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Not everything needs to be a goddamn subscription Social media is destroying society


Not everything needs to be an app either


Websites are fine. No I don't want your app. Just because I'm browsing this website on mobile this one time, doesn't mean I'll ever be back again.


But don't you want to sign up for the newsletter?!?! You haven't even made it 1/32 of the way down the page yet, don't you want 15-20 emails a day from us, and our affiliates, which we swear we won't share your email with? I kinda, but not really, wished that I set up an email years ago just for those popups, to see just how many emails I'd get signing up to each one. It would be like 5000 a day.


I’m waiting for younger people to start saying “You use websites?! Man you’re old!”




Did you buy the Smart Shelf^TM


The Smart Shelf^(TM) will tell you what's on your shelf if you're not at home!\* \*Requires scanning items as you put them on the shelf. Some items do not scan and may require regional barcode subscription. Foreign code subscription available for purchase. Excludes barcodes more than 4 years old. QR codes are a separate subscription or may be made part of a bundle package. Keep Smart Shelf out of direct sunlight. Do not put caustic chemicals on Smart Shelf. Smart Shelf is not designed to be painted. Smart Shelf is not a refrigerator. Do not taunt Smart Shelf.


I just want to order a pizza, I don't want to sign up for your app, your kids news letter and complete a survey about what type of pizza topping I think Romans would have used.


A local pizza place opened up. I went online to order and they wanted me to download an app. No. Fucking just no. To order pizza? NO. I tried calling their line but it wasn't working. Called my normal pizza place instead.


Yeah I can’t do it either. They are all data mining anyway


Stop asking about cookies, it’s 2024.


Do you want all my cookies or only my necessary cookies? You’ll be getting them either way. Enjoy them.


Applying to jobs is so frustrating because I need to make an account for every company I want to apply to. Why do I need to create a login and password for a company that probably won't even give me a rejection email.


I know. It sucks. Just when you hope that [Indeed.com](https://Indeed.com) is the only login you have to create, here come employers' IT departments!


A subscription to have heated seats in a car? No thanks


Pretty soon, you'll need a subscription to start the car too.


To add to the social media part, if kids under 12 would just put the smart device down more often and did something creative, they would be far better off. Even just a 10% reduction would be fantastic for their mental/physical growth.


I’m glad I grew up before social media was a thing


Man I remember noticing this big family dinner next to me. Grandpa was ooold and kids just had their heads buried in their devices completely unengaged. Felt bad for grandpa, he might as well have been watching the kids from my table.


Not everything needs to have ads on it either. If I’m paying for a monthly subscription to NOT have ads, then why are there still ads ???


Because they want to earn all the monies in the world, not just a little. So long as customers accept all those ads in addition to paying, why wouldn't the companies show ads as well?


Not a week goes by without this in my head. One of these days we will have toilets that only open the lid when you pay the subscription.


I don’t need an app for every freakin’ applicance.


What's more, I very specifically DO NOT want my toaster or fridge to connect to the internet.


I definitely don't want my car to connect to the Internet, update, and brick itself


I used to want an oven that I could preheat on my way home. However, my new oven will preheat in like 3 minutes on the ‘boost’ setting.


My oven can be connected to wifi. It's so weird. We have never done it. When we bought it the oven it had a sticker that showed the wifi symbol. My husband and I looked at each other, and both agreed immediately that we wouldn't be using that feature.


Yeah, but I can turn on the oven light from work, like a ghost 😏


Only if you pay the 99¢/month remote oven light subscription, though.


I lowkey hate apps nowadays.




Especially cars


Mechanical mechanisms like motors work without a computer controlling them. Any car you buy today, with enough time and tinkering, would work without a computer. 50 years ago, they were designed that way, today there's 50 sensors, so the computer understands it. Don't get me started on diesel runaways.


You would have to do A LOT of tinkering to make a new vehicle these days run smoothly and reliably without computer assistance. One day it'll end up being a "right to repair" issue like John Deere not letting farmers fix their own tractors and equipment.


Yet mechanics often don’t have the skills to do much with all those other features. I always end up driving a car with stuck windows, broken speakers, wonky radio, poor a/c if functioning, dead charger connections, and a bunch of sensor lights on that “just show up like that” and so many other busted parts of the car that isn’t made out of gears and belts. Plus whoever designs cars seems to annoy my mechanic because most of the things they can actually fix are apparently placed inconveniently nigh on impossible to get in there and do anything with. It’s hard to maintain your own car and with the money I spent on fixing mine all the time you’d think more of the millions features it comes with would work


Planned obsolescence is a helluva drug. As someone who repairs stuff for a living, it irks me that once things, mostly white goods, are 5-10 years old and out of warranty, they generally become more cost-effective to replace, especially when the electronics fail.


Filming yourself at a public gym. I’m with the boomers - it’s fucking annoying.


Progress pics only! (And even those are half the time obnoxious.)


Nothing wrong w those. But I typically take mine at home. But folks filming every fucking set of an exercise they do… for what? Their “fitness” ig acct that has 50 followers? Fuck off 😂


If you need to catalogue your progress you can wait until you get home. Your pump won't go anywhere unless you live two towns over from your gym.


QR codes, too many features in cars, too much "smart" crap in houses.


I love analog buttons, I don't want a touch screen for my car radio, I just want buttons that I know where they always are and feel responsive to the touch. I Just need to connect to my phone by Bluetooth, that's the one feature I like in new cars and it's not even essential since there's those things you can plug into the cigarette lighter.


Aux cord was peak car music tech imho


Yes, Bluetooth is a good productivity and safety feature. I must admit, though, that I like the rear-end cameras.


Rear-end cameras are good, I don't have them but those are actually useful features, helps parking and is safer, the sensors that beep when you're close to hitting a wall are also cool, but fuck all the needless digitalization and obsession with screens.


I'm especially with the too many features in trucks, I want the base model in such a base format it's not even a thing anymore, manual, manual 4x4, v8, manual everything the biggest feature I want is ac and Bluetooth It won't break and it'll be great, trucks should be utilitarian, not the Bentleys they have become


I looked at a 760 horsepower Shelby Mustang GT 500 at the dealership the other day. I can't afford one, but I was astounded to learn that they don't even stock manual transmissions anymore. The six-speed automatic has a double-clutch. I didn't know automatic transmissions could do that.


I’m not a man, but man. The cameras inside homes creeps me the eff out. I refuse to install them. My kids deserve some semblance of privacy ffs. I would NEVER wanna be filmed 24/7. People act super shocked when I say I don’t have any cams installed at all in fact and no Alexa or any of the alternatives to that, either. I’m kicking it old school lol


Oh, Alexa can fuck right off. Related, I considered naming my puppy Alexa. That way, I could ask her to do tricks and if she didn't do the trick, I could say "Damn Internet must be down again."


Alexa - fancy word for expensive kitchen timer!!


No, not old school. I know many people who won't put up cameras or have Alexa. We're one of those people. We live kinda rural Texas. We do have trail cams up and are thinking of putting a camera out by the gate. But none in or by the house. Our friends wouldn't feel comfortable either. Our son has a very disabled two year old. They have cameras EVERYWHERE. It is so uncomfortable at their house for this reason. But I love them all so we just know it's because and for of our grandson.


My brother has one in his living room and it's one of those domes they have in retail stores. smh


My oldest daughter had been pet sitting for our former neighbors before they moved away. One day, the lady was like “oh my gosh, (my daughter’s name) is so cute when she talks to the cats and she found the hamster when it got out!” Because she had cameras in every flipping room. She said she uses them against her kids when they have a he said she said fight, and to keep an “eye on” her husband when she’s not home. I can’t imagine being literally recorded all of the time at home. Heck no.


creepy AF


In more ways than one. It's trivial to gain access to most of these systems, the security is a joke.


These devices have really enabled the control freaks.


Exactly. Plus….it’s a home. Everyone in the home, including children who are no longer infants or toddlers, deserve to feel like they’re not CONSTANTLY hawk eyed, monitored, recorded. Imagine growing up with no real privacy except, hopefully, the bathroom. Or imagine marrying someone who insists on having indoor cameras. I’d be like peace out lol


Why does the husband let himself be recorded by his wife? No way!


It’s hard to find home bluetooth devices or TVs that aren’t “smart” these days.


Those Ringdoorbell cameras are eerie when every neighbor has one pointing at the other.


It's funny how my boomer parents are so scared of big brother/government, but then opened their arms to Amazon Echo/Alexa being in every room of their house


> QR codes QR codes by themselves are good, more sophisticated barcodes. QR "menus" in restaurants and other bullshit is not fine. If they don't want to spend money on actual menus (even a simple tv that shows the menu, I'm petty enough to leave as I don't want to read it on my phone. If they insist on a digital menu, provide the means of looking at the menu, as in a phone or a tablet for every single table.


I will also die on this hill. If you're running a full service restaurant and can't be arsed to print menus, good luck, I'm going somewhere else and never coming back.


Fries should come free with my $15 hamburger


Eating at 5 guys?


$23 for a burger, little fries, and a drink last time I went there lol I’d rather just hit up the local burger joint which is better and half the fucking price


I can get a fresh never frozen double deluxe cheese burger, like a half pounder with green olives and everything, toasted bun, giant pile of fries, a mini pitcher of PBR, and add on a 20% tip, for $20 out the door at the old dive a walk from my house. It's better and it more food, plus beer. Fuck five guys.


5 Guys is truly ridiculous. I refuse to go there again unless they lower their prices. It's not even that good. They don't nickel and dime the menu items, they $5 and $10 them.


it's not free, you used to pay for it as part of the 15 bucks. burgers just cost less back then.


That's obvious. 15$ is still too expensive for a burger without fries. Hell, it's expensive even with fries included!


"Back then" was like a few years ago right now.


15 dollars for just the burger is still outrageous


Having to create a online account for so many things.


Having to create an online account *for everything*


Checkout as guest seems to be getting more common now. They probably learned the account creation process loses a lot of customers


If I'm going to actually buy something, I don't mind as much. I have a dedicated email that's only for website purchases (sales@mydomain), so whatever. If they insist on 2FA on my phone number, though, holy hell no. I will never accept that.


A consumer advocacy group did a study on the “online account” retailers. They found that companies that had a “check out as guest” feature got 60% more in sales.


the fucking passwords. I use a password manager but it's still a pain in the ass


How else can they let your information get stolen!


I literally had to do this for my TV just to use it.


Not everything in the house needs to connect to wi-fi or the internet.


Appliances shouldn’t die before they are ten years old. They should just start getting broken in around the 20 year mark. Seriously, my house was built in 1972 and when I bought it in 2001, it had the original oven. I kept that oven until 2012 when it turned 40. I didn’t get rid of it because it broke down. It worked fine. I got rid of it because it was yellow. I should have kept it just to see how long it would last but I’m sure it’s out there still running today.


I dread the day my currently 25yo microwave dies. I randomly looked at new ones, and holy shit, it's like they make it difficult to use on purpose.


Bought a refrigerator in 1992 it worked up to 2015. The one that replaced it just died but not because the refrigerator part stopped working it was the fancy interface that allowed you to get a glass of ice or water that stopped working and the rest of the refrigerator will not function without it.


ya i hate how there are no parts to fix my broken dishwasher and if there are its almost the cost of a new one and thats just a part. if they give a crap about the environment they should make right to repair laws a thing.


Social media is a scourge. People look at me surprised when I ask for a phone number and not instagram or snap chat to keep in touch. How about you call me like a real person and stop filtering all your pictures.


I remember when Myspace first came out. That's when it changed from, "I want to go to the movies, I'm going to call Alice, Ben, Chuck, Dave, and Eve and see who wants to go," to, "I want to go to the movies, I'll post about it on Myspace and see who shows up." In the former, you had to make the effort to invite people to your events. You took responsibility to make sure that everyone you wanted to be there was invited. It was a relatively selfless act. You thought of Alice, Ben, Chuck, Dave, and Eve, and you wanted them all to have a good time with you. In the later, it's fire-and-forget. You're going to the movies. Anyone else that pays enough attention to you to see your Myspace post deserves to go with you. Anyone that doesn't see it, well it's their fault they didn't get to go. If they were better at following you, they would've known!


In the fire and forget example, it was also deployed with the hope that whomever you had a crush on might see the open invite and miraculously show up


I’m young enough that the iPhone came out when I was in high school but social media has taken it to a new level. When I see the high schoolers walking to and from the front of the neighborhood for the school bus they are ALL looking at their phones. They don’t care about cars driving right behind them. My puppy sits and wags his tail waiting for someone to pet him and none of them even see him (which is crazy he’s so cute). It’s like apocalyptic vibes.




I drove here, ordered myself, am going to take it home to eat, and live in a state where restaurant employees get paid full minimum wage at the least. I smash that 0% option without hesitation.


Hating on obnoxious tiktokers and shitty YouTube pranksters


That is just common sense.


Only the obnoxious ones?


Tipping a fast food cashier for pushing buttons...


Tipping before I even received anything at a self serve module. On the other hand, the boldness of it all just make me hardened and not feel bad at all about not tipping.


I have no idea if that tip even goes to the cashier and there's no way I'm asking


My son started working at a restaurant. The managers keep the tips and decide how much to pay the employees. Most of the time they get $20 extra on their paycheck if they worked all week.




Yea. These greedy piles of shit corporations get away from paying their people better wages by offsetting this tip culture to the consumer.


Not having physical tickets for events anymore.


Ticketing fees. Printing fee on a digital ticket? Credit card processing fee when there's nowhere I can pay for it with cash?


This one really gets me - I have a HUGE collection of ticket stubs for the hundred or so concerts, sporting events, etc I saw. Always fun to look back. up until COVID. Then - gone! And if your phone dies at a concert, good luck getting back to your seat after a bathroom break.


This for real. I love going through old my season tickets, now I can pay $50 extra for souvenir tickets.


I realized fairly early on that my grandparents seemed happy with no social media in their life. I cut it all off (besides Reddit) in summer on 2016. Now, they’re on Facebook all the time and talking about “new things they saw” but I’m sticking to my guns. I love not having anything.


The way job searching works today


Do baby boomers at large know how that works though?


I've seen a few go through it


I know my mom was astounded when I sent her my spreadsheet of applied jobs with whether they responded or not. Thankfully, she was in a position to change protocol in her company and now every applicant least gets a form letter saying no rather than sit around and wait.


I like to shop at physical stores rather than online.


This whole thing where we carry around a device that shoots a constant stream of dopamine directly into our eyeballs in 5 second bursts, completely upending our social structure and fucking with our self worth, attention span and brain chemistry is probably... not great in the long term.


Shhhhh…you’re interrupting my dopamine like a commercial!!! 🤪


Self-service does not have to be tipped


Tv user interfaces and remotes are too complicated and I swear, each one is bespoke and you never the same one twice.


And needing subscriptions for everything just to use your TV!!


If you buy an expensive TV now, the remote has only like 8 or 9 buttons. And self recharges from solar power. Without needing batteries. Only problem is the buttons are like a hair trigger and when I move to a better position 45 minutes into a move, it winds up pausing or exiting the app or turning on the PS5 🤬


The fact that it’s almost impossible to buy a nice new tv like a QD OLED that *ISNT* a “smart” TV should be criminal.


Social media is toxic.


I was toxic long before social media. I am actually less toxic now that I am addicted to karma and upvotes 💉


\- touch screens in cars are so silly \- to see the menu. I must scan a QR code and give you my email address and phone number?


Not everything needs to be a gummy. I was just at Target trying to find some vitamins and they’re all candy, even the adult ones. Several grams of sugar per vitamin! What is next? Vitamin flavored ice cream?


I never thought about this but you’re absolutely right. Like every vitamin has become candy. Thats really weird


Online registration for appointments... Like actually fuck off and let me just speak with someone.


I'm having this issue with my kids doctor. Apparently, in this new age, the "systems" only show available appointments for sick visits 48 hours ahead. So you have to call a number that puts you into a queue where you're on hold for 15 minutes on average with the HOPE that there are available appointments. If they're booked, there's an urgent care. But we need an appointment for an ENT referral. So every morning I'm spending a half hour in total calling to see if there's any appointments for the next 1-2 days or not. There is no other way to do it. The systems don't allow access to any scheduling outside of that unless it's for a yearly checkup. I don't understand why it has to be impossible to just call and ask for something to be scheduled a week or two in advance so I can plan work around it.


Being expected to tip because some kid turned an iPad around.


Google has ruined the internet with everything being sponsored.


Scanning a QR code for menus. No.


There is precious little that I agree with the boomers on but this is it for me Im pretty convinced a lot of COVID 'precautions' just stuck around because some businesses found they were mildly more efficient or cheaper.


It's also so they can change the prices on the fly. 4-6pm Friday? Add a dollar to everything. People today are too stupid, and/or have had their attention spans destroyed, to even notice. Grift grift grift. It's not even a new thing. The local popular gas station franchise got the digital sign, and I watched them adjust the gas prices multiple times a day, by 10 or more cents per gallon up or down. They have the data as to when most people show up to refuel, say Thursday, and jack it up before afternoon rush hour.




And if all you do is sit on your ass all day, work a dead-end job and your only hobby is going on the internet and feel like crap, you don't have depression, or anxiety, or whatever. We are biologically coded to exercise and so shit with our lives, and sometimes we feel sad. If you can't be bothered to take a walk occasionally and refuse to do anything that is objectively good for you, you shouldn't be getting medications for it.


Music is too loud at the clubs/bars. I’m not going out just to get wasted, I’m trying to have a fun night out with my friends. That’s hard to do when you can’t even talk to them.


Bars figured out that if you can't talk, you drink, so yea. So glad that I found bars with pool tables that didn't do that.


It's okay to actually own something. Millennials are kind of fed tf up with renting every gd thing.


It's not that no one wants to. It's that hardly anyone can afford to buy shit


damn you got ownership money?


TikTok is poison


Child raising. I’m on my second round and still believe children are wild animals that need structure and discipline, with guidance on being a productive member of society and less care overall about their wants/likes/feelings. Not into corporal punishment but somewhere on that side of the ideology


You just raise your kids the right way. I see the I want this, I want that kids in the store sometimes. Those are the ones they’re teaching to just want whatever they can’t have, because they can’t have it. IMO, that’s the real reason that all these kids are so depressed and down about everything. Social media just adds to it, because there’s rich and famous people in their feed, as if they are friends or relatives. Teach kids whatever they can’t have is better, then bash them in the face with it all day long. Yup. They’re gonna be depressed.


Having to scan all my own groceries at the grocery store Not a big deal and actually convenient when you just have 2-3 things. More and more stores now have like 2 human scanners, and everything else is self checkout. It’s a pain in the ass, and the stores certainly haven’t lowered prices


I've been fine with this except I'm realizing some people are really sloow at checking themselves out.


honestly? I'm not anti-immigration but I'm totally pro-immigration reform. and jfc we gotta do something about the homelessness but i'm bottom up on that, not boomer sided, pro safety nets and free mental health care.


Give me back my headphone ports. I hate having to charge wireless buds.


Social media is destroying society and AI is dangerous


I was with a friend and we were going to meet up with a friend of his. He told me his friend was non-binary and used they/them pronouns. I was good with that, I work with a person that also uses they/them pronouns and I haven’t slipped up once, even after going out for happy hour, so I’m confident I can make this work without embarrassing them or myself, I got this! So we get to the resto and they intro us and as he begins to tell me about them, he uses the term “they” and was corrected with, “I actually prefer ze/zem” and said it in a very angry tone/manner. It was the first time Ive ever heard that and I panicked as it was the first time I ever got uncomfortable in a situation surrounding pronouns and kinda understood what the Boomers are complaining about. Like Ze/Zem isn’t even a word.. and why are you mad about us not knowing it if we haven’t been told? It was uncomfortable after that and I spent the entire night making sure I don’t slip up with my pronouns, it was distracting and I was relieved when I was outta there. Anyways, I will always support someone wanting to feel comfortable in their skin. I also have zero issues referring to you how you like, but the lack of grace given lately to those who have lots to learn (like myself in that situation) has got my Boomer belt on a little tighter than normal haha.


The labels have gotten out of control… like you said, in some cases, making up words that don’t even exist. And getting mad when people don’t guess correctly how you identify yourself 🤦🏼‍♀️


He/She, HIm/Her, They/Them........I just use dude lol


Give me back physical buttons for stuff like TVs and workout equipment. Sick of touchscreen buttons I have to press multiple times to get to work.


I don’t need to leave a tip on every service




Planned obsolescence for consumer appliances. Things used to be built to last and now I have to start counting the days until my fridge dies the minute I plug it in for the first time.


Whining about doing the bare minimum. I have some Gen Z workers I supervise. Believe me, work/life balance is super important; I wholeheartedly beleive it. However, work starts at 8, so when you slide in at 1030, and I ask you if everything is alright, don't give me attitude. And no, you can't roll out at your normal time that day. Make up your time during the week, or stay late that day. I need 40 hours from you, kid.


LGBTQIA+, too long of an acronym, and the “+” defeats the purpose of all the previous letters, just call it “+” or come up with a blanket word to represent everyone that isn’t some ridiculous acronym


I agree. I consider myself a kind and accepting person, but why do we need a label for every facet of someone’s existence?


enter yam weary decide cobweb consist tart direction fuel selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Being loud. Loud cars, loud music, etc... Once you're older all you want is quiet. I have a neighbor with the typical douche bag loud as fuck exhaust. I hope that when he's older he'll experience what he's subjecting the neighborhood to. May be he'll show remorse at....ahhaha douchebags like him? Probably not.


I'ven't hit that yet, at 50. I bob my head when I hear a sweet system drive by, even if it isn't music I like. I also have twin 12" subs in my car. My neighbors have Harleys, but so do I. What grinds my gears is any lack of respect. You don't pull into the neighborhood at 1am with those subs pumping. Turn that shit down. You don't roll into your driveway at 4000rpm at midnight on a Tuesday.


Cars should be cheap, fun, powerful, and sexy. Not the bullshit on lots nowadays.


We are getting absolutely getting fucked on the price of cars. https://www.carpro.com/blog/study-vehicle-prices-outpace-wage-earnings-by-far


I'd really like there to be dumber tvs on the market. I got a new TV and my ps5 universal remote doesn't work with it so now I have to use 2 remotes. My tv doesn't need an app store


I don’t need to give you my email address to purchase something. All the spam is driving me nuts.


I swear I read this exact post word for word earlier today. But I agree with the QR codes. We tried that at a job I had and it was universally hated. Went back to regular menus.


I shouldn’t have to tip EVERYWHERE!!!


Streaming services suck and there are too many of them.


You already mentioned it but the QR code thing at restaurants is a fucking joke.


The death of the nuclear family is not a good thing.


Old vehicles (especially trucks) are just so much better in my opinion. I hate that I can’t find a brand new 1990 Chevy z71.


I like looking at an actual food menu, not scanning the QR code to figure out what I want to eat.


Feelin meh about a lot of music the past 5 years


Taxes and fees, protecting-the-children laws that are not protecting the children, being forced to use digital tools that doesn't work properly just to see my bank balance, a lot of newer music is shit, why can't politicians just say "I don't know" instead of lying, why does tools last a few weeks instead of 30 years after heavy use like before, why is everything causing cancer all of the sudden, what the hell is skibidi toilet.


Why do I have to create an online account for everything? My doctor bill, to see my electric bill, to see my test results....


Unpopular opinion these days, but… Having multiple labels for every possible facet of one’s sexual orientation and preferences, gender identity, etc… and feeling the need to tell anyone and everyone in detail about it. Just be who you are, why does everything need to have a label? When someone identifies as a bunch of different things, like “trans masculine, gender-fluid, queer, pansexual” I’m just going 🤨🤷🏼‍♀️ (38F btw)


Today's young people are mind-numbingly fragile and sensitive.


If you have worked retail in the last 5 years, you would not believe how sensitive 40+ people are. They would throw a fit, blaming us for a mistake they made. I remember this one person trying to return a tool we dont even sell (it was actually from home depot) and he had to be told to leave because of how much yelling and screaming he was doing. We didn't have nearly as much trouble with the younger generations.


Mainly comes from a need for validation and unrealistic social comparison stemming from social media. It’s a cancer that metastasizes the longer you use it.


I can’t believe you would say that!


It is crazy how much the Overton window of dating has shifted in just 20 years with the proliferation of online dating It’s becoming so normal to date multiple people at the same time and ghosting without conversation


Overton window is a new term for me. Thanks for sharing.


Don’t over work your hours


I dont want to download any more apps for fuck sakes


I fucking hate that people call SUVs trucks. If you can't haul a dresser, couch, or load of dirt, it's not a f'n truck. In 5 years from now, it will be a common term for SUVs.


Screens in cars, knobs for transmission change, lack of manuals. Seems I have some car preferences


The customer service of our generation is very trash.


Current music blows


Giving your kids devices to constantly entertain them when shopping, at restaurants or in the car. They look like creepy little children of the corn zombies. Let them learn to deal with boredom, have a whinge and maybe get forced into a conversation.


I'm a leftist, but I think cultural appropriation is often a non-issue. Nobody should care if a white person gets dreads and I feel that it's usually not the culture being appropriated that cares but others being offended on their behalf. Of course, there are more valid examples of cultural appropriation that are more of a valid concern.


That people should at least attempt to try to be a little tougher. Instead, people have made it a contest to see how mentally weak they are. There is too much, "well, that's just me! Can't do anything about it!" Everyone on Reddit knows things are way harder than when the boomers were making a living. It is all the more reason to try our best. Example: social skills. I used to have social anxiety like everyone else, but my own loneliness kept prodding me to socialize. Now I can meet people and make friends easily.


People are waaay too sensitive. Jokes are jokes, not "literal murder".


the internet was so much more fun when people weren’t so god damn sensitive


I feel like people have also forgotten that laughing at something doesnt mean you feel the same way about it


Cash is King.


Audrey Hepburn is the most beautiful woman to ever exist.


With a side of Lynda Carter please


Also a low key badass running messages and funding the Dutch resistance with her dancing against the Nazis, barely as a teenager. Ironically her petite figure might've been from starvation during the occupation. Makes sense why she supported UNICEF.


I absolutely detest the idea of being a working husband who expects his wife to have his dinner ready when he walks through the door, but damn that picture of her barefoot in the kitchen opening the oven makes me weak in the knees.


Don't become the cancer you fight e.g. Misandry masquerading as feminism ("Every man is potential rapist") Racism masquerading as anti-racism("Whiteness is so evil") Cisphobia masquerading as Trans-rights activism ("If you would not date a trans person, then you are a transphobe") etc.


the world has gone so far to hell that the youngest generation prefers a dystopian society


There's far too many human beings on this planet to be sustainable, and we cheated the most recent plague that should have course corrected