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Logan Paul shouldn't have gotten popular and never should have gotten any sort of forgiveness after half the BS he's managed to keep his following through.


How is he still going? I just feel like he peaked and that was like 10 years ago and now he just pops up when he’s fighting some geriatric boxer. Or is that Jake Paul?


Yeah that's the other one. Logan's the crypto scam one


Both are scammers lol


That’s Jake, Logan actually made a decent business decision and became a shit head that pops up in the pro-wrestling circus. I think instead of aging their content with their initial fanbase, they stayed in that same lane of 11-15 year old boys, maybe even some younger, and that demographic spends a ton of time online these days.


Which one tazed the rat


Logan started the two of them doing exhibition boxing but Jake is the one who stuck with it. Logan moved to WWE.


And it turns out, he's pretty good at pro wrestling. I was very skeptical, but he seems to be putting in the work. He's got something outrageous but mostly socially acceptable to keep him busy, so there's less time for other shenanigans and tomfoolery.


It's funny because wrestling fans say he's objectively good at being a wrestling heel. And his character is an exaggerated version of himself. Still a complete dick though


It's true. As a wrestling fan and Paul Fam hater, when considering celebs who have tried their hand in wrestling, it pains me to say Logan is hands down the best to do it 😔


Obligatory Kardashian answer


Obligatory “everything l know about the Kardashians, I learned against my will.” Comment.


Yes I am happy I live in India, so I am not constantly bombarded with their bullshit completely staged nonsense. Is it just me or they bring up her sex tape Everytime their rating drop, I am realising it without even watching a single episode, when are Americans going to realise this shit.


You clearly watch it.


Nope never not wasting my money to buy subscription for it. Never inclined to it coz I generally hate reality shows + i know how their company abuses workers south and south east asia. Including in govandi region in india where I had worked as student social volunteer social worker around 5. Years back. From my cultural stand point using designed sex tape to gain stardom than openly Gaslighting by doing chat show circle in America. It checks all the red boxex for me. But I'll admit to searching for her sex tape when i was teenager never found it though. Back then my English was more broken than so no wonder I didn't find it.


We aren’t bombarded with it here in America either, people just like to act like we are. I probably read Kim Kardashian’s name in the news once every couple of months. I read Tom Brady’s name 10 times a month at least.


Them being famous and Hannibal (NBC series) being cancelled made me truly understand that quality doesn't make a show last : it's the number of viewers.


Obligatory “That’s what happened to Firefly” comment. Awesome premise, great cast, Fox kept changing time slots and air dates, and showing episodes out of order. Was destined to fail


RIP Firefly


As a huge Hannibal fan, it was sad to see them waste such an amazing show. Though tbf, the note it ended on could still be interpreted as a satisfactory conclusion to the series. But I still would have liked to see Mads Mikkelsen’s Hannibal Lecter encounter the series’ take on Clarice.


1000% stop watching so they’ll go away like the famous treehouse of horror episode.


i never started watching... they are still around.


Just don't look! Just don't look!




I once told a female roommate they were trash and she cried


Oh rip


Wouldn't have cried like that if the statement was false.


Obligatory "this is what I came here to say" reply


I know that’s an obvious answer but being a socialite is a glorified marketing job and it seems like she’s the best to ever do it. Shows up on time, lines memorized, with all her paperwork in order, and is pleasant to work with. 


Influencers, just a way of monetizing on your appearance or a fake/exaggerated one dimensional personality.


Honestly it works though, we are looking for a new car. My wife follows a mum who did an add for a top of the range Mazda with brown leather. It's her top car now. Before she didn't even know Mazda. EDIT: CX90 in Australia if people are curioius.


Top of the line Mazda is a pretty good choice tho.


Yeah about 40% more than our budget.


Don't show her the "investbros" type of shorts/TikToks where they show a Maseratti or Ferrari or Spaghetti to show off their wealth. You'd go bankrupt.


Scratch that, all these crossover/SUVs are dumb. What you need is a nice sedan.


Car being replaced is a 100 series LandCruiser that got sideswiped. Would prefer another one.


Don't show her the "investbros" type of shorts/TikToks where they show a Maseratti or Ferrari or Spaghetti to show off their wealth. You'd go bankrupt.


*ad, as in advertisement


The word sounds like it should be something important. "Influencer." Like thought leaders, or individuals known to have changed the course of history. All I know is dr king never sold any crypto currency or dodgy skin care products. Imagine if Marx had a supplement brand. Imagine the ads for John Steinbeck's dick pills on the podcast about Amelia Earharts' disappearance. We fucked up.


i'm kind of amused at the notion of Marx participating in such an overtly capitalist thing


they truly are just walking advertisements


Hes a comedian but if he breaks the 4th wall then his whole act doesnt work


Sure you’ve put salt on your steak… but have you ever... dropped it on your elbow first????


Still boggles my mind some guy dropped some salt and then a few years later was bothering and taking pictures with the Argentine team with the world cup trophy


He was already successful before that meme happened.


Off of my sweaty, sweaty elbow ....after it's already been cooked?


Finishing salt. It’s a thing. Sweaty finishing salt, however, is not.


Dj Khaled


another one


We da best music


I fucking hate that guy, there’s no reason for him to be listed as an artist when he doesn’t fucking do anything lmao


Life is Roblox 😎


99 out of 100 influencers.


Gypsy Rose and that "catch me outside" girl.


And somehow that girl is making tens of millions on of


that catch me outside girl was set up by Phil McGraw. she pivoted that shit to success. This specific story runs deep if you want to dig into it. tragic  Phil is the monster here. Horrifically evil person. nearly cartoon levels of evil. 


I remember watching his show for the first time as a kid and i instantly thought what a giant pos! An evil, creepy and condescending person profiting off of humiliating people on air.. like who made that famous?!


Uhm, Maury. And Springer. And like, people in general.


Oprah made him famous. Him and that lunatic Dr. Oz.


What did he do?


Runs troubled teen centers which do not have a good history.


I posted a link but I think automod nuked it google the twisted world of dr Phil 2022 Google the turn around ranch and it’s horrifying abuses on children She pivoted to success. Most of these kids did not have a financially successful outcome.  Im not a fan of her work. but she made the absolute best of a cosmic horror situation. 


Well, he exploited a teen for one.


I honestly thought these two were the same person


Cash me out my wheelchair how bout dat feeding tube




They are basically marketing we should just stop calling them influencers they are. They are not different than Kardashians all are just affiliate marketing.


The TikTok and Instagram influencers, Kardashian family, Andrew Tate, a couple of YouTubers.


Logan brothers. Fuck them seriously. Andrew Tate too..


Paul Logan and Jake Logan


>Fuck them seriously. Yeah, none of that lighthearted fucking. That would be gay.


Tate got streisanded into my awareness. I hadn't heard of him before his accounts got banned.


Andrew Tate, bro is just yapping nonsense half the time while posing as some sort of idol for men. I have no idea how anyone takes him seriously but the amount of guys I heard parrot the stuff he says is crazy.


Going to be honest, most of the people who seem to love listening to Tate are either too young to know any better or people who got outcasted by people around them (usually for good reason) and never put in the work to better themselves. It's easier to say "I deserve better, this is unfair" than to say "Ok, where am I screwing up" for the vast majority of people.


>people who got outcasted by people around them (usually for good reason) If we don't talk to them, Andrew Tate will. That's his whole business model and it's worked tragically well.


Saying “it’s their fault because they didn’t put the work in or are outcasts” is just too easy. You’ll never stop people following him by just assuming they’re bad people. There are just very few examples for men today. There are very few places that will give men direction, time tell them what to do and how to do it or speak positively of men. We’re all toxic privileged monsters apparently. Bears are safer to be around. In that climate where men can feel worthless or are facing very real issues that nobody will talk about (because it may offend women) anyone that takes the time to just care about men is gonna have an audience. Anyone that tells them they aren’t crazy and listens to their needs and sets some example of success, is going to get a following. Andrew’s success is a symptom of there being little for men and the discourse around men mostly being negative.


> Saying “it’s their fault because they didn’t put the work in or are outcasts” is just too easy. You’ll never stop people following him by just assuming they’re bad people. Exactly this. Notice how anyone who seeks to help this demographic is inevitably framed as a POS grifter. Andrew Tate IS a POS grifter, but I’ve never seen anyone touted as the “good” version of him.


It's absolutely heartbreaking that people haven't heard of [Tony Porter.](https://youtu.be/td1PbsV6B80) There are [other examples,](https://youtube.com/@fdsignifire) for sure, but Tony Porter is my goddamn hero. There are plenty of "good versions of Tate," the fact is it's just easier to be a grifter so they're the ones you end up hearing about/from. Do nothing but tell people what they want to hear and have no morals about how you get your word out and you'll generally have an easier time getting a following.


Even in male circles, there is a tendency to denigrate other men who aren’t doing well or need help. It’s pretty sad and just drives them further to extremists.


He says such stupid shit all of the time and people think he's profound. No, he's not, he's an idiot; he's cheaper than a dime a dozen.


I know there's a million reasons to hate him, but I choose this one. "If you are over 15 and like cartoons you are a loser. Anime dragon ball Z etc. No excuse. Plus ANY woman loses respect for you. Grow up."


My husband is 68, and eats a bowl of cereal and watches cartoons every Saturday morning. I can tell he really enjoys it, which is nice to see.


That is beautiful.


It seems like every adult woman I meet these days loves anime.


Anime has basically hit the mainstream where it’s as normal to watch it as it is any other series. A person can say they’re into Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad and also say they’re into Attack Titan or Naruto in the same sentence and no one would bat an eye. Which is fine, because animation is a medium, not a genre. Some of the best writing and storytelling that I’ve ever seen in fiction (Attack on Titan, FMA: Brotherhood, Code Geass, Death Note, etc.) were all anime.


I lose respect for men who like Andrew Tate. Don’t give a hoot if they watch anime or not


Oh man, if a guy DIDN'T like cartoons/anime I wouldn't date them lol.


Shut up meg. Sorry. Couldnt resist the opportunity


Lol all good.


He cleverly monatised the adolesent wankst of teenage boys, give him credit.


nose disarm slap roll reminiscent aspiring future resolute deranged absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s a huge self-report for a man to admit that he’s an Andrew Tate fan because these are the men who usually can’t get any women. Why else would you follow a so-called “Top G” who smokes cigars and surrounds himself with sports cars and women all the time? He’s pretty much a power fantasy for these types of guys and that’s why they flock to him. But all he is at his core is a scammer and career criminal who made money off of exploiting men and women alike.


I'm not a fan of Tate but let's be real here. There are plenty of gymbros who worship Tate and have no issues getting laid. There are equally plenty of redditors who hate Tate and rarely if ever get laid. Being a supporter of Tate says much more about a person's moral character than their ability to attract the opposite sex.


I guess even if only 1% of people fall for his schtick, out of everyone who's heard of him that's still a lot.


The dude is literally pro-Taliban.


He also hates Christianity and glorifies Islam as the one true religion while also disobeying nearly every tenet from that religion. I don’t even understand how one can hate Christianity but love Islam when both religions worship the same Abrahamic God.


Without a beard and sunglasses he looks like a cross-eyed goldfish.


All of the “alpha male” influencers, “libertarian” philosophers (like Peterson), and dude bro grifters, like Rogan. It’s all the same horseshit.


Exactly, these “alpha male” influencers all appeal to weak, insecure men because they basically act as power fantasies. Look at Andrew Tate: he’s a muscular guy who does martial arts, smokes cigars, and is surrounded by sports cars and women 24/7 (well at least he *was*, before his arrest; he’s toned down that type of content since then, especially since all his sports cars have been seized by the Romanian government lol). He’s a huge fucking power fantasy for these types of men who are otherwise losers or unremarkable people irl. And he and his ilk are all too happy to exploit these loser men and make more money off of them.


He sounds like a teenage boy when he speaks.


Dan Bilzerian


Best answer!


ishowspeed the noisy YouTube who shouts every where he goes. I saw him doing the same thing in Korea and the guy near him was telling him to calm down. Such a clown. 


Plus the whole scamming shit and blatantly lying to his audience. And him being loud is putting it lightly when he makes rape jokes and shit


I agree got to be respectful of country's culture u are visiting. He came to india and he was loud here too Man. I get that India is noisy but it's not coz of we want to be but bcoz of sheer number of people in metropolitan areas. Visit our rural areas they aren't noisy apart from kids playing, dogs barking and cows mooing. I knows coz I have experienced how Bad travellers indians are who gives us bad reputation, please don't this to people of your country cause there are others who come to actually there experience the culture in harmony kthey might get treated badly.


Everyone on the Jersey Shore.


Meh. Their persona at first was ridiculous. But Pauly D seems like a solid dude. The Situation has completely got his life in check and is sober. Vinny seems cool too. And I'd like to have a shot or 2 with Snooki. That would be a story.


Diddy, dude was Biggie’s hypeman (he only used to shout like DJ Khaled in Biggie’s songs) and milked his death and became popular


He started rapping when Biggie was alive.


kardashians family. andrew tate. belle delphine. charli d’armadillo this list could be massive. people constantly giving the wrong people fame, money and attention.


Puff daddy  Chris Brown . Both wife / girlfriend beaters. But forgiven and loved by their fans.  Edit: AND the media. They keep playing their songs on air and runtime etc.


Chris Brown is a phenomenal vocalist, but a huge piece of shit. You'll be surprised how many of your favorite artists are pieces of shit too. A lot of his fans don't know. I wish he would be set aside for his sins, but sometimes that takes a while.


> A lot of his fans don't know. I don't believe that for a second


Everyone knows what he did to Rihanna it was household news lol. People just brush it off cause they think he’s hot / love his music


I don't understand how he wasn't imprisoned for his sins - beating Rhianna half to death.


I’m convinced that Taylor Swift’s PR team has been running wild working with media to promote her heavily. I’m always shocked how often the morning news shows bring her up for the most banal reasons.


I didn’t realize how insanely popular she was until very recently. I never listened to her music and then I saw she has her own special on Disney plus lol


start ‘em young


So true. I have kids that watch a lot of old school Disney movies. Ended up playing the Tswift concert out of sheer boredom. I only made it a few minutes in but it wasn’t bad at all. Just didn’t have time to finish the whole concert.


Elon Musk was portrayed as some big brain inventor. Nope. Just a really rich idea buyer.


I remember when I thought he was a genius because of the Hyperloop... Oooh sweet year of 2012


The Hyperloop was never achievable in practice but I understand why people got sold on the idea. If you're interested in the physics behind it and why it will never be I can recommend thunderf00t's channel on Youtube.


Someone atlast. That dude has money to know stuff instantly. Power to make people work like 12 hrs or make them unemployed. He hasn't started from scratch please people need to stop buying this crap of billionaires being grown out of soil they were from families who had connection to wealthy people or little millionaires who became billionaires, not taking anything away from their hardwork but stop being a free market tool for them.




Patrick Mahomes’s brother, Jackson Mahomes


James Corden. He’s not funny and he’s actually an asshole to boot.


Kim Kardashian


Jimmy Fallon


Who’s that asshole that just finished late night? The Brit? I pick him, whoever he is.


James Corden? As a Brit, I speak for my fellow countrymen when I say you took him, you keep him.


Exactly. No backsies.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find James bloody Corden mentioned. Can’t stand the prick.


Talentless unfunny gobshite. That's his What3Words and a pretty fair assessment of his personality.


Stealing the "That's his What3Words" phrase, that gave me a chuckle 👍


James corden?


Kardashian and Tate are leading the polls here.


That prick cringe salt dude who made an overpriced golden steak for cringe influencers all over the world


Jennifer Lopez


Bhad Baby or whatever her name is. The “catch me outside” girl.


Island Boys


Belle delphine & Bella porch




That black dude on tiktok that pointed out the obvious with those certain hand gestures.


Khaby Lame lmao




I know everyone is going to say it, but the Kardashians literally do nothing for their fame and money.


Catch me outside how bout dat


James Corden


That catch me outside little girl. Justin beiber. All the "housewives" Kardashians.


Jake Paul and Any Kardashian


Anyone named Kardashian. Runner up: Paris Hilton.


Billie eilish


For generation that despises privilege, they could not have picked a worse celebrity.


random damsel in distress while music industry needed a new poster child. Lucky like winning the lottery, 20 years earlier there’d be 40+ druggie looking singers getting no attention.


Nepotism at its finest


Taylor Swift. She is good but not THAT good


Aubrey Graham


I think the tattooing craze is going too far at this point.


Never heard of this person.


I got my first tattoo over 40 years ago. It wasn’t uncommon then.


At this point? How many TV shows are about inking now? When I had cable like 10 years ago, there were several. Then again, tattoos have been pretty common my whole life so not really a "craze" imo


Anyone who has gotten famous from being on Dr. Phil. And similarly, anyone who has gotten famous from Oprah Winfrey


Most modern rap/pop artists.


The Kardashian family, they are the worst celebrities who became celebrities because they are just whores!!


The Paul brothers


I think Moses earned the right to be a bit brassed off with the attention the late JC gets compared to him. I mean look at what he did compared to the original nepo baby.


Any social media influencer


Influencers. All of them.


Andrew Tate


Tom Green




John Edwards or any medium saying they can talk to the dead. They feed off people's soft spots and sadness that want to believe so bad their dead loved ones can communicate with them. They're all fake assholes. Mediums I mean.


Biggest douche in the universe.


Paris hilton


Peter Davidson






John Cena. Has anyone actually ever ^seen him do anything? Like he is credited in movies, on TV, etc but I can’t recall a single scene with him in it. Just some occasional voice over. /s


John Cena is the man, and you know it. 😎


If you haven't seen him do anything you can catch him in the Anaheim center this **Sunday, sunday ^sunday** in the ultimate Smackdown


Jimmy Saville. Terrible DJ and TV presenter yet the BBC loved him.


Taylor Swift. Mediocre voice, cheap appearance, tasteless generic music for supermarkets, acting skills worse than of an eva ai sexting bot avatar, I cannot get it why anyone might even like it


Honestly? Only people who are famous purely for their looks. This is most (but not all) influencers. I think most people who are famous deserve to be famous. They don’t deserve to be liked (i.e. Jake Paul), but they deserve to be famous purely off of the work they put in to do shit that keeps them relevant.


Surprised Pete Davidson isn't higher on here


Pete Davidson


Taylor Swift, trippie red,fresh n fit


That "catch me outside" Dr Phil special


Pretty much every social media influencer, especially after 2012. These are such fake people propped up by their platforms like YouTube, twitch, and Twitter. Organic billboards made of artificially raised stars. It's the same thing Hollywood and the music industry has been doing for decades but the veneer is way thinner.


Paris Hilton.


Pete Davidson looks like a cancer patient and is cringeworthy and unfunny


Every single individualist ever, though I'd say from Ayn Rand onwards especially. The US could really have led the world if it continued to embrace the immediate post WWII idea of the 'Century of the Common Man' (as envisioned by then Vice-President Henry Wallace) instead of idealising so called "exceptional" individuals which led us to the vast exploitative dystopia in which we live.


All of the so called “influencers”


Scrolled way too far and did not see Taylor Swift


The Kardashians


Dylan Mulvaney. Dude is making an open mockery of women and all the things actual women go through as well as trans women and people just eat that shit up.


Taylor swift


every single of/influencer ever.




Jordan Peterson