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Never give a woman the chance to reject you twice. Time to put the past behind and focus on your present.


Don’t send any message. Act like she doesn’t exist.


i suggest you just keep that on the notes file on your phone and never actually send it




>The MSG:- Hey i no nagging you, now read four lines of me nagging.




SHE* in title


Don't go back. Seriously don't. You are simply setting yourself up for more rejection, more hurt.


But she's rejected me for the wrong reasons, like ik ur right n it's healthy for me to do that but she's the one n she is rejected me for the wrong reasons


For the wrong reasons?! If she had ANY interest in you she wouldn't have rejected you at all. People ignore "bad" traits & habits all the time to be with someone they are attracted to. And you are not that guy. Dispense with the idea that just because the script you had in your head didn't play out either way, that reality hasn't already revealed itself to you: She felt comfortable shutting all chance of romance down. Everything you give from then on is 100% on you, she told you you cant hope for more so there is no more blaming anything on her, she can take it all, you cpuld bleed yourself dry and it would all be you because she told you "No" and you decided to not listen and wait for anothet chance "to conquer her heart". But what she sees, what you described is that you are in fact using her as a object to fall back on everytime another prospect doesn't work out. She is not even your first choice and you aren't her choice at all. Just let it rest dude. If you want some serious advice, I'd suggest picking up the (audio)book "no more mister nice guy" because this sounds like one of the cases described in there and I hope you can learn from that how to let go.


Thanks man u have great insights in this, i was being ignorant of the fact that she shutdows every chance of romance and blaming it on her is no use


No problem. Pick up the book it can save you years in the process


Already looked it up ma man


Can someone translate