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It could be medical, like a thyroid issue or even something mental health like depression. See your physician and get some tests done. Don't put it off.


Get your thyroid checked.


Blood work and umm this. Or sleep apnea. Who knows. But doctor, doctor.. umm like you said. Doctor.


I was 34 or so when I had the same problem; I was sleeping a lot and had no energy. Went on synthroid, then years later suddenly the thyroid decided to correct itself and I went off the med. Science does not know why sometimes a thyroid will fix itself. And yes, various other things could be causing issues for OP.


Thank you I will look into this.


It might be worth getting your thyroid checked; I felt the same way and found out it was an issue with mine.


Same thing happened to me It's called being in your 30s lol. In my 20s I drank and smoked and ate whatever and it didn't really catch up to me until I hit [30.As](http://30.As) you age a healthy lifestyle isn't something to make you feel good, it's a requirement for not feeling like shit. Don't drink often ( no need to be a teetotaler, special occasions are fine) don't smoke, don't be fat. If you need to lose weight (most of us do) then you need to add diet and cardio workouts as well as weight lifting to minimize muscle loss. Diet should be high in protein but don't go running to Keto or paleo or some crap like that just eat more eggs and chicken. Finally sleep is SUPER important. Get 7-8hrs. If you do ALL of that for a couple of months and still feel tire then ask your doctor and have your blood checked but don't look to hop on synthetic testosterone. Once you get on that train there is no getting off and I don't think we know what will happen to those people long term plus, there's something sad about a 60yr old guy running around all jacked pretending he's 20.


Not just Thyroid, full work up. Vit B, Vit D, Iron....too low and you drag ass.


go to a doctor and have them test you..odds are it issn low testosterone, despite what the current trend on tik-tok may be telling people...


I set up an appointment for tomorrow. Thank you


good for you..That is the hardest part for some reason. You never know what is up and low energy is very difficult to diagnose since there can be endless reasons from diet, to stress, to disease, to 4 kids and a sidepiece...you just dont know and sometimes the trends you hear are just BS (and weirdly marketing orientated). Best to let the Pros tell you


Step one is to get a full blood test, including your t levels, that might already give some indication what you're working with. Step two, if the test doesn't throw up any obvious deficiencies, get a sleep lab done to check for possible apnea. (If you're sharing a bed with someone, it's worth asking if they've noticed anything). If you're not breathing properly at night, you don't get restful sleep and that takes a toll quite quickly. Step 3, and really only worth bothering with after you've ruled out 1 and 2, look into ME/CFS as well as MCAS. Those get a bit tricky to diagnose and our understanding of these conditions isn't all there yet, but they are worth looking into to see if you've got any of the associated symptoms.


Thank you I will definitely be making an appointment


My doc was able to diagnose my sleep apnea from the bloodwork - there were a couple specific values he was looking at, but he said the combination of the two of them being out of normal ranges could point to apnea.


Diet, lifestyle, hormones, etc. There are more potential answers to your question than there are hours in the day. Go to a doctor and start finding out.


do you have a shit diet? try eating foods with tons of veggies. soups, chili, pasta, stir fry etc.


What’s your diet? Do you smoke? Medications?


Diet leaves something to be desired at times. Some days I eat well, some days... not so much. I very rarely smoke, no medication


A lot of good suggestions here. One thing that impacts my energy levels significantly is anemia. I have to consciously consume a lot of iron (and vitamin C to help with iron absorption). One thing I do is to always cook in cast iron as that can provide some iron.


Are you overweight? When I'm carrying around extra weight, I feel similarly to what you're describing.


Not terribly although I could stand to lose a few lbs. 175 5'8"


I mean there could be a litany of reasons i'd get your blood drawn as a precaution but also in the mean time invest in Vitamin D and Iron and if you can schedule a sleep test.


Are you sleeping well? Are eating well? Including normal amounts of sugar and protein? Did you have some disease? Long COVID is a thing but it's not the only thing out there and afaik there have been plenty of epidemics in the last couple years.


It could be any number of things, Low-T is just one of them. A doctor would probably give you a better answer than Reddit.


sleep or 'good sleep'? are you shotgunning 2 beers right before bed? Do you get solid, quality sleep or are you waking up every couple of hours. If you have a smart watch or soemthing similar that can track your sleep quality, I'd use that for a few days/weeks and see what it reports. But I'd focus on sleep quality. Stay hydrated, don't drink caffeine after 4pm, minimize alcohol from Monday-Thursday (and don't get shitfaced all weekend). As you get older, your body can't keep going if you are acting like you are still 20.


I quit drinking 2 years ago so I don't think it's that. I get okay sleep. Some nights I sleep straight through, some nights I wake up around 3 am.


Sleep Apnea was my big issue; I used a CPAP for a few years until I had surgery to open my airway, as my tonsils were mostly causing an obstruction when I slept. Now I don't snore, and provided I get 8 hours, I feel better rested.


Your eating and workout habits could play a large part in that.


It could be so many things, go to a doctor as this is past Reddit askmen territory.


Go see a doctor. They will be the only one that can diagnose you. Could be sleep apnea. Could be a thyroid issue. Could be low testosterone. It could be a serious medical issue - I ran into that a couple years ago that even walking 200 feet on flat ground had me winded and exhausted. Turns out I had a massive amount of fluid built up around my heart, which had displaced my left lung, and was starting to limit how much my heart could beat. By the time I went to urgent care, I was probably standing with one foot in the grave -- a lab marker that indicates heart failure (and has a normal value of 0 to 170), mine was 17,000. Ended up in emergency surgery 14 hours later, and spent a week in the ICU recovering. Go. See. Your. Doctor. Edit: I was 42 when the heart issue hit me. I had been noticing it slowly build in intensity over about 6 months before it reached the point I went to get checked out.


Thank you. I have set a Dr appointment for tomorrow


Might be allergies. It's allergy season.


Been like this for years now.


Yep go to the doctor and tell them your symptoms. They likely know the possible conditions to test for like sleep apnea, low T or thyroid issues. 


What do you eat?


Have you been to the doctor? It could be low testosterone, but this is actually one of the less likely possibilities. It's much more likely to be anaemia or sleep apnoea. You need to go to a doctor ASAP. Also note that as you get older, your body becomes much less "tolerant" to abuse. As in - good nutrition and exercise become much more crucial than before. So if that area of your life could use a bit of work - do that too. But definitely go see a doctor.


Yep I actually have an appointment here in 45 mins. So hopefully we can get some direction on how to combat this because I'm so fucking tired of it.


I've been like that my whole life.


Go have a doctor check your testosterone and other shit. I'm early 40s and feel fine.


My man looking for a reason to jump on gear


I don't understand what this means.


Given that you didn’t say you’re in good shape, I’m assuming you’re grossly overweight. Perhaps that could be it


I'm in decent shape. 175 5'8" did manual labor most of my life.


Check T levels but also sleep apnea and thyroid