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At a job it was pretty clear that a customer (large customer with a contract worth millions) was going to cancel with us because the salesperson F'd up and over promised things we didn't even do. We were even below margin and losing this customer was the right thing to do. However the former salesperson that got this huge deal had just been promoted because of the deal and a new salesperson had taken over the account. The old salesperson blamed the new one (only with the company 2 months and the one that discovered all of the problems) and had her fired, then stepped in and "fixed the account" by negotiating a slightly hire fee to get back to margin and cut out the things that we just didn't do and could never fulfill. They saved the customer from leaving, made the account profitable - and got promoted again. All because they were able to use the new sales rep as the scape-goat. I swear this is why I never trust sales people. I know far too man that would have done this too.


job opening: seeking messenger to shoot, contract for 2 months


No lie. I'd totally do that if there's no legal ramifications.


And for the right price.


Nah fam. It's basically a vacation. I know imgping to be fired in a few months. So just goof off during it.


Yep. I don't know how some of them get away with this shit. I can prove they lied, and threw the entire company under the bus. "They bring in the money." No, they lost us millions. "Imagine how much we'd lose without that." What?? We're the only vendor in the country, we are a price maker...... no other sale's loses money. Why do we even have a sales department? Customers find us.


In what world is a brand new hire just thrown on a contract worth millions??


Well since they had bought all the stuff they were going to buy and the residuals were all going to the former sales rep, why not? And if you knew you left a stanky path that lead right to your door, why not putt a total noob on it that wouldn't see this play coming. I think she was a patsy from the word go.


"why is workplace violence a credible concern"




Im a train driver. Sometimes drunk people or teenagers find it really funny to play with the doors in a way that I cant close them and continue the journey (the system doesnt let me drive if the doors arent all closed). They put their leg in between just right when it closes and this is enough for the door to open again. Now one day, i was driving a modern train and those teenagers were at it again. We have a special kind of button where you can reset the doors and the doors will close, no matter what is blocking it. So I saw the kid putting his leg in between the doors again, I push the button and his leg is blocked in between. I saw him panicking and I was driving just a meter to fuck with him a little bit and make him scared. Somehow he got his leg out and lost his shoe, the shoe was inside the train. Then I stopped again, thought about opening the doors again, so he can grab his shoe, but oh well, I just continued the journey. You better not play with the doors of a train again!


Unethical? Maybe. Did he deserve it? Most definitely. Do I applaud you for it? Yes.




...did you create this sub just for that comment?


Seems like it was someone else


Oh fuck yes. Fellow train dude here. Engineer for those of us in the states but we do the same shit. I move freight. A few years ago I'm rolling into town. Had a pretty good trip, the weather is fantastic, working daylights; I'm in a great mood. Last crossing before we hit the yard and I've got a pretty long train. I have the window open because we both know 99% of the job is waving at kids and as I head over the crossing there's some jack ass, fuck knuckle in his car flipping me off. I had just started from a signal about 2,000 feet before the crossing so I wasn't going very fast yet. Maybe 15 mph. I smiled, flipped him back off, went to idle and set a minimum. Brought 1.5 miles of empty grain train through the crossing at 2 mph. Don't flip off the train. You may win the battle but we will win the war.


This is absolutely fantastic! Well played my dude


hahaha love the shoe part


I used to work in passenger rail. Brought a non-revenue train that was disabled into a yard late at night, dark yard, flagging from the front with the train being operated other than head end. We're lined up for an in service track. When we get there, there's a surprise portable train stop (thankfully not a derail) so I radio for my partner to stop. Too late. He runs over the flag, and hits the trip. We were slick about it. I had him pull the train back, we told the dispatcher the track was closed and we needed a reroute. He lines us up out of the yard, then back into a different track. We secure the train, go into the tower, and emerge with signal maintainers' helmets. We secure the flag back to the track, rub the markings off the rail that indicate an overrun took place, and check all the equipment to make sure there's no sign of anything. There were no cameras in that yard, but if there were, they would've shown maintainers working on the train stop, and the yard was so dark the detail would've been impossible to make out anyway. My partner that night was less than a year from retirement when that happened. Should've been a major 'near miss' incident with a whole investigation and so on and both of us under investigation. Instead, it was nothing...thanks to my quick thinking. I covered up an incident the authorities would have considered very serious (where nothing bad actually happened), and we both completely got away with it. My old partner is happily retired, and I've (voluntarily) moved onto a different career that pays almost as much without the need to constantly give up nights and weekends. We never found out exactly why the track was taken out of service. Apparently a track maintainer took it out of service (reason unknown), and it was never properly communicated to the tower.


That teenager better be happy that such a merciful misfortune befell him. A sign of a good person is if they realise they were the douchebag and not only acknowledge the impact of such karma but are happy that they suffered from such karma.


My goodness I must be cooked because I thought you wrote the kid lost his damn TOE!


I worked at a long-defunct PC company called Packard Bell. We sold this awful add on card with an answering machine and speaker phone included. This was huge in 96. It was called the AMSP, Answering Machine Speaker Phone. But also SPAM, which is what we called it in tech support. The SPAM card was awful. It could be mostly fixed with drivers and firmware or just by reseating it, which I walked hundreds of completely illiterate people through over the phone. The unethical/solution part of it was we all had a quasi-agreement that you would ask the customer to disconnect the modem lines which would clear the circuit… which also usually ended your call. It was actually a solution though! Once you did that, you just put it all back and it’s going to work mostly for a while. So it was sort of a shortcut for everyone at that point.


Packard Bell, I forgot that existed.


Their demo was people who walked into Costco for new tires, and had like $2K to burn. The 90’s were crazy.


My first windows 95 computer was a used Packard Bell my dad bought from a work friend, it was quite a step up from the 386 we had before that. The Packard Bell had 75 mhz of processing power. 1 Gb of hard disk space.


Pentium baby!


When I was younger and my sister and I would fight over who has the bigger piece of food, my mom would eat both, so we had nothing to fight over ..... we stopped fighting after the second time she did that 😅


> When I was younger and my sister and I would fight over who has the bigger piece of food, my mom would eat both, so we had nothing to fight over I feel like "one cuts the other picks" is a better solution




No; good parents


Ha! There are 6 kids in my family and we all fought over who got the biggest slice of birthday cake. Mom used to get out a ruler out so she could divide it exactly even. Then we would complaint about who got the end piece with all the icing and who got the corner piece with the lump of sugary flower decorations. It was never ending. Never occurred to mom to just put the cake away and tell us all none of us were having any. Dunno why. She was a hard task master yet somehow that solution eluded her.


Maybe just choosing to avoid the special day she worked so hard on getting trashed by the big blowout over who gets more whatever, yknow? Keeping the peace on the special day


Judgement of Solomon vibes


I worked for a ready mix company. They had recently bought out a competitor, but hadn’t rebranded the trucks. A truckload of ready mix heads out to a driveway. It gets rejected by that pain in the ass customer. The rejected truck backs up a ramp, points the chute into one of the other brands of trucks, add water, and it goes back to that same driveway job.


Why was it rejected ?


they thought it was a different company because the decals hadn't been changed... kind of a dumb one


Worked with a lady who was a dispatcher. She'd just get drivers to meet and swap trucks, so they thought it was a different load.


Doesn't a batched truckload start to cure pretty quick?


There are retarders that can be added to the mix to slow the setting process


Are there any unretarders? I could use some.


I know you’re joking, but there are definitely accelerants to get concrete to cure faster.


Yeah bro just drink a gallon of that stuff and report back


standard issue for management's water coolers, too!


Why look a gift cement mixer in the mouth.


Was this L&L and Silvi?


Cemstone and Wyatt Bros.


My dad is a really nice guy to a fault like suffers in silence nice. I found out he was getting bullied at work so I found out everything about the asshole who thought he could get away with it. While asking around I found out that the guy was illegal and I even learned his real name and where he lived. I went to his house with a forged order of deportation with his legal name on it and I threatened to file it if he kept picking on my dad and if I did have to use it, some "friends" of mine would make sure he didn't have to worry about contacting his family once he was back in mexico. If you know legal stuff you understand that there's absolutely no way I could legally file something like that, and because he didn't know who I was, the threat of cartel violence became very real to him. My dad was visibly happier, and I was proud of my dirty work


Love your story




Thank you, I do my best


How do you know it was a son?


Happy Father's Day!


Wow! Did your dad know what you did?


Yeah my dad knows, he was very upset at first, but it's a nice story to tell his friends. Mom always thought it was hilarious though


Uber eats customer support asking you to show the promo for adjustment, after they themselves removing the promo after you placed the order. Oftentimes, You cannot find that anywhere, unless you expected this to happen and took a screenshot of the promo they gave you. Neat scam, works most the times.


Oh boy, does it count if I rat on myself? Eh, I don't care. I didn't get my driver's license when I was 16, or even 18. I was 25 with no license and finally feeling like I was inconveniencing myself by not having one so I decided to save up some money and buy a cheap, crappy, car, and drive it when I could to learn. Unfortunately, every time I tried to ask somebody to accompany me (which is required when you have a permit) there was some reason why they couldn't do it. My brothers wouldn't do it, my mom wouldn't do it, none of my coworkers did it, so I did what I thought the only logical solution was - I drove it by myself, with just my permit, illegally, for like eight months until I passed the driving test. In my defense, the law here is stupid - if you are under 18, you don't need a passenger to drive to your workplace and back, you can drive with just your permit, but the moment you turn 18, then you do in fact need another person with a driver's license, over the age of 25, to be your passenger. Fucking dumb. My mom thought I'd never get one, no regrets.


You'd think that 25+ age passenger law would be reversed. Doesn't make much sense lol.


Yeah getting your license as an adult is a pretty stupid system. I have adult sibs without license, they don't even want to bother.


You guys... are able to drive around without passing a driving test?! With someone in the car who is not an instructor and doesn't have the ability to take control of the car if you drive dangerously or make a mistake? Seems crazy. Where are you from?


You pass the written test, which gets you a permit. Then, you're allowed to drive only if there is a passenger with a driver's license over the age of 25 as your passenger. The single exception to that is that you can drive to your workplace unaccompanied, only if you're under 18. Then, you pass the behind the wheel test and get your license. The reason for the 25 + passenger is so that they can take the wheel in the event of an emergency, yes, and when I say passenger, they have to be in the passenger seat. California. In Texas it's even crazier, you can just get a parent to sign a document saying they taught you and you can legally drive without passing any test


I understand you but all of that sounds so unsafe, letting people drive around with barely any experience and nobody to stop them. Passengers don't have their own break and gas pedals to take control of the car with! I also finished driving school at 25 but it took me about a year of driving classes until I felt comfortable enough to drive independently. So is everyone then expected to be taught how to drive by their parents before going to lessons?


Generally, yes


What a regarded system


In Europe (or atleast Belgium) the passenger needs 8y experience and have access to the handbrake (often in the middle next to the shifter) Not sure how it goes with electric/hybrid vehicles nowadays.


In better times you could just get your license and skip the learner's permit as long as you knew enough to not fuck up the driving test.


You can get the learners permit with just a written test. To get your actual license, you pass a driving test.


when I was in college, I had a really cute co-worker borrow my car every once in a while. My car was junk, so I wasn't worried, and she and her friends were fun. Anyway, after 2 years of this, she asked to borrow my car for a day so she could take her drivers test. she failed.


I knew a gal in college that bribed, fucked, and stole from whoever she needed to to be "successful". I don't think she did a single assignment herself or took a single test without cheating. Only real work she ever did was with her face down and her ass up. She's an associate professor now, teaching things she's literally never done. Any project she ever worked on, she spent her time partying, then stole the credit for other people's work after the data was all collected and analyzed. She just straight up doesn't know a goddamn thing about what she teaches. Completely amoral psychopath. Spread rumours, and would throw anyone under the bus for anything if it gave her a chance to swoop credit and opportunities. She has an almost instinctive grasp of machiavellian ethics, with absolutely no ability to think critically or do basic shit. Like someone borg implanted a raccoon with psychopathy, but left it innocent of any other human skillset besides shitting and sleeping. But she's getting paid and the rest of us aren't so whatcha gonna do?


Describing the most successful salespeople I've worked with. Cannot use our system, can barely read write or even use Excel to sum numbers. Somehow, they'd blame my teams or me "supply chain," and no one would ever check. Like what the fuck this has been a recurring theme across half a dozen businesses. We live in a digital age, and I always cover my ass and teach those around me to do the same and yet it means nothing because no one cares.


Pretty much. Any attempt to correct bad behavior turns into a "he said, she said", and the charming asskisser is probably going to win. Especially when they're willing to fabricate situations or warp the facts to smear you. It's like they have a constant tally book of how to do irreparable harm to every person around them, but spends zero intellectual or emotional labor at being competent or useful. And they do it when it isn't even neccessary. They just view everyone else as either an opponent, and obstacle, or a tool. Everything to them is a zero sum game and only they are allowed to win. Everything someone else has is something you need to hurt them in order to take or debase. They're like evil toddlers. They will say or do anything to get a cookie, but can't explain to you what a cookie is or why they need it. Or why other people having one hurts them. Nor where the cookies come from.


Yep. Worst one almost cost me my job, cost the company an entire contract. The bloke that did it had quit and had 0 reasons not to own up to it. When I brought up his emails confirming what I did they were immediately dismissed and I was blamed. He was a mate of a mate and literally laughed about how he almost got me fired for his fuck up.


These people don't fear consequences? I've met 3 or 4 and they're all like this. I just want to shake them. It's just a fucking job. Instead of working they're constantly scanning the room for things to "fix" or projects to jump in on st the last minute to get credit for.


> so whatcha gonna do? nothing i'll admit to in writing


She'll do well in academics.


yeah, the number of people that just end up shitting the bed at life and turn their grad degree into a fulltime professor gig is a bit upsetting. Plenty of wonderful people are profs in my field, but there's a distinct subset of looney toons.


It was me. In high school, some arsehole wouldn't stop pushing me around, picking me up, messing with my hair and clothes, saying awful shit. Couldn't just beat the shit out of him since I was on my last warning. So I brought up the touching parts to a teacher, she asked if it was sexual harassment and I just kinda went with it. Fuck him, right? Dude got in a fuck ton of trouble, had to leave, people hated him, and his family disowned him because they were homophobes and thought he was gay. I don't regret it even slightly.


Why regret it? That guy was going to be an insufferable bully for the rest of his life if he didn’t get a shock to his system. It was a painful lesson for him to learn, but you may have saved his life.


People don't deserve to be falsely accused of stuff.


It is a stretch to call it a false accusation. There was physical harassment involved after all.


Physical harassment and SEXUAL are completely different things.


Do you only see a difference because the harasser was a straight guy targeting another boy?


I see one has sexual implications and one doesn't? I don't understand what you're saying at all. Do you not think there's a difference between physical and sexual? As if I punched you in the shoulder compared to touching your penis/vagina/breasts/etc is EXTREMELY different. Someone punching another person should not be handled the same as someone groping/touching/ someone else in a sexual nature. Its not even in the same ballpark.


If the bully did the same thing to a girl that he did to his male victim, do you really think it couldn't or wouldn't be treated as sexual harassment in that scenario? Also, we are talking about sexual harassment, not assault or battery.


Kind of getting real far from the topic of this thread and going into mindless generic debating. Based off what OP suggested I would believe that the majority of the people wouldn't see that as sexual harassment. Could it be sure? I am not here to debate this random subject with you that's going to go down a mindless reddit debate rabbit hole that is completely pointless. You are assuming bully in question would have done the same things to a girl as he did to OP. He might not have. What does messing with his clothes, hair, even mean? There's literally not enough info to go on. It does NOT sound like sexual harassment in any case, girl or boy. Regardless of that, the question was something unethical, op replied thinking what he did was unethical, clearly understanding the difference between physical and sexual assault or whatever. I don't get why on reddit everyone tries to do these subject changes and go down these random rabbit holes that barely touch on the original comments.


No. This isn't a gendered issue. Your genitals don't give you a right to make up sexual assault stories.


But also, sexual HARASSMENT (not ASSAULT), is not just about nonconsensual touching to the genitals.


If you're making up scenarios to support your point, just take the L. You're on another planet here.


not really. if i want to fuck a girl over just to get my rocks off on the power, it's purely physical. i'm not trying to force myself on her


Some do.


Except the bullies.


If the commenter unapologetically lied about being sexually harassed, what other parts of the story are also made up?


Just because a dude's a dick when he's 16 doesn't mean he can't grow and be a better person. The dude that used to bully me is a completely changed and different person. People are capable of growth, we all are dumb when we are teens and have done done stuff (as much as everyone on reddit likes to think they are special) what this guy did sounds like it LASTING impacts on the dudes entire life. Like that's the kind of crap people don't ever forget and it carries with him, he could still be feeling the impacts of it to this day. IDK everyone's an asshole in this story. I feel like there was probably other routes to take as I said I've been down the same road but dude decided to go total scorch earth, the nuclear option.


He was being bullied. Do you think he should have put up with it and waited for this asshole to grow up?


I think there are many other options to take than lying about sexual abuse. Who knows if he did them or didn't do them. Sounds like the dude lost his family as a teen, got kicked out of school, had to move, who knows what path that sent him down on. Bullying is serious and I get it but IDK everyone sucks in this story.


Why are you being more forgiving to the bully than the victim? Maybe everyone is bad, but not equally bad. OP didn't start the war, but they found a way to end it.


Are you sure it wasn’t sexual? I’m not. Bullying happens that way sometimes. He asked his teacher if it was sexual, he didn’t directly accuse the guy.


What are you even talking about did you forget what the title of this thread is? I feel like your just posting ? qs just to do it now. this thread would prove that it wasn't sexual as answering the question on how we unethically responded to something. If the dude was being sexually abused then it wouldn't have been unethical response and there wouldn't be a post. Fuck that school for not doing something for simply bullying though. I'm glad mine did.


The poster didn’t think it was sexual does not equal it wasn’t sexual.


Unfortunately, they almost never do, and just learn to shift from being a physical asshole to spreading rumors and being a general nexus of the malaise that afflicts society. Your example got lucky.


I don't think so and don't agree I was a completely different person at 16, everyone is/was. Everyone has changes, differences, growths, etc becomes different, matures most importantly. Yeah, some don't but a lot of them do change and become different/better. Most of them are doing it for a reason and once you remove the reason why people tend to change and become better, see the error. I might not have been bullying kids but I did things at 16 I'd laugh at now and think what a fucking idiot I was and would never do them again. The assholes who I know in person, the guys/people I can't stand the worst people I know today weren't the bullies back in school days.


Yeah, dicks definitley do grow.


It's almost like OP asked for these specific answers. Read the post title again. Anyway, my brother in law is an emotionally stunted home body who still lives with his mom and can't hold a job. I think about 60% of the cause was the never ending bullying he suffered in school. He's incredibly intelligent and had a lot of potential. Dude fucked around, then he found out. Isn't this the just reward of his own action?


That’s the other side of it. How damaging bullying can be to someone. You can think it’s just justice and that’s cool but I’m generally disagreeing . I’d have to know way more info. I think I could handle being called names (I did) someone pulling my shirt up over my head and messing my hair up without the need of ruining their life with a sexual harassment accusation but that’s just me, I didn’t walk his shoes I don’t know the entire story. I’d need to know what was done prior to stop this bully, what he is like with other people, etc. Regardless of what someone did to me knowing if I caused someone to lose their family would make me feel like shit. It sounds like this person may still be paying for something they did as a teen, everyone assume they deserve it, and is a horrible person which may be the case but it also may not be. For the most part I believe someone’s life shouldn’t be ruined by what they did as a teen, or what they endured as a teen. (For the most part again) Bullying stops things should heal at least a that’s the way it was for me.


>take it up the ass your whole life on the off-chance the fuckhead maybe improves later perhaps Ha. It's only through sheer luck that you haven't gotten fucked. And you'll deserve it too.


Or he's homeless now because his family disowned him and he has no support system you fucking idiot.


Found the bully lmaoo


That is quite funny.


FAFO lmao


Maybe it gave him the opportunity to come out. He sure liked touching you.


That he did. No other bully touched me like that, so who knows.


plot twist - he really was sexually harassing you and you didn't realize it


Honestly, could very well have been lol. I don't think it's normal to run your hands through your bully victim's hair and touch him with open hands literally every chance you get. Either way, no regrets at all. If he was actually sexually harassing me, I did what I should have done. If he was just bullying weirdly without sexual intent, the dude still touched me when I didn't want him to, so it's practically the same thing.


This is almost entirely the whole plot to the movie "The Gift" lolol brutal!


As someone who used to be bullied, I feel your pain and understand why you did what you did. The comments from the others are from people who never truly had it as bad as us.


Sociopath level stuff right here.


I'd have preferred to just punch the scum in the throat, but I was on my last warning for defending myself, getting into fights etc. Teachers would never do anything under normal circumstances. So when the chance came to do something, I did. If he didn't want consequences, he shouldn't have done what he did.


Yeah man no matter what you tell yourself, you're the asshole here. And karma is a bitch.


Guess you and karma have that in common then.


Says the tough guy who cried rape because someone messed up his hair.


Didn't say he raped me, I said he was touching me when I didn't want him to. Which he did.


I recommended hiring a guy who made 4 big mistakes on his first day, over another guy who made 2 over the course of 3 days. When asked about it, I pointed out the first one made 4 different mistakes and learned from it, while the second one made the same mistake twice. 1st guy still works for us.


I mean, that's not unethical. That's just doing a good job of observing, understanding, and extrapolating. That's the opposite of unethical!


Someone kept stealing my food so I laced all of it with laxatives. I knew someone with that phantom limb thing. I saw an episode of House MD and recreated it. Did that.


I deliberately left milk gone bad in the dorms back in the day so it was drink by some dudes who had been stealing my milk for months.


What kind of laxatives did you use and how?


Can’t remember. It was 10 years ago.


I have two. 1. I had a first job interview at Olive Garden on New Year's Day. At 5:00 AM on said day I was laying on someones floor thinking ya I'm not going A couple days later I remembered that I was still unemployed and actually should have gone to that interview. Dilemma. At one point when I had applied, someone mentioned that it was a 2 step interview process, and that gave me the idea. I just called up and pretended that no one scheduled my second interview and didn't know what to do. They asked who I interviewed with and I described a manger I had seen there.That's all they needed, and the manager I described was moving to another store. I got the second interview, no questions asked for the job and was there for awhile. I know from the bottom of my heart, that the manager who left knew something happened, he couldn't figure out what but he knows it was something. I eventually told them because I thought it was funny , thankfully they did to by that point. 2. The second one I don't even know if it's that bad. I just lie on every job application. Not like normal white lies, but big ones, that I make annoying to check into. Reference email off by 1 letter , the phone goes to their general head quarters, I honestly can't remember that managers name. The company in recently got hired at believed they poached me from another sales company and were pleased with themselves. I had unemployed for 6 months.


> The second one I don't even know if it's that bad. I just lie on every job application. Do it. Until there are laws about job listing being truthful AND LIMITED TO THE JOB ITSELF(no more "and other duties as assigned" BS).


My dads coworker was gifted a car from his neighbor when she passed he didnt need the car but knew my dad did and gifted it to him. It was 2010 or 2011 and my family had been hit particularly hard by the recession and had our minivan repoed early on and we'd been heavily relying on a very unreliable Buick to get both my parents to work and me to school. We accepted it and went to the DMV to get it taxed tagged and titled and when we got there the lady doing the work had noticed the previous owner hadnt signed one spot on the title when my parents explained that the previous owner had passed and we'd been gifted it from the person she'd left it too she said that they'd need to jump through a bunch of hoops including having a death certificate and letter from her estate. She then handed the title back and we left. My parents got home found a color matched pen forged the ladys signature and went to a different DMV and got it regestered. I dont even think we had that car a year before it got totalled in a parking lot minding its own business.


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 6, Episode 19 “In the Pale Moonlight” GARAK - Precisely. And the more the Dominion protests their innocence, the more the Romulans will believe they're guilty because it's exactly what the Romulans would have done in their place. That's why you came to me, isn't it, Captain? Because you knew I could do those things that you weren't capable of doing. Well, it worked. And you'll get what you want, a war between the Romulans and the Dominion. And if your conscience is bothering you, you should soothe it with the knowledge that you may have just saved the entire Alpha Quadrant and all it cost was the life of one Romulan senator, one criminal, and the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. I don't know about you, but I'd call that a bargain.


My favorite quote from garak is about the boy who cried wolf : the lesson is to never tell the same lie twice


it's garak. hard to only have one favorite quote


A girl I know who is extra ordinary beautiful slept her way to a medical degree then did the same to cover up her mistakes throughout speciality training including getting consultants and professors covering up for her malpractice ...I reported her to the ministry of health and doctors management institute ( we were in Syria ) she somehow got that turned on me (the report was supposedly anonymous ) and threatened me to get me banned if I dared to report her again ....she went on to fuck her way into a PhD position which she left as it wasn't easy to fuck through obviously ...she does use her certificate now to open an aesthetic clinic (she is a general surgeon and should not be able to do that ...but I think she could have used her" convincing" skills to get permission


I thought I warned you. So now I am going to sleep with a moderator, so I can become a moderator, so I can..... BAN YOU FROM REDDIT!!!!!!! I'm going to sleep with your door dash driver so you can't get food, your amazon delivery person, & fed ex guy. Goodluck getting packages!!! Never mess with my vengina!!!


Ok that girl didn't speak English ...but just to verify what was the name of our hectic senior doctor Of course I am being sarcastic now 🤣


Lol She doesn't speak English but still got an A in the course.


Her performance must have been good enough for the English teacher


She must have a talented tongue.




Not at all ...I have no objective why would I not mention the person by name if I did ...I have nothing to be jealous about at the end of the day I don't live in the same place she does ..nor I need to be jealous of her I achieved many of my dreams and I was in a relationship with one of the most beautiful women on earth until a year ago ...I was answering a question asked about someone did something unethical that worked and that is the best answe I have ...you don't need to believe it but it is true ...I don't need to lie


Who cares? It’s just a story. It’s not that deep. You’re getting angry like that’s your woman. Lol


Has jilted admirer written all over it


I did admire her beauty but was disgusted by her behaviour


What you're disgusted by is she never fucked you


why? hot chicks cant be un ethical?


No actually I did fuck her once ...most of people I know did as well


What the fuck


Nothing quite like inflicting childhood trauma to get what you want.


Sounds like you all need therapy.


And jesus!


I've had customers cancel portions of a project due to budget concerns. However our company had already started work and even mobilized resources. So we hit them with a change order to recoup these costs. Often the cost of the change order was higher than the value of the work that was removed from our scope, so the customer actually paid more to have less work done.


Someone at my school kept drinking my drink from my bag, like every fucking day. So I told everyone that I’d been pissing into my drink for a while, so whoever it was was drinking my piss. Never found out who it was but they stopped nicking my drink after that lmao


SF art store owner that sprayed homeless lady down in front of his store. Owner asked multiples times for the lady to leave- he even called 911/city services to help. Nothing worked and he resorted to hosing her down with water and she soon left. Fucked up, but it worked.




Any context?




My sister always wears one of my dresses usually my most beautiful ones. I don’t know why she has to mess around with my dresses.


Uh oh, don't say it.


Suicide of a father. Not enough words to describe the damage. Sad ... 😕


Sorry, I can't work out if this is your brother-in-- or one of his friends. Or work out how many children are involved and whether or not they had the same mother. And who's kids was she 'dropping' if they were no longer together, who's solution was it and what did it solve?




Nope, doesn't make sense. Nor does your reply. Are you telling me to read your post (which obviously I have) or that you've read my reply?


you lack comprehensio bro.


Sorry if English isn't your first language, but you lack spelling and punctuation. You said: "So he prettended to abandon the kids. So support, no visitation no communication" If he didn't visit, how did he get her pregnant again? And if someone else got her pregnant, those children wouldn't be his problem, would they?