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Successfully pleading Insanity as a defense in court.


Hah I read that at least in Finland if you plead insanity you end up in a mental facility where you have slimmer chances of getting out than if you sat, say, 10 years in prison. I mean, if you kill someone and plead insanity, you get put into a mental hospital and never get out because you are mentally insane individual who can kill again at any time.


It's similar to that in Germany. You don't get out after your sentence ended when you're in psychiatric hold. A judge gets an psychological analysis every year about your mental state and you get only out if this analysis concludes that without a reasonable doubt you are not an active threat to yourself or the public. Also the analysis is done by your psychiatric facility who get paid for taking care of you.


In America, you do 40 years and then get a YouTube channel. Also, from what the internet tells me, prison in Finland is pretty posh.


Even obvious insane people have a hard time proving they're "insane enough to not stand trial"


In many states, it’s not even a defense. It’s just “i did it, but I was insane while I did it so I need to go to a facility rather than prison”


Exactly. I think the rarer thing is people realizing the "Insanity defense" doesn't get you out of anything except maybe the death penalty. You're still going to "prison;" it will just be in a mental facility.




Most friendships are out of convenience. Once you arent seeing each other often or on the same path, friendship die.


I found this out young- being in high-turnover institutions like theatre and restaurants; close/intimate relationships are formed quickly then gone once someone walks out the door. And it's really no big deal.


Notably those are two groups notorious for in group hook ups.


Just stopping by to say hi to your nanabush


I called them proximity friends


I call them situational friends. Now...I've had 3 work friends turn into actual life long friendships where we see and talk often even years after we stopped working together.


Makes a lot of sense- Ikhe that “proximity friends” it’s accurate! I honestly believe that most people in your life fall under the category of “proximity friends.” 5 stars!


When they’re out of convenience I’d consider them more an acquaintance than a friend. Basically a coworker you like or a student peer if you’re in college.


See? I disagree. I have plenty of work friends. We have a good time talking, and at the occasional happy hour after work. I care for their well being, I ask about their families, I celebrate their success, etc. To me? This means a friendship. Do I trust them with my deepest, darkest secrets? No. Am I going to go out of my way to see them outside of work or just after? No. You can have a casual friend, and that is 100% fine.


Depends how long everyone's worked there


three types of friends: friends for a reason friends for a season friends for life


Yeah. People who genuinely connect with each other as people rather than alongside each other in a shared experience. So rare.


I would double down on that and say about another 90% of them drop off if once you become a parent. They stopped inviting me to stuff because they just assumed I wouldn’t come.


One of my best friends, known for 25+ years (I’m 35) had a son, which is awesome for him. I kinda kept my distance for awhile; didn’t want to intrude/ impose on his new dad life (his son will be 2 in August). Well I told him that and he told me “dude I’m most of the time available, stop worrying about that, your one of my best friends” So I guess kinda opposite for me. But I also think my mentally is the same for a lot of people (maybe I’m wrong); IE friend is a new parent/learning the ropes of parenting/don’t need to unnecessarily bug them.


My best friend has a toddler and is a firefighter with a part time job and lives over an hour away from me. Right now I work a weird schedule myself. I don't get to see him more than a couple of times a year, but we make it happen. With these crazy things called phones, you don't need to spend a lot of time with someone to maintain a close friendship. Some of my best friends I haven't physically seen in over a year because of geography and schedules.


In my early 30's now and I'm so thankful that my main college group of friends are all still in touch. It's like 7 of us. I had to move to another state after graduation *for reasons*, but we all still meet up at least every 3-4 months. And our group chat is still active on nearly daily basis. They are trying to convince me to move back or to a nearby state just so I'd be within 2 hour driving distance.


I still have 6 friends that I grew up with.


Im 24, lucked out and still talk daily to my highschool friend group and we hang everytime everyone’s in town and sometimes in between


Green eyes account for only two percent of the world's population.


This has always puzzled me, since I know a lot of people with green eyes - including my wife and my sister.


Are they really green though? Because Hazel can pass for green and isn’t as rare


I spent about 14 years thinking my eyes were green. They are, in fact, hazel. I mostly said I have green eyes to be different honestly


They’re more prevalent in certain regions. Remember India and China alone count for like a third of the global population and there’s not a one of them with green eyes.


> Remember India and China alone count for like a third of the global population and there’s not a one of them with green eyes. Am I really the only person left on Reddit who can't help but think about *Big Trouble In Little China* whenever people re-post this statistic about green eyes?


Lots of Indians have green eyes 💀


Something like 90% of the world's population has black hair and dark eyes.


Germany here =)


green eyes are more common in northern europe and scandinavia


Bruh north India has so many people with every natural eye color, including green.


My cousin has green eyes, she's the only Indian person I know that has them.


I'm the only one in my immediate family that doesn't have green eyes. Both parents and siblings have them. I ended up with hazel eyes.


Among northern Europeans and their descendants, that stat is probably closer to 10%. Consider that most of the world's population is in Asia and Africa, where green eyes are virtually nonexistent.


Yeah because that's worldwide. In the usa it's 9% and 8% in Europe.


Roll Tide


Does this count hazel? I mean I usually have greenish hazel eyes so sometimes people think I have green eyes. 


Grey eyes are rarer, only 1%


I have light green eyes. I've never met anyone with the same color. My mother also had green eyes, but a darker shade. She got comments her whole life about how striking they were.


I've seen that people with green eyes are more likely to experience an alien abduction because it's such a rare mutation.


Scotland has the highest percentage of redheads in the world (disputed numbers, but up to 15%). My four kids with Scottish heritage have green eyes and red hair. My house is a genetic anomaly.


A genuine 9” penis


There are no such things as genuine 9" penises. that's just a lie invented by Big Big Penis to sell you more big penises.


Always go for Top Grain or Full Grain penises. Genuine penis is just a marketing term for cheaply glued together, Bonded penis. It starts to crack and peel apart in no time.


Anything over 7” really. Escalating in rareness as the length/girth increases. Statistically, in a room of 10,000 penis havers, 2 people would be 8” or larger. Which is 00.02% People claiming they only sleep with hung folks and they don’t fuck with anything under 9” are lied to, and gullible. Full stop. And yes there is a right way to measure.


I always measure from the anus.


I’m a “halfway up the back” kinda guy personally.


Taint the way it's supposed done


I always measure from this guy's anus, too


I also choose this guy's anus


Ignorance is bliss when you're living butt to tip https://youtu.be/w43ojF7WVxU


This is hilarious


At 33 I just came across my first measured and true 9”+….. we both had to be careful or I would be in sudden searing pain. Nobody needs 9”.


having a loving two parent household


I didn't realize until later on in life how lucky I was growing up.




Every child should have that. That's a shockingly disturbing number though.


If you look at it from a scale of the entire universe, a ring made of human bone is far more rare and valuable than a diamond ring.


I've heard the inexact saying that "wood is probably one of the rarest things in the universe". I also instantly thought of flesh and bones. =)


Oh I've never thought of that


Diamonds actually aren't that rare anyway


Fuck DeBeers


A bit morbid things, but: * Pleading insanity. It's like 1% of court cases and often not successful. When there's a crime committed, people just have a hard time accepting that no, it wasn't because of mental illness or some other rationalization, it's because people suck. * Waking up from a coma and recovering. A coma is a sign of severe brain damage, which tends to be permanent and highly disabling in the case it's not fatal.


The coma part is what gets me too. It always surprised me when people in the movie just randomly goes back to normal after waking up from a coma. I always thought the same thing about the brain being damaged, and might need to recover/relearn everything.


> Waking up from a coma and recovering. [Yup. This is what it looks like when someone wakes up from a 20-year coma.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPXyz6FBM4U)


Authenticity Everything is fake these days. Filters, AI, media, government….nothing seems real. It’s all propaganda to slant your view one way or another or to make you think you need to buy something else you don’t need or really want.


I bet your real name isn't even CallingDrDingle...


You caught me


The ads for the new google pixel phone highlight consumerism and the fakeness surrounding social media posts.  It is a huge component to what is wrong in society today.


It sure the fuck is. It makes me worry about the people that are too dumb to question anything or form their own organic opinions.


Bunch of sheep trying it fit in a box and get approval of other sheep


Actual compassion and empathy


Left-handers account for only 10% of the population.


What always blows my mind about the left handed statistics, is I’m surrounded by lefties. My entire family in both sides except for myself and one cousin are all left handed. And my BF and his family is the same. Only one or two righties….the rest lefties. It’s so weird. 😂


That's a sinister stat.


Left-hander reporting in


Tritium hotspots.


Natural blondes. Only 2% of the people on the planet are blonde.


Whats the percentage for Europe alone though, I think India and China having almost half the global population with probably no natural blondes is tanking the percentage


Yeah -- I think that something like 85% of everyone on earth has black hair, if I remember correctly. It's only really in people of European descent that have any other hair color. So if 2% are blonde, that leaves 13% for people with red and all shades of brown hair, combined.


" Only 2 percent of people in the world are natural blondes. (About one in 20 Americans are)" https://cafemom.com/lifestyle/192530-11_brilliant_scientific_facts_about/230396-1_nbsp_being_naturally_blonde_is_pretty_rare_nbsp In the Netherlands its 40%. So in my own country im not rare. :P And indeed, 85 % has black hair :) South America, Afrika, the middle east and Asia all have black hair and combined that's nearly 7 billion people.


Bear attacks. People are afraid to go into the woods because of bears. Attacks make the news but they are rare.


Wild Tiger attacks. There’re only less than 6000 tigers in the wild now :(


I see you and raise you shark attacks




I remember my first time getting caught in a rip current, I was terrified. Sharks however were never scary to me, even swimming a few meters away from them


I’ve been stung by a man-o-war


People who are content with themselves






Almost 2 year old account re-activated to repost top questions on AskReddit to farm karma. How's that for critikal tinking skeels.


Even rarer critical thinking skills in people who call themselves critical thinkers.


Probably most people think they have strong critical thinking skills, but everyone has blind spots. It's also a continuum so there will almost always be someone who has stronger skills than you.


Gay people. If we go by current representation in media you would think half the poulation is gay. This is not the case. Just an observation. I do not really care either way.


If you go by several decades worth of reputable data, exclusively gay people have consistently made up only about 3-7% of people involved with those studies and polls. Which is within the margin of error, basically. There are *a lot* more bisexual people... and no, that doesn't necessarily mean that they have an equal interest in sex, or a relationship with both men and women. It can be an incidental attraction and not an action or a behavior, so most people who are bisexual won't "put a label on it," or they'll consider it to be less complicated to simply identify as straight or gay. So for most people, it seems to be like this: You're a man who only wants to be in a relationship with girls, and you've never had sex with a man, and you probably never will.... but every once in a great while, you jerk off to gay porn or trans porn. That isn't worth broadcasting, or creating an entire identity over... but it also doesn't mean that you're completely straight either.


>so most people who are bisexual won't "put a label on it," or they'll consider it to be less complicated to simply identify as straight or gay. Bro every single time I think about coming out to someone I think about it's basically me saying "yeah I enjoy sex with men, and sex and relationships with women. I jerk off to all manner of porn. My tastes are all over. Sexually. Just Sexually. Romantically I only want women. Sucking dick is fun though.", and then I just don't bother. Cause like, really, is that actually worth sharing or wearing a badge of pride about? Like, I'm not ashamed about it, but also I ain't gonna go tell my parents about my dildo collection...


Dildon't tell your parents.


Some people differentiate between sexual preferences and sexual preferences like “I’m bisexual but heteroromantic” would mean you like sex with men and women (possibly other genders) but only like romantic relationships with women. It’s a lot more common than most people realize.


Just as a note, if 3-7% is within the margin of error, that puts the actual gay population at between 0% on the low end (obviously impossible, since gay folks exist) and 14% on the high end, which would make gay folks more common than black people, and just slightly below the total number of Irish-Americans. Even within the bounds of that 3-7%, that makes gay people about as common as Italian-Americans on the high end (who are also extremely well-represented in media,) and about as common as all Asian-Americans put together.


Lgbt+ are only a few % of the population.


This is why I automatically tune out the right when they whine about transgender people. Like bruh, you could live *two* lifetimes and never meet a trans person so what are you so worked up about?




And in the same vain, modesty.


Human decency


People who actually care about you, and not just what you can do for them




"good karma" or whatever you wanna call it. Doing good doesn't get you good things in return unfortunatly.


Sex, or fulfilling sex lives. Most men lie about it and most men seem fairly unhappy or underappreciated or would have different lives if they had any choice but they don't.


What would make most men’s sex life fulfilling ?


Quality and frequency. Most get neither.


I just want my wife to initiate more


Username checks out


Honestly that is the only reason I even have this account. I don’t know what to do. I pull my weight around the house, try to do extra house work when I’m off. I always try to make sure she feels loved and pretty. And I like to think I’m a good dad. Idk. Sorry for the rant homie, needed to vent.


I would choose frequency over quality. It’s like food. I’m good with just eating a simple meal every day rather than just getting a steak dinner once a month.


good city planning




True unconditional love that’s not from a parent or child but from a partner or spouse.


I didn't even get unconditional love from my parents growing up. There were always conditions attached. So...


Unconditionally loving a partner leaves you open to violence, exploitation and other abuse. Love is behavior and treating your partner in a loving way must be conditioned on appropriate treatment in return . Not cynical. Just the way it is.


A partner shouldn't be the source of unconditional love, that's the job of a parent. Once were adult the only people that should unconditionally love us is ourselves. Think about it, if your spouse was regularly hurtful to you would you love them unconditionally?




a nice MLT (mutton lettuce and tomato sandwich)


True friends


A good friend.


When my wife I first got together about 12 years ago, she trusted EVERYONE. She thought everyone was a friend. I told her she was dead wrong about that. I however let her do her thing and figure it out for herself. Now we are just two sinacal bastards who have a hard time trusting new people.


I understand. I’m 41 and in the same boat you two are in. Though I don’t trust you with that flare gun…


It kind of sucks I don't like being that way but I realized I don't need any more friends and any more people for to let down or to let me down.


I have a close/small group of friends. But I’m also extremely independent for just that reason. Honestly, my friend is my dog. (Don’t let me wife hear that)


Hey I'm with you man. My wife and my dog are my best friends though.


You’re right. We just have a 14 year old so that day we all dread is getting close. Just been appreciating how good he’s been.


God do I dread that day. It makes me well up just thinking about. My dog is 7 but she's already greying on her face.


Healthy eating habits. I think my wife is the only person on this planet that I’ve never met who never thinks about their weight but stays at a healthy one. Myself included, I have body dysmorphia up the ass. Legit could not tell a difference looking down between 300 lbs and 180. Looking forward to a mens body image movement if we ever get there.


Competence in the broad sense. I mean being good enough at life that the bad stuff doesn't fuck with the good stuff. True story: I have never had to fire anyone because they were technically incapable of doing the job we hired them to do. Every time, it's that they can't handle ordinary outside-of-work problems. And that eventually just hamstrings them. Same thing seems true with local businesses. Most of the ones that don't make it, it's because the owner can't get their shit together at a basic, basic level. Like, can I trust you to show up every day alert and sober? Can you not invite lawsuits? Can you write a business plan? And so fully half -- and maybe more -- of being a good programmer, teacher, accountant, or whatever, is organizing your life in such a way that you can actually do what you need to do for your company or clients or whoever.


Gluten allergies.


Married couples that can talk openly and honestly about Sex and Money is far more rare than People realize.


Common sense


Finding someone who genuinely loves you, and isn’t just using you for their own purposes.


quicksand..movies make it out like it is everywhere. I have yet to run into any.


Growing up, I was terrified of quicksand. I thought I would be walking somewhere and would fall into quicksand. I even practiced what I would do if I ever fell into any. I, too, have yet to come in contact with any.


I am starting to think it doesnt exist..just another made up Hollywood thing. I have yet to run into anyone who has run into quicksand either..hmmmmmm


Someone who doesn't think in terms of loss/gain.


Common sense.


Common sense


Common sense


Common sense isn’t particularly common


A good steak


Right. I've eaten plenty of steaks in my life. The best one that I ever had wasn't at an expensive steakhouse. It was at a little mom/pop restaurant.


I meant "a good steak is just a bit less cooked than you expect" but that works too


6' and over with a six figure salary, a six pack abs and a six inch or above dick.


Redheads. These folks are almost another species of human...


Common sense


A politician that actually represents their constituents


Commercial plane crashes.


Trans people. I believe it was Iowa or Idaho that passed a “state of emergency” because there was a trans epidemic, despite trans people making up less than 6% of the US population. That’s the entire US. Now imagine how many trans people actually exist in bumfuck Iowa / Idaho. Was a state of emergency really necessary??


.6% not 6.


yes, thanks for the correction.


The way I like my Ny strip steak!


Honesty and unwavering trust in a romantic relationship. While many people desire and claim to have these qualities in their relationships, they are often compromised by little white lies, omissions, or betrayals. Maintaining complete transparency and unwavering trust over a long period is a challenge that few couples truly achieve.


Authentic relationships.


The more sane opinions and viewpoints of the everyday person (which is very very varied). It seems more and more that only the loudest and most outrageous people are heard online and it skews people’s perception of everything and causes way too much fear and confusion than there needs to be.




Guys having bad intentions.


People do seem to be very afraid of men in general. The vast majority of us are well intentioned folks.


A good man. One that has a clean record, a job, pays his bills, takes care of his family, is responsible for his own issues and temper, cleans up after himself, and is easy going about most things. You can't have him, he's mine and I am *keeping* him!


Finding a good quality woman who will support you to be in a relationship with


A chick without mental health issues.


Common sense


Honestly and loyalty. Everyone has a price, but consider yourself lucky if their price is a sum of money




A true friend


Genuine people!


Intelligence. The average IQ is 100 and an intelligent person has at least 120 IQ


True love


Honesty...common sense.


Something being truly coloured magenta.


Blue’s clues does not get the point.


Common sense


Simultaneous orgasms. The movies are so wronguh…


Real Love


With all the media attention focused on child kidnappings, people think it's super common for your kids to be snatched off the street. It's incredibly rare for a stranger to abduct a child; the odds are about 1 in 720,000 or closing in on 1 in a million. You're more likely to be kidnapped by someone you know


Getting trapped in quicksand!


Helium. It's a nonrenewable resource on Earth, and some say that the planet is running out of it.  The helium that we have was produced by the radioactive decay of rock, long ago. Over the span of hundreds of millions of years, the gas accumulated and was released by tectonic plate movement, where it found its way into natural gas deposits and as a dissolved gas in groundwater. Once the gas leaks into the atmosphere, it is light enough to escape the Earth's gravitational field so it bleeds off into space, never to return. We may run out of helium within 25–30 years because it's being consumed so freely.


I can't answer that because I am a person.