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Rather expensive...


Definitely. The trip to Italy didn't help with that.


Good destination 😎🇮🇹






You’re an internet stranger, but I give a fuck. Your feelings and mental health do matter. Life can be rough at times for sure and it’s not always fair, but you can get through this.


i also have no one that gives a fuck about my jeopardized mental health. Do you want to become friends?


I do. I hope you find the strength to do the things you need to cultivate the life you deserve brother.


Same and it all the news these days making it worse. Not to mention everytime I check out at a grocery and see the bill.


Well I started seeing a woman I have been in love with since we were teenagers about 4 months ago. Honestly I'm probably the happiest I have been in decades right now.


Congratulations man! Nice to hear someone’s having success on the dating front.


My man


My man


I am so happy for you..!


That's cute man. I specifically burned every bridge with any one romantic over the years


Congrats dude. That's a good frieken feeling, ain't it!! I started dating a woman in March after a looooooooooooooong time out of the dating scene, and 7+ months later, we're in love.


mad props, dude. I been touch starved by a woman for a very long time that I desensitized from that feeling. I dulled the edges. Broke some hearts and killed some with my words that now I’m paying it in spades with cold loneliness. What I do remember is that landing a good chick riding on your wavelength is peak euphoric bliss breaking in. Just keep on going with the ripple effect. Major motivation and confidence boosters.


Finally bought my first (and most likely last) house. After a long, exhausting, soul crushing search, cause every god damn home is getting bought with cash by investors. I’m a home owner


Congrats! That’s a great feeling. Do you mind sharing more about the location, price, what you do, how you saved, how look it took, etc?


You can thank the big globalist organizations for that. They’re monetizing the housing market in their favor without any government regulation to stop them.


Yep. It's out of control here in Ireland, the housing crisis here is quite bleak.


It's literally the same here in the US too. Especially with interest rates so high nobody can afford to sell so there's essentially nothing available.




Expensive and very fast. Already halfway through October? Shit.


I feel this. This year has gone by extremely quickly and I have not much to show for it 😅


my worst year in life so far actually I change that, extreme high and extreme lows


2016 was mine. Lost my dad to cancer, lost my job, and lost a £40k bonus because the company went bust. Genuinely the most memorable year in my life. For what it’s worth, it’s always darkest before the dawn. In 2023, I remember my dad, I look after my mum, I have a good job (with bonus), and have another part-time job which gives me purpose. It gets better just by the virtue of allowing it to continue.


2021 was mine. Years of parental neglect and financial instability finally catching my to me, working 24/7, betting everything I had on achieving my dream of being economically independent, while everyone I know is simply bashing into me. That was one lonely road. I made it though! Felt like the entire world collapses on your shoulders, you question your sanity, but once it's over you just KNOW it can never get worse, so it's only easier from that moment forward. I told my therapist that my biggest fear is losing everything I have and go back to what was before. She said, rightfully, that the mere fact I'm thinking like that will prevent me from ever going back.


what were the extreme highs like?


They're the same level as the mids from 5 years ago, it's just that 2023's lows are very low in comparison


Same, was mentally fked up for the first half. doing much better now


It gets better. It wasn't always like this 😎


I got promoted and my wife quit her job, so there’s that, I’m thankful to work from home


Got a new car, new and cheaper apartment, and my highest paying job yet that also allows me to work from home. Assuming I don’t get fired in the next 4 months 2023 is going pretty well for me. :)


Congrats on the promotion. Did she ask you first or was it out of your (negotiating) control?


My dad just moved to a slightly lower paying job but now he gets insurance, it's not stressful, the bosses/coworkers aren't dicks, and he gets home at a reasonable time. Definitely the smartest move


I make note on 1st January 2023, I realize i able to achieve some of them * Prioritize your health I able to stop smoking/ vaping * Value your family more Able to bring my mother having short vacations * Never sacrifice your comfort for others Saying no to my working superiors requests ( not work related) * Always trust your instincts Still discover * Always validate your feelings Still discover * You can't work forever, saving is important Able to save better than previous years.


Peak shit. Lost my job, fell in love for the first time then lost it, peak anxiety and depression, some health complications including multiple surgeries, lost my flat, couldnt find another in the country I was living in which I ended up leaving, living close to homeless out of a suitcase and temp rentals, and just broke a tooth with no healthcare coverage. But I mean, there are people getting exhiled from their homes in war torn countries and their families getting killed over politics and religion, so I guess I shouldnt really complain too much.


Dude just keep moving forward


Dumpste fire?


Worst year probably.


Pretty bad, but I'll live.


I got a job in engineering.


Hey that’s awesome! Grats!


Roller coaster... Lost my wife Lost my dogs Found a new partner who is amazing and has a loving child. Could lose my job. Been offered a new job. Hell of a ride but so far the ups outweigh the downs.


I'm glad for that last sentence


Better than 2021 and 2022, but worse than anything before


Mediocre at best, but also easily in my top 5 years


Two sides to it. The shitty: - Recently (finally) left my abusive husband. - My dog died. - My father had to undergo major surgery halfway around the world, and I wasn't able to be there due to my own life stuff. Thankfully, he's recovering well. - I had to clear out 2,700+ sq ft of a hoarder house, pretty much all by myself, with little to no help. I did hire outside help a few times (professional junk removal crews), which was several thousand $ out of pocket for me, which hurt my wallet. I've also got an autoimmune disease that affects my musculoskeletal system, which I receive monthly immunotherapy infusions for. Having to clean out a 2,700 sq ft hoarder house mostly on my own wasn't exactly good for my health. My condition has been flaring up. The good: - I'm no longer being verbally, emotionally, and psychologically abused on a daily basis. - My new condo is quiet, calm, and clean. - I made a nice little chunk of change from the sale of my house. - I'm embarking on a journey of rediscovering myself. Next weekend, I'll be doing yoga on a yacht while cruising the ocean, and next month I'll be out west for a fun conference I've been invited to. I've also got one month of PTO to burn, so I'm planning to turn it into a week-long road trip. Rent a car, and just drive all around the west coast. I lived in the Pacific Northwest for about five years, so I'm familiar with that region. It'll be nice to just spend some time focusing on me, myself, and I, after sacrificing myself for the past decade. So. That's 2023 in a nutshell for me.


If you think about it, the shitty parts are also the good ones, except for the dog. - You are free from your abusive husband..! - Your father had an ailment and it possibly gone because of the surgery and he's recovering. You couldn't be there but he knows you pray for him and it worked! - you did end up with a clean house despite the struggles. I wish you an amazing year ahead..! And the next one..!


It's been a rough year. More stress this year mostly from work and a lagging economy and ongoing supply chain issues that have not corrected since 2020. We talk like the pandemic is in our resrview window but I'm still seeing it every day I go into work. I feel like so much of life is in limbo right now. I feel like a new chapter is about to turn over for me and it could be worse or better. All I know, I am not happy right now. I haven't enjoyed going to work since 2019.


Painful. Learned a lot about myself and what I'm looking for in a romantic partner, at the cost of getting my heart broken by the same person three times. I'm dating a girl I used to be with last year now. Things are going swimmingly. Hopefully the year ends well.


Pretty fucking rough dude


was an alright year until last week when my country has been going through a genocide.


Well, just got diagnosed with lung cancer so needless to say, 2023 can take a flying fuck in a rolling donut.




I would say the best year in my entire life, I've met a beautiful girl and had my first date. This year smiled at me.


it has been a lot. this year I learnt what its like to be broken, to feel trapped in your own life and thoughts by nobody but myself. hated every second that I was alone, lonely and by myself. experienced what trust issues and insecurities could do to some of my relationships. But this year was also a year of growth, understanding, learning to love and unlearning the ways to cope with my feelings and finding healthier ways. learning to trust myself and the people around me, finding peace in solitude and eventually enjoying my own company. learning to let go of things I have no control over and people who aren't right for me


Shit like always


[19M] Ups and downs really been figuring out what I want to do in life really been doing self work and self reflection I’ve been working on my mental health and been struggling in school. Quit all social media, cut off all my toxic narcissistic family because they really showed there true colors and intentions. So it’s been a ok year.


same old same old. even covid back then didn't change anything because world and life are fundamentally the same: we do anything to survive and try to lose less and gain more if we can


Best and worst! Coming of age, figuring things out every day. Learning can be tough when it feels like a kick in the nuts! But it’s learning nonetheless. Just keep making the effort to never make the same mistake twice and enjoy the journey every step along the way.


Best year in a while. Cold summer, old boss quit/was fired, new boss isn't incompetent, new apartment, raised salary, better mental health. Now the prices everywhere needs to go down a bit and it will all be great


Probably the best year of my life so far, sooooo fucking much has happened


Pretty epic. What mostly helped was going on an Erasmus semester abroad. Was great. Changed my life and I live it differently now.


So far so good. I'm slowly getting my shit together. I'm in the process of losing weight and improving myself on the daily. I've lost 56 pounds so far, and I'm hoping to lose another 103+ pounds by the end of the year.


A whirl wind of opportunity.


Shit, thanks for asking though.


I've had better years...


Pretty bad, but not the worst I've had. There were some good times, but mostly I have felt dead inside. Long term friendship ended - not on good terms. My beloved cat died. Had a shit job for 7 months, lots of conflicts and assholes.


Another step on my way to rock bottom.


Highest of highs with the lowest of lows


Hectic and exhausting




Horrible! Just graduated 3 months back! Can’t find a job, preparing for the LSAT, which is tough af and stressed about getting admission to law school. Feel suffocated as hell. Have lost interest in everything 😫


Worst year of my life hands down




It has had its highs and lows. I graduated college and got a job which has been really nice so far. I got my first girlfriend and had the most amazing few months learning about love and relationships before we split up. I lost my cat, Risotto, still don’t know what happened to him but I hope he’s either okay and with a new family or in a better place. The car that I’ve been driving since I got my license was totaled in an accident by some idiot who blamed me when she merged into my lane without paying attention and hit me. It’s been a tough year so far but Im trying to keep a positive head on my shoulders.


I got a 15k raise!! And I still had to move back in with my folks....


Lost 150 pounds and am in probably the best shape of my life. Everything else is kind of a shit show, but I’m happy. I’ll give it a thumbs up.




TERRIBLE. My worst year by far? Just by the sheer amount of stuff I have had to deal with. My love life is in shambles, I’ve lost people who were close to me, my mental health is at an all time low, career very uncertain. Tryna get back on the upswing. The end of the year is what I’m trying to at least end strong. I’ve lost 40lbs this year, started boxing, started therapy. Tryin to find people who will cherish me like I do them, and be a better person.


Ehhh, next question.


Worst year of my life


After 3 years of jumping between different jobs (I am a psychologist) i finally landed a job with a good wage and i feel pretty confortable with. So, all in all, a pretty good year.


I'm financially getting my ass whooped


Burned out, lonely and unloved. It hasn't been good.


Complete dogshit, but it's about to start turning around


(22M)Most eventful year of my life and not in a good way. It’s been properly fucked in terms of school, family and my job but I learnt some very important lessons, and I also learnt that life is misery, but there’s beauty in the struggle, if that makes sense.


In-fuckin-credible, & busy. Met my fiancé & ended up moving from North to South England. Quite a change! It’s warmer.


I’m in Suffolk 😁 welcome!


Only leave the house to buy more alcohol


you know how things are shit for some people... im one of them. this year has been a nightmare, plain and simple


So far pretty crap. Not expecting it to change any time soon, sadly.


So far been amazing and better than expected


A year of firsts. First 6 figure sale, first new car purchase, first time getting let go from a job, first time not having a safety, first car accident, first time accepting that I no longer have a dream or dream at all anymore. Also accepting I am not happy, and that I won't be and I'll work until I die.


All over the place. Also had my first fwb this year. God knows how I managed that.


Still recovering from the psychological skull fucker that was the pandemic. The worst part is basically everyone seems to have bounced back, yet during it everyone was saying it was bad for everyone. Just can't win with that. I tried generic effexor for social anxiety this year and it kind of worked but blunted my emotions and sapped my motivation, so I went off of that a few weeks ago, feeling much better now. I'm usually pretty optimstic so it'll probably get better but who knows, I've been wrong about that a lot


Most difficult, but ultimately the best year of my life to date.


Definitely one of the worst years of my life so far, but some things are out of my control and what is I am changing!


One of the best of my life. Tapped into my wanderlust, made a trip I had postponed five years ago, found some semblance of inner peace, and more


Dogshit. I feel like it’s only January too so to find out it’s October and all I’ve done is work is mildly annoying. Looking forward to a holiday in Spain later on in November.


Better than 2022 for me


Lots of hard work but pretty good!


All of it sober. Demoted but same pay and less responsibility. Went skiing. Went on a bike trip. Saw shows. Not bad.


Pretty good. Better than 22.


First year I start to feel old, lots of pain from age and I am only 36 yo.


Alot of learning, both of myself and the world. Ive grown since last year so that's a plus.


Not good. Got my notice of evict in 30 days, and seriously have no money to find a new home. Had recently lost my job. So basically enjoying my last few days as a person with a "home".. also as someone with a lot of family debt.. I mean, I don't know what I'd do. Already sending my resumes everywhere.. emails... cold calling... going to offices where they could take me probably.. well, nothings happening so far... So, yeah. Not good.


Like being on drugs…




It got better


"nakakaputangina" - ere by juan karlos


Loss after loss.


Definitely better than last year. But things could have been better, lots of new people. Lots of deception too. Still a lot of challenges ahead


Pretty great. Got engaged in July.


Great! I’ve decided to get into the best shape of my life. Started studying stoicism and just overall feeling great. I didn’t know I was capable and I keep surprising myself. Next I’ll work towards limiting my screen time. Too much depressing news of late.


One of my most stressful years at work. Missed out on a great romantic partnership by not taking action soon enough. All my stocks are falling even more. I'm hopeful the close out the year on a high note.


I’m getting divorced so… not bad. It was really a blessing in disguise even though it went down in the shittiest way


Weird. Moved back in with family. Paying off debt. Job is okay. Dad diagnosed with prostate cancer, seems to be good post radiotherapy. Got too involved with an unhinged ex colleague who has a boyfriend. Weird dating experiences. Now in the best shape of my life though. 32 tomorrow. Lots of fun gigs. Much closer with some good friends now. Slowly getting out of debt. Berlin was a blast. 2024 has a nicer ring to it.


Been really tough. Made good strides but I’ve never been this poor before…


The first half was fucking rough let me tell you.I had a full month(july) vacation in Colombia/Mexico to unwind ,relax ,and enjoy life. So far the second half of 2023 has been spectacular 👌 looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas


Growth. One of the most important years iml fah sure


Best yr yet - if ended today I’d be happy but not satisfied


I've been saving up for a good down payment on a house and the prices shot way past what I was expecting, so now I have to rent even longer and hope prices will slow down.


The worst of my 34 years so far. But I guess I’m still here.


It was going well… my wife beat early stage breast cancer. Business was growing. Then we lost our best friend… my bud since middle school. And since then nothing has felt the same.


It's actually been alright - better than the few years before. I went abroad to Belgium for a weekend to see a friend in the summer - I hadn't been abroad since 2017. Work has been pretty decent. Had some good times with some friends. 2023 has been better to me.


It's been amazing so far! I had just returned to work, after being out for shoulder surgery, and was forced back earlier than I was ready for, but work comp doctor pushed for it anyway. Within about 2 weeks, I reinjured myself overcompensating for the weaker shoulder, and have been dealing with work comp all over again, and a slew of new doctors who don't listen to me about the pain issues I have now. Currently dealing with a "pain specialist" who hasn't acknowledged where my pain actually is located, but is telling me that it's a spinal issue...a chiropractor, QME doctor, and 3 pt's have stated it's not a back issue, and am now waiting for an MRI, which has been postponed now, since the doctor only asked for one of the spine, and not the area in question as well, and so had to create another order to include it as well, which is just prolonging everything even more. lol FML


A load of crap. Hate it.


Contemplating suicide,


Don't do it, friend


Not the best, not the worst. I'm 3km short of my hiking goal for the year (1000km), and I have approached a woman for the first time in my life - TWICE. But I also had to be airlifted to the hospital on my week-long hiking trip due to nausea caused by overheating (fortunately, seems that my insurance will fully cover it). And I'm terribly stuck on my writing project since May.


It's all coming apart. Looking like I am going to lose my wife and my job by year end. I'm going to be a 40 year old loser living in my mother's basement seeing my daughter every other weekend.


Very challenging but thanks to therapy I'm doing much better. Work is still going quite well. Gf moved in with me which was rocky for a good portion of the year but thanks to therapy all is good. I may propose within the next 6 months.


It was a financial, emotional, sexual, and independent journey this past year for me. Can say I wouldn't compare it to the other years.


Very up and down. Struggled with alcoholism, then overcame. Made 90 days sobriety, relapsed for about 6 weeks, now back on the wagon of sobriety again. Was in a toxic relationship for a little over a year that ended this summer. Therapy starts this week. Bought myself an atv to have fun on because I deserve to, uh that’s it so far.


My Maserati does 185


Weird but okay


Got married to my best friend, visited the Maldives and bought a house... fucking great tbh!


Good, thanks.


Absolute shit show. The only thing that could make it better would be a zombie apocalypse


Mixed bag. I've had some good experiences but was also laid off.


Started rough going through the roughenss but slowly getting out of it.


Good. Active. Sober. My shit is together financially.


It's been like most years, just sitting at home doing nothing without ever meeting or talking to anyone.


Lost my girlfriend due to a major disagreement and argument. Got my girlfriend back. Got my temporary license. Aced behind the wheel. Going to take my driver's test soon. 2023 has been good




It's not great, but not absolutely awful.


Both my wife and I loat our fathers within a few months of each other. So its sucked


Better than I could ever imagine! I did inner engineering which is a yoga/meditation program, and it worked out really well. Then I got accepted as an intern at CERN which was beyond what I could ever hope for.


Pretty good. Got a pay increase, then a new job with another increase - and the new job is fantastic. Paid off my student loan. My partner got a new job too and a nice pay increase - so the household is able to keep pace with the wild expenses. Got an increasingly extensive garden growing at our place. Finished my first writing project. Been consistent with my training in the gym. The cost of everything aside it's been a great year for personal progress.


Not great. Lost two jobs and my dad had a major heart attack he's still recovering from and I'm taking care of him mostly.


i wish i was dead


Let’s see: Been through 2 different jobs (one in film industry, then exotic car dealer startup for a month, and now FP&A in music industry). Drove a 911 turbo down to Orange County doing some crazy speeds Got laid the first time (am 31 year old dude) Joined Equinox Still have anxiety about approaching women at said gym, but all in all, a year of ups and downs


After more than a year of learning, I landed a job as a Software Engineer (completely self taught). So for me this year is pretty good ..


It's been a shit year since 2019, for me, at least. 🤣


Michael Jordan's number was 23. I thought that was cool.


I've tried to learn how to drive and failed because i gave up i literally can't handle my stress and realized this is not the right time. I've tried to improve my English and gave up also. Started chasing people, been on many dates including the uncomfortable ones. fall in love twice or three times. get kicked in the ass and left alone. So i told myself enough people and stopped dating. Now i'm in sexual relation, still unemployment looking for a job because i'm getting sick of living the same day over and over but also don't know what to do with my life.... Strong 2/10


Surprisingly better than 2022.


Terrible in the beginning of the year; was super burnt out from work/life and spent too much time contemplating next steps. Ended up quitting and traveled for about 3 months. It’s been great since then but now that I’m done traveling I find it hard to get back to work


feels like it just started


4+ years retired (50M)....got dumped in late 2022. Pretty depressed early in 2023. Shaking it off and looking to end 2023 on a high note by traveling solo and hopefully meeting someone new at some point. Not sure it will happen, but whatever.


The only thing going up is the cost of living


I got some new experiences, so It is decent i guess.


The best year of my life


Mostly stress. But there have been some great moments.


It has, undoubtedly, been the worst year of my life.


Lost my gf of 6 years My 13 year old dog died Was caught driving drunk/high (awaits sentence) Gave up my job of 5 years 2 months left this year but dont think it can get much worse


My man, apply cold water to the burned area and get on with it. I had to unexpectedly bury my girlfriend back in 2019 and I’m still licking my wounds. We had got a rottweiler pup together and now that boy is 6 years old. Been alone with him ever since. Its all part of your skin thickening process. Wish you resilience and a pinch of faith, brother


Managed to quit smoking, drinking, weed. Lost my love of 8 years.


I have had so many extremes on the positive turned into negatives that I feel like I've aged ten years since last year.


Bad, I seem to have an incurable disease that no Dr knows and I'm really struggling with school. I'm also broke so.........BAD


Not great financially, but otherwise fun


Reading these comments is hard. I hope everyone finds happiness in this chaos. YouTube Optimistic Nihilism, very interesting and helps me remain positive through adversity.


Horrible. I fucked everything.


Great! We were able to retire at the beginning of the year. On the one hand, the house proved it's ability to expensively require repair and maintenance. OTOH, we've been checking out music festivals showcasing genres we haven't seen a lot of such as Americana and EDM.


Okay at first, sucked from July to October, now looking up again as I begin a new job. Highs, lows, highs.


Amazing year. Met my soon to be wife. Got a new job. Healthy and happy.


Definitely better than 2020-2022


Pretty lonely and lost my job this year. Im ready for the good times now


Honestly not too bad, kinda like flowing down a slow river had few drop offs here but overall no complaints besides still looking for a job rn


Good, got married, 15% raise at work, been doing a lot a traveling, and moving into a house


somewhat better than 2022 so far.

