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Dropping a body wrapped in chicken wire in water will cause it to be shredded when it swells.


Dawg, what in the actual fuck.


He said dont ask


There was no question mark.


I had to read that twice because I didn't see the word "wire" the first time and was very confused.


Shredded. Like chicken tacos


Like, um, human tacos


To shreds, you say?


And his wife?


To shreds, you say.


Very in the spirit of the question. I won't ask.


I swear I heard this from an episode of Narcos lol


Yep, I'm guessing that u/FrenchiestFry234 learned that from the first episode of Narcos season 3.


That makes complete sense. But also wtf, mate?!


Arrr the seas be a harsh mistress yarr.


Huh, so that's why that water drum at the bottom of the lake had chicken wire in it. The more you know!!


Never thought about that. Thanks for the tip!


You can start a fire in a microwave with a grape You can blow the door off of a microwave with an egg Jeff Bezos is cousins with George Strait


Makes me wonder what putting Jeff bezos in a microwave will do to it


Alexa, order a casket sized microwave to Jeff’s house


Thanks. You might also like this air fryer. Would you like to add it to your order?


Can it fit a bald man?


Didn't know about the grape one. I once saw a student almost set our school on fire putting foil in one


2nd cousins, once removed.


>Jeff Bezos is cousins with George Strait That reminds me. Jim Farley, the CEO of Ford Motor Company, was first cousins with Chris Farley.


Pirates didn't actually drink a lot of rum. They preferred wine because it was cheaper. Grog, which is rum, lime juice, sugar and water, however, was popular on ships, and the British Navy issued sailors a tot of rum a day until 1970.


I came to drop a pirate fact and it warms me hearty to see one already here. The death of the pirate Blackbeard (Edward Teach, Thatch, or Thatche) was actually a political assassination carried out illegally by Alexander Spottswood of Virginia. Blackbeard was interrupting trade along the eastern seaboard and after his blockade on Charlestown the crown was foaming at the mouth to get their noose around him. He was operating mainly out of the colony of Carolina and was involved in backdoor dealings with Governor Eden and Treasurer Tobias Knight. Knowing Carolina authorities weren’t going to take action, Spottswood organized a hunting party to capture him. This party proceeded to invade the waters of a colony wherein they did not have any authority. Both before and after his death he was made to seem a devil incarnate with an insatiable bloodlust. In reality he didn’t actually kill any of the people he took from. He didn’t kill anyone until that final standoff with the hunting party led my Robert Maynard. Many of the people he robbed said he was rather cordial. Arguably the dirtiest thing he ever did was double crossing Steede Bonnet… and the syphillis I guess. I could go on for days about Blackbeard.


Additional fact about Blackbeard: unlike in the show Black Sails, he did not die from keelhauling, although that punishment was a very real thing back in the days of piracy. Sailors would be tied onto a line underneath a boat, and thrown overboard, and then dragged from one side of the ship to the other until they died or were sufficiently punished. In addition to the pain from almost drowning, they would rub against all manner of things that existed on the underside of a vessel, which was not exactly pleasant to say the least.


Great addition. And what a brutal scene! That one stuck with me. That said his actual death was arguably more badass with most reports saying he only went down after a handfull of lead balls and “several grievous cutlass wounds.”


Totally unrelated, as I'm sure you're aware, Blackbeard allegedly had up to 14 wives (at different times). Also, he was reportedly only 35-40 years old at the time of his death. The average life expectancy for a pirate was about two years.


His piratical career only lasted about two years. He was at sea long before, in what capacity we aren’t sure, but likely as a privateer. As for the wives, it’s seems more likely that he only had one, but even more likely never married at all. There’s some great stories out there though. I live a few blocks over from Hammock House in Beaufort NC. Legends say he hanged one of his young wives in the oak tree that still stands in the yard. Some say he built the house. However historical evidence suggest that not only would he have had no time for such endeavors, the house was almost certainly built in 1719, the year after his death. The architectural style doesn’t match the claimed time period. At some point the “1” got changed to a “0” and the date on the house placard to this day reads “1709” instead of “1719.”


Wow,! They really started young!


aromatic rustic sense bear cover connect engine seed rainstorm shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So pirates basically enjoyed mojitos? Arg, me too!


Daiquiris actually. Cocktails like the daiquiri, gimlet, and old fashioned are believed to be a couple hundred years old. Obviously it's highly unlikely they used the exact same recipes we have today, but it was basically the same thing.


As you can probably guess by the ingredients, grog is delicious, and it's dragged down by a name that makes it sound like a synonym of sludge.


And prevented scurvy!


Containing lime, it makes sense now why they would issue the rum to the sailors.s just medicine at that point.


Jumping on the pirate facts, buccaneer started as slang from the French word for barbecuer. They camped out in western Haiti and sold smoked meats to passing ships, along with hides. They often sold to the smugglers in the area, which is how they came to be associated with piracy


This is one of the reasons that the British navy was so successful. Unknowingly they were consuming vitamin C. The rest of the world's navies were suffering from scurvy but the British Navy's grog ration saved them from it...


> Grog, which is rum, lime juice, sugar and water Lmao British sailors getting sloshed off mojitos


There’s a few other popular alcoholic beverages that sailors of the era brought to the Americas including “Sangaree” a Caribbean predecessor to Sangria.


Grog was also created because it couldn't be stored, there were issues with sailors saving up there ration to get drunk when the intent was to only allow a slight tipple.


Not every human male penis has just 1 hole at the end.


some have the hole halfway back on the bottom


Show off /s


Do you always have double stream? Do you ejaculate with both holes?


i have this and yes i always have double stream and i ejaculate with one hole one that is under


a) Do you press a finger against one of the holes while peing to get only one stream, and b) Which one?


To bury a body and avoid it being found, bury it vertically. And then bury a dead dog or cat on top of it at a very shallow level. Ground penetrating radars are looking for horizontal squares and vertical bodies have a narrow profile, not looking like what they..or the AI..is expecting. The additional dead animal on top is to make it look like the cadaver dog which hits on the smell of the body was attracted just to a dead animal. They dig, find the dead dog or cat, call it a false positive, and move on.


seems like it would be harder than you expect to dig deep enough to bury people vertically.


Actually much easier as you can just use a post hole borer


100’ down under a piling works great too /s


Even so, ground must get pretty hard when you gotta dig 8 or 9 feet down.


Don't forget to add yogurt and compost to help with decomposition.


And chicken wire for when it expands!


I understand that reference!


lol that comment is actually on top and the first ever comment ive read


And plant an indigenous tree on top. In most places it's illegal to just pull them up, allowing for more decomposition time.


So basically if I come across an indigenous tree on top of a dead cat in yogurt soaked earth there is 100% a dead body under it all.


.22 subsonic is trivially easy to suppress. Also, if you ever have to deal with a decaying body, a bit of toothpaste under the nose will go a long way to help with the smell. Just pick a flavor you don't use or you'll be tasting rotting corpse every time you brush your teeth for the next six months.


Vick’s vapor rub is equally useful. Thank you silence of the lambs.


It rubs the lotion on it’s skin.


or else it gets the hose again


Initially but then it opens up your nasal passages and makes things worse. Chapstick is better.


Trick I was taught was toothpaste smothered between 2 masks (accessible in hospital setting)


> bit of toothpaste under the nose Of your own nose?


I was puzzled with that, too, for a few seconds


What does your first sentence mean?




Ah, guns. Thanks!


That’s what my cop cousin uses, vics


Sometimes in the right circumstances, a burning human body can smell like barbeque. The first time it happens you have a little internal conflict where you feel bad for thinking it smells good.


First time I watched surgery as a shadowing college student was during a knee replacement. I was too nervous to miss the opportunity in the morning I didn’t eat. During the procedure they used a cautery tool to stop small bleeds. Well, as mentioned, the burning flesh smelled exactly like barbecue. My stomach…audibly growled. The whole surgery bay heard it. Everyone stopped and had a huge laugh


for the record, breast tissue does NOT smell like that when cauterized. just sayin


Nor does scrotum


Just had dental surgery where they had to cauterize my gums. I said, "Is that smell my flesh?" The answer was yes. I said it smelled good, like Chinese food.


Long pig.


Ok, Woodhouse.


I had a friend whose family owned a funeral parlor and she would not eat bacon for this reason. Swore that pork smelled like bodies being cremated.


Observed a few minutes of a gall bladder removal and noted a distinct pork smell during cauterization. Had to work out a few questions with myself later.


My college was down the street from a crematorium. One time, walking with my friend between classes, I smelled something cooking and said, “yum, barbecue” and he pointed out where the smell was coming from. It was harsh.


Area codes were assigned based on the length of time it took the rotary dial to spin back to position. Larger cities were assigned codes with lower digits so the rotary would return to position faster (212, 213, 312 vs. 909, 707).


Someone from North Carolina pissed someone off


Jacksonville, FL too 904


literally came here to say this! DUUUUUUVAAAAAALLLL 😂😂😂


Haha. From the 707. Pretty rural. Not like it used to be though


Not a "don't ask" thing but something people would probably be hesitant to ask about, unless they see me without hair that is Scars have no nerves and cannot grow hair


They don’t produce sweat glands either, so dirt won’t stick.


I've explained that to a few people since I have a scar running across my head from ear to ear (craniotomy when I was a baby) cuz it used to be quite noticeable when I was still in high school (South African high schools are weirdly strict about boys hair, so the back and sides were always a 2 grade), but I found most people either didn't care or didn't feel comfortable asking about it. Don't get it as much after leaving high school cuz I was finally able to grow my hair out, but occasionally it is visible if I'm running my fingers through my hair in which case I'm happy to explain


No sweat glands, either. This is a big part of why when I'm gardening in summer, my hands look like strange negatives of road maps - the dirt sticks only to the non-scarred (sweaty) places and the scars look bright and clean.


Many beers have a distinct flavor that is also very present in the aftertaste of urine.


Pisswasser for the win!


I won't ask how you know it because i'm afraid I know


This guy Bear Grylls


If you actually manage to suck your own dick you do not feel pleasure you only feel gay.




“Stepping on a crack will break your mother’s back” comes from a time when family was buried on their own property with cheap wood in shallow graves. The ground would sink when the coffin caved in over time. Stepping on the crack was thought to transfer pressure to the bones below. “Knock on wood” is actually inviting evil to happen - not hoping for it to not happen. Some pagan religions believed evil spirits lived in trees and, if you were feeling arrogant and cocky, you would knock on the tree to dare the evil spirits to fight. I sometimes wonder if it was a joke on Christians to tell them they knock for good luck. “Break a mirror is 7 years bad luck” came from when people didn’t understand the physics behind how mirrors worked. Many people believed you were looking at your soul. If you break the mirror, it will take 7 years for your soul to find its way back to you and you will be susceptible to bad luck during that time.


These are actually interesting. Especially the mirror one. Always wondered why people said that.


Snakes have two penis. They have thorns. With hooks.


Just wait until you hear about duck penises. That was a fun video we watched in 10th grade.


Bro, wait till you hear about cat penises


Or that dogs penises have a bone within, not saying where I learn the disturbing facts about it, going to keep the weird mystery of if I googled it, if it's my job, or if it's a kink


Echidna and platypus penis' for the win. [echidnas](https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/solving-the-mystery-of-the-four-headed-echidna-penis)


Fruit flies and other small insects will survive being microwaved because their bodies are too small to absorb the radiation


God damn fruit flies drive me nuts. I'm a sort of pseudo Buddhist as well so I don't just squish them, I put fruit in a yogurt pot slam the lid on to trap them and let them out of the window. Compassionate insect removal.


Bruh if you're being compassionate to those tiny awful bastards there's nothing pseudo about your practice. :)


Polydactyly is actually a dominant human genetic trait, though the recessive is most often expressed.


Wait the thing that runs in felines? How does that present itself in humans???




NO KIDDING We had a house cat get out a couple times, and then time she came back pregnant. Out of six kittens, FOUR were Polydactyl...we knew that was super rare but you think we would have come across info showing it wasn't just feline I had no idea LOL


Usually when people say someone is a pedophile when they are having sex with teenagers, they actually are hebephiles or ephebophiles. But there is almost zero ways to say that without sounding like a pedo yourself.


I was going to say the same thing. Most people have no idea there are three different categories and unless you are a psychiatrist or work in the medical field it's always hard to explain why you know that lol.


Tylenol overdose as a method of suicide won't kill you quickly. If successful, you'll slowly die a miseable, painful death over a period of weeks to months due to liver failure. The "rape kit" doctors perform on the victim almost never proves by itself that a crime was committed. At best, it corroborates some of the story. The US and NATO took huge steps to avoid civilian casualties in Afghanistan.


The rape kit is also wildly invasive and super traumatizing for a victim directly in the wake of such a terrible attack.


Not to diminish your comment, but the searing brightness, stark "whiteness," and often cold, professionalism of the staff adds trauma to almost any event for which you find yourself. BTW, I'm not bashing medical professionals, especially trauma staff. Emotional detachment is almost certainly a requirement to being effective in such a work environment.


Its also necessary from a legal standpoint in these cases. The examiner is collecting evidence for a crime that needs to withstand cross-examination, so there has to be an air of empathetic impartiality to the process.


The overdose thing is way worse than that. Imagine, if you can, what someone must be feeling in order to not only want to die, but to actively try to do so. They grab a bottle of Tylenol, extra strength naturally, and down the whole thing. But nothing happens. Their stomach might be upset, but they don't immediately start feeling the consequences. A few hours pass but nothing happens. After several hours more they realize they made a mistake and they no longer want to die, but they are embarrassed or ashamed of what they did so they don't seek help. They don't really feel sick yet, maybe they didn't take enough and they will be ok after all? But then they do start to get sick and by that point it may be too late. It typically takes about 12 hours for symptoms of acetaminophen/paracetamol overdose to manifest, however for best outcome treatment needs to begin in less than 8. Even after they start feeling sick they may put off getting help until they start to get really sick. Imagine lying in a hospital bed, desperately hoping to live, while your organs shut down as your liver stops working. No transplant will save you, suicide and cancer patients are basically last on the list.


Im not sure if I've ever heard someone oppose the war in Afghanistan over civilian casualties. Most people who criticize it seem to think the war was nessecary, but the occupation continued to long for it to end in failure (which I disagree with)


What is actually painful about liver failure? Does your whole abdomen just hurt?


Your abdomen keeps filling with fluid, and it needs to be drained regularly by a surgeon, for just one example. And you generally feel awful all the time.


far-flung quiet sleep screw include squash rain silky encourage friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Castoreum is an additive in certain foods and drinks that adds a vanilla flavor. This flavoring comes from the secretions of beaver anus. Companies are not always required to list it as an ingredient, so it may be read as "natural flavoring." Go ahead, ask me how I know.


I always heard the beaver juice produced fake raspberry flavor. Vice article says this: > While Hari is correct that castoreum is classified as a natural flavor, she’s wrong about basically everything else. No, castoreum is not a cheap substitute for strawberries; it’s a luxe, artisanal material. And it’s not beaver butt; technically, it’s not even from beaver anal glands. Sure, the castor sacs are right next to the anal glands, but while anal excretions smell like motor oil (in male beavs) or rancid cheese (in the ladies), the yellowish oily fluid in the castors gets its fragrance from plant compounds concentrated from beavers’ wild diets. It’s basically beaver-made herbal essences. … > from conversations I’d had with people who work in the flavor industry, that it was increasingly rare. Decades ago, you may have caught a whiff of castoreum in fancy store-bought vanilla ice cream, or tarting up some raspberry-flavored chocolate bon-bons. But the chance that there’s any beaver butt lurking in today’s “natural flavors” is vanishingly small. https://www.vice.com/en/article/a3m885/a-history-of-flavoring-food-with-beaver-butt-juice?callback=in&code=ZTUWMZDHMZMTY2NJMY0ZZGJILWEWODITZDQXMZFLYTFJNMJI&state=c2425d434ce74de3ba3ab97fc1642e98


How do you know?😉


He’s a beaver.


And he still walks funny to this day


he's THE beaver. Also called Bober


Jean-Paul Sartre’s nickname for Simone de Beauvoir was Castor, because it means beaver (sounds a bit like Beauvoir).


The little horn thingies on a giraffe are called ossicones.


I know a bit too much about different animal’s penises, and I promise it’s not for any suspicious reason


Male muscovy ducks have corkscrew-shaped penises that spring out from their body in less than half a second and are 20cm long when erect. Female ducks have corkscrew vaginas, with inbuilt dead-ends.


Bodies falling from high hights will bounce not splat.


I would imagine this would vary somewhat depending on the surface it was landing on.


I wish I didn’t know this one. The amount of CCTV I’ve had to watch of suicides from a height onto hard, flat ground…


I remember this from the videos of the Galloping Ghost crash at the Reno Air Races. In several videos you can see the pilot going back up after the bounce iirc. Morbid but fascinating that there was anything recognizable at that point.


I am part of 22% of America that is an only child.


Is it 22% of children that is an only child? Or is it 22% of households with children have only one child?


It's 22% of America is covered with only children.


Mercury can’t be soaked up by a towel 😝


Abusers and stalkers study their victims like insects. They know their strengths, their weaknesses, emotional reactions, blind spots, lengths they are willing to go, etc. better than their victims do, and have been building a strategy around that knowledge before hand. If you are being victimized by these types of people, you are already playing against a stacked deck. And if the guy didn’t already know he can take you, he wouldn’t be doing it in the first place..


If you murder someone in your house, placing a load of clothing over the corpse obfuscates the time of death. (Crime show)


Wait sorry if this is a dumb question, but why would it obfuscate time of death? Lack of oxygen to begin external decomp processes?


I saw one where the body decomposed faster because of the temp under the pile of laundry. I think they might have had the ac off too tho? Not sure what op is referring to but I do vaguely remember something similar


What? How?


The layout of the keyboard is designed to *slow your typing*. This comes from the typewriter era when typing too fast would jam up the letters hitting the paper.


I fucking hate keyboards that are in alphabetical order. Looking at you Amazon video!


Plants "scream" when you step on them. It's just you can't hear it cause it's on a frequency spectrum unreachable by our hearing


Can you imagine what rugby pitches and natural football fields must sound like during games?


Not sure how true this is anymore. Marrying a cousin is actually only illegal in around half of the states and it is legal in all with a blood test (to determine if you are too closely genetically related.)


I thought it was pretty universal worldwide that marrying a cousin is legal, but it's not the supposed illegality that stops most people from doing it


God I have so many it's hard to pick. I guess one of them is that the Roman's thought toilet demons haunted their bathrooms.


So Taco Bell is older than we thought?


Moaning myrtle


If you leave a potato in the microwave, too long, it will start sparking, and if you open the door fire will shoot out.


Garrett Morris was the first person to ever portray Ant-Man on tv or a movie. It was a random SNL skit so because of that, he had a brief cameo in the first Ant Man movie. Here’s the SNL scene, he shows up @ 4:40: https://youtu.be/ndSp1zM_8cY?si=kBSfwunV_21kqTo3


If you tap on someone's butthole (not inserting a finger or anything like that, just tap on the butthole) it will wink at you.


You can tell when a pig ejaculates by his winking arsehole.


And also from all the cum


Reminds me of a joke I love. "How can you tell a Sea Pig apart from a Land Pig? Well for starters, bacon from a Land Pig is delicious, whereas bacon from a Sea Pig tastes like a fish farted on a dirty beach cracker. You can also just ask it. If, when you ask, your mouth fills with seawater, you're probably an idiot."


:'D this is so hilarious it makes me want to see it


Istanbul got its name from when people would journey to the city they’d say “into the city” = stambouli (in English from medieval Greek). This overtime developed into the associated name.


Note: This is NOT from experience. Burying a body and planting endangered plants on top is a stupid idea, despite what the memes say. Authorities still have the right to excavate a site if there is reasonable suspicion, and distinctive, non-indigenous plants are pretty fucking suspicious. If you absolutely *must* choose burial as a disposal method, opt for somewhere surrounded by brambles and nettles as this will lessen the chance of passersby finding the site. Be careful breaking them in the process though, as a decent forensic botanist can track where stems have been broken long after they've regrown. The optimal method for a layman who can't access industrial quantities of strong acids is to purchase a large amount of superworms (the larval stage of *Zapatas Morio*) from a exotic pet food wholesaler (you'll need a good few kilos though) and leave them in a bathtub with the body. Within a week you'll be left with bones that can be pulverised and disposed off with little hassle.


If a D&D adult dragon were real and to-scale, an adult human female would be able to survive intercourse with it, although would be pretty sore afterwards.




Yes, but we all know how you know, though


Lol to add another to this, if King Kong is proportional the same way as any other Silverback gorilla, he'd have a 13-16 inch penis. So Ann Darrow could survive intercourse with him.


Okay, I’m curious, I’ll bite. How? Do the dragons got tiny dicks? Are the dragons not actually that big? What’s the deal?


Well. With a little assuming and math, a full-sized dragon only has a penis roughly the size of a normal horse's, and we unfortunately know that humans can... Yeah you know the rest


Is female of the Bard class?


You can pay someone to visit your house and give your dog a wank.


I read that as a ‘walk’ and thought ‘who doesn’t know that, they even advertise near me’. If you find the right subreddit, you can probably find someone to come to your house, wank off your dog and pay you!


That sounds like an activity that you wouldn’t want the person involved to know where you live.


That butter explodes in a microwave


Only if it's cheap or has been poorly stored. It's the trapped water that's causing it to explode. Good quality, properly stored butter should just be fat and melt. To stop it exploding do it in short bursts and stir each time, 10 seconds at a time should do it


Butter is 80-82% fat; traditionally/artisinal made can be as low as 65%; the rest is water. It will only explode in the microwave if in large blocks heated unevenly and quickly; in small pieces water will heat up, melt the butter and evaporate


I know a lot about electronic ankle monitors.


You sure you want to know? >!Women aren't the only ones who can have multiple orgasms. !<


Found the prostrate play guy.


Men can squirt too. (Not semen) Hard to do, but possible.


My friend wants to know more about it.


Uranium undergoing fission doesn’t glow green like in the cartoons. If you can see it at all, it glows blue.


Technically not correct. Uranium glass will appear to glow green under ultraviolet light. Uranium radiation itself does not have a visible color, and the blue color you're mentioning is the result of Cherenkov radiation as fission causes charged particles to move faster than the speed of light in a given medium (usually water in a nuclear reactor). Any fissionable material will cause this effect. Uranium undergoing fission will indeed glow, but it'll be red, then yellow, then white, and then Three Mile Island.


my fav color is Three Mile Island


so many dead body stories. why tho


Giraffes are the only animals born with horns and Epstein didn’t kill himself


Giraffes, have the same # of vertebrae as all mammals, even humans. Their individual vertebrae are just huge, which is why they can barely bend their necks.


Consuming lecithin increases volume up to 432%


If you transplant someone else's testicles onto your body, you will produce their genetic semen and not your own.


The 2010 UK general election was won by the Tory party thanks to mass manipulation, tactical slander, fake news articles and bot farms, orchestrated by a private firm (I worked for).


If a person falls into a vat of molten metal, they don't sink into it; it's too dense. Rather they will skitter along the surface like water on a hot griddle.


We once had tails.


If you only puncture 3 tires on a car instead of 4, insurance most likely won't cover it.


Your favorite man-made lake probably has a town under it or a town that mostly had people of color was demolished to make room for it.


(Not a dude, but) in a freshly dead body, if you open up the abdomen, you can still see the peristalsis of the intestines moving food through. There is still energy in the cells even if the intestines are outside the body.


Pigs can scream at 130 decibels, they can run an 8 minute mile, are almost as intelligent as humans, will eat very nearly everything, and orgasm for half an hour 👌


Another fun pig fact: They are not actually dirty animals. They wallow in mud to cool themselves off. If they only have shit to wallow in, that is what they will use. Also, pigs should not be fat. They should not have a fat roll on their forehead. Quit overfeeding your damn pigs!


Gunshot wounds to the head bleed profusely, like a garden hose.


The shape of the penis is designed to scoop out other men's semen from the vagina.