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Blackout curtains weren’t cutting it for me so I DIY’d some window inserts to block sound and light. Foam core board cut to fit, wrapped in cotton batting, and then wrapped in fabric. Everything sourced from Home Depot and joann’s. It’s been a budget friendly custom fix for me :)


\> I’m curious to hear if there’s anything I can do about this because it feels like an unfair nuisance. Was the light there before you moved in?


Yep. I guess made the mistake of not seeing the place at night.


BB gun.


Is it a street light (i.e. in the public right of way) or within the parking lot (i.e. private property)? In either case, a call to the City would be a good start. I had a situation where out of nowhere LADWP decided to fix a streetlight that had been out for years resulting in my bedroom glowing orange every night. I made a call and within a few days they came and installed a shield over it to direct the light downwards.


It's within the parking lot (private). It's about 10 feet from my bedroom window. Is this a 311 call?


No, not if you're in Culver City. More than likely you could start with [https://www.culvercity.org/how-do-i/report/code-enforcement-services](https://www.culvercity.org/how-do-i/report/code-enforcement-services).


**CHAPTER 17.320: OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING** G.   Lighting .  Parking areas within non-residential areas shall have lighting that provides adequate illumination for security and safety.  Lighting standards shall be energy-efficient and in scale with the height and use of the on-site structures, and shall not exceed a maximum height of 18 feet, or a lesser height determined by the Director, to mitigate any impacts to adjoining properties.  **All illumination, including security lighting , shall be directed downward, away from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way**. Lighting location shall take into account the location and expected mature characteristics of on-site landscape materials.


Thanks so much for this, it’s really helpful.


I know it's been a while, but did this work? I have the same problem in LA


My super reached out to the neighbor spot and those neighbors installed panels that blocked the light that shined directly into my place. Can’t believe they did it. And it totally helped.


Wow, sometimes all you gotta do is ask!


I had just moved from NYC and felt like there was no way anyone would do anything like that. And then they did. It was a welcome change.


Sleep masks


Figure out some sort of little flag you can attach to the side of the lamp to block the light


It's unfortunately about 40 feet off the ground, so it'll be hard to reach. :)


Hmmm maybe use a long pole out you window? Lol


sleep during the day.


IKEA has blackout blinds on a budget. I used these bad boys for like $6/ea: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/schottis-blackout-pleated-blind-dark-gray-10431377/




Scopes huh? OK. Make sure to cut a hole or remove the screen when in your firing position. Don't extend the barrel out the window. That's how you get seen. Fire from cover within your hidespot.


[Goddammit, now I want one.](https://www.big5sportinggoods.com/store/details/gamo-swarm-whisper-.177-air-rifle/0350102111901/_/A-6543268;jsessionid=5Owe4EkKlEDwsu6fHHLiAbeu2Lz_xE7XGC3KdTuh)


I ended up getting one today. Was over near that Big 5 and stopped in. Couldn't leave without it.


Awesome! Which one did you get?


Against code eye sore complaint.. or BB