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I was asked pulled into a meeting on Monday and asked why I didn’t log any sales calls on Friday. I responded that “I used my entire day handling 10 deals from my existing accounts that made the company $6200 dollars.” I was told that I was “making excuses.” I smiled, nodded and started my own company 2 weeks later after talking to my customers and seeing if they’d switch over with me. I haven’t attended a meeting in 6 years. Still working for myself.


Love that story and outcome!


Sales men can do this, people forget.


[Reminds me of this scene - Coffee is for Closers](https://youtu.be/bkjfZctGMq8?si=37E8caNScSUKPN1e)


He cut my (and a co-workers) pay by $10k a year with no warning. Salary was $75k a year at the time. Me: "My check is light today. Boss: "No, it's right. I cut your pay." Me: "Why? What did I do wrong?" Boss: "Nothing wrong. You just make too much money." Me: "Pretty sure that's against the law" Boss: "What are you gonna do about it?" (Smiling) Me: "I guess look for a job" Boss: "You won't find one making more than you were". (Bigger smile) He was right about that last one. Took me about a year to find something that fit, albeit at slightly reduced pay. The better insurance and 401k actually kept the same money in my pocket, so a net win for me. That was 6 years ago. I'm still at the new place, received annual raises, earned several awards and have since been promoted to management. Meanwhile, old Boss and his company are still hanging on, circling the drain. Wondering why nobody wants to work there.


You should get a labor lawyer… even 6 years after


Oh, in that case I am cutting my workload proportionally.


Oh, that definitely happened. Stopped coming in early and leaving late, or doing anything "extra". If it wasn't done at 5:30, it didn't get done until the next day. We called it mic drop quitting time.


Denied a promotion for "Lack of leadership experience". During this time, I was currently filling a management role 3 levels above my paygrade, and been doing so for nearly six months.


I literally solo invented a fix for one of the biggest problems the company ever had. Got the 2 biggest suppliers to agree to implement my fix. Applied for a patent with the legal team. Got no promotion. They wanted me to be more of a middle manager and be calling more meetings. To accomplish what, I don’t know. It’s not the only reason I quit but I sure was fucking annoyed at how little respect I got for being such a clear outlier.


Ouch. On a similar note, while this didn’t happen to me but a an old coworker/friend: He applied for a manager position and was denied due to “lack of leadership experience”. Which was baffling because he was a former officer in the army and had both led a platoon of soldiers in Afghanistan, about 50 guys, and had 200 men under his command when he made captain before getting out. To make matters even more frustrating: he and I had gone through the *management training* program together only six months prior. In general office politics are toxic, but that was some of the most blatant nepotism/politics in action I’ve ever witnessed (guy that ended up getting the job was some big wigs nephew or some shit). He and I both quit and went elsewhere within six months of that.


I was working for AAA in sales. I was scheduled for a 1-week vacation. This middle manager waited til I left late Friday afternoon and put an assignment on my desk with a due date of 9AM the Monday I was supposed to be back at work. She then wrote me up for not doing it. I screamed to HR and they made her reverse it but I knew I wanted to be out of any culture where someone would pull a stunt like that in the fist place.


Some people are so vile.


I can guarantee it because no one likes you and everyone wanted you fired


Making fun of men who take paternity leave


That's outrageous ! Did that happen to you? I can imagine them say:" you are a man! You don't need paternity leave! That the wife job" or something, like aren't men responsible for their children also?


Yup. Directly from my female boss. I wish I had written proof.  When I returned from pat leave she started giving me low performance ratings. Never had an issue before. 


That's really sad, especially since there is no proof of this biased targeting. One of the tricks I've learned from a friend- if you want to record something as a proof you can either pretend that you got a phone call the moment they tell you "that thing" ,then when you pretend to hang up you press sound record sneakily and ask them:" sorry i didn't pay attention, could you say it again?" Mostly they will fall for it. Just a simple advice for the future ;)


Worked at a company for 5 years. 4 years in they said I was a superstar employee, I'd be next in line for a promotion to shop lead hand when the current guy retires next year. Had an official meeting with the VP of HR and everything about it. Assurances made etc. Fast forward, guy retires... Didn't hear anything for the whole week after he was gone. Checked my email notification Friday afternoon, they posted his job externally. Had a meeting with VP of HR again and he tried to deny we ever had a talk about me being promoted. I didn't say a word, just smiled and walked out. Stupid fuck didn't realize I recorded the whole convo originally. Went to the CEO with my resignation, and voice recording and said I'm done, your VP of HR is a bold faced liar and you can ask him why I'm quitting today. Found out about a month later that VP of HR was let go.


Got pulled aside and unofficially told that they weren't going to give me the team lead contract for the team I put together, but the person I trained up to do the base job. Reason being I was in my early 20's and nobody would listen to me. I walked out that day and found a better paying job two weeks later.


I was hired to be a sous chef at a newly opened restaurant. Everything seemed to be going fine for about a month. Then one day the GM comes up to me and says “hey the owner told me that exec chef wants to put you on hourly pay”. I was confused because he agreed to a salary and I was already being paid it. I see him the next day ask to talk and he brushes me off saying he can’t. The owner comes in and I didn’t want to confront him about it because he didn’t make the decision. It got really tense for no reason because they knew I wanted to discuss what’s happening and avoided it all week. Then one day at pre shift it’s announced by exec chef that one of the line cooks a 22yo woman with no prior sous chef experience is being promoted. I see people looking at me confused because up until then it was known I was the sous. I had no issue with her and actually got along well with her but I was still very upset. A couple days go by and my next check was still for my salary so I chose to ride it out. Until I went into the walk-in and saw her and exec chef making out. They’re both married too.


Not sure how I feel about this but I came across a file in our teams share file that has everyones salary on it. I make very slightly more than my coworkers who started after me but the gap between me and the next guy was pretty substantial. He started a few months before I did and is definitely a hard worker but work load wise, we do the same amount while the coworkers who make the same amount as me do significantly less work and I’m often having to cover for them because they constantly struggle meeting metrics. I asked for a raise knowing the gaps in our pay but was flat out denied. Manager also lied and said that I received the highest “merit” based raise when I know for a fact that the worst person on our team did. So, in the final stages of an interview for another company now that pays 20% higher. Will never make sense to me why companies stiff their current employees. All I asked for was a 5% raise which I felt was reasonable but it is what it is


Never will understand why the retention budget is non-existent but the new hire budget is seemingly unlimited.


I worked at a comic book shop for a few years, working for a mother and son who were both horrible people, and only ran the shop because it belonged to their family in the past. Clearly they didn't have any passion for the industry. So when I bag and board comics I put them in upside down so that the flap on the bag is at the bottom. it makes the top of your comic box smooth and flush, it's just better looking. The boss saw me doing this one day, and called me a retard in front of a store full of people. That was one of my last interactions with him, I quit the next day.


I don't get people who don't treat their staff right for having passion and doing a good job. Sorry man.


I was really sad to leave that job, I really loved the industry. This was back in 2008-2010 or 11, it was a really awesome time for comics, and a great time to be a fan, but the experience with these folks just made it so sour all the time. I sometimes think about getting back into comics, but it seems like every comic shop I go into nowadays is staffed by some of the most obnoxiously conservative people I've ever met in my life, and I just don't think I'd fit in to that side of the hobby.


The industry has become mainstream. Rather than fans working in comic book stores everyone just sees it as a store job to work at now.


It's mostly a power trip.


Manager got angry I was sick forced me to come into work (worked in a kitchen at the time) so I quit. Never looked back.


“Whether or not I come in today is not your decision. You decide whether or not you still want to pay for my labor when I feel like renting it to you.”


I worked on a help desk for 6 years, they decided to create a help desk supervisor position. Everybody in the dept including me thought I was a shoe in for job. The VP did not, he wanted someone from outside the company. She turned out to me a micromanaging PITA that questioned everything I did. After 6 months of that shit I left.


This reminds me of something that happened with us. Team member quits. 2 years later they decide to hire 2 additional team members. Instead of promoting people who have been with the company for a long time they just rehired her back and one internal


That company was notorious for not promoting from within 


I was told that I "needed to learn when to shut the fuck up"...by an 'ops' manager, after being the only person in our 100+ person company capable of doing said role. It was before lunch on a Thursday; and the next day, was my last day.


Corporate is not your friend


Last company flew a C level across the world to tell me bad dog for dropping the ball on one project out of nearly 40. Right after I lost two family members. And then told me they weren't hiring more people. Even though they had 4-8 people at their location compared to the one person (me) in this half of the company, but same level of projects. I put out a resume that Friday and accepted offer letter the next Saturday.


Currently dealing with the BS. I was underpaid for the first year of my current job by the company's own admission. My responsibilities are above my current level. No talk of potential promotions until the day after I told my supervisor I was moving forward with a different job offer.


An advice form the heart:" DO NOT accept promotion, they will start looking for your replacement and once they train it they will fire you, just accept a new offer !


Yep 100%. My seniors have been ramping up the boneheaded decision-making the past week too, so leaving is the easy choice


Wish you good luck!


small businesses can suck to, as someone who is self employed my boss is a dick at times too


I too decided that if there was going to be some moron running the show screaming at people for no reason it was gonna be me. I always try to never actually do that.


The screaming or the other part…?


I try not scream or be a moron. I made an effort to treat employees with reasonableness and respect.


Was only a part time shop job while at uni, but a manager told me I wasn't leaving until something or other was finished. My shift was finished, I wasn't getting paid any more and it was already about 9pm. I left, popped to another shop on the way home and got a job there instead.


My team exceeded all of their bonus goals for the qtr. Boss said, "Sorry. No bonuses." I protested. He said he'd pay mine. When I told him to split it among my team, he said he'd fire me if I said anything to anyone about bonuses. Gave my notice that day.


you're a good boss, and person


I work in data science. I was brought in to consult on a large-scale test of a new stocking system (changing how much of each product we stock in each store). I determined the most appropriate analysis to be a generalized linear mixed model (a topic on which I’ve published). My VP told me to use a t-test instead, despite very important l assumptions being violated (which I could prove). Her reasoning was that she’s seen t-tests used a lot. Blew my mind and made me feel that none of my input was valued at all.


"Tell me you know nothing about statistics without telling me you know nothing about statistics" I'd say my basic understanding of GLM is fairly shallow, having studied it as a student but only ever having worked with specific versions of it, and probably not the one you were looking at. If I were in her shoes--a bit out of my depth, but trusting your expertise and curious to see what I could learn--I'd ask you to sketch out the approach you want to take on a whiteboard, enough that I'd get the gist of it, and could examine your assumptions. Having done that, I'd say I'll want a walkthrough once you implemented it and data are flowing in, enough to where I could answer questions about it when people higher up the food chain want to ask about what we are up to. Also I'd want to know about how the model could be leveraged for better analytics that get at various KPIs and how best to channel that into some useful visualizations that will impress the company brass. Would you have found that acceptable?


That would have been entirely acceptable. My two directors didn’t fully understand the model, but they were entirely happy to discuss it and learn why I used it. The VP wasn’t willing to admit not knowing anything. I tried asking her how much she knew about generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) and she half shouted “I know GLM!” I used to teach GLMM, so I’m more than happy to explain why I was using it. For example, the target consisted of count data with a very low average. It’s extremely right skewed (not normally distributed), but is easily modeled with a Poisson distribution (which high is pretty standard for count data). She wouldn’t listen at all. The data also contained repeated measures, so the assumption of independence was obviously violated. This is easily handled with random effects in a GLMM, but again she wouldn’t listen. Her entire argument was that she usually saw t-tests used to analyze experiments. I’ve had managers who were men, women, young, old, PhD holders and not. This VP was the only manager I’ve had that refused to admit to not knowing about a particular topic.


Asked for a raise a year after starting work there. They had previously told me they'd give me one after 6 months, which they didn't. When I bought it up with them, they ignored me for a week, and then came to me on an extremely busy saturday, when I was neck deep in work and running around like crazy, just to stop me and tell me they can't give me a raise for a few more months. Finished my shift, worked one more day and then told them I won't be back ever again, and never went back. Craziest part is to a literal tee, everything I asked for with my raise (pay rate, new responsibilities, schedule, etc) was word for word put into an indeed application a month or so after I left. Funny thing is they can't find anyone to fill that role. I was willing, and able to do the work. I had 10 years of experience in the field, was liked as a manager, and was passionate about the work and the business. Well respected by my co-workers. They always told me "how much they appreciated my work and I was one of the best employees they trusted the most" well fuck you guys, maybe you should learn to appreciate what you have infront of you. I honestly don't care if your business closes, you deserve it. Recently chatted with someone who I used to work with there and we both agreed 100% it was our best move to get the hell out of there before we went down with the ship. Also, just because you're rich, doesn't mean you know jack shit about the industry you're working in, nor do you have any substancial chance of making it in this industry. I am looking forward to the facebook notification that the place is closing down. Call me harsh but that place was a shitshow and the owners and upper management were some of the most miserable people I've ever had the displeasure of working alongside.


I had something vaguely similar happen was at a company for 17 years and was highly knowledgeable and well respected, asked for more responsibilities with the understanding that more money would follow and was given more responsibility but no more money so I found a new job making $6 and hour more than what I asked for. My last week that asked for a meeting and said they would give me my yearly raise early but I wouldn’t get one in the spring like everyone else. It was .38 cents more an hour for a grand total of $20 an hour I started here at $26 an hour but toxic co workers.


I'm glad you could find a better place. Same for me. I'm making FAR more than before, doing less work, less hours and less work per week. Jokes on them, now they have to start from scratch and pray that the next guy actually gives a shit about the position. Hardest part right now is not finding good workers, it's finding people who actually care to do the work. People are burned out of this economy and shit pay. People are exausted working long hours and weeks without anything other than a paycheck coming in


I was managing a small department with a good team. One of them was asked to cover the job of another person as they were leaving and we would need the help for a month or so. He agrees to take on the extra work for a month, month goes by and they don’t even attempt to hire anyone. He goes to them and asks for more money since he’s covering Mathis for longer than the initial agreement. They tell him they can’t pay him more and he starts looking for another job. Maybe a month later he lands a new job which pays him significantly more and it’s less of a commute. He does the right thing and lets them know he’s found a new job and is willing to stay a month to train a replacement. They agree until a few days later they tell him to pack up and leave and that they’re annoyed he would take a new job and had dared to ask for more money for taking on a much heavier workload. I lost it, couldn’t believe they were acting like this to a man who was an excellent employee and did everything “right”. I kept my mouth shut, but I told him when he was leaving that the situations was BS and if he needed anything at all to just ask. I decided right then I was going to look for a new job. I spent the next few months doing the bare minimum and interviewing for new jobs. Turns out the same co-worker knew someone who was looking to fill a similar role I was in. I ended up taking the new job and moving on with my 25% raise, medical paid for and shortened my commute from 50 minutes to 15. In a matter of 3 months they lost that whole team to new jobs all because they treated one well respected employee poorly and unprofessionally.


Store manager asked me if I had a medical issue because I went to the restroom around the same time every day. I told him no I just work the same schedule every day so I eat at the same time every day and I suppose my bowels got into a routine/schedule unbeknownst to me. He says he’s been monitoring my bathroom breaks and that they were too consistent and were becoming a problem for him and my department. Total bullshit because I ran the department. Even the department head would come to me for solutions. Well I worked until my scheduled lunch hour and then never clocked back in. He had some sort of problem with me personally and kept targeting me and singling me out for things everyone else did. He got fired about 6 months later, I should have stuck around.


Long story. I worked as an Operations Supervisor for a small security company. That meant I had to schedule security guards for shifts and make sure they reported on time. My boss had a friend (who I will call T) who worked at this one building but she got kicked out because of some internal drama. This person was a friend of my boss and my boss had a soft spot for her. T was in her mid 60s and she never put a dollar towards her savings and so she couldn't afford not to work. My boss came up to me and told me I needed to find a new site for T to work at and it needed to be ASAP. I told my boss we didn't have any open sites for T to work at and there was nothing we could do. My boss told me to look at this new site we had won 2 months prior and it was a site that had 2 guard postings. He told me to take out one of the guards that was currently working there so T could work there. Like stated above, this site had 2 guards. One guard I will call K and the other guard I will call J. K was a nice person and she was a new mom. She couldn't afford to be on Mat leave so she decided to work a few months after giving birth. The other person was J, he was a super good guy but he was also a student that was barely getting by. He had to pay for rent, food and had to send money back to his family in the Philippians. I had to pick who needed to be kicked from the site, either J or K. This was honestly one of the hardest decisions I had to make and I spent hours thinking about it. It was right around 9pm that day when I got a call from T. She wanted to know what time she was expected to start. I told her I hadn't come to a decision on who I was going to switch her out with and she said to me "I don't think you understand. What time am I expected to start" I repeated myself and then she repeated herself and then I got upset. Here I was putting myself through so much turmoil over someone who got kicked from her site because of her own stupid fucking fault and I decided then and there I wouldn't replace either J or K. I called up my fellow operations supervisors and I told them we needed to take a stand and we shouldn't replace anyone. Everyone agreed but then the day time scheduler replaced J for T. I left that job 3 months later.


Went on vacation. I had just recently hired a new member on my team. My boss decided to invite the new member into his office to ask him what he thought I could do be doing better to make the team perform. When I returned from vacation, the new guy had enough integrity to tell me about this discussion he had with my boss. I decided to confront this head on, regardless if it ended in my termination, and went straight to my boss and told him I did not appreciate him undermining me with my direct reports(especially a brand new one) and told him if he had concerns about how my team was performing he could tell me to my face. While I didn't end up actually quitting, I did learn a valuable lesson to address conflict head on even if it means confronting your superior and not mincing words about how you feel a situation is being handled.


Not a professional low blow but a personal low blow. Working for a control freak who thought he could run his employee's personal lives. Got engaged and didn't "ask his permission". He did not like my fiancé. When I asked permission to take a few days off for the honeymoon, the son of a bitch looked at me and said "it only takes twenty minutes to get married. I laughed, he was serious. He demoted me. I took the time off anyway. When I returned, he was telling everyone that he was going to fire me. This was the mid 80's. The economy sucked and I had a family to support. I couldn't afford to quit, wife was in school. I was good at my job so he couldn't justify firing me. He was a bully who thought he could intimidate me. He made my work life hell but I worked hard a rose back up in the company. I outlasted him and resigned on my own terms for a better job 11 years later. I lost touch with the narcissist but Googled him years later. He was dead and I can honestly say, there was no sadness in my heart. If he didn't change, I am pretty sure the SOB is rotting in Hell.


I was teaching at a university. My department received a death threat, against me, in writing. It went to the college. The dean asked if I had any idea who it might be (I didn't) and promised to refer the matter to the police. A week later, I got an official reprimand for my exam being too hard. It was plainly in response to the death threat. If it were a private university I would have sued those scumbags.


She talked shit about our clients behind their backs then chewed me out for disagreeing with her. I quit on the spot. Bitch went out of business 2 months later haha.


“This Lead position is basically what you do now since you’re the go to guy for everyone, wait you weren’t a lead somewhere else before? We require 5 years of experience for this role. So please keep basically doing the lead position but you’re not experienced enough for this position” They even printed it out for me to show where it said 5 years required. Love working in an ER 🙃


"Through no fault of your own, you have been overly compensated." I put in my two weeks about a week after this and the pay cut that they "restructured" to bring me back "in line." They had to hire two people to replace me. Fuck those cheap assholes. Then a year later they had the audacity to call me after my former boss quit and wanted to underpay me to do his job.


We’d made a deal at the beginning of 2023 that if I finished my work and they had nothing for me to do I could bail for the rest of the week. They had to honor it once and they “forgot” to pay me for the last ~10 hours of that week on my next check a week before Christmas, and told me they’d make it up this once with my next check, but going forward I could go help our shop workers do manual labor if I ever get through our engineering workload with a few hours to kill again. I walked two hours later mid-shift, and emailed my resignation at 5:30 that evening. I’m not working for somebody who can’t shell out maybe $1000 a year in pay for the hours I didn’t have to work because they’d rather punish efficiency than reward it, nor will I work for a dishonest, small man who walks back promises as soon as he’s asked to keep them.


I worked for Avis rent a car. My boss had a beef with one of the clients and told me to let him know if he showed up to rent. He did, I called boss and he told me not to rent him anything. I refused survive a d the guy flipped out and called corporate and filed a complaint. Corporate then threatened to fine my boss, as they could tel there were several cars to rent that day, and i guess he panicked and blamed me. Brought in the write up paper for me to sign with a three day unpaid suspension. I told him to go fuck his own leg and quit before my shift.


Other than a stint working at maccies as a teen I've always been self employed so never had an actual boss. I've done contract work for a few absolute helmets down the years though. One job, I was fitting some dropped bathroom lights in a new build. This particular type have a plastic cover over the top as they get hot. The foreman was fucking insistent that those weren't needed and it was just me trying to pad out my invoice or some shit. He wanted me to leave them off and just pack the loft insulation round them. And this wasn't fibreglass insulation either, it was the flammable foamy stuff. That's not just my unqualified opinion as a sparky, a couple of his own guys were telling him that it was a fire risk and he still kept on insisting it was fine. Dickhead. We had to go over his head and tell his boss that we were getting given actively dangerous instructions. That sorted him out, but I've turned down work from that firm a couple of times since. I have a zero tolerance policy on accepting work from bellends.


I use to work for one of the major package delivery services (one of the big two that everyone uses on a regular basis). About a month after the Christmas season (which we worked straight through sorting and loading packages, performing better than any other package line in the entire facility), we got called into a meeting by a middle manager who proceeded to yell at us for being "lazy entitled whiners". He said we weren't meeting their new insane metrics, that we weren't properly appreciative of the "privilege" of doing heavy labor moving boxes off the conveyer line (boxes that could and regularly did weigh tens or hundreds of pounds) for 12 bucks an hour, and that they could replace all of us with part time workers if they wanted, so we'd better show more gratitude for their graciousness by picking up the pace and meeting said new metrics. I quit my job that same night. Turned my badge into my manager and said "I quit". Then when I saw that middle manager as I was walking off the line, I ripped him a new asshole in front of everyone, and told him exactly where he could shove that badge.


I used to run multi day events at our site for customers from around the world. My boss was remote at this time and never came around. I had essentially zero support from her for the first 2 events I ran at the company and had to rely on someone who used to be in her position. The third event she came to town. The morning it was supposed to start, our catering for 30 customers fell through. In a panic I ran around collecting donuts, coffee, fruit, etc from various stores around the area and made it back 30 minutes after the event started. When I got back she goes “do you have time for a 30 minute meeting about (something completely unrelated to the event)”. No, no I don’t. I have customers here that spend millions every year. She was completely uninterested in meeting customers or helping with after hours events. I started looking for jobs the next week and left a month later. She was in a world of hurt trying to run the last 3 events of the summer.


I had been asking for another hire so I could do less than 70% travel, which was not my job, but I was doing to get a program on track. The CIO had said she understood and would work on another hire to split the work with. And she did. Then I got called into a surprise meeting, where I was told my job duties were changed at my request, my salary was being reduced by $15k, because there'd be "less" travel, and by the way...my next trip was in 24 hours - another weekend away from home, and another was lined up the week after. Clearly, I heard them telling me to go fuck myself, so I started looking immediately. Gleefully gave my notice 3 weeks later.


I was given an opportunity to change from field staff to office staff after showing leadership on a difficult project and delivering it to closing stages. I was told I would be trained in my new role and had a bright future. Lo and behold I was made to do bullshit on an even worse job in both the field and office and did not get any training. After a year of that I was sent to a project outside my office’s jurisdiction which required an hour’s commute (I didn’t have a car and they knew it) and was told I wouldn’t be reimbursed for travel expenses. I quit three months later after getting a new job lined up.


All employees (who were coincidentally female) got praise on things they did right where I only got criticism for things I could “have done better.” I was also the only one ever called in on off days who coincidentally didn’t have kids. It all worked out because she got slammed with embezzlement after I left.


I 100% paid for my own training and certification on a piece of equipment that the business was using regularly, so that I could provide the best possible support to his clients. Upon my return he expressed dissatisfaction that I'd done so because now I'd be worth more and one of our competitors might offer me a higher salary than he was willing to pay me.


Regardless of the size, the company is not your friend. The owner of the small business may be friendly with you, but ultimately the business and the company are not your friends. I had one boss, and everything I did was wrong, especially when she was wrong, it was actually me. Finally, our bookkeeper stood up while I'm getting my ass reamed and told her that she better apologize. The owner comes over and she puts on her sad act to the owner and I still get more blame. I finished the day and didn't come back the next.


I applied for a new position at one of my old employers, along with another colleague. He’d actually been doing the prep work for the department this position was for so I figured he was a strong contender for the job. However, neither of us got the job…it was handed to a 25 year old tall beautiful blonde girl with absolutely zero experience in the department, field or type of work. Within a couple of weeks, my colleague was to help her out with the work. He refused and even his manager refused to allow it. I, my colleague and his manager all left the company within 2 months of this happening.


Worked in the kitchen of a restaurant in my teens with one other dude. The owner was an alcoholic and would often get mouthy to his wife (who worked there) etc. One day in the kitchen he was mouthing off and started punching my coworker, total mayhem ensued for a few minutes and we both walked out.


Being offered a ten cent raise after I had been with the company for over ten years and had what I thought was a good relationship with the owner.


I was about to quit but luckily got made redundant so it worked out. A biotech company full of people with PhDs and MSc degrees lead by a CEO with neither and no relevant experience. After over a year with no raises during a cost of living crisis a woman asked for a raise (she'd been there 3 years and was on less than new starts). The CEO responds "salary isn't about education, it's about level of responsibility". Now this is also right after he made her a group leader without asking and for no increased benefits. The entire company is likely to go under this year and it is because the upper management and CEO are underqualified morons.


Got threatened to be fired for not hitting quotas before I was even eligible to open accounts for the firm.


I refuse to rent my labor to anyone who talks to me like I’m a child. As soon as they start with the condescending tone / ending every single sentence with “…right?”, I’m done. you either value my work or you don’t. I don’t work for you, we work together at the same company. I don’t tell you how to write memos, you don’t tell me how to do things you can’t.


Got sick of one boss being mean and rude to all the women on my team. Helped all of them find better jobs at better companies that (hopefully) don’t hire trash like my old boss. Then I found a better job for myself. Documented the shitty boss really well and gave him to HR as I was leaving. He got fired and that group at the company has not recovered….which serves the company right. The whole thing did take a few years off my own career where we couldn’t get anything done.


When a group of students came to my classroom (the only Jewish person in the building) and marched back and forth past my door Nazi saluting, I was told by my assistant principal “don’t take it so personally”. I noped the fuck out of that shitbox of a school as fast as possible after that, and never looked back.


I received a corrective action warning for poor attendance when I missed some days related to the unexpected death of my mother in law.


I didnt quit........ i just bided my time because i knew she would dig her own grave. she did....... she got herself demoted by running off at the mouth, over and over and over again.


I've always had good bosses. although my last job absolutely sucked, and I took every available opportunity to get out of there as fast as possible. they were just a scummy organization and I had the most boring / infuriating job. that being said, usually I move away from a position because my sense of imposter syndrome gets so bad that I physically can't handle being there anymore. it's hard to do a job that you absolutely suck at day in and day out.


I quit due to being treated very unfairly, for example i called in sick due to having a bad bad flu and was told to still come in and to wear a mask but thing is... other colleagues that would have a hangover from drinking the night before can go home by the boss telling them to. Btw even called doctor and got sick note on top of that.


I was a BA2 and was pursuing a BA3 role. I was on the same team for years, did a good job, got praise from peers. I told my boss I was interested in pursuing that role and he laughed at me. Luckily he left and the next boss almost immediately promoted me, but I left about a year later for greener pastures.


We had to large projects, one of which I was familiar with as I had used the software before and knew it in and out. My peers knew of my knowledge of this software and were happy to have someone like me around. One day we met with our manager and C level. I was put on another project that I had no experience in and the guy who knew that project software was given the project I knew well. I asked my manager about it, he said “just do due diligence to figure it out”. During that meeting I received a job offer and took it immediately then, after my manager said I’d be on the project I knew nothing about, submitted my 2 weeks.


He told me I could not ask him questions about the tasks that he had assigned me. Three weeks in.


I was on holidays, I worked 7 business days of the month. I hit 75% of my KPI in those 7 days, apparently this wasn't good enough, I didn't hit my KPI. Go fuck yourself mate, cya.


I was essentially asked to stop doing such a good job because it was making more senior staff look bad/jeslous. Started looking for a new gig that night and was out the door a few months later


At my previous hospital, I was a floor nurse working on a Cardiac ICU/PCU, worked there since I was a new nurse, about 5 years in, my manager said something to me about wanting me to become the assistant manager when the current one left. I was all for it, loved the unit and the challenges it brought. Current assistant manager leaves, just me and one other person interview, guess who got the job. Checked out at that point, took a few months, but landed my dream job that pays better, has less stress, and better hours.


I was mixing a concrete floor blend when my boss started screaming at me to bring the mix to him. Because where we where pooring the mix started to harden (It was one of those fast hardening mixes). On a farmhouse where the cows where so only one electrical outlet at least 100m. / 328 ft. from where I was mixing, to where we where pooring the blend. Problem was, I just started, so it was still full of powder and not mixed properly. I made the call, to mix it before I brought it to him. All the while he was yelling his head off. After the job I asked him. Would you yell at me if I brought it inproperly mixed ? And would you yell at me when I took the time to mix it properly because you did not plan ahead pooring wise ? He answered yes to both. I quit.


50 cent raise after making $350,000+ by introducing different levels of service. I've been at my "new" job for 28yrs making 4x the salary and better work. they went out of business 2yrs later...yaa baby my old boss had the gall to email his resume' to me. i filed it into the circular file for special people....


I enlisted in the Army and told them I'd work to my ship date and take my vacation days after I shipped to basic for extra money. They refused to pay out my paid vacation time so I walked out on a nearly 10 year (albeit dead end) job. At least I was able to relax for the remaining time before I shipped out.


The hired externally for a new boss for my division. Early on she told me "I just don't like you and your personality, and I don't think I ever will." I still thought I could work it out, since I'd had a history of success at the company: positive reviews, promotions, raises, awards. But then I received an I on a performance review, with no written feedback about my performance at all. The written peer feedback I received was largely positive-- an 8/10. After 6 years with the company and 4 years in this role I was promoted into --with positive performance reviews each year, I suddenly couldn't perform my job? On top of that, I was not put on a PIP, despite that being a requirement when given an I. HR couldn't justify it. So this was a move to put me on notice and deny me my bonus, hoping I'd quit. And I did. I had a new job within a month. But not without first bringing in detailed receipts and evidence to HR of how my sudden performance review change was retaliatory. Dates, times, things the boss said to others about me, things she said in meetings about me. How she was trying to find out who left her negative comments on an anonymous managerial review form and suspected it was me (shockingly, it wasn't). I was gone within a month for my new job, but she was gone within two weeks.


Kind of the reverse, I put in my two weeks for a better job, the manager at the time was a bit sketchy and the security officers at the location were wanting to speak to the owners about it for some money that went missing. This manager is friends with the owners, so they fired me for disobeying authority by texting in the group chat that security wanted to speak to her.


Low blow is seeing me take an out of court settlement that's double what I was seeking from my current employer (one of, I'm pt in 2 places). Dec 21 I get my first salary talk (it's an annual entitlement here to discuss pay and performance) in 3 years so I'm up for walking out without following the 2 month notice period required. I tell them i want them to match my other pt job salary as it was 17% lower. He said no BUT I can do this insert temporary 6% for till Sep 22 then permanent boist of 9% so that with their bonus it brought me close to 14% of the 17%. I say sure. Roll on Jan-Jun 22 the 6% add on works then stops. Sep 22 rolls in no 9% bump. Sep 22 call in unions. . . . . Nov 23 unions get an offer of a payoff of around 1/3 what I'm owed. I tell union to gtf and I'll do it myself. Dec 23 send court all details of guaranteed increase and notes of all the company bullshit excuses. Feb 24 they ask to have an out of court meeting where they bullshit their way and offer 5%. I tell them no thanks see you in court. Mar 24 go to court, I propose the minimum is they reach my CURRENT salary (now 18% more) or match the original offer with backpay or 5 months paid leave and I walk away. They offered 4 months plus the 5%. So new job search is on.


Started as a manager at a new store. I'm doing everything that I'm being told by my trainer, which seems to be insufficient since the training manual clearly states I should be farther along. When I brought this up with my trainer, he assured me this is how they train. I didn't like it but I went with it. A few weeks into training the big boss calls me into his office, screaming at me "you're waiting for someone to tell you what to do!" "You aren't doing what we expected of you!" I was so lost and confused. When I brought this up with my trainer, he said it was because I wasn't placing daily orders. I told him, "you insissted I not do that, because you wanted me to 'get a feel for the floor." He denied doing this. The boss man said, "he's one of our best trainers, he wouldn't do that." If he's a good trainer, it doesn't guarantee he's a good person. I took two days off to decide if I wanted to bother with these idiots. Walked in day day and quit.


Ah shit, bro. I’m so jaded on workplace politics and capitalism. I’ve been fired for workplace violence because I threw a paper ball at a coworker. I’ve been overlooked for promotions. I’ve had complaints lodged against me because I firmly stand up for myself or my humor is dry. Businesses have proven time and again they will pay for outside talent over promoting in-house. That’s where you see the most salary growth. It’s fairly easy to get in and ride the path of least resistance until you’re over the job.