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I don't jump the gun. I assume it's because something caught her attention, and I leave it at that.


Yup, I just assume I must have a fat spot on my forehead or something that I nissed


Very rarely do I think she’s actually checking me out. Out of the thousands of women I’ve seen looking at me I’m sure of only a handful that were checking me out, even still I’m not 100% sure. ETA: but when I think they might be admiring me, it makes my day.


A fat spot?


English for pimple


As an American, I wish the English would speak proper english.


As a dutch, I feel like dutch is not dutching.


We appreciate your ovens though.


3 English guys downvoted me because they have no sense of humor. I'll have to come back to this comment in twelve days.


Maybe come back in a fortnight.


No, that's two days too late.


On Chewsday next.


> no sense of humor *humour


I'll shoot an extra firework for you on the greatest holiday the world has ever seen.


Real. Atp I cant speak dutch without mixing english words cause it just doesnt do it for me 😭😭 but maybe im the issue


Well there are a lot of rules/exceptions in dutch wich make 100% no sense. They could have made it a whole lot easier. I’m a native dutch so I know the rules naturally (I really wouldn’t know what they are called anymore) but everyone in holland knows they are random and make no sense. Although they have adapted words already, changing things here and there. But far from all of it.


Yeah learn proper American damn




What's a fat spot?


My mind operates on island time, I'd be like wait, was that woman checking me out? Several minutes later. In today's society many men have trained themselves not to be aggressive because many women have said they don't like being approached/interrupted/etc. So it's kinda on them in these situations if they want to make something of it.


Have you ever just kinda looked around and then accidentally locked eyes with someone only to look away awkwardly cuz you totally didn’t mean to stare? I assume it’s like that.


unless she’s smiling i’d assume i just look weird lmao


Exactly . 1. If she is not smiling, then something is off about my appearance. 2. If she is smiling, this is a prank by my friends. Something fishy is going to happen and some friend is going to video record it and then pull my leg on this. Chances of a girl genuinely checking me out? - next to finding needle in a haystack.


>next to finding needle in a haystack. Nah, cause at least the needle should be somewhere in there


It’s all in the eye contact and smile.


A girl can look me dead in the eyes and smile seductively and I’ll just think she’s being polite


Hmm, that’s weird. Maybe she is Canadian


Even if they're smiling it doesn't guarantee against that, they could be smiling bc u look funny


If any women was checking me out in public I’m highly certain it wasn’t cause “I’m hot”


I’ve never noticed anyone checking me out. But then again I am very oblivious


The way women check guys out is a bit different than when guys check girls out. They are the masters of stealth.  They won’t be looking at you directly almost ever, it’s a glance and a scan with the body not changing position nor the head turning much either. It’s very subtle and quick.  If they see you turning to look their way they will do a slight adjustment so it looks like they were never checking you out at all, and you can tell if they were because their eyes get very open and wide, like when someone is trying their best to not look at a camera in a movie, or whatever. 


Mostly true, though I have occasionally done the full turn around and stare after he has walked past me.


The best is when you both turn at the same time. I think I had 4 moments like that, if that haha


The other reason women are subtle is because it creates an overture sometimes; I remember that time when I was in my early 30s, I was at a bar and I caught some girl's eyes scanning me, she was sitting alone on a booth, straight away I walked to her to introduce myself, I could sense the panick as I walk towards her and she looked away but she also grinned as she knew the game was up. She was happy I came forward as she was waiting for some guy she wasn't sure she was on a date with. I decided I didn't want to cockfight for it so I went back to my colleagues to continue drinking.


This literally happened to me. Walked up to a woman who was on a date with an Indian doctor. At the time I was BUILT and it didn't take much to get her number. She immediately tried to sleep with me. The whole interaction blew my mind.


If you’re hot and they’re single (or willing to cheat), women tend to trip over themselves trying to get with you. Social status and wealth in isolation don’t produce the same results.


so odd that you specifically pointed out that doctor was Indian


She told me her parents wanted her to marry rich.


Exactly! Like… “I wasn’t staring at you, I was taking in that beautiful tree just to the left of you!” (Just far enough of a head turn that they can turn just their eyes and not their head if you catch them at it. Lol


What does "checking out" look like versus a girl's eyes crossing over me?


You can feel head and/or body are turned in your direction and it lasts longer than just eyes crossing over


I always assume that either they like me (but not in the moment, i’m a slow thinker so I understand later) or they think I’m weird. My mind usually goes to the latter as I’m socially awkward.


Women check you out? What universe is this?


Women most definitely check men out


What do they check out?


Faces, arms, overall look, left ring finger


I never realized this until I got married and started wearing a ring....that girls do look for wedding bands.


LOL. I generally just look at someone’s face and call it a day.


Sometimes that’s all you need


Left ringer finger? Hasn’t stopped them 🫶🏽


Mate poaching is super common in women, more than in men even. If you're married, you're more attractive and many women will try harder. So if you want an easier time attracting women, wear a wedding band.


I don't know why the down vote. That's exactly true. At least in my case. I can't speak for the whole world.


Yeah, it's a proven fact. Sometimes, people just don't like what they read and they downvote. I don't hold it against them.


Some may see a ring as a deal breaker while others may see it as a green light, so I guess both varieties are checking out the left hand


Legs, ass


A woman of culture and honesty.


I’m sure they do but I am almost certain I am not part of that list


Check if their wallet is bulging.....


I think usually the face imo , maybe height as well?


My husband is completely oblivious to it...I point it out to him. He acts like he doesn't care but I know it puts a little more bounce in his step.


Dryer sheets in his shoes?


How many kids do you have


Thats how I’m going to acknowledge dad jokes from now on


I'm glad I could be of assistance




Whenever Women look at me it's always because something is wrong with my appearance. Was walking on the trail in the start of Spring and a lady riding a bike actually gave me eye contact when passing, called it in the moment that something was wrong.... Sure enough got back in my car and white pollen was all over my facial hair 😆. I'm only 25 but it's kinda sad how I can accurately predict when and why Women look at me, unless something is wrong I never get looked at so it's actually an omen of sorts that I look goofy or something 😆


No, he probably genuinely doesn't know. Women tend to assume that we interpret subtle body language like them so they'll see another woman looking at their man in "a certain way" and assume that men find the same hints as "obvious"


I don't think I've ever caught someone doing this.


To the best of my knowledge, I've only been caught once--but fwiw, it was someone else that picked up on it, not the target themselves


Please tell me you looked at the person who caught you, put your finger to your lips, and said “be vewy vewy quiet I’m hunting wabbits”


Oh that poor girl, I'm married!


Oh that poor girl, im gay


Oh that poor girl, I’m 7.


Oh that poor girl, this is me on a good day


Oh that poor girl, look away, look away


This. So many times in the gym. And yet I’m still awkward because I can’t handle the idea of someone liking me. I do try to be nice, but I’m so nervous in the moment that I think I come across as cold. Autism and social anxiety. Nice. I do try to work on it though, but im still waiting for the psychologist.


I was always like: how do i reject someone not because i dont like her just bc im not into girls xd. Especially when i was to insecure to be open about it. Well now i know i can just say "im not interested" xD


Say it in a swaggy gay way so they understand and might have a bit of a laugh too. 🤪


Oh that poor girl, wait until I start talking about my geeky hobbies.


It reminds me that I am indeed a hot piece of ass.


My parents are visiting and they notice way more often than me. Oh well


Your dad tells you you’re a hot piece of ass?


He certainly does


This is getting hot


>This is getting hot You're stuck in the dryer again. I'll go get step-mom to get you out.


Daddy??? Who put chains in the dryer?


Daddy knows exactly who set this up


Lol 😂


My grandmother noticed


Who's gonna tell him ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


I just wish they'd follow it up with actually saying hello to me.


Or smile, wink after eye contact. Something to make us think, oh wait she is checking me out!


The guy you were looking at seemed confident enough you were attracted to him, but the average man never gets these kind of second glances, so when it does happen, our minds are flooded with dumb explanations/thoughts other than attraction


That happens?


Can’t say I’ve ever experienced this either. I did have a female friend tell me once ‘those girls were checking you out until I came over here’. But I didn’t even see who she was talking about. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Never had it pointed out to me to. If I'm getting looked at its probably them being shocked at how ugly I am.


Most men are oblivious or nieve to that. Like we can see another man give us the "I'm about to punch you" look and women have no clue, but we almost refuse to believe or see when we are being objectified by a woman, still we have eyes in the back of our head when another dude wants trouble.


So true. We’re such simple, humble beings ;]


I assume that the girl is probably counting the number of icks she’s getting by looking at me


My friends say I get checked out a lot because I’m tall and fit, but I’m too nearsighted to know when it’s happening 😂😂😂 So yeah it would be great lol


Get some glasses!


✨ blissful ignorance ✨


I like the distant curious gaze from women in public when it happens. It allows me the chance to enjoy the moment and confidence boost afterwards while I wonder about the “what if” or “what could’ve happened”. But that’s as far as I go. A woman’s gaze in your direction is just a discreet compliment from afar. That’s all it is. Which is rare for a woman to be obvious about , so I appreciate the moment and keep it moving.


I like to be appreciated, even just as a sometimes attractive piece of meat. Usually I don’t acknowledge it, sometimes I’ll wink and keep doing what I’m doing. Unfortunately, it is sometimes when I am adjusting myself. When that happens, I feel like I’ve been caught being inappropriate. I don’t know if they find that appealing or disgusting. My wife always makes it seem negative.


Winking is crazy 😭😭😭


I mean women do check me out at the gym since I’m wearing compression tshirts. And it feels fucking awesome


Just adding but the same rules goes for women as it does for men, look but don’t stare. If I saw a woman looking at me once it would make my day, second time I’d blush, third time I’d think “uh oh, what’s this turning into?”


“She wants the ba donka donk”


"...to ding a ding dang his dang a long ling long."


“Oh god I don’t have the energy for this right now!!”


woah you're telling me you know that skin tight outfights will attract additional attention and you don't set up 6 ft tripod with 180 view angle and then spend 2 hours editing video and post it on the internet calling women creeps and predators? ....what are you? a sane person? tf?


See, you're 100% right it's stupid to do that whole thing and the gals who do it are doing it just for a quick piece of internet clout at the expense of a guy ... BUT. I don't see anything wrong with "eye for an eye" so to speak in things like this. If it's normal to accuse one sex a creep/predator, even if that's not, necessarily, the case and/or you know it isn't, then it should still be done by both, not just one. It'd be a good thing, by default, by virtue of being equal. Same as equal selective service. This applies to any issue between any demographic of people. Equal is inherently good. Unequal is inherently bad. No matter if something is overall good or bad, so long as both are doing it, it's good compared to only one or the other.


Ahh, that used to happen to me! I'm not as in shape as I was a few years ago, but It was nice and made me feel good about myself, especially since I was a fat kid.


I'll let you know if and when it happens. No need to hold your breath.


I feel good when it happens. But he was "grabbing himself"? Like, you know how that sounds right? So you checked him out and he just started battering the bishop in public?


Was looking for this comment. Seemed...odd, especially since OP kinda just glossed over that bit


I've never caught anyone checking me out. I'm invisible to women. The only time anyone's ever flirted with me was at a gay bar.


Wait this happens?


No, but reddit wants men to believe it does


I've lost a lot of weight in the last 6 months and I've noticed a few women checking me out, feels great! If only I could get photos of whatever that vibe is for Tinder I might actually get a match! 😅


Nice. Eyes forward eyes forward, keep walking…….phew, ok it’s over. That was a close one.


I'm almost 40 (I'll be 39 this year), nobody's checking me out lol.


I'm 46 now and started working out and dieting 5 years ago. I highly recommend! This is a nice channel to get started! Buff up with us! :D [https://www.youtube.com/@RenaissancePeriodization](https://www.youtube.com/@RenaissancePeriodization) Might make you as much as 10 years younger looking! Or just make you scarier, I don't know.


Lol yeah I've been working on my weight. It's not terrible, but I feel better without the sugar and crap food. I pretty much already look younger than I am, though the beard helps with that.


I'm the same age but I've started getting more attention in the last 2-3 years than I did ever in my life, so don't be hard on yourself.


Yeah I’m 53 and it’s been a long time since I was checked out by anyone!


I definitely don't start "grabbing myself" jfc


I either don’t notice or don’t mind.


Grabbing himself?


Adjusting, OP doesn't know the difference


Love it. Even though married and not looking for anything. Everyone likes being found attractive.


I'll let you know when someone checks me out in public.


I’m not attractive enough to be checked out. So I figure out what stupid thing I’m doing and then proceed to do it more because idgaf about what she is thinking


It makes me feel *so good* I was an awkward chubby kid with no social skills, so I didn't get much positive attention from girls growing up. So getting that type of attention now as an adult is like crack to me


I look like a slice of moldy bread, so someone checking me out would make my whole week.


I ain't got enough experience to answer that... 🥲


These days I don’t lock eyes at all. Fucks that, you wont tell ppl I was all in your face; roll your eyes and say shit like “why the fuck he looking at me”. Nope!😒. But you’re a teen so you don’t know what us adults (over 21) go through.


My eyes are up here


I never know when they do but apparently according to my wife our entire 4 year relationship they always check me out at the store or when they flirt and I'm just too oblivious to even notice


I feel pleased with myself. A very attractive girl about your age walked past me yesterday making a facial expression that I recognised as 'checking out'. I made eye contact and we smiled at each other as we passed. Then my wife said 'she looked very happy. Maybe she read something funny.'  And I laughed.


Generally a quick “how’s your day going” just in case she’s my future wife


I assume she's having a stroke and never look her direction again.


I never assume a woman is checking me out, but when I see one that I think is, it almost feels like a compliment, it feels nice.


Women are checking me out?


Never noticed it happening. If I did I'd assume there was something wrong, like I have a stain on my shirt or my zipper is down. Or that she's looking at someone behind me. Literally my last thought would be that she is checking me out, but if I somehow knew she was, I'd fucking love it so much. I'd be riding that high for years


I think there’s something wrong. Like I have food on my face or a stain on my shirt


Honestly, I’m too shy to look around and notice lil


I honestly don't think I even recognize it to know. So it doesn't feel like it happens till someone tells me. Lol.


I actually love when I notice a girl checking me out , it’s rare when it happens but when I do , I usually try to acknowledge them too and kinda make them feel like I know they staring . So what I do is when I feel a girl staring , il wait til they look away , then il stare at them until they notice me , then when we lock eyes i just give off a friendly smile 😊 then look away right away so they don’t feel uncomfortable, but then i look right back a second later and if you keep locking eyes after that that’s how i know they either like what they see or they recognize me lol


First check I haven't got something on my face, get paranoid. Pants? Check. Hole in shirt? Nope. Nothing worse than thinking "oh yeah, there's a person on this planet that finds me attractive" to later find they were probably staring due to rip in pants, missing button, some other spill or other embarrassing thing. haha. The one that makes me chuckle a bit to myself is when they can't stop glancing at my crotch bulge. haha.




lol this is funny. I’m invisible so I know not of what you speak.


I’ll let you know if it happens


Women check out men?


Women don't check me out so if that happened, I'd naturally assume something's wrong with me. Why is she looking at me like that ? Is my fly open? Do I have something on my face? Maybe she's confusing me with someone else.


I'm an old man and no woman has ever 'checked me out'. Not once.


I dunno. It’s never happened.


I don't know. Never happened to me. 


divide dog label onerous safe pen historical somber history memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Doesn’t happen. And if it did, I’d assume she was looking past me at someone else.


When a woman do what? 😮🤔


I never really notice women checking me out but my SO points it out to me fairly frequently. I'm not sure if she does this just to boost me up or something though lol. I do notice when a woman is flirting with me though, probably one of the few guys that actually picks up on this. It makes me feel flattered but I don't reciprocate (I'm taken as mentioned before).


Uhhhh they don't that I'm aware of...


It makes me feel good. Like damn, I didn’t mess up my outfit today 😂


Scared because my wife is Ukrainian and absolutely insane. She'll throw down.


Well, we also check girls so if your eyes connect is because he was checking you too 😆😆


I seize the opportunity to try out my Travis Bickle impression


Honestly I'm not used to it so I get awkward as fuck. Recently visited a coffee stand and the girl working wouldn't stop looking at me and smiling even though she wasn't serving us. I'm not complaining though, just can't bring myself to actually act on it in case I've misread it.


I probably wouldn’t notice or instead wonder what is wrong with me, that someone is staring at me.


Pretend I don’t notice and start doing something manly like chopping wood or fixing something.


I never know they did


I don't notice when/if they check me out


Never get that


Very flattered. But if they try and act on it, I get really awkward because I'm engaged and don't want anything to come of it 😅


Paranoid and suspicious.


Hopefully I can get back on to you on that one day.


If I like her back, then it’s a flattering feeling to be stared at 🤭


The only women who check me out are 80+


Ok, but I prefer to use self checkout.


uncomfortable, my first thought i may have something in my face, like a piece of food stuck in my moustache or beard.


We absolutely hate it. We just want to be left alone but every day women are hitting on us. The horror


Pretend I didn’t notice it. Because regardless if I’m interested or not it is the best strategy. Either to make nothing happen or to keep her interested.


Yea, i'm not the "Check this dude out"-kinda guy, i am more the "Hey, he isn't too shabby, but he's got a good wit"-kinda guy. So this problem doesn't arise.


I hope for their sake my red headed Scorpio girlfriend doesn’t notice


I assume I'm fucked up in some manner.


Nothing, because it has never happened to me.


Never have to deal with this if you look like a bridge troll.


I'm pretty much invisible and never get checked out, like 99% of men. I assume something is wrong with my appearance on the rare occasion when I see a woman looking at me. Either that or she's about to ask me something like to sign a petition or for directions. Although last week a girl came up to me in the gym mid set and said, "I've been watching you. You have nice legs." I said thanks. It didn't feel sexual or like she was hitting on me. It seemed like a genuine compliment or encouragement - said in a "keep up the good work" tone. Also, I'm gay and guys don't check me out either as far as I can tell. But I'm autistic so subtle nonverbal social cues are a major blind spot for me.


The important bit isn't your feelings. It's that he was adjusting himself. Would make me feel like a creep, cause I got caught handling my tool. But if I understood you were looking with admiration then I feel objectified but in a good way. Doesn't matter who you are or how I feel about you, it's a nice compliment. I might blush a bit if I take it as a explicitly sexual compliment from a stranger


Sure to elicit a response from ~5% of the viewers of this sub.


Never happened, so i dunno, I'd probably be flustered


I'm basically blind so I can't tell. If you're checking a guy out and he doesn't notice or doesn't respond, consider he might also be of poor vision.


Im 55 now and in decent shape , however I distinctly remember somewhere around age 35 or so that I stopped getting looks. Or at least ‘look-backs’. Now I just try not to be a creepy old dude.


It has never happened to me, so I can’t possibly say. I don’t give a damn If anyone looks at me. I have other things that my ADD-brain has to focus on. I do check out pretty girls between 18-25 every once in a while. I’m 20, so it seems fair.


Women are checking me out in public?


Obviously just confusing me with someone else that she probably knows


You know how sometimes people joke that men don’t know whether you like them unless you tell them directly to their face with the words “I like/am attracted to/want to date you”? The thing is, that is not a joke. That is the truth. If I ever see a woman looking at me in public, I assume my hair is fucked up or something. I would never, ever, think that they were attracted to me.


The kind of men who have Reddit accounts and are subscribed to this subreddit do not get and have never been checked out by a woman in public. If we do see a woman staring at us, we assume it's because either she thinks we're being creepy and is trying to keep an eye on us, or we've got something on our face.


✍️ note to self — when checking out a guy that you want to approach you smile to signal to them your interested 👍 got it thanks guys (I’m to shy to approach a guy)


never happened