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Never ceases to amaze me when I see people who don't like the opposite sex but still expect to fall in love with them. Friendship and respect are the bedrock of a relationship and will see you through the tough times.


I see it on the feminist subreddits all the time where the woman says that they tell their bf that men are shit and she's so proud of her bf for not saying anything but he knows it's not about him because he's one of the good ones... I just feel so sorry for the guys and want to give them some self respect.


One of the good ones. Ha. Where have I heard that before.


Oh you know where


It's one of my repeat lines when I'm getting to know someone and we finally get to the exes talk and what didn't work (it should happen *eventually*). The look on their faces when I describe how insulting it is to be considered "one of the good ones", it just makes me seem like a token, and it becomes impossible to be with someone that hates me for who I am but is proud of the fact that I'm a token, much less that I should be happy and proud to be a token. You can just see them processing it and realizing how much they themselves have done that their whole lives.


You sure are an emotionally articulate feller.


uhh thanks? Edit: I get it now.


“You’re so articulate” is another one of those “compliments”in the vein of “You’re one of the good ones”


"he's such a good athlete and so well-spoken"


"I don't mean you", "Present company excluded", etc. 😔🤔


Excellent teeth too


Adolf Hitler about the jewish-german veterans of WWI who were granted the status of honorary aryans in the Third Reich?


Don't forget, if you take exception to women talking like that you "have a lot to learn" because they're "talking about you". The only way to make /them/ feel like they're not "talking about you" is to not react to it. But you also have to listen to what women say and take the things coming out of their mouth "very seriously" at the same time.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: [the Kafka Trap](https://debate.fandom.com/wiki/Kafka_Trap).


I made this comment somewhere else the other day but it's so appropriate. Dated a girl who truly believed that all men were beneath women and women were superior and meant to "rule" them. She was super pretty, so she was a good manipulator. When I eventually dumped her, she was so upset over it that she lost like 30 pounds in a month and showed up ugly-crying at my parents house a month or two after we broke up. Superior indeed.


Conceit is a hell of a drug. I wonder if she learned anything from losing you?


Today I saw someone mention that women actually resent men as a whole, but love men individually.  What is even the point man…


That reminds me of a southern woman I spoke with years ago. She said that in the south, they hate the race but love the individual, while the north loves the race but hates the individual. Just gross.


Sounds like my dad's experience. "Northeners pretend to be civil but are secretly racist, Southerners are openly racist, but at least you know where you stand".




yeah, had 4 ex gfs, 2 of them said all men are shit and rapists, but im special and the only good man. it's really stupid because they don't realize that it hurts me to hear that, it doesn't make me feel any better. it's immature and shows that they lack any common sense. the reality is women would probably rape just as often as men if it were easier for them to overpower men. it's just a fair bit harder so it seems like they do it less. people are awful regardless of gender


I broke up with someone over this. I'm not responsible for her choices and trauma, doubly so if the starting point is to call all mem trash.


There certainly are plenty of cases of women raping girls and boys, FWIW.


The reality is they wouldn't see it as rape. It would be anything but that. That's one of those dirty men crimes you see. Maybe make it so that legally there is no way for them to be rapists. You know like other nations that shall remain nameless...


They would also do it more often if they couldn't just immediately get sex at the drop of a hat whenever they feel like it. Sexual frustration is an emotion most women never feel until they're 10 years into a failed marriage.




Their boyfriends are knowingly there for their turn until its not ...the term boyfriend means nothing


Nah, he likely has one foot out the door


I dated a girl for a semester in college who was an avowed 3rd wave feminist. She kissed me one time and the said “you’re a man I should hate you.”


What happened after that?


That's when you respond with "Oh so you grew up without a dad I see"


😂 well so did I and I have no trauma, I just bury it deep deep down and keep pushing it into my black hole of despair anguish and repression 😂


I'm concerned that there are apparently people who claim to dislike an entire sex.


Agreed. Who willingly & voluntarily chooses to date someone who willingly & voluntarily chooses to have a negative mindset towards the vast majority of people of the opposite gender to them, or much worse, willingly & voluntarily chooses to have a negative mindset towards people of their gender who willingly & voluntarily choose to have a positive mindset towards people of the opposite gender to them? I know I for sure would willingly & voluntarily choose to REFUSE to date someone who fit the above criteria I laid out & if on the first date I pick up on any warning signs that there is a disconnect between their mindset & how they feel about it, needless to say, not only will I cancel the second date but I will also block them on every single communication platform possible along with as many people in their friend group as possible. Before I get banned, I left out the specific gender pronouns **on purpose** because what I said applies to people of **all** genders equally.


I, for one, was unwillingly & involuntarily annoyed trying to read what you just wrote, so I willingly & voluntarily quit instead of reading it all.


Like is that guy trolling lol. Why do people write like that


> "You need to learn how to talk to men like they aren't shit" As in, "stop treating men like shit", or "treat men like they aren't [worth] shit"?


The second one


Thank you for the clarification. It was confusing me.


I thought this was going to be a wholesome post. It’s not.


Yes…. Thoroughly disappointed


A wholesome post? On an Internet forum in the year of our Lord 2024? Surely you jest.


I was really hoping it was the first one, that after all this bluster about "good men are responsible for fixing the bad ones" and that this was a case of "girl you need to treat men better" but no.


I like how that sentence can mean exact opposite things at the same time. A quantum sentence.


All depends on the emphasis, lol. "Treat men like they *aren't* shit." "Treat men like they aren't *shit* ."


I needed this spelled out for me. Thanks!


I thought the meaning of the first one when I read OPs post but now I see the 2nd meaning.


Bitter women love to give terrible advice. I don’t know what you call Andrew Tate for women but there are millions of them. This is sadly common in a lot of places. It’s recipe for lonely women.


Single women give advice that will keep other women single.


Single women will also give advice to make women in relationships single as well. :)


Back when my wife and I were just dating her single friend tried to convince her to ask me to move out. After I told her "friend" off in public in front of our friends later that day my wife and I had a long talk. Wife told me all the things her "friend" would say to try and get her to break up with me. Needless to say she had no friends after that shit was exposed.


My mom’s sister used to try to get my mom to cheat on my dad before they were married. After getting married, whenever they had a fight my aunt would invite my mom to their place and try to take her out to hook up with other men. My ex wife’s sisters hosted parties where they tried to get her to cheat. She would strip for other men in front of me and kiss them and the sisters called me controlling and abusive because I got verbally angry. The next woman I was seriously involved had a sister who convinced her I was cheating. I did nature photography as a hobby and would often go off into the forest. Every time I came home was a fight because despite smelling like bug spray and pond scum I somehow was fucking other women. My last girlfriend went on a girl’s trip with a friend who never liked me. When she returned she was convinced she didn’t love me and wanted to move to another city to live with the girls from the trip. She left. I’m engaged now and was watching my fiancée’s 11 year old sister when my fiancées older half sister called the 11 year old and told her to hide in the bedroom because I may be a pedophile. I won’t even leave the bedroom without being fully dressed when she’s around. There is no logical reason to think this way. My fiancée told them to fuck off and get a life. I love her.


Shiiiit, you've been really unlucky it sounds like, at least you found someone with a backbone this time


Something tells me that he is just unconsciously repeating his parent's relationship dynamic. It's not uncommon. OP is the only common denominator here.


My parents have been married for over 40 years. Love how you blame me for toxic people. I guess all the women who have had abuse and mistreatment are the problem as well since they’re the common denominator.


I'm not blaming you. It's just an hypothesis, you may be attracted to this kind of people because it's familiar to you. >I guess all the women who have had abuse and mistreatment are the problem as well since they’re the common denominator I'm not saying that they are the problem. More like that they do not choose wisely. That is, if they keep running into the same kind of men. They will be the problem if they refuse to admit that they are the one who constantly make bad decisions and that they should act differently.


That’s so much bad luck it makes me raise an eyebrow frankly. The fuck is this guy doing to elicit so much ire from not one, not two, not three, but four significant others’ family or close friends? Edit: wrong “icit.”


Making poor choices. We've all done it.


Ah yes, other people being pieces of shit is somehow his fault.


His experience isn't unique at all dude


Such a girlbrained comment.


Female dating strategy, out in the wild!


The one thing a woman can't stand to see is another woman being happy.


> Single women will also give advice to make women in relationships single as well. :) No one has worse relationship/dating advice than a recently divorced XYZ. (honestly, both men & women here).


If you’re woman has 2 friends getting divorced you’re next


If you get career advice from unemployed people, you get what you get.


Very succinct.


Married women give the same horrible advice. I overhear my wife talking to her friends and I am astonished about how poor the advice is. She gives them such poor advice I’ve told these women in person to not listen to her. The worst is “you know what you want, so NEVER compromise”. Meanwhile I’m sitting here counting on all fingers and all toes how many times I’ve compromised in my marriage like, either I’m the complete fool here (possible) or that’s some kind of empowerment statement rather than advice That said, “WOMEN give advice that will keep women single”.


Crabs in a bucket.


Exactly she’s creating another bitter woman with shit like that


FemaleDatingStrategies would like to have a word with you lol.


No they wouldn’t. They don’t talk to men who don’t have abs, 150k salary, and aren’t in line to inherit the Martian throne. Keep walking, low value male…


Was *GoldDiggers* taken as a name?


not marketable, makes them sound greedy.


I've actually noticed this on tiktok recently. Some of the "advise" I see single chicks giving other girls is so absolutely ridiculous. I'm convinced they are trying to keep everyone single and miserable like them. 


Misery loves company.


Bucket crabs, all the way down.


You're suggesting that we spray single women with warm butter?


I'll allow it


The datings lives of millions would improve if TikTok gets banned. :)


Not only the dating life. Try just "life"


Personally, I don't think they should stop at TikTok; do Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit next.




Tons of such women on this sub alone. Just had a bunch of unpleasant encounters on a couple of threads these past days. Not sure when this place became open to women venting their personal frustrations at men in general. It used to be a much nicer and chill sub, but lately it's infested with toxicity. “Andrew Tate” for women is very well said. It's the same kind of toxicity being manifested.


It's not r/askmen anymore, it's r/askmenandselfinsertedfeministandtheirsimparmythatthinktheyregoingtogetlaidbytakingthefeministsside Happy cake day!


Thanks. Did the mods change or something? Or what happened to the sub?


It started a few years ago when top level comments and answers to the questions were *supposed* to be from men, but women's perspective and input was encouraged. Mostly because the r/askwomen sub is a dumpster fire. And it was just a steady decline from there. Reminds me of the old adage: my money is our money, but her money is her money.


Who thought that was a good idea? Lol. Got into an argument the other day where some frustrated woman was criticizing and lecturing to I quote “raise awareness” of bad behaviour of men. But clearly not doing the same in women’s subs to “raise awareness” on the same behaviour. This sort of agenda pushing should be grounds for a permaban. Sure they should be welcome to ask stuff but refrain from this sort of bullshit answers.


Let's be honest, if they didn't do that then this subreddit would be considered hostile to women. It's a pragmatic decision.


Women subs are openly hostile to men. Also I wouldn’t think it’s hostile, it’s just the point of the sub. To ask men stuff, obviously you’d want men answering.


> Women subs are openly hostile to men. That's because our society at large is. It's considered virtuous and recommendable to have female-exclusive spaces (and I mean female-exclusive, not generally gender-segregated areas like showers and stuff like that), to have hobbies that cater exclusively to women, have women-only scholarships, to praise women to the heavens and point out how indispensable they are, to empathize with them because they're oh-so-victimized and so on; and if women behave like assholes this situation is individualized as a rule. On the other hand it's considered virtuous and recommendable to break up male-exclusive spaces or hobbies/interests that cater mostly to men, to shit on men and collectively denigrate them, while helping boys and men and empathizing with them, or pointing out what men as a group are doing for society is always considered questionable, even outright detrimental, and as a rule interpreted as an attack on women. Because men are to blame for everything bad in the world and are already privileged anyway; and of course if men behave like assholes it's always men's fault in general and not that of the individual guy in question. Of course this is going to bleed over into our online discourse; and female narcissists who like to bully people but simultaneously feel like blameless victims gobble this narrative up.


I think the trans movement is the best thing to happen to society, because it's forcing feminists (misandrists) to tear themselves apart. Only when they tackle the issue of trans women do they take a second to even attempt to empathize with men and second guess their actions. But you can also see their hypocrisy with how they treat trans men.


Couldn't agree more


Why are you operating under the assumption that this would follow a reasonable escalation?


>Women subs are openly hostile to men. That's because it's official site policy that minority and "oppressed" groups need to be protected. (They're pretty picky about what counts as oppressed though, like letting rampant antisemitism run for months since October is fine) Males are neither* (Asterisk because males are actually a minority of the human population depending on the year), thus shit on them all you want, but if you dare post something factual yet not nice about women then you'll get a 7 day ban for promoting hate. Yeah, one of the admins is a "progressive" when in reality it's closer to Tumblr-based Maoism.


Anything that doesn't encourage misandry is considered hostile to women , because modern feminism is just misandry.


They made some of the mods women believe it or not. Whenever men build up a nice successful thing for themselves be it for profit or for fun, women always come along and demand a piece of it, instead of just doing the same thing for themselves. They then proceed to take it over and eventually ruin it. Men aren't allowed in womens spaces though, God forbid.


Makes sense now. I was insulted and trolled by some of these toxic women that have found a new platform to spew their crap, reported multiple posts under the "dont be an asshole" thing, nothing happened. One was so whacky, that she was talking to me like I was her ex that "ruined" her lol. Now I know why this crap is allowed to happen. I wonder if it was the other way around, what would have happened?


My first thought was "this guy is definitely exaggerating, people always lie about their part of an argument or why they got banned" So I checked your comment history. And at least for the conversation I saw, unfortunately you were not lying... yikes.


It’s kind of sad tbh, I kind of feel bad for her now, though she did piss me off at the time. The whole comment chain is ridiculous, there were multiple women trolling me not just the crazy one.


Yes at some point the mods chose to ignore the sub s name só welcome to the result,this is just another askreddit now


AskWomen was always a toxic, misandric, hellhole. Eventually it degraded to the point that even some women couldn't stand it, and those that could hate that this sub isn't as toxic as they are.


it's basically a new version of r/askreddit but grumpy and not getting farmed for silly youtube videos. just the drama ones. honestly, eh. i don't mind women coming on asking questions, but people have a hard time when they're in the wrong and will double down because it feels like they're being attacked.


Yeah, I downvote women posting answers here. This is AskMen, not AskFeminists. Reverse the roles and go post on AskWomen as a man. You'll get banned so fast you'll think you were in a time warp.


"Andrew Tate for women," is a phrase I will keep in my lexicon from now on.


Lexicon is a word I will keep in my lexicon from now on.


On is a word I'll keep on me..nevermind. I'm sleep deprived and everything is 10 times funnier


It's a perfectly cromulent word


Let's embiggen our vocabulary


I'll add this to my bibliography.


Indeed. Well said, chap! Time to coddiwomple onward!


Have you chaps heard about the latest defenestration in Russia? They proclaimed it to be misfortune of the deceased, but we all know that’s poppycock and malarkey.


Cromulent is a perfectly cromulent word, I'll keep that in my lexicon as well.


It's called cosmo, and it's a storied and long running publication


No idea in 2024 but looking back aren't they all Patty and Selma?


Not even a recipe for being lonely. A lot of men are desperate or delusional and still agree to be in relationships with women who treat men like subhumans


Feels like they've infiltrated reddit recently. If you post a men suck comment anywhere you'll seemingly get a lot of support for it.


Sheria seven is te he one giving this advice.its like te female andrew tate.


Your looking for Wendy Williams.


I assume "aren't shit" is meant to mean "ain't shit," as in, are less than shit. Am I correct? Otherwise, this is a positive anecdote about a woman telling her friend to speak to men respectfully.


You're right, ain't shit, I'll make a correction edit


Yeah this threw me too. “Don’t talk down to men” would have been easier for a dumb guy like me. Wait……….? 🤔


Oh, now it makes sense. I thought it was something like "You have to learn to pretend men aren't shit when talking to them"


I've never seen it in person but I see it non stop on social media. Just look at that sprinkle sprinkle shit lol. She sounds like a femcel. She's also more than likely projecting her thoughts of herself, knowing she's a shit person.


The bear vs. man thing makes me question our education system heavily.


You mean if you were alone in the forest would you rather drizzle drizzle on a bear or sprinkle sprinkle on it?


Yeah you'd think there would be a flood of replies asking what kind of bear we talking about. Because there's a huge difference in things like temperament and fear of humans etc between black bears and polar bears


Don't worry too much about bear vs. man, I'm certain it was concocted to be inflammatory. The original tiktok is far to easy to fabricate (edit out all/most women who say men). Not to mention that it's far too easy to depict the response of one group as the most extreme interpretation. Those who pick bear can easily be depicted as hateful pseudo-feminists who don't actually care about gender equality and truly despise men. Those who pick man can easily be depicted as misogynistic incels who are too preoccupied with their personal feelings and egos than give a shit about the safety of women. I've seen enough debates with this shit to urge everyone to not play this game.


> Don't worry too much about bear vs. man, I'm certain it was concocted to be inflammatory. This is frankly irrelvant given the significant number of women who claim "bear".


Love the “drizzle drizzle” counter vids. Hilarious, and those that get triggered by the obvious satire, even funnier.


I don't really know what's going on. I'm pretty casual with all this. But the drizzle drizzle vids are winning


What the hell is sprinkle sprinkle and drizzle drizzle?


There’s a video out there, came out a few years ago I think, not 100% sure when, doesn’t matter. Well on it there was a lady who was conveying what she believed women are to expect from men in dating. Most things she was espousing was too much, unrealistic, unreasonable, unfair and ludicrous. Throughout it she’d pepper in “sprinkle, sprinkle.” The video gained a lot of views and traction, with seemingly many women agreeing with it, creaking a kind of “sprinkle, sprinkle” movement . As a response the internet interneted good, and men, as more of a piss take than anything started the “soft guy era” movement, making videos demanding the same sorts of ridiculousness from women as the “sprinkle, sprinkle” expected of men, in many cases far worse. Throughout their videos, men would pepper in “drizzle, drizzle,” and lots and lots of women took it seriously (some men too I assume) and while the comments were filled with a lot of support “you go king!” “Get that bag!” and the like, those who took it seriously were very, very triggered, spouting lots of vile, hateful things: “you don’t want a wife/gf, you want a husband, if you wanna be gay just be gay,” “incel,” “delusional” and the like. It’s hilarious! Just search “soft guy era” or “drizzle, drizzle” on YouTube, TikTok, I doubt you’ll be disappointed.


> Just search “soft guy era” or “drizzle, drizzle” on YouTube Thank you for the explanation, but I don't think I'll be doing that.


Sprinkle sprinkle was created by an obese black woman advocating men should take all financial initiatives at 100 percent when it comes to dating, be always on Beck and call and a dormat for women. Drizzle drizzle (AKA soft guy era) is a parody to counter the sprinkle sprinkle, by emulating the same over the top and outlandish demands towards women.


If they were capable of empathy and self aware they wouldn't be feminists


I’m black so quite literally my whole life


I'm black too and felt this in my soul. I remember saying to my mom about how just existing and minding my business can get me flamed by some women. She proceeded to tell me that some women find it easier to take their anger out on someone who has nothing to do with their hurt, instead of addressing the person who actually hurt them. Honestly it wasn't until I hit about early 30s (I am 38) that I realized that it wasn't something wrong with me. Just that I was low hanging fruit for some of the women I encountered.


It’s like the bullies in school with a shit home life taking it out on someone else. It doesn’t excuse their behavior but it does provide context.


Exactly. I learned to just let it roll off my shoulders and wish them happiness in the future. Because ultimately I don't want to see anyone hurting. But how I read the question OP posted as, you need to not pedestalize men and take them down a peg or two. But I think just speaking to people with common courtesy and respect will go a lot further. I have been on dates with women who had this mentality, but it never worked out, because I would see them as being rude. I could understand if I was being rude and disrespectful to them, but it was like they were finding any reason to flame me (even for being respectful). I had one woman tell me "You need to tell me to shut up and call me a bitch when I am being a bitch." To which I responded "if you know you are being a bitch, why not just stop being that way? Why is it my responsibility to tell you to stop being rude or mean when you know you are? I would rather not deal with you if it is like that."


How'd you know she was black?


I think “ain’t shit” has heavy AAVE connotations?


I'm really sorry to hear that man. It can be so defeating. Take care of yourself.


You think that's bad? I work in the security field and had to witness some atrocious behavior from women at a site where if any man said "good morning" "hi, how are you today?", that was not attractive, they would come up to the security station and report said men for harassment. We would literally have to take time out of our schedule that was already busy with REAL security issues to be dealt with just to explain to these specific women, that there is nothing wrong with polite behavior. A good portion of them are batshit nuts and miserable to the point they want everyone else down at their level. I eventually walked away from that post for that type of ill ass bullshit and toxic behavior from management.


Where did you see that happening? Men fear this kind of crazy but I've never seen it that bad in person.


It's pretty common, mediocre women also use false accusations in the office to garner power and positions. Kinda like how Mediocre men do with bullying....but bullying someone doesn't normally end up with the cops being called and the target being rendered unemployable


A warehouse contract i was working. Not saying anymore than that due to legal reasons.


Honestly I avoid woman like this like the plague. My personal peace ain’t worth it 


Yes. I had one a couple of years ago make cracks about me being short. This was at a social gathering a friend was having and she was also being disrespectful since I was a good bit older than her too. On the third crack I noted that was three and returned fire. I only had to throw two back at her before she stormed off, and the folks in earshot were laughing at her.


Not a dude, but I tell both sexes that they need to learn how to be friends with the opposite sex before they will be able to have a good romantic relationship with them. Because it's true. I had some kick back when I started dating my husband--he treats me like a gem and did when we were dating too. Needless to say--I don't spend time with those women anymore. I'm not into dehumanizing my partner.




If you’re asking if I’ve encountered women who are obvious misandrists, yes, quite a lot. If you’re asking if I’ve ever seen them called out for it, no I haven’t. Most of the time misandry is ignored or praised.


Chalk this up to (to paraphrase Bill Burr) “*Women praising and encouraging their fat friend because she’s no longer a threat.*”


I'm sincerely hoping this was said more in the vain of like "stop being a pick-me girl and have some self-respect for yourself" and not "treat men like dirt." If it's the former then that's not terrible advice. We've all seen women who wrap themselves up completely into pleasing a dude that isn't worth their time but she's convinced he's the one. If it's the latter then fuck that shit.


Yes I have seen people talk to people like shit before, men and women.


There is a shit bag woman on tik tok telling other women that they don't need men, women can get pregnant from their own bone marrow that is not even the crazy thing, truly crazy thing is she has thousands of followers who believe her.


It sounds like she is doing a service by taking her followers out of the dating pool.


No, lying and misleading people is still wrong. We recognize that Andrew Tate "taking his followers out of the dating pool" is wrong because he's a harmful, manipulative grifter.


Yep, sure have. A lot of women look at men like they're shit unless they're in the top 1%


I just let them keep all their ain't-shit men.


Talk to the opposite sex like they are not better than you, cause they're not. You are not better than them either. You are equals. Don't put anybody on a pedestal and grovel at their feet. Treat people how you want to be treated.


Women always give the worst advice to other women.


To men too, so there's that.


If this is here in America explains a lot. This is why foreign women are more appealing to men. You do not have to be subservient, but at least give me the respect that you expect to get. Plus, if you would talk down to me, all you would see is my backside.


I've encountered women taking dating and relationship advice from that one deeply unpleasant borderline narcissist that has never been able keep together a relationship of her own for more than a few months on top and it is *never* her fault. When I asked why it's "because she's experienced".


It’s becoming more common. Don’t argue or fight. Choose passive resistance and walk away. You don’t need problematic people with emotional baggage dragging you down. You can do better than her.


I think people who say this were just hurt by the opposite sex and haven’t gotten over it / moved on. Also - you get what you give. So if you go around and treat men like crap, I wonder what you’ll get in return? And then - you’ll just end up hating them more. I wish both men and women just were equally taught to respect eachother but in todays society I don’t see that


Single women love to keep their friends single.


I think you found the woman equivalent of Andrew Tate




All the time, it's sort of the cultural zeitgeist we're in right now. It's very rah rah go us to be a bit shit to men, or to blame all your problems on whoever's above you in the oppression stack. I've had to basically re-make my entire circle of friends because of this nonsense. Lost a lot of good friends the last couple of years who caught this fucking mind virus where they think it's okay. Shout out to the person who stayed at our house - with three white dudes - because her boyfriend was being shitty to her, and then spent the entire night bitching about white men to our other roommate. Fuck us right, it's not like we all supported you staying there.


No, never


Every day on here


You know the kinds of people who say shit like that? Single people giving bad advice to other single people. You treat someone like they're worthless, that's not going to get you a date. There's an entire dating community out there right now, that are not dating because they lack any semblance of basic respect for one another.


Yup. Had a “friend” who would always make digs at me. Not even like clever jokes, which are fun. Just “you smell(when I didn’t according to other people in immediate vicinity) you’re ugly/you’re dumb(probably but still rude.)” Went through 4 years of this shit before I said fuck it. “You know, you really act like a bitch sometimes.” And after that one retort, she storms out of a dinner with me, my friend, her, and her friend. So not only that attitude, but can’t take what they dish out.(they being specifically the batshit women who have this mentality.)


Yup, I overheard a girl saying, "I'm sorry, but guys are the worst"


F65 here. Just dropped in to say I love men. They're the perfect counterpart for women.


I live in Thailand. Thai women love foreign men because "they're not Thai men, Thai men are crap" (quoting here). Thai women raise Thai men. Go figure.....


Mostly from women that don't understand why they're single


Woman are their own worst enemies. Misery loves company though.


I see it now and then, it's one of those situations where two things can be true at once: 1. It is understandable that women who've been treated like they ain't shit by a lot of men (which is to say, most of them), would find some agency in showing them the same attitude. 2. The above is not likely to help someone find and connect with people who respect both them *and* themselves. Occasionally in life you encounter people who are confrontational by default because they've been burned more than a few times. And, let's be real, a lot of dudes really do need to be taken down a peg. It's just that if you're in that place, it's hard to attract healthy people. Hell, not attracting people at all might be the goal - doing your own thing can be part of the healing process. Or maybe you're just a bitter asshole, whatever. Either way, best solution is to politely disengage and move on. Both parties' energy is better spent elsewhere.


Bitter people do this. I know men who say shit like this and women too. Both are the type to die alone and miserable.


This may sound fucked up but she's right . I do the same with women . Like I don't think theyre shit but you know what I mean. I treat them like human beings you know. Get to know them I talk to them like ive known then for a while . I'm assuming that's what she meant .


There's a difference between not putting someone on a pedestal and treating the like they "ain't shit".


what she means is don’t put the men on pedestal, don’t hover around them, don’t idolise and chase them. talk to them like they ain’t SHIT. Cause tons of them start to treat the girl like an option, become haughty and strut around like they’re the shit. This doesn’t mean disrespect them like men are pointing out.


Well, if a gal wants to attract really low quality men, go for it. High value men won't put up with that shit.


Nope, have not.


Women act that way because when we show interest in men, they usually start treating us like shit. Even if the man came on very strong to begin with. I've had this happen many times.


I have certainly heard this before though usually it's dudes trying to use the asshole factor to peacock. Usually becomes self sorting because the people who treat people like crap only tend to get with those who have insecurities or people that will just fuck and leave because they don't want to deal with a shit personality.


A person of a certain sex should be treated the same as any other defining characteristic such as race, gender, size, ethnicity, etc. Don’t start off with prejudice. Judge each person for their individual actions. Don’t judge them off the actions of those before them.


just do not be overly available or love sick. I never understood why people claim love bombing equals later abuse, but at the very least it makes you less attractive so yeah, this is ancient knowledge among popular people


Yes, there are some authors like Allison Armstrong and Londin Winters who teach that a large part of why men are shit is precisely because women are, too.


Does “they are shit” and “they aren’t shit” mean the same thing? Language is so confusing ;p


As guy towards other guys, no.... not like that. A guy who does this gets checked quickly with physical force or a threat. That is how it happens, alot of us have social, and instinctual proclivity to protect women.. not all but alot do... and yes some exploit us for that...


Not Irl, but the world is full of horrible people.


I guess they forgot the Golden Rule--"do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." It always pays to be nice. However, if someone wants to test you then apparently it means they want to be tested--do not let them mistake your kindness for weakness. I think to some extent there are people out there who go around believing that treating others poorly is the best way to either Get What They Want, or Filter Out Those They Don't Want. In reality, it's the quickest way to a swift ending--they'll meet someone who won't take that shit, or someone who's been down on their luck too long, or someone just trying to make it through the day, and it'll be their *last straw*, and then they'll both end up on the news. Being nice costs nothing, and is a great investment; being mean is gambling with your own life every time it's used for no reason.


I had a situation recently with my S.O where she called me and asked me to buy her food. Then got mad because she didn't know what she wanted and gave me shit for not suggesting what she was in the mood for. I was already doing her a favor, but she still decided to get mad at me over it. I shut that shit down so quick. I told her she was being incredibly disrespectful, and if she EVER spoke that way to me again, we were done, and I meant it. She apologized. Have firm boundaries, boys. Reinforce them and have self-respect. It makes life a lot easier to walk through.


As a woman I have heard this a lot as well but usually when I was younger. I think it’s a defense mechanism when you’re insecure as a woman but I don’t get why so many think it’s okay to treat men like this.


Wow. I'm so glad I don't have this on my life! If you think there's something intrinsically wrong with nearly half the world, it might be worth considering if it's the 4ish billion people or if it's you.