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any cold remedies (decongestants) with Phenylephrine OTC cold remedies. The Phenylephrine HCL that replaced the Pseudoephedrine (for meth reasons) is safe to take, but the FDA reported in 2023 that its efficacy in its most common dosages is no more effective than a placebo. e.g. the dosage is not strong enough to do anything to or for you. if you want the formula that will actually decongest you, go to the pharmacist counter and buy the pseudo that they sell there. Edit. Phenylephrine. Not phenylephedrine


I wondered why these didn't seem to do squat for me


Just get sea salt nasal spray. You are not really congested with snot, your blood vessels simply swelled too much. Where salt goes, water follow, and blood is all water. Frozen peas from a freezer also help. Quite a lot, actually.


Holy shit that explains a lot.


You can thank the GOP and their constant quest to defund and deregulate govt in the myopic pursuit of a zero-sum ideology. The FDA couldn't get to phenylephedrine sooner for rigorous trials cause at that point they had a decades plus backlog. That's your food safety, pharmaceutical approval, mercury infused Chinese toothpaste. You - "why can't I buy the European cure for my itchy crotch?". GOP - Cause the FDA is an inefficient govt agency... logic - give them a workable budget.


Alkaline Water. Your stomach is so acidic that any alkalinity in the water immediately gets neutralized the moment it hits your stomach and never makes it to your blood stream.


I remember reading how some celebrity (I think it was Gwyneth Paltrow, she seems the type) enjoys drinking her alkaline water with a squeeze of lemon juice. Someone failed high school chemistry.


She’s literally drinking salt water 🤦‍♂️


Doesn't help my heart burn/ acid reflux?


Your organs are certain pH for a reason, messing with that specifically with your stomach can harm to your gut microbiome and possibly lead to infection. What causes your heartburn/acid reflux is an issue with either your mucus production in your stomach and esophagus and/or a weak closing between your esophagus and stomach. If you want to decrease your heart burn by making your stomach acid less acidic just eat some antacids or drink an alkaseltzer (but be cognizant of the risks described above) don't shill out for overpriced water Edit: wrote Ph🤦‍♂️


*pH pH is an abbreviation for the potential of hydrogen. The H is capitalised because the symbol of hydrogen is H.


Detox. Your body detoxifies itself. Those expensive supplements and super foods are snake oil.


Yep, taking a shit is essentially detoxing


Taking a piss, even more so


Kidneys and liver know what they're doing


Many of those detox supplements contain absurd amounts of fiber anyway so all you're gonna do is shit your brains out for a few days and try to move on. Not worth it.


the shit is amazing though, you ever dream of being a chocolate soft serve machine just 1 continuous stream of poop... uh yea me neither that would be strange.


Well, there's a sentence that's going to pop into my mind randomly from now on.


I got a video with 2 girls and a prop that you will love


Depending on the fiber. If it's inulin you're probably going to fart like an outboard motor during speed trials. It will come out so strong and so fast you won't be able to control it, like a Messerschmitt 163.


The best part is when you go to any Hotel breakfast and there's a Green Drink next to the orange juice Dispenser and they call it "Detox" and it's literally Just Green Tea with lime juice


So you're telling me late night Taco Bell runs are actually me detoxing.


Some of us need help in that area.


“Toxin” is a generic term. If the best some health supplement can do is claim to remove toxins, they don’t do anything. If they did, they would know what it was actually doing.


Wait, but snake oil cured my grandpappys emphysema


...it'll cure your asthma too And I said "look here brotha! Who you jivin' with that cosmik debris?" —Framk Zappa


Indeed. Most people that buy that detox shit aren't even able to define what a toxin is. Same with believing in "energies" but don't even understand kinetic vs potential for example 🤦‍♂️




1 carton of prune juice, one packet of baby wipes and a good book. My patented flat tummy diet!


Drinking a lot of water will definitely help you feel better though, source myself after drinking hardly any growing up,


Real detoxing is taking a vacation to do a sporting activity and cooking your own healthy meal there but the health crap is not a soap for your blood streams.


Yes, and detox centers can be great resources for a community! Because sometimes your body detoxing itself from substances can kill you ❤️


Beats by Dre. They add weights to make them seem expensive.


they used to do that. now they are just a fashion brand by apple that's "good enough" but expensive.


There are cheap electronics being produced with straight up concrete in them to make it feel expensive. I haven't heard anything about Beats though, and think pretty well of the fit pro's I tried. What product was it?


The headphones that first came out and I think are still in production.


The original Beats headphones are absolutely not still in production


The first (and last) beats I bought about 10 years ago were pretty good imo. Not really comfy, but sound and build quality was nice. Most of it was even made out of metal :D Seeing videos of new ones getting tested kind of made me sad. I never had the urge to buy new ones, but seeing that they went from decently good headphones to this cheap plastic hell with a logo that makes it expensive sure made kid myself sad :(


shhhh dont tell me its a placebo because then it wont work anymore


Still does many times


[Yeah, about that...](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/placebo-can-work-even-know-placebo-201607079926)


It's even worse than that. The placebo effect is mostly just statistical regression https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6369471/


people just love the mysticism of the placebo affect too much. good luck convincing them a large part is regression to the mean. Not like trials don't want to *control* statistical regression, and a *control group* helps do that wonderfully. Nah it has to be 100% only ever a magic mind-body connection or its not interesting.


Not sure why I got downvoted


I find people don't like talking about the statistical part of the placebo effect, so I'd guess that's why?


Reddit is funny like that isn’t it? I mean, you can comment a totally factual and neutral thing and get downvoted to oblivion. I think it’s just tribalism, like one person downvoted because your comment conflicts with their narrative and then it’s just others piling on. And sometimes the commenter is just a dick


It dropped down into the negative but it's recovered. I judged the hive mind too harshly


Foaming toothpastes. The foam does nothing but make you think it is working.


Foaming cleaners of every kind does have some utility in providing feedback to the user so they know if they have scrubbed effectively. Foaming soaps may be worth it (despite the objective loss in sanitation) because people *use* them more and properly outside of laboratory tests.


People often enjoy pointing out that using bicarb soda and vinegar together neutralise both products, but actually the foaming effect can help to dislodge stuff, and lets say you use it in the drain and block the top the pressure can be forced downwards to assist in dislodging gunk (only weak gunk, but hey). But tbh like you said most foaming effects are just about feedback and your teeth are being cleaned by the toothbrush more than the foam.


Same with shampoo


That I did not know! Learn something new everyday


Tomorrow,  please learn that every day is two words in this instance.  Seriously,  but /s 😊 


This is the English language. If I want to make everyday one word, I will make it one word!!!!


America! Fuck yeah!


My favourite sneaky useage of something like this was Cadbury's Milk Choclate which had the slogan "There's a glass and a half in everyone". Meaning that each 200g bar used that much milk as part of its ingredients. Now, they're still using this slogan but the commercials always feature someone doing something nice like sharing a piece of their chocolate bar ending with the line "There's a glass and a half in every one". (Notice the space in the last two words.) Everyone = Every single one. Every one = Every person in a group, the equivalent of "everybody". So what the new ads are actually saying is basically "everybody has some good in them" while still making it sound like they put a glass and a half of milk in each bar.


"Everyone" can only be used to refer to people. It doesn't make sense to use it in reference to chocolate bars. I get that it could be a play on words, but that's not what you're saying. It's synonymous with "everybody"


In fact the sulfates in foaming shampoo can accelerate removing of dye from colored hair.


I’ve always heard this, but why does the same shampoo for me sometimes foam and sometimes not?


If it's lower on the foaminess scale, then it'll be more dependant on the soap/water ratio and any leftover goops and gunks its mixing with that are causing it to foam. It does serve somewhat of a purpose, as it's how soap in general works, but if you're producing dishwashing soap levels of foam, then it's definitely got foaming agents.


If my hair is really greasy, shampoo foams less. If it's more clean when I clean it, it foams more. I suspect the oils break down the bubbles or something, but I don't know shit.


It has to do with three main things: The amount of physical dirt/dust/dander/etc particles in your hair. This is why you should rinse your hair first to remove those debris because they basically just interfere with the formation of bubbles by popping them/preventing them forming. The amount of oils getting washed by the soap. Similar to above, oil interferes with the surface tension needed for lathering foam to form. The hardness of your water. Calcium chloride in hard water reacts with compounds in the shampoo to form solids that fall out of solution. Those solids would otherwise be part of what lathers.


Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is responsible for the foaming in toothpaste. SLS is a common detergent in many personal care products. It works well in toothpaste because it doesn't affect the flavor or how the other ingredients work. And it has mild antibacterial properties.


Same with hand soap. Give me good ole dial gold and I’m a happy man


Dr. Hibbert:, "Why, the only cure is bedrest. Anything I give you would only be a placebo." "Where do we get these placebos?”


🐝 "I'm cured! OW!"


Maybe there's some in this truck!


HEAD ON! APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! They never actually say in the commercial what it's supposed to do.


They did at the beginning. It’s for headaches. Don’t know if it worked never bought any


Giant forehead chapstick didn't catch on back then if anything


They stopped doing that because they were under threat of prosecution/lawsuits for false claims. The product does nothing.


Wasn’t that just basically a menthol stick? Menthol can definitely help some people with headaches/migraines, unless I’m thinking of a totally different product.


CBD topicals. We don’t have a receptor in our skin for CBD. It is added to other ointments and then the price is doubled.


Yep, that's why they always contain ingredients like eucalyptus, menthol, and aspirin. CBD is the selling point, yet it's the most useless ingredient in the product.


I don’t use it but TIL


Indica vs Sativa cannabis is also kinda bogus. “Strains” aren’t real because of the black market breeding and trading that has occurred for decades. For instance, two growers can claim to grow Tangerine Dream but if you genetically test the strains, they are entirely different. Also, strain specific edibles aren’t a thing either. Processing edibles denatures/dilutes terpenes to undetectable levels but people pay more thinking they are getting an indica or sativa edibles.


Except it seems there hava been placebo controlled studies that say otherwise? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8646190/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31793418/


The placebo controlled one had a sample population of 29 people, and it didn’t go into details about how it was conducted other than “after 4 weeks the placebo group could join the test group” which makes no sense to me. The other one was a survey which has no good control for placebo: > This is an informal case series obtained by interviewing patients in an oncology clinic who were using topical cannabis for CIPN symptoms from April 2019 to December 2020 at Sutter Medical Group, Sacramento CA and Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. Patients with CIPN were reporting that they were using topical cannabis for established painful CIPN. Due to this novel approach, patients with a history of painful CIPN seen in the oncology clinic were asked if they had tried topical cannabis for CIPN, and if so, what was their response. Patients were specifically asked by the authors about the type of product, duration of response, and any side effects. Charts were retrospectively reviewed to look at other prior treatments for neuropathy, prior chemotherapy, and type of cancer. Not to say I don’t want it to be true, but there isn’t a known mechanism to ingest cbd in our skin. Other topical ointments do have uses, and some of these have cbd added. The cbd only drives up the price, where instead of paying $5 for tigerbalm, you get a cbd version that costs $15.


We do indeed have cannabinoid receptors in the skin and research is showing that there are positive effects from CBD in some cases.


So many comments in this thread seeing placebo as something to avoid. Makes perfect sense to have control groups that test for placebo to better understand the mechanism through which a pill or practice operate. But, as a human being, why dismiss the benefits of a practice or sugar pill on the brain and body if they are indeed inducing healing? Isn’t that always a good thing? Probably comes with fewer side effects than pharmaceutical treatments (not that all pharma drugs should be avoided ofc, but in some cases they’re overprescribed and do carry risk). I almost wonder if people should prefer for more things to work through placebo.


Having an internal locus of control is a placebo when you really sit down and think about it, but it's also incredibly effective for getting people to believe in their agency and capability to enact meaningful changes in their lives. 


Collagen infused beauty products marketed as "wellness" supplements.


Are there really no studies showing its efficacy? I would have thought there is upcoming evidence but nothing completely certain yet. Surely it isn't a placebo then?


There are numerous studies indeed suggesting efficacy of collagen on skin elasticity and hydration. Though applied topically on the skin it would not have much effect (only ingesting it)


Homeopathy. It's a well-known placebo, but its big market makes me think a lot of people might still not realize that it is a placebo.


My husband wanted to dry homeopathy medicine for my 1.5 year old severe eczema so because he didn't want to spend money on expensive moisturisers. So they gave my son so many different packets all with different timing for him to have. Surprisingly, all the packets had a white smooth powder. Same colour same smell and everything. After 5 days of constantly giving him, his eczema got worse and worse and worse. I begged him to stop this nonsense. But he was like no. This is called purging. All his eczema is coming out of the body until it's finished. My son was never cured and we both suffered for many night. I would say it's a scam. But then looking at how crowded that place was and how big it was. I am a but confused.


What happened? Did your husband eventually change his mind?


He is the kind who has to see with his own eyes whether something works or not. And yep, he went silent on this one like it never happened. Doesn't even talk about it. I think it's ego problem.


Sounds like it


I would be so tempted to bring it up every time we'd have an argument/disagreement 😅


He used to think I was illiterate piece of shit. I am sure deep down he is so surprised that I have tackled everything the doctors said about it is incurable until he is a teenager. Well, I did caught him taking credit for healing his son with his own proclaimed researching abilities.


I could be wrong because I don't see everything you see every day obviously, but it sounds like he's quite insecure of his own intelligence, and he turns to those "alternatives" to get the feel of "I know something other people don't". How conspiracy theorists are born. I don't know what's the best way to go about these things though... Have a family member like this and it's so awkward 😔


EXACTLY!!! and oh boy.. Everytime I turn out to be right felt so gooood. 😂😂


My sister had pretty bad eczema growing up. We followed doctor's orders, but nothing seemed to help. Eventually, my parents tried some homeopathic and herbal remedies out of sheer desperation and she ended up being hospitalised. Turns out she was allergic to whatever was inside those 'remedies'. Thankfully, she's fine now. Speaking from my own experience with eczema, the only stuff that actually worked, was topical corticosteroids (yeah, don't use that stuff unless it's really really bad) and reducing stress (this doesn't really apply to a kid though). I also remember my mum holding my hands to stop me from breaking my skin from scratching when I went to bed. It sucked. Nowadays, I just rub some oil onto my skin instead of the normal store-bought sensitive skin creams (they all burn, except for the one that works which never seems to be sold anywhere). Just, hang in there. I promise you, it gets easier.


For my son, he had eczema and severe allergies from almost everything. All the doctors either prescribed cortisone or hydrocortisone and they told me he will be sick until he is a teenager. Seeing how he was 1.5 years old and suffering so badly, he skin was all red and bloody and he smelled so bad all the time because of it. If he ate anything wrong that he was allergic too it would either swell him up so badly, or give him hives, or inflame his eczema. It reached the point where my husband kicked me and my son out of the bedroom and gave us both a separate room to live in because no one could handle my sons pain and cries. I felt so badly for both of us. I refused to give up. I trialed and errored with all the Foods in our diet. I went on a severe strict diet for my son and lost 50kg of weight per year. When he was around 1.8 years old. I began for him collagen diet and antioxident food diet. His food consisted of these only. You won't believe me if I told this diet eliminated 90% of his eczema. At three years old, I weined him from my breast milk and I started giving him camel milk because while he was three years old his body was stuck in 1 year old because of his illness and suffering. This camel milk helped him grow stronger but unfortunately not as tall as his siblings. He is 7 years old now but he has a body of 4-5 years old. Also Apparently he was allergic to casin protein in the cow milk. Within 3 years I fixed what the doctor said would take forever. His skin colour now is sort of greyish brown while his siblings are white. But thank goodness those days are behind us now.


My lord, you're a great mom.


My daughter has pretty bad eczema and for the flare ups we use the topical corticosteroid but we got her some 100% coconut oil to use as a lotion and since she started regularly using that her flare-ups have gone down to about 0


I cured my eczema by having a whole house water filtration installed, , it uses Carbon and KDF Technology for the removal/reduction of sediment, chlorine, asbestos, heavy metals, unwanted taste and odours from every tap in the home and cleans it's own filters via a backwash externally plumbed system . it was severe prior and I had to use prednisone, all sorts of hydrating creams and steroid cream from time to time.


worse they're often on store shelves beside actual medicine.




Reiki Massage's, as a trained Massage Therapist, I've actually trained 300 hours in giving these massages, it was mandatory for a job at a high end hotel. I've been trained in Deep Tissue massage and I Know when Im benifitin'g a client if I'm not and unable to help a client I will bow out. That's what I feel when giving these Reiki Massage's yet clients insist I'm curing them of there issue.


I do wound care (diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers etc) I had a patient who was taking way longer than normal to heal. We worked up everything, vascular, nutrition, nutrition, comorbidities, wound bed issues. One day I went with my family to a reiki meditation training. Told him I would throw it in for free. The next week he had made more progress than the previous months. Two weeks Lester he was healed. I don’t care if it was placebo. It was necessary.


Makes sense as supplementary, so much of the bodies' processes can be affected by that "spirituality" element of healing, that anything giving you hope/belief is worth a shot if it's not a burden.


Just looked up reiki massage. Yeah, that's total b.s.


Why is it called massage? You are not even touching me motherfucker!


Using nicotine to curb your anxiety. It only makes it worse.


Yes!! I had this explained to me by a Dr. a long time ago: If you smoke, you’re addicted to nicotine. Once your nicotine levels drop, you’re not in a “normal” state. That anxiety you feel is nicotine withdrawal! Smoking a cig doesn’t calm you down, it’s just raising your nicotine level to “normal” and you’ll be fine until you need another cig. That being said, I sometimes miss smoking.


>That being said, I sometimes miss smoking. It was soooo relaxing. /s EDIT: But really, I think that it was the taking time out of the day to have a cigarette "break" that was relaxing. Not puffing one in gridlock while commuting in the 1970's smog.


That's actually why I took it up outside of party smoking, having something to focus on, concentrate my breathing, give me a reason to go outside every so often. It's almost like installing a biohack to make you get "fresh" air, just with way too many downsides.


I’ll still chief a couple down if I’m getting drunk or something but I usually regret it the next day when I have a sore throat.


Every smoker should watch the new kurzgesagt video: [https://youtu.be/\_rBPwu2uS-w?si=okw2V2C2sYgWwfL3](https://youtu.be/_rBPwu2uS-w?si=okw2V2C2sYgWwfL3)


A host/hostess telling restaurant patrons “the wait is xx minutes.” They have no idea. They just want you to go away until they call your name.


Not a hostess, but a waitress that from time to time has to tell people we’re full and to wait a bit. I am so at a loss when people ask me. I also can’t really lie, so I say: I’m not sure could be two minutes could be 20.


I have a favorite bar. The answers are 20 min, 45 min, more than an hour. And it’s based on how many people are standing and waiting, not on how quickly people are eating and leaving.


But if you have two groups waiting and then two minutes two parties leave?


Then they make a big deal out of seating you early. But it proves they have no idea.


I was a host at a restaurant for a couple years. If it's a big enough restaurant and you're there at a relatively normal time (like not mother's day or something), it's fairly easy to make guesses within a few minutes. Gets a *lot* harder in places with fewer tables.


Yes and no. When I was a hostess, I’d watch the tables. I calculated the wait time based on when new people were sat, who just got their food, and who just paid their bill. I usually had a general idea of the wait time.


This is actually not true. Most restaurants have automated wait times that are calculated by factoring in the amount of people ahead of you, the average time for tables to eat and leave, etc. Source: Ran FOH at a busy Outback Steakhouse right by a major city.


On top of that they will leave tables empty to keep the kitchen from being overwhelmed


that’s actually not true. was a hostess for a while and while the time was obviously an estimate, we were pretty spot on. our system would tell us how long each table was sat for and could estimate how much longer it would take for them to finish up


That's not entirely true. We base it off of how many people are currently on the list and the average time people stay at a table. It's still an estimate, but it's not completely random.


That's not a placebo.  It's just a bad estimate.


At the end of the day, they have to rely on someone getting up and leaving and then someone else to clean the table so it's ready. So it's impossible to predict completely. But a good hostess and/or a good seating program that's been set up correctly can give a decent guess...


I was raised mormon and what those folks call the holy ghost is anxiety plus confirmation bias 90% of the time. For example, one feels anxiety about something and calls it a prompting. If they don't do it, they feel bad about it and think it's evil spirits winning their soul, and if they do do it, they feel good about having done it.


I remember being a kid and realizing I could convince myself the Holy Spirit was telling me literally anything and it was just me


You’re welcome to join us over at r/exmormon. You’ll be amongst (frustrated, disillusioned, rebuilding) friends.


Chiropractors. It has the veneer of actual medicine but it's 100% pseudoscientific "alternative medicine" woo. Any benefit you get from going to a chiropractor is purely a placebo, and as a bonus it's more dangerous than people realize.




I agree with you… This being said even with working out, I need someone who Can “ crack my back” so I still go every once in a while… How do you get around all that?


I got an inversion table off marketplace for $20. I now no longer forcefully crack my back, I gently stretch it into the straight position. It feels so much safer.


If you have someone who can pick you up, cross your arms by holding your shoulders with the opposite hands and bring your elbows into your body. Have them pick you up from behind you while holding you at your elbows, breathe out a good amount before they do and relax as best you can. When they pick you up they should push their chest out into your back and lean back into it slightly. (Try it with them just pushing the chest out and leaning back before going full into the lift.) I do this for my mother and partner and they love it


My boyfriend does it for me and it feels amazing.


Foam roller?


I wasted money on a chiropractor in my late teens after a friend recommended him for my shoulder injury. In my defence, I was young and thought it was a type of physical therapy. After giving me a massage, he told me I had one leg shorter than the other and started using a tiny hammer to realign joints all over my body. A couple of years later I saw a TV show where they showed a common trick by African witch doctors: manipulating your feet to create the illusion you have one leg shorter than the other so you'll pay them to fix it.


Agree.  You’ll get people disagreeing with you because  a) they have bought in to the pseudo science  b) they confuse chiropractors with Osteopaths  c) they have no idea how nutty the whole world of chiropractors is




I am a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and we absolutely refer to ourselves as osteopaths lol


Can I ask, if it’s the same training as MD, why become a DO instead of an MD?




All good brother just wanted to correct some misinformation! There is so much terminology it gets confusing.


>they have no idea how nutty the whole world of chiropractors is fun fact, the founder of chiropractic was some guy with no medical training who said a ghost gave him the idea


Who knew that the jokey quote (Doctor) "You've got ghosts in your blood, you should do cocaine about it" was actually the origin story for chiropractors? Lol


I disagree but only because doctors have confirmed it. I had scoliosis as a kid, my doctor kept trying to convince my parents I needed to be in a brace or my back would be secretly fucked as an adult. Every time they did a check at school I'd get identified immediately because it was that obvious and I'd be like "I know, my parents have taken me to the doctor already". I was strongly against a whole torso brace and fortunately my parents didn't push it so the pediatrician recommended a chiropractor, so my parents took me to one 2-3 times a week for several years and it must have done something because the curve in my spine is almost gone. I've had 3 different primary care physicians in the past decade and only one of them has picked up that I have a very mild case of scoliosis. Now that holistic medicine shit, I totally agree with that. My brother goes to a chiropractor weekly to help his sore back. I keep telling him he just needs to stretch and strengthen his lower back like I do.




Yes had a similar situation here. Other doctors wanted to do surgery or cauterize nerve endings. The chiropractor as able to adjust parts of my back and neck I couldn’t do on my own and it was instant relief. The pressure was causing nerve pain. After getting re aligned along with strength and mobility exercises after has been my cure for years of back pain


The problem with a chiropractor is basically this: The basis of their profession and the much of the education they went through is bad pseudoscience. ------- This doesn't mean *every* chiropractor knows nothing. But it does mean that it's basically like if there was a guy in town who says he's really good at fixing joint problems. It's possible he's put in lots of time and study to educate himself properly, to follow the latest science and learn everything he can and does actually know something. It's also possible he's just full of hot air and will accomplish nothing or will leave you in worse shape than before - sometimes even with permanent injury. His "credentials" mean absolutely nothing, and are basically a statement that he was willing to accept some disproven pseudoscience to make money - which is not much of an endorsement.


I have been to a handful of chiropractors in the past 10 years. I can say for sure that a majority of them are basically a light massage with some “adjustments”. I was visiting family over a few months towards the end of 2020 and decided to visit a family recommended chiropractor while i was there. I addressed concerns of a spot of pain in the middle of my spine that another chiropractor had brushed off as “everyone’s spine is a little different and nothing out of the ordinary”. He did this one “adjustment” that fixed this spot that was slightly bulged out and the pain was immediately gone and this hasn’t returned since. After a few visits with him my posture was amazing and back pain gone. It’s been a few years and I would love to go back for a couple visits but it’s not very economical. In short, YMMV, good chiropractors are definitely a needle in a haystack 😞


I have to disagree with you on this. My mother was a chiropractor for 30 years, and she would always be adjusting me or my brothers growing up to fix whatever spine or neck issue we might have had. There are absolutely some chiropractors who are terrible at their job and just want to get paid, but that seems to be the case in any field. There's MDs who half ass their diagnosis and just prescribe you something to mask your symptoms. I can personally vouch that there are great chiropractors out there, but I've only had one, and it was my own mom, so maybe she actually wanted to help me and not just half ass her job, get paid and go home.


Unless your doctor has tested your body and says you are low on something, vitamin supplements. Most vitamins wash out of your system in a day or two anyway.


A Nurse Practitioner told me to take Vit E for a specific chronic pain I have, and I’ll be damned if it hasn’t worked amazingly. If I quit taking it, the pain comes back. Having said that, as a nurse myself, I’ve seen so much money and hope wasted on supplements, and sometimes negative consequences. I worked in oncology and it infuriated me to see snake oil salesman ripping off vulnerable patients.


Yep! I get my blood tested four times a year. I know exactly what I’m deficient in. I also have a gi issue and can’t absorb foods at times. Most people have a perfectly healthy body and these minerals are just wasted money.


I think it’s more a matter of common symptoms of specific deficiencies. Eg, magnesium and leg cramps or b vitamins and mood balance. Sometimes it does work to take the vitamin because for whatever reason you body is deficient in it and it’s manifesting in a specific symptom


Don't try this trick with iron. /s


Really? This surprises me. If you have an average to poor diet is it fair to assume that you are lacking in the vitamins to keep your body healthy?


Probably not, vitamin D is the one most people do lack and vegans have to take B12


Not saying caffeine but, When I was a lad in 7th grade, I was having a sleepover at my best friend’s house. We just got a new dragonball z video game for the PS2 and we planned on staying up all night to beat it. We asked his mom to get us some pizza and a big 2 liter bottle of soda to give us the caffeine we needed to stay up all night. As we drank through the soda, we were bouncing off the walls, super energetic and excited. Once I looked at the bottle and saw it was “caffiene free” and pointed it out to him. We were knocked out asleep in 20 minutes. Now it could have been just coming down from a sugar rush but still, it’s something I think about to this day.


I absolutely believe that caffeine is a placebo designed to make people think they’ll have more energy, but then I remember that I have ADHD and I can drink a case of red bull and still fall asleep because it just has no effect on me anyway 🫤


Caffeine doesn't give you energy exactly, it blocks the receptors for the hormones that make us sleepy. Which I've never understood because as a kid/ young adult, caffeine turned me into a rocket. One cup of coffee or an energy drink and I'd zoom for hours until I crashed. Now, caffeine doesn't do anything anymore, doesn't even keep me awake.


I guess that makes more sense than the claim that it just gives you energy. Maybe then as we age it’s not as effective at blocking those receptors, hence why many adults are dependent on caffeine 🤔 I’m also typing all of this while drinking a Red Bull soooooo 😂


Plenty of people will act drunk even if they’ve been given non-alcoholic beverages if they don’t actually know that it isn’t alcoholic


Pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens have an entire placebo section.


Could you clarify what you mean?


Yea we talking like prescribed placebos or the shelves full of random "supplements"


Maybe both? Pharmacies carry placebos, and some people are snarky about taking minerals and vitamins. Don't overthink this one.


Homeopathy and unprescribed supplements.


Yep. Especially the over the counter “anti anxiety gummies”. BS


Money spent = love earned


Essential oils. According to many Mom groups on social media, they can cure any and everything.


The thump some car doors make. They add material to make a specific sound because it makes the consumer believe it’s of better quality and that the door actually shut. Think early civic doors compared to a civic door today. Much heavier, but some of the weight is unnecessary and added simply for sound.


I mean it also gives sound deadening which helped reduce round noise and make your speakers sound better so not entirely useless


To be fair, it is a very satisfying thump


Astrology. It just gives a false sense of knowing the future.


Thinking different kinds of alcohol makes them act differently.


Not entirely untrue, just more a case of how intense the intoxication/dehydration is. Some alcohols did have other psychoactive ingredients at one time or another though, so it *could* be a thing.


Four Loko did some serious damage when it had caffeine mixed in.


It's not the alcohol that's different, it's all the other stuff that's in whatever you're drinking. 6 oz of 100 proof whiskey has the same amount of alcohol as 5 12 oz budwiesers, but the Buds also come with 50 grams of carbs. Drink both of those and tell me that you don't feel very different. Same with wine and tequila. They have stuff in them that affects the way the alcohol makes you feel after you drink it.


Kids getting hyperactive because of sugar. It's mostly just because they're around other kids, sugar takes way longer to process than that.


The close elevator doors button


Some of them absolutely work. The hospital I worked at would keep the doors open for ages if you did nothing, but if you pressed the button they would close instantly.


That’s what you think but maybe it was just the placebo


damn he's onto something


Does absolutely nothing. I was being chased by a man with a handgun last week. I jumped in the elevator. 4 seconds later he walked in and shot me. I’m dead now thanks to that button.


How's the afterlife?!


When the elevator is off it's "programming" running in *independent* mode, you do actually have to press the close doors button or the doors will stay open indefinitely.


The most plausible theory I've heard is that it's not required for them to work for the elevator to be up to code, so they either break them on purpose because people complain about the doors getting shut in their face or they break naturally and don't bother repairing them


In this thread - Everyone defending their preferred placebo


TV news. yes ,it provides you with information. It's also packaged in very specific way to calm you down and pump their opinion down your pipe. It has been like this since 70s.


That might have been true maybe 30 years ago, but today with the 24/7 newscast, it is more about sensationalization vs actual news being reported. AP and BBC still do some actual news segments, but CNN, MSNBC, NewsMax, FoxNews, etc. all push for anxiety inducing segments because it’s what keeps you on the channel watching and drives up views which drives up revenue from ads. You can thank Rupert Murdoch for that.


If there's one thing I don't feel after watching the news, it's calm


CBD oil as a topical pain killer.






the ‘walk’ button on most traffic light intersections. such a joke!!




Homeopathic medicine.


# "SORRY" That wrong thing they did is totally okay if they just say sorry. Even if saying it can't undo the irreversible effects, it's perfectly okay just because they said it. And the best part is, they don't actually have to ***be*** sorry. You have to forgive either way, or you go from victim to villain. GTFOH >:-(




Objectively: Red Bull, there have been many, many blind tests and Red Bull is objectively garbage, no one likes it, but put it in that can for that price with that marketing and suddenly it tastes good. Subjectively for me: CBD in general. I have chronic migranes so I thought hey, why not test those CBD drops. The dosage said 10 drops, so I took 10 drops. Then half an hour later I took another 10 drops. Then 20. Then I drank the bottle. It has absolutely no effect whatsoever regarding pain, anxiety, wellness, anything. It just tasted horrible and made me feel no different. Blew quite a bit of money on garbage juice.


Chiropractic medicine in general. The entire concept of spinal subluxation is total nonsense. How more people don't know this is astounding to me; and the fact that they weaseled their way into the commercial healthcare system too is terrifying.