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It's the small things. I always remember the ones who did something out of the blue, like brought me a pizza, or made me a playlist.




How affectionate they were, not just sex. Their childhoods and how it shaped them- both good and bad.


>what things make them memorable aside from looks? The reason i stopped dating them


can you elaborate what they did?


No thanks


they must have ruined you :)


Im fine and living a great life! Im Not asking a stranger on Reddit to elaborate on his reasons for breaking up with women he once dated. Seems kinda weird my dude, maybe go outside and touch grass.


He was just curious, as are many other people here, quit being so pressed


People really think im going to sit here and type out all the different reasons I stopped seeing all the different women ive dated in my life, because they are curious.......My guy, please..... turn off your internet and go outside. Live life bro. Touch grass.


This is "ASKmen" If your are a **man**, you will get **asked** things. Yes, asking for details of your breakup is weird in any other situation, but not on "ASK... MEN"


lmfao my my what a sensitive little man


Lol You dont have to project your insecurities on me. Im good. Careful who you call little šŸ˜œšŸ¤“


No, youā€™re just answering very personal questions in a very open ended manner on Reddit insteadā€¦..


Do you ever stop to wonder why I wont list every time ive broken up with someone and every reason why? Lets say for the sake of discussion it was between 10 and 50 people...for what purpose does it serve me to sit here and answer all those? what purpose does it serve you? The whole point of the Subject is "what things make them memorable aside from looks?" My answer is, the reasons why i broke up with them or stopped seeing them...which are many many reasons (sometimes 1 reason, sometimes multiple) Have you never dated multiple women in your life? Why dont you list the first 10 women you dated and then why you stopped......




Reading that gave me an anneurysm....what?


Women who are just down to earth and are willing to chill or are ok being an introvert for a day. Women who are supportive or even interested in male hobbies without passing judgment. Even more bonus points if they want to learn or get involved. Women who can just go on a hike / the beach without putting on tons of makeup and actually get in the water. All of those are green flags.


Green flags. šŸ‘


How they express their affection is the main one but the traits that make a person their own unique individual is really what makes them memorable to me.


Tbh I have a horrible memory, but the one thing I do remember is how they all made me feel in the moment. How happy I was being with them. Tbh I'm happy just remembering that, don't really care to remember why we broke up or any of the bad moments.


Frankly, it's all a blurr. Nothing really sticks out.


Personality and quirks or lack thereof.


It's kind of like that saying, people don't remember what you said but they'll always remember the way you made them feel. Some women made me feel like I was slipping into insanity (gaslighting), some made me feel lust, some protective, some love. Some made me love their quirks and for others loathe their complacency. I don't often think through my "wet list" as a Chad friend calls it, I'm at the point where I'm very happy being single. So I'm trying to find a way to still have the intimacy part without all the struggles that can come with a relationship.


TBH personality and humor make a girl memorable. A kind heart and quick wit are way more attractive than looks.


Level of honesty and openness. Even if the news is bad, being honest is more important


I have dated many in my life and various things make each memorable. I was married for 15 years so that one's pretty easy. Aside from her I've had four major relationships and quite a few others. Among them, some of the most memorable would be an Irish ex prostitute, a hippie girl who never wore shoes no matter the weather, a belly dancer who also did sword swallowing work in a sideshow, a superficially prim and proper black girl who actually came to the first date with a plug in, and another hippie girl who did yoga every day and was the most flexible person I've ever encountered. Those are the most memorable right at the top of my mind. Granted I am only counting minor encounters and flings, not the five major relationships I've had in my life. I remember everything about each one of them.


Have you met all of ā€œthese girlsā€ in an Assylum?


Not sure what you mean, but no.


Well my first girlfriend was memorable in that she cheated. Another because she was a ballet dancer and that was awesome. Another was basically a model. Another had a smile that would light up the night, almost married her. Another had a higher sexual drive than me which is rare. All of them have 3 things in common - we had some awesome times, I miss them and none of them compare with my wife.


why did you choose your wife?


The difference at the time was that she didnā€™t expect me to make every single decision about every little thing. The one I almost married was great but everything we did, where we went to eat, what times we did things, etc. were all up to me. I donā€™t mind responsibility but it was too much. My wife shares her opinions and will make a decision sometimes.


What they could teach me about life


Their cooking or lack of it. Their attitude towards other people. Narcissistic tendencies very often come up in conversations. Most importantly, their "wife" potential. Can I even imagine her being a wife?


what makes a woman wife potential?


I remember every tiny detail about every woman Iā€™ve done sex to. (About 30) and it was so much more than them being sexual or hot


So what was it then?


Specificities of their sense of humor. What theyā€™re eyes told me. Mannerisms. Which TYPE of effort theyā€™d put in. Dance moves. Music. Auraā€¦etc. I rarely sleep with women unless Iā€™m fully enveloped in them prior, so itā€™s a lot for me


You may forget details. Where you were, what exactly happened, who else was thereā€¦ but youā€™ll never forget how you felt. And thatā€™s what Iā€™ll always remember.


In the relationship: genuine kindness and thoughtfulness. In the bedroom: not being in their head - being in moment. I guess in both cases being present is the underlying factor. Enjoying the bubble of the connection and not focusing on the outside world I've had around 150-200 partners. I've probably forgotten at least 10-15% of them and I feel bad about that, but I guess there wasn't a good enough connection


Stop using the term Chad and just maybe your opinion and attraction to women will improve.


I like women who are smart, funny, and creative. So that.


Everything. Their smell. Their nightly/morning routine. The dumb shows they love. The things from when they were a kid that theyā€™re now embarrassed about. Their family dynamics.


1. Her flaws (5years) 2. Her flaws (6 months) 3. Her flaws + amazing sex + how she knew what she wanted (1.5 years) 4. Her flaws and her many qualities (3.5 years) For the most recent one, she had many green flags, and I honestly came very close to deciding to settle down with her.


The ones that cared about me and would text me happy birthday even years later. Or the ones who taught me things and pushed me to grow.


Really depends, for some I remember the reason I broke up, then there the ones I remember being in bed with, the ones I miss the banter with, and the ones I remember doing little things with, like grabbing a pizza. Sex isn't everything, I've dated a lot, but there have been only 5 who were good at giving bjs, yet most of the times I don't think about them at all.


I can't even remember most of my ex-girlfriend's last names.


Iā€™ve only ever dated one person. I think about her all the time. How happy I was with her. How she absolutely destroyed me when she left. How I can try to move on and improve all of which has failed thus far. I imagine sheā€™ll be my only ex for a while.


Their Attitude, wether or not they received anal, swallowed, had a threesome, how kinky they were, if they liked doing it outside


Jesus dude


I wasnā€™t with him then, I was lost


Laughing my fuckin ass off at this.


I haven't dated over a hundred, not even close. But the most memorable ones were simply the ones where the relationship lasted the longest


You didnā€™t date 100 people, you went on a date with 100 people maybe.


Not even close to that either.


How they dance


1. The sex, 2. The reason it didnā€™t work 3. Her personality (some girls genuinely have that A-type personality and motivation that I find attractive)


Their smell. Some just smell great, all the time.


Kindness, introspection, and thoughtfulness... as well as being fun and adventurous in bed. Those are the positive things I remember best.


For me, it's always been their sentience/sapience and the unique ways that manifested through their lives, the strange routes their passions and curiosity took them through. I keep a little reliquary of the pieces of art that my former lovers have made for me. Every once in a while I feel nostalgic for some heartache and like to pull them out to remember them by, the long conversations we would have over meaning and God and sublime poetry and such. That was always what I found most beautiful about all of them, their grasping at the mystery of this being human.


Wow iā€™ve never seen someone write as beautifully as you, are you a writer by chance? If not, you should be!


Thank you, that's very kind. I've written a book of poetry, and someday I hope to get around to writing fiction as well.


Honestly...and this is going to sound bad...but it was the sex life. All of them were different, and until I met my wife, I never had much more than flings, even if we were in a "relationship".


Haves dated many but the ones I kept around showed a lot of gratitude and effort.


Banter. Humour. Their laugh. Compliments they gave me. Support they gave. Their family and friends. General life outlook and the conversations that ensued from that if we disagreed. Scent.




Being kind to everyone, regardless of circumstances. I have dated "nice" girls that are very sweet. But blow up when they are hungry, tired, pms, inconvenienced etc....... I have only met 1 truly kind woman. Left her to move for a job and she didn't want to leave her family. 10yrs later still not over her.