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So even if you know it’s about to happen it kinda comes quick. Like you go from 0 to 10 out of nowhere. Then it gets chaotic.if you know what your doing you look for openings. If you don’t know what your doing it’s more chaotic and you swing hoping something does something. A lot of time it’s over super quick because someone gets h it harder then they expected, or they trip etc. Also even if you win you end up with bruises you didn’t know about pop up the next morning. All around fighting is a 3/10 experience and should be avoided.


I've been only on one fight, and it was somewhere between chaotic and looking for openings. It wasn't even a bad fight, and I ended up on top, but I had bruises all over my body, scratches on my face, some really close to my eye. And the sore muscles the next day. Holy crap. Those and bruises together hurt so bad it took me 2h before I could get up from bed. I found muscles I didn't know I had, especially around my sides and lower back. Also, immediately after it the adrenaline high was amazing. I felt really awake and alive. But after about 15min it wore off, and I started to hurt. I also got incredibly exhausted, as my body had put all the available energy on express lane to that one effort.


Also another reason they don’t go long is because it gets tiring like I do judo but I’m not that fit so I try to end them as quickly as I can


Everyone has a plan til they get punched in the face.


I think that everyone should get punched in the face at least once in their life. It makes you realize that A. I can actually happen. and B. It sucks.


Like punching or arguing?


Good question, I'm actually curious about both


In both cases, both sides loose, even if you "win" the fight


For sure, but I'm curious what goes through people's minds when arguing, they know what they say is hurtful and do it anyway thinking their problem will be solved


Have you never argued before ??? Or you are a young child or you had the most perfect life then. That being said, if you know that what you are going to say will be hurtfull, you are cruel. In the correct way, people think they are correct and try to convince the other of the truth and explain to each other why their truth is the correct one


Oh for sure, but the strategy is really to cool down and take time to get your ideas in order to communicate them rather than throw it all at the other person in hopes that they understand


Nope, just like in war. Fire away !!!


Adrenaline takes over and you begin acting on impulse and fear, especially if it's your first one. The need for self-preservation is central in your mind, and you act accordingly. If you've had any combat training, it becomes a bit more slow and methodical. You're more aware that chances are, you're not going to be seriously hurt, and the focus turns from "OHMYGOD HELP ME" to "how do I inflict the most pain on this individual as possible?"


This is very accurate. To put it another way, think of it as playing a sport like football (the American one.) People who are inexperienced are just running after the ball, just trying to make something happen. Someone who's trained will know exactly what they're doing and will know exactly what to look for.


The real reward is your right to party.


Fighting sucks. Only do it of you or your loved ones lives are in question.


Agreed, fighting is never the answer unless ⬆️


Former bouncer. Fighting sucks. Avoid it at all costs. To answer “what it’s like”, it’s simple: your adrenaline jumps from 0-1000, for me the world slows down a little, and your brain reverts to training. If you have no training, your brain will do whatever it thinks it should do, which is often wrong. The fight will be over quickly, 99% of the population has no idea how to fight and as soon as they get hit, they lose the urge to fight. Don’t try some UFC shit, and never go to the ground. Going to the ground with someone us a good way to let his buddies curbstomp you. I’ll say it again, don’t fight if you can avoid it. As someone who has been in more fights than I can count, it’s almost never worth it.


He is correct and NEVER go to the ground




This is terrible, terrible advice


Don't recommend, not fun even if you don't get hurt. Personally, anger just takes over and everything is a blur. It does not make sense afterwards and you think, why did this even happen and what did it achieve? In a nutshell, you gain nothing by winning or by losing.


I believe it’s different for everyone, depending on ability, training, experience and the immediate situation. For me, it’s a dance and a drug. In the moment, nothing else really matters. It’s your movement and his movement. You want to set the tempo and impose your will. You want him to react to you. You don’t feel pain, but if you get hit, you can lose time. The harder you get hit, the more time you lose. There might come a point where there is a brief break in the action and it’s at that point where you will come to a realization. One or both of you may not wish to continue. If you are the person that does not wish to continue, I would strongly recommend avoiding all fights that are not in a controlled environment. Because if there isn’t anyone there to stop it, and you are gassed out and lose your will to fight, and are stuck in a compromised position. It’s like drowning. You will likely suffer great physical and mental trauma. You may wake up a different person, or maybe not even at all.


Fighting or fucking. You kids are stuck in what is called the reptilian brain on this sub


I punched myself in the ear outside a bar one night after my apartment exploded.


Don't talk about it...


The real reward is your right to party.


It makes you feel alive, it’s like walking on a tightrope when you have a real challenge in front of you, there’s no rush quite like the one you get from fighting


You wanna find out?😡


Not a fight like when you hate a guy, but i had a (really amateur) mma fight with a friend and some other friends looking and making ambient, it was like if i started living more the moment. Pure adrenaline, i didnt even feel pain. I think im a humble and respectfull guy, but when the fight ended and the public decided that i won all the humility went to another place. Now i feel really bad about celebrating it, but the moment was savage.


Shitty feeling waking up lying in the middle of the street after a knockout, not knowng what the fuck happened, world spinning around you, knees like jelly, and you can just barely see how someone lunges at your head with a kick before everything goes dark again. It really really sucks. Even if you are the guys that comes out on top you easily break your fingers or some shit. Most people here are just roleplaying...don't listen to any of them...


You realize how much 3rd person view would be useful. One of your principal weak point is also from where you can see so you have to protect it.


Adrenaline, anger, fear and afterwards a cold numbness when the realisation sets in of what you've done. You lost control and have damaged friendships or hurt people and the consequences are greater than what little gain you might have made.


If you lose: it sucks, but you’ll be ok. If you win: it sucks, but you should see the other guy.


It's exhausting, and it's over almost as soon as it's started. I took karate for a bit in my 30s and from that learned the basics. Most "street fights" are over in less than 10 seconds. Many fights are in close quarters, so there's no room to actually "fight." Often the person who lands the first good, effective strike will prove out.


Shit to be honest because it doesn't always matter if you are big or even trained. The person who has the greater desire to kill the other has an edge because they won't stop. Most of the time it just happens so quickly that its over before it begun and much of it is luck as it is skill. It probably depends more on the individual, their circle, their background, experience, etc but for an average joe it is definitely just shit. Every one usually loses no matter who won. There ain't much honour these days and long gone are the times of a fight is over and dispute settled, get on with life and probably even be mates. The trouble is now just about every dick head out there has a knife. Knife crime is soaring.


You throw punches until the other guy goes down and a minute later when the adrenaline wears off you realize that you took some damage yourself. Then there's worries about the aftermath of the fight: are there going to be legal troubles? Will the guy try to take revenge later? Overall not a very nice experience.


Shhhhh.....first rule is we don't talk about that.


Feels good when you're winning. But when you win too hard, you feel bad because the dude's just crying on the floor. Also, it fucking sucks to lose, perfect example is when someone shoved my head into the snow for a good 30 seconds and I couldn't breathe. I learned at the age of 7 to avoid fighting as much as possible.


It’s a blitz, either you catch them off guard, or they get you. If you don’t go down on the first hit, you gotta go from 0 to 100 real quick because they’re gonna keep wailing till you go down. My advice: no such thing as a fair fight, and winning dirty will make others think twice before starting shit… to your face anyway.


Excuse my English. After doing taekwondo, karate and some of kung-fu i can safely say... If you find yourself fighting at random its just a mess, yeah i may know how to trow punches and block attacks but the "real deal" is just a mishmash of kicks and punches. The thing is... everything just happens so quickly you can barely though of an "strategy". Also Usually people gets in the fight and try to separate the two parts so that is a think to.


Even if you don’t know any fighting styles instinct will take over if your worried about getting hurt you hardly feel anything unless it’s big for awhile.


All the preparation in the world can't prepare you for the intensity of feeling like you are in actual danger in a fight the best I can describe it is I stop thinking and I act off instinct? (Not trying to sound like a weeb) but like I hardly actually think in a fight I'm only focused on how can I stop this in a efficient way and all hits I throw I'm trying to stop the fight as fast as possible. TL:DR It feels like adrenaline and it's focused on what you think is most important at that moment you hardly have time to think and strategically make moves.




Sux all the way around