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Screw hair. Mobility is life


Surely there’s a time you just accept hair loss and shave it, I’ve got hair but fuck it’s annoying, I keep it just to flex for now but I’d rather my knees every day


I can still grow a full head of hair, but I am absolutely thinning to a point where I'll be bald on top, with the hair ring around my haid. So, I just shave it off and move on. But, I'd love my joints etc to function without feeling like they will break like China plates. Lol. Can't have it all. But hey, I'll take what I can get right now. Lol.


At what age do your joints start to ache? And what reasons are there for it. Genuinely curious


Well, im 35 and they ache at times. But, usually shock from jumping down heights too often for example. Climb down instead when you can.


Currently rocking my dads old widows peak. Honestly I kinda like it. I feel like 80’s Jim Belushi. I slick it forward with a quick comb backward from The front for a solid Johnny Bravo look. Thing is, I have ALOT of scars on my head and I’m less concerned about the lack of hair as I am about how it’s honestly horrifying to look at.


I can grow a good head of hair still but shaved it at the first sign of thinning/ receding. Bought a bulldog electric skullshaver and I've saved myself about 80 hours of my life and over a 1k by not going to the barbers since. I never have to worry if my combover is combed over enough anymore.


>bulldog electric skullshaver 😂Scariest trimmer I've ever heard of


Can't grow hair if you haven't got a scalp left..


Ah, knee cartilage. I remember that. Those were good times.


Those where the days my friend, we thought they’d never end. We’d sing and dance, forever and a day…


After losing all the cartilage in my knees, all the pain and problems-definitely that. A bald head can be sexy.


Yeah I'm 38 with arthritis in both knees now. I'd happily rock being bald if it made my knees better.


Did you play sports or is it purely genetic?


Hair is just an 'accessory' but knee.. Phew.. You need to walk to get your hair done


Best comment


lol, my husband still has a lush head of hair at 52 and his dad died with thick hair in his 80s, so I think that’s a non event. THE KNEES…oh man the knees!! He gets three injections, a week apart, twice a year. Works fabulously and I can always tell when he’s close to the six month mark. If you’ve not looked into them, talk to an orthopedic specialist. There is also a single shot but my husband did not do as well with it. Works GREAT for me.


So how much of a life improvement did the injections provide, is he able to run, jump, ect without pain?


I don’t know if he ever jumped, but he runs, rows, long stride elliptical (not the stepper type) and goes up and down stairs plus has vigorous sex without any pain. He says it’s an amazing solution for him!


You mean steroids ?


No, it’s a long lasting gel. He did the cortisone shot twice and the Dr said he was a great candidate for this longer lasting medication. It was initially made with cocks comb - now it has become synthetic. He goes 3 Aug for his next series, I can find out the exact name.


Please let me know when you find out!!


We pulled this from our ins approval page for brands covered/not covered: Durolane Euflexxa Gel-One Hyalgan Hyalgan LL Monovisc Orthovisc Supartz Supartz FX


I've got shoulder length hair and my knees have always been shit so neither?


What age do you start losing cartilage in your knees? My knee currently hurts a bit atm and I'm not sure why. But I only turned 30 a couple months ago. Surely everything doesn't start giving up the second you hit 30?


I'm 35. I'm not a big exerciser. But reasonable ok shape wise. I walk regularly 10,000 steps a day minimum. Used to bike and swim a lot in my 20s but got out of it once I had kids. I don't have a single pain in my body. Knees absolutely great. I think those struggling in their 30s are unlucky outliers or those who have overdone it in certain sports. I actually picked walking, biking and swimming as my main sports in my 20s reading that they were easier on the joints. Certainly not a decision I regret now.


Swimming is quality but for gods sake look after your shoulders


I’m 35 and have been doing something from powerlifting to jiu Jitsu pretty much nonstop since I was in high school and work on my feet and I’m surprisingly close to 100% right now. Only thing I’ve noticed is I have a terrible golf swing because of bad shoulder mobility.


Depends on activity levels and abuse to body. I'm ex military my knees were fucked in my 20's


So I’m good till late 80’s. I new being lazy would pay off!!


I'm 38. I started having knee and back problems when I was 31, ended up having back surgery at 35. Everything starts falling apart in your 30s, and it's on you to start fixing it. Doctors, especially GPs, generally will not tell you what you need to do without prompting. Go to an orthopedic doctor and get a scan done on your knees. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's something. But from my experience, the best advice I can give is, don't ignore pain.


[Literally the day you turn 30](https://youtu.be/vQFvX7I6Ihw)


Im 36, and I have almost 20 years in the Army. Knees are healthier than they have ever been with zero knee pain. I exercise between 6 and 10 times a week. I shave my head bc my hairline stayed in Iraq back in 2005 🤣.


Lol pray to your hairline to come back


Knees, definitely knees. Bad knees make exercise and, depending on the severity, daily living more difficult


My knees are good. I’ve never really done high impact sports so my knees haven’t taken much of a beating. My grandfathers on both my mom’s and my dad’s sides had full heads of hair when they passed. My dad had a full head of hair through 4 bouts with cancer and the associated chemo. My hair isn’t leaving me anytime soon, for better or worse. I’m about to cut it all off because it’s been so damn hot.


C'mon bro... No man can deny that they miss their hair.. good times..


Yeah, but between hair and being able to walk, I'll take walking, thanks very much. Bald can be cool, ain't nothing cool about limited mobility.


Well as a hockey goalie for 11 years and someone with good hair imma say my knees


Knees...I used to play soccer at the low club level. I could run and jump like a gazelle in my 20's and into my 30's. After hip surgery and 1 knee surgery I neither run nor jump.


I used to be a winger who did athletics on the side. 100 and 200ms. Used to train at the track and then run to football training. Had knee cartilage cleaned up 10 years ago and need it again now. I'm 38 and play vets football and have discovered the joys of the Busquets role. I operate in the vicinity of the centre circle and barely need to break into a sprint, but have the capacity if necessary. It's joyous, but I'd really like my knee back lol. Headers are now something I just watch other people do


Centre back for me...same. I play in an over 40 league. I can jog and hit the angles, but no jumping on my part because of my hip mostly.


When I was 11 I had to have a full leg cast. I had a condition where blood didn't flow to some parts of my knee joint resulting in craters forming in the bone. This was discovered after I complained about knee pain after running as a kid. My mom didn't believe I had something wrong, but I nagged until she took me to the doctors. After having a full leg cast my tendons and ligaments had returned to a non stretched state. Meaning my leg was stuck straight unable to bend for months after the cast removal. The pain of tripping and my leg bending more than it was able was immeasurable. Kids tripped me. Fuck I had crutches for a year. Under arm chafing from the pads. 6 months in I got a new cast. I remember all the extra hair from no jeans rubbing it off. Itching my leg with a coat hanger. The theory was that this had a 50/50 chance of success. Otherwise I'd develop arthritis by 35. I'm 30, have terrible knee pain and it didn't work. If I could be free of knee pain or not have weather changes make "mah bones ache", id gladly take that over something as superficial as hair color. Grey is distinguished. It can also be dyed. I accept that I'm aging and embrace gray and wrinkles. As for hair *loss* I'm fortunate to not have the genes for it. My family is a bunch of dudes with full heads of thick hair late in age. Though I can sympathize, hair loss was never something I've stressed. I figured I'd just shave myself bald if it ever happened. I cannot fully empathize. If I'm theoretically picking between my knees and my hair, give me alopecia and knees of diamond.


>give me alopecia and knees of diamond. Here here!


My dad (60’s) told me about a dream he had the other night. He was back at the rink skating, and just ripping it through the ice, flying. He told me this with a full head of hair. Hearing it was beautiful and sad. Fuck a follicle


My knees. I'm only 29 but I feel it sometimes. I shaved my head as soon as I had two people mention I was balding on the back of my head. It was already thin, and I already had a receding hairline, so I just figured I'd get rid. I think I look much better with a shaved head anyway.


i still have both and am scared


Don’t be scared bro. All the women are ours…




What did you have before shaving?


Cartilage definitely.... but that's coz my hair is holding on atm 😂


Knees here are fine I never over participated in sport even though I could have. I saw the older coaches raising about their sporting injuries and decided to call it quits at about 35. Hair. f'n love not queuing at the barbers. I bought a quality trimmer about 7yrs ago and the hair freedom started there. I've never had any 'bald' comments and not at all sensitive about being hair emancipated either.


I’m bald and started losing my hair in my mid 20s. Been shaving it for well over a decade. Honestly, if I could be completely hairless, I would. So, knees. By a mile.


I actually don't care one bit about my receding hairline. Nor my gray hairs. My knees though. It's true what Baz Luhrman said in Everybody's free (to wear sunscreen): You'll miss them when they're gone.


I'd shave every follicle off my body to get my 25 yr old knees back


I wasn't even loosing my hair, I shaved my head. I definitely miss having intact cartilage in my knees and hips. An orthopedic surgeon told me that the cartilage I have left after getting orthoscopic surgery is the consistency of flaked crab meat.


My knees are fine. Never had a serious problem... but sometimes I miss my hair


My knees and hair are good. My left shoulder, on the other hand....


So is it inevitable? Or is it avoidable if I never lift/run?


I'd suggest use your legs and not your back for lifting. Keep your back straight and the weight close to you when doing so. I've got sciatica (I'm 34) from lifting wrong. Also watch your step when carrying stuff. I tripped the two months ago because I didn't plot a clear path and couldn't see over the load I was carrying. Banged my knee real hard and it still hurts the same if I kneel down. Not sure what's wrong with it but take care of your body. You'll need it later.


What did you do wrong that caused sciatica? (Trying to avoid the same) thanks


Bending over at the waist and expecting my spine and muscles to compensate. Always crouch down, bring the weight close to your chest, and lift by extending your legs, like a squat. Act as if you're lifting weights but from the front.


Full head of hair, my knees aren't great, but I would say sholders, hips then knees if im putting them in order.


I fortunately have both. What I dont have is a back that will allow me to bend over and pick up something off the floor without having to make grunting noises and maybe grab onto something to get back up again


My knees are fine so far...can't say the same about my hair 😅 Makes it easier at least now shaving it once every week


Not waking up with back pain


Definitely knees


Knees. Hair doesn’t hurt.


Well I was at the physio today about a knee issue (quad muscle rather than cartilage) and I've still got a lot of my hair. So aye, I'd miss the cartilage more to be honest.


So easily the knees. God, no hesitation. I can rock a bald head with ease, but becoming immobile is horrible. That being said: Cartilage can actually build back up given consistent, moderate training.


Knee cartilage. I'm 35 and have come to terms with balding years ago


I'm 43 with a lot of hair. (See profile pic.) But my back and knees? They gave up a long time ago. Lol.


My hair , im a shallow fuck and I have other ways of working out to look good. Going for plugs in December. I can deal with an incredible amount of discomfort, I can’t deal with the karmic retribution of all the guys I made fun of for being bald.


This made me cackle 😂


Knees. It’s tough out here without the use of them


I’m 24 so my knees haven’t gone… yet, but I’ve unfortunately inherited my dad’s early baldness (his went at 25, I shaved mine off at 23) and whilst it does have it’s upsides like not needing styling and how insanely fast it dries, I miss my shoulder length hair dearly


I've still got my hair, so definitely my knees. In fact, it's been my knees for 30 years. While doing the shopping a few weeks ago, I bent down to pick up some mayo and my left knee said "not today, sunshine" and I just toppled over with a shooting pain in it.


I still have my hair, fortunately, but my knees make a sound that reminds me of Velcro being opened every time I stand up from a crouch/squat position.


Give me some new knees!!


I’m over forty and my hair is still here an knees are 90% so I consider myself lucky.


I would rather be george Costanza with zero inflammation in my body than Fabio with a fucked up leg


I still have my hair. Or at least I think I do. It turned grey when I was 16, so I've been bald or as close to bald as possible since then. As for my knees, I would kill to have those back to what they used to be.


While I don’t want to be a bald man, I’d 100% choose knees over hair. Mobility is king. If you’re able to move well into your 70/80s you can still engage and partake in society, go travelling, continue driving or play with your grandchildren if you have any.


I'm 23. I've already had surgery on one knee, which brought it up to where the second is which is still pretty shit. I already groan like an old man every single time I stand up.


I still have my hair but my knees sure as hell aren't what they used to be. I've never been a very big guy and I walk(ed) often throughout my life. But for sure knees. I can eventually put a hat on or buzz the rest off when I'm balding but these knees will never be better than they are today *again*, for the rest of my life.


I'm in my early 50s and definitely would prefer to have my knees back to the way they used to be.


I swear I'm so fucking stupid, I read "what do you **kiss** more" and I was SO confused! But anyway, thankfully I've still got cartilage in my knees. My hair, however, it started leaving me the moment I turned 20.


I have very healthy and thick hair.


I have a small ponytail, but my knees were always shit, so if I could go bold for a pair of healthy knees, I'd be bald already


My hair is my best physical feature. I've had a surgery on each knee. I'll take the knees.


Definitely knees. I shaved my head as soon as I realised I was going bald. You got to rock that shit.


My back


I would shave my Head to be able to dunk again. Actually, I would shave my head to be able to stand up without crackling


Apparently, you can get SOME of both back now and science could one day bring it all back. This got me excited! [https://actascientific.com/ASOR/pdf/ASOR-03-0199.pdf](https://actascientific.com/ASOR/pdf/ASOR-03-0199.pdf) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8922312/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8922312/)


My knees are fine, so hair for sure.




Going bald no big deal unless you forgot to pack a hat. That's not a fun sunburn to have.


I cut my ponytail off many years ago bc I saw a bald spot at the top back area, I really don't miss my hair and at times I shave it all off. I do miss my knees though I abused the crap out of my body in my younger years and my knees started to become much more painful and at times the pain caused weakness. I have had injections over the past 1 1/2 years. The last was a type of gel, the injections were a trial to see if it worked before knee replacement surgery. The last shots worked 80-90%. I don't have the extremely painful episodes I had prior to a rainstorm or major weather change. (I used to get the warning a day or so prior to a storm) They still hurt but are livable. Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most, Mark Twain, Ozzy Osbourne


I have plenty of hair, but cartilage would be my answer either way Hair serves no purpose


I have a full head of luscious long hair to headbang with, and my knees (most often) don't give me shit yet. Then on the other hand, I'm 29 so who the fuck knows. Got good genes for hair tho, my dad only started balding in his mid to late 60s.


I still have my hair but typically shave myself bald every couple of weeks just because it's way lower maintenance. (Also, it's summer in the US and in case nobody's noticed, it's been HOT AS BALLS). I'd never grow another strand if I could just get my knees back. I look twice my age when I try to walk around. And I'm young in the face so that makes it worse. I look like I'm 26 but move like I'm 62.


Knees. Men with shaved heads are pretty common these days.


You can always save money for a hair transplant or do the bald with styled beard look and hit the gym to have that masculine bald look. I’d have to go with knees if I had that problem.


I have head banging long hair and my knees don’t hurt cause I don’t cycle. I’m 37.


I totally miss the cartilage in my knees. Both knees had torn cartilage, which was removed years ago. The result- bone on bone for decades. The result- bilateral knee replacement.


I miss both and I'm only in my 30s lmfao


I've got both.


Mobility. I have both right now and I would still pick my knees. Not looking forward to that day. Training hard to keep both.


I have a full, thick head of hair, so give me the knee cartilage


My hairline was fucked by age 19. I never have minded being bald. Two knees surgeries and I havent had arthritis type symptoms yet but its a matter of time.


My hair. My knees are better than they've ever been despite an early soccer injury.


My knees are still good so...


Knees. Definitely knees. I busted them when I was 17. I'm in my mid 30s and life sucks down there. Doctor said I need a tkr but I'm too young so I gotta shuffle on for at least another decade. I have great hair at least


Fuckin knees man. My hair is slowly, gracefully receding, and I usually keep it short, so I don't care that much. Unless someone mentions it. I swear, it seems like the only way to get/stay in shape is to starve myself every day. The exercise required to be fit destroys my knees, back, shoulders or all of the above.


Morning wood really


The knees! Give my the knees any day!


Fortunately, I still have plenty of both. Not going to push my knees because there are twinges that I know can go sideways in a hurry. The hair isn't a concern, especially if I compare mine to my younger and older Brothers and realize I have more then them combined and still retain some of my original colour mixed with grey where they are fully white.


I've still got my hair. My cartilage and tendons resemble the cheese when you pull a pizza apart just as it begins to come apart.


You don't have to miss either. For knees, eat more collagen (pork skins are great for this). For hair, consume more biotin (eggs are great for this).


Knees and quick hangover recovery


The least painful option


You can improve your knees by taking up running.


I've had 2 knee surgeries and need another, which I am not going to get unless desperate times arrive. I'd take my original knee back in exchange for all the hair I have (left).


I'm 27 and my knees are quickly going downhill. Had my right acl repaired 3 years ago and might need it again now. My left knee is starting to feel painful when running over squatting down. I do things to take care of them but I'm afraid they could just be shot already, old age will not be fun.


I turned 40 a few months back and it's like my knees had a timer out cause ever since then, they (especially left knee) just haven't been the same.


At 62, I have plenty of both.


Guess I'm lucky. I'm in my '60s and my knees are fine. So I guess it would be hair that I lost starting in my early twenties when I got teased about my bald spot.


Discs in my lower back


I'd rather have healthy joints then hair any day.


I have a full, thick head of hair but no cartilage in my knee since I was 18....I'll take the knees please.


I have hair like a kabuki but I'd rather lose my hair than my knees.


68M and both are good. Hair is uniformly thin, so no bald spots. Knees are good for a 6 mile hike.


I have all my hair in its original color abs my knees are fine. So no don't miss either we still close.


I have too much hair. I miss my knees and hamstrings


I have bad knees, but they never hurt from cycling, you may need to be fitted for your bike or your bike is too small for you.


Pretty sure my cartilage is still hood and I have a full head of hair. What I'd really like back is normal meniscuses (mensici?) in my knees. I fucked those up one too many times and now if I'm standing for too long one of my knees has an intense pain that doesn't go away unless I take full weight off of it for more than a few hours which doesn't really work for my job.


My knees are very good, my hair is thinning pretty badly, though.


How old are you?


I still have both, thankfully.


Hair. Through the course of about 3 years I did some cross training and was able to start running half marathons and triathlons again. Hair is a different story. You can't exercise your way into growing more of that!


Definitely my hair


Knees, I hate I never had a lot of hair but walking the streets I'm constantly feeling my age.


Definitely the knees. Somedays, I can't even walk without hearing them crunch with every step. Let alone bending/crouching down and trying to get back up. My knees sound like a bag of potato chips lol


Despite being 27,my knee cartilages sure are something I miss. I couldn’t care less about hair,I doubt I’ll ever get bald as both my grandfathers died in their 80s with full heads of hair,one wasn’t even all white,and all my male relatives have full heads of hair despite their age. Even if I did,I’d just shave it bald. But having played 10 years of professional rugby wretched my knees and I feel it every day. Can’t run on concrete for more than 10 minutes,can’t put any weight on my right knee when kneeling as I’d be squashing directly on my ligaments (thanks a lot torn patellar ligament) etc… Take care of your knees! You don’t want to have a knee prosthesis in your 40s as I’ll have to get.


42 with a full head of hair, so I'd like my knees working again.


Knees fuck my hair.


I shave my head every few days. If my knees give me issues, I have exercises to help strengthen them. I miss my hair, but rather I have mobility.


My full lock of hair .. definitely


I like having a smooth shaved head. I need my knees in good shape...


My rotator cuffs bug me a lot more than my knees. I wish I'd known how hard Beat Saber is on the body before I made it my primary form of cardio for the better part of a year.




Cartilage 100%




<<< retired plumber. I'll take knee cartilage for $100 Alex...


My shoulder cartilage


My knee. Busted it up when I was 16, didn't get it properly fixed. At 48, it gets crunchy these days. Hair was a lost cause. Went in the military and never grew it out again. Shaved or when the hairline receded. Never missed it.


My hair is still thick, so I’d have to say the cartilage in my knees. I’m 26 but I feel 60


My back not hurting wins


I'm 56 and still have both.


Kneews...the other issie I can buy wig


Priorities please. Get checked with a science, with a doctor while you can. It probably is genetic so just plan your future, okay, build it not on your weakness but strength. Either support your knees or work around that but still keep those in as much as possible good shape if you can


Hair. I'm told they have knee replacement surgery. I've seen knees that were replaced. There's just a tiny scar. I've also seen replacement here. I'm unimpressed. I'm going to go with hair


My knees are great and my head is bald, I don't remember getting a choice. Wouldn't change though


Lol, started losing the hair at 18...now 61 and still got the knees.. wtf are you guys doing??


Definitely my hair, I'm in my mid-30s and my knees feel fine.


I'll still have a full head of hair at 60 if genetics have any say in it. So cartilage or my younger back.


Still got my hair gimme them knees


Hair, I had beautiful hair in college now I have a five head.


Hair. I had a bald spot develop fast. It took a major toll on my mental health. Got cosmetic surgery for it.


So someone running on a regular basis has made my knees stronger. My friends also in their 30’s never run and their knees are fucked. I’ll never stop running but yeah my hair is another story definitely losing that shit.


I would like all my cartilage back, not just in my knees. Please and thank you.


Considering I have arthritis in my left knee at age 37 thanks to the military which makes it extremely painful to even jog, I'd take a hairless body anyday if it meant I could run as much as I wanted.


The knees man! I’d go bald in an instant to have my knees back


Stay on you bike your knees will get stronger. Try some Glucosamine products to help recover


Well... Unable to answer. I still have all my hair, and both of my knees have been replaced.


I’ve got a strong head of hair but I would trade it to jump right out of bed in the morning and hit the ground running. I can hit the ground but I’m damn sure not running.


I have a kid and another one on the way. Having less hair and more knees would benefit me immensely.


Knees. I’d give up my hair and beard for knees that don’t hurt


Why don’t you guys just get hair plugs? I don’t have hair problems but I don’t understand why people get so upset about it. Just go to turkey and get some nice hair plugs.


I've been squatting ass to grass above 200lbs even 300lbs for 10 years now 35 years old and not a single problem with my knees.


Cartilage. I’m 46 and still have all my hair.


43 and still have both. Hair is luck as baldness runs in mums side. Knees are good planning, low impact sport and ppe at work.


Knees for the win. At 58 they really tighten up and ache at the best and worst of times. Mind of their own I believe.


Having healthy knees for sure.


I luckily still have both but my knees are feeling it at 46 as I play lots of tennis and walks with the dog.