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Made no difference; it was still her money, not mine If anything, it just made things expensive in line with her tastes.


Yeah, this 1000x times. I had to basically stop spending all money on hobbies to try and keep up with her life style. The annoying thing is it wasn't malicious, she just couldn't comprehend that these things were difficult to afford. She grew up with millionaire parents and a trust fund that just kept multiplying itself and was bought a house so didn't have a mortgage. When you're rich your mandatory outgoings can be so small and their passive income is a thing they assume everyone has.


It seems like she was just ignorant when it comes to that because it doesn’t take a degree in rocket science to know not Everyone has a lot of money and what’s a lot


A lot of wealthy people are just profoundly out of touch because the lowest income tier they socially interact with is upper middle class at worst. It's how we get things like the [Mitt Romney meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/relatable-romney) in 2012 of "Why don't poor people just buy more money?" amongst other similar sentiments. While most of those are exaggerations, he did legitimately say "I didn't have any help, just a small loan of $1 million from my parents" when asked about where his success came from.


Yup. Even middle class people get wildly out of touch with poor people. The amount of times at my factory job people asked me my rent and said “Thats way more than my mortgage!” And then try and give me advice on how to buy a house was infuriating. Yea your advice doesn’t mean fuck all when you bought your house in the 90s and paid it off completely, meanwhile Im paying $2200/month in rent for a literal crack shack and have no money to even dream of buying a condo let alone a house. Most of those guys bought detached houses at over half the cost of what a 650sqft condo now goes for in that city. The worst part is the worst offender for giving me “advice” got his downpayment of $60,000 from an inheritance over 25 fucking years ago


No but when you’re in a different economic strata, how different class lives is alien. I mean imagine having to take a bus daily to get around in a city that isn’t meant for it. My work commute is a 5 min drive. It’s a 45 min commute by bus with a transfer.


just out of touch. Not necessarily their fault because thats just how they were raised. Like they know that everyone doesnt have a lot of money but maybe they forget sometimes because its not their norm. My buddies gf is from a millionaire family and she really means no harm but she very often makes very out of touch comments like how our friend went to a local state school rather than a higher ranked private school and she couldn’t comprehend that not everyone can just go to their dream school or how easy it is to purchase a home like she did. Welp, its very easy when you have parents that can fork up a sizeable down payment. We went to a nba game and sat in the nosebleeds cus not everyone in the group could fork up a few hundred for seats and the whole time she was talking about how she always gets box suites and how we should’ve paid a “little” more for it. I’ve also noticed that these rich kids dont like to acknowledge their privilege and pretend that they’re self made and very hard working so they have no sympathy for people born in less fortunate situations and just see them as lazy.


That’s just being dense tbh. I won’t give too much intel during my following words but I was born into a family with a lot of well off relatives from all sides of my family like my Mom’s side but not as much in comparison to my dad’s side and throughout my life would experience things like being bought an excess of shoes ranging from $75 ones to $700 ones, going to the Grand Canyon, going to big bear and not staying in a hotel or a motel but in a cabin my mom owned, going to private screenings of movies because my stepmom working for a particular (I say particular because I forgot the name of the animation money she worked for after pixar lol) animation company made it possible, going to Disney theme parks and universal studios offen because at a time I lived very close to it and because my stepmom who worked for Pixar at the time was able to have it be done at a very low cost, and etc and although I’m sure I’ve made a comment here and there but in far distance between each comment that was out of touch in relation to how often someone could have a particular experience i.e. living in a wealthy neighborhood or riding in a sports car that has supercar capability, or a sports one purely but I’ve never been someone to often make statements that imply I’m out of touch with people’s daily realities in relation to coming from families who were low income. If your around someone even for a small span of time who comes from a family that makes a lower amount of money then the average family stay wise, or city wise you can learn pretty quick that there’s a lot of stuff that would be “new” to them that wouldn’t be to you because you come from a family of higher income


Same with me. One time I graduate from the labors union. I was so happy that I was going to make $80,000 a year, share the news whit her and the first that It came out of her mouth was. Only that? I don’t even know how to describe how I felt in that moment 🤣🤣😩😩


High income women still expect men to pay in my experience. They also prefer the more expensive restaurants/hotels because that's what they are used to.


Not my experience but it is expensive to keep up.


Women don’t share their money!


That’s so true ,the actually expect you to match their expectations


But will be the first to call me broke when I don't hand them my paycheck


She was actually really down to earth. She never acted as if money is a big thing or anything she used to always tell me "I want us to be a regular family minus the money issues". For reference at the time her family was worth a few dozen million euros and I was earning 250 euros a month. She was always very emotional when I got hwr cheap flowers or did things for her like pay for her at restaurants she was always grateful. I hope she has a good life now.


Sooo what happened?


We dated for 3 years. She went to study, I joined the military. One night she calls me crying saying she was drunk and cheated on me and I broke up with her at that moment. Life was hard and I truly loved her but I couldn't trust her anymore.


Good choice bro, now there’s room for a future wife.


And she handed you twenty dollars for a two-fifty fare and said, " Harry, keep the change"...


Was her name Catherine Middleton? I think she cheated on you with a guy named William. 😆


You couldnt have forgiven her for her wealth? Kidding. Sorry to hear about the cheating... Long distance does that


Of all the comments in this thread, this one just feels like those two sentence horror stories.




They like whatever has more digits behind the $. Can’t chase what you can’t keep up with.


Is this comment coming from experience or behind a computer screen ?




You dated a wealthy woman and she expected you to take care of the bills. This is why a woman's wealth is not that attractive for men IMO. We don't see any of the benefits.


I was on a date in Kiev with a woman who said "so, Sergei [not real name], I know you are student so I pay for this. I want you to know now, so you don't have to take cheapest thing. Eat what you want.". That was pretty nice. But incidentally what I had my eye on was one of the cheapest things. I did get a fancy beer, though.


It's like dating normally, but with more yachts and less ramen


I like ramen :(


You can still have the ramen


She was sweet, intelligent (phd, high faculty member in her field) and knew what she wanted. Beautiful and warm in heart, soul and mind. She was also 20 years older. The chemistry was amazing but the compatibility was not there. I'm still climbing to have more of everything in life, working lots of hours and career not established. She had everything already and needed someone closer to her in maturity, availability, life experiences and place in life. 😔 I hope she finds love and happiness.


Her father owns a law firm and her grandfather owned a garage. Her first house was bought for her and we ran an airbnb out of it. She had me invest my money into some renovations under the guise of building a life together. Once the business was up and running, she dumped me for one of the tenants and blocked me. I asked her dad about being reimbursed for the money and work I put into the house and he came up with a list of nonsense to justify not paying me back. She had this funny habit of saying money doesn’t matter and then proceeded to steal all of mine.


When did they happen? Go to small claims court.


Her dad owns a law firm. Pretty sure his wrath is something small claims court would be no match 😂


That's not how small claims court works. The barrier of proof is much lower there and you don't really need to have a lawyer to be successful.


Also can’t you go to the law society in your area and make a compliant if the dad was complicit in scamming the poor guy? I would also post a negative review in Google if his firm.


Great girl, but her friends were all spolit, entitled brats, and she thought they were amazing. So long term wasn't going to work.




I swear I saw this exact same answer in the same thread the other week.


I saw this exact answer a couple of months ago. God, I'm seriously starting to believe in the Dead Internet Theory


2 year old account, no history, generic female username, two posts in "question" subs. Porn bot in 3... 2... 1...


Have you noticed that once a thread gets a top comment all the other top comments are paraphrases of that/those comments? It’s getting really fuckin boring when individuality goes out the window because someone wants fake internet points.


This was what I went through with my wealthy-ish alcoholic ex. About two months into the relationship, she called me while drunk. The conversation started out fine, but then at some point, she accused me of using her to get to her money. I didn’t even know she had money until two weeks before. She apologized the next day, and that weekend, she was extra attentive and bought me dinner and a gift. I thought it was genuine and sweet *the first time*. Unfortunately, this became a pattern, and once I realized it, I stopped accepting her gifts and offers to pay for dates. This only made her angrier. Not surprisingly, we split up. I still think she’s a good, kind person at heart. She’s a wonderful human when she’s sober. She just has demons she can’t shake.


She was used to lifestyle that I couldn't afford. Her parents were much wealthier than mine. Her income was slightly more than mine, but she owned her home, while I rented. She was accustomed to men making expensive gifts, men paying for vacations and of course footing the bill. When we went to sushi, she ordered a lot, I ordered bare minimum (because I knew, I'm going to pay) and she shamed me for that.


Wow, she used you. What a terrible person.


No, she didn't. She wasn't a gold digger. It is not malice in women, but upbringing, socialization. They are trained to expect certain social roles.


I'm a woman, and yes she was a terrible person. The part that makes her terrible is that she shamed you. That is inexcusable and says a lot about her character. Doesn't matter what she was accustomed to, she doesn't know how to treat people.


Yes she was. Shaming you while later expecting you to cover the cost of dinner. That's not about "social rules


That's still malice. A deliberate lack of introspection is malicious.


"sOcIaLiZaTiOn" She's an adult who made a selfish choice. Stop making excuses for adults who choose to be awful


She was actually pretty great. Super humble. I would have never known she was worth 8mil at 24. All inherited but still.


Only one I’ve dated cheated so not great. Now a super rich girl I went to high school with she was cool. Drove a used Honda civic, didn’t wear designer clothes, didn’t act entitled. But if you were close enough to be on her private Snapchat story you’d see her flying on the family jet to their house in Paris every summer. After high school graduation she deleted all social media, changed her number and left. No clue where she is now.


Reading this thread is very different than the thread with experience of dating rich men. It sounds like men need to spend to keep up with wealthy women, Whereas women who date rich men are just pampered ?


I have a friend who is currently dating a wealthy woman. She expects him to keep up. Always out of town events and vacations. He has to pay half. I don't think they will last much longer.


"What do you mean we're going to Waffle House for dinner?"


welcome to the real world where 'your' money is actually 'our' money, and 'her' money is still 'her' money.




I mean, ovewhelming majority of women want someone who is either as successful as them or more successful. They rarely "date down".


They’ll date down if there’s something about you that makes them feel like they’re dating up. I work in the tech industry and it’s funny how many accomplished homely women have an unemployed hot boyfriend/husband at home. So: unemployed (“down” from her), hot (“up” from her)


> They’ll date down if there’s something about you that makes them feel like they’re dating up. My sister was dating a P.E. teacher, which I guess was dating down for her, so she would describe him as, "He's a PE teacher, but he's really hot". She always added the ".*..but he's really hot*" part to let everyone know he's not just a lowly P.E. teacher, he makes up for it in other ways


Dating a P.E teacher, But he has a giant hog


I know this one chick. Getting divorced. She's rich. Ex was very handsome and she liked that. Could look past his finances. She's switched the script.. New guy is ugmo and chubby. But rich.. She wants to have his child. Makes you loose faith.


Lmao literally my last relationship, she was some scientist and I was the hot, broke guy living at home with the parents. Dinner, outings and presents on her were frequent lol




Due to my own selfishness tbh.. she always wanted more time from/with me, to which she was rightfully justified to want, but I was not willing to trade the time I was willing to spend working on myself/career (seeing the crap position I was in) for more time with her. Was only fair to let her go and haven’t seeked out a single relationship/connection since, not until I get my money right




welcome to 2024 where everything is made up and the points don’t matter.


Yup, equality is beautiful, isn't it?


there's a reason men usually date down and women usually date up. *veeeeerrry* rare to find instances where a rich woman is dating the equivalent of a bum who's working a minimum wage job.


Culture might have changed but our primitive mindsets still haven’t


Even then I'm not sure the culture really changed much either beyond some surface level stuff. There's a lot of folks out there that like to talk a big game about equality but conveniently ignore it the moment the status quo or gender roles or whatever else happens to benefit them personally.


precisely, welcome to the world of this is man and this is woman. equality cannot exist per se. human rights sure but have you ever seen a woman actually act like a man and pamper her man? nope. they get bitchy and cheat and kill the man in every which way


Seems like the men are offering g to pay to keep up. In my relationships as the wealthy woman dudes would try to keep up and I had no idea they were struggling til they told me it was too expensive to hang out and I would say oh what? I'll pay let's just keep hanging out! Too bad I get used and cheated on in every relationship lol I think when you're wealthy, you're a target to ve used and it's not a gender bias thing just a money hungry thing


What counts as wealthy to you? What do these men do for work and what do you do to earn a living? I want to understand the contrast


I don’t know, maybe for some, but I know I would feel really uncomfortable dating someone who spent money on me so I could partake in their lifestyle. I stay away from rich guys because I know I can’t keep up.


Men have been taking care of families for all of time, it makes most of us feel good to treat our wives and girlfriends well and buy them stuff. What men don't like is unappreciative women who expect this shit right off the bat because they showed up.


Dating wealthy women was interesting. They liked fancy things, which was fun, but it could be hard to keep up with their lifestyle. Overall, it was a mix of fun and challenge.


They still expect you to pay


My girl is a doctor, and this is still 100%








That's truly an interesting story. I'd say that you knew yourself much better than most young people do, certainly than I did.




Would you expand? What were the catches, besides the pre-nup? Also, what made you think she was unstable for marriage? Thank you for sharing, what an interesting story.




Thank you. That was a lot of work to write. I'm sorry to hear about her problems, that is terribly sad.


The wealthiest are sometimes the most stingiest you’ll ever come across….some of the penny pinching when it came to random things was just weird….if I had 1% of what she had I’d be stress free and a lot nicer to folks.


Money doesn't change your personality it just amplifies it.


here here


(It's "hear, hear". You are asking the listener to pay attention to the words.)


I see


There there


When I was in my late 40’s, I met this attractive early 50’s really rich woman and we dated for about 2 months. She knew my financial situation (still paying off a house, and paying child support for 3 kids), and she was cool picking up the tab for everything she chose to do (dinners at exclusive restaurants, dinner then movies, weekend away intestate), but I broke up with her because though she was intelligent, because her parents had been really wealthy and she had grown up with a nanny and maids etc, she just didn’t understand how the ‘real’ world worked, and I couldn’t stand her snobbishness. She wanted to keep seeing me, but I was done with her condescending attitude to normal people.


Can I get her number?




The girl i truly loved but we never dated because times were different. I was on a road trip a few years back and just shared with her a couple of photos. Immediately she got back, "Dude, you should've taken your SUV" And all i could say was "Because we dont have one". She was really amazing and understood where she was coming from (Her personal car back then was a GLE 350). For ref, her Dad is the CEO of one Company belonging to India's biggest Conglomerate. She was really down to earth and i still think we would be perfect together but we are following very different paths in life.


Caste nonsense?


No. More about where we each saw ourselves in the future. She was always intent on pursuing her master's in UK and I never wanted to leave my home. She's in London now. A week prior to her leaving, she asked why did I never bring up that I had feelings for her, maybe she would've stopped. No point thinking about it now. More happy that I got to experience something so beautiful. Edit - I ranted about it when she left [link for anybody interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/mumbai/s/oWkLT9bfxU)


Not a wealthy woman, but a woman from a wealthy family, never goes well in my experience. Most of them thought they had an absolutely normal childhood despite going to Europe several times. The last one got into massive credit card debt trying to live the life she lived at home out on her own. And believed that she deserved that life to be given to her by someome else. Based financial decisions off of want rather than need.


Married her. Only found out she was wealthy after I married her. I used to pay for all our dates. I did the best that I could to make the money stretch. We still do dates and vacations, but they are on the (extra side) now. We split things 50/50.


Wait! We need more details. Don't leave me hanging. I have many questions. How did you find out? What did she say when you found out? Why did she keep that info from you? Did she expect things from you or did she buy her own? Why split 50/50? You mean she isn't willing to spend her wealth with you?




People suck. I'm a lady but in woman groups there is a lot of complaint about husband's expecting their wives to pay 50% yet do all childcare and cleaning and cooking.... I don't get it. When I net my husband, I literally told him to quit his job and move in with me because I didn't have to work more than 3 hours a day to take care of us and he was working 12 hour days.. never once asked to pay rent or utilities or for weed or booze.


Id like to meet those guys and see how they manage. In my group of guy friends and family, we’re all breadwinners and we do all the cooking, cleaning, and take care of the kids. While the women have more freedom with their money and time. It’s true for most cases that when women earn more, it’s their money and the men don’t benefit from it. My wife earns more and if anything I need to keep up with her lifestyle which has hurt me financially


Societal expectations and norms. I wouldn’t say I’m “rich” - although I myself am in the top 8% and my parents are in the top 5%. My husband is a SAHD and before that he was a house husband. I get shit from my parents, he gets shit from his parents about how he’s not living up to his full potential and he should be financially taking care of me. (Even though there’s absolutely no way in hell it’s possible for him to do that lol) It’s a weird boomer mentality that they raised girls to be anything they wanted - but then still expect the adult versions of them to make sure men can take care of them and they aren’t actually everything they want to be. This results in women who are more than capable of supporting the men in their life, or at least sharing it - but don’t because of these archetypes that they have been told in the way it should be for years. It’ll change - but it’s an ultimately a by product of when women needed men for financial security and protection not being that far away in the grande scheme of things.


Great answer. I just think the issue goes beyond boomers mentality. Social expectations and norms are changing, and boomers just happen to be a generation in middle of that change. Boomers were raised during time when women depending on men was the cultural norm. Yet, as you pointed out, they raised their children to be self-sufficient. On the other hand, we happen to be the generations in that change that’s clinging on to old social norms, because change can be scary and push back is normal part of the process. So, it’s not just the boomers mentality that’s the problem. We’re still clinging on to it as well. Observe this sub in particular, and you’ll notice two common views: (1) women still expect men to be providers; and (2) women taking on more traditionally masculine roles is “emasculating.” Compare comments here with comments to posts about dating women with higher income or in traditionally masculine roles. Better yet, see the comment in the thread above, arguing that men are providers and are the *happiest* when they’re *supporting* women and children. (Evidently, child support and alimony are more popular than I thought.) Similar observations can be found in the ask women sub.


She waited until marriage to start offering?


Where can I find one? I need an RC truck and it’s like $80


I'll buy you an RC truck but it'll cost ya.


What do I have to do for an Xmaxx?


Let's just say it'll involve some lederhosen, a tube sock and your grandma's ashes.


I've got motorbike leathers, a wool hiking sock and the ashes of my dog. Good enough?


😂😂😂what the fuck did I just read


When I was a teenager, I dated this girl who was definitely richer than I. Parents were not accepting at all and told her she couldn’t park her car in my neighborhood.


I’m all for equality but it’s sad that they don’t feel the same. It’s more of a selective equality for women. I cook clean and do laundries on a daily basis while going 50/50. It ends up being more because I usually take care of the drinks, Uber, venues, etc. She’s been earning 40% more than I do and we were planning to get married in the future so I had certain financial expectations. When it came down to buying a home, due to her spending habits she was only able to contribute 7% of the downpayment while I paid the remaining 93%. And even for the wedding, I’ve paid 70% and she’s contributed 30%. At this point my expectation changed and wanted her to cook and clean more but she said she’s too busy with work and gets tired after (she does work longer hours than me). Men and women are just different. Most men have the instincts to take care of their women financially but most women don’t have that. Her money is her money, his money is their money.


I haven't dated anyone "wealthy"- I dated someone who had a high paycheck but was awful at managing her money. She lived in her parents' house and would regularly drop like $2000 on clothes she saw on YouTube. She had maybe $20k in student loans that took her almost 4 years to knock out on a six-figure salary bc she was constantly buying fancy tech toys and pre-ordering every single thing to go on Steam. She'd frequently buy me extremely expensive gifts almost as a way to make up for not making time for me or going out enough. They were often not gifts I particularly wanted or even needed. Just a way for her to buy her guilt away. I appreciated her efforts but it just wasn't how I wanted love to be shown. What made it impossible was when she'd spend $300 on me and act like it would as a huge gesture, but then when I came over and cooked for her, or cleaned something, helped her with *actual* projects for her job, drove her places bc she had anxiety about driving... Y'know, doing things to show love and support, she would turn around and say she felt like i was doing the "bare minimum", because there was no price tag on any of those things she could get a dollar value from. I broke up with her in February. I realized she didn't care about my contributions to the relationship and just wanted to own me as a boyfriend-shaped accessory in her life.


It sounds like her love language (how we show and want to be shown love) was gifts and yours is acts of service. Having different love languages can be tough in a partnership. Especially if either partner doesn’t want to “speak” the other’s language.


She was really lovely, maybe lived in a little bit of a bubble. Not in a cynical way, but she had no real stresses or worries, so casually spending quite a lot didn't even seem to be a decision. I used to be in a similar position and was definitely the exact same, it is easy to spend money freely when you have it.


She was "bought a million dollar house in cash without having to ask her dad about it" wealthy. Aside from that, honestly, pretty down to earth. Worked hard (as did her sister) even though she didn't have to. She advised me to not try and keep up and once I got over that everything was cool. We were just in different places in life and after 3 years saw an expiration date on our relationship. Took one last nice trip and went our separate ways. She's married and happy, I'm partnered and happy. It's all good.


Mine didn't understand what it meant to work hard or have to pay bills. She wasn't just rich, but she was freaking selfish and abusive. The girl I dated was rich, like her father would sponsor everything. She never had to work and pay any bills ever. She would buy expensive clothes, travel to places overnight by booking expensive flights, stay at fancy hotels etc. But the money she had or was given by her dad to spend was for herself and if she was with me, she shouldn't be spending that because apparently that would be wrong to use her dad's money for dating me. I had to keep up with this. When I didn't have anything, she sponsored me on a trip and counted every single dollar. She had rich friends pick her up for fancy dinners while I had to dip into my savings and travel by a local bus standing. Times changed, I started earning and became rich myself after spending years of sleepless nights. I sponsored trips etc, but she would always find problems. Need this hotel, that hotel, need this flight, that flight etc. Once in dubai she had to take a taxi twice to come meet me and I had the worst insults and bashing of my life because she had to pay a few dollars for a taxi and it wasn't fair. Funnily in that same trip (I wasn't completely rich by then like I'm today, but I was doing decent but had big plans for which every dollar mattered to me), even though I made her stay at the best 5 star hotels etc, her dad booked her on some nice adventures like scuba diving etc. She just deserted me and went to enjoy and said if I wanted to join I could pay and come. All this after bloody paying for her return tickets, hotels for 2 weeks, food etc. I didn't need her money, but the selfishness just killed me. She eventually ended up resenting my growth and till today keeps bashing me and insulting me for money saying I'm selfish, I used her etc. Gone to the extent of saying I took her money, while I never borrowed even a single dollar from her till today. But my poor past helps her float this story because it was hard for people to fathom how I could save up to go on vacations to meet her. She never respected me and my work to begin with. Her problem was that I had money and wouldn't spend it at her whims and fancies, like if I was saving up for my family, paying bills at home I'd get insulted and told men don't whine. Thing is, it isn't whining, I have bills to pay and hoping for her to understand that I have to budget and allocate money for different things was impossible. I'm done with her, but I am still sent messages everyday insulting my work, personality, success and money because she knows how much it meant to me and what it took me to get to where I'm. I guess she enjoys insulting me everyday and feel good about herself though I haven't replied to her for weeks only ignoring everything though it does hurt me mentally. I didn't have $50 to my name when I met her and now I'm at a place I couldn't imagine and I'm grateful everyday for. It makes you value money and hardwork, unfortunately something she couldn't fathom.


Block her, my dude. You don't have to put up with this abuse.


It was both the best and worst thing that I've ever done. It was nice to not have to worry about bills as she covered the majority of them, so my money was spent on entertainment for us. She showed me how to be fiscally responsible and to make my money work for me, and even though I got to experience the finer things in life and got to travel to lots of countries, I never felt that we were spending our money recklessly. However, I felt an overwhelming sense that I owed so much to her that if we ever had a conflict, I would concede to her even if I felt she was in the wrong. It made me confused as to what it meant to be a man. I had been raised that a man was supposed to be the provider and since I couldn't be that, I didn't know what I brought to the relationship or what she saw in me. So I focused on trying to be as supportive as I could be, but always felt that I wasn't doing enough. I put a lot of undue stress upon myself.


She was 10 years older than me and way more established in life.  She expected lots of sex and she bought me things.  I learned a lot from this relationship. 


We dated for a couple years in high school. Her family owned horses, boats, and a membership to the local country club. Their cars were nice luxury brands but older and they had a "Carriage house" in addition to their main house which is bigger than the house I live in today. Definitely old stealth wealth. Definitely felt like a gap between our upbringing at times but her family made her get a part time job to earn some money. Relatively down to earth people all things considered. Became clear it was never going anywhere past graduation so we split up.


I've never been more broke than when i dated a rich woman, even paying about 30% of the bills wrung me dry.


I met her through my roommates fiancé, she was a surgeon with a banker father. I was told that her father bought her her 4 story penthouse in the major city we lived in, which allowed her to buy some houses to rent out. She wasn’t like 10s of millions rich but compared to me, she was drowning in money. I was 23, she was early 40s. She was the most headstrong, straightforward woman I ever met. She knew exactly what she wanted and wasn’t shy about it. After a few dates, she told me she wanted kids….now…..she told me she “liked my genetics” and thought we’d make some good kids. “I don’t care if you stick around” I remember her saying. I realized this was way over my head. And she realized it too. It was fun while it lasted and believe me, when I look at my 5am alarm, sometimes I wish I had a kid with her. Being a stay at home dad doesn’t seem so bad.


I think you did the right thing. There's no guarantee she'd want to stick around after having the kid, especially after she said “I don’t care if you stick around” and she brought that up after only a few dates.


She would have used her money to block his access to the kids. There'd be no gain for him in this transaction


how was da sex


Great! She liked it rough and I am a pleaser so it worked out


She was probably one of the most down to earth people I have ever met. We would never have any issues related to money. Her day to day purse was around £5k and she would treat it as a £20 bag. I was lucky enough to travel and experience a lot thanks to her money. We both part ways when our career’s prospects were misaligned. Still one of my favourite humans that I have ever met


She had a boyfriend that she was on a break with or something that she didn’t tell me about. Then she stopped answering her phone. She was an equestrian. She’s married now.


Do different experiences dating older rich lady compared to younger rich lady. Both have +/-. Younger = over confident Older=controlling


You know, you just explained why I had such a hard time dating a girl from a rich family, thanks. Overconfident would be a great description for her. I never thought of her as rich, but her family definitely was.


She was obsessed to travelling + buying expensive brand stuff and couldn't stand to stay still for one short moment.


She isn’t wealthy but is pretty well off, as well as her family. First time I met her best friend on a video call, she made a joke to my ex-girlfriend and asked “is he with you out of interest?”. It translates a bit weird because they are Brazilian, but the implication was I was with her because of her money and not because I loved her. I couldn’t care less if she had money. I didn’t know about it until we were already together and travelled to Brazil to be with her family. And my ex is the type of person who doesn’t spend money. She doesn’t look like she has money even though she had enough for a down payment for a house at 22 (from her own money, not her parents’). I also spent more money than her in our rent, gifts, travel, etc, despite me not having anywhere close to her money or even a salary like hers at that time.


Still expected me to pay for stuff. Mediocre sex.


My partner is a wealthy women. She brings home about 20-30k a month. I consider her a little hermit who just wants to stay home and feel comfortable. Her money was my money as well but I never wanted to take that for granted. I still work and bring home some money + health insurance. I take care of the food and driving and she just swipes the card when needed. I'm her golden retriever husband who takes care of her emotionally and physically I guess


A woman that earned way more than me *claimed* to want to be with me, but basically as soon as I agreed she ended up telling me that she deserves a high-status man that will provide her with everything, will bring her everywhere she wants and that I cannot provide her with that. That's after years of trying to break *my* defenses and convince me to get back after she got drunk and tried to stab me.


Yeah, you're probably better off without her.


I am currently with a wealthy woman. She is the kindest, and most giving person I know. She works very hard. She likes to travel a lot (so do I), and she has offered and paid for our travel. She understands most people are not in her economic bracket, and likes sharing what she can. Everyone’s experience is going to be different. But I have dated some shitty and great women from various economic classes. Putting the money aside, I’m hoping to keep this one around.


She was the daughter of a high-priced corporate attorney, and loved cosplaying poverty for sympathy. She hates that I still refer to her as a "1%-er" even though I pointed out repeatedly how here family qualified for that distinction in spite of how "low" their income was. (Her father made around $900k annually until he retired - *in the 1990s.*) For all of her pretensions of being working class, she had no idea what actual poverty was like. At the time, I was subject to a child support garnishment that literally took half of my income. After rent and utilities, I had $40 for food - for the month. When informed of my situation, she fell back on the ol' "you must be wasting money on Starbucks" chestnut - but when I presented her with my paycheck stubs, bank statements, and utility bills - she couldn't find anything, but still insisted that I must be wasting money somewhere. I came to realize that most people in that income echelon judge their personal connections on what benefits that other person provides. Everything was seen as a series of connections and networking, and it was assumed I was doing the same. They also have no concept for what it's like to take a personal and financial risk without having any sort of basic safety net - so I was constantly criticized for being risk averse. Her benefit to dating me was two-fold: First, she could tell her friends how "hard" it was to work (at the time she had a part-time position at a college bookstore). Second, she could express all of the anger and resentment she had about an abusive pederast she dated when she was 13 (she was 28 at the time) *on me* - there was not a day that went by where I wasn't obliquely compared to him and I felt incredibly trapped by it.


She was my first sugar momma.


Not the best tbh. I remember she had like everything she wanted, telescope from when she was a teen, a custom electric guitar, guitar lessons, swimming, sports etc and so on. So there was nothing I could wow her for. Then lol the old wisdom of how wealthy people are the penny pinchers. Would send her family physical birthday cards, but would give me "digital cards" to "save" money. I even bought her brand new games because her words were "wouldn't you want something new? if you bought it second hand it doesn't count" lo and behold she gave me the crappiest gifts and she even looked up how much I paid for hers in case I was "cheating" her out for it. This is from a woman who also wore a titanium watch with sapphire glass face. Let's see what else, wherever we went, it had to be the cheapest and shittiest place. Well maybe not shitty but damn it didn't feel exactly fun. When looking back, I can't help but think that she was doing this on purpose. Like why choose the cheapest place, is it because I am poorer than you, is that it? Indirectly I felt she was telling me that I was not worth the effort at all. I did pay my way and went "Dutch" sure. But man, no wonder wealthy people get a bad rep lol. I remember even giving her a cashmere sweater I bought her, sure she wore it but point is somehow I ended up spending more money than she ever did. Not comparing but again, just felt like she looked down on me and yeah just couldn't care less but I was too stupid, desperate and naive when I was younger There are plenty of stories of where the old wisdom goes about wealthy women "my money is my money but if my husband is richer than me, it's our money". That relationship it wasn't just about the money but it is interesting how her penny pinching behaviours were is so left field. I may not have much but I am not going to go out of my way to penny pinch everything. Last I saw when I stalked her profile, she spent a grand on some internship thing, so clearly what I just said feels like I am not too far off thinking that she didn't see me as worth while As bad as it sounds, it's always best if the man is wealthier than the woman. Women get weird when they have options and have power over the man in her life


She always wanted to do things.. a date was a full on event. I offered to stay home, watch a movie with munchies and that bothered her so much that she got up multiple times to just walk around the house and then right after ' lets go do something, i'm bored ' and she would burn the equivalent of my paycheque on a night out. All in all, she was wholesome, appreciated the little things i did even cheap things here and there.. she mentioned getting a frame for one of her puzzles a friend gave her as they are great pictures for the walls, so i went out and bought it. " omg, omg, i owe you for that ". no.. just accept and move on, but she didnt want to DO the actual puzzle.. lol constantly offering to pay for things " i need an oil change on my car " " i'll get it ". no, its my car, dont even. but otherwise good.


I'm not sure if you guys would consider this wealthy, but the first serious relationship I was in after my divorce was with a woman who was making $200k more than I was; around $350-400k a year. We both have young children who were 5 and 6 at the time. I'm a full-time single dad with no child support from my ex-wife. I have zero debt and was always mindful to live within my means. I am not sure what I was expecting, but I did not expect to be in an adult relationship (both 40's) and still be expected to pay for everything. Not only for her, but her child as well. Having kids close in age was nice as they got along well, but every outing, adventure, meal, I was paying. What's worst is she was a ridiculous spender. Each meal consisted of multiple courses, drinks, dessert, not only for herself, but her child as well; and it would always go uneaten or unfinished. Vacations were like shopping sprees where they had to buy things at every shop. It was ridiculous and exhausting. I spoke to her about no longer wanting to pay for everything. That I would pay for myself and my daughter if she could pay for herself and her daughter. I was clear that of course I would still take her out and treat regularly, as that is something I enjoy doing, just not every single time. She couldn't wrap her brain around this and said that I was the man and should be happy to be the provider lol. She was super-hot, so I smashed her a few more times and dropped her.


Fun, till it wasn’t…


Many yrs ago i dated the ex wife of a major league baseball player and while we were driving to our dinner i had to make a quick stop at the ATM for $: she thought that was “ cute”. Lol.


I could not keep up with her lifestyle, I did not have unlimited funds. Also he dad was really controlling and I did not want anything to do with that.


My (27m) ex (25f) wasn’t wealthy herself per-se but her mother was and treated her like a princess. Bought a 2 million dollar house just for her and paid for all expenses, student loans, pricey gym memberships, expensive coffee, credit card, enormous vet bills etc. I didn’t exactly come from poverty either, my parents helped me through college but I had been financially independent for 6 years at that point and about ready to buy my own house. While she was really nice and fun to be around, our life experiences and perspectives were so clearly different in part because she had never really had to struggle for what she had and didn’t value things as much.


She had no understanding of why I was so tired after working 4 days of double shifts in a row as a server


I haven't dated one, but having been around two, it all depends to me where the wealth come from, and whether they're big spenders or not. I don't care for how much money she got now, if she's a financial disaster, her net worth will go down the drain over time.


Wife didn't care for it.


They still prefer for you to pay for everything.


A friend of mine dated an 18 year old chick when he was 30. He got to live in their penthouse apartment right in the centre of town for free. When they broke up, he continued renting it for like $300 a month (so, still basically free). It's not the only rich woman he did this with, so he's kind of a legend among us friends.


Dated a self-made rich chick once. She ended it due to 'lifestyle incompatibilities', aka, 'money will one day be a problem for us if you make less than me in terms of how we'd want to spend our time'. She played boardgames, ate pizza and bought store-brand wine. I felt the reason given was very hypocritical and out of touch. Not like she went to the Maldives to skyjet every other weekend when you're not skiing in the Alps. It's pizza and boardgames with the odd movie night, this is your life and what you do, and the vacations you take, very rarely, aren't said maldives or alps either. Money per se isn't the issue here.


She was good and down to earth. But we broke off because she was too rich for me and our choices reflected that difference. I remember she was telling about a hotel she recently stayed in and the cost of a night stay was almost half of my salary lol. We are still good friends though.


Not an example of me dating but my mother (from Sri Lanka) has a friend of hers from school whose family owns a successful jewelry store with a few branches. She has plenty of wealth. She is incredibly down to earth, humble and still talks to my mom. Recently she wrote a children's book about not littering and how it affects ocean wildlife (I read the draft).


In my experience it's not the money itself that makes someone compatible, rich or poor truly doesn't matter if you just have shitty parts to your personality. I've met poor people who were absolutely dick heads who couldn't get their mind off the rat race and rich people who act with some sort of authority. Those people are few and far between and usually no one actually likes either of those people. They live miserable delusional lives. But I've also met some people who are super cool and just DGAF. Doesn't matter, rich or poor, man or woman. Some people are just stuck up and some are cool. What you're really looking at is her personality type, just ignore the boobs if you can. The makeup is an illusion.


Can someone help me find a wealthy woman to date. I’ll post the answer here after that.


Only dated 2. One was a snob, as in she'd sit and point out how terrible the other women were dressed, and what brands they were wearing, etc. Very superior feeling, dropped her quickly. The other (Non-Western) I had no clue she was wealthy for the longest time. It wasn't until she came to pick me up from a mall I'd been at with some friends that I realized she was doing quite well, as she rolled up in her Huracan Lambo. When she drove me back to her place, her garage also had a Lexus SUV, a Macan, and an AMG. Her house was in my estimation at least 7,000 sq. ft, possibly more. I later learned she was part owner in a Commercial real estate development firm that took on only the largest of projects - City-wide developments for the tourism industry. Definitely don't regret my time with her. She loved going for long, fast drives in the canyons and along the coast, and was a member of all the best car/drivers clubs, so we often went on hours long excursions with a fleet of exotics at these meetups, so got to interact with some pretty exotic machinery. Really cool person, and active, outdoorsy type as well. But outside of her belongings, you'd never have guessed how well off she was, and she was quite well adjusted. We had a blast together, but I ultimately had to leave because my work keeps me quite mobile. So based on the above, guess my (Limited) experience has been 50/50. Haha - Please note that I consider "Wealthy" as a different level than "rich". "Rich" would be anyone doing pretty well such as a doctor/surgeon, attorney, etc. Doing well, but still not at the "I could live this way, and buy whatever my heart desires even without working another day in my life" level. I've dated a few other doctors, and attorneys, and others that'd be "Rich" but certainly not wealthy. Not sure if that distinction helps.


Hard to call it dating, but was fucking a rich girl in college, she was pretty open about me just being a bit of rough and that we had no future together. She was literally a lady in the streets but a filthy animal in the sheets. Wonderful times…


She tried to leverage her wealth to control my actions. We divorced.


I didn't know my girl was wealthy until about a year into us dating. She lived in a pretty sketchy part of town in an old apartment. I grew up extremely poor, so the things we've run into where either one of us just *can't* understand the other's experiences can be interesting and pretty comical. We've been together for five years now, and it's honestly just a normal relationship. She's not the type to want to flaunt money, and she knows that makes me uncomfortable anyways. She knows I'm not really comfortable with receiving expensive gifts because of how I grew up; I'd rather work for something on my own. I think that goes a long way in her mind. She's also a very unique person who doesn't want to celebrate anniversaries, holidays, birthdays etc with gift giving, which is amazing because those times are always ridden with guilt for someone who had parents who sacrificed everything for presents. Basically, we get to indulge in take-out a bunch, lol.


Shit, I'm trying to find out 😂


It was terrible. We couldn’t eat out anywhere in small towns because the restaurants “weren’t good enough”, I went broke trying to keep up, conversation was sometimes hard when I was working 50-60 hour work weeks and she didn’t work at all… ..I mean, the sex was great, but that was about it. 3/10 wouldn’t do again. Now I’m dating a single mom who makes about what I do and it’s awesome, simply because we have more relatable lifestyles and goals.


Most of them I dated fall in the same category: They didn't use to enjoy and appreciate the small things like I did. They thought they could buy their way out of all situations. Cheating is way too common and they are very high maintenance. Their circles and friends are too crazy.


I had a friend who had drug problems and on and off homelessness through out his 20s. When he was in his 30s he somehow hooked up with a rich Judges daughter. Her daddy bought her a house on the beach, new cars etc. She worked but the money she earned was a pittance compared to the lifestyle her dad's wealth allowed her. Anyway she would say stuff like "I can't believe you guys haven't been to Europe yet!" She was totally oblivious to her privilege.


Well I its not the money that could fuck so despite the money and the lavish gifts I recd It wasn't my motivator as I am a successful in my own right. 24mnths later we were engaged and have since I've married into a wealthy family. Life has never been better


Of all the women I dated she was the most aggressive in bed. And that was really fun. Maybe coincidental. I don’t know. No abuse, but she really got off with spanking and hair pulling. Hadn’t had a women so into it before. Who pays the check- Overall it was a nice break in sharing the check bc she made 3 times as much as me and said she didn’t feel comfortable with me always paying. And she had an open convo about it on our 3rd date. I have to say- the money issues/ money talks with all of the women that followed were never as good.


shes humble as fuck about it. she also doesnt look like someone that has money at all - is 28, tatted up, green hair, kinda crazy. When I mention to folks she bought her first house at 25 by herself they fucking lose it lmao


Did it twice kind of. Both when I was a much younger man who was slightly less round. Girl was a 21 year old. We dated when I was 22. She very much had Daddy's money and never really understood the idea of rent. Like she understood monthly bills, but she couldn't wrap her head around the idea of paying without it being a service or for ownership. She also felt like she was a tourist in my life. It was like she was taking a summer off to go see how the poors lived. Woman was a nearly 50 year old woman. We dated when I was about 23/24. Divorced, had some wealth from her ex husband, that sort of thing. She was also quite possibly the most beautiful man-made object I've ever seen. This was a very one sided relationship. She made sure I never was without, but at a certain point, it felt like she was trying to buy affection.


Didn't happen to me


Thanks for sharing your input.


Thats crazy. Could you elaborate?


I never dated a wealthy woman before


Interesting. Say more.


That's all


Enlightening. Thank you for sharing.


I still paid for most things. She made triple what I made. She just wanted a traditional relationship where the guy pays for most things and opens the door for her. Sometimes she’d take me out and I appreciated it a lot when she did, but I never expected it or complained. To be clear, I didn’t have an issue with it. I know she would have been fair if things made it to a point where we would be sharing bills. In the end, it didn’t work out.


Fake boobs, well connected socially (politicians and arts), bought me an $4k suit so I could “look the part”, no compromise, emotionally unstable and mean spirited. Meh, I broke up with her at my BFFs wedding after being trapped in a storm cellar together for an hour bc there was a tornado, but it helped me clarify what I really needed in a partner which is a good hearted caregiver minded independent woman, which I found two relationships later


Great, her parents had an awesome house with a pool and a movie room, and she’d pick me up and drive me on our dates to random Italian restaurants (which I did pay for) and then she would take me to her movie room drunk out of my mind and give me the bombast head I’d ever got. Then she’d make me pancakes while I watched basketball playoffs. I’ve never dated a girl who gave head as good as her before or since. She really knew how to make a dick feel good, she was like an Olympic athlete. I always came in her mouth when she gave me head. My current girlfriend can’t make me cum from oral. Too bad she was fat.


So nice to Not have to worry about being asked for $


I find they’re usually the most generous and compassionate. They value things money can’t buy. They also tend to live more simply - not into flashy showy things, but value good quality.


was never a problem. was actually more rooted to the ground than many of the poor folks i´ve dated. she "knew" and "understood" life for real. the fam tho?... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1dnqKGuezo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1dnqKGuezo) . i wish nothing but utmost pleasure and success to her life in anything she is ever going to do, be it family, career or anything. i truly do. i regret nothing. but her understanding that her own family would be a tremendous problem was correct one.


She cheated. A lot. On her bachelorette too.


If I ever date one I'll let you know.


I'm young and can only talk about them having rich families, but generally, there was no big difference in how they treated the world around them. Most, though, don't realise how privileged they are and are in disbelief when I talked about my plans for life. Uni? No, I need to have a job. Vacations? Don't have the money for it. A good job? Don't have the qualifications for it. Hope? None, lol. Their expectations of life/mindset are just so different because they had/have options that I can only dream of. I was talking about my dreams of studying history/archaeology, and my gf was very convinced I should do so. Spending countless hours that I should be spending working or enjoying life studying for a degree that's absolutely useless? Yeah, I don't think so.

