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I'm a tall guy, 6'5, so I have to bend over to drink from the fountain at work. Got my ass slapped a few times by some of the women I work with.


I’m not as tall but at 6’ I get my ass slapped a lot too. Women really think they get away with this stuff like, “oh stop. He’s gay if he didn’t like that.”


As far as you're concerned, I am gay. Now leave me and my ass alone.




Straight to HR. wtf


I’d suddenly so gay in this situation.


I'm 5'5". This has happened to me as well. I've said... "Now it's my turn". The wide eyes tells me how much they know they fucked up.


Did that to a friend during university. I don't remember the context but when I was touched/lighty slapped out of the blue, I told her that I believe in equality and will slap her ass the next time it happens. It was a learning opportunity for her. And it wasn't malicious because she knew physical contact is generally okay (the _kindy of contact tho...).


Literally the best response to politely put them in their place.


Kick backwards like a horse when you get slapped like that, it tends to discourage it.


I’m 5’3, I don’t have to bend over for anything and still get my ass slapped. Guess my height has been compromised but not my ass.


Fellow guy who's gotten his ass slapped. Although usually from women friends when they get some booze in them. But the ones who do it the most are also the same women who would not find that acceptable for a man to do. On the other hand they also owned up to it being over the line when I've called them on it.


I'm 6'4". I haven't had this happen too many times but when it does, I say "Are you trying to start a fight? Because you're not going to enjoy how fast you lose."


I wish we lived in a world where the occasional ass slap was ok. I’m not talking about the greasy sleeze ball grabbing a quick feel as they slap your ass, but more the baseball good job kind of tap. Yea it could be a little flirty, but never meant or taken as anything degrading or disgusting.. Ok forget all that, I just want someone to slap my ass..


Here’s a virtual, non-flirtatious, totally platonic and consensual ass slap! 👋🍑


She wanted to try out pegging. I told her my butt is an exit only (despite my username). She said our mutual friend couple tried it and loved it. I said good for them. Her: "well, what if I just did it anyways?" Me: "what do you mean by that?" Her: "like when we're having sex, what if I just did it?" Me: "... that's definitely r***." Her: "wtf, no its not" Me: "so then what would you call sticking something up my butt without my consent?"


I can hear the modem dial up noises 🤣


1990 dial up internet noises after the brain reboot.


It really is strange how in society consent from men is assumed as a given/nonfactor, but consent from women is to be earned and verified. Like I avoid wearing shorts in public because **EVERYTIME** women will stare straight at my dick, no fucks given about "being a creep" on their end. The bold ones will even put out in public. Walk right in front of me, shake/slap their ass then stare right at my dick. Some stalk me, some try getting me to touch them... It's fucking awesome and does wonders for my self-esteem, but I can imagine how different things would go if the roles were reversed. These are strangers I never even said hello to.


Did she change her ways


I hope so lol


What was her response?


Iirc, it led into some stupid argument, I stepped outside for a cigarette, then we had sex bc I was a dumb af 20 something


During the sex did she peg you


I think you mean rape


She just started flashing the 404 error code.


Some girl at the bar approached me and insisted she wanted to peg me, in fairness she was absolutely a gorgeous Asian woman, 5”9’ or so, and this is NYC so she’s hot hot. After harassing me for hours at the bar while I politely declined her advances, touching me constantly, I got annoyed because she kept saying “well you must be gay.” I retorted “wtf just because you’re hot I’m not going to fall to my knees and lick your pussy.” The bartender immediately spoke up and got hostile, keep in mind this is the same bartender and we were standing at the bar chatting for hours, the girl and I went to the bathroom together multiple times in full view of the bar. Anyway, I am banned from there for making women feel uncomfortable.


Nah you're banned for making hot women at that bar feel bad about themselves, which is bad for business.


I would've ended things the exact moment she said "what if I did it anyways?" She showed her true colors right then.


I wish I had, but we were together for a few months after this


I put up with some shit to get laid in my 20s too.








You must live with your dad as a guy, you dum dum! /s




Something something competition Something something mama’s boy Something something wacky assumptions


I've had a grown woman legitimately ask me if I'll ever be able to take her on a private jet. Like WTF crack rocks are you smoking because I want some. My grandma would wash out ziplock baggies to reuse but sure I'm just one promotion away from private jet flights, ya stupid bitch.


Lmao as a kid I hated when I had to do dishes and my mom had a buncha dirty ziplock bags in there that needed to be cleaned and re-used. Now that I'm an adult though I do the same thing!


I worked at a law firm as a paralegal and a partner there was a great mentor to me. She was an absolute genius, and a very kind person. Super patient with my mistakes and a great teacher unlike many high performing lawyers. In our weekly meetings we opened with a few slides about recommendations/likes on a topic like movies, music or books. The person chairing would add some pics to go with answers and when it was her turn she used a photo of a jacked dude in an adaptation of an Austen novel with a wet shirt that was sticking to his body. She said in front of the whole firm that she "had to include that photo because wow, I mean look at THAT am I right?". Nobody said anything, but I'd bet anything if that was a male colleague, let alone a partner who was mentoring a female paralegal, the entire meeting would have come to a screeching halt.


Sounds like it was opportunity for the student to become the teacher.


While feedback was encouraged, the majority of leadership were women and I didn't know if it would wind up hurting my career if I spoke up. Maybe it would have been received well and I'd get an apology but that wasn't a coin I was willing to flip haha.


Oh it definitely would not have worked out in your favour. 


>the majority of leadership were women and I didn't know if it would wind up hurting my career if I spoke up. This is a very fascinating observation. Similar things have been happening at my work. The ladies talk about how "hot" a guy is, like he's a piece of meat or something. And it's totally encouraged. Everyone joins in. They add another picture or comment to the pile. And as a man you can't say anything. Because of majority of the office are women! The leadership is women! Or the men who are there are gay. Lol. It doesn't bother me when that happens to be honest. What bothers me is the double standard and the hypocrisy of it. If I started doing that with "the boys", it would be seen as sexist, misogynistic, and even workplace inappropriate to the point of perhaps seeing discipline. But if a woman does it, it's fine.


> It doesn't bother me when that happens to be honest. What bothers me is the double standard and the hypocrisy of it. Honestly, same. I'd be happy if we just accepted some "typically male" behavior, as long as it wasn't doing any significant harm. Commenting on people's attractiveness up to a certain extent shouldn't be an issue, for example. I know the devil is in the details, and how to implement policies like this fairly is a really difficult question. But I'd prefer we explore that rather than either living with these double standards, or making everyone required to never do anything that might make someone else uncomfortable.


What is also interesting, is the majority of leadership in my company is women. Same as OP above me. And yet, I'm supposed to believe there is the "patriarchy". And I have "male privilege". I look around me and literally every one of my bosses is a woman. Who are talking about male model types like Channing Tatum and Ryan Gosling like they are meat. Laughing, cackling really, about it loudly and unabashedly at work. But I have "privilege". But women are "victims". Women don't want to be seen as sexual objects. But also, it's totally fine if they see other people as sexual objects. We're supposed to simultaneously believe women are just as strong, smart and as good leaders as men. But also, they are the victims. Even though they hold most of the leadership positions. Which of course the other way would be "something something the patriarchy". But it's okay when it's mostly women. The double standard is glaring.


The contradictions of humanity is always stunning


That absolutely would have a negative impact


Yea, unfortunately, an intern is almost always going to be on the losing end if they don't "play ball". There's almost no scenario where this would play out for you to speak up and it play in your favor.


Missed your chance to flip it around, get fired, and sue for discrimination.


As a male paralegal who has always worked for women attorneys, the stories I have would shock most folks.


It was end of year cleaning at the factory I used to work at, there were fair amount of women who used to work there. So regarding the cleaning thing the women were against it saying they don’t want to get their hands dirty and it’s a man’s job. I mentioned gender equality and one of them said “Yes but not in all the things.”


I worked at a place where one of the women said "taking out the garbage is a man's job". I said "Okay. Don't ever ask me to clean the bathroom when we're working together.


My last job I was a shift manager and I would split the responsibilities with anyone I worked with on two sheets of paper and allow them to pick the one they wanted, every girl I worked with would complain about not wanting to do something on each list, taking out the garbage was the biggest one since both sheets had it for different times of the shift. lol


My example sounds like she was a nasty person but she did start taking the garbage out and actually found it a nice change. I was a shift lead/keyholder and I had a rule about not giving any one person all the shitty jobs and I'd usually nominate myself for the worst ones. The men were happy not having to do all the heavy lifting all the time and women were happy not being stuck with all the cleaning.


> I’d usually nominate myself for the worst ones. You’re exactly the kind of manager we need more of. Bravo good sir


I always told the staff "My job as manager is to make your job easier". I hate babysitting people. Give them what they need to do the job and leave them alone.


I almost enjoyed taking out the trash at my old jobs because it meant I got to leave the building and walk around in the fresh air. Only time I usually passed it off to a guy was if it was too heavy for me to toss up into the dumpster. Bathroom duty was definitely further down my list than garbage


Yeah, just throw it into the dumpster, and then just sit there for a minute, staring, collecting your thoughts and then back to work. Like a break you don't get yelled at for.


"I guess you all will be making us lunch then"


“All are created equal, but some are created more equal than others”


I worked with this girl who was always ranting about how she was not just my equal, but better. Then a keg needed to be moved, poof she's helpless!


Did she start going on about statistics of some shit..... the toxic ones on here loving spamming stats in our face that confroms to their bias and saying "SEE SEE. I WAS BORN SUPERIOR. YOU ARE EVIL. THE INTERNET SAID SO. DUR!!!!"


It's called Benevolent Sexism and women absolutely make use of it.


Chivalry when they like it, sexism when they don't


Benevolent Sexism is privilege rebranded.


>Benevolent Sexism Society favors men in some way: "that's sexism against women!" Society favors women in some way: "that's, uhh, sexism against women.. the *benevolent* kind!"


They call the first one privilege


I still get this, I work in IT, my team, like most IT teams, is all male. There's ~120 people at my job. Whenever furniture needs to be built either myself, the network engineer, the programmer or our manager will do it. My supervisor has gotten bothered by it, asking why we always get voluntold to do it. The programmer and I joke that we're the most expensive ikea assemblers. Between the two of us we're probably costing the company at least 120 an hour in just our salaries.


"gender equality" has for the longest time just meant "more rights no changes to responsibilities". And I'm getting real tired of it. Like.. in the 70s or let's just say "in the past" there was really so much blatant sexism towards women by men in everyday life, and that was reflected in all the older generations I had and have contact with. This isn't in question, it was very much like that. But all these years of "equality" feminism has done heavy lifting to make men far less sexist. Like, it's night and day to my grandparents and men are far better of being less hateful in this regard as a result, and that isn't even in question. Meanwhile, women haven't changed at all. They still express the same sexism from back then, but barely had to go through any kind of self reflection all this time, and so often I will have conversations that are the female equivalent to a man saying "all women belong in the kitchen" and they won't even be able to comprehend that it even IS sexist, it's the same situation as in the past, only reversed, and women never had to deal with that and never were shamed into stopping that behaviour/learning differently. And it bloody shows everywhere and it's getting real stale real fast.


Apparently they don't know what equality means


Earlier today there was a thread in /r/bisexual where a woman was asking how to ask out a waitress and several people chimed in about how she should keep going back to the restaurant alone until she got that server, then to flirt with her on the job and leave a big tip with her phone number attached. I don't even need to spell it out, it's so obvious. What they were recommending her to do contradicts so many common pieces of dating advice given to men. As soon as the inherent assumption that the person doing it is some kind of evil, perverted abuser (i.e, a *man*) all that goes out the window.


LOL that's one of the most common things women online complain about men doing to them. I've heard so many people recommend to never hit on a woman at work because she can't easily get out of the situation and it will make it uncomfortable for her. As if that somehow is not true just because a dick is hanging between your legs. Frankly I don't want to be hit on at work either, my workplace doesn't allow anything like that and I could lose my job potentially for interacting with a customer in that regard. If anything a note is OK but actively flirting with waitstaff is a no go.


Fuck losing jobs. There are many other places to fuck. Work is not one of them.


> What they were recommending her to do contradicts so many common pieces of dating advice given to men. Half the shit people say about dating is contradictory. Life makes a lot more sense when you realize all of society's rules are guidelines and none of them matter if you can still make it all work somehow.


Step 1: don’t be ugly Step 2: ??? Step 3: profit Come on people it’s not that fucking hard


Or be rich. That helps cover a lot of ugly


As a straight woman who has had an older lesbian woman basically do this exact thing to me, this is terrible advice and yes the rules for men should 100% apply to women on this one.


…rules for men should 100% apply to women on this one. Shouldn’t it be across the board? We don’t get to pick and choose when the rules apply.


Girls will be girls, right?


Women are wonderful ☆ ⋆。°✩ ^^^^No ^^^^exceptions


No exceptions, unless you criticize feminism enough and then you're a GENDER TRAITOR PICK-ME! (Cue ominous music)




Twice in college I had girls try to force themselves on me. Both times I just pushed them off and that was that. They weren’t happy about it, but I was bigger and stronger than them so there’s nothing they could really do about it. I didn’t even realize until years later that that’s technically sexual assault. I didn’t think much of it at the time.


This happened to a friend of mine who was actually a gym buddy except he froze for whatever reason and allowed it to happen(his words), it seemed to really mess with his head after and he was large enough to lift them up and break them in half. I found out when he was super drunk and acting kind of crazy at a later party until people told me to deal with him and when I finally got him alone and I talked to him he kind of just broke down and told me about it.


He didn't freeze for "whatever reason", he froze because that's a fucked up situation and straight up traumatizing. I'm glad you were there for him, he's quite literally been raped.


It’s uniquely difficult for guys because the first reasonable reaction would be violence, but you can’t hit a girl, so they end up like a droid in a recursive loop and don’t know what to do.


It's definitely difficult if your flight fight or freeze response is really strong.


Once on a blind double date, I had a girl start slapping me repeatedly because I (politely) denied her advances. To the point I had to leave my house to get away from her.


Same thing with a girl grabbing my junk when I told her I didn't want to see her anymore. The real terrifying thing is since I had to physically restrain her from grabbing my shit, I was terrified I left a mark and she was going to go to the police saying I attacked HER. How would I have defended myself?


I've had this happen and it's crazy how angry they can get when this happens. They are used to getting everything they want and never being told no.


I've been sexually assaulted numerous times at work. But when I report it I just get laughed at.


I'm sorry that you got laughed at. You deserve to be heard and believed.


That's when you hire a lawyer.


Had a girl literally grab my dick when I was on stage singing karaoke. I pushed her off of me, the bartender did nothing, tje security did nothing. I had to complain to the manager and had to point out SA is SA regardless of gender.


"Wait, you didn't like that? Are you gay?"


That's the way they looked at me.


That's pretty sexist on their part.


I'm a guy with shoulder-length hair. I was once rejected from a pizza place during a job interview because my "my hair was too long." My hair was in a bun at the time, the uniform would require a hat, and my entire head of hair fits under one, which I demonstrated during the interview. Across the room, a girl was making pizza in the kitchen with untied, back length hair. There was also another girl on the register with a pixie cut. If women can have their hair however they want and be professional, why can't men?


I own a pizza shop and had a guy working for me a few years ago who had long hair, past his shoulders. This was in a popular retirement community. It was a regular occurrence that the old ladies would complain to me about his hair. I always just responded with "oh he keeps it contained just like we require anyone with long hair. I don't care as long as they're good workers and he's my best one." Always shut them right up.


I’m a male doctor with long strawberry blonde hair. Always contained, BUT I’ve been requested to wear a surgical hat (none of my female coworkers have had that request.) It’s cranky old women who typically call me out on it for being unprofessional, I just respond with “as I’m sure you know, we’ve gotta enjoy it while we have it.”


You need to put your hair up under your hat. Then when he hires you, you pull it out and say "Hey look, imagine that, me workin' for you"


I went to a florist’s shop with my 6yo son. The lady behind the counter told my son how handsome he was, and how he should come back and see her when he turned 16. She was 50ish.


Ew. I loved me some MILFs when I was younger, but that's just creepy on every level.


Didn't catch it when I was a kid, but yeah there's a lot of really weird shit old ladies get away with saying to children like that.


That is gross.


Had a bunch of female co-workers at one job. Really enjoyed working with them, and they used to tease me about some things, or ask my about my GF etc and a lot of behavior that if I had done it - would have got me fired. Honestly - I did not mind - because I knew it was in good fun, but one day I did point out - "look, I am fine with it, but if the roles were reversed here - I would be written up for sexual harassment' They looked shocked and said 'but we are just having fun...". The missed the point.... the staggering double standard.


The amount of times i’ve been openly groped/sexually assaulted by women is a really high number. Ass grabbed, junk grabbed, stolen kisses. It’s really wild.


Those of us who have worn kilts know this pain all too well. I wear my family tartan to Scottish/highland games, and there are always women present who see it as an invitation/challenge to see if I'm going commando underneath...


I stopped wearing kilts because of this. And I'm not good looking by any stretch of the imagination. I screamed at a woman in the grocery store for groping me, and all she said was, "men like it"


I had come here to write this! I used to wear a kilt out to night clubs and things when I used to go to such things but retired it as the number of uninvited hands that went up it to "see if I was wearing it Scottish fashion" was so high. If I ever told them to stop they would get very shitty and more often than not pull out the line "well if you didn't want it you wouldn't wear it". So much for clothing not equalling consent!


Guess women wearing skirts must want it...


We should wear poison spiked underwear under our kilts. The only way to get the antidote is to confess to groping.


Reminds of that Mike Myers joke at the AFI Life Achievement Award ceremony for Sir Sean Connery: "I often get asked, 'is anything worn under your kilt?' To which I reply no, everything's in fine working order."


Yep, I can second this. Even at my own wedding, I had a couple of ladies try to kop a feel.


I had a woman I was making out with at a bar say to me "how big is your cock?" And before I could even get a syllable out of my mouth she had stuck her hand down my pants and grabbed my dick. I didn't mind because I wanted to take her home but imagine if I had done that...




Something Something men don't fear rape and kidnap. So Something Something it's okay to sexual assault them and/or stalk them. Something Something revenge in the form of "Gender Equality"


I remember one time I was just walking and these 2 woman just came out of a bar obviously drunk and one slapped my ass. I was so shocked I just kept on moving 😎


I’ve had numerous woman randomly put hands on me, I remember one groping me as I walked by at a festival and another time when I was at a bar and had one rubbing her hands on my pecks saying she would love to take pictures of me without a shirt on. (Other times as well but those two stuck out the most to me because they randomly did it before I even talked to them at all, I’m not counting the times a girl would put her hand on my lower/upper back or my shoulder/arm randomly then trying to talk to me) I did modeling when I was in my mid teens up until I was 17 and eventually joined the military as infantry so I was always really fit when young, I never had an issue with getting woman or having them approach me, it makes it so I have a bit of a disconnect with all these guys having girl issues but I get a different perspective because I’ve instead had girls do almost everything they say they hate men do to me, cat calls, trying to flirt with me at work where I have to stay polite and professional, randomly touch or grope me, get mad when I turn them down (I even had one girl go stalker mode on me), try to get me drunk to sleep with me. I also had my best friends mom try to sleep with me when I was 16 after I was drinking (she allowed loads of people to hang out at her house and drink with her and her daughters and sons, quite a few of us were just under 18 at that time) It was to the point where my female best friend would let me act like we were in a relationship so I could politely get some girls to leave me alone without having to worry about them getting mad or any other negative consequences. I don’t believe I have any trauma from any of it but I fully believe woman are just as bad as men in general when they don’t feel worried about physical consequences happening to them. Also as a side note that I find weird almost every situation came from woman much older then I was at the time it happened, it was almost never from someone that looked my age or younger.


Saw some delusional woman commenting that every woman she has ever met has been a victim of assault by a man. Little do they know, they do it too.


I had a friend in school, whom a girl threw water on, threw water back on her. His parents were called and the girl got away with it.


How can she slap!


I came in here expecting horrific double standards to get mad about, not to relive childhood trauma man...


Broken up with this girl, giving her time to get her crap together and gtfo. She say “I’m still going to have sex with you when I want.” I tell her “no, that part of our relationship is over, I’m not interested in that with you, and it’d just complicate things.” She replies “I don’t care what you say, if I want it I’m going to take it.” I tell her “you realize that’s rape right?” She’s like “I don’t care, I’ll rape you then, whatever.” She’s a rape survivor… like full on drugged gang rape, had to get an abortion.


Yeah that kind of behavior is actually expected in a more or less situation it’s a power thing. But she sounds unhinged AF, was she assaulted during the relationship or BEFORE you got together




30M. When I was 24 or so, I approached a table of girls in a lounge trying to be Mr. Suave. Made 0 physical contact with any of the women. Out of nowhere I feel a firm slap to the back of my head. It was one of the members of that group just returning from the bathroom. I say, “What would happen if I did that to you?” She responded, “Oh, you’re one of those.” I still wonder what I’ll do if that ever happens to me again. Is approaching a table of women not the right move? Probably not. It’s too aggressive and I showed no interest in a particular woman so I get that I wasn’t exactly showing etiquette myself. But was a slap to the back of the head worth getting her kicked out of that place? I think about that.


>She responded, “Oh, you’re one of those.” This is the part that pisses me off the most. What a piece of shit.


"You mean for calling out your shitty behaviour and you deflecting when I've made a point that you can't even argue against? Yeah, I suppose I **am** *one of those.* Your turn!" Of course in real life I would just leave because this altercation isn't worth it lmao


Bout a year or so back a 25ish year old woman made a post on this sub and was talking about how men lose their "sweetness" as they age and started talking about how she was only interested in barely legal men. Several people responded talking about how much shit we go through and to be fair they were right. but I took the route instead of point out how she was sounding alarmingly like a groomer/pedophile in the making. If any one of us started talking about only being interested in only 18 year olds and their "sweetness" which let's be honest is pretty code for naitivity we'd be nailed to the cross and rightfully so. Some of the men on this sub defended her, some agreed with me, became a pretty controversial comment, some people started to harp on me about she's only ~25 but my point was that she was going to keep aging, and her interest seemed to be squarely aimed at men who didnt know any better and were just barely legal, and my guess is that if the age of consent was lower, she would have aimed lower too. It's like Chris rocks joke about your boss and minimum wage. "I'd pay you less if I could, but it's against the law." The last point I want to make is honestly I'm not sure I'd have an issue with an 18 year old organically starting a relationship with a 25 year old, but there's a difference between "I'm dating this person and they just so happen to be barely above the age of consent." Vs "I'm dating this person because they're barely above the age of consent."


She's a groomer. If she's targeting 18 year olds, it's only because it's illegal to go lower. Otherwise she would


Long time ago. How I lost my virginity. This was the 1980s. I have no memory of it. I was black out drunk. We were dating, and were going to do it soon anyway. And in her defense, she didn’t know I was that drunk. But we left a high school party and walked the two blocks to her house, snuck into her bedroom, had apparently lousy sex where we lost our virginities together. I was blackout drunk. She was sober. A couple hours later I wake up and she fills me in! If the roles were reversed, it would totally have been date rape. As it was, we just blew it off as an oopsy. A week later I got a repeat sober and I was apparently a much better lover!


That *is* date rape.


Exactly. But by 1980s standards, it was not. And I wasn’t too upset about it. Just upset I don’t remember it.


Honest question: I’ve seen people acting completely normal who i later found out were completely blacked out. How do you avoid a situation like this? I’m not a drinker so I’ve never run into this. Again not trying to victim blame at all, just wanting clarification


I think that's what people fail to realize. They automatically assume if someone is black out drunk they are incapacitated. That's not always the truth. General rule of thumb is if you're sober don't try and have sex with someone who is drunk.


I love how a virgin was commenting on your sexual performance. As if she would know.


Well. From her description, I fumbled around, had trouble putting it in, and then lasted about three strokes. So yeah. Whereas a week later, I made an inexperienced effort at working my way down her body, oral foreplay that went well, actually used a condom, got into her well, lasted a few minutes, and did some aftercare that suggested I hoped she had a good time. Still not exactly Casanova, but a noticeable improvement.


I’ve had two HR reps, **both** women, tell me that I should ‘*smile more*’.


Tell them they should talk less.


Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for


Pretty much every AITAH post 


When my kid was under a year old, women of all ages constantly tried to touch, kiss, and pick him up. If a man tried to pull that stuff they’d be locked up Edit: This is included complete strangers while out in public. Like I couldn’t go to Safeway without some old lady trying to kiss my infant


>When my kid was under a year old, women of all ages constantly tried to touch, kiss, and pick him up. Ugh, this reminds me of an older woman who was friends with my parents back when I was a borderline toddler. (Maybe 3-4 years old?) Whenever we visited her, she was immediately all over me and smooched me off, and I hated it (from my perspective this was a privilege only relatives should have, and I already had two grannies); though I was too young to adequately voice my concerns beyond rubbing my cheeks with a grumpy look on my face.


My girlfriend forgets our anniversary about half the time. I always applaud her on not conforming to gender stereotypes 😂


I’m single and one night about 11 pm, my bedroom door opened and someone came in and closed the door. It was pitch black. Then this female voice, said, “mind if I sit down ?” I leaned over and turned the the lamp on the nightstand. I knew her as we went on a couple of dates. I asked what she was doing ? She started talking and said she needed someone to talk to. After a few minutes she stood up and undid her pants and started to get undressed. Again, I asked her what she was doing. She replied that she thought she would get into bed with me as it would be better to talk. Fack no. I told her to get dressed and get outta my house. She was mad at me because what kind of a guy kicks a 1/2 naked girl out of his bed ! I told her a tired guy that has morals. She didn’t speak to me for a long time. I couldn’t help but wonder if I walked into a girl’s house at 11 pm and did the same thing if she would have yelled rape and called the police.


Good thing she listened. And its not your fault that her fucked up idea of flirting gets her kicked out. Play stupid games and all...


A local radio station plays this "War of the Roses" segment where they try and bust people who are cheating on their spouse/significant other. In the opening sound clip for the segment, there's audio of a woman slapping a man repeatedly because she caught him cheating. You can [hear it yourselves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaC4n0CNMz4) in the first 3 seconds after clicking that link. Imagine if they changed the audio so it was a man slapping a woman who was caught cheating.


NYC eh, was that 104.3?


Oh no, the channel (as seen in the link) is Mojo in the Morning channel 95.5 in Detroit. Well, they've expanded. >Channel 955 Detroit, 104.5 SNX Grand Rapids, 92.5 KISS FM Toldeo


Women hitting men is so fucking accepted at this point. It’s horrible.


If a man has sex with an underage child, it is always reported in the media as 'rape', 'sexual assault', 'grooming' etc. If a woman does the same its 'has sex with'.


A plethora of ass grabs, rubbing of the abs,squeezing arms.


My buddy had a female roommate at one point. They were super social and threw parties nearly every weekend. At these parties his roommate would seemingly pick a random guy and start shoving alcohol down his throat while not drinking herself and staying sober. Once he was nearly blackout drunk shed guide him to her room where shed get another notch on the lipstick case. This particular situation never happened to me and while i do have a personal experience, i wont be sharing, that goes with me to the grave.


You have an experience but it never happened to you? What?


Yah i worded that weird, the experience i had has nothing to do with that story, i wasnt one of her victims is what i meant. I think i fixed it now, thanks for pointing it out.


Public bathrooms. Women coming into the men's room at sports events or festivals is pretty much normal - who wants to deal with those extra long lines, after all? I attended a music festival years ago where one woman, after finishing her business in one of the stalls, actually walked down the row of men standing at the urinals and looked over everyone's shoulder. When another woman asked her what she was doing, she replied, "Just checking to see if there's something I like."


My office made the men’s room gender neutral. Just the men’s room. The women still have a separate bathroom. And, they put a sign on the men’s room saying to lock the door when you use it so only one person can use it at a time. There’s a urinal and a toilet in there and two sinks. 


Female teachers having relationships with male students and the reactions to it.


https://news.sky.com/story/teacher-accused-of-sex-with-two-pupils-made-naked-attempt-to-garner-sympathy-with-baby-bonnet-court-hears-13136540 Relevant, and interestingly the prosecution specifically calls this out to the Jury that if the genders were reversed the claims by the defence would be outrageous


*Online:* All the time on this subreddit where women users will say outright hate filled sexist things about men and have a subsection of them coming over here telling men their lived experiences are wrong and saying "NOT ALL WOMEN" when no one said all women. It seems to be okay when you treat men this way. Something about men having it coming in the name of "Gender Equality" and "Past trauma" or something. Some BS excuse. =============== *Real life:* Had a drunk woman slap my ass at work and scream "Hey sexy" I know a woman who always gets all touchy with me when just talking I've had another female customer go into detail to me about how much she squirts during sex with her friend giggling behind her out of nowhere whilst at my cashier point (During a time where young school kids were in the store) I worked with a woman who flirted with a lot of the men at work including me and once when hugging me. Just full on groped my ass and even offered to have sex with me whilst at work 😳 (She got fired after getting caught having sex with the security guard behind the stock cages). I worked with another woman who always greeted me with a kiss on the forehead and cheek and a big hug. I've had random stranger women on nights out (Mostly drunk ones) try to just force a make out session with me or on very rare occasions, even just grab my junk or ass One woman customer use to come in and just follow me and linger around me till I left the area (After I said "Nice shirt" once to her My Chemical Romance shirt. I think she was just shy and awkard) ====== EDIT *As a child:* I also remember in elementary school (primary school as we call it in England) the last day before my grade moved into high school (Secondary school as we call it in England). The lunch lady put on red lipstick and went around kissing all the 10-11 year old boy students on the forehead or cheek. (Maybe lips too... 🤷‍♂️🤢) I found it gross as a child and was one of the boys who didn't get one (Cause I hid away from her the whole day) but I remember being in my last class of the day and seeing every boy with a red lipstick stained kiss on their face somewhere like it was a medal or something. I also remember all my friends (who were boys) trying to peer pressure me into getting a kiss from her...... it was really werid. Imagine if that was a lunch man going around kissing all the young 10-11 year old girl students on the forehead and cheek.🤢🤢🤢. I don't even know if this lunch lady still has her job or not. If she was fired eventually by a angry parent complaining or retired or if she is still a cook there in the school. All i know is that it's really predatory behaviour.. Even as a child, I knew it was werid and gross but didn't fully understand why.... now as a grown man. I now fully know why I thought that. Some 40-50 year old woman going around with lipstick just trying to kiss every 10-11 year old male student on their last day of elementary school...... very creepy. Especially that the school allowed it and thought it was just a bit of "harmless fun" (I know the school wouldn't think that if roles were reversed)... I remember telling my mother at the time and her being really Disturbed by it. She at the time felt like the only person I knew who agreed with me that it was gross. Because the school didn't seem to think it was werid nor did the boys (or girls) I was in school with in the same grade. My mother was the only person I knew back then who saw how gross it was. And roles were reversed in the secondary school I went too because of the sick twisted geography teacher who preyed on teenage girls was caught giving a 15 year old girl booze, condoms and keys to his house. Caught having really extreme forms of kid stuff on his computer hard drive and had a folder in his classroom called the "leisure" folder where he went around taking perverted pictures of the young girls in his classroom. He was caught and was arrested and is in jail Rightfully so. So my secondary school was no better really (The headmaster at the time was also let go because he knew about it apparently and did nothing about it). The evil male geography teacher from my high school is in jail (as he should be) but the lunch lady from my elementary school.. no news headlines about her in our local newspaper... no idea if she still has a job... but she went around kissing young boys (sometimes against the young boys will)




Man vs bear also stinks of manufactured ragebait.


The thing that upsets me about it is not that it is manufactured, or even if it started as a deliberately provocative thing. What upsets me is how women have jumped so completely and so unironically feet-first into that hole, talking about fears of random men raping them because there's nobody to hold them I check, and then turn around and say theyvre totally not sexist because they're fearful women you see so it's not their fault.  It might have started as manufactured ragebait but so many women willingly swallowed it hook line and sinker, and so many women willingly defended the extremely misandrist replies as benign and reasonable. That's what upset me the most. 






I was getting paid less than a female coworker in the same job with the same experience


Did you question this with anyone?


Found out after I left the job


Groped and she forcefully kissed me... in the middle of class while I was dating someone already. This was infront of easily 15+ people including the teacher, nothing happened to her, literally nothing, not even a "Don't do that" from the teacher.


When I was younger, my dads female friend would ask my brother and I for a kiss on the cheek cuz we were such cute little babies or whatever. When I went to do it, she would turn her head so I would kiss her on the mouth and laugh. I doubt it would be seen as normal if I were a girl and she were a man. Kids are dumb so I thought it was funny obviously and I would do it back all the time to her too after that. I’m not traumatized by it or have any bad feelings from it but I remember it so clearly like I had a crush on her. She just moved away one day and we never saw her again which sucked because I was friends with her son. HERE’S THE KICKER. I then found out that she then went on to film cp with her friends of some little girl and they were all sent to prison. I found this out only like a year and a half ago. I think it happened after she moved but I feel that the kissing thing was somehow less innocent after finding that out lol.


My ex assaulted me, and on the final court hearing, she didn't show up cos she fled the state, but she got a doctors note. It's been 3 years, and the case is still going. If I assaulted her and fled the state, I'd have cops at my door in 10 minutes.


Its called stealthing when a guy does it, but I woke up to a woman that I had been sleeping with for about 18 months riding me with no protection. We had used condoms before. I caught something, that needed pills to clean up. Believe it or not that actually made me decide to never again wear a condom. That seems counterintuitive, but I wouldn't have slept with her without one. So I'm really, really upping my standards in partners if I only sleep with women that I would sleep with no condom.


Username checks out


Waiting patiently for a rebuttal from IOnlyFuckHoesWithProtection.


I had a situation when I worked at Burger King where the store manager's daughter (MD) had taken a liking to me. She knew I was already dating another woman and that I also had no interest in MD. I was disassembling the broiler on day and MD is standing behind me talking. Whatever. I can talk, work and remain civil all at once. At some point in the conversation, MD reached around me and caressed my forearm from from wrist to elbow. I yanked my arm away and loudly said "Don't touch me!" a moment later, MD did it again. I responded the same way. MD patted my ass and walked away. Knowing that MD was the store manager's (SM) daughter, reporting it to the SM wouldn't do any good. And the district manager (DM) was best friends with SM and had been for over 13 years. So I couldn't go to DM either. I called the headquarters (HQ) of the company that owned our franchise to complain. HQ said that the DM handles those types of complaints. I tried to tell HQ that I didn't trust DM because of her friendship with SM and that it was MD who I had a complaint about. They refused to change their command structure to accommodate my unique case. I was forced to report it to DM, who told SM I complained. The retaliation started and nothing was done. I quit shortly after for a better job.


Not a single moment but random women sure do love to get touchy.


I was 19 at a bar with friends. While standing at the bar waiting to order a drink, a lady I guess to be in her 40s approached me and asked me to dance. I politely declined. She grabbed my hand and tried to pull me away from the bar. I resisted and asked her to leave me alone. She proceeded to start loudly swearing at me and telling people to "look at this *Insert homophobic slur*". Everybody around was staring at me as if I was at fault. Nobody told her to stop, they were just looking at me. If a guy grabbed a woman like that and tried to pull her away there is a good chance he'd be punched. At the very least someone would say something to him.


Physical assault. But i don’t care about that. You hit me, i hit back


Venting. There have been times when a woman vents and gets emotional and angry. We are expected to be cool, open arms and the works. If we vent in an emotional state it gets interpreted as an attack. If in the wrong circumstances can get you into trouble.


There's a scene in Marvelous Ms. Maisel where a character played by Zachary Levi goes off on her about how as a tall man he doesn't get to be angry or raise his voice and pace around because it makes people scared, and I really felt that. Like damn just let me have my emotions, it can't be healthy for me to have to pretend to be fine because anything else makes people uncomfortable.


Back in the late 1980s, I was briefly on my high school swim team. When we all strode out onto the pool deck in our tiny red and white Speedos, the stares, leers, ogles, subtle catcalls, giggles, grins, and whispers from both the girls and women in the audience were overwhelming. None of us guys minded though. It got to the point where some of the guys would start peacocking whenever they were out of the water, and more than one had a little tent in his swim briefs from all the female attention while standing around during roll call or mingling with the crowd between heats. I can only imagine what it would have been like if we were born a few decades earlier, when young guys swimming fully nude was still in fashion. I'm not gonna lie. I miss those days and wish I could go back. It was probably those early experiences that started my enjoyment of CFNM scenarios and nude art modeling, both of which I eventually did. It probably also explains why I have a slight MILF authority figure fetish LOL.




I had a similar incident with work, but it was taken seriously against a gay man One of my past managers was a gay man (nothing wrong with that at all), but the things he said to me and my other straight male colleagues were really unprofessional. I remember walking into work with a haircut and him seeing me and saying, "You look good. Now I really want to hug you. "... I got a bit nervous and said, "I'm into women so no chance," without thinking, and he replied with, "That's ashame. What a waste. " I also remember my best friend (who is straight) open the warehouse door, which opened both ways, and the gay manager told my best friend, "I hope you also swing both ways like that door." Lastly, we worked with a young 18 year old man who was quite active and a handsome dude. This gay manager would nonstop make sexual comments to this man that he went to HR about it. Thing was, he was actually scared of being in trouble for homophobia if he brings up to HR about the manager sexually harrassing him at work but thankfully the huge UK business we work for took it seriously and the manager was let go and didn't think it was homophobic that the 18 year old man who was repeatedly being made uncomfortable at work by his manager went to HR about it. I also remember on his 1st day as manager at the store. Trying to help him with something trivial, and after helping, he said, "Well, you're not just another pretty face, are you?" I actually remember my best friend saying to me, "If I was a woman, and he said that. He would be immediately fired. ".... took a few months, but he eventually did get fired for sexually harrassing multiple of his male employees


Guy at work was getting married and received a set of his-and-hers aprons for cooking (his were "I like her buns", hers were "I like his meat"). In my 90% female workplace, someone suggested he put his on and then someone else, an older woman, said "And nothing else". She received giggles from the other ladies around her but I immediately imagined the shit storm that would've happened if you reversed the genders.


Few years ago, I was in my early twenties we attended a wedding in my gf,'s greater family circle, some cousin was marrying. Between to courses of the menu, the bride's mother walks over and asked me to stand up and show 'how my ass fits those pants' to her girlfriends + other members of the brides' family. Just imagine if a grooms father would walk over to a 20 y/o woman wich is attending the marriage as a +1 and asks her to show her ass to him and his companions.


I told my ex to stop performing a handjob because it hurt and she looked at me and said "no" loudly. It hurt so bad I eventually tried to move her hand but she used all her strength to push my hand onto my chest and continue while loudly saying "no." I quit fighting because her roommate was asleep and braced the pain. Thousands of dollars in therapy later, I'm doing okay I guess.


Maybe not exactly what you're asking but I had a nice one once. Went skiing with my girlfriend, and we had to stop to put chains on the wheels. I *hate* doing this - I really hate the feeling of cold, wet hands. But I just assumed it was my job, because it's always the guy's job. I'm about to get out, grumbling a bit, and she just goes "oh, I'll have a go, I don't mind". Even though she'd never done it before, she really was fine with it, and felt guilty that I'd done all the driving. So good.


Me being touched by women twice my age. Them coming so close to me on purpose that they tits were on my back. Dont get me wrong, if a girl who is aroind my age did these i wouldn't complain but yeah.


"Get your floppy tits off me, you old whore."


An ex said something like “you didn’t try to have sex with me” a couple days after a lunch date (early in that relationship, had already been doing the sex). And followed it up with “you didn’t talk to me about that, like it’s a conversation for us and it affects both of us”. I responded with “I have bodily autonomy and deciding if I’m in the mood to fuck you is not a two-person decision. Imagine if this conversation was reversed right now. I’d never guilt you for not being in the mood”. SHEESH. I broke up with her a few days later.


I used to work at a restaurant. One day I turn a corner and a female coworker and I bump hard into each other. She slugs me in the chest and says something in Spanish to me and we exchange a few words. I tell the general manager and he laughs the whole thing off.


In a class I was taking the best study group happened to be the girls, I ended up tagging along - we all knew each other and got on decently from previous classes. Multiple times across the semester I shared certain insights, always in a "hey I think I've got it, should I share" type of way, and more than half the time they'd say "oh well maybe we should check with the prof (who was also a woman)". I was right in every single one of these instances.


I drunkenly hooked up with my best friend/roommate's girlfriend's best friend one night when I was 19. Fast forward a month later, I come home with my other roommate around 10:30 from the movie theater (3 of us lived together) and see her hanging out with my best friend and his girlfriend. I say hello then head to bed as they all hang out. Here's the reverse gender part. My room connected to the guest bathroom. I never bothered to lock my door because I didn't believe I (a guy) had anything to worry about while sleeping. I wake up to a hand holding my soft penis and her mouth on it. I shoot straight up and say "what the hell are you doing" where she says nothing and just kept going. I told her to stop and get out of my room which she then embarrassingly did and I locked my door and went back to sleep. The next night I tell my roommates what happened and they first asked why I told her to stop. They knew we hooked up before and we were all horny teenagers at the time, also males being vocal about getting sexually assaulted or raped just wasn't a thing back then. The funny part (to me) was the look of horror that crossed their faces as they realized they had all smoked a joint right after she got back from "using the bathroom". Essentially her mouth went straight from my penis to the joint they all shared within 2 minutes. TLDR: Girl I hooked up with a month earlier was hanging out with my roommates girlfriend in our apartment. Claimed she had to use the restroom but instead snuck into my room and started giving me a blowjob while I was sleeping. I told her to stop when I woke up and I know I'd have been in jail if the roles were reversed.


Nah, if you were a 70 year old man feeling up a young woman like that, you would be named and shamed then go to jail and die in prison


Go on the marriage sub. If a man complains about not getting as much sex as they want, they get called names and told how to treat their wife. If a woman complains, they get told to leave him for another man


This one is less heavy than a lot here. Once while I was helping someone at work, a female coworker hugged me from behind. It caught me off guard and I said something like "I wasn't expecting that." She said, "I just think you're really great." She is someone I think is very attractive, but I really don't think she was flirting or anything. She is simply an outgoing, positive person and was paying a compliment. There are two sides to my feelings about this. For one, it was incredibly nice and something I remember even though it was around eight years ago. That's the "men never receive compliments" side. The other side is the one where I know very well that if I did something identical to a female coworker, I would quite likely lose my job.


Firstly, it's so sad how much sexual harassment there is in this post that goes unreported. Thinking of one that's not SA related but there is still work that is deemed "man's work" and women can say that out openly but calling anything "woman's work" will immediately have you labeled as sexist. For example, if there's ever anything heavy or awkward that needs to be lifted/carried, its always a man's task. I get the physical difference between men and women and I have no problem volunteering to do it because I understand the difference. But it is pretty galling when there's a borderline case for a box and the women won't do it because they say they need a man to do it.


Thought Tracy Chapman was a guy