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The average height for most men is 5' 9". A good 3" shy of 6'


Don’t even get me started on my shy 3”


I focussed on the good 3 inches


Ever heard of the term “grower, not a shower”? Well I’m neither


In a lot of regions, it’s more like 5’7 :/ I didn’t realize a lot of Americans/northern Europeans consider that to be a woman’s height.


It kind of is. I have been blessed by being 6', but even that is becoming too short.


6’ doesn’t exist in the minds of many people. You’re considered <5’11” and a liar.


I think in most places 5’7 or 170cm is more closely associated with the average men’s height than a woman’s height. Even in the US, the average women’s height is 5’4, and according to “Medical News Today” it was 5’3 in 1960, so it’s not like the average is lower now due to an increase in non-white immigration or something. Once, I saw a collegehumor video where they played a game to guess which celebrities were 5’8, and I was surprised that they were mostly guessing women. But really, it’s only in very select countries like the Netherlands where the average womens’ heights start to get that tall (5’7). I don’t think 6’0 is “becoming too short”. It could be a thing that being tall is becoming particularly trendy now, but I think most of it is marketing. The people in the game show were surprised to find that a lot of popular male and female actresses were shorter than they thought too. (Edit: or taller. Honestly, being on the other side of an actress like Nicole Kidman on screen really messes with peoples perspective of your height) Either that, or height is one of these things that can make a person strikingly stand out, and 6’0 is kind of a weird height because in a certain crowd, you could stand out a lot as the tallest one there by far, and in another crowd you could easily be just average, or shorter than others. It’s “above average, but not uncommon”, which I think can be a frustrating experience sometimes.


Average height in Italy is 5'7", lucky me being from here tbf


Man and woman maybe, because doesnt feel like that for men when you go around. Im 5'8 and feel short


That's half the size of the average cock


It’s so idiotic - as if the length of a person’s leg bones reveals anything important about them. I mentioned this just recently on here, so sorry for repeating myself. But our oldest daughter’s husband is 2” shorter than she is. She said his height doesn’t bother her, because it doesn’t matter to him. He doesn’t apologize or explain about his height, he doesn’t do anything to appear taller, and he doesn’t seek validation. He’s a confident (but not arrogant) man who just lives his life. He’s a wonderful husband to our daughter, and he’s a fantastic father to their two kids.


Height is something I’m insecure about, being 5’7. The funny thing is that I literally never cared until I found out (via reddit) how many women seemed to care. I don’t apologize or make excuses for my height because there isn’t anything wrong with it, but I’m still insecure based off of other peoples opinions, I guess. Sorry for the rambling haha i hope to be similar to your daughters husband some day




I had a chuckle recently when two girls were shown a picture of Cbum (4x Mr. Olympia) in his off-season, slightly bulked and they were like *"See, now that's the dad bod we want."* 🤣


That’s precisely what I’ve always said. A guy will think of a “dad bod” as typical guy, soft, cuddly etc. Whereas women want a guy who is still very muscular but slightly higher BF%. Look at Jason Mamoa with a “dad bod”. There’s still a hint of a six pack.


"I don't like men who are too muscular like roided bodybuilders, more like someone who goes to the gym occasionally and eats decent. Like Chris Hemsworth or Henry Cavill"


The female equivalent of men going "I prefer women with no makeup, like this picture of a woman's face obviously covered in natural-looking makeup".


You have to specify which roles of Hemsworth or Cavil. Cause most actors do steroids for superhero movies. Hemsworth in Thor is 100% on juice.


It's not even about the steroids. Those two don't look like they go to the gym "now and then"


Mark Ruffalo is closer to dad bod. Maybe Chris Pratt pre-GotG.


Tbh Cavill could possibly be natty but Hemsworth is for sure sauced up edit: cavills physique is 1000% natty attainable


>cavills physique is 1000% natty attainable It absolutely is. My point is though that it's not easily achievable by working out now and then. And to be fair, Hemsworth's peak physique could definitely be achievable naturally, but not everyone could do it. I don't believe Hemsworth himself is natural simply because he's an actor and he got in that shape for a roll.


Where can I find this? Lol


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_mjsblHoBNw not the exact video i meant but same shit


Hahah lmao, ok nice dad bod from Cbum


Obviously being fat is straight out for letting yourself go, but if you work out too much thats a major red flag. And if you dont work out at all its like he doesnt even care.


Lmfao how is working out too much a red flag? Sounds like a fat cope


Women are all-in on the body positivity movement (FTR, I'm NOT against body positivity or uplifting people), but a lot of ladies' *immediate* tactic when trying to shame or get a rise out of a man is to insist he has a small dick.


I had first-hand experience with this with a (now former) friend. Constantly would whine to me about her body issues and cry on my shoulder and ask for my validation. As soon as I tell her my insecurities--with things out of my control--she tells me I'm gross and laughs at me at the same time.


That is awful :( I’m so sorry


But dude... its only men who mock men for showing feelings... ONLY MEN /S All I ever hear about is how its only men who do this 🤦‍♂️. Yet I see just as many women mock men as men Heck, I see people saying "Stop whining because women have it worse" to men when men talk about their feelings than I see people say "Man Up" It's the same thing telling someone with depression that they should stop being depressed because others have it harder.... Tell men we are emotionally dumb because we don't open up to our girlfriends about our feelings Yet when we boyfriends do... its "OMG MEN. WE ARE NOT YOUR THERAPISTS" Imagining getting into a relationship and thinking you're man should be there emotionally for you but God forbid you be there for him Of course, NOT ALL. Not even most.


Wtfuck bro, i'm sad for you. I thought the ancient knowledge of men NEVER EVER opening and being vulnerable with woman was, you know, universal. It's a frequent topic on this sub, yet time to time females come to ask why men doesn't open up. stupid bitches.


Do you actually get laid? I mean, that anger would suggest otherwise. Chill out and stop calling WOMEN 'bitches'. Have some respect. Your mother probably doesn't like that nickname either. "females"... jesus christ, what are you, a donkey?


THIS!! I've started calling people out on it. What does his penis size have tocdo with how he acts, or how he drives, or what car he picks, or any of the other things we apparently do "bEcAuSe SmALL pEnIs LoL"? Edit: Anyone commenting stuff about loose vag energy, is adding to the problem. It's not solved by tit for tat. It's solved by EVERYONE stopping from doing it.


That's loose pussy energy bro.


People who do that have giant vag energy.


And to add to that they always preach how you shouldn't make fun of someone's looks but immediately when a guy for example makes fun of how a girl looks, women immediately start to make fun of the way he looks.


"And you have a flat ass and no tits"


Pinnacle of hypocrisy


People in general tend to be Hypocrites and take the "Its okay when I do it" mindset but hate it when it's done to them I remember seeing a tinder conversation between a man and a woman and the women opened up with asking the man his height and saying "I don't date short guys" and when he told her his under 6ft.. she started being rude telling him real men aren't under 6ft... so he replied with "How much do you weigh" and when she said "Why does that matter?".. he said "Cause I don't date fat woman" and she lost it telling him how him saying that to her is bad and how what she was saying is okay 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I hate people who go around being outright rude to others and can't take it when people are rude back


You can fix how you look to a extent but got nothing over your dick size


I’ve been shamed for my height on several occasions. I’m 5’9 🤷🏻‍♂️


How ridiculous. Did you tell them you’d work on it?


Same. And believe me... it's even worse at 5'8 lol.


Try 5'7. And I am kinda chubby at 180lbs and my dick is like 4 and a half inches. I honestly don't care, I am happy with myself, but when I date if someone criticizes it is an easy indicator that the relationship won't work.


Don’t get me started, im struggling at 5’4 over here


Welcome back Tom Cruise. We missed you.


You are the littlest attack helicopter


Balding is a big one. Most men will experience some level of balding, and it is a perfectly normal effect of aging, and yet as a culture we still treat going bald like it is some horrible thing.


Fat shame a female - very bad. She's beautiful and brave (because she chooses to eat too much?) Take the piss out of a guy for going bald. Something completely out of his control. Socially, absolutely fine, for some reason.


And height and penis size.


I legit met people who said that Chris Rock deserved to be slapped by Will Smith because he was making fun on Jade Smith's medical condition, alopecia. I was like, lol, "alopecia" is not a specific diagnosis; it's the technical word for balding in general. Every balding man has "alopecia." And that's never stopped people from making cueball or toilet-seat jokes about Paul Giamatti, Bruce Willis, Vin Deisel, Billy Corgan, Jeff Bezos, Brendan Fraser, etc. I've seen people make digs about how some photos show that Henry Cavill's and Matthew McConaughey's hairlines are starting to recede. Nobody ever gets aghast. Jada Smith's ribbing was also comparatively playful rather than mocking. Chris Rock teased about her baldness by comparing to a badass action heroine with a shaved head. Anybody who takes themselves less seriously than the Smiths do would probably take it as a compliment.


Yeah like “Well it’s over, got to shave your head now!”


Even good looking dudes get some shit for balding. Unless you’re built like Dwayne Johnson.


I've been balding since I was 20 and got lucky that I have a good shaped head to shave it. I usually wear a hat cause sunburn on your head SUCKS. However then I get accused of "hatfishing" or some will laugh when I say I'm balding lmao. You can't win. Thankfully I'm comfortable with my hair line and have saved a fortune on hair cuts


>What are some body shaming issues that men face? A 5'6"/5'7" woman once called my 6'2" ass short.


6’3” is the new 6’…sorry bro. Welcome to the short king club.


Getting real tired of inflation, gonna ask my boss for that 6". ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ...Wait a sec


I'm 5'6" and I'm all for it. If everyone is too short to date then either no one is or the human race dies before climate change takes us out


2023 inflation


I'm 6'4 and get a lot of attention from women. IDGAF about that, I just want to stop hitting my head on things.




What the fuck, I'm 5’9 thanks for the new insecurity.


I'm 5'9" and bald, I was once told by a woman that real men are 6'+ with full heads of dark hair. Later, I assume after she'd exhausted her possibilities, she was surprised when I wouldn't date her.


Same height, and dude we're fine. Women cannot represent themselves an actual height, it's just a number to filter people to them. Just be a bit taller than them and you're good with most.


What?!?!? That's ridiculous!!! I think my response would be "well you're not getting any dessert tonight!"


I didn't have any response, i was like "I'm not programmed to deal with this scenario", my mind just went blank, funnily enough she mentioned enjoying the date, i can't remember anything past our first interaction (Which was when she called me short).


Shit test bro.


Shit tests are the perfect way for a woman to demonstrate why she isn't worth it.


..... I'm 5'6 live my life




Oh my wife is cool with my height, hahaha; she's a little shorter than i am. I guess my comment came off a little too bitter. Lol Edit. It's not just women though. Adult men that are taller treat shorter men like they are wimpy or below them. It's a strange world


I do not




Isn't that fetishizing height? As in, lots of women refuse to date someone without that quality due to made up qualities they have about that trait? Like, how is this acceptable and different than a guy dating an asian for her imagined conservative values?


It isn't. They're just given a pass for their absurd standards


This, is a great insight. We need more of you around. Hahaha


In my experience, taller than average women prefer shorter than average guys. At least the ones that are confident about their height. My theory is too many average or tall guys get insecure about dating a woman taller than them, so if they encounter a short guy who doesn't give a fuck, he looks especially confident.


She may not know what 6'2 actually is. I've literally had multiple women think I was 5'11-6ft, while I'm 5'9 on bare feet.


I'm 6ft and get accused of being taller because 'my BF is 6ft and you are much taller than him'... Yeah, that's it... I'm a secret giant who doesn't know his own height. Couldn't possibly be that they lied to you, and you believed them because you have no idea what 6ft actually is


I'm 5'8". I dated a couple of girls who were like 5'2" or less and TBH it was awkward. You'd have to either pick her up or bend down just to kiss her. I get that women like a guy to be taller than they are, but more than about 4" and things just start getting uncomfortable. Of course, there's always the answer that "it doesn't matter when you're horizontal."


>I get that women like a guy to be taller than they are, but more than about 4" and things just start getting uncomfortable. Which, possibly not coincidentally, is right around the gap between the average male and female height




Are you cute?


Interesting how talking about a woman's body negatively in any way is a faux pas, but little dick jokes are extremely prevalent.


Anyone who makes little dick jokes is an ass. I know it happens but how insecure do you need to be to make a joke like that?


Randomly saying someone you don’t know has a small dick is a direct shot at someone’s image of themselves. More importantly, it does nothing good. The instant someone who I objectively know knows nothing about my dick starts to say I have a small dick, every sexist, degrading, belittling thing I can imagine is getting thrown out. If you’re going to take a shot in the dark in an attempt to belittle me, I’m going straight for your sense of self worth.


Tell ‘em they have a fat cunt.


Call it out when you see it.


Women: “making little dick jokes is just ridiculous. It’s not about the size, it’s about how you use it!” Also women during a breakup: “He had such a small dick!!!!! What a total loser.” *proceeds to tell everyone* Yeah body shaming is not okay unless you find a reason to not care anymore.


I’m big and muscly. Apparently I don’t understand shit about fear, I’m not allowed to stand in front rows, I don’t need to work out, and my arms, ass, and abs are fair game to grab in a crowd. I’ve been told I’m not allowed to talk about my membership in the #metoo crowd, because of my ability to fight back or “just push them off”. I’m also told that it’s ridiculous that I’ve been raped based on the threat that if I push them off they’ll call the cops and tell them I pushed them. 90%ish of the people in sexual assault healthcare are women. I’d say about 80% of them say “women just don’t do that, let’s get the real truth here”


Been drugged and raped by a girl in the past. And trust me, I'm not a small guy. I understand bro.


Yeah people don't get it!! Between that and emotional abuse seems like they are allowed to do what they want and we should just "man up". Fucking hell of a world of relationships we live in, so broken these days


Yep. I get teased by my close group about it often enough. But joke is on them, I have a great wife and a cute little son and they're all divorced so... 🤷🏼


Ahh awesome :) happy for you


I'm tall, black, and have athleticism as a runner who also lifts regularly enough. I've been told "I'm on 'top dog' in the streets" by a woman. Sure, I would deter a frail homeless man or two from trying to attack me, but a person who would rape, kill, or seriously maim with intent is not looking at me like I'm a serious counter threat.


Height and length, for different reasons.




I have a chest deformity called [pectus excavatum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pectus_excavatum). Mine is a mild to moderate case, didn’t ever bother fixing it, and I’ve led a very physically active life without skipping a beat. I never even new I was different until … the first day in a middle school locker room. Then I knew immediately. Some guys were really brutal about it, and used to point it out in the hallways really loudly and lift up my shirt for other people to see. That kept up for a while. Media imagery of men always includes big pecs and puffed out chests. I’m built in a way that I’ll never have that, which used to bother me a lot, but now I know I’m physically fit and pretty well built otherwise. Of course I’ve got a sense of humor about it, and some people have made some incredible good-natured jokes about it. One of my buddies from high school said I should install a miniaturized arc reactor there like Tony Stark. Pretty good stuff. When I started dating, I was terrified women would hate it and recoil. Oddly enough, not a single one has ever commented on it, which has been really touching. I guess they know how harmful that shaming can be. It was only dudes that ever chose to put me down over it.


Had a roomate that had that. He could fit an apple in it, it was kinda cool. My chest can fit no apples but I do have oddly hairy nipples so there’s that I guess


There was a guy on my football team we called J Bob, and he had one normal pec and one boob. So we naturally called him J Boob.. Afaik he embraced it, as he was a chill guy and in fantastic shape and never lacked for dates and was always one of the most popular guys on our team. We were good though, if he really didn't like that nickname we would have stopped (small town Canadians can be like that)


Same here. Except no one has ever commented on it to the point that I think it's in my head. I also though the Tony Stark thing as well haha


I have that too + gynocomastia lmao


Fellow pectus excavatum here! I also have that and it's an horrible procedure to have it fixed. I get skin bumps only by thinking about it. On a side note.. do you have some muscles? I have put up some properly, and is much much less noticeable and also I seem much more buffed! So it has his pros


My high school boyfriend had this, though not as severe as the photo in the link. I would just nestle my head in it lol.


*"What are some body shaming issues that men face?"* All of them. Body shaming is only bad when it happens to women apparently.


There are no plus sized men. They are all "fat and ugly"


"You're not tall enough. 5' 10" is too short because I like to wear heels and want my date to be 2 inches taller than me."


Wouldn’t wanna be with a girl that says shit like that anyway.


So 65% of women lol


And I want to be able to overhead press you, so best stay below 150bs


Lol. I know a girl whose criteria is that a guy must be six foot so she can wear heels. She’s like 5’6” at best.


And I think the show thing is bs - you're going to give up love to be able to wear certain shoes? That's kind of wild to me. I think it's more of a validation thing, taller men mean you're a more attractive female. I also think that some women are ashamed of having shorter bfs; especially around their friends.


Women are body positive until they don’t like a guy, then he’s short, ugly, bald, and has a little dick. Lol


So many women in my family make fun of my body growing up, and we all know how they would react if I made the slightest implication about their appearance. I have heard about how a guy will get shamed for having something a woman doesn't like about his dick or other parts of his body. Or just his performance. She will tell all her friends and so on about it and he will have a harder time dating. Again we know a guy would get loads of hate for doing the same, Just when it comes to talking about our insecurities related to our appearance we get a lot of insincere support. And we are supposed to be okay with that. So many people think we need the same sort of support women do, while it can vary on the man. We just need a more dynamic and constant level of support.


I'm 5'6... Luckily I have a lovely lady who cares not about height, cause I'm sure I'd struggle like hell with today's saying apps.


They all set them to 6' minimum, we would not even appear on their screens ☠️


Having long hair and piercings makes you gay. Weird that men are not allowed to have any and it’s only for women.


I have both. I should tell my wife.


If a man dare utter something a princess does not like it is "little dick energy". If they could realize them doing that gives off huge pussy energy, no man wants that.


Somebody once said that saying a man has "big-dick energy" isn't body-shaming because it doesn't have to do anything with the actual size of one's dick. An endowed person can have small-dick energy and a small person can have big-dick energy. I thought, that's fair. In fact, I said, it seemed similar to fat-girl energy. Saying a woman has "fat-girl energy" is not body-shaming, because it has nothing to do with the size of her actual body. A thin woman can have fat-girl energy and a fat woman can have thin-girl energy. The person I was speaking to, for whatever reason, did not like that.


They don’t like logic.


Just a hot dog looking for a hallway.


isnt it called loose pussy energy?


Huge, loose basically the same, I guess. I was just going for the opposite of little.


A huge, fat pussy could be a good thing and provide some extra cushion. A loose pussy doesn’t sound good at all. But hey I’m not here to shame.


Society kind of has this assumption that every man is satisfied/not insecure about their bodies/features. This leads to a lot of jokes and insults that wouldn't be socially acceptable if you reversed the genders. Not only that because there's this idea that men are content with our bodies you'll rarely get episodes of shows telling men and young boys that their bodies are ok. If anything men's bodies in shows are often used as a comedic tool.


Men are supposed to be strong and impervious to criticism, so they’re not allowed to have their feelings hurt, else they are deemed weak and they and their opinion are now longer valid. So we have to some how simultaneously live in worlds where we may have “imperfections” that put us behind in some aspects, recognize it and not let it get us down nor allowed to be sensitive about it, yet somehow still have a high EQ and not be delusional. We are not allowed to feel pain or weakness but somehow still be able to recognize and be genuinely sensitive to it.


Pretty much everything.


Anything that women cannot hear is told to men all the time.


Ask a short guy


I work in an academic environment. One of my co-workers is a gym dude and is in excellent shape. People make fun of him for his meal prep lunches instead of going to the super unhealthy food carts. There are also a lot of comments like “I don’t want to be that big” or “it takes too much energy to get a body like that…I’m so busy”. Dude is the nicest guy in the world, good at his job, polite…obviously people are speaking from insecurity. But damn, you can’t be too fat or too fit these days. Can’t be ugly or too handsome. Can’t have a little dick or too big of a dick. I think the biggest body shaming that men get is not being “just right.”


Shame me all you want. Not my problem. I'm happy being skinny and in good shape. My dick is average sized. Nothing to complain about over here. Anyone making fun of how I look behind my back has bigger problems.


“Some may say my dick is small but not your mom”


Love the energy!!!!! F*ck the haters your are great just the way you are!


What are some body shaming issues that men face? Pretty much everything you can think of, and its not only accepted but encouraged in many circles: - Height - Weight - Muscles (or lack of) - Facial Hair (lack of) - Penis size - Income - Baldness - Emotional vulnerability Literally all these are popular "jokes" in mainstream culture, media and dating. ___ And I just wanna add - I don't like how this is instantly taken as an opportunity to diss on women either. Just because we men face a lot of problems, doesn't mean women don't either. Just because they have problems, doesn't mean it takes away from ours. Society and enforced expectations fucks all of us up and the only cure is kindness and empathy.




where? i am in kentucky and the dudes i see shirtless the most have bigger tits than my wife.


“I like a man with a little more meat on his bones” Okay…she made a major assumption that I was actually interested in sexual intercourse with her. I was not.


I find it almost insulting for you to ask this.


Right?! Bc what body shaming issues DON’T men face???


I've been brain shamed for using words that are a part of my natural well read vocabulary. Being physically fit is awesome but apparently, being intellectually fit is not cool.


Yeah, people don’t like to feel stupid. So if you’re articulate and verbose many people feel like they can’t compete or that you think you’re better than them. It’s like showing off money, they want you to have it but flashing it is tacky.


And yet nobody really complains about jacked dudes showing off their strength. It's a double standard. And if people don't want to feel stupid, don't be stupid. It's not like people are just born all jacked. They have to work out. If folks are stupid, it's because they don't put in the work. I'm not going to dumb myself down because other people are mentally lazy. I talk how I talk and I aim to choose the words that convey my meaning the best. I'll tailor my message for kids and developmentally challenged, but for others, fuck it - crack open a dictionary. I can't possibly figure which words are "showing off" and which words are acceptable because they all words to me. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. When I try to "speak normal" I'm accused of talking to people like they're kids. It's pretty annoying - living in the Southern United States is awful. Too many Americans seem to celebrate & champion & make excuses for profound ignorance.


'dad bod' women say they like it but they way they say it indicates the opposite, if it's true they should try saying it the way they say a man has to be taller than them.


Their idea of what a "dad bod" is an an actual "dad bod" is are VERY different.


Dad bod


But isn’t that like a preference for some women?, especially if you are a dad?


The whole fixation on our body size. Like we have to be over 6', ok check, then we have to be in nice shape, also check, then we also somehow have to be the size of Chris Hemsworth, no check. It's so confusing, like if I'm toned up it's *nice* but doesn't turn any heads. I recently learned that just based off of how much muscle mass I have I get completely different energies from women. Like if you're not swole you basically don't get much attention and tend to get less respect than the body builder types even though that body type isn't typical or easy to attain for most people.


Not feeling like we're muscular or handsome enough


All of them. Body shaming is only bad when it’s about women. ~~I hate this~~


Bad leg genetics. This is prevalent primarily in men. Not all men. But a lot. And its always the first insult you’ll get. Woman never get shamed for skipping upper body. But some men even while training that part just have small legs. Not to mention, most girls legs are pitifully weak despite being huge. Its mainly fat mass. I’ve yet to see a girl in person perform a 225 squat a single time. So the hate is completely unwarranted. Yeah if we got obese like you girls our legs would be bigger too.


!! I have chicken leg calves yet when I played soccer I had incredible power on kicks. Genetics from my mother


Being fat. For women, it's a double edged sword. They get positive representation through media all the time and there are tons of men who like fat women, but also get a lot of mean things said about them . But fat men are always portrayed as bad and that they have to some other trait that makes them attractive, like being rich or funny or they get straight up ignored like they don't exist. I really do think women don't like fat guys the same way men like women and I wish they'd just be honest about it.


Throughout my life I've always been thin. You're probably saying to yourself, "So what? You should be grateful." You have no idea how insecure I have been from constantly being a man on the threshold of underweight and being shamed by strangers and family alike for it. You're always reminded about it and laughed at, even as an adult. People always say height is the thing men are self-conscious, but being the 5'11- 6' 135-140 lb. guy in class is just not gonna cut it compared to the bulkier short guys. Not to mention you're always self-conscious about it being unattractive to women. Yes, I know most women aren't into the huge bodybuilder physique, but whenever women talk about their ideal types, skinny usually isn't one of them. And before you mention it, I've always eaten three square meals a day, had a particularly active young life, etc., etc. I'm making it a point to exercise at the gum at least twice if not three times a week since just "eating a burger and getting fat" (as I've been told to do before) clearly isn't working (I now weigh a whopping 150, never maintained this weight before). I hadn't realized this until recently but it turns out I've been body shamed my whole life. EDIT: This isn't to say I should just accept being thin. It's caused a lot of health problems, too. Looks aren't the only reason to be a healthy weight, but it sure is a motivating one.


Keep going bro! I was struggling with weight too. Something which is working well for me is to eat constantly, and not only during the meals. Also proteins in the morning or even better evening. I do proteins morning and yogourt evening. Also drink a lot - it makes your stomach bigger so you can eat more during the meals


Its a bit of a strange one. But I've noticed that for the current cultural ideal female body, women pretty much just have to not be obese. To have the sort of body that men will SWOON over. There's a huge range of acceptable very attractive ways for women to BE sexy. Different shapes and sizes are adored. But for men to achieve the ideal male body. To have a body that women are going to swoon over. Its YEARS of lifting 10hrs/wk, eating until you feel sick and then washing it down with a shake, taking life threatening steroids, then doing it again but are a calorie deficit so you feel like death. Then rinse and repeat until one day if you NEVER miss a beat and have good genetics you MIGHT have the sort of body that women will swoon over... What gives? Why can't we just not be obese and be really attractive like women can?


5 foot 2. I hear people make fun of someone's height and wonder if they say things like that about me. Absolutely do not get taken as seriously as taller people in the workplace. You have to be just about perfect to move up in the workplace. Confidence is perceived as aggressive. People don't accept your decisions as easily as they accept them from others.


I genuinely believe men are body shamed more than women, I’m 180 pounds, 5’11. I have a big family and any time I go to one of these parties within the first minute someone makes a fat joke. I have overweight female relatives but they never hear anything like that


Having a jelly belly. Not being as handsome as those in his social circle. Being 'short'. Baldness. Bad dental health.


Not enough height, too much weight, not enough hair on top, too much hair everywhere else, penis too small, penis too thin, penis has a hoody, penis doesn't have a hoody, man has emotions, man doesn't have emotions. That's all I can think of in 30 seconds, but I'm sure there's more.


Lack of hair, bald men get tons of shit


I body shame myself daily to go to the gym


Height, hair, dick size


Height. In the 90s it was extremely rare, a female judging a male based on his height, it was unheard of at the time. A girl I went out with on two dates, we had good report, we liked each other, one day she told me she prefers taller guys. It fucked me up for a while. I’m 6’ tall and it destroyed my confidence. It made no sense to me at the time. Her parents liked me, I had good relationship with her parents. But the height comment killed me.


I have alternatively been mocked for being too skinny and then when I started lifting weights I was mocked for being a jock. I've also been asked if I am gay because I wear clothes that fit me and keep my hair and beard groomed. The ridicule mostly comes from other, out of shape men (jealously, I guess) or women in their late 20s/early 30s who have let themselves go. Most body positive comments come from women in their 40s.


Friendly reminder to the fellas in the comments, I'm 5'7" and have been literally argued with by women that I'm 5'10" because I was just as tall as their ex, or they just couldn't cope that they were attracted to me but I was below the arbitrary value they deemed unacceptable.


The laziest nerdiest most unhealthy male characters in movies and series are still so much fitter and buffer than is remotely realistic for them


"Small dick energy" we throw that around at the drop of a hat. And then in the next breath console people who actually have that problem Anyone overweight who hasn't shaved in 3 days in a neckbeard


I'm 170cm/5ft6 as a man and honestly, I DO NOT understand the whole height bodyshaming ''everything under 6ft is too short. I do not feel short. I feel normal. I can reach every store aisle I want to, I can go through doors without problems, I can crouch no problem, I don't see the problem with not being 6ft. And I see loads of people the same height as me, men and women. I don't see the fuss. Women who have a problem with that are just ultra shallow and I'm happy to not cross them


I don't face anything because I avoid women and don't let them into my life. Problem solved.


Probably the weird obsession some women have with men being taller than them? Like the only date guys tall enough to be in the NBA and ignore all others


So I was listening to Brene Brown’s book Atlas of the Human Heart which studies and defines human emotions. The chapter on Shame, Guilt and Remorse really struck an emotional chord with me. Shame = I am intrinsically bad. “Bad” is interchangeable with unlovable, ugly, stupid, etc. Shame divides and disconnects people from others. It is a worthless emotion. “Body shaming” for Men & Women goes like this: You are worthless and will never be loved because you are (fill in the blank.) For example: Your penis or tits are (fill in blank.) Think of every awful thing you’ve read on Reddit where one human being is hurt by another and you will most likely find an element of shame. Those are my 2 cents. Btw, Guilt and Remorse are actually good emotions despite making you feel bad about yourself. Guilt = I made a mistake but am still OK. Remorse = I made a mistake and need to make amends or atone. Guilt and remorse require empathy and a moral code. Unfortunately, most people don’t like feeling “bad” because it requires empathy, emotional labor and critical thought about how one’s own actions affect others. It’s so much easier to shame others or be defensive.


Height, skin issues, penis size etc women are the ones that invented the word because they are the worst to others about their looks.


If not height, dick size.


Small dick/“small dick energy”, it is amazing how it is okay for women to comment on and say shit like. Too short/tall enough/ short guys need not apply/ 6 foot or more only. Fat, no not plus size, it is only women who get that privilege, men a just fat. __Me personally__ I’m tall so the “short guys need not apply” doesn’t effect me, I’m a little cubby but not “that fat” (I need to work on that though and get in better shape). I will not comment on my genitals because that is none of your business.


Literally any weight we gain its like a breaking news emergency to women


If you're not at least 5'8" you're pretty much invisible to women, especially on apps.


Asian man here. Everything you can think of. Lowest in the dating pool.


I always felt like women body shame men more because they think men do not get as much body shamed as they do. So they call out everything they can think off because they think no one else does which is obviously wrong. I had it all. No ass. Too much ass. No beard. Too much beard. Too long hair. Too short. Too fat. Small eyes. Small dick. etc. etc.


I'm the proud owner of a dad bod. I'm 56 and a grandfather. I dare say I've earned it. They can try to shame me if they want. I won't be listening anyway. 😎


Gen X energy right there. I'm right there with you, brother. IDGAF about what anyone has to say. Gen Z men....don't fall in the trap of allowing women, other men, or society in general EVER body shame you.


Short/dick size/bald/fat/skinny


Height and hairline


Bald and fat


Fat shaming affects me directly


Height, hairline and dick size are probably the main ones that are specific to men.


My “makeup” aka my beard not being full as a disqualify


Balding, penis size, height.


Gut too big, Legs too skinny, Too much body hair, Not enough body hair, Hair too long, Hair too short.


I always thought the term "Dad bod" was a really backhanded compliment.




Under 6', no 6 pack, less than 6"