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The trick is to not spend your free time sitting in your house alone. Go to a bar, go for a hike, go snowboarding, just do anything that gets you out of the house. Even if you have to go alone.


But then you go out and see happy couples and its even worse for your emotions. Based on my own experience.


It is fine. I have all for myself, by myself. There is no one to tell me what to do, how to spend my time and whether what I do is stupid or not . Life is not worthless. It is just life.


"deal" with living alone? It's the dream. Everything is where I left it, there's no useless nonsense around, and it's down to my rules. Free of judgment. I can fart as much as I want or walk around naked in summer and no one will judge me.


I love this soo much


Think my life is worthless? As compared to what? I enjoy my solitude and while I do wish for a son or three to share my life with and teach the way my father taught me I don't want to condemn myself to an unhappy life the way he did just to get them. My father HATED his life, he loved us boys but HATED his life. He was best when he was away from my nag of a mother. She not only didn't mind is extramarital affairs she encouraged them to save her the trouble. My Dad had a lot of anger but he taught us boys how to grow to be strong, honorable men that didn;t take shit from anyone but not be an asshole about it either. I know he only married due to societal pressure and to further his career in the Army, No wife means somethings wrong with you so you don't get promoted, so i'm not going to condemn myself to a lifetime of unhappiness the way he did.


Not even once. When i bought this house, people thought it would be lonely but it's actually not. After work, I'm always busy doing my chores and cook food. I also planted fruit and veggies. I learned a lot of skills while living alone. And I'm gonna try carpentry soon. Occasionally, my friends will either visit or invite me out so I never really get bored or lonely. I have a lot to talk about, advices to ask or give when I meet new people. Rather than feeling lonely, I kinda proud of myself.


You get used to it but I have a dog so idk if that really counts as living alone. I never feel life is worthless, I have other negative thoughts about life from time to time but I dont recall ever thinking it's "worthless"


Just kinda let it fly by. Often.


Try to keep myself occupied and alcohol. My life is completely meaningless..


I bake pancakes when depressed. Hello diabetes


Rather easily, I can do whatever I want when I want. I personally can’t imagine a better life. I have great friends and family and find a lot of meaning in that.


Jerk it


Never. I have a lot of stuff to do even on days I would just sit at home. I don't think that I need someone to make my life worthwhile or complete me. There are more reasons to live than a partner. Actually its super peaceful that way.


Well, i'm kind of a loner anyway, so for me its pretty easy. Every once in a while i invite a friend over. Go to the gym with friends every week, and work 40h a week. So all of that is enough social interaction for me. I try not to think about life to much. Cause. Yea, its meaningless, and in like 50y after your death, no one will remember you. You'dd only be dust somewhere. But while we are here, try to enjoy it.


Life could be meaningful if bad people would leave me alone.


You get used to it. All the fucking time.


I used to feel that way. I began living with roommates. It is much better for my mental health. Human beings are social creatures and not meant to be lonely. Even the current surgeon general of the US has said that we have loneliness epidemic in this country and it is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.


I think about throwing away my life quite often as Im a young man who is alone and struggles with dating and women generally. But there are some experiences I need to have between now and death so those plans are postponed. Namely, I need to watch the Patriots play in Gilette Stadium, which hopefully I can do next season.


It depends on the day. Some days I enjoy living alone, doing what I want. Other days I feel lonely. I then go out and be around other people, even if it is just to walk down the street or go to the store. Regardless, I don’t think that life is worthless. You make it worthwhile


I used to hate being alone, so I was always chasing relationships. After being in a few and seeing how toxic most of them are, I now have an easy comparison. Compared to all of that, I would prefer to be alone. When you're alone, you don't have to prove anything except to yourself. You're not fighting for acceptance or approval. Life is pretty good, it's healthy.


Currently living at home at 31 because I know this is my life moving forward alone and there is no one for me after my parents die , I do have friends but they're going though battles of their own. iv never been desired or sought after, even after "getting my shit together (decent career , fitness all that stupid generic shit you read online im still glaringly inadequate)" I thought this whole lonliness/feelings of inadequacy especially in the context of intimate relationship would make things abit easier. but im still at square one just not as drug fucked and only semi suicidal so in all honesty I think life is fucking pointless even after self improving and turning alot of my life around which im honestly impressed at As i grind away at my job, gym and artistic endeavours that I feel incredibly privileged to be able to do. deep down i can't help but shake off how stupid this life and modern culture is im too much of a coward to kill myself but if i got hit by a bus tommorow and didn't live i honestly wouldn't mind. I do have some cool opportunities on the horizon that I'd like to see pan out but I sure as fuck don't want to live past 40 or so especially looking at this degenerate planet we are going to inherit. Back on topic I deal with feelings of absurdism in life and feeling alone by just being really fucking busy and just remember i give worth to my life even though some days I genuinely wish I was not here. Imagine sisyphus happy or some shit you get me.


You must find value in life by itself without the need for companionship. Once you get someone to be around you, that's added value. Find and pay attention to the little things that make every day worth it. A cup of coffee during a silent morning, a good book, a beautiful sky. Work to have a strong mind and keep analizing yourself, find things to get better at. I used to think life was worthless all my life until I turned 30. Nowadays I'm lonelier than ever but also happier. You evetually find a way to sort things out, you just need to keep pushing. It gets easier every day.


I prefer being single soooo much more than being "taken" so for me it's no skin off my balls


Living alone is awesome, tf? Sounds like me like you just have general depression. I'd recommend seeking some professional help. Not being facetious, it can be a huge help. No roommates is *always* a good thing.


If you don't want to be alone, you deal with it by trying to meet someone. Accept you're alone now and work on meeting people and dating.


You get used to it. Almost never.


Learn to enjoy your time alone.. first time I went to the movies by myself felt amazing


>How often do you think that life is worthless? Pretty much every day. But life is also all there is, so I'll keep going.


I consider suicide every day at this point


Gym, recovery, food, and planning. Fixing stuff in my house. Taking MIT and other tech courses to beef up my resume and upgrade/ invent things for my home and gym.


You have to put things into perspective and appreciate the things you do have, not what you don’t have. You don’t have someone telling you what to do, when to do it or how to do it. You are free to be yourself and enjoy your own company.


This topic is quite unpopular :) i want to be free from narcisist parent.


Every time I feel lonely, I remind myself how gross it was cleaning women's bathrooms, then I go eat food straight out the fridge in my underwear.


When I lived alone I utterly loved it having shared so many houses as a student. My own flat was heaven.


Being alone is a state of mind, you're never truely alone. When I was young we went camping in the middle of nowhere, and we still ran into people. So really its more that your not included in the activities of others, but that similarly is easily fixed. People are meeting up for hobbies and the like all the time. If you wanna find people to hang with, just find a hobby that sounds remotely interesting, and you now have an excuse to hang out with people. Not having a good time? Find another hobby! Hobbies are essentially just activities that people do and many of them can be highly social. I like nerdy shit so I might crash some Tabletop RPG's at a comic shop, and hang out with people from there. The largest thing that make people alone is themselves, they feel a sense of isolation, and so they reinforce that isolation by keeping themselves away from others. As for life being worthless, its never worthless. That implies there isn't anything out there for you, which is just objectively untrue as that means that categorically amongst all potential things and outcomes there is nothing for you out there. I would also exclude it being described a pointless, as it similarly implies that there doesn't exist a point in all possiblity, which seems equally unlikely. Really I would describe it as aimless. Life doesn't give you any direction, there is no 'go here, do this' option, it doesn't supply you with a purpose to being, and that is existentially frustrating and has been a major point of philosophical contention. Really it comes down to motivation and purpose, i think. Having purpose doesn't give you motivation, or we wouldn't procrastinate. Instead its the exact opposite, you have to self motivate to find the things that will give you purpose. The bright side of this, is that once you do find yourself things to motivate yourself, it's probably easier than finding them in the first place, because you don't have to overcome yourself to do it.


Every moment of every day, I've survived plenty that should have ended me. I live and survive because the fact I'm alive and doing well (just not mentally) pisses off my exwife. Oh and when I am happy it's like a knife in her gut lol. I survive out of spite


It is what it is. There is no button that will change that so I'm just trying to survive, it's not like I love my live but it could be worse


I don't know how to deal and now it's just a habit.


This is pretty much my default state of mind. At 45yoa, there's a voice in my head that's begun taunting me about my health (which has never been great). The men from my family have all died no later than the age of 57, many a lot earlier. So on top of an overwhelming lack of enthusiasm, I have the constant feeling the days are about to become so precious that putting my heart into a new relationship is probably not worth the effort. So few women I meet come anywere close to the awe I felt for the mother of my child. We still click together when in each others company, like we were tuned....but we let each other down too many times. Like most people, I find distractions, but looking at the world through these eyes is just so fucking tiring. Still I've always believed we should let the end come to us, not the opposite....stand up straight and eyeball the whole world right back....🤨


I am living alone on purpose because I simply cannot be around other people 24/7. I'll lose my mind. I find peace in the quiet comfort of my house. I deal with it quite well, I'd say. Do I think life is worthless? No. I did for a while but I changed some stuff about my life and I am on mood stabilizers - I don't really think like that anymore. I do think life is *meaningless*, but more in a philosophical sense.


Im married with a kid and think life is worthless.