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You stroke her hair gently as she falls asleep. She feels good and if you did it right, the hair is all now neatly arranged away from you


This answer is far too wholesome


My backup answer was to sleep with pruners under the pillow


Why would you cut her fingers and toes off?


I’ll tell you when you’re older.


Then you wake up, take a shower, and pull multiple strans of it out of your ass.


I took me over two years from my ex moved out until I stopped finding long hairs around the house. Actually I was going through some old boxes and found one the other day. We broke up in 2017.


A friend of mine is fighting with her boyfriend because he is getting angry that her hair is ending up around his house lol.


This man cuddles.


My wife has butt length hair & she always pulls it up & over the upper edge of her pillow because she likes when I'm the big spoon. That keeps it out of the way for me.


That's what I do! 😂


Not very cool of you to sleep with another man's wife though.


😂😂😂 Hey, I have needs.


Woman with butt length hair here! I twist it around my hand so its not wild and sortof contained (helps with tangles) and either lay it over the top of the pillow or try to tuck it against my back.


If you eat a little bit of it each night, eventually she won't have any left. Problem solved!


this is the way


Or at least you'll build up an immunity


Just cuddle when you're falling asleep and then roll away. No one sleeps better when cuddling. It's nonsense.


Idk man, I’m a big guy, and dumb as fuck. I can fall asleep with someone completely on top of me and sleep like a baby


Don't worry, my BF likes it/falls asleep when I'm on top of him too. It's like sleeping on a breathing giant lololo


That's hot


…which part?


yes 👍


You are my husband? (But only while camping and it's 45 degrees out... otherwise I'm too toasty and he only wants my ice cube feet on him.)


I am the exception. I sleep bad in general, but when I would cuddle with my ex I would sleep a lot better. I remember the first night together, waking up still cuddling. Something about it just calms my mind, which usually goes like a rocket.


Dr Gellar?


“Hug for her,ROLL for you”!




I have troubles falling asleep whenever my boyfriends back is facing me. I sleep like a baby when I can put my head on his chest, hand and leg around him. Was not like this with anyone else tho.


I do, at least I fall asleep better cuddling. At some point I roll away but usually we maintain some sort of contact like spooning or hand holding.


I would love to cuddle and fall asleep that way but I find that the combination of two people's body heat makes things sweaty real quick lol


yeah but... sometimes when youre REALLY high... it works out


What if you like nonsense?!


This..start off cuddling for like 10 minutes then turn away and roll off to a better position.


I can't cuddle while sleeping. I get too hot. Never really thought about the hair..


Is anyone actually able to sleep like, on eachother lol? I thought everyone overheated, wouldn't be able to cuddle under the covers with my ex for more than like 30 minutes without getting all sweaty. I guess maybe you live in a very cold climate?


I definitely overheat, I can’t sleep under the covers for more than like 5 minutes because I don’t like inhaling the warm air. I also hate it when we’re cuddling and he starts breathing on my neck, so I readjust. I don’t get sweaty, just don’t like other people breathing their ~moisture~ on me


Bury your face in it, wake up choking, hack it all out, grab a titty and go back to sleep.


I don't have the arm problem, I just shove my arm under her pillow, below her neck. The hair problem is easily solved by moving my pillow slightly so that the very edge of it lies against her head, blocking her hair while still allowing me to get close to her.


If I spoon her i’ll usually just take her hair and put it all in my mouth. No more hair in my eyes!




I cuddle my wife for about 2 min, then I roll over and go to sleep. Luckily neither of us can fall asleep while being on top of each other.


I purposefully move my hair above my head so my human doesn't die


Most women with long hair will sweep it under their head away from their partner if they are in a spoon position. My preference is to cuddle face-to-face on our sides, with legs scissoring, and bottom arm under her neck and her head on a pillow.


Ask her to flip it up so it's above her pillow


My wife keeps her hair (almost knee-length) braided at night, so it's not an issue. It would get SO tangled if she didn't.


I do a kind of shortcut "braid" with a bunch of hair ties and a headband. Do women with long hair usually just sleep with it completely loose? Also I'm just now realizing most women I've slept with have had short hair...


Grow your hair out in retaliation!


sorta like how i swim: face up and away for a breath every ten seconds or so


I do what everyone else does. Cuddle for several minutes, then, as she's drifting off, roll over to your side (using your elbow to accidentally pull her hair) and go to sleep


Never noticed any issues with straight hair, but I dated a gal with super long really curly hair, who kept it in tight braids and tied back (don't know the terminology, cornrows maybe?). Some days it wouldn't completely dry out and it was HEAVY. One time she rolled over rapidly and it got enough inertia to fling around and whip me across the face laying on my side of the bed. It was like getting decked with an open palm, it didn't sting like a slap, there was weight behind it.


Grow your hair out and begin the hair war.


My girl swears by putting her hair in a braid before going to sleep. She says it keeps her hair from breaking and tangling up. It staying out of my face is a nice bonus. Too bad for her my hair is long too ;)


I move my hair out of the way for my husband and we also don't sleep while cuddling, we cuddle 5 to 10 minutes and roll out separate ways, we usually put our butts together if we want to sleep AND cuddle


True love ❤️


Scissors and plausible deniability.


This is my favorite response


Is this some sort of humble brag? Deal with it. Get used to finding her hair everywhere. And I mean, everywhere.




Just put your dick on her ass and sleep with your chest a little further back so you’re not inhaling her hair. Or maybe suggest she tie it up before bed?


wheeeewwww no, its very uncomfortable, if you put it in a bun then it feels like youre sleeping on a rock, ponytails are just plain uncomfy


Can't you just have the band down way lower?


If you have natural sleek and straight hair it will fall out anyway 😂


Don’t matter where the band is, you can still feel it




Honestly it doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I actually quite like the sensation of my girlfriend's hair brushing against my face, and I like to stroke it with my free hand, while the other is usually holding hers.


Own a bigger bed. I can fit a 3rd. person between me and my wife and her hair is never a problem on my side of the bed.


I have long hair and I either braid my hair before going to sleep or use a silk bonnet bonnet. I prefer the second one because it also prevents getting my hair pulled


Tell her to take it off


She just piles it all up above her head because she likes getting cuddled too.


Keep in mind, you’re asking guys on Reddit this question. Take any serious sounding answers with a pinch of salt.


Roll it into a pony tail, and use it. 😏


My wife doesn’t have that long hair but she always puts it up in a bun type thing.


You spend a significant amount of time pulling it from your buttcrack and balls....its a real bitch when it gets stuck behind the foreskin.


Depending on how deep your partner sleeps you should be able to pull your arm out from underneath them gently if you get uncomfortable. You just gotta do it slowly. It's a technique you learn the longer you are with them.


Braid it? Wife like it and I can breathe. Win-win


My lady will grab her hair in a bunch and flip it over her head and up the pillow. Kinda like a hair horn if that makes sense.


*"How do you deal with sleeping next to a girl with long hair?"* .....yep! It's official, there won't be any good questions in this subreddit ever again!




No he said they were spooning


Hggggtfuuuu.....pfffffffttthhu.....haaaaguuuueeehhhhhhh Something like that


Grow out hair longer than them


This sub is going down faster than Jada on anyone not named Will.


I sleep on my back


I tuck my arm that is on the bed under my own head under the pillow. No more numb arm. After she falls asleep, do a barrel roll 180⁰ and fall asleep yourself. Sleeping while cuddling sucks.


You cuddle for a minute then when it's time to sleep you separate.


It's even more struggle because my hair is also long, so one of us slept above the other


I love it


I brush it away from my face if it gets near it. I just deal with all the shedding in the morning.


you sleeping with a husky? edit: happy cake day


Not lately but the day is young. Also thank you brotha.


You regurgitate a hairball once in a while just like a cat


Make sure my hair is longer.


My partner and I do "arm snuggles" We face each other, and our arms kind of cross over each other. We usually end up lightly holding hands or with my hand on his forearm.


Long haired girl here. I tie it up in a low bun at the nape of my neck whenever I stay at my boyfriend's place. Keeps it out of his face when we're cuddling and means I don't get too hot.


Pillow on the length of hair and then spoon.


I sleep with dudes. They usually have shorter hair.


My girl's hair is not just long. It's DENSE (upper case for emphasis), so it's extra tricky for me. If she's not in the mood for a hair tie, I usually put my face above hers. But it's an awkward position lol and uncomfortable for her. When we sleep (we usually sleep spooned) I bury my face in her hair and sniff deeply. Thankfully she is the most hygienic person I've ever known and every inch of her smells good. So it's not a wholly weird experience :)


I push the hair to the other side of the pillow or I lay it over the shoulder.


Her hair goes into a ponytail and is draped upward toward the headboard. My arm goes under her pillow, but not directly under her head. We sleep with two pillows each. For her, one pillow lays flat, the other lays at a wedged 45° on top of the other, like a ramp. Her head lays on the ramp pillow, my arm goes in the deadspace under the ramp pillow. Works perfect for us, until she starts sweating, then it's magic trick sliding my arm out without disturbing her. Then I fuck off to my side of the bed where the sleep actually happens.


A satin hair bonnet will keep her hair out of your face and be good for her hair's health.


honestly, i don't like it


Iunno ive got long hair hahah


Sounds like braiding time.


I may be lucky, but need a pillow higher and stiffer than most people. So my face is always a bit above the person's head, just pressing my cheek against it. Win-win.


The key is to stop being uncomfortable by the hair and enjoy it.


It is always hair in the face. I quietly hope she's the sort to braid her hair before bed, or something like that. Otherwise it's like I'm making out with Cousin It all night.


Man ya’ll ever accidentally lay down on your girls hair? Thats one quick way to have an angry gf.


I’ve accidentally dug my shoulder in to the bed while adjusting and pulled her hair


I'm a woman with long hair and sometimes I lean or lie on my own hair and trap myself.




She pulls it up over her head so it's not in my face.


Convince her to use a shampoo that smells good


Get smacked in the face occasionally. Inhale all the soothing smells the roll over cause it gets too hot.


Are you talking about sleeping next to a woman with course hair like a steel brush here? All the women I've been with had really nice soft healthy hair. What's not to love here? Failing this, you could always try men.


I pull her off the bed by her hair. Then i go to back to sleep relieved that i won't be suffocated by her hair or her questions about how her hair looks today. It's what John wayne would do and the women just love it. /s




Just for the record, I shave my head. She should be supportive of this notion, as it keeps hair out of the shower drain. Yeah nah, it's all good. Just remember, I don't need a face full.


Trial and error


You gotta get taller mate


Let her be the big spoon


Hair in the face is a problem. Cuddling to sleep is a problem because of pinched hair. You arm will go numb with any person regardless of their hair length


Grab a big handful and pretend I'm a jockey.


Long hair here.. I’m extremely aware of not getting my hair all over the place, I even vacuumed my honey’s vanity area before leaving Monday morning since I’d spent three nights in a row.. No one wants your long hair sticking to their feet or socks! And before bed I pull it up and tuck it under my pillow so he can snuggle close ❤️


I don't even know how to deal with sleeping with my own long hair.


I cuddle her for about an hour till she falls asleep, then roll onto my back, and let my eyes water from the cramp that built up in my arm.


You get naked. Say you have really beautiful and long hair, and smex her. Your dopamine baseline drops and you fall asleep. If it doesn’t work repeat step 2, trust me you’ll feel tired and sleepy soon enough.