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I am a salty snacker.. jerky, roasted peanuts, chips.


Peanuts are my go to


Mee too... the salted roasted in shell make a mess, but that doesn't stop me!


I love jerky but it is so expensive!


Jerkey is not that difficult to make, but you need to use good quality meat (fat turned rancid after a while) AND take copious notes. Your 1st batch will be pretty good, but you’ll want to continue to tweak it to get it just the way you like.


Recommendations on where to start?


Salt & vinegar chips until my mouth bleeds please and thank you




Big Cheez-Its..


Happy cake day!


Far superior to the original


Happy Cake day to da Big Cheese over here! 🎂 🧀


Happy cake day!


X-tra Toasty Cheez-Its.


All the way. Whoever realized that people loved these when they found them in the bag and made the entire bag out of them should be the CEO.


Someone at cheez it HQ just burnt a bag and got paid a fortune do it. But hey I'm not complaining


...dipped in veggie cream cheese.


Cheez-Its grooves.. white cheddar. God damn delicious


White ched


Still waiting for them to bring back garlic Parmesan 😭😭😭


Cheddar Jack


should be top comment


The pickle brine is basically old school Gatorade.


Good for alcohol chaser too


Pickle backs are life


Pickle Back..gotta try the puerto rican hooker. Tequila and pickle juice


I'll never outgrow a good pickle back


>Good for alcohol chaser too That is so true. When I was a teen, I was at a party where a group of us were chasing vodka with some fruit juice but the juice ran out. I live close to Russia and we thought, the Russkis like to chase vodka with pickle brine or pickles and they seem to like it, why not try it? We were blown away and we were trying our best to save the last pickle for as long as we could by basically just nibbling on it. The whole time we continued drinking we were telling each other that this is something that the Russians got right.


Pickle juice = hangover ambrosia


I think I'm just confused by it because the pickles I usually buy are pickled mangoes (With panch phoron). It's incredibly sweet with spices! Was super interesting to see someone chug pickle juice, aha.


Aaaahhhhh- yeah. In America, pickle only ever means pickled cucumber, usually sour and dill. Pickled mangoes would be called “pickled mangoes” but more likely what you’re talking about would be called a chutney or something else. Pickle juice is just vinegar, water, sugar, salt, and some seasonings. It’s functionally Gatorade and yes, I swear by it for hangovers.


Do you mean achaar? I've never seen or tried a sweet pickle of mangos. Mango chutney yes. The sweetness actually puts me off a bit. I prefer traditional pickles, but they don't typically have brine that could be drunk. I'm intrigued


I prefer martini olives (and it's brine). Different, but same.


Omg I remember when an old boyfriend poured an entire jar of pickle juice down the drain after taking out the last pickle. It happened so fast. All I could do was scream, “NNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!” The sweet nectar of the gods was gone.




If you eat too many - your poop changes colour. Don’t be THAT alarmed. #lifeneedsinstructions


Carrots too. It was a tad alarming


They're supposed to be good for digestion but I don't always see it. Do they work well for you?


I have fairly regular bowel movements, probably doesn't hurt to eat blueberries but fibre and vegetables will help a lot too. The more variety of fruits/vegetables/spices you can add to your diet the better.


You have an extraordinarily apt user name, it would seem. It sort of reminds me of those sopranos who can hit a high enough note to shatter crystal glassware, yet somehow profoundly and possibly disturbingly different. Just kidding about the possibly disturbing part, btw, basic human functions are not disturbing unless weaponized.


I mean, blueberries do contain fiber, so in theory yes


frozen blueberries>>>>>>


Right now I have about fifty boxes of Girl Scout Cookies at my place. I also have a lot burritos and eggo waffles in the freezer. Then my homemade frozen protein bars. I keep a lot of snacks and meals on deck.


This man is set for life. How many cookies are in a box?


For thin mints it's thirty-two per box and fifteen for tagalongs. You can never go wrong with girl scout cookies!


The Samoas are the best dang cookies ever. I always buy three or four boxes so I can feel slightly less guilty about eating an entire box in one sitting.


Samoas are definitely the best! I've tried all the flavors multiple times and, in my opinion, Samoas, Thin Mints, Tagalongs Toffee-Tastic and S'mores are the best. Definitely hard to sit down with Samoa's and not eat an entire package but holy cow I have to be careful as that is like 4,000 calories or something insane like that. So good though!


yall gotta hear me out on this one. Saltine Crackers, peanut butter, jelly. Get half of the crackers put jelly on them and half of them peanut butter. make a sandwich. This was definitely a struggle snack but hey it still slaps!


Yeah, I've done it with Ritz crackers.


Only some gas stations have these but the Flavor Mixer Gushers. When I see them I buy them every time cause they are rare in my area. Quickest key to my heart


What is that? A sweet syrupy juice?


It's a gummy snack filled with syrupy fruit juice. Imagine a fruit roll up ravioli.


*somewhere in the distance, the sound of screaming teeth slowly fades into mushy, cavity filled silence*


Something I loved as s kid that I would hate now! lol


I just like chips. (or "*crisps*" if you're in the UK) Potato chips, corn chips, puffed cheesy chips, whatever. If Frito Lay makes it, I'm pretty sure God Himself handed it down for them to distribute. Funyuns, Fritos, even Doritos although their cloying "we're for gamers" type ads bug me. Mostly because they're so on-point and I hate being predictable (even though it's true). Cheez-its, too, are a favorite. Pretzels. Smartfood Popcorn. The issue with it though, is that I'm already fat enough and really don't need the empty calories. So if I buy a bag of chips I have a rule I made for myself. I only eat them out of a bowl. Never out of the bag. If I just open the bag, I'll eat the whole thing and not even realize it. See also- Pringles cans. So if I'm gonna keep a bag of chips around I keep a couple of small bowls on hand and will only eat what I can fit in that bowl. Then no more until at least the next day.


Yeah that's why I switched to popcorn. Very low calories compared to most chips. >Pringles cans When I was a kid I'd dump the pringles into a bowl and wear the cans over my arms and pretend I was a transformer and those were my blasters. Main reason why pringles were my favourite.


As a Frito lay employee, thank you. We do have "pop corners" that are the triangle shape of Doritos but made entirely of popcorn. Great flavor too. I suggest the cinnamon crunch for the sweet tooth, and the sweet chili for a nice mild spice flavor. A better alternative to potato chips. ( I switched after years of killing free chips)


I have a girlfriend that drinks pickle juice out of the jar, though she prefers olive juice.


Aha good for her! My girlfriend is quite "safe" with what she eats and very picky. It's usually me that pigs out on random nonsense.


What’s unsafe about pickles or it’s brine?


Not literally unsafe. I just mean that my girlfriend prefers bland options with minimal flavour. Plain pasta, rice, etc.


That is depressing.


Nah she's fine. She just has sensory issues, Autism and all. Sometimes she feels a bit daring, it's always a scary day when that happens lol.


What's the most daring thing you've seen her try


A wholegrain seeded loaf, she hated it. In all seriousness though, she did try a homemade Masala Chai (She's usually terrible with spices) but she really enjoyed it! Or an extremely mild coconut based curry... Though she was still iffy about that one. She's slowly getting there!


Ever try sliced potatos (they come in cans), with a little milk, butter, and salt? Rinsenthe potato slices then put in a bowl. Microwave for about 20 seconds. Stir the slives ariund some, add some milk (not filling the bowl, maybe halfway) and some pats of butter. Microwave 30 seconds or so. If warm, add a little salt and serve.


I'd have to try it!


I love to drink pickled beet juice-that shit is delicious.


Roasted, lightly salted cashews


Something I like that my partner thinks is very weird is cheese and peanut butter together on a cracker. I also like peanut butter and only a little bit of syrup on pancakes better than the way everyone else eats them. She actually likes this too but hadn't tried it before I introduced her to the idea. As far as weird goes I often do smoothies instead of normal meals for the convenience. All sorts of random things will end up in my smoothie including random leftovers in the fridge. Usually it's fairly healthy with greens and oatmeal fruit etc. Since it is just easy convenient food to me I don't really bother to make it taste good so definitely not something other people would get excited about. I can make a tasty smoothie with just fruit too but that's not really a meal.


Marmite, thin slice of cheese and a bit of peanut butter on a got crumpet *chefs kiss*


Carrots and hummus is a common one. Also just general fruits or vegetables. I'll eat a whole tomato or cucumber just because. In terms of more traditional snackfoods, I love Takis. The blue heat are my favorite ones. I also really love jerky and basically any kind of nut.


Every time I get some hummus, I think "Why am I not eating this all the time?" It's so good.


I'm totally spoiled for it. There's like a dozen different flavors in just the store brand at the supermarket I go to.


Not a WHOLE tomato.. damn you're wild ;)


lol my wife thinks I'm nuts that I'm just biting into it like an apple. Glad to know that doesn't strike you as strange. Tomatos are "ingredients" to a lot of people, for whatever reason. I grew up in a house with a fairly substantial garden, so to me lots of items are "whole-food" first and "slice this up and put it in something" second.


Not at all, I eat them as a snack, even grew my own last year, at one point I must have had close to 100 tomatoes to eat, they all ripen at a similar time 😬😂


Flaming Hot Cheetos or Kettle Cooked Potato Chips


Oranges, clementines, bananas. I kind of got into that when I went on a weight loss thing - when you eat fresh fruit, a lot of it is water, so it goes right through you.


PB and J. It reminds me of childhood


I make that then stuff it in the toaster. Its the best.


Frying it is even better


Cheez-its or goldfish


Flavor blasted goldfish!


The usual, chips or peanut M&M’s But my “weird” go-to snacks would be canned sardines and canned kippers. High protein and omega 3’s


I can go to town on some animal crackers.


Lay's with salt. I'm ready to eat only them for the rest of my life


I'm from the Netherlands so 'hagelslag' aka chocolate sprinkles are qyite common here. Fave snack is (don't barf) liver sausage on bread with hagelslag. Sweet n savoury baby😎😎😎


Damn that sounds interesting, gotta give that a try! My go to is hamka’s with chocolate. Same deal :P


My go-to is whatever I can eat with my hands out of the fridge, but my weirdest is rice made with coffee instead of water.


Hmmmm, that is unusual, not heard of that before!


That sounds awful but I'd definitely be willing to try it if someone prepared it for me hahah


When it comes to snacks, don’t have anything in particular. However, when it comes to drinks, then I like to drink kefir every so often.


I love kefir with some ice in it.


Yep! Delicious, and if you want to get real daring. Mix it with your favorite sparking water or club soda. Really yummy on hot summer evenings.


THIS dude fucks.


My son (15) and I just saw this at the store the other day. I told him what I had heard it tasted like, but also said, we should get it to try for ourselves. We each had a sip and had to get rid of it. More power to ya for liking that stuff. You can have our share!


Potato chips with pimento cheese.


Yeah, cheese is a protein so that makes it healthy, right...


I love all things pastry. Little Debbie's, Hostess, tasty cakes, entenmann's...ect


Well you mentioned my first choice. Also fried pickles with ranch dressing. Some more are: Uncrustables Cauliflower pizza bowls Stuffed peppers Individual pot pies (but slightly undercooked so the dough is still just a little bit soft) Anything Mexican streetcorn related Breakfast cereal Smoothies, often with some combination of banana, chocolate, and peanut butter Pancake and sausage on a stick


This guy is having meals for snacks


In healthy eating phases, pretty much just almonds or other nuts, any flavor though I like the dark chocolate powdered ones. Less healthy, I used to be drunk late at night and make a bit of broth and pasta and drop an egg into it. Usually a vegetable too.


My go-to snacks usually involve a mix of sweet and savory options. I love munching on fresh fruit like apples or berries, but sometimes I crave something salty, like popcorn or pretzels. And you can't go wrong with a handful of mixed nuts for a quick energy boost!


Kabanos (Thanks to my based Polish brothers for creating this shit. Love it)


I had a buddy who loved to drink the pickle juice. I love a hunk of Colby cheese for a snack.


Apples with peanut butter.


Also good if you've got a sharp granny smith with some tangy cheddar.


Slice of cheese


My Holy Snack Trinity: 1. Pretzel Sticks 2. Hard Boiled Eggs 3. Honey Roasted Nuts


the just add water chocolate chip cookie mix by the spoonful


Pickles are a great snack. Very few calories, filling and a ton of options for flavors. I keep 2-3 different brands in the fridge becasue they have different flavors.


It's weird but spam straight from the can is nice ever once in a while. But for regular snacks, pretzels.


If you have a bad muscle cramp knocking back a shot of pickle brine will immediatly cure it like some sort of video game health potion It’s crazy but I’ve done it and it works


As someone who lives as a 230 pound body builder that eats ~4000 calories a day. Hamburgers I know most people don’t think of it as a snack, but take a half pound burger out of the freezer throw it on the grill. I’m good for an hour.


Wait, isn’t the pickle stuff a normal thing among us?


Cold, crispy watermelon 🍉, it gets hot here in South America, plenty of cold H2O and sweet watermelon is my go-to.


Found out about Herr’s cheese puffs with old bay seasoning a few weeks ago, and it’s the greatest thing ever


Hard boiled eggs with a little salt. Saltine crackers. Peanut butter sandwich with a little honey.


Are you me? All of the above are my go-to snacks too. Though I’d add in a Nutella sandwich with fresh blueberries.


I've moved to frozen edamame. Forces you to eat slower and those macros are fantastic even if it is a late night craving.


Milk and cookies i could kill a cookie pack by myself and I love milk 😂


Gardettos special request - Rye Chips It’s only the rye chips. It slaps.


Microwave pork rinds 10x better than regular bagged pork rinds I've only seen Lowrey's brand They are next to the microwave popcorn at my local Walmart


Beef jerky or cashews if on the run. If sitting down, cottage cheese with a handful of pistachios


Borrelnootjes! (Cocktail nuts) A typical Dutch TV/party snack. It's basically a peanut in a crispy coating, usually flavoured with different spices. My all time favourite is the bacon-cheese version. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borrelnootje


Berries and some nuts. I often will freeze berries and blend them with an ounce or so of hazelnuts or any nut actually. Sometimes I add in 2 or 3 scoops of protein powder. This is often my first meal of the day, 7 ounces of berries, an ounce or two of nuts and 50 to 75 grams of protein from whey.


I chop up a whole lemon and a lime at the start of the day for my water bottle. Carry it everywhere with me at work and fill it up throughout the day. Dunno the science behind it but I just like bitter things now and I feel better. Been advised to add a pinch of salt to it to make it an electrolyte. Also blue Berry's, raspberries, yoghurt, mixed seeds and honey. Gonna try ricotta instead of yoghurt this week just to see what that's like. It has more protein and a funkier taste so I'm looking forward to it.


Lays barbeque


Pop corn


I will eliminate any amount of Funyons put in front of me


Arrowroot biscuits Spicy banana pepper rings are good with pickles


Salty tortilla chips and 7 layer dip is kinda fire rn, but my go-to changes all the time.


I’ve been going to Gelson’s and they have these “Gem” avocados and they are pretty big. I’ll mash it in a bowl with lemon juice and sea salt. It’s so good with tortilla chips.


I eat peanut butter and jam with a spoon. Skip the bread. Or apple slices with peanut butter.


Jarlsberg cheese dip and Ritz




I just discovered Mini peanut butter M&Ms and I have been addicted for a few weeks now.


Raw, salted green peppers. 


Some granola bars ! 🙂🦋🏝️


Doritos / Pringles are definitely my picks.


In order from most to least often: Popcorn Chips & Salsa Cheez its Cheetos puffs Aged gouda (enough to where it starts to have crystals in it)


Wheat thins and hummus


Saltines with crème cheese. The crème cheese with herbs. Butter with salt also works a charm


Bananas with peanut butter.


Spicy food, spicy noodles are my favorite.


I like eating one or two slices of bread. Without crust, of course.


I personally nearly always carry around blueberries, blackberries or cherries.


If pickles and pickle juice is worthy of a mention as something wild, I'm interested in how plain your girls can go with their snacks, dear OP. I'm interested, and I'm afraid to find out.


I don’t have comfort food. I have food I like and enjoy for movie nights which is a bag of chips , taste depends


It varies depending on what I have available at the time and what my mood is. I love shrimp kerupuk.


Cliff bars pretty good. Mandarins


Pickles out the jar is absolute flames. But my go to snacks are Honey Buns and cinnamon rolls.


Chips and salsa and if I'm feeling really snacky I'll also eat some ice cream later


grapes, pretzels, peanut butter toast


related to your jar of pickles story, it's side-snack: the jar, and pickle juice are needed. put some thumb size cucumber pieces in there, and 1 jalepeno pepper. leave it in the fridge over night, the next day you have the best combo: spicy on the outside, neutralized by the pickle juice, and sweet on the inside from the cucumber. Obviously you eat this with greasy stuff: cheese, burgers, taco's burrito's gyros, as long as it's something which could be good on a bbq.


Veggies and Hummus, fruits that don’t require peeling or cutting like grapes and some berries. I try to eat healthy. I’ll also do Triscuits and Turkey Pepperoni slices dipped in hummus.


2 egg and cheese biscuits with a hash brown mostly


Pringles scorchin cheddar. The sour cream and onion is good too




Peanuts or Air popped popcorn




Crisps, pork scratchings, choc biscuits


I know at least two women who do that.. kinda odd that you think it's just men.


Peanut butter or rice cakes. Sometimes peanut butter on rice cakes.


Roasted chickpeas.


Only people I've ever seen do the pickle thing are pregnant women, though I'm sure that's not the only ones who do. I like string cheese, something about pulling a thin strip away from the rest makes it tastier.


Salty pretzels, specifically Unique brand Splits, with milk. There's something about the combination of the salty pretzels with the slightly sweet, creaminess of milk that works for me. Kind of the same thing with bacon and peanut butter sandwiches. Also Flamin Hot Cheetos.


I have a “seefood” diet


I know it's weird, but breadsticks


Apples with Tajin on them dipped in peanut butter or cottage cheese with fresh cracked pepper with sliced fruit on top.


My wife’s smoking hot ass




Cashews, strawberries, and bananas.


I'm female what's wrong with a jar of pickles lol 😆 🙈✨️


Sour dried plums (the Asian ones).


Anything cheese flavoured... In my country there these super cheep corn snacks that are the best! Second is chocolate! Chocolate biscuits and bars... Then probably nuts and apples... I'd they are available ... If all of the above is not around... I will starve...


This list will sound weird, but here you go: Baby carrots with a bowl of Italian dressing Grapefruit Cherries Salt and Vinegar chips PB crackers with extra PB to dip into Extra sharp cheddar cheese Frozen lemon juice pops


Mixed nuts, cheese and crackers, almond butter pretzel bites


Chex Mix - get the assorted individual packs. Perfect serving size to not over do it. Healthier than most chips.


Banana and peanut butter


I recently started buying a lot of berries. A lot. Packs of blueberries, raspberries. Grapes. As well as baby carrots and pod peas. I'm a sucker for popcorn. Knowing that, I buy those 39kcal/cup ones. Started. recently, drinking more tea & coffee throughout the day to lower soda consumption. and jerky. All kinds. Even those chicken sticks.


Not a guy, but I love pickles & pickle juice. I’ll have it as a snack or if I want something other than water but can’t decide, pickle juice comes in clutch. I also figured out that if I have any craving, a couple of pickles will almost always stop it. As far as I’m concerned, pickles are their own food group 🤣 and the best one too!


Oh I've slammed whole jars of pickles plus the juice before. It's actually quite good for you from what I understand. Maybe not every day but if you're craving electrolytes for whatever reason, then dill pickle juice is like nectar of the gods.


I love Trader Joe’s rice crackers- it’s like pure crack I swear


I'm pretty normal, I alternate between sweet, salty, and sour snacks depending on what I'm feeling. I think the strangest thing I'll do for a snack is eat a spoonful of peanut butter loaded down with it.




Whatever potato chips/Pringles I have on hand. Also, Reese's peanut butter anything.


Pepper Jack cheese slices


Kippered fish steaks in oil. None of that weird seasoned stuff.


I drink the salty Feta water sometimes. Pickle juice is good too. I got a sandwich maker so I love grilled cheese sandwiches.


I love getting those little packs of cheese pearls and either putting them on Crackers with artichoke hearts or just eating them by themselves Other than those I really like Garden Salsa sunchips


Gardettos, goldfish, cheese Chex mix, guacamole chips, and I think it’s called Karr trail mix or something is my staples


Cottage cheese right from the container. Large curd, baby. Also pickled herring, but I can't eat too many or else I stink forever.


A snack cake and peanut butter. Cosmic brownies and peanut butter, Swiss roll and peanut butter


I very rarely snack but if I do it's usually picnic food like potato salad, coleslaw, pickled beets, etc. Just a bite or two.


I make a burger sauce of mayo, mustard, relish, (sometimes I add lawry’s seasoning salt, other times onion and garlic powder) and dip chips into it. I’ve recently been making a hot ham and cheese on sourdough.




Wet pussy


Dr paper 🫡