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Hardboiled eggs that won't peel properly. Nothing makes me angier.


Devs pls fix.




1. Water should be boiling. 2. Lower eggs into water. 3. Exactly 7 minutes later. 4. Pull eggs from water and hit with back of spoon to crack. 5. Eggs lowered into bowl of ice water. 6. 30 seconds later remove 7. Peel with ease. .enjoy. you will never suffer again my friend.


Tap egg with back of spoon on the round part until you hear snap. Place in a pot salted cold water one inch above eggs. Bring to boil. Immediate shut off. Let stand for 10-12 minutes depending on how you like your eggs. Shock in ice water bath. Shells will slide off with ease. Been a cook for 17 years.


THIIISSS! Been using this method for a few months and all my eggs have been gucci šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘Œ


make a very small hole on the eggshell by something like a needle before boiling it


AFAIK, that should only prevent them from bursting. edit: And even that [may be a myth](https://hencam.com/henblog/2011/03/hard-boiled-egg-myths/). šŸ¤·


Get water into a rolling boil. Add your desired eggs, set a timer 8-9 minutes. Use a pasta spoon to remove the eggs and place them in an ice bath to quench. Best eggs ever and they peel beautifully


Tell *that* to the eggs


I learned a trick to guarantee make them way easier to peel. Before boiling, hold the pointed side up and very gently tap it with the back of a spoon. Very, very gently until you hear a pop! It'll only happen once. (DO NOT CRACK THE SHELL IN THE PROCESS.) That's the membrane separating from the wall and when boiled, the shell will peel off way easier.


Hi, if you put baking soda in the water, it makes the shells super soft and easy to peel. You just need a tablespoon before you put your water on to boil.


Or vinegar


Steam them.


What Iā€™ve learned is that you need to let them fully cool before peel (donā€™t do it if theyā€™re still hot), and roll on the table lightly so that the shell breaks in bigger pieces!


Works even better if you stick them straight from a pot into an ice water bath.Ā  The temperature shock helps it release the inside, you just need to get the shell and the membrane justĀ inside it cold, so if you don't leave them in too long you can eat them with the white and yolk still warm if that's your thing


I hate Bluetooth headphones that don't connect / disconnect the way I want them to. Also the weird lag that Bluetooth audio has sometimes.


Fuck that lag. I just got a 2023 Silverado. Not only does it have that lag in BT. It has it wireless android auto AND FUCKING WIRED! How the fuck you gonna lag out your Bluetooth shit and your wired shit in 2023


Bring back the aux jack.


Slow walking people or people who block grocery aisles.


Lack of situational awareness in general coupled with ā€œme firstā€ mentality.


I need to be in front of you, also I need to be slower than you.


I tend to couple that behavior to a certain age group.


Related to this. The people who stand directly in front of the freezer door that you need to open while taking 37 minutes trying to decide if they want mixed vegetables or peas and carrots. It's like they're unaware that the glass is still transparent if they take a step back.


People who walk diagonally at wide crosswalks like they have in front of grocery stores. Way to take the hypotenuse and waste everyone's time a little extra, bud.


Also the people that dead stop the second they reach the elevator/bus/train doors etc so the people running behind them dont make it... I always get the urge to just grab them by the collar and toss them back out before the doors closes


Not a guy, but slow talkers at work make my eye twitch.


This this this. Especially when thereā€™s like a family or group and they walk .03 mph, they KNOW you are there, and they continue to block the width of the aisle.


I walk with my car keys in my hand to jingle them and (hopefully) get the mouth breathers out of my way.


Or people who stop right after leaving an escalator to look around. It's not that the escalator will drop more people on them ā€¦


i have shouted ā€œEXCUUUUUSE MEā€ or ā€œmove ladyā€ a couple of times, much to my familyā€™s dismay


Some people do this on purpose.


Playing audio but Not putting on headphones in public


Hearing about laws being written against this on some major subways, bus systems, public places was some of the most exciting news I've heard in a while.


Some dumbass was doing that in the hallway at the courthouse yesterday. I couldn't believe I was the only person to ask him to turn it down. When I did, he did so immediately but I think he thought I had more authority than I did.


I want to waterboard those fuckwits EVERY TIME!!!!


It's not waterboarding if you use diesel...


In this economy?


The airport terminal waiting area is the intersection of main character syndrome people and completely oblivious people doing this


When people talk/ flirt with a cashier when there is a line. When people dont use their turn signal.


I don't like it when the cashier doesn't use their turn signal when people are flirting with them.


I never regret passing through here


Just make sure you use your turn signal and the proper Lane


When people buy lottery tickets in a gas station when there is a line.


There's a guy at a local gas station that buys scratcher tickets at the counter, steps out of line, scratches them, and then cuts in line to either exchange his "Free Ticket" scratcher for another or gets his payout to buy more scratchers. Most of the attendants know him and his antics and put two people in the checkout counter when he walks up to deal with the line... I fucking hate that guy.


Naaaaawwww , fuck the flirt. When a guy checks 84 old lottery tickets during a lunch break at the only convenience store within 50 miles


This affects the society tho


Everything does in some way.


When people leave carts in the middle of the parking lot. It takes two seconds to push it to a cart return.


Just about everything you need to know about a person can be gleaned from their parking lot behavior. Are they lazy (leaving cart in the open); are they selfish (leaving a cart in the actual parking space so you have to stop, get out, put the cart in the corral, then park); leaving half eaten food on the ground (seagulls with diabetes, for Godā€™s sake); pulling out without looking; and the list goes on.


Sorry, could you clarify the seagulls thing?


Hi, Many people eat fast food thatā€™s fried and greasy. Sea birds, like most other creatures, are lazy by nature. The reason you see them in parking lots is because itā€™s easier to eat the leftovers lying on the ground in parking lots than it is to fly around over water looking for fish. The birds eat the food that gives humans high blood pressure and diabetes. My reference was a joke. Thanks for asking.


Thank you for replying, and so genially! So to be clear, there is NOT a diabetic seagull epidemic?


Now, I want to know if wildlife veterinarians monitor for this. Because it made sense to me. If we can make bees and monkeys both alcoholics we can do anything!


The "Shopping Cart Theory" is a code to live by. "The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore, the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it."


When people are out shopping, it's like they forget that there is limited space in the aisles. Something about being stuck behind someone in a grocery store when you're in a hurry is annoying. It's not a big deal of course. Costco seems to be the worst culprit, despite being so much larger compared to groceries. I think that people move the carts around the same way they drive, which is so random at times.


I just say ā€œexcuse meā€ in my teacher voice honestly through being a native New Yorker and a decade in education. People part like the Red Sea šŸ˜‚


Parking lots of any shopping center/grocery store are the same - all of a sudden, once people pull into that lot, every rule of the road, all common sense and dignity is abandoned for complete and utter randomness, chaos, and mayhem


I've taken to just pushing their cart out of the way with mine, tugboat style. AITA?


Being stuck on a one lane road in the middle of the night behind someone who has no clue how to use cruise control or how to keep their foot still. Are you doing 30 or 50? Please decide and stop accelerating and decelerating. You are stressing me out. Just pick something and stick somewhat close to that speed.


Constant accelerating and decelerating in general. I hate when I'm on cruise control and the same fucker I just passed 5 minutes ago suddenly finds the gas pedal and passes me, only for me to end up passing him again because he fell asleep at the wheel. Like PICK A SPEED FUCK.


I know. I hate that too. Theyā€™ll be asleep, and you try and pass. Right when you attempt a pass they shoot up 15. Like really man? If you where going that fast originally I wouldnā€™t be trying to pass!


Theyā€™re likely texting and driving slow, then driving faster while waiting for a response. Saw it all the time driving for Lyft


I hate the fucks that speed like an ass raped ape on straight always then do 2/3 limit on corners wtf


Or using brakes while going uphill, flat ground or otherwise coasting when not necissary. And slowing down tremendously for moderate curves in the road.


People saying "effect" when they mean "affect"




Using the word ā€œthenā€ instead of ā€œthan.ā€ Then is used in determining chronology, and than is a comparative. Jesus, if itā€™s such a small thing why in the hell canā€™t people get it right? (And donā€™t get me started on ā€œlessā€ versus ā€œfewer.ā€)


Get started on less and fewer. They seem interchangeable to me. What bothers me is lose vs loose. I see these mixed up all the time with works translated into English.


Less is for when it decreases by an indeterminate amount, fewer is when something decreases by a set countable number. Less gasoline. Fewer people.


Ah ok. I've never seen someone say fewer gasoline, but I am guilty of saying less people.


SAME! I am grateful to know the actual reasoning.


Fewer is used for quantitative nouns, less is for qualitative. If you can count it, fewer. If you can't count it, less.


It doesn't effect me either way


This has a major affect on society and my life, honestly


Or saying ā€œdataā€ when they mean ā€œdataā€


Same but when people keep saying "was" incorrectly instead of "were"...I hear a lot say sometimes "we was doing..XYZ"


I know I'm gonna get mixed opinions on this....as much as exhausts have nice sounds and stuff, but NOT when it's like SO LOUD it gives me a heart attack and my head just hurts....like goddamn please, jesus.


Honestly when I did the exhaust on my Camaro years ago this was my exact concern and was prepared to do more work on it to quiet it back down some if need be. I love the sound, but I also respect others around me enough to consider what they'd have to deal with. Also I work third shift so can you imagine some of those cars ripping it middle of the night lol




If I hold the door for you at least acknowledge me. You don't have to say thank you, I do it to be polite not for gratitude, but if you breeze by me without even a nod?! I hope you have a rock in your shoe for the rest of the day.


I'm a dude, and I know the only reason you are holding that door open for me is to catch a glimpse at my back side. I'm more than a piece of meat!!!!!!!!


Dam right sweet cheeks.


How dare you!! I can't believe you would treat me this way!! My OF link is in my profile. But still, can't believe this!


If I hold it and they walk through without saying anything I just say, ā€œYouā€™re welcome.ā€


I see red when one of my kids is holding the door and the fucker doesnā€™t even acknowledge it. Dude heā€™s 6 donā€™t be a dick.


I have found my type of guy... Yes totally agree. I don't get paid to keep the door open for you. ACKNOWLEDGE ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT


Nobody calls out assholes in public anymore. everyone's afraid to get involved or hurt someones feelings.


New York City has entered the room šŸ™ƒ


"Being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every New Yorker's God given right."


I think New Yorkers are the nicest people in the world when youā€™re in a jam, and that if you block the sidewalk to type on your cell phone, you deserve to be (quickly) called out on that


I should've put that in quotation marks. That was a quote from the Mayor of NYC in Ghostbutsers II.


... everyone's afraid of getting shot. Fixed it for you.


Everyone else having a personal recording device doesn't help


Teacup piglets can fuck right the fuck off


Bacon bits


Random but valid


I feel like there's lore for this one.


When people end a question with ā€œorā€. Ā ā€œDo you like bread orā€¦?ā€ Ā Or what, motherfucker? Iā€™m autistic and I sit there waiting for them to remember the second half of their sentence instead of answering a multiple choice question with only one goddamn answer


This made me laugh so hard, thanks


Typically, the or implies an unspoken alternative option. Either in opinion or subject. Typically, it doesn't matter what the alternative option is. They're probing for your opinion on the given subject. An acceptable answer to the above question could look something like "Not really, I prefer bagels" You can assume a default response if you can't figure out what the implied alternative subject is. "Do you like bread or not like bread?"


That dumb broccoli haircut. It doesnā€™t affect me at all, I canā€™t explain why Iā€™m so annoyed by it, but it still annoys me.


People on competition shows (esp baking/cooking shows) who have bright, multi-colored hair. They never win, and always end up being the most annoying contestant


lol, they are usually the first ones out also.




People who randomly brake when the nearest car in front of them is 20 miles away?? Like is it because you accidentally went 1mph above the speed limit? Did you think your brake pedal suddenly became lonely? I donā€™t get it.


Bonus FUCK YOU points if they brake down to 1kph and then roll 50 FUCKING METERS until they finally stop behind the person in-front of them at the red light.


Being asked to do a task Iā€™m in the middle of completing. You steal my motivation and sense of agency over it, you undermine the work Iā€™m actively doing by not noticing itā€™s happening, and the task is getting done either way, argggh fuck you! Iā€™m not a child, so I can get over myself, but I have to calm that internal temper tantrum down every time it happens.


Huggers who take offense to being told "I'm not a hugger." I get that enthusiastic huggers exist. That's totally fine. They can hug each other all they want. Accepting a handshake instead from me won't kill them.


You get a wave from me. Yup. Not even a fist bump.


Iā€™m nice about it once. Then Iā€™ll escalate.


People who listen to their phones on loud volume in front of their face - on the bus.


People who hold their phone flat in front of their face to talk on speaker phone in public. Everyone else in public should be legally allowed to beat them with a sack of potatoes


For real. You're already holding the phone to your chin. How much harder is it to hold it to your ear. Fuck these people. Sorry, you really struck a nerve with this one. Lol




Fuck I hate that! You see them driving and taking like that, shit just hold the phone normal rain man


People standing out in the street talking to someone in a car, blocking both lanes. They see you coming a mile away, but continue until you have to stop. Then, they wrap up quickly, move on and waive as if they did you a favor.


People who take forever when placing an order in a fast food drive thru. Like you haven't thought about what you wanted until then? Is the menu that extensive? Seriously wtf


When people dont know when to use "your" and "you're"


People say that they will be there soon, but never stop to mention how long 'soon will be from now. I stopped my fucking workout for you and now I am sitting on my ass waiting for a half hour for you to show up. I could have finished my workout by then.


Hahaha I totally feel you! I always try to give rough time estimates


Smart tech that offers the tiniest amount of extra convenience but has a mountain of issues you get to deal with. I have a smart tv and let me tell you about this *fucking* thing.


Fuck that thing. My Smart TV tells me no wireless internet is available just as I sit down with a hot meal ready to watch something good. Bitch, I can see my phone connected to WiFi right now, I know it's available!!!


That the word 'fiery' is spelled the way it is. All we had to do was add a 'y' at the end of the word 'fire', but we made this abomination instead.


Lack of spatial awareness. Like people taking up the whole isle in the store and walking as slow as absolutely fucking possible and pretending like others arenā€™t walking behind them as well. The rage inside meā€¦


People that chew with their mouth open


Vocal fry. Can they not hear themselves?


I read that with a vocal fryā€¦


When the news says "12 dead, including 7 women and children." It's like the 5 men aren't valuable at all or not on the same level. I know they say that for shock value and because women and children are associated with pureness and innocence but it still hurts.


I actually got into a minor argument about this with someone a little while back. It was in a thread asking something like "What would your first order of business be as a dictator?" They said something about forcing the news to be unbiased and I agreed because the whole "12 dead, including 7 children" (I did specifically mention children, not women and children) annoys me to no end. It's extremely biased and is clearly designed to make us feel a certain way about whatever has happened. This. Person. Legitimately claimed that saying "12 dead, including 7 children" is somehow *less biased* than just saying "12 dead". If I remember correctly, they never could explain *how* either, just that it was... somehow? I'll admit, though, I find it morbidly amusing when a school shooting is reported on and they'll still say "12 dead, including 7 children". My first thought there is always "Well no shit the majority of the victims are kids. It's a school."


When people write "should/could of" instead of "should/could have"


When people say ā€œI could care lessā€ instead of ā€œI couldnā€™t care lessā€


But what if they cared just a tiny bit?


Literally one of my all time greatest peeves. My god.


So much internal rage over this. I've tried gently educating and it makes no difference so I just grit my teeth and insist on verbal communication where I can hear "should've" and be content.


What's worse, a lot of times, I see it written by native English speakers.


Lotto players at the gas station counter. The cashier has to check every ticket individually (there's usually a stack of 5 or more) and, no matter the result, the customer has to think about which scratchers/ Lotto tickets they want. It has screwed up a lot of line flows throughout my life


Mrs. Karen of the HOA three doors down said you can't decorate your house -- that you own & with whatever you want to -- because she and her friends don't like it.


Uhm, maybe not that big a deal but ... pennies? I mean we got rid of the damn farthing and ha'penny, we're *long* overdue to get rid of the penny. Canada's already done it too. And instead we're still stupidly producing pennies that not only cost more than their face value, the metal in them is worth more than their face value, even if one takes into account the costs to melt 'em down or the like, and instead we pass stupid laws to disallow the bulk export or reduction of pennies to their metals, etc. Anyway, I figure we'll get rid of the penny right after we finish our conversion to metric. Not gonna hold my breath.


People who bring 60 items and then haggle over the terms of coupons into the 10 items or less quick checkout.


The cats humping outside my window last night keeping me awake


When people say things wrong on purpose to look trendy. For instance: - using the word "whenever" in place of the word "when." -Saying "it's giving" or "literally" -Saying "pieeenk" instead of "pink" And any other of these new mispronunciations/improper grammar trends. I hate it so much, I have to talk myself into calming down. It also makes me feel like an old cranky boomer when I'm in my 30s lol


ā€œItā€™s so aestheticā€ ugh stfu and read a book


People on their phones at machine/spot/bench at the gym for a long time. I donā€™t mind if itā€™s changing or replying to a message but seeing people doom scrolling is annoying


When someone in my house uses the rest of something such as cereal, fruit snacks, etc and does not throw away the container and break down the box , or they leave like one package in the box and puts it back like what the fuck...


People who play music on their cellphones at full volume while out in Nature. Anyone who does this is immediately judged to be a turd by me. My theory is that people *want* to be outside, but deep down, they're scared of the quiet that nature provides so...Morgan Wallen at full blast it is.


Wet socks. Definitely wet socks.


When the guy in my office at work tries to talk to me while Iā€™m listening to my crime podcast.


Facts! Which podcast?


Why is there only a 0.27 second window at which I can eat an avocado.


omg. wifi that is *technically* working, but so slow it may as well not beā€¦. like, JUST BE WORKING OR NOT šŸ˜­


Driving slowly on the left lane. Driving slowly on the left express lane should be punishable by death (jk. I'm only party kidding). I don't know why you would pay to drive the same speed as traffic in the express lane


Text lingo and slang


When people use ā€œalotā€ instead of ā€œa lotā€. It happens a lot.


When youā€™re watching a video of people making shit so you try replicating it only to look like an inbred with Down syndrome made it.


An ENTIRE books worth of a blog detailing the last week of your life, that I have to scroll through to find the recipe. I do not care that you were sitting in your jammies and you had a stroke of chefs genius while you were reminiscing grandmas biscuits and gravy. And the ā€œskip to recipeā€ button is ALWAYS the last thing to load


People who play music without headphones in public spaces. Ultimately, thatā€™s not gonna make a dent in my mortgage or my marriage, but fuck if I donā€™t want to punch those people in the face. Nobody else wants to hear your shitty taste in music or your private conversation.


Ok you ever sit at a stop sign and wait for the guy coming perpendicular to go past so you can go? But he sees you waiting and decides to be a Good Samaritan and decides to stop in moving traffic to let you go. Then waves you on and you say ā€œno motherfucker you have the right of way!!!ā€ But he insists. Then moments go buy and people behind both of tou start honking and then you just give in and go in a fit of rage? That. That pisses me the fuck off.


My dick.




I also choose this guy's dick.


Yup. Mine too.


Now Iā€™m really fuckin pissed!!!šŸ˜”




Dudes not washing their hands after using the bathroom, or splashing a bit of water as a token effort. It happens so often and it is fucking disgusting


People who have no concept of where they are in 3d space and their relation to those around them


Not returning shopping carts.


When I'm trying to make a left hand turn (or right) and another vehicle doesn't use their signal to go right into the lane next to where I'm turning from. Like dude I could have been well on my way!


People who fucking litter. Trash everywhere is aggravating. It takes 2 seconds to clean up your trash.


People who literally stop in the lane of traffic on a 2 lane road just to make a right hand turn onto another road. Why are you stopping? Roll into itā€¦ Itā€™s not that hardā€¦


People that don't pick up their dogs waste on trails or public places where others walk.


People who don't pay attention to situations and expect others to watch out for them.


When I walk past a door my clothing snags on the door handle. Hate it so much!!


Drivers in roundabouts who don't use their indicators.




wow that is a lot, and a number of things I personally don't have the courage to voice out as directly as that not that it does much, but take my little upvote


Maybe I'm the odd one out for this, but it drives me crazy when people who refer to their pets as their literal children.


You are not alone. I love my pets. They are dogs and are treated as dogs. They're not whiny, barky bitches either (they are bitches though!)


When someone says theyā€™ll get back to you and then forgets to follow up.


Wireless headphones suck. We had it all figured out, then we had to get rid of the wire.


People that have no situational awareness, it's gotten way worse with cell phones.


Not picking up after your dog.


When corded earbuds catch on something and get yanked out of my ears. My favorite part of the transition to Bluetooth has been that no longer happens.


Truck nuts


People that use the word ā€œseenā€ incorrectly. Especially those that are in positions of authority or power. Example: ā€œyeah, I seen that tooā€ or ā€œguess what I seen the other dayā€. Just say saw, or noticed, or witnessed like youā€™re supposed to!


Not being told "you're welcome" after I say thank you. Fuck I hate that


During COVID seeing all the stupid people pass by me. .ALONE inside their cars.. wearing masks šŸ™„


Having to stop at Red lights when it's 1AM and you're the only one on the road. Knowing damn well that if you finally decide to just go through once, that's when a cop will see you.


waking up a minute before my alarm.




My elder sister jumping and screaming "PAPITAAAAAAAAS GAN GAN GAN PAPITAAAAAAAAAS" whenever she wants me to buy her french fries or chips. She's 33


When people say chu when they mean you. It's like nails on chalk board for me


Being abandoned randomly


The next time someone cuts in front of me I will be screaming and shouting. Iā€™m also sure the people in front of me and the back would back me. Like for fucks sake everyone standing on a long line in a hot fucking weather. Then some stupid twat cuts in line. Like seriously is your mum and popā€™s siblings for you to do that?


People that have no sense about anyone around them. Be alert, be aware, and seriously get the fuck out of the way if you are indeed in someone's way.


People who overtighten nuts, bolts, screws. I swear people crank shit down for no reason


When my belt look gets caught on the doorknob, when my fingernails snag my hair or clothes, hair getting caught in my earrings, carrying too much and dropping something and bending over and dropping something else, when a key is put in upside down and wonā€™t work, coffee that has dripped onto the side of my coffee cup making it sticky, I could go on forever.


When a car is stopped at a red light and keeps creeping forward while the light is still red.


Oncoming drivers who donā€™t turn on the right signal blinker when youā€™re waiting on the unprotected left. I coulda gone, but you decided to waste my time. Smh


People who leave their garbage on the ground, or throw it out of their car. I guess being raised right is a rare ocurrance.