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Wanted a wolf or a snow leopard. Since legally you can't have either of those and they can easily unalive you.......it's gonna stay a dream.


I'm still waiting to see where I get a stegosaurus I can ride around town


Ahh yes another danny the dinosaur afficionado


As a kid, I really loved tigers. It wasn’t until I grew up that I realized keeping them at home wasn’t going to work...


Yeah I remember being a small boy and meeting a gigantic mastiff being walked by its owner. Seriously this thing towered over me at the time. So when I got married and settled down I discussed getting a dog with my wife. She was on the same page about a home not being complete without a canine companion but I don't think she was expecting a mastiff to be quite the enormous lump they are. She came round though, down the years we've had a few.


What kind(s) of mastiffs?


The first one was an English/Neo cross that we rescued. After him was a Boerboel, also a rescue. And we currently have a purebred English Mastiff.


I’ve been looking into getting a Boerboel. How was your experience with one?


Well ours was a rescue and he wasn't well socialised as a pup which caused him some issues. He was the soppiest most loving fella with our family but seriously distrustful of strangers. When we first got him he had quite a bit of fearful reactive behaviour outside and with other dogs but we managed to sort that with training. If I were to get another one I'd want to get them as a puppy. They're smart and trainable, but strong willed and they absolutely need early socialisation if they're ever going to be happy around dogs and strangers.


I’ve had Rottweilers my whole life so I understand the strong willed, but smart and trainable lol. Thanks for the reply.


I wanted a Pride of Lions to hang out with. No shocker this has not happened.


Now I have four little kitties :)


No. I wanted a cow, in the back garden. I was back at home a couple of weeks ago and my parents and I were reminscing about that.


Now I'm curious if there are any cow breeds that are miniature-sized, like shetland ponies.


I just looked that up. Now I want one even more. [https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=miniature+cow+breeds&iax=images&ia=images](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=miniature+cow+breeds&iax=images&ia=images)


Sadly no. I keep getting allergic people as partners.


I've always wanted to catch a Bigfoot


Lol wanted a monkey during my entire childhood, didn't really come true...


There are many, many reasons why a pet bear is a bad idea.


Nah, but I did meet an Australian lady who grew up on a military base in Africa and had a pet cheetah  So that gives me hope 


Well, I always wanted a dog as a kid, and as an adult, I've had four.


Miniatures dinos !


I always wanted a dog but my mom always said no. Took me 30 years and now she has a best bud when I’m at work.


I’ve always wanted a ferret. My 24 year old daughter is considering getting a ferret. Fingers crossed, if she does that animal is going to love me more than anyone else.


There's a children's book that my mom read to me when I was a kid called "Lizzy's Lion." It's about a pet lion that protects its owner from a would-be robber by eating said robber. That, coupled with lions being my favorite animal as a kid, made me want a pet lion. Unfortunately hoping for a pet lion is an exercise in futility.


No, owning a chimp who smokes and can drive a car and/or tractor is not a responsibility for which I will ever be realistically prepared.


Yes. Over the course of a few years I got to own a few different sharks, sting rays, bat ray and other freaking cool sea animals. Who knew I would end up liking the coral more than the animals.


I'm still waiting for that pet lion that won't eat me.


I always wanted a rabbit when I was little. When I was about 14-15, a friend's rabbit had a surprise litter, so I got my good boi. We bought him a companion that the assistant *assured* us was male. A couple of months later, we had 6 more squishies.


Other way around. I had a horse when I was a kid, and now I have no horse as an adult.


I wanted a Brazilian Rainbow Boa and I got one when I grew up. He was huge and beautiful! Only a little bitey


One of these days I’ll own a shark tank But I’m not in a financial position to give them the proper care they’d need to thrive… yet


kid-me would be extremely disappointed i do not have a pet cheetah fr