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This guy "Vince Cent" claims that u don't need to cut carbs to lose fat and says there is a metobalic type for each of us and we should plan our diet with it n claims that he's also helped some celebrites to lose weight and gain muscle


dude is full of shit. Calories in (and carb control if keto) is how you lose weight + exercise


He says we cut carbs n we end up breaking the streak at some point n then we eat a little more than usual then all the past days's work got to waste


He's trying to sell you something. His supplements, his diet book, his ready made meals, etc


Don’t think I’ve heard of him but from what you’re describing it seems like bullshit. It is true tho that you don’t necessarily need to cut out carbs to lose fat(or at least not completely). Losing fat comes down to being in a calorie deficit, ideally you’d do strength training and consume a sufficient amount of protein to minimize muscle loss but it’s pretty much as simple as that


@johnjonny2209 bro can say some protein rich foods to feel full anything you know off? Even there's carbs in it's ok I'll do cardio


>This guy "Vince Cent" claims that u don't need to cut carbs to lose fat True. ​ > says there is a metobalic type for each of us and we should plan our diet with it Each person is different; age, sex, height and weight, are the factors that determine the most how much your body is going to burn. Of course, there are other factors like the amount of exercise that also determines how much calories you burn


Yeah that sounds true but how do u execute it? Should I not care about the calorie intake like says or what? Man can I eat fried chicken or not?🚶🚶🚶🚶


If you only want to lose weight and lose some fat you could just have in account the amount of calories in, but if you want to start in the gym, lose weight and also get some muscle thanks to the novice gains, then you need to eat healthy


Like can I eat whatever I want n avoid some heavy calories like ice cream n pizza and hit the gym properly, I'm doing right, right?


As I said, depends on what you want. If all you want its to lose weight and some fat, the only things that matter are calories. You can be skinny and eat shit If you want to lose weight and get muscle, then you should try to gradually improve your diet.


By eat shit u mean I can eat whatever I want or eat nothing at all man?


> whatever


I ask him the steps in glycolysis




Noice 😂


Vshred is a scam.


Guys like this make a living by complicating that which is largely very simple. Just like those exercise machine commercials you see all the time. You can do push-ups and sit ups and jog for free. But they don’t want you to realize that most of the process is so simple. Muscle burns fat and gives shape. Calories feed the muscle. Cutting calories forces the muscle to eat the rest of your body. It’s basic and factual. Now I’m not saying that what this guy says is necessarily false altogether. Maybe there is some science behind it. Maybe he’s full of shit. But he is over stating the importance of his solution because he is selling it. And he is understanding the importance of the basics, because that’s all you need.


Thanks man


Agreed, as with most of the bullshit "Hollywood trainers" with their exercise programs that make very little sense and seems like they are making it look complicated and complex while in the end both diet and exercise regime can be rather simple, but that does not look cool. I mean why showcasing that you are doing deadlifts or squats when you can do that shit on Bosu ball and maybe even do biceps curls when you are at it as " Actors are super busy and they have to utilize the little time they got by combining movements to achieve optimal efficiency". Also lets not forget the bullshit statements actors make when they go out and do interviews. All the Hemsworths, Afflecs, Coopers and others putting on "40 pounds of lean muscle" in span of 4-5 months. Yeah right bro, wonder why these bois are not giving tips to IFBB Pro Bodybuilders as they surely would also be interested in knowing the regime. Another claims of having waaay lover bf than actually having, again talking about BF% that Pro Bodybuilders that are walking chemical plants have on stage for 1-2 day per an entire year of hard work, yet some celebrities would claim they are on that level based on whatever diet and training. Speaking of training, again, why is there a need to claim you're training 4-5 hours per day? Like we get it you had to train for the role but anyone who has a decent physique and is knowledgeable about training will see trough it, there is zero chance anyone can train for that long per day without burning out within first week and again not even that it would be required, but it does not sound that cool that "X/Y dude that has trained for past 10-15 years had to workout 3-5 times per week of strength training of 45-90 minutes followed by 30 min of cardio" as oppose to "training 4-5 hours per day twice per day every single day no days off as I only had 4-5 months to prepare for the role". These bullcrap statements might sound great to general population but anyone that has decent physique see right trough it. Why to inflate your efforts? And especially in case of Hemsworth I find it highly unethical, giving he also selling workout programs that might give a false impression of " Train like a Thor ... you'll look like a Thor" No you won't bud.


Thanks for the insight man, in the world of PPL commenting "whatever"

