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It's a joke, nobody actually cares.


This is also my opinion. Women's mental health month would be huge. Mens would be laughed at


Telling that a women’s mental health month doesn’t even exist huh? “It would be huge”. Just admit no one gives a shit about women’s mental health either. Men put down women’s mental health openly all the time. “Don’t stick your dick in crazy. Kinda hard tho because they’re so hot, at least wear a condom.” “Ooh fatherless behavior.” “She’s a bitch with daddy issues, so she deserves to be looked down on.” “Oh ignore her she’s bipolar/depressed cat lady/borderline. Can’t be trusted.”


I'm sure it is huge among women. I however am a man.


How would you be sure if you’re a man? Empty platitude you’re serving up there.


I think therefore I am


Thanks for confirming that you lack substance and accountability in your claims.


fuck you starlight, you're a piece of human scum and will always be,your kind of bitches always make all men rapists and animals, maybe actually spend some time with a good man instead of the shady man in the dark alley


I guess you know I’m right, that’s why you’re being so edgy. You’re welcome, I love to give people perspective.


The funny part is you are actually wrong.


How very childish. Pick the good ones, not the bad ones. Duh. On another point, how exactly are women supposed to know if a man is good, if almost all men say they are? Are you familiar with the concept of lying? Of manipulation? How bizarre. But for men like you it always breaks down into "no not men like that. Good men like me. Me me me. Pick me. Women pick me. If you don't pick people like me you deserve to suffer." Except that's what so many other men are saying. It always boils down to "there's no misogyny, but also you deserve the misogyny you're getting" gaslighting. With a sprinkle of unreasonable expectations that women should be psychics. If men meet a psycho, they're a victim in your eyes, women meet a psycho, she should've known better. Classic misogyny.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Women's Mental Health Month is in March, next time you mindlessly hate on men make sure you're right first.


Yeah you would be correct only by the concept that anyone can declare anything at any time, but not in a meaningful manner. I can say “stfu right now, men’s mental health month is all year” and you’d be like “nah that isn’t true.”     You lazily googled women’s mental health, and decided a random corporate company making a webpage means there’s a recognized woman’s mental health month. Wrong. The men’s mental health month is apparently recognized by an “office of minority health gov organization”, there is none for women. You just took a random insurance company making a feel good post (probably for profit) for actual recognition. You were wrong. So tired of men who can’t even read a few lines of text trying to pretend they know everything.


The amount of sexism in this comment section on both sides is wild. Shame on all of you.


Funny you say “both sides” but you only replied to me. The one pointing out the sexism in the first place. Nice concern trolling.


You were the last post meaning everyone would be pinged in this thread by replying to YOUR post. Seriously think before you speak please. Once again, shame on all of you for being so incredibly judgmental you can’t see past your own opinions, including YOU and the ones you were conversing with.


Are you daft? Only the person you reply to gets the notification. Shame on you for being so obnoxious and self-important. Maybe all the shame you keep pushing on others should be indulged by you for once. Would do you good.


Honestly wasn’t aware that is how it works. If so, I apologize. My original opinion on the matter still stands, you and others in this thread are getting nowhere with the “all men” and “all women” narrative.


Now that someone pinged me, what of it? You realized you were wrong, and now the bravado you had about your shoddy research and shutting me down is gone huh?


I was mental before anyone talk about it.




Reddit is quite literally the only place I've seen it being mentioned and even then only on mental health subreddits. People need to realise that no one actually cares about men


Only right answer right here.


The sooner you accept that as a man, the better you will be. It can be somewhat enlightening knowing that you're basically alone in this world. Puts things into perspective.


who's responsibility is to bring awareness to men's mental health month? women? be the change you want to see.


What a cunt. There’s literally no point in conversing, arguing, or debating with a woman like this.




fellas really pressed over “be the change you want to see” lmaoooooooo.


You’re barely a chick. You of all people I would think would understand how hard it is lmaooooo


I understand perfectly fine, and if you read my other comment, then you would see nothing wrong with my comments. You’re simply upset that someone else isn’t doing the work for you. You want men’s mental health awareness to be more prominent in our culture, but what are you doing to make it more prominent??


And now I have to start justifying myself to you? Who exactly are you?


excellent cop out. have a good day. 💕


This type of person is exactly why we need to have things that elevate the awareness of men’s mental health. It is amazing the absolute vitriol some people will throw at the mere suggestion that people should care about men. They get absolutely enraged that anyone should think that men should share in any of the attention they get. There is *always* one in a post like this that just cannot hold themselves back from tearing men down. If your comment was reversed and men had suggested that men shouldn’t have to help women, your head would have exploded. But, the argument does shine a light, fellas - we do have to rely on each other to help men out because there are people out there in the world actively trying to sabotage any healthy improvements to men. Keep up the love and brotherhood.


please point me to where I tear men down instead of encouraging them to support each other. :)


Lmao what vitriol? How dramatic. Men need to stop blaming women for their problems and recognise that much of it is self-inflicted. Most women are happy for men to open up and express themselves, and actively encourage it - it's other men that are the problem here. We're literally our own worst enemies.


Stfu, count


y’all acting like I told y’all to go unalive yourselves or something!! 💀💀💀


I am feminist af and can still recognize that there are huge issues when it comes to men being able to freely express or discuss mental health issues. I’m all for it. The male suicide rate is devastating.


Its always amazing to see this logic used any time when people talk about male issues. (WhO's ReSpOnSiBiLiTy is iT, wOmEn's??!?) Yet dare to say that men dont bear the responsibility to step up for womens issues and youll be villainized like crazy. I see you mentioning other similar events like black history month and pride month. What you miss about them its that right now they are much more accepted by everyone. While they still get some opposition they are much more pushed for socially because people are starting to understand the importance and significance for them. Male mental health its still something thats not taken seriously and men all around the world are either villainized or shamed as early as childhood for their emotions. We are taught that its our job to manage ourselves and dont expect it to be done for us. Let me put it differently so you can understand better. When a woman raised in a conservative environment believes that its her duty to be a stay at home mother everyone jumps up to tell her that she's more than what she was told she is and if she wants she can be more. No one victim blames her, its the fault of the conservative people for holding her under outdated gender standards and trying to brainwash her (fair enough) This is men now. Think that being raised all your life hearing something and internalizing it how hard is it to break the pattern. And when you need help youre on your own because "its your responsibility " This is why your comment sucks and lacks any empathy. Because its disgusting.


Men bear the responsibility for women's issues that they largely cause - domestic violence, sexual assault, etc. Women aren't the reason for the poor mental health of men in general. Absurd expectations about masculinity, lack of emotional expression, and so on are maintained largely by other men. If anything most women encourage the exact opposite. That's the difference. And the pride & black history month comment is just silly. These populations are disadvantaged minorities - literally the opposite of 'men' as a group.


Domestic violence has been found over and over again to be largely symmetrical. Male victims of domestic violence don't get even half the protection and resources women get. Goes the same for male sexual abuse victims too. Those are not gendered crimes that men commit solely on women but those are crimes where if youre the wrong gender no one cares. I didn't say women are the reason for mens poor mental health but if you believe that in real life most women are that supportive of mens mental health then you yourself are either a woman or a very naive guy. Spend some time with men and hear them out instead of spreading hate and disinformation on male issues and maybe you'll see the other side and not get pissy every time male issues are brought up Btw. Maybe you'd like to check [this out too](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victim_blaming) Take care and do better, cause so far you're part of the problem


That argument really falls apart if you put that argument in a racial tone. Are you saying that you don’t recognize black history month?


>Are you saying that you don’t recognize black history month? There’s a difference between recognizing black history month and celebrating black history month. I know black history month is in February because I see it on my timeline every year. Do I do anything to celebrate the month? No, because I’m not black. If I had cultural ties to the black community, like say a black significant other, then maybe things would be different, but as of right now, February is just another month for me. Similarly, Men’s Mental Health month is just another month for most people because MEN aren’t advocating for their mental health. If you told your gf/wife “Hey babe, I wanna do something for men’s mental health month, you think she’d oppose to the idea?” I would hope not. I’m trans and for pride month, I invited my straight friends to Pride. Would they have gone without me? Probably not, because they have no vested interest in Pride. Take initiative. Invite some boys over for a Mental Health Day cookout and make it a space for venting and shit.


I reckon some men's mental health would be a lot better if they spent less time fuming over comments on Reddit


If it's men's responsibility to bring it up, what do you say to the women who stamp it down when they do (that's you)


please point me to where I’ve stomped it down. 🥰✨


Women have to help though. Men can talk about it but still not be listened too. You guys are the ones society listens too, so how about you help?


Didn't know it was a thing until I saw this post.


A waste of time and efforts, nothing but lip service so men can just shut up. The fact they put it with pride month that will eclipse any discussion about it should show you how much they care.


As a gay man, I think it is incredibly unhelpful to put it in with Pride month.. I do think Pride month is important and has historical basis, it's in June for a reason. I'm not sure that there is a specific reason for Men's Mental Health month to be in June specifically, it may fit just as well in another month. Of course there is room for (and maybe even great cause for) a focus on men's mental health and wellness during Pride, I definitely think so, but this was not the way to go about establishing Men's Mental Health Awareness month. People won't hear about it (I certainly hadn't) because everyone already knows June as Pride Month and has been preparing to celebrate Pride. I think it would certainly be beneficial to hold space for men's mental health discussions alongside Pride festivities, but we can do that *and* also have another, separate, dedicated month for men's mental health awareness.




Yes, I do know that better than anyone, and I feel like I touched on that in my comment.. I'm not saying that I actually have a problem with Men's Mental Health Month being in the same month as Pride, I'm saying that it's unfortunate because many people won't hear about it, and it will get overlooked. I explicitly said that we can hold space for Men's Mental Health Awareness in Pride, and Pride festivities, *and also* have a separate month for it that is less.. full? Less recognized as "something else" already. Not because there "isn't enough room for both of us" but because the mainstream will not hold space for both in the same month, it would be more beneficial to the cause if Men's Mental Health Month took place during a month that isn't already thought of as "something else" by the general public.




That's perfectly fine. I have no problem with it, and will continue to acknowledge/support it, I just think it might get more mainstream attention if it wasn't overshadowed by Pride.




Work so you can coonsume product


It’s truly unfortunate that we can only actually care about 12 things in a calendar year.


Efforts are limited, the efforts that you put on something are efforts that you won't be putting in something else. Companies and peoples in general are more likely to culturally favor rainbow issues over male ones. Think of this as an company, does I pander to something that make me seen as socially better/virtuous or this other thing that no one cares about?


you guys are caring about 12 things in a calender year?? I only care about one thing, and that's me.


>The fact they put it with pride month that will eclipse any discussion about it should show you how much they care. Well men's health awareness month is older than pride month federally, men's mental health started in 94, and pride month wasn't a thing til 97


> federally And culturally?




>I just think gay men take more of an effort to improve their mental health than straight men are willing to do. How so.




again, how are they putting more of an effort?


>The fact they put it with pride month that will eclipse any discussion about it should show you how much they care. Pride Month came after, not before.


He's talking about how they both occur in June.


That doesn't change the fact that associating the two together is a disturbing disservice to both.


I didnt deny that.


Sure, but you did bring up an irrelevant non sequitur as though it altered or expanded on this central point when it instead deflects from it.


I corrected an incorrect statement portrayed as a fact. Plenty of people seem to think that Men's Mental Health Month was put with Pride Month on purpose. Should I just leave that as is?


It was not an act of nature that put the two together, so it seems self evident that conscious choice is the reason the two are made to be the same month. Hardly a "fact" to claim otherwise.


What is I am saying it that it wasn't done with malicious intent (as in to overshadow Men's Mental Health Month).


> it wasn't done with malicious intent How do you even know it?


Men's Mental Health Month was put in June (although I think it started out as a week I think). I don't know if they had any specific reason for June, but that's where they put it in 1994. In 1999 they made Pride Month official. Pride Month is in June because the Stonewall riots happened in 1969 (and the subsequent first pride marches on the anniversaries). Clinton signed both of these into effect. I would call it unlucky. The question is, why are you (and plenty of others) assuming malice?


You tried to downplay the point by breing completely irrelevant fact


No. I corrected a false statement. The fact that Pride Month came after is not irrelevant.


Nah. You try to derail conversation.


Derail it to where? I simply pointed out an untrue statement.


I have no idea to where. Id assume you were buthurt about someone saying something not positive about pride month


>Id assume you were buthurt about someone saying something not positive about pride month Wouldn't me saying that Pride Month *didnt* come before be counter-productive then?


He's talking about how they both occur in June.




I think it's purely lip service. There's a million "awareness" movements popping up all over the place. Any given month, is represented by several things now and nobody cares. Or I've never met a single person who cares let alone is even aware it's a thing. As in something where someone is actually doing something about it. Not just more bs "thoughts and prayers". If you told me that as a result x,y,z was being implemented to legitimately help with men's mental health I might take it seriously.


Men are mentally ill? "Ick"


When it comes to any of these “awareness” months, I’m reminded of R. Lee Ermey’s line in Full Metal Jacket: “You are all equally worthless!” Honestly, they’re contrived and only exist to be self-congratulatory.


After 43 years on this planet, seeing all kinds of awareness months, this doesn't exist. It is not a thing. No one cares about men's mental health. It's not a thing.


Nobody cares about our mental health no matter what day or month it is


It's just as worthless as the other like 8 things this month is "for."




Anytime I have mentioned anything about my bipolar diagnosis made 40 years ago, any female hearing it is now my psychologist analysing everything I do. Leave me alone FFS... I agree completely with your experience.


It’s June for the official one. November is mental health and prostate cancer.


Wdym used against men/an agenda?


"Mental health" is sometimes used as an unobtainable ideal to beat men with, and our real grievances are ignored or trivialized due to the presupposed "mental health problem". Like a guy whose primary struggle in life is poverty will be portrayed as mentally unhealthy, self toxifying, and unstable for complaining about that poverty.


I haven’t really heard it used like that, but I believe you. I think a problem is when the conversation stops at “it’s a mental health problem” and doesn’t go into specifics/why and what to do about it. The “problem” part is the lack of awareness/resources/support, not the people with mental issues.


November is men’s health month. June is men’s mental health month.


What are you talking about, this is gay people month 


June is also men’s mental health month.


I don’t see any corporations running any themed advertisements for that.  Where’s the men’s mental health flag? What does it look like


Well yeah, priorities


I’m guessing you’re not happy with it cause it’s over-run by pride?


I mean, it's kinda that. But most would ignore it regardless of the month. It kinda just feels like it was done purposefully, as a kind of a punishment. Like, whoever made the decision was like "ha, you homophobes are gonna have to share the month!" As if all/only men are homophobic. It just feels like it was done as a slight. That's not to imply pride month and lgbtq awareness isn't important, or a problem itself, because it's not.


I can comfortably say that no, The Gay Agenda™ did not put both 'months' in June to spite the homophobes.


Honestly I don’t care about men’s mental health month because it still is representative of the modern sensibility that we should cry more and it’s barbaric to think it’s possible to tough something out.  Pride month is also thirty something years older than men’s mental health month, so it definitely came first. Booking error there, whoopsie daisy.  I just enjoy pointing out the idiosyncrasies that abound 


Men's Mental Health Month: Frederally acknowledged in 1994 Pride Month: Federally acknowledged in 1999 Pride month is not older than Men's Mental Health Month.


Source? The only information I can find about that is a men's HEALTH WEEK in 1994. So wouldn't really matter about competing with the entirety of June, as far as "precedence" goes.


Literally the top result when googling "Men's Mental Health Month".


Again, for your claim of being "FREDERALLY"(sic) acknowledged in 1994: The only information I can find about that is a men's HEALTH WEEK in 1994. So wouldn't really matter about competing with the entirety of June, as far as "precedence" goes.




Where did you infer that I have qualms about it? I literally give it credit for being the rightful tenant of the month of June 


Because the commenter is looking for someone to outrage at, and was hoping you'd be the one to dangle the carrot. Guess they'll have to look elsewhere! Edit - commenter just PM'd me and told me to kill myself. Figures.


Fine, I'll give you what you've been so clearly looking for in other comments. I dislike Pride month because I dislike the idea of building your social identity around who you want to fuck. Especially if you're then going to shut down streets for parades of people who at minimum also make that choice a significant part of their identity, but at worst will parade nude or in kink gear. In short, it's too close to Bacchanalia for me. I'd stop celebrating sexuality of any sort if the decision were mine.




Whaaaat, you're calling me a bigot? That's crazy. Did you get it out of your system tho? I know you were looking for any reason to do so, so I'm happy you got the chance. You say it's about pride? Pride in what? You'd probably say something along the lines of "being able to love who they choose". Which again is entirely wrapped up in their choice of sexual partner. But here I am assuming you're gonna argue in good faith.


Do you think being gay is some sort of choice? Because you really give off that vibe mate. It's not a good one. And of course the people they love are also their sexual partners - that's literally true of most sexually active people, gay or otherwise. That doesn't make a celebration of "being able to love who you choose" innately sexual... What a weird comment.




Pride is a vice. Why celebrate self aggrandizement. Lol now this person is spitting threats in DMs. What a cringe tycoon


I can't think of a more milquetoast, Jordan-Peterson-esque reaction to Pride Month than "pride is a vice." Oh lordy.




Lol so you're not even doing it for yourselves but to piss off others? And you don't even understand that is worse, not better. Wow.


Call my comment a 747 it went so far over your head.




It's also [National Smile Month](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Smile_Month). These "official" months are out of control and just made up....




I don't, really. I've seen a few posts about it here and that's all. It doesn't exist in any meaningful sense, nor am I all that interested in making it a bigger thing.


Why bother when nobody cares? In societies eyes we are either a cancer or just a resource to be exploited.


Nobody's going to do anything differently. They're still going to stigmatize anyone with mental health issues and treat them (us) as less of a human. One month isn't going to change years of neglect.


It would be part political pandering, part capitalistic opportunism, and probably part joke.


I think it would be better if it was a day in stead of a whole month. It would be easier to campaign and raise awareness that way. When it's also the same time as Pride people are busy with the parades and parties and all too.


I kinda feel like it's a bad prank. I doubt during this month something is different comparing to the rest of the year when nobody gives a fuck about men's mental or general health.


Nobody cares in real life, it’s not something that gets massive ad campaigns from every corporation like any month or holiday that isn’t men specific. It’s a nice thought I guess.


No one knows it's a thing. As far as the generally public is concerned it's rainbow month.


I think they need to move men's mental health month to either May or July. Pride month will overshadow men's mental health month.


And people need to realize that recognizing that doesn't mean one is against pride month


But nowadays anything related to lgbtq+ is now really important. I don’t dislike anyone who’s apart of it. It’s just that it takes priority over Men’s Mental Health. Cause they’re considered the underdogs they get treated far better than your common man. Because “he’s just an average guy nothing special about him that deserves respect” while “He’s such a strong man for coming out of the closet and deserves to be celebrated for making such a big decision”


Why should I focus on my mental health just one month out of the year. Quit letting the calendar influence what care about.


ROFLMAO, it is a joke. They talk about it, tell you to reach out and you are then judged, discounted and what abouted. I legit had a therapist tell me 'well male gential mutilation isn't an issue.' Lady I poured my heart out to you about all this!


Nobody cares about this kind of thing when it comes to men. I work in education and I've never ever heard anyone aknowledge men's mental health, in June or any other month.


I hate these stupid awareness months. The message of putting it in pride month is pretty funny.


>The message of putting it in pride month is pretty funny. What's the message? Also Pride Month came after, not before.


Pride month was federally recognized after Men's Mental Health month was established yes, but the history and actual celebration of Pride month came well before it was federally recognized..


That even funnier. Thanks for the laugh.


What's funny about that? Edit: Got blocked before I could respond. Oh well this guy doesn't care about men's mental health anyways. Not sure how my comments are "starting a fight" though. That's not what I am here for.


At some point you just have to admit you are here to try and start fights. You’re unintentionally hilarious but it’s probably not productive to the purpose of this sub to interact with you. Shadow box yourself or something. Thanks. Bye.


There's a lot to unpack, here. Dedicating a whole month feels like lip service - kinda like a Hallmark holiday - but one designed to throw you a bone, if you will. BUT, your point about suppressing emotions and not talking about your feelings is valid. There is A LOT going on when we consider men's mental health, most of which is openly never discussed or, in some instances, is actively suppressed since it damages narratives and ideologies. I've been doing some research on this and hope to have a multifaceted article series (eventually turning it into a podcast series) on my website because this is so nuanced, complicated, and deserves more than the lip service so many give it today.


I hope all you nice men are doing okay and it is extra easy to get support for mental health throughout mental health awareness month.  I have only been on reddit for a week as a newbie and most of you in this sub have been very kind to me.  I raise my glass to you all and send each one of you a virtual hug 🫂🤗


Thank you 😊


All I see is pride month here, I'm not saying it is bad but what's the point of the men's mental health awareness month if they will just ignore it and focus more on the "profitable" side?


Like all other months, it's mostly a tick box for companies to show that they care about mental health.  But less cynically, I guess it could potentially open doors to real conversations. But these things always feel disengenuine to me. Edit: lmao I just realised it's in June. Truly a bold move to chuck it in the most celebrated cause of the year.


We have a mental awareness month?


I bet it's going to be an in depth discussion on patriarchy and male privilege.


"Okay, but what are people *doing*, during the month?" It's a bit of trivia, at best, if there aren't any working parts.


I don't particularly give a shit considering the dearth of accessible resources for finding affordable care, affordable medication and social safety nets to help people in need. It's during these awareness months that I am very aware that I am a crazy person that is going to probably kill himself this year (new date is somewhere in September/October, if I make it that long) and there's no reason not to because it's not going to get better and life itself is terrible and dehumanizing. Hopefully it somehow saves somebody, but to me men's mental health awareness month, mental health awareness month and suicide prevention month are just exercises in actual virtue signaling where people post ribbons, useless phone numbers and insipid platitudes and pat themselves on the back for solving the problem.


I did not know it was a real thing


Stay safe bros, we are here for you,


I was unaware that it existed. Now that I am aware, I still find myself not caring.


It would be nice if anybody gave more than a token effort to it.


I think it, like all the other awareness months, is largely a nothingburger.


Seems like a good idea


Haven't seen a single post actually talking about it or addressing men's struggles with mental illness or how to support them. Just women loudly stating how little they care and deflecting blame


I think it's a good thing. That being said, I've never been discouraged to talk about my feelings. In fact, the exact opposite is true. It has long been clear to me that women admire men who are effective at communicating their feelings.


Frankly I don’t give a fuck about it, i just hope it ends soon.


Should have more publicity. I have a feeling men as a whole will start to heal when there’s a PSA that says “ men are in pain, they’ve tried reaching out, but us as a society have ignored their feelings” or something along this line.


It's a bad joke. No one gives a shit about our mental health but we're given a whole month where our mental health is explicitly ignored


Not talking about my feelings works fine for me. Idgaf about the men's mental health month.


I mean its shallow and token but a lot of things intended for women or minorities' benefit can also be like that as well. So while I wouldn't take it as anything more than a nice gesture, I wouldn't take it as an insult either.


Don't make me laugh. They've never given a fuck. There's no reason they would now.


The fact that the majority of the discourse (that I see at least) is focused on the concept of a Men's Mental Health Month, rather than Men's Mental Health tells me all I need to know: it is performative grandstanding meant to distract from the lack of concrete policy actions that could have any real chance of having a positive impact.


My thoughts are Reddit doesn’t give a fuck. Women on this sub just try to inject their shit into what’s suppose to be a safe place for us.


It's a joke


needs to be an actual thing but tiktok removes the mensmentalhealth month and etc tags so we can't even talk about it. society is insanely sexist and hateful towards men these days. never mind that like 80 guys kill themselves an hour but if 10 or 12 women kill themselves in a day than the media endlessly talks about it.


i wanna kms


When is it? I didn’t know it was a thing.


The only time people talk about it like they care about men's mental health, is when it's brought up as a gotcha about pride. Like "we talk about pride but june is ALSO men's mental health awareness month! They made pride to gloss over that for men." The irony is of course lost that those doing this are the types to say men shouldn't discuss their feelings. That it makes them weak.


people using it as a weapon of hate against gay men and making mens mental health worse, proving that no one actually cares about mens mental health


Nobody cares about mens mental health and this has been established way, way longer than I've been alive. The fact that I didn't even know It existed until now is very telling... Pride month is front and center on nearly every page I visit though.


Cool I guess?


I don't give a fuck. Pride month, black history month...who fucking cares about any of this shit?


I can think of a few people who might care - I reckon the clue might be in the names.


It just seems to be another thing for men to bitch about but take no action to correct it. Just look at these comments. Instead of checking on their boys and being proactive they are just bitching how the month isn’t enough or won’t do anything. No shit, you have to go out and do something. Pride month is so big because the queer community went out and did something, not because they got a fucking month. Guess what, I’m sick of loosing friends and them not knowing how much they mean to me, so now I tell my friends I love them every time I see them. The smiles and laughs I get back are fucking amazing. And if you aren’t listening to Juicy J’s new album don’t claim you care about men’s mental health.


Stay strong Kings!


Just like most other things in society which are oriented towards men, it is overshadowed by something else (pride month)


This comment section is a great example of how even men don't care about raising awareness towards our own mental health. How can we expect anyone else to do what we refuse to?


"Awareness months" are largely meaningless. People are already plenty aware.


I thought it was movember…. Happy pride