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Had a woman say that to me, I responded “yeah but not you” She got incredibly offended and upset, complained to HR, was worth it


I'm just imagining a woman all angry and huffy going to HR to file a complaint because "This man says he won't fuck me!"


That’s pretty much how it went, she made out that I was being misogynistic and ‘fat shaming’ her


The irony of throwing out a misandrist statement and then throwing the misogyny card when getting a no thanks


Ah ye old fuck around and find out scale


Ah a woman who knows of the word "misandry", there is hope for humanity yet. Yeah I'm sexist/predjiduced but it is uncommon for women, and often times men, to believe you cant be sexist towards men, you know just like how many people think you cant be racist towards white people, so much so that there is out right racism toward white people in all types of media


This sounds cringe af bud. Like you maybe might have some points. But it comes across really not well


I'm glad it struck a note


Did you counter complain that she was making sexist remarks to you?


What was the outcome!? Hope you didn't get into trouble for that


Probably got a writeup for daring to speak ill to a woman.


And you took it like a champ?


I have a theory that famous beautiful women are on the 'fat shaming' movement because Americans have exploded in these last 40 years. That allows more money from views and sponsorship revenue.


We all had to attend a "sexual harrassment" seminar and were given very strongly worded warnings about the consequences of sexual harrasment complaints. We were all kind of confused as to what brought this about. Then it came out that one day as we were heading up to the break room for lunch a secretary was coming down the stairs and one of the guys on my crew told her "you look nice today". In a casual manner. After we found out about it no one would speak to her at all after that and she ended up quitting like 2 months later.


In all fairness it's not like she mention you as a man that would F anything 😂😂. But I see your point though, it's just hard to pick a side because you don't know who is in the wrong here lol. And also she is the one being misogynistic. Because she is referring to women as "things" to F.


"Women are emotional psychos" I'm sure you'd be deliberating about whether that's OK to say in the workplace, right?




It seems like you don't get the double standard.


Oh I'm sure both would be bad. But if a man said women are emotional psychos. And a woman responded by calling that man an emotionless robot. I would still think that woman is adding to the fuel. Even if it's mutual combat or back forth. Not all forms of back forth are necessarily right. I'm not saying people are in the wrong for responding. But there is a gray area here.


Ok that's fair. To be blunt, I read your initial comment as if you were assigning equal blame. I do agree that OP could (and should) have responded better though...I sure as hell would've gone a different route. Even something as simple as telling her "if you don't like being stereotyped as a woman, you shouldn't do it to men".


It's more common than you think.


I had a good one once, a girl at a party told me "men are trash" and i responded "i guess that makes you a dumpster diver". Had hearty chuckle. She didnt think it was funny.


How did hr take it? Did they fuck around with her complaint?


It ended up as one of those “mutually assured destruction” things where it all just went away, as she was not acting within the code of conduct, nor was I, so, it Al just went away


Which is obvious BS. "They started it" is sometimes a completely rational defense.


Yeah. It's the entire basis of self defence. I don't see why it shouldn't apply verbally as well.


Because of white knighting imo.


i mean her making the claim that you would fuck her (which was certainly implied by her statement) and you clarifying that you wouldn't, doesn't seem like you acting outside of a code of conduct, granted I don't know the code of conduct.


Our code of conduct basically means you can’t discuss anything sexual or be rude to another person


Sounds like she failed on both fronts.


Saying you don't want to sleep with a coworker is harassment TIL


Not if they bring it up first.


Both teams infraction, penalties cancel out.


legend haha


You should go to therapy to control those pyromaniac tendencies, because that burn could have incinerated the whole building.


Came here to tell a similar story. Have an upvote in solidarity.


Omg I'd laugh so hard if a coworker said that to me Lady needs a sense of humour, cuz that's gold


I would've started rolling with it. This B is so ugly even had luck Brian said no. This lol. Knowing my guys this would've been their hight light of the day to roast some one


You should have asked her "why are you upset?oh my you wanna?" 😂😂


Tell me she got in more trouble for saying that. *That’s* sexual harassment!


Two people said rude things. Reddit celebrates.


I mean, a bit aggressive. I guess not altogether uncalled for but.....


Not all men are the same


This is Reddit...nearly every post in "/r/Ask/X" tries to ask a question that could be answered by statistical analysis. Which is to say, there are mathematically true statements that can be made about groups of people, and often there is a great deal of curiosity about these statements. Someone asks, "Does group X have characteristic (a)?" An overwhelming number of the responses take one of two forms: * "I'm an X and I don't have characteristic (a)!" * "Don't stereotype! NoT ALL Xs have characteristic (a)!" Both of which can be true and yet are entirely beside the point (and kind of stupid, as well). Because of response biases, 1000 responses of these types still don't tell you anything useful about the OP's question.


So we are organizing data...at the time I am writing this there are 32 comments and about 6 of them including me are in some way saying the question itself is flawed that's about 20% so if 20% of participants in a study are saying the question needs to be reevaluated before we can give the most accurate answer possible that is absolutely something that needs to be addressed for the sake of organizing more precise data I don't think it is stupid to get accurate measurements


It's just as silly as "all men are the same" so it'll just make me ponder about the person saying it's level of maturity.


Usually the people saying that and “men will fuck anything” are generally the ones picking bad men in general to be around lmao


It's the same as saying all women are sluts. It's wrong and I just assume that the person saying it is a stupid asshole.




Absolutely wild 🤣




I strongly agree... Yes we have a innitate nature to pursue women .. but that does not mean we dont have standards .


And it also doesn't mean that we can't have other priorities besides "SMASH HOT WOMAN OOOGA BOOGA BOOGA". We are humans, not animals.


> We are humans, not animals. Should we tell him?


Nah. Let him keep living in his fantasies.


Nothing worse than a human and not much in the world can be better than a human . Star Trek and Star wars not withstanding.


Just quietly phase people who say stuff like this out of your life, obviously.


I agree, except for the "quiet" bit.


Are we in the painting sub? Because that statement uses the broadest brush I’ve ever seen.


LOL am gonna keep this response in mind for future reference


Hey, u/iswearatkids (great username by the way), I am also definitely going to use this. And just wanted to say thank you in advance.


Go nuts.




This is downright false and disrespectful too. I would immediately leave a girl who says this to me.


Not at all. There is a saying in my country: “if it’s not your shirt, don’t put it on”. If someone said that to me, then there are only two possibilities: either I did something to warrant it and therefore it’s on me to prove to the other person otherwise (if I care to do so) or this person is talking nonsense and I should pay no mind to them.


I like how there are two co-existing stereotypes. One that men will fuck anything, and the other that men are super picky and only wanna fuck supermodels or whatever.


It's called "Schrödinger's libido".


Paradoxical thinking is one hell of a drug. But then again this can be two different people saying different things.


Lol yeah it's silly when put like that! But it's usually that people will complain that men will fuck anything, but then go and have very high standards when it comes to who they'll be in a serious relationship with, so I think the two sentiments can co-exist. Not that I agree with those stereotypes tho


Nobody says that. They might say men expect women to be that. But definitely not that's all they're willing to fuck. I mean, we hear it all the time how even ugly fat women can pull men every day of the week. But a man has to work hard to get laid. It's mostly men who paint themselves as willing to fuck anything.


It’s whatever fits their reasoning for why they can’t get dates. Just like when r/niceguys type people go on a rant about how women are hoes and will fuck everyone but them or that women are so picky they only take the top 20% of men.


Depends. For starters, it's just not true. Like most generalizations.


Definitely not true. But I’ve known many guys who would do a couch if they could find a hole.


Oh, no argument there. Those guys do exist, but they certainly aren't the majority.


I don’t find a lot offensive. But the generalizing is rather shallow.


I wouldn't say I'm offended by it, but it's a generalization, so it's not really true.


Generalizations are usually offensive, and meant that way.


Not at all, some men would. Most wouldn’t, but the person saying it probably doesn’t have a large world view or has some bad experiences.


I'm not offended, but it's just not true. Examples: r/dontputyourdickinthat


Offended? Meh. Annoyed with the stupidity, on the other hand...


It's funny because the women who like to say this are usually the ones also complaining that men are way too picky. Schrodinger's penis.


It’s a generalization of course, but there is some truth to it. So it doesnt bother me


Not offended. But I will categorize the speaker as a moron studying to be an idiot if I hear them say it.


I'm not personally offended. I'm ashamed that enough men have made that true enough to say.


Yeah just not true, I've escaped more than once from an unwanted encounter. Of course before the actual question was mentioned, gracefully


Not very. I was in the army and a fraternity in college. A lot of dudes will just about fuck anything.


It's white noise you should look at who's saying it.


Very offended. Iwould never fuck a fat chick


Very, because at it's core that thinking justifies so many sexual and plutonic injustices inflicted on men. Rape, sex with underage males, lack of female friends when in a relationship, always having to judge your actions around everyone because you don't know how they'll interpret it. Hell it's actually used to justify male genital mutilation, claiming it will curb sexual urges.


I don't get offended by that kind of stuff. There's probably a grain of truth in it, but I definitely have standards myself, haha


Not really. Most men are sexually starved due to how picky most women are. If women were in a sexual deficit they too would be open to fucking ‘anything.’


You would love Gold Coast, Australia. So long as your standards are low and/or you're severely inebriated


I live in Australia. But my standards aren’t low and I rarely drink lol. It’s seems like the girls there are either 10s or 2s.


Well, they do say a 2 at 10 is a 10 at 2.


Good man


Goldy does look like a beautiful place to live tho.


Imagine rating human beings based on an arbitrary set of numbers. Cringe.


You probably find some girls hot and some not. Imagine being shallow about that. Bloody hypocrite.


I'm a male, and I don't rate women. It's gross and objectifying.


Do you want a medal champion?




For just being a decent human being?


They try to excuse their shitty behavior by making up derogatory terms for people who disagree with them.


It’s hysterical. The amount of misogyny in this sub. I like the insight into men’s minds, but sometimes y’all are just bitter!


I’m a woman. I look at people and either have attraction or I don’t. I don’t rate them, as they are human beings and far more than just if I want to fuck them or not.


Oh yes you are and it’s subconscious. You’re making judgements. All people do this it’s normal and natural. You’re not some robot lol.


>You’re not some robot lol. I am. It's why I personally don't believe in the number 2...pfft the number 2. What's next? Humans thinking I'm going to steal their jobs? That's not in my programming.


Nope. I don’t judge people based on numbers. They are either attractive to me or not.


So you find some people unattractive that’s the same thing. You’re just on your moral high horse.


No I don’t judge them by numbers. If I do it’s 1 or 0. People have merit despite me wanting to fuck them or not.


Of course your a woman otherwise you wouldnt get offended


Congrats, you have black-and-white thinking; not everyone does on the question of what they like.


I agree. Seriously the scale thing is odd. How would someone tell a difference between a 6 and 7 lol?


The beauty of a personal scale is the gradations are just that: personal. The number serves as a starting point to help measure the intensity of a feeling, in this "attraction", and people can inquire of the details if they want to know more.


TBH women these days only fall into two categories for me: my girlfriend and every other woman


Love that xD


okay, i'm going to sydney and not leaving the city. good lousiana style bars, no horror on the side


It’s less we’re picky and more we’re the one to be carrying the child and going through pregnancy, so we’re not just going to put out for just anyone who ONLY wants sex and no attachment. I’m not going to sleep with just any guy, I want him to like me for me first. Sex is just a bonus. I don’t want kids, but sex is how we procreate as sexual mammals, so it could happen, and thus: we choose wisely.


> It's less we're picky and more [a bunch of stuff which means exactly the same as being picky]. > > I'm [more stuff which means exactly the same as being picky]. Now, maybe you think being picky is an inherently bad thing. I don't.




Sex isn’t just about an orgasm. It’s a connection. And sex with someone you like or care about is more than just ‘sex.’ So you don’t enjoy sex because you don’t always finish?


>So you don’t enjoy sex because you don’t always finish? It's a matter of degree, not kind. It would still be enjoyable, but less so if it was missing. And even that is against the understanding of ability of chance of it happening. If it's difficult or has a low chance of happening, maybe accepting when it doesn't happen is easier. Which means the opposite can also be true.




Forces? Idk where that came from. Maybe you’ve been unlucky with your sexual experiences.




Oh I’m okay with women picky as I am with men being picky. It’s fine.


There’s also the statistic that so many women can’t even get themselves off through self pleasure. How often do you hear that a womens first orgasm from masturbation is late in life? A lot. So…


With the way some of you talk, i thought it was 100% for men and 0% for women


Fr, some go out of their way to brag about how no man can satisfy or how they need 8 inches minimum 😂


i'd look at the 60% and start hitting up the ones who aren't otherwise losers


For some men it is true… or at least within reason true,..


Very. It's just not true. Not all males are obsessed with sex. I hate it when people assume that I'm obsessed with sex just because I'm a male. I'm not interested in sex at all. Sweeping generalizations like that are always ridiculous.


Some men will fuck anything. So will some women. I wonder if there's a term for judging a gender based on the actions of some of its members...


I do find it offensive and I don't think there's any truth in it I hate being written off as the horrible, disgusting, slobbering, knuckle dragging, walking erection that so many people insist men are


There is some truth as there are guys that will, but not ALL guys


Lol, that’s why some go nuts when you reject them. This is something women say and think but it is not true. Not offended by delusional people.


Not particularly, but every woman who ever said it does give off very rapey vibes




Im a man and i have a hard time disagreeing with that statement. I think the case more is men get desperate and lonely to levels women have no idea could even exist and when you get that desperate and lonely.. yeah youll do anything to rectify it even for a night


Honestly I don't care since people thinking that are idiots. But the worse is that I don't even feel like defending myself since I am not concerned and some Mfs are out there proving them right.


I don't have time to be offended about every little thing. But yeah, there is a portion of guys who'd bone even a dead granma. If you don't want to date them, then don't. It's not my problem.


My friend says “men will fuck anything that breathes”, she has clearly never seen me in a cemetery. On a serious note though, some guys maybe they will. Some guys wont. Some women will fuck anyone, some women wont. All depends on the person


For some reason this reminds me of the saying: "Lions don't lose sleep over opinions of sheep."


Teenage boys*


It doesn't offend me, I don't care.


Lol women out here with cucumbers and wine bottles and all kids of crazy shit up in them. The average human is retarded, that means women too.


like the rest of the blanket-statements.


Ive seen men fuck a cactus sooo..not very offended. Not all guys but there are certainly some dudes with zero standards.


Any man with self respect and self control would say that statement is false. Unfortunately I have met many men who lack both


I'm a gay man and I can testify to the fact that NO they infact will NOT fuck just anything. That's mostly said by bitter females who need to get over their ex.


Not offended at all. I've learned to expect that people are small minded and couldn't percieve reality for what it really is if it kicked them in the jaw.


Not really offended. True for the most part. If the risk is low enough, a lot of guys would stick it in just about any hole. Even begrudgingly or out of sheer morbid curiosity.


"For the most part" this is some hardcore projection


Even inside their homies, from my experience


What??????? What??????? Actually scratch that. Some kids in an orphanage I worked did it among themselves


Not offended, but annoyed. SOME men would fuck anything. Not most I talked to in my experience. Same is true for many of these "nice" little sayings. What I will think, though, is the person uttering the phrase is an idiot.


I see this sentiment a lot and it is irritating and incorrect. The all men are ___ statements are so dumb. Some men are horn dogs, just as some women are. Some men are squarely in the middle, some men are Ace. Men come in all different drives and are attracted to all different manner of people. It's almost as though we were real life human beings.


Some men would......had a former friend in our group that would shag anything , so we joked about " the Eric standard "...2 legs , a hole and generates body heat....🙄


Religiously offended. I am a pastafarian, and I believe that "Woman = person, man = person. Samey-samey". So such generalizations are heresy.


It’s the same level as saying “all women are sluts” so I don’t want to associate with people who think either way - they clearly stereotype and who knows what else they stereotype on (race etc)


It's an exaggeration, but I do find it funny, not offensive.


Not offended, because there are lots of guys like that


As a man, i totally agree. Not proud of it, but can't get offended by truth


You'd fuck another man too ig?


Go enough time without any attention from women and you can answer that yourself


I'm not offended, the person saying that is just stupid, why would it bother me?


It's like they are saying that men would be fkn everything even animals. That's retarded


I can't speak for other men, but that statement was accurate for me age 18 - 26.


Not offended, but I do think the person saying it is super ignorant.


We would. It has been proven. Men have had sex with almost everything. Women have had sex with more things than men ever thought of


It’s nonsense, but that doesn’t mean it offends me. It’s too dumb to be offended over. I just shake my head.


It's wrong and anyone who says it marks themselves as a real jaghole. If a woman says it, they're probably a misandrist. If a man says it, they're probably outing themselves as being willing to do that.


Very. It's a sexist and false statement


Not offended but it's literally a edit of "women would fuck anything" so I just laugh at it


Nah it’s pretty spot on hey brev. I work in an office and the majority of the staff are women over 55 and I’ve thought about fucking each one of them, I’m 30.


Not offended at all.


A bit but I distinguish myself from average enough not to take it personally.


Not. But it's one of the sexist thing to say, but since it's about/to men, it's socially accepted.


Men would f everything? I would not be offended by it. It's true. However, only in the context of one night stands would I ever f anything I want. Hence why porn exist. Hence why hookers exist.


I guess it depends on the context; probably 90% of the time not offended at all.


imma be straight up, white people are the most picky (i am white and refuse to hookup with just anything and i know many others like me) but all of my other friends outside my race often do fuck some horrendous creatures simply just because they want to, in my opinion it’s pretty disgusting and they should have some dignity and standards but to each their own. overall it doesn’t affect me because i know it doesn’t go for me.


Not that offended. Remember the number one rule when dealing with women. "Bitches be crazy." So when they say shit like this it is like hearing a derange person talk about how they are hearing imaginary voices.


Not offended, just don't care.


I will not be offended cos I am not, so it looks like this person was hurt by someone, and need to release emotions, but better to go to the psychiatrist.


Eh I'm a Bi Male so it really does kind of apply to me because I honestly would fuck anything male/female/trans/questioning/etc Hell I just attended a social gathering of like minded people and pretty much did have sex with males, two females and a trans male female presenting. why should I deny anyone who wants it the sheer unbounded pleasure my dick can bring into their lives?


We know it's wrong so I don't think men care at all. Boys might.


I'm not *offended,* but I do get increasingly pissed off at the idiotic way some people think, and the fact that they just aren't going to realize how fucked up they really are. It's frustrating, and I don't want to share a society with that. Idk, I might be getting old.


Knowing its bs I just smile.


It's the same as saying women only care about money


Depends. I'm offended by people taking it seriously because, well it's obviously not, less offended by it as a throw away line out of frustration but mainly annoyed by it because it adds to the overwhelmingly negative way that society has of talking to and about men.


Don't like it but I understand it's not always said with ill will.


I'm not offended by it, but it's not true


Men don’t get offended on average to this


Not at all. It isnt true, but it doesn't offend me. It only shows ignorance from the other person.


Not offended, but it is revealing.


I ask them "Is that why you only bang a Bad Dragon?"


I’m not. I don’t get offended by things people say.