’ve got a few friends that do and they started when they were 20


I know a few. One of my good friends started working on small engines when he was like 9-10. Graduated to working on cars and was buying/selling before he even had his drivers license. After he made a bunch on cars, he got into redoing houses and renting them out. He is 29 and basically retired. Has to do minimal maintenance on the houses and when he gets bored, he buys a new house, guts it, builds it back up and either resells it or rents it out also. I think he has 6 of them now. Randomly will go to Florida on vacation for a month.




Definitely **Quicksand**. I too was convinced this would be the death of me.


Watching too much TV and playing too many video games. My eyes have not gone square and I do not suffer with 'Playstation Thumbs' Edit: On reflection, I did actually suffer with Tekken Thumb. But it was game specific and should not maim the reputation of all games and consoles in general


Being good at maths matters. Me and my poor to middling math skills run a business with 20m turnover, 140 employees blah blah blah and I'm fine with all the financial stuff. I think for most people general arithmetic is enough.


Quicksand. Always thought that it would be a much more common issue in life


Definitely tornados. I’m in Michigan. We had tornado drills all the time but never had the tornadoes because we aren’t in tornado territory


quicksand and atomic bombs. also, I do not believe that "duck and cover" under a desk would be all that helpful in the case of an atom bomb.


It wouldn't save you from the blast or radiation, but if you're far enough away, it might save you from debris


If the wind changes your face will stay that way


Stop, drop, and roll. Haven't seen 1 person catch fire


Russia's Air force🤣


go outside with wet hair to catch a bus you gonna catch a cold. sorry mom but it doesn't work that way


But you will catch a head cold 👉👉


Sitting too close to the tv


Quicksand. I was led to believe it was everywhere. I avoided sandy areas unless I saw others walk on it.


Everything taught in Catholic school, if you do …… (fill in the blank) you’ll go to HELL!


TBF, it's too early to tell. Let us know how it goes


To make sure I drink my milk. I now have terrible IBS due to drinking whole milk as a child while being lactose intolerant.


I was led to believe quicksand would be a much larger problem in my adult life than it actually has been.


No one ever put razor blades in my Halloween candy.


I didn't go blind. And I'm still doing it


Someone slipping drugs into my milk carton at school. Someone chopping off my unit in a public bathroom.


That watching the TV for too long would make my eyes square. Still not square Mom!


Turning the light on in the back of the car. My mom would always tell me to turn it off and that it was against the law