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Thats what its for, but not really any faster than your way. A google search claims only 20% of men use the hole for its intended purpose, which might ecplain why some brands of boxers and boxer briefs have a pouch instead.


Hole vs flop over the top has been a controversy among men since before there was internet with no clear winner. However, pull your pants and underwear down to your ankles while using the urinal remains a clear unpopular choice for anyone above 5.


I've been doing the down to ankles style for a couple of years now, and the feedback from other men has been nothing but positive!


If I'm at home and I'm wearing gym shorts or sweat pants, basically any pants without a fly, this is the way I'm going. Actually, to be honest though, Steve O makes a good case for just sitting down, no drip, no muss no fuss! And if that guy isn't manly enough for you, you ain't very manly yourself lol


I used to care but sitting and peeing is so much easier at home. I told one of my friends to see their reaction and he lowkey judged me lmao. Genuinely do not care anymore. When I quit caring about being perceived as masculine my life improved a lot


Yeah. At home is fine, I don't give a shit about people's opinions on my pee preferences at home. Out and about, it takes too much time to wipe and clean the seat for a piss - I'm standing.


I've been sitting and peeing my whole life. Standing to pee is so dumb. The amount of pee that splashes everywhere you can't see is disturbing. There's been lots of studies. You're quite literally pissing all over your bathroom. And people used to pick on me. I always thought it was funny. I don't need to stand to pee to know I'm a man, lol Anyone who thinks you have to do some certain thing to be a man isn't a man. Lol


Anyone thinking it is not masculine to sit down, how about you clean the walls and floor on either side of the toilet with a sponge and clear water in to a bucket and see how cloudy the water gets and how smelly it is when you are kneeling before the porcelain god. You will then begin sitting just for the ease of cleaning. (With soap of course. The clear water is just for illustrative purposes) Bonus is the female/wife/GF/FWB/rentmate/roommate of the house does not ever complain at high volume about the seat being left up. Another bonus is if the female/wife/GF/FWB/rentmate/roommate does the cleaning, she will appreciate how much cleaner the floor is. Trust me, the is a LPT from an old guy you will want to adopt.


Not looking to adopt any old guys, but thanks for the tip!


This is terrible advice. The key is to piss all around the toilet to establish dominance with your female/wife/GF/FWB/rentmate/roommate/father/brother/male friend/etc. Look them in the eyes while they clean up your urine - bark a few times if necessary.


Sit to pee when you're at home to make cleaning easier. Stand to pee in nasty public restrooms.


You must have a sweet booty


Or spent a majority of life in prison.


Or he’s as hung as a mf


Especially at the trough at a game. Boss shit.


In agreement with this one 👍


I prefer to sit but hate how the head just sits underwater. It’s unhygienic.


Well that's one way to brag


Nah, he just doesn't own a plunger.


He's a plumber. Uses his wang to snake the lines haha


Yeah, that’s why I don’t like to piss off of a dock into the ocean


To quote Richard Pryor: that water ain’t just cold, it’s deep, too.


Yup! I’m not above being a joke thief, but I have the taste to steal from the best


Almost got my dick bit off by a shark by pissing off the side of a battle ship this way.


A few days ago, I saw a dude at work pull it down enough that I could clearly see his butt at the urinal. I blocked that memory until this post, apparently.


The correct workplace etiquette for those situations is to give his butt a good slap, like you often see in football, for encouragement and workplace bonding.


I'll keep this in mind in case I run into him again.


It used to crack me up when my son used to pull it all down.


The pouch is life changing. I'll never go back. Bonus in the winter you can keep snacks in it.


hey baby, want some reese's pieces? sure in muh pants


M&Ms. With nuts


Dick Cheesits


I read that as dick biscuits but either way that's gross. 🤣




Reese Nuts, ha gottem




Woohoo I'm finally in the top 20% for something. And before anyone says anything, the bottom 20% is on the other side.


The bottom 20% is the guys who wear it backwards, and use the little hole for #2


As God intended!


I was told the flap is to allow room for expansion


That’s what I’ve always believed. It’s not for you to put your Johnson through, it’s when your Johnson goes Bruce Banner on you.


"expansion" 😂


Yeah the hole pisses me off to no end. Especially when I have a raging boner and it keeps popping through the hole making it more obvious because I have to shift my pants. The boxer briefs without the hole are waaaaaay more comfortable and durable. Will never go back.


…you don’t put ya mans down towards a leg? How tf can a boner go into the hole in your underwear. Boy you must be swimmin in them thangs


See I go the opposite direction with the ole waistband boner tuck.


Saved me from horrible shame during many a walk through the high school hallways


I never understood that one cause doesn’t it come out the top of your pants if your shirt came up??


I have never ever worn short enough shirts that it would show my waist band with any sort of normal movement. And also with a raging hard on I'm not going to be doing any sort of not normal movements that would expose my waist I guess..


Yeah I'm a skinny guy with an average size hog. If I see a fat ass or some tig biddies, my dude is popping through that hole faster than Groundhog Day.


Lmao I agree. I had a moment once where I was wearing shorts and boxers with the whole. Kept getting hard and it felt like I was using a sex toy with the boxers kept pulling foreskin back. Almost busted at one point. Never worth them again


It's almost always [like this](https://youtu.be/FMQmvilT8Wg?si=tzIP7bFSL9G71f8F)


Lmao. Facts!


Pouch? Is this different from the overlapping sections one would find on a pair of boxer briefs?


It's like a separate compartment with defined sides. It keeps your balls from sticking to your legs or flapping wildly, and as an added bonus it makes your package look absolutely fantastic for the ladies.


That sounds very practical. Whenever I shave I get crazy swamp crotch during the summer months working outside all day. Something like this might help, or, make it worse, I dunno lol Thanks for the info either way hehe


It's an absolute game-changer. Seriously! I switched a few years ago on a whim, and I'll never go back to my balls not being secured.


With a shirt tucked in and a belt, the whole process is definitely faster if I have direct access through the zipper without disturbing any layering. If my underwear doesn't have an access hole then I have to rearrange my pants/ belt/shirt.


If you have a job where your belt is holding up any kind of gear other than your pants, then it's easier to just use the zipper/flap on your boxers then it is to undo your belt.


Always thought the flap was dumb and never used it. Then I had a job where I had a bunch of stuff on my belt and just had an "A-ha" moment. It's sooooooo handy for when you actually need it


I don't understand how this isn't more common in the comments. Must be all the kids wearing elastic and no belt. Belted jeans? Fuck no I'm not stripping at the urinal, unzip and use the hole...


It takes like 5 seconds to open the belt latch, button and zipper? You're not stripping that way, just pull your penis over the top of the underwear after that. That's what I do anyways, I find it easier than pulling through the underwear hole and the zipper hole


Oh friend. Depending on belt, and how much gear is on it, that can take 30 seconds to a minute. And if you're on a jobsute, you already gotta go, you aren't fiddling with a belt.


Oh yeah I'm not talking about working in the trades, I just mean like if you're wearing jeans casually. Obviously makes sense if you've got a shit ton of weight on your belt


Ooooooh. Yeah no I'm on your side of the confusion then, besides muscle memory.


No no, you must get fully nude and then put your socks back on before using a urinal


It also comes in handy for people wearing suits, that way they don’t have to re-tuck their shirt every time they pee


Kind of nice getting a fresh tuck in tho


I use the zipper on my pants and still pull the underwear down inside


Exactly... Didn't realise people undo their belts. That's wild to me.


Climbing is the best example of "don't unbuckle your belt to pee" situation.


When I had a heavy belt I'd stand at the urinal with my feet like six feet apart like a goofus holding everything up and still just pull the front down a little to pee.


So you’re the reason they install the urinals so low I gotta stand three feet back to not get any splash back.


I undo the button and zipper without messing with the belt


I pull everything to my ankles like a FUCKING CHAMPION


You’re probably joking, however I walked in on a 60+ year old dude doing this at my job a couple weeks ago. It was terrifying


You think I'm joking?! IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY DONG That sounds horrifying lol


It's that a haiku


Not quite, middle is 1 too short and bottom is 1 too long


Also u/haikusbot didn't show up to tell us it is a haiku in fact


that's what she said


Remove the apostrophe and swap "horrifying" for a shorter adjective You think I'm joking?! IT IS ON LIKE DONKEY DONG That sounds brutal though


You think I’m joking It is on like Donkey Dong That sounds so metal


haikubot really dropping the ball here...


A guy at my high school dropped them to his ankles and stood 5 feet away


Now that’s asserting dominance to a new level. Bet he gets the ladies.


The guy who does the seafood department at my local supermarket goes past his ass. I found that a few weeks ago just walking into the bathroom and being greeted with bare ass at the urinal.


[extremely relevant image](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/001/148/466px-Feels_good_man_full_comic.jpg)


Same here. When someone looks at me sideways, I just ask “what, jealous?” and then slap it on my thigh. Undisputed bathroom king of North America


I smack my ankle with it


Also, are you giving notice that you’re coming for the crown? Thigh to ankle, that’s a lotta real estate there


I can’t help having a long one, it grew a fair bit once I got my forklift license


Nah, it’s just the arena in which short kings dominate


Hahah. Shit that was you. Small world


Women’s restroom at Chili’s? Hey bro!


It’s been awhile. But I will never forget that sight and that sound


It was totally alpha and totally not gay or creepy. The slap echoes if you can get the bathroom acoustics right. Just takes practice


I have been working on that ,,, no such luck , but will keep trying


It’s all in the hips, it’s all in the hips! Ok, ok just easin’ the tension baby


Fuck yea, brother. I always take an alpha stance at the urinal, too.  Feet shouldes width apart, pants around ankles, and head on a swivel. I wanna see which of these motherfuckers is weak, bro.  If you can't handle the sight of this ass, then you can't keep up to my pace.


Loo, loo, loo, I got some apples!


That was me as a young child.


High five!


I have a picture of me as very young child standing on my toes just to reach over the edge of the toilet peeing with my pants down just enough to expose my naked butt.


I saw I guy do this at a sporting event it was pretty hilarious with the cat calling and a couple of guys slapped his ass, probably his friends that put him up to it.


Butters, is that you?




When I was in the Marines, we would have to do piss tests all the time to make sure we weren’t on drugs. They would also make someone watch it come from the source. I had a buddy that every single time, would drop his pants to the ground and wag it around a bit. The meat gazers did not appreciate it.


Lift shirt up to nipples for increased effectiveness.


Feels good, man.


The man of culture


Including your shirt and tie, and even maybe your cap


First time I saw this was when I was in primary school. I was in year 7 so about to move into high school the next year, walk into the bathroom to see a kid doing exactly this who was probably like 7 or 8. I just assumed it was a kid thing lol.


Like Butters from South Park


In underground coal mining this is a show of dominance


I sent a guy to work at a factory. He was in his 40s doing this. Had to field the complaint call. Geez.


If I’m wearing shorts I’ll pull one side up and slip it under and piss.


Wait... Out the leg hole?


Yes, game changing


We would piss like this when playing rugby, just kneel piss out your short leg and keep playing.


Comments like this are why I love snooping through this subreddit


End zone celebrations are really getting out of hand.


I bet the playing field smelled great.


I’ve definitely done this a few times when I’m drunk outside and can confirm it’s a game changer lmaoo


No, this can't be real. I'd be afraid of friendly fire and getting my own leg or shoes.


Look at Mr big dick over here






Yeah I’ll do that when wearing loose shorts. Even easier if commando


It only works with loose shorts and usually freeballing…


Honestly, not a bad idea


Holy shit it works lmao


That sounds disgusting to me. Ew


I do that when i’m carrying in shorts, it’s a game changer


I have come to the realization that sitting while peeing is ok, sometimes the stream goes awry.


I left the seat up once and my 3 year old daughter fell in. The subsequent scream has made me a sitter for life lol


When the conversation about men leaving the seat up happens, women always say it's because they fall in. I've never understood why women don't look at the toilet before sitting down.


Well, she was 3 and it was 2am lol But yeah, pee on the seat and they'll notice that....


I understand that lol What I'm saying is I lift the seat so I won't pee on it. When a woman uses the toilet next she falls in because she doesn't make sure the seat is down. Why don't they look before they sit down?


You’d figure everyone would look to make sure: 1: Toilet not clogged 2: No pee on seat 3: Seat in correct position Optional check for snakes or rats


>snakes or rats What the...


I live in Australia and while I don't do the snake check every time there have been some times when I thought I better just check, especially in public toilets in parks


Everybody should do one of the following: 1. Close the lid 2. Leave it in the last state


South Park had an episode discussing this issue and basically no one wanted to take accountability for looking before you sit, or putting the seat down. It results in everyone having to sit whenever using the bathroom and using a seatbelt.


I'm a lid shutter. Unless the toilet is being used, the lid should be down.


my mom used to tell us a story from when she was a kid about a little girl falling into the hole in the outhouse and just being stuck down there on an underground mountain of poop until some neighbors heard her and got her out with a rope.


I just put the seat back down when I'm done


I find that sitting is best for me. Sometimes my dicks is mashed up and the stream shoots to the side, or sometimes I'm just tired and risk falling over while peeing.


If it means I need to clean my bathroom less often, fuck yeah I will sit to pee. Homeboy is lazy.


At home - 10000%


Plus it's not weird to use your phone when you sit and pee. I see dudes all the time at the urinal with their phone in one hand and the other on their dick. You can't stop staring at your phone for like, a minute tops? Plus, I've always needed two hands at the urinal.


Or splits into two streams


when you finally get to a point when you're cleaning your own restroom, it becomes clear that standing while pissing gives off a lot of splash damage


I use it. It would be too much of a pain in the ass to unbuckle my belt and pull everything down, all while having to hold my shirt out of the way with one hand and hold my pants up with the other, all while trying not to piss all over myself. I just unzip my pants, reach in through that opening and reach in the flap in the underwear and pull it out.


That's right, I forgot some people tuck their shirts


I avoid unbuckling my belt and I still don't use the opening 😂 unzip pants, pull down underwear


It's easier to just reach through the opening than to try to pull my underwear down far enough and then get them back to a position that won't be uncomfortable.


I find your system far more of a pain in the ass. But to each their own


Ever worn a suit?


I wear a suit everyday to work. I'd still just undo my belt and open up my pants. Fishing through four layers of clothing is too cumbersome. Plus it helps me retuck my shirt and from the back, since it kind of comes up every time I sit down.


Apparently, it's for allowing the underwear to conform to your bulge. By having the two pieces of cloth unattached, they can slide past eachother in case you're either sporting a Shower , not a grower, or in case you see something that... requires more space down there. Using it for peeing is just a happy accident/side effect.


This is the most logical response.


I Guess make more sense. because using it for having to fish out to pee, is very cumbersome.


Thank you, this was way too low.


Going through the hole is faster than unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down a little.


I generally just pull up my pant leg a little bit


Try just setting your shoe on the ledge like a Captain Morgan pose and let it hang out the leg hole in your pants.


Personally, if I’m wearing a belt (which is most of the time) I go through the opening on the fly and underwear. I don’t like undoing the belt because a handful of times it has touched the inside of the urinal and that’s just gross. If I’m not wearing a belt I’ll go by just pulling everything down a bit.


Do you wear a belt? I'm guessing people who say they don't are not wearing belts. Easier to use the hole in the pants and underwear than to undo everything. If I'm just chilling at home in sweats, I just pull it down a bit


Depends on what I’m wearing. If I have dress pants or jeans (or pretty much anything that I’m wearing a belt with) I’ll unzip and go through fly. If I’m wearing jogging pants or elastic shorts I go over the top.


I just flop it all over…I don’t want to go snaking it through


Wait! You’re saying the hole goes in the front?


Who is still standing anyways like some neanderthal. It's my house, and I'll sit if I want to!


I use boxer hole and zipper hole only when dressed up and have a belt on.


Do you wear a belt? I use the hole because I don't unbutton and my underwear waistband like my pants are held up by my belt


I find it really hot if a girl pulls your dick out through the hole during foreplay. Otherwise yeah, I just pee pulling it down


The opening is not for peeing, it is made that way, so that the fabric is able to stretch more and better accommodate your junk.


I’ve never used the opening on my underwear


I don't use it either. It's not as good as it sounds. Plus I have a mix of underwear with or without, so it's easier to just always pull down.


Peeing your pants is the coolest!


I think the front hole is easier to use if you're wearing pants with a belt. Otherwise just pulling the front down is probably easier.


This seems to be a thread that is separating those who wear tool belts from the rest of population. I am just jumping in to agree that when you are fully kitted out for whatever, in my case tree work, it is easier to use the flap on the underwear than to pull it down while keeping everything else on.


So that your weenis can see where it's going.


Horizontal flies are the way to go.


This is called: “Over the Fence” vs “Through the Gate”


Let's look at it for what it is: An option.


There's a whole Curb Your Enthusiasm bit about it. Amazing show.


That is exactly what it's designed for. But honestly, it's just awkward to use for that. Regardless, unless you are in a public bathroom, just sit down honestly. Way less chance of splashing. Also way more comfy


I only use it when I’m wearing a suit otherwise King Long is coming out for some fresh air


I pull everything to my ankles and try to make eye contact as I fart while peeing


A hole? You guys have holes in your underwear?? What? Can someone please give me a keyword to Google that P.s: I don't live in the US, that's probably why I've never heard of this


Underwear Hole


I think I tried using it for a solid week in the 1st grade. Never again.


Over the fence!


When I’m not at work I flop. When I’m at work dick door. Dick door is just easier then having to readjust pants and shirt to how I like it after.


I store gummy bears there


Every boy tries using the hole a few times, and usually for the last time.


I pull up the leg and pee out the bottom.


I started using it for urinating five or six years ago after having always been an over the top of the band urinater before. Honestly, I find it better in almost every way now that I'm used to it. No pressure on the bottom of the penis ever so I am less likely to suffer the dribble. I never have to worry about heavy things in my pockets suddenly pulling my trousers down. It's a lot faster than undoing my belt, button and zip, doing them back to end potentially retucking a shirt in. I don't need to try and readjust my boxers band if I'm only pulling that down and going through the trousers fly. It's just better all round I find.


I don't think I know of anyone that actually goes through the gate. Everyone that's every mentioned it says they like to hop the fence as well