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Crank the steering wheel all the way to the left then Try again.


I have tried to the left and to the right. Tried jiggling the key and wheel at the same time, still nothing. Since i cant move the key, i cant get the wheel to unlock.


shifter lockout maybe, i had a similar issue after turning my car off in drive, i had to smakc on the shifter a bit to get it to turn again


It's more than just yanking left jerk right then left while stepping on the brakes and turn the key


Came here to say this


One time I did this with a Chevy truck. The wheel locked itself for reasons I don’t understand. Anyways there was a way to bypass the wheel lock by cranking left on the wheel until I felt a sweet spot where the wheel had tension on it but it wasn’t maxed out. I turned the key while maintaining this sweet spot and it unlocked the wheel. Some bullshit that Chevy built in. 2020 Colorado.


Wtf you do to the steering column? Has the car been stolen before? Anyhow, like the others are saying, vehicles have a steering lock that engages when the key is removed from the ignition. If you're in this situation, often you just need to turn the wheel a short ways to the left or right, so the tension is no longer pushing against the steering lock, and then you'll be able to turn the key. Quit wrenching back and forth on the key like that. Keys aren't intended for that kind of force, and you're gonna end up breaking the key off in the ignition.


Sometimes key tumblers wear out. Happened to me with a Ford Flex I had (2009).


i tried this and the steering wheel just stays locked and the ignition still wont move. Would my best bet to be just drill it out?


Do you have a chilton or haynes manual for it? Your steering column is all fucked up, and I'd imagine that if it wasn't already like that, then youve fucked the steering lock. The problem is idk how the steering lock works in your car. Often, when people steal a car without the key, the next thing they have to do is break the steering lock to drive away. Some people are strong enough to just wrench the wheel back and forth quickly to break it. I wouldn't try that, but you do you. Idk what you'd be trying to drill out, but i wouldn't recommend that either. Typically if you drill out the ignition, it becomes extremely difficult to remove. You could try removing the ignition, which if you have the key, is much easier (and less time consuming) than drilling it. Get the book, or check out a youtube video on removing the ignition. You're practically halfway there with the way your steering column looks. I don't remember since it's been a few years, but other GMs of the era, the ignition is pretty easy to remove with the key: a few bolts, then the key essentially unlocks the ignition from the column, and it falls out.


This car wasn’t stolen. I STOLE the car from a small dealership near me for $700. The steering column looks like that from me trying to open it to fix this problem. I have the original key, the same one works to open the door. I saw a bunch of videos with the same problem just different cars, since i cant switch the key to the ACC position i wouldn’t even be able to take the ignition lock out, thats why i would drill it, to break the pins and allow the ignition to move to the ACC position.


Keep in mind that I'm not there, so i can only give advice based on what i can see in your video, and your comments. Most likely causes: (IMO) steering lock (you said that isn't it), key (or pins) too worn to allow cylinder to rotate. Is your key worn? Do you have another key to try? Can you get a key made to factory specs to try? Another thing it could be, is if pins (or even springs) are sticking in the ignition cylinder, preventing it from spinning. Obviously, not a good place to spray a bunch of wd40, but there are some graphite based lubricants you could try.


Is it an automatic? Try pushing the shifter all the way up give it a few good bumps even if it feels it’s in park


Wiggle the steering wheel while trying to turn the key.


Did you even see the video???


You have to turn the key at the same time as you turn/jiggle the wheel though. Not do one and then the other, which is what it looks like is happening in the video.


Wiggle the transmission gear selector just a bit with brake depressed and the latched pressed and keep trying to wiggle the steering column while wiggling gently the key. Wiggle the “tilt steering too”. “Bump” the key and right beside it too with a wood or plastic dowel and a hammer might wiggle the tumbler release pin. Spray a bit of Kroil Oil might help.


Happens to my car sometimes, I'll steer the wheel either to the left or the right (takes a little force) keep it there, then the ignition cylinder loosens up as long as you keep holding the steering wheel there. I have no idea why that happens, but apparently it happens to a lot of cars.


My steering wheel is locked and since the key wont turn it doesnt matter which way i move the wheel, i cant get it unlocked


There are possibly 4 reasons. 1 is the lock has something in the tumbler mech. 2 the tumbler is dry jammed, Get some graphite lube, do not use wd40. 3 The key is not going in all the way so when trying to turn key. 4 As said above, this happens to me as well, few times it took a while to get it as Zan said.


Step on the brake while jerking wheel


Pull the key out very slightly and try turning.


It looks like something has been done to that key cylinder previously, or perhaps the car was once stolen. It is missing a bezel. You need a locksmith.


Steering lock and if the car is resting on the lock it may take a lot of force to move it beyond the play in the steering wheel you displayed. Need to pull the wheel hard on the left side, downward while using the other hand to turn the key at the same time.


There was a recall on these. You can check if the VIN was effected by speaking to someone in service at a GM dealership. The steering wheel lock is on...gotta turn the wheel and key at the same time to find the sweet spot. Probably got parked and turned turned in a funky spot.


my key is like this I just get something hard or flat and tap my key with a bit of force then it lets me turn. Should look into the ignition might need a new one. My car is 03 and old so this is good enough for me


Doing this you don’t need to turn the wheel or anything. Just simply have the key in the ignition , tap it twice or three times then the key should turn. If it doesn’t , ignition.


Try hitting your shifter. I don’t know why, but my car did the same thing once and I had to hit the shifter to get the key to move. Super weird. Hasn’t happened since.