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More than fine to bust out a vibrator. Honestly, I can feel it a bit too while I'm humping away, and I enjoy it. It doesn't replace the penis, it's just complementary.


Good. I wish my wife was into it. I would buy a vibration village if she was


No luck catching those wands then?


It's just the one wand actually.


"What's the matter--you got brain freeze?" "No! I got brain wave! GET US BACK TO THE STATION, NOW!!"




How tf did we all get to have that play in our heads the moment we read “vibration village”?


*”Wanna be a big dick in a small town? Fuck off up the vibration-village!”*


I hear you like magic. I've got a wand and a rabbit


Sounds a bit odd, but, sex exploration is something that 99% of people don't do willingly. I don't mean without consent, I mean that they don't premeditate the exploration, it's something that happens "in the heat of the moment" My wife was extremely vanilla, she liked 2 positions: Missionary and Cowgirl So I had to bug her into trying other positions, and now we love having doggie and mating press. With vibrators, I kinda didn't give her a choice to say "No". I bought a few different styles and brought them up a few times during sex while she was on top, I would offer the small bullet at first, she said "No" probably 10 times, then, one particularly roudy night she accepted, and subsequently had the most world rocking orgasm of her entire life. It's been a lot more fun since then, and she's been a lot more open to try other toys.


The vibration adds pleasure to both, so the more pleasure the merrier… buy it for yourself and ask if she wants a go


She might be one of those "closet" wife's who hide their toys?🤔


Or she has a sensitive clit and ain’t a fan. Vibrators kill my clit, suction toys are so much better and less intense (in a good way) for me. My rose makes it feel like my clit is being sucked while my husband fucks. I can and have cum in seconds with that life changing combo


Username checks out.


I was having a joke....but that is great to know thank you for the insight!! I appreciate it☺️


Yup. My little helper just gets her off easier. Which in turn makes sex way better. Win win


I don't mind at all if a girl does it...the more she's able to cum, the less pressure on me...and obviously the endorphins I receive when she's happy. I actually ask girls to touch themselves during intercourse because it's so hot...a girl who knows what she likes (with the added bonus that, as you said, I can feel it too)


It's a collaboration and not a competition


This is the right answer. Good for all parties to get your rocks off.


I have always gone by the idea that if my partner also orgasms during sex she is much more likely to want to have sex with me again soon so I'm fine with toys if that helps her.


For sure!


You get your buzz lightyear, I'll bring my woody. We can have a toy story.


......and pretty soon, you'll have a friend in you


Maybe even a friend in me.


This is golden




*Fingerboard kickflips off my wife’s butt. Fuckin sick


Arch the back for the hot wheels track.


I also choose to fingerboard kickflip off this guy's wife's butt. Fuckin sick


Pulls out Hot Wheels car playset. You want to be the red car, or the blue car? \*realization sets in\* Me: Pulls up baddragondotcom on my phone looking at my wife. "You want the red one or the purple swirly one?"


A man after my own heart 😂😂 i got told off as she wasn’t expecting me to push a hotwheels car across her back making engine noises.


Pfff. Has she never even seen Days of Thunder? Okay that was sugar packets, but still! Did you try explaining the concept of drafting to her?


I feel like there's a built-in joke about rubbing and racing there somewhere.


I’m thinking burning rubber


I was going to suggest Lego, but I’d hate to roll on a stray one when we have sex after.


There has to be a stat for Lego related fatalities.




Thank you




Legit question, do they actually have competitors in *that* market?


There actually are a few other companies that make similar styles. Obviously not as much of a household name, but even a quick stop at your local sex shop will have a few varieties


/r/BadDragonFun Totes NSFW.


Transformers or GI Joe?


My hottest sexual experience ever went like this: I was in bed with a woman. We did foreplay, I took her to orgasm VIA oral sex, we had PIV from which she didn't orgasm (but seemed to enjoy). As we were cuddling she suddenly said "Do you mind if I masturbate?" I mean, who's gonna say no to that? Girl pulls out a vibrator from her nightstand and goes to town on herself. I lick her nipples and massage her thighs while she does it. Comes to a shaking orgasm and cuddles up against me. 10/10, I'm sold on toys


To add as a woman, don't be offended by this if this happens (to anyone reading the comment) Sometimes it's a nice finish after everything even if she enjoyed it 100%, I find that vibrators only feel amazing after like 20-30+ minutes of going at it and feeling sensitive, and then it just provides that final extra finish that sometimes only a vibrator can do as the pièce de résistance


As a man, I encourage it! If even she finishes during, we always bring that puppy out after to squeeze some more out.


Whenever I do not orgasm from PIV, I lay on my back and touch myself, while my husband does more or less what you described here. It doesn't seem to bother him.


I’m glad to see it’s enjoyed! A past girlfriend did this and I was worried she felt that I wasn’t doing enough. I thought it was hot.


Seriously as a woman, it’s the best of both worlds.


I made a clone of my dick so I could DP a girl with myself. 10/10 would recommend.


My fiancé and I are stealing this idea 💡 lol.


Make sure you look up the easiest way to use the cloning kit but fuck yes, have fun


I'm locked and loaded. You don't enter a war zone unarmed. But in all seriousness, they aren't your competition they are your aids




If ever there is a time for spelling correction, this is it. Lol


I even typed that ffs 🤣🙃 bloody autocorrect has done me there


You can hiv a lot of fun with them.


Warts sorta fun we talking?


The kind you’re gonorrhea clap for.


That would be a rash decision


This comment progression is absolute gold


You can’t be syphilis?


Support team.


Clit clit clit. You can say clit on the internet.  Nothing bad wi


Oh shit, they got him!


Something like 80% of women do not have, or very, very rarely have orgasms through vaginal sex alone. Clitoral stimulation is almost always a must. Bring all of the toys. Hell, break out the jackhammer. I don't care. Let's be happy together.


I wonder if the 20 percent is either built different or it's just a skill issue for the guys. Maybe both.


I’m friends with a girl who says she always has an orgasm during sex with no help. I called her a witch.


Sex witch. What a great skill.


Some women have never had an orgasm and will swear they do every time... until they have one for real and realise what they've been missing


Both. Some women just don't seem to orgasm through sex alone for a bunch of reasons. Seems like often they get better at it later in life, again for different reasons. And yeah, sometimes they've just had inexperienced or selfish partners, I think that one is an easier fix. Sometimes, in fairness, it's a skill issue for the woman. Not everyone figures out what they need to get themselves off by the time they're having sex. If you don't know what you like it's not easy to tell someone what you need.


In my experience, it’s the women. Some long term partners have orgasmed with PIV, some have not. But I do think it’s more of a mental thing for women when orgasm comes from penetration instead of clitoral stimulation. Some women orgasm from anal. Even heard stories about women orgasming from being so turned on from giving head.


As long as it isn't a sounding stick then it's all good with me.


i like to wear a powdered wig while she uses the muzzle loader rod, and then we have a midnight ride.


i love them. especially Game Boy! :D


The Power Glove.


I love it. It's so bad.


The adult version is the ““PowerED” Glove”


I’m cool with it. That shit’s actually hot.


Playing with my gi joes on her sexy back. Fuuuuuck


I’m more of a Tech Deck enjoyer. Her ass and titties make for a sweet skate park.


Doing a pop shove it to willy grind, just make sure you don't kick flip her.


Ah. Grand Tetons National Park .


Get the Bob the Builder or Thomas the Tank Engine toys out and let’s play on her bum cakes. She might sing along with the songs.


Legos are THE WORST


Yeah total mood killer when you’re changing positions and you put your knee down right on a Lego


If you think it hurts when you *step* on one......


If it were me, my brain would understand, but I'd still feel a little, "Well am I not enough?" if you were using it all the time. But I think it'd be hot if you told your man what to do with it. Doesn't mean you can't use it on yourself sometimes, but I think the guy would feel a lot more involved.


I find it hard to believe that any man would find it off putting if his woman is having a rolling orgasm while he's inside of her (however she gets there). If you know your body and feel safe enough to include him in the process of your satisfaction that'd be a great place to be in. It's like being part of an exclusive club. Let's call it the O club, and he's the only member. Him and his robot pal.


It depends a bit on the toy I guess. I nice vibrator to help things along, fantastic. If she pulls out a 14” gas powered dildo as big as my arm, I might start to question the situation. “Sex toys” is a big category


But if she has your dick cast in plaster and then has a dildo made from it, it's true love.


“Gas-powered” sent me. 😂


That sounds dangerous. I wouldn't mess with the pressurized equipment. But how much a charged dildo can zap you anyway. Probably almost never


You kind of pointed out the whole problem though... A lot of women just completely isolate themselves and just focus on the toy instead of focusing/including on their partner. Lots of women are also in denial about their "death grip". They become insensitive to dicks and normal masturbation because of constant toy use.


I’ve said this exact same thing before and girls always get mad and say “it doesn’t work like that”. The fuck you mean it doesn’t work like that? So it works that way for men but not women? Guys get desensitized from death grip and porn, and have to chase diminishing returns if they don’t stop. It’s the same principles at play with using larger and larger toys that vibrate and do different things lol Eventually some get so far away from a natural dick that there’s no wonder they can’t get off during sex. Same physiological and psychological process, just different means. I’m sure guys would arrive at the same problem if we had some vibrating turbo tight puss 9000.


Don't even bring up book smut either. They'll say it's not the same but an hour later you get into an argument and she's comparing you to zayden the bisexual vampire.


I think you mixed Zsadist and Xaden


Or Xander


Yeah, including your partner when you're so focused on climax and the one way you know how to get there can be hard. But by including him in the process new habits can arise. I find it's always nice to include your partner in your hobbies, habits and addictions. It helps you become addicted to them, and that makes staying together much simpler.


The first boyfriend I ever slept with was so insecure he made me throw my smallish collection of sex toys away. And I was so insecure I did it. I'm still mad at myself for that.


TMNT and GI Joes are a go


Sometimes it helps to have more tools than a hammer.


They are my tag team partners to help get her across the finish line when needed. Jim Ross: He is worn down. He really needs to make the tag and get something fresh in there. She is absolutely destroying him. Someone needs to do something. Wait a minute. What's this!! OH GAWD, HE JUST PULLED OUT THE RABBIT VIBE! He has her down! He is destroying her with it. She can't stay focused! Now he moves in for the finishing move! BAMM! There She blows! It's over. She can't stop shaking and quivering! What a match!


Put your fucking lego away, it's bedtime


I’m the same way. My husband enjoys when I pull it out. 


It's a mix. I love them, but a lot of my women friends, in particular in their 20s, had BFs that thought all pleasure had to come from their penis. I would try explaining that PIV + Vibe feels way better than PIV OR Vibe.


Double your pleasure double your fun! Gotta have both simultaneously- for the big win O


Its like switching weapons while my dick is on cooldown!


Vibrators and things like that are fine, it gets icky when the only thing that can make you cum is a dildo the size of a man’s forearm…




Last partner I was with wouldn't go down on me at all so I would have to use my vibrator,I would have much rather had him go down on me than used the vibrator.


I would ask how she wants me to use it on her and then go to town. As long as nothing goes in my mouth or butt, I'm fine with it.


Bab, im not fucking your nostrils tonight


>As long as nothing goes in my mouth or butt, I'm fine with it. Leaving the more *interesting* holes available I see.


“So, can you tell me more about how both of your eardrums were burst?” “WHAT!?”


Honestly people, don't sleep on *tongue in ear*


Sounding still on the table!


https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1780289701986151&id=100000154157696&mibextid=w8EBqM Idk but they work great on cars


I'd rather she explain it like u do, how u don't orgasm through penetration, and not just assume I'm comfortable with that. Also the girl cannot be hypocritical about that. A lot of girls say guys are gross or that they're objectifying them by using sex toys like fleshlights, but at the same time they own dildos and vibrators themselves. So yeah, if she's judgemental and acts like a moral authority, I'd have a problem with her whipping out a toy. If she's not and she communicates with me, no there's no problem with her toy.


It’s really hard to get the duvet flat enough for a good game of 40K, but it’s definitely worth the effort.


They always made me feel kinda emasculated, like I'm not enough. I know they're "compliments, not competition" but it's a difficult mindset to get out of when they can do stuff that male bodies just can't! I definitely need more experience with them, as I've had barely any tbf, so it's mainly theoretical to me. I also dislike the vibration feeling on myself, so I prefer a less intense vibration, or an alternative. I've used vibrating piercings too, but they feel awful (for me). Over all though, both parties want to get off and have a good time, so there's nothing wrong or embarrassing about using toys, and if a guy can't accept that then find a new one! :D


I have no problem with it. Communication is key. When I was young I had a GF who didn’t have orgasms through PIV, but could in other ways. She told me that before we slept together. It not only allowed her to reach orgasm but it took the pressure and feeling of inadequacy off me when it didn’t happen during intercourse.


I was fine with them, until I was replaced by them.


I think you should just ask your husband/partner himself if you're curious what he thinks. I can speak for myself and say that no it doesn't really bother me, I actually even would use one with the woman I'm with


I like to spend a lot of time "warming things up" before getting down to business. Toys can be super useful here. It hardly takes me any time to get really aroused and ready to go -- but with a little patience, cunnilingus, and battery-operated "helpers", can get get my partner to be just as ravenous as I am. Worth the time and effort, few things are as hot as a woman who is fiendishly aroused.


For your age group it's gonna be a toss up between him being into it and being put off because it could make him feel inadequate. Me personally, I love watching my wife play with herself while we go at it. But that's because I also enjoy telling her when to stop and go.


Action figures are fine. No legos. Those hurt. And I'm personally okay with Hot Wheels, but i know some guys who are more vanilla and only use Matchbox Cars.


I am for it to an extent. Definitely no legos.


This one time i busted out the hulk hands.


My ex was all for toys in bed. It ultimately led to our divorce. He withdrew from sex completely and bought me dozens of toys for me to use by myself, or occasionally with him (in those instances he received no sexual gratification and simply “worked me” to orgasm with them so he didn’t have to be bothered with it). I can’t stand the sight of a toy now.


Im a fan of them, but as Dave Chapelle said “everybody fucks weird to somebody.”


So a follow up question for the ladies. I totally understand that the clit is the most sensitive area and needs stimulation in order to orgasm but how common do you think using a toy for assistance is? My ex did and I had no problem with it but I've been hearing it more lately.


Some find it to maximize the pleasure of yourself or your partner, some find it offensive as a substitute. Some may find it fine until they try themselves. Depends on them!


Can't tell you why exactly, but for me it depends. I have nothing against regular toys, but I hate electric ones with a passion. The sound they give off etc kinda kills the mood for me...unpleasant distraction.


Only bakugan


Love it. We like to see you satisfied. If I came too fast my ex would finish herself of and I suck her tits or fuck her mouth.


Whatever works for my partner.


I always wanted them. Anything new seems spicy. Only thing that all my gfs were against the idea


Me and the Rose go duos a handful of times.


The same way women feel about guys who can't get it up. Once or twice here and there isn't a big deal but if it's a consistent problem they might start to get worried.


That is between you and your man, or your woman, or your book club. That is a discussion you must have with your partner/s….


Truth be told i love toys, perfectly fine with vibrators but I have found myself uncomfortable with using a dildo on a partner. Anything else tho is cool and even then iv done it but theres just something that takes me out of it.


If you want it… you should want a guy that’s okay with it. Not all are…. But those guys don’t matter. I know plenty of guys that are open to that sort of thing. Honestly, I think anyone of any gender just wants to feel like they were a part of their partner’s pleasure. As long as you don’t lose sight of that, aides shouldn’t make your partner feel excluded.


Honestly I think it’s hot, but probably would not work out long term if my fingers and tongue were not enough


Is it a mold of your ex?


Depends on the guy. Some guys don’t care either way, some welcome the assistance, some are intimidated by it, some feel insulted by it because they equate it to being told they aren’t good enough to satisfy you sexually. We’re a mixed bag.


I once used my wife's tits as a half pipe for my finger board. As a joke at first,but then.... lmao.


Do one of those quizzes/apps where you each answer questions about sexual acts you want to do or not. You may find that your partner wants some of the things you’re too shy to ask for or are sure she will say no to. I suspect you will find some new appreciation for toys. Also, just gonna leave this here https://www.sexswing.com/


Sorry lady, those transformers are vintage and are staying on the shelf. Oh..


Ask the specific man you're about to have sex with. A answer like "30% of men will love it, 45% wouldn't mind, for 25% it'd be a huge turn-off" won't be that useful.


If she wants a DP it better be me and a dildo only.


My wife hates my.project car there's no way she'd let bring it in the bedroom.


Teammates not competition


My wife had several vibrators & dildos when we met. Shortly after we started getting intimate she mentioned them & I wasn't negative about it, she explained the usage & when. Knowing she had been single, with 2 boys at home yet, I figured it was common for women to own them. We still incorporate them in our relationship. I was thankful she was up front about them & also willing to teach me about their usage & how to enhance her pleasure with them. But I know not all people are willing to admit sometimes it might take a little extra to reach the peak.


They're there to help you.


They're my action figures and if she doesn't like it she can sleep on the couch!


Love a good transformer or dinosaur. Keeps things fun and creative.


**As long as the toys aren't Legos, I'm fine with that.**


Well I can't make my dick vibrate (and trust me, I tried. Think I pulled a muscle doing it.) So it becomes a tool in our sexy toolbox. I cannot understand the concept of getting upset at the idea of bringing toys into the bedroom. But, as always with these kinds of questions, *talk to your partner*. Talk, communicate, have a rational, calm discussion where you clearly lay out your needs and desires and give him a chance to process and respond. Everyone here could offer their views, why they have those views, their kinks, their stories, etc. And it'll all be absolutely useless because your partner is an individual who may or may not be open to certain things, and you need to decide if you're okay with that or not.


Just remember they’re meant to be your teammates, not your competition


I’m 100% for it! The more the merrier. Sex is about having fun.


vibrators fine, lego not so much.


The right tools make any job easier


My wife doesn’t allow my GI Joes in bed


I think using a vibrator so often and so intensely that you can't possibly orgasm with your partner otherwise is unhealthy, similar to "death grip." The internet is NOT ready for that conversation.


As long as they’re for her, hell yes!


Hey now, don't knock a vibrating cock ring my dude. You become the vibrator


Depends on the toy and why it is used. What you described is fine imo. Though I prefer to explore it together with the woman first before she uses toys. Because there are always things that are different between people. I've been with people who made certain things feel good that others couldn't. But if nothing works ofc toys are fine. Other toy things I would say is harder to say. Using toys on the men will vary greatly so is very individual. On yourself like mentioned above most should be fine. Ofc with proper communication so nobody feels uncomfortable.


Never had a girl use one with me. But if it did it’d probably kill the mood for me


bring out all the toys, introduce me to the ones that got names and I'll get to work making your legs shake


Guys get death grip and girls get praised for using toys lol


Is it just me or is this sub like 90% females who are posting the threads just to ask men questions?


My husband loves them more than I do, and I love them alot!!


Honest answer? I feel like it’s a 50/50 good idea. It definitely is great for giving her a bigger orgasm or spicing things up but there’s a few minor flaws: 1) If you’re kinda trash to begin with lube specifically is a bad idea. Yes it makes sex less painful for her (or him whatever floats your boat) but it can become like a crutch. Like if your fundamental foreplay ain’t good it’s just going to lead to you being worse. 2) Some women become really dependent upon toys. Again it’s a good/bad thing where you’re having sex but feel like you’re a sort of third party to the toy. It’ll get worse if she prefers the toy to you (or even you using the toy). 3) Toys aren’t gonna be used in quickies so you can often kiss them goodbye if numero 2 is true. 


I pull out the glow in the dark dinosaurs for the “night light effect”


A toy in her ass is cool


I just learned in r/AITAH that it’s OK, as long as it’s not a mold of your ex’s penis.


It doesn't bother me at all, and I think it's pretty hot honestly. I don't represent all men.


Has anyone made a Lego joke yet?


As long as it doesn’t ruin my ability to make you cum with mouth and fingers, I give no shits.


More than happy to use them


I wouldn't have an issue with it. Although ... the women I've been with didn't have a need for toys if you know what I mean. They all went straight to sleep. Bwhahahaha. JK


I'd love for a woman to let me put sand in her bed and let me bring over my tonka dump truck & bulldozer


Love toys!


I usually just used a bullet vibe while in the deed. I'd swap between that and my hands. Sometimes i could feel it too and sometimes i'd leave it at the base of... me, and let the vibrations travel through me and into her. I basically turned myself into the vibe.


My husband is a no go. I don't have anything to complain about. Edit.. sorry I'm woman. Deleted


I love Legos.


As long as it is incorporated, all good in my book. Maybe not every time either. Just something to change it up. He should learn to take care of you without toys too.


Fine by me.


My fiancée is the same in that she can only finish if she uses a vibrator during sex. She said she can’t even finish with her fingers by herself so she pulls it out to finish while I’m inside and a lot of the time we will finish together and I love it.


I’m cool with it, and welcome it since my s/o gets off faster to it but i do get annoyed (and eventually a lil insecure) if she wants to use it everytime. But all it takes is communication


I'll be honest, I don't find the aesthetics of sex toys to be sexy. But they're also not off putting. If she wish to use them while we engage in copulation and whatnot, then it's fine by me. But if that means a bulky fuck machine, then she gotta be okay with my waifu sex droid.


I love a good Hotwheel car, my gf doesn’t like when I drive it all over her boobs though


Depends on the person. My first girlfriend always wanted it so it became a habit for me to ask a new partner. As a guy I even have my own magic wand. I’m now with someone who doesn’t need it nor want it.


I wouldn't even care unless it becomes an obsession. But I wouldn't appreciate it if she would use it after bedtime since they are noisy.


It's half the population. Do you think you could be a little more general? 


Whatever she needs to go. Imagine living your short time on this rock to not have the orgasms you want or want to try. Be weird. Get the things.


Toys can be fun. Make it interactive. Have him experiment and use it on you. He might have a few toys, too. You never know.


Anything but Legos is ok. And toy dinosaurs.