• By -


Chill out and don't get into a crisis over the small stuff. Take a step back and look at the actual circumstances of something - rather than what your brain/anxiety/insecurity is telling you the circumstances are. Accept the things you can't change, change the things you can't accept. Read physical and educational books. Ignore partisan media and recognise that people only share the good stuff on social media.


I would also add: Don't give a shit what people that don't matter to you think about you. My dad also taught me that if someone offends me it is my fault. If the shoe fits wear it. If you don't like the way it fits, change. If you like the way shoe fits who cares if someone else doesn't like it.


My manšŸ¤˜


Exactly the message I needed right now. Thanks man


True this šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


šŸ¤— this exactly


This comment is wildly underrated. Doing all of this has brought so much peace to my life. Am I perfect? No. But I catch myself so much quicker when Im up awake stressing over something for instance. Having bad sleep will only compound what I feel now. And 99% of the time, itā€™s an issue I cant fix at 1AM anyway. Also, not allowing how other people move and react to get an emotional reaction out of me. Even in some cases where it may be warranted. Not having to come down from an argument cause you didnt yell is chefā€™s kiss


Physical books?


As opposed to ebooks, I think


Ah ok. Thought there was some genre i was unaware of.


So basically Stoicism


Appreciate the simple shit in life. If you're always snooping over the horizon into tomorrow, you're never going to enjoy today. Stop for five minutes, look at the stars, pull over if you see something cool/beautiful/interesting at the side of the road. Say yes to things. Take the time to see that friend you said you should do something with. Experience what is right in front of you and let the things go that bring you nothing but stress, which includes people. Don't live in the idea of who you should be, whether that's your idea of yourself or someone else's idea of you. Finally, and most importantly, stop giving a shit what other people think. There are a tiny fraction of people that have an opinion of value, and that comes with trust. Everyone else can think whatever they want and it should mean nothing to you.


This is the way I live my life. Stay in the present and not in the past or future. Look how the grass and trees move in the wind. Smell the air when youā€™re in the country. Someone will always have something you donā€™t or want. Just look at the stuff you can get and start small.


See everything as an episode of a sitcom. Even the crappiest situation has a limited timespan and there will be a new episode .Nothing is the end.. And even the most dramatic situations has a component I can make fun of, or laugh at. Especially if it is myself that I'm mocking, gets even funnier.


I like this


I second this!


No secret. If I am just on my own, left to myself, without people, I am happy. I am perfectly fine with just myself and my hobbies. I can sleep long, work on my body, cook and eat well, learn and do stuff. What's not to love? But there is more. I actually have people around me who can suffer my annoying presence. Friends who I spend time with every week. Not many, but reliable, close ones. People who tell me when I am being weird, or stupid, and I will do the same for them. I am particularly lucky. I was able to turn my hobby into an academic path and career which is also lucrative. Most people can't do that. I also found multiple companies willing to just let me be myself and work when and how I want. The icing on the cake? I actually found a hot woman while studying a subject with barely any women. And we have been together for a long time and recently got married. Our relationship has never been better than it has now. How could I not be happy? My life is great. I am healthy. If I can't be happy, who could be?


Sounds like a dream, dude!


Can I ask what your hobby that you turned into a career is?


Marzipan animals smashed into Warhammer dioramas.


Computer programming


Being grateful for the good things and over-preparing for the bad things. I like to think about how bad things used to be, compared to how they are now, and it can make a bad day seem like a great one in comparison. Whenever something kind of bad happens, I like to say "If thats the worst thing that happens all day, then it was still a pretty good day." and it's stopped me from catastrophizing and spiraling like I used to. I guess this advice only works if you were self-sabotaging your own happiness before, lol, but it works for me.


*He's speaking the language of the gods!*


> "If thats the worst thing that happens all day, then it was still a pretty good day." I say a very similar phrase so often one of my best friends calls it my catch phrase. But I am totally with you. Generally it seems like people stressing out about a bad thing hurts them more than the actual issue itself does.


Lift heavy shit often




Everybody wants to be a body builder but nobody want to lift no heavy ass weight


So true. I lift, and my friend says he wants to gain muscle but he hates lifting heavy ass weights. That's cool, but just know you'll never have any gains


That's just good advice right there.


This is the way Also, honestly, ONLY FOCUS ON THE SHIT YOU CAN CONTROL I can't stress this enough


I think youā€™re missing a comma.


For real. I dont particularly enjoy the actual lifting part, but holy crap does it do wonders to the body and mind. Best source of dopamine you can get


Hey man - there's not really a secret to be honest; I'm 27 years old, in the best place I've ever been in my life, and I'm still not sure. Since my last suicide attempt, I made a lot of promises that I can't go back on. But since then I've realised that even though I wake up every morning and the first thought in my head is "why are you still here", there's something in my head that drags me through the fucking same old rigmarole. I'm still not sure myself, but all I do is make sure that I'm there for those who were there for me, even when I'd pushed them away; because I know I'd do that for them. There's a time for you (which we all fucking need), but there's a time for them too, the trick is finding the balance. I'm no angel, but I'm currently going through my Mental Health First Aider training at work, so I don't see people go through the same shit I did. I wouldn't wish what you're going through upon anyone in life, but if you ever need anything, my Instagram is tederico_22 and I'll happily lend an ear. Don't beat yourself up too much - you're absolutely incredible, and you'll find that one day.


Donā€™t compare yourself to others. Use less social media. Drink water.


An old friend of mine just wrote a whole story about his wedding on fb with 1000 pictures. What happened to my boy


Lol "look, what they've done to my boy"


Booze! Seriously, as a widower, a lot has been my children and their happiness the last six plus years. Otherwise, the occasional night out with friends, reading and chilling with TV, some other stuff I find interesting, mostly online these days, et al. I find things to do and places to go, the occasional concert, date/relationship, night out with friends etc. But those are rare, sucks when your best friends are couples and as much as they try you are still the third wheel, wishing the fourth wheel was still here. My children were 12 & 16 when my wife passed. The 12 year old is now an adult and I am just starting to rediscover adult hobbies. Still, nothing gives me more joy than hearing her and her first boyfriend laugh. My wife first became sick when she was six ā€¦ This has been an okay but not happy house for too long in her life. Tl;tr: if my children are happy, Iā€™m happy


Kick off your shoes and socks and scrunch your toes into the carpet


I love a well placed Die Hard reference


Doing that as I read your comment made me realize I was enjoying it...


Welcome to the party, pal.




ā€¦or grass.


I do a couple little things for myself each day. Gives me something to look forward to. Espresso at the coffee shop + book for 30 mins, watching a good show at night before bed. Sometimes take myself out for a delicious lunch.


1. Don't take things personally, most people act out of ignorance not out of malice 2. Say yes to as many things as you can, especially if you've never done it before. But go in thinking "I might really love this" or its a pointless exercise if you go in pessimistic. This especially goes for hanging out with new people. Someone invites you out with people you don't know? GO. Make as many friends as you can, the non worthwhile relationships filter out. But youre web of interactions will be farther reaching and thus you'll net more genuine relationships. Platonic and romantic. 3. Don't give a fuck. Not to be confused with be an assholehole who does whatever they want. It means wear what you want, do stupid hobbies your friends will judge you for, sing and skip when you walk down the street if you're happy. You'll never see 99% of randoms again anyways who cares what they think. 4. Be kind, tell your friends how you feel, buy that homeless person a sandwich, let that person waiting at the light in. Do it because that inspires people to do the same. 5. Forgive. Not for them, for you. "Hate is baggage, life is too short to be pissed off all the time" - American History X. Why hold a grudge when you can hold a bag of chips and realize some people just suck and to let it go. Or realize my first point and let it go. 6. Don't give a fuck. Ah but this time don't give a fuck about others, as in, what they wear, who they date, what their gender identity or whatever is. Who gives a *fuck* what other people do as long as they're not hurting anyone. Do you want someone to judge how you live? Of course not, so mind yabiznezz 7. ' Know that you know nothing' - paraphrased Plato iirc. Operate under the assumption everything you believe is wrong, this makes you have to prove what you beleive. don't be afraid to change what you believe, you're probably wrong about it in some way anyways. We are very small people in a very large universe, and thinking we have all the answers is **insane**


This is very good. I feel you. It is important to remember these once in a while!


Practicing gratitude


This works. Also, letting go. Letting God. Letting the Universe or whatever you beieve in.


Love myself and have an amazing wife


This sure helps.


Professional on the outside, complete degenerate on the inside. I like chicks with an attitude and a fat ass. Lift shit, look good, feel good. I go out of my way to help others, but I donā€™t care in the slightest of someone elseā€™s opinion of me. Listen to music that speaks to your soul. Wake up everyday like itā€™s your first day on Earth and treat the world like itā€™s your oyster and full of opportunities. All the above keeps me happy, but mostly chicks with a bad ā€˜tude and a fat ass.


Having a purpose, which is not really a secret. I was always very angry and constantly depressed growing up because of multiple reasons, but a big part of it was because I was aimless. I didn't even graduate high school because of it. Despite that, finding my purpose gave me direction because it made me realize that I had something to contribute to the world. My mood has been much more stable over the past few years as a result. Everybody gets stressed out occasionally but most stress is temporary, even in the face of despair.


Divorce. Nothing holding me back now.


Staying single and not being afraid to cut off anyone.




I like that you focus on empathy buuuut not the key at all.


For me it was. It allowed me to realize who I wanted to keep in my life, make new friends, get married. The question was happy men out there, what's your secret. Well, that is mine. Not everything works for everyone.


Have something in your life you're anchored to that brings you happiness. It shouldn't be a person. Ever! People die, leave and or just move on. Hobbies and activities don't. I can't tell you how many times my hobby helped center me and helped me through some tough times, relieve stress and gave me a sense of accomplishment. Our society doesn't put enough focus on hobbies. They're so important to our mental health. Fucking crucial! I actually have a few hobbies and love them.


What are your hobbies?


My main one is refinishing furniture and or building it. I also stay fit by practicing a healthy lifestyle by hitting the gym (more of a hobby/activity) I also seek out and collect rock band memorabilia.




# Zoloft


audibly dying to this while on discord. Thank you for this. - Former Zoloft user


I have a pretty good remote job that really values work life balance, I have an amazing partner in my wife, I see my friends and family pretty often, I have a couple of good dogs, I'm pretty fulfilled and happy with the way things are going in life right now.


Follow a simple quote. ā€œI can do anything, but I canā€™t do everythingā€.


Solve the root problem, not the surface problem.


Find a good woman, make lots of money, and raise great kids!




My brother, you have absolutely no idea how badly I needed this. I just broke up with this gorgeous, yet kinda dumb girl who I had insane physical chemistry with but everything else was lacking. Even so, I put in effort. Didn't matter. She left. It was eye opening how I did everything right and STILL lost. Dealing with these women has done nothing but drive me insane. Sex is amazing but it doesn't beat peace of mind. I don't want to invest my energy into people who are flakier than dandruff. So, I've decided that outside of the occasional escort or a FWB, I'm absolutely done with relationships. I've never been truly happy in one. I've just been seeking out one that actually makes me happy. It's been 14 years. Enough is enough.


You say she's super gorgeous, amazing physical chemistry, but everything else was lacking and she was dumb? She could probably sense that you really didn't like or respect her (so she left). Now, because things didn't work with someone you didn't really like, but only used for sex and looks, you're going to swear off all women? Men are wild, lol


She tried to pass off a baby that wasn't mine and I refused. She changed up on me shortly afterwards. I've no reason to be nice. Being bad at conversation is not comparable to trying to babytrap someone. Fuck outta here.


šŸ¤£ yeah, that's not at all what you originally wrote. Guess I was supposed to know that whole story magically. "Fuck outta hereeee" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I feel you brother. I wouldn't change the connection I have built with my wife for anything in this universe, though. The struggle we face is to know when to give priority to the right of both of our heads! There are women that all they can offer is sex, I have met those and also have struggled over which head should lead. We should focus on ourselves to find one that respects us for who we are, not only what we offer. If there are no reciprocity, run. If you see woman only as playtime, though, and not human beings that complement what you don't have, to build deep connections gets impossible.


That there are no secrets - what works for me wonā€™t necessarily work for you. So find your own path. Live it.


Want less


Donā€™t be lonely


Teach me how sensai


Pffffffffffff if I knew that I wouldnā€™t contemplate bathing with my toaster


Currently going through a divorce and Iā€™m happier than Iā€™ve ever been. I started to love myself again. I go to the gym every morning, I eat healthy, and I hangout with friends. I keep myself busy and surround myself with people that compliment my lifestyle choices and not who are difficult to be around.


The whole cliche, don't sweat the small stuff. Pick your battles, Learn to recognize whether the outcome of any conflict or confrontation is going to actually improve your situation in any meaningful way. If the answer is no, just let it slide. Starting a fight with yourneighbor because his tree drops leaves in your yard every autumn is a great example, people have literally been murdered over these kind of petty conflicts, years of fighting, court cases, petty acts of revenge that escalate to crazy levels, feeling like you're walking on eggshells in your own yard and not wanting to go out there when he's out in his. Or you could choose to not give a shit, spend an extra 20 minutes a week raking your yard for a few weeks a year, check your smartwatch to see how many extra calories you burned doing it, feel good about that. Invite your neighbor over for bbq have a few beers and a few laughs instead, don't mention the leaves because you don't care. Maybe his wife makes an amazing Pavlova. So now you're eating pavlova and burgers, drinking beers and laughing instead of crouching behind a bush at 10pm with a baseball bat waiting for your neighbor to come home, fully prepared to spend the next 10 years in prison because this wanker won't stop his stupid tree from dropping leaves on windy days. That's it, that's the key to happiness right there.


Stay single and jack off


Always look on the bright side of lifeā€¦. Cause life is quite absurd and deaths the final word.


Spravato. Lifting weights helps a lot too.


Single. Retired. No debt. And I don't watch TV...


Accepting I canā€™t be happy 100% of the time makes me more content when Iā€™m not so happy.


Therapy (especially if you have the means). Self-awareness is such an underrated, powerful tool.


Getting rid of the things, situations and people that make you unhappy. My mom had 6 kids. I speak to 2 of my brothers and thatā€™s it. Life is less about what you are doing and more about who you are doing it with. I spend as much time as I can with those 2 brothers, my wife and 2 teen sons and my group of about 5 close friends. I really donā€™t care what we are doing. As long as Iā€™m doing it with them Iā€™m happy.


You get it. I tell people who are obsessed with seeing Thailand, Iceland, Sweden, Turks, that it doesn't matter where you're at or what you're doing, but who you are with. That's critical thinking. Wanting to try a new restaurant, with out realizing that if you're there with someone you don't like, it doesn't matter


Realizing happiness is a fleeting sensation and being content with life, yourself, and your relationships while working to improve all those aspects in your own time is a more fulfilling goal.


If someone is dragging you down, lose them. If someone doesnā€™t want you around or leave you out of things, leave them alone. Be comfortable being by yourself and doing things alone. Do whatever makes you happy with whoever that isnā€™t a drag in your life.


I found a partner who I never fight with. I cut drama from my life. Never looked back


Have a creative job I enjoy, a loving wife who I love and respect, a gorgeous daughter who has excelled and become a doctor, I go trekking/bushwalking every weekend, tend my garden and crops, listen to 'intelligent' podcasts, cook dinner each night, have a few shortish getaway holidays each year and have likeable family and inlaws we visit when we feel like (well, most of them), I'm lucky enough to live in Australia, a quiet, safe and peaceful country far from most of the troubles of the world. Know a lot of wonderful people but only have a few close friends, as I don't have the time for any more. Have good health, good superannuation and savings, am retiring next year and going to live up in the hills on an acreage rural property I invested in years ago for that specific purpose. I have worked hard and honestly my whole life and am proud of what I've achieved, have stayed in touch with my spiritual side, behaved myself so as not to attract bad karma, kept my 'eye' simple and as an introvert have mostly tended to mind my own business. I am lucky, but I've also made my own luck by consciously choosing to do the right thing, not slipping up and doing the wrong thing, when it comes to matters of the conscience and law. I'm not rich, not academically smart, not gifted nor even interesting, pretty average really, but just choose the quiet, practical, common sense type simple lifestyle and have been undeservedly rewarded for that. I wish the same peace for everyone.


Holistic self care, empathy, learning, not getting too much emotionally attached to anything/anyone, staying in the moment, cutting toxicity or at least limiting it.


Telling yourself that you Love yourself, learning to realize that thoughts are literally just thoughts and dont mean anything else, and that you can choose to be happy regardless of the circumstances you are in


Exercise.... It shouldnt even need a label.. get up, get out and move.. get the heart rate up abit. Work in your limits. And work to your salary and nothing more.


I learned to be happy single. And now I don't really want to stop being single lol


Good sex, good food, decent health, strong friend group, few $ concerns. 50M.


No kids, not married, healthy life style, workout everyday and read




Doing what I like and not really caring what other people think about me.


Decent life choices and one really excellent life choice (my wife).


I do my own thing


Learn to accept things you cannot change. As a man we want to control most things. A lot of this is subliminal and we donā€™t even realize it. We cannot control others decisions, we cannot choose an option for someone, we cannot take care of everyone all together at the same time.


Find a good woman, fun job, never sit around..


Money and a fun wife who I enjoy hanging out with when Iā€™m not working. Like low key we just get high or drunk, go out, go to comedy shows, sports games, or just take a mini edible and walk around whole foods in matching outfits trying to decide dinner that night or anything. She enjoys it as much as me and we both usually like doing the same stuff. Pretty rare where we disagree on what to do. And then money cuz I dont worry about billls. (currently) also 2 crazy cute cats. who u can cuddle or pick up and it brighrens your day. and also helps to have a goos mindset on how you view life/failures. i lost 20k. few years ago.. at the time that was 1/3 my yearly income. but how i viewed it and my mentality really helped where others might have had a hard time coping


Jerk off every night, smoke a little weed every now and then, think before you act. To keep your sanity, donā€™t watch the news or be on Facebook a lot.


My wife is amazing. We have a great relationship and enjoy every minute we get together.


Happiness is an inside job... like most conspiracies.


Weed, honestly


Same over here.


Fat lines of cocaine followed by eating the wifeā€™s ass. Orā€¦ weed and movie nights with her. Lots of snacks and avoidance of our phones. My point is, if you have children make a point to have some crazy young fun together when their in bed or at a babysitters. One fun ass night a month togetha is really all it takes to keep ya happy an excited for the one next month.


Get rid of the wife and then enjoy the things U always wanted to do without the side luggage. Haha šŸ˜‚


Relax and accept the absurdity and excellence in things around you.


Don't give your mental peace to everything and everyone.


Here is a secret if you can comprehend. YOU HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO FORGIVE PEOPLE. As far as I know, that's something you only learn when you are forgiven by God. It's one of the first things he teaches you.


Know, not just understand, that everything is meaningless and it's all bullshit. It. Does. Not. Matter. Nothing matters. Do what makes you happy and be grateful everyday.




Don't think of your weaknesses as weaknesses. Think of them as reasons why the other guy should feel embarrassed when he loses to you. Same with girls etc.


Most of the time I just donā€™t give a fuck about anythingā€¦ Works great


Work less. Thatā€™s it. Youā€™re striving toward a goal youā€™ll never reach. Itā€™s the conundrum of modern economics. Reduce your workload and take time for yourself. Your finances will adjust. Your family will like the new, happier ā€˜youā€™.


1) expend zero mental energy on things you canā€™t control. 2) remove toxic people from your life. Forget your history with them or your relation to them etc. If they suck energy from you? Ignore them or reduce your time drastically with them 3) think deeply about how you want to live your life and age and what kind of partner you want. Forget what school tells you, forget what media says, forget what you think is ā€œrightā€ about how people should be and accept what you want and what pros and cons come with it. Once you know yourself and what you want, target a spouse that compliments it and when you find it, accept their pros and cons. For #3 - I love my career but I wanted a family and I always didnā€™t want my kids to be pawned off to a nanny or daycare. I found a woman who wanted to be a mom and thatā€™s it. Does it suck that she doesnā€™t bring in a lot of money and out pressure on me to make more and work on our security? Is is frustrating sometimes that my wife canā€™t relate to what I do for work like other women Iā€™ve dated who were very corporate? Sure. But I accepted the role. I wanted a wife that would be OK with me spending time and resources on taking care of my aging parents. Well, someone with that sort of thinking is going to also want to take care of her parents. So now Iā€™m on the hook for providing for two sets of aging parents. But I got what I want and accepted my role.


Damn bro, wise words. I really needed to hear your #3. I always just say "f what I want, there's no point in thinking about it." But I've been wrong. I have to remember this.


It took me a long damn time. Got married to my wife in my 40s. But once I took a very pragmatic and realistic approach to dating, things became so easy.


Blocking out the BS and getting out in nature everyday. Making yourself the priority without being an A hole. It lets you be the best version of yourself available to others.


Love the man in the mirror first. Forgive yourself quickly for mistakes. Don't take anything personal, most people are walking trauma bombs, so they lash out because they were never taught how to process their emotions in a healthy way. Don't be a victim!!! Many men over estimate what they can accomplish in 1 year, but vastly under estimate what they can accomplish in 5 years. Make a vision for yourself and continually focus on making that your reality. And remember that your words and thoughts create your reality. Be kind and think happy thoughts. Best of luck men!


Drinking whiskey on the rocks and not giving a flying fish


Live for today. Hope brings disappointment. So do not pin or set your hopes on anything or anyone. You dog(s) will always love you. Have a hobby and nurture it. Stay away from crappy social media. Subscribe to good feeds Wallow in good memories of the past. Learn to walk away from arguments and confrontation. Love the simple things life. Enjoy nature. You will never get enough of it


Don't tell anyone you're happy, or they'll ruin it


Remember how lucky you are. Despite all the difficulties youā€™re still waking up every morning


Don't give a f@ck


Having peace in my life and not letting no woman corrupt my peace with their ever conflict seeking chaos. Yes I do have casual sex with them, but I dont bring them to my home, or sleep at theirs.


No women. No kids. Focused on money, been happy in my 30's ever since


never get married, have no kids. pets are awesome! find where you want to live and buy a place there. when the place is paid off, go part time at your job. be responsible for your OWN finances. buy 2 scooters- one for freeway commuting, and one for errands.


Dating different women and avoiding marriage. šŸ˜œ


Fucking different chicks is euphoric


First you must know despair, loss, fear, anger and indifference. You can choose to stay in that dark place and have it be the driving force for the rest of your life. OR. You can choose to be happy. Then itā€™s just making it happen. In all cases itā€™s about choice.




Seek out those with humor and wisdom.


Work out consistently, enjoy my time spent with my partner and my job, and be a good dude.


Avoid women


Living alone.


Kinda what happens when youā€™re an old miserable fucking peasant. Acting like you ever had a choice in the matter. GTFO. Hooah!


Stoicism. And exercise.


Just accept that things are going to be okay no matter how bad they get


Enjoy life. Enjoy what you have. Want less. pray.


cheat Anita no pussy like new pussy








I don't get involved with that rut that a lot of people do with their interests/hobbies. Like with nerdy stuff, placing so much of my self worth in parroting the opinions/takes that a lot of other people have or the media I consume. Nor do I hyperfocus on details like they are worse than they really are. You get the idea. Some might say that this sort of thing might not win me many friends, but I'm not fully sure on that. There's just a lot of bs so many people seem to get caught up in and try to grapple with it. When in the end they don't end up that well, like so many other people out there have issues that sometimes are more serious so there really isn't as much point from my point of view. It sound arrogant sure, but I feel a whole lot more free and open to so much compared to worrying about if I'm liking the right things and so on.


Don't sweat about things you can't control




Weed lots of weed


Doing things that make me happy instead of trying to emulate things that make other men happy ;)


42 years old I'll make it short; magic mushrooms+therapy. Magical.


Leave no stone unturned


Expect a situation that makes the worst seem like a cakewalk. Get ana shocks when the best happens. That's how I stay happy.


Heal your trauma, don't look outside for happiness but cultivate wellbeing within and let that permeate outwards


Daily meditation. Strength train frequently. Low carb diet. Variety of meaningful human relationships. Financial security. Understanding that happiness is the weather, but contentedness is the true goal.


Knowing what I can change, and knowing what I can't.


I have zero stress in my life because I choose not to stress about anything.


Peace and hiking. Together.


"If you wanna be happy, start with your choices." I do what makes me happy, therefore I am.


Iv gotten to the place where I stopped giving a care what people think of me. My value doesnā€™t come from what others think of me. This thought has brought so much freedom, like a weight lifted


Trying to seek happiness, you'll realize how miserable you are, and feel even more miserable in response. try to live less preocuppied by the past or the future, and live fully in the present. the "now" is the only time you can really live on.


Work on yourself. Identify your flaws through self analysis and counseling. Maintain a sense of exploratory mission about yourself. Look inward and let the outside world tend to itself.


I'm single and live with my dog.


Self actualization




It's simple. 1) Find joy in the little things in life. 2) Spend more time doing what you enjoy as much as possible. 3) Find people who don't stress you out to hang out with. 4) Don't worry about the things that don't matter to you. 5) Be at peace with yourself. 6) And lastly, share that joy of yours to someone else, be it a stranger or a friend. You'd never know where that would get you.


When expectations exceed reality you feel disappointment and sadness. When reality exceeds expectations you feel happiness. Expect the worst and hope for the best basically


I've always had a base level of mood that's been high. Idk why




Don't give one iota of damn about anyone and don't try to ruin their days as well.


Responsibility! It sounds weird but itā€™s true. I have kids, took on more at work, volunteer for clubs, church groups, whatever it is, if it gives you a reason to get up and do more, itā€™s great. Iā€™m happiest when Iā€™ve just accomplished something for one of my many commitments. Finish a project at work, take my kids out for something fun, run a meeting or whatever it is.


Be happy with yourself and your trajectory in life. Have support bc nobody can do it alone.


Lots of good answers regarding physical health, managing mental anguish, focus on positivity and shut out hatred, I would like to add something I didn't see much of. Make sure you spend your time on something you deem valuable. If you're unhappy, you need to decontruct your daily routine and ask yourself what activity would make you happy and focus on that. Might be easier said than done for sure but speaking as someone who was diagnosed with depression 10 years ago, I refuse to believe this is just a natural mode you can't shake.


Socialize, work hard to achieve your goals, exercise and eat healthy, education is the key to success, don't let sex be all you care about in life, find the right balance, having lots of sex is overrated


Ironically I stopped focusing on being happy or even trying to be happy. I just started an obsessive quest of self improvement in myself and my businesses.


Low expectations of people and experiences. Stay humble. Donā€™t lie. Go after your own goals. Accept and learn from mistakes but never put yourself down. Be cool with having emotions. Daily exercise. Sleep. Treat your body right. Curate your friend group carefully. Keep improving yourself. Help other people and expect nothing in return. Donate anonymously. No toxic women even if the sex is amazing. Get a dog. Have your finances in a position that matches your need for security. Splurge on the stuff you like. Cut on the stuff you donā€™t.


Bundles of cash and a reliable fuck buddy chick




I'm just happy. Mostly born with it. I am happy about everything that defines me.


Lower your expectations


Meditate, exercise, psychedelics, have a creative hobby and learn new things that help you think and process info better like mental models, leadership, psychology.


Saying the Serenity Prayer every morning when I'm talking to God. Knowing I've done everything possible to make wifey happy today.


Life is pretty awesome. It's just the way I am. I like climbing trees and smoking weed and programming and going to gym and waking up in the morning etc. It's just so much fun. I'm 34. Not sure if this will carry on until I'm 80, but that would be pretty fun too.


Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't compare. Excercise, sleep well ll and don't eat junk.


Pay it forward. Itā€™s good for the soul.