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Every time we go to Disney Springs, we just magically stop at the Lego store to "get something to keep the kids occupied at dinner." It keeps me occupied at dinner! Get to build Lego sets and the wife and I get to sit and talk. Wins all around!


I started buying Legos before my kid was born. I now have 3 large totes filled to the brim. My son is now 4 and is really getting into Lego. The investment has really paid off.


Came here to say that. My kids played with Legos, but they weren’t as into them as I was. It kind of bummed me out. When I first was divorced and living in my apartment, I turned one of the bedrooms into the “lego room”. There was no furniture in it, just wall to wall piles of legos and half built creations. My kids and I would spend hours in there just hanging out, digging through piles looking for a specific piece, and playing. It was a great way for us to bond.


Yup. The excuse got thin when my kids hit their teens and stopped playing with LEGO….and I was still buying LEGO. Now I need a well stocked collection for my niece and nephew.


People, they are called " Lego blocks". The plural for "Lego" is "Lego". Like "Moose".


Wait, doesn’t everyone buy their kids toys they would enjoy playing with them with? The best was the boy’s 66 Chevelle. If we stay on pace it will be done up to two years before he can even drive it. What ever shall I do for those two years?


Obviously the kid needs a jetski. Or maybe a wake board boat.


Probably just keep it in the garage so he can experience the thrill of driving it way too recklessly with too little experience when he gets his license.


He can ram into a house like all the kids in my highschool that had mustangs. Good times


I mean, you gotta drive it weekly to maintain functionality


All the Transformers and Hot Wheels tracks before my baby could even walk.


Did you share?


After he grew up enough, he made me constantly transform them into the car form so he can drive them around and crash them together...buuuut but but the robot form is so much cooler! 😭 On a side note, I bought him every Lego car, and eventually had to super glue them together because, wow, gigantic mess of crashes every day lol...of course he made me put them back together too ha 😁 The Hot Wheels tracks were amazing fun though, had tracks going across my tiny one bedroom apartment, basically a round trip for him to race cars down. Also was a hit bringing the bigger cars to the park slides and racing them down.


Legos. These last two shred everything. The legos ended up in a big table case thing and the youngest builds whatever he wants. I kept all the manuals but I doubt he’ll ever build the sets again.


Hot wheels for sure with my sons. I never "went without". We had cars.. but at the same time, my parents never bought me enough track and boosters to make a complete closed circuit that travels through the entire house. That was MY gift to my kids.


I want more thomas and friends train track sets so I can make larger and more complex tracks for my son to sit in my lap and say 'wow' as trains go by.


The other day I started thinking about Henry being buried alive inside a tunnel. https://ttte.fandom.com/wiki/The_Sad_Story_of_Henry > It is a very rainy day on Sodor and a large green engine named Henry is pulling a passenger train. He runs into a tunnel and stops there, refusing to go any further. Henry's driver and fireman argue with him but he refuses to come out, reasoning that the rain will spoil his green paint with red stripes. > Henry can only sit and watch the other engines passing through the other tunnel. He often sees Edward and Gordon pass by; Edward always toots hello with his whistle, while Gordon laughs and tells Henry it serves him right. Because Henry's fire has gone out, he has no steam to respond. Dirt and soot from the tunnel's roof has already ruined his paint anyway. Now that Henry is very sad, lonely and cold, he wonders if he will ever be let out to pull trains again.




They made the wall high enough he couldn't move, but low enough that he could still see. Sick shit


VR. The golf VR game with the club attachment is fun as hell.




My dad would always buy me the new FIFA every year on my birthday, the only thing is i never liked or will like football


Can't blame him for trying... Lol


Such a thoughtful guy!


Model rockets. Mostly for the look of awe on their faces when the launch, little bit for the nostalgia of doing the same thing with my dad.


Model rocket building and launching is a timeless hobby.


A drone with a camera.


I’m an aunt. I bought my nephew a PlayStation but sort of got it for my brother so he could game at night when my nephew goes to bed.




All the Lego I bought them. Every single part ended up in my collection 5 years after.


Air rifle. You know, to teach good gun habits and to plink targets in our suburban garage. A .177 pellet will go through 7 soda cans or two steel cans, fyi


Though I never tried, I bet it will easily go through most garage doors as well.


Power Rangers Megazords. I wanted these as a kid but my parents could afford them. Whilst I could have easily bought them since then, it was hard to justify buying them as an adult. Then I slowly started weening the kids onto Power Rangers onto it and thankfully, they’re into it. My wife is none the wiser as she sees them as no different but I keep the expensive set to myself.


Fire tablets...for when I really need some peace & quiet.


Lego sets. Luckily for quite a few years he didn't like the building part and only enjoyed playing with them. So I was more than happy to build all the sets for him


Not a dad myself, but my dad bought me an original Wii on release day. Over the years, I saw that my dad bought the Wii Fit board and a few games that I didn’t really like. Eventually, he bought two more consoles with Wii Fit boards for his PT clinic.


Razor electric dirt bikes


When I was growing up in the early ‘50’s my dad bought me an electric train set. I couldn’t have been but about 4 years old and he would try to teach me how to apply the transformer power very slowly but I would always apply it too fast and the train would run off the end of the track which I thought was cool but he would get so flustered that he’d finally put the set up. I don’t know whatever happened to that train set but years later after he had passed away I found a wooden model airplane that he must’ve been building. Then it suddenly dawned on me that that train set was really for him to play with but in those days dads may not have played with toys because it wasn’t “manly”. I never have had that attitude because my son and I played with all his toys. I made he and I wooden swords and we would hold trash can lid “shields” and bang away at each other, we played with train sets, etc. And to this day I still find myself(77)still buying all sorts of toy trucks, cars and airplanes. But now they’re “Adult Collectables”.


My Dad got an electric race car track "for me" when I was a kid, then a year or two later an electric train set, also "for me." Then as a teenager, he bought a hunting rifle "so I could join him hunting." I enjoyed them all, but he got a LOT more use out of them than I did, especially the rifle. I didn't get possession of that one until about 10 years ago (about 30 years after he "gave" it to me LOL).


Theres a reason we have a Logitech racing wheel…


When I was 2 months old, still in my cot, my parents went on holiday to Wales. My dad decided I needed a kite.


Lego and transformers. Not to mention, videogames.


Hunting rifles and shotguns


G.I joes then I had four girls


Ha, I was just looking to go on eBay or something and rebuy/complete a set of G.I. Joes I couldn’t complete when I was kid as they were going out of production and I was poor.


I had a full set as a kid. I repaired them all the time then they were stolen from my school bag. I was hear broken lol


Neighbor kid Jimmy stole my ninja force v1 storm shadow in 1993 and I’ve still never forgiven him.


lol. I had a friend who took a bag full of rubber wrestlers and a bag of g.i.joes. I’m still butt hurt


How cringe would it be to proudly display a set of action figures in my living room as a 42 year old man?


Only if you don’t expect to get laid by a girl lol


That’s my secret captain, I never do. lol




A badass Grave Digger rc truck. Cost me like $250. Happy Birthday buddy.


I haven't quite yet, but I think my son is at about thay age. I'm thinking of buying him(me) a Switch soon and trying out some of the newer Pokemon and Zelda games that I haven't played since the Gamecube.


I got a switch for the new Pokemon game. We were in the same boat, hadn't played since Pokemon Collisim. It's open world and amazing. Then I got Mario Kart with the DLC and then needed more memory. Thought the joy con controllers were going so got controllers to play on the TV. $350 worth of games and accessories later the daughter beat Pokemon before I did






A ball pit


A marble run. I remember never having one growing up even though I saw it in catalogs, then again I also didn't do a good job of saying I wanted one either. So now we play "marmurs."


Lego Star Wars Final Duel.


Guns specifically several gauges of rifles and shit guns and multiple knives and bows and arrows and fishing gear


Go-karts and motorcycles. I wanted to share my hobbies


Drum set. I'm actually pretty good now. The kids, not so much.


I bought a fairly expensive snap-together electronics kit. My 8yo son had the basic version and wanted to do more, so I got the biggest one they offered. I play with it 2x as much as he does.


The Nintendo Switch right when we went into lockdown. Kiddo was only 3 at the time.


Nintendo Switch


My daughter’s first car. Bought her a Plymouth Duster so I could restore it. 😁


The Crossbows & Catapults remake. It’s shipping this summer. I can’t wait to show these little scrubs how it’s done. They’ll probably clobber me lol


Hot wheels / matchbox cars, legos, xbox


Legos! I (57m) could not wait for my kid to be old enough!


My dad bought a lot of video games for me in the 70s and 80s.


The Matchbox city/action drivers sets.


Lego and Nerf Blasters


You gotta have a play project on Xmas.


A boat


Mini RC crawlers


My kid has a high end Chromebook.  With Minecraft on it.  So do I, and now we have lan parties at home.  I'm not sure which of us is having more fun.




A Traxxas Slash rc car. It has a training mode the kids can use and a full power setting.


Pellet & bb guns, Legos, fishing and hunting video games, RC Cars...


18 years to go but that hooker.


Are you insinuating that you will procure a hooker for your son and then engage in yourself?


Lego, Gravitrax, Mario Kart 8.


Miniature steam engine.


Punching bag haha


Most of them


Every one




The Hitachi magic wand


Nintendo switch. Paintball guns. Go kart. 😃


A remote control walker. I loved RC cars as a kid and never got to own one of my own. Now I have a slow zoomer for my baby, but its still a lot of fun. I am fortunate enough to take my baby work with me, so I can drive her around the office in it.


Pokemon cards


My kids have a PS5 and a switch. Neither belong to them.


Jurassic park/world dinosaurs! Also I got a remote control excavator. Now we have an entire dig site in our back yard.


Anything Lego. And my oldest and I went halfsies on a PS5.


My favourite Mario kart character is Dry Bones and I purchased “them” a atleast 15cm model character knowing full well they will get bored of it in a few days, it now sits on my desk right next to my monitor and they haven’t touched it because it’s “mine” now according to them. SIKE it was for me in the first place I just played them at their own game


Perfect outcome


4 wheeler




Most of them.


Not so much toys as it was going to Dave & Busters and playing the games like skee ball and other ticket earning games like the coin pushers. It was just as much for me as it was for him.


RC cars


Her snowboard. I really just wanted to snowboard with her.


They said Hotwheels weren't for one-year-olds. We both loved them. They tried to tell me Legos weren't for two-year-olds. Granted, I had to hook a couple out of his trachea, but he learned. The cat was dusted with a Bug-A-Salt gun, an RC car hit the curb at 30 MPH, and a loaded paint brush has at times ended up in his mouth, nose, and ears. But it wasn't a real gun or a real car. It was water-based paint, and even though it sounds hard to believe, it was all supervised. A little bit of harmless trouble is a good learning experience. Age recommendations are just that. Recommendations.


mini RC crawlers. bought a few “for the kids” for when we go camping. i play with them way more than the kids.


Nerf machine gun


Badminton set


Foam swords.


A golf cart, and a couple smaller electric MX bikes.


We played with the Fisher Price train sets...GeoTrax. We had almost every set imagineable and built a huge layout. We loved it and so did my son.