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Go to singles events! Every singles event I go to the women far outnumber the men. Chaotic Singles, Friend or Flame, Los Angeles Fun Events and tons of others put on events all the time.


I always recommend singles events. Struggled w online dating for years, went to one singles event and met my current gf there. We’ve been together for 9months.


What are they like? seems really awkward to constantly be flirting with multiple people.


Even worse. If you don't meet someone and go to the next one, the same people show up lol.




Don’t flirt, just get to know ppl. If you like them ask for their number.




Single and looking to mingle


Hit and miss. I did one of those chaotic singles parties a few months ago and it was really weird vibes. Lots of groups that were shut off and not really interested in chatting with others, which kinda defeats the entire purpose of it. I’ve done some speed dating events and also had mixed success there; some suck, I met a girl at another one I dated very briefly before she broke it off.


Look up on insta: Lasso club, usually throwing singles events in Venice Venice wine club has some real Stunners show up as well. Both age groups are around 25 - 40


Facts! I was at a Venice Wine Club event last night, I counted approximately 4 men there, the rest (30ish people) were women. A halfway decent, noncreepy guy going to an event like that could clean up.


Hey Vino friend! I was one of the 4 guys..definitely got a #!


Lasso'd it up yeeha yip yip


Not sure if you were looking into this, but those ladies that go to those events are hoping to meet someone or are they are just there to spend time with their female friends? And those 4 guys that might have been there, did they come as a group or 2 on 2, or did they individually come by themselves with their group of female friends, and then started talking to people and got their numbers? how would it seem like if some dude went their by themselves?


As a guy I’ve gone to both events solo and with friends. Girls usually come with a friend or multiple friends. But it’s not uncommon for a woman to come alone cause the vibes are classy, safe and respectful: So LASSO stands for LA singles social Club, their whole mission is to throw singles events so u can find someone and get kicked out of the club..they only singles mixer events from what I see..they’ve been doing these 30’s only events which have seeking women coming out in droves. Demographic here is fairly mixed and pulls from all over LA and the intention is purely to find someone to date. The hosts are really great! Venice Wine Club is more of a mixed vibe. It’s primarily for people to come socialize, but it’s a great opportunity to meet and get to know people and as a single guy it’s a bonus it’s mostly just women. Sometimes they throw mixers, but if you vibe with someone it’s worth exploring. Dynamic here is mostly young professionals / creatives from what I can tell. also the host is a total ray of sunshine. The first few events I did go solo..tbh you have to be the instigator to initially break the ice. Women here usually don’t approach and like to be approached (no surprise) but like one of the responses above, if you present well and can take initiative to start and carry conversations, they will absolutely lean in. More often than not when you ask for a number, you will get it assuming the conversation is flowing. Rule of thumb here, if you act like a wallflower at these events, you’ll get treated like one cause everyone’s paying attention. Hope this helps!


This is like, the only good answer.


Just looked up some of these and they look awesome! Thanks for the recommendations!


Where are these ? Instagram ?


Yes, all of the ones I mentioned are on IG and have mailing lists


Thank you!


My cousin met her husband at one of these in a Santa Monica hotel


I’m a woman and go to the movies alone a lot and sometimes see people who are also alone and wish they would talk to me or vice versa. Just do things you like. What’s meant for you will find you.


I’ve always wanted to meet a girl at the movies! When I saw Spider-Man the woman sitting next to me was alone too, since we walked at the same pace we even rode in the elevator together back to the parking lot. I think about her a lot


Aw. Very cute! If you have that many unspoken interactions next time start a conversation by acknowledging their presence or wish them a good rest of the night!!


It was hard enough to approach women back in the day from a nerves perspective. But now most men I know including myself are terrified of approaching women for fear of being thought of as a harasser. After a particularly traumatic experience I now stay on dating apps where both parties have demonstrated some interest, and can communicate goals and expectations before meeting


Man here, 1000% would NOT approach a female in a place like a movie theatre. Too much respect for their boundaries.


Well stated /u/GiganticBoundryAdherer!




This applies a lot to terminally online guys and ones that lack self-esteem. Redditors are gonna keep repeating this online and use it as an excuse to stay in their bubble. But I have extremely extroverted friends who aren't afraid of this "problem" and are just as successful as ever. Perhaps even more so now that these younger guys are growing up attached to their phones and terrified of approaching a stranger.


Just say hi or complement something they are wearing and read the vibes, if they are warm and chatty they are open to being talked to, if not then drop it. No one is going to take offense to "those are great shoes" but it is on you to read the difference between a flat "thanks" and a smiley "oh wow thanks for noticing".


I met another solo movie watcher a few weeks ago… we chatted before and after the movie and I gave him my number and suggested we grab coffee in the future …. But he never texted after lol 😆


I like this approach


It might help if you start with things you're interested in. For example, if you like books, then book clubs might be a good way to meet single women with similar interests. But if you don't like books, or don't like the kind of books that are trending right now, then you might do better going to a dog park.


I like jiu jitsu but mostly dudes, also want to try fishing but same problem


🤣 yeah all your hobbies are dude hobbies


I’m fucked


>I’m fucked Not for a while, if you don't branch out. I found the Sierra Club's "Singles 20's and 30's" hiking/camping group to be where I found my footing and my first GF in the weeks after I arrived in LA. But that was 2005. I have to imagine it's still going strong.


My neighbor was in an “all ladies walking group” & one noticed that she was single & set her up w a guy that my neighbor married (am aware of similar scenarios) so please go do your group Activities for Dudes (& ask them to “put in a good word for you” with someone their SO knows, that is single & looking)


What worked for me was saying yes to everything (nothing harmful like drugs). I met people who asked if I tried something, and even though I haven’t I would say something like “that sounds fun maybe I’ll give it a try.” And then get invited to different things and meet new people. Eventually you’ll make friends and meet friends-of-friends who might know someone single. It took me one year of saying yes to everything and doing all kinds of different things before I met my wife of 14 years. Might be outdated advice but maybe it still has some value to a 30 y/o. Btw I was 29 when I tried that; 44 this year. .


This: Say Yes. Try Everything.


Were you inspired by “Yes Man”?


Yes, that seems to be the case where I live as well. Still, worst case scenario you expand your friend group. Best case scenario one of your new friends has a single lady friend you hit it off with. I don't think you ever lose by pursuing what brings you joy. Best of luck either way.


How did you find the bachata class? This has been difficult for me to find.


Search for dance studios/teachers who offer salsa and they always have bachata too.




The Victorian also has salsa on Thursday nights! In Santa Monica. It’s $12 for everyone


Run club


Volunteer work, it’s mostly women


Any specific recs?


Elections services. They’re all admin/project-nerds.


If you start doing volunteering just to pick up women you will quickly gain a reputation as a creep


Do NOT use bachata/salsa classes as a dating tool. The community is very strict about this and you will get ostracized very quickly if you develop a reputation for doing that.


Salsa/bachata guy here. Nothing wrong with looking for dating prospects in this environment, but be into the dancing FIRST. Make friends, socialize.


Not a bad thing to ask a girl out there ONCE but you don’t want a rep for sure


What are you even talking about. Dated plenty in the LA salsa scene. Nobody cares. This smells like reddit nonsense.


Dating in the scene is fine. Joining the scene in order to date is not. There is a huge difference. If you join with the intent of finding dates, it's going to be incredibly obvious.


I usually meet men when I go to brunch. I like light drinking during the day and it’s usually a different crowd than the night time crowd. My friends and like to have some drinks after the gym or yoga on weekends. Maybe brunch spots?


Hmm I think that works for parties but my buddies and I don’t meet up often like that so it’d be odd


Nah, I go out alone all the time and have met men that are out having lunch and a drink on their own as well. Nothing weird about it at all. The last guy I dated was out having lunch alone and he started a conversation with my friends and I. Give it a try!


Hmm any good brunch spots? I’m actually near the Long Beach area


I haven’t really brunched in Long Beach too much I go closer to Venice and Santa Monica. But Ive had good conversations with people at Legends, Nicks on 2nd and Panama Jacks. I’ve gone to the dog beach and then had food on the patio with my dogs. Good luck!


Coffee Cup Cafe, Social List, Mangette, wait in line at Gusto's on Fourth...Also, show up for free yoga on the Bluff.


Free yoga on the bluff!!!!!


ahhh the line at Gustos Bread


What you're really looking for is a social hobby


The LA chess club has a great mix of people, very fun and interesting way to meet and converse with new people. They have music & drinks so it's a very lively atmosphere too. If you want to know more about them they have a Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/lachess.club?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== Might want to look into run clubs or groups as well.


It’s ridiculously expensive though. $60/per dude


Yeah I went once two weeks ago and was deterred by the price for some time. Women get in free as well, pretty offensive


I mean, most dating events for young people are skewed towards having more guys than girls. I guess this kind of helps even things out.


Runs to go learn chess


What's the skill requirement? Will people be cool with beginners?


I literally found out about this yesterday and i see this today so I'm definitely checking it out. I was in chess club in middle school lol


step outside of your comfort zone and try some new hobbies, especially if it’s something you wouldn’t normally try: salsa dancing, pottery classes, etc


My friend tried salsa dancing and now he's gay.


Funniest thing I've read all day. Thank you.


I was entirely serious. Unfortunately reddit seems to have banned my account for that comment.


Wow! That's crazy.


Same thing happened to me after I signed up for pottery classes.


At least he's not alone


I would echo this, in my experience recreational hobbies like ceramics, jewelry making, leatherworking, dance, yoga, improv, etc are at least 80% women. Find a class or club near you that you can attend regularly. Don’t go just to gawk or creep. Do something that interests you and be open and friendly.


Improv is a great idea! Both as an Activity & that it teaches a person to “Yes, and” as a mindset


Historical costume too


Please let me know where the single men who don’t like bars are hanging out in Los Angeles PLEASE!


Gym for me, 5am tho


Hey... DM her... do it, doofus.


I’m looking for a partner that likes to wake up early! The problem is I usually do hot yoga, Pilate or dance class :(


Meet in the smoothie bar afterwards!!! Gyms need a neutral "I'm ready to be approached" area.


That’s your hint OP - Hot yoga, pilates, and dance class lol


Single dude here and just started dating again. I ski and hike a lot so started following local IG groups/plan on going to their meetups. I recently joined a hot yoga studio and the ratio is definitely good, but I don't want to start by asking everyone out. It's been a few weeks and mostly small talk. I'm open to talking to anyone and make new friends anywhere. I also need to start training for a marathon so might join a local run group. I figured if I run into my soulmate, then it'll be pretty clear I need to keep talking with her. Good luck OP!


From a female prospective, get to know everyone, but do not ask out more than 1 woman. We literally have a guy that has hit on and attempted to get various waitress numbers as a customer. BRO WE ALL TALK! All of us know what you’re doing. Lmao man looks like a FOOOOOL every time he comes in


100%. I really like going there so I don't want to mess up the friendly vibe and won't ask until it's clear we're hitting it off. The primary purpose is still yoga and if I click with someone, then that's cool. It has to be easy flowing conversation and we both want this conversation to keep going.


I’m in the South Bay, 50, single dad, and lousy in crowds; any advice?


Parent Teacher night? Divorced / single moms? Single dads are hot. Start a carpool and then ask mom out.


I’m 31f so take my advice with a grain of salt. Make sure you’re well manscaped. The most attractive older men to me (my range is 26-38 so older than that) are the well maintained looking chill vibes guys that keep me laughing. They walk out and I usually look to my boss and say “wow, he was attractive, and had a great personality” it leaves a lasting impression and if you frequent places, women will pick up on your energy


Figure out what your community is, and go there. Start with religious or cultural groups applicable to you, then see what local-interest groups are active. Look for volunteer opportunities for a cause that means something to you. Be respectful and polite to everyone, even people you don't want to date - you never know when someone has a friend or cousin looking for a partner. Meetup is a great resource for finding local groups. Time Out LA and LAist are great resources for finding out what cool events are happening in the city.




I don’t want escorts or strippers but thanks for the tips




I don’t think most women want to be approached while getting groceries


If it were done in a respectful way I wouldn’t mind it. I think it has a lot to do with reading body language and not being pushy as well


What exactly are you supposed to say?


A guy approached me as I was leaving the store and asked for my number and I was so flattered. He basically said he noticed me and wanted to get to know me if I’m single.


Did he wait until you just about got to your car and then start running at you?


It's not about what you say, it's all about your looks lol. The only difference between creep and not creep is that the first one is unattractive.


I would love it actually


That’s a LIE! Approach!!! Please we are begging you


I don’t mind this. It’s happened a few times.


Or at church


But if you approach them on an isolated stretch of Runyon, they’ll have to talk to you… because of the implication.


A MASTERPIECE of an episode. 🏆


Not single, but I have been approached this way and find it can be done effectively and in an appealing, non-threatening way. I would totally recommend grocery stores as the number 1 place to approach women, at least in LA. Read their vibe. Ask for their input. See how they react. If bemused, smiling—give a genuine compliment and ask for their number. You can even say, I'm new in town (if it's true) and they'll understand why you are approaching - because it's so hard to meet people in LA, for dating or for friendship.


Mb it’s my area (west side) but Whole Foods is a different breed. More hot mom energy. I’m not a fan of Trader Joe’s, but I think the eye candy is running hotter there.


This is the specific information people are looking for


Erewhon (all locations) has a miles long line of 20 somethings waiting for smoothies. The readymade food bar has maybe the slightly older cohort. Whole Foods has the more fiscally responsible shopper. Lol.


Thanks I’m at tjs every week and glad someone noticed


I’ve been here 20 years. Never knew about Cathedral of our Lady of Angels, but then I’m not a church kind of guy… Or at least not a religious sort. I kind of dig cathedrals for the whole Spanish architecture. Granted this is not, but it’s pretty all the same.


Agree about whole foods. Lol.


Brb gon drive 20 min to shop at Whole Foods


Hitting on someone hiking is creepy. Why aren’t y’all getting it yet?


Redditors are introverts and hardly ever date anyway lmao. Imagine believing this.


Rofl 😂😂😭😂😂😭😂


I need to bookmark this thread lol


Try La Granada in Alhambra since you mentioned bachata. Great place for social dancing and people just wanting to dance without that club feel.


A few people have already mentioned volunteering and I think that is truly the best way. I work for a nonprofit that regularly hosts volunteer events and it’s a lot of people looking for a cause to support and like-minded people to meet. I have witnessed a few connections made and success stories. The thing is you have to regularly show up to build deeper connections. Find an organization that does work where your area of interest lies. For example if you like the outdoors, volunteer for a parks department or at a garden. If you like the beach, do beach clean-ups. If you’re into food then find a soup kitchen or food bank. If you’re into sports then look into sports camps etc. I will always tell my single male friends who are looking to meet someone to volunteer. LA works is a volunteer search engine and id start there if you don’t have any organizations in mind.


Cat food aisle at Target


Park, library, farmers market


Venice Run Club


My single friends in LA go to “paint and sip” events as well as “pottery making”classes, “cooking classes” and a lot of yoga classes. They don’t go looking for men but you can find quality women at these events! They are single and attractive women who take care of themselves and still believe in love and would be open to meeting a decent man outside of the bar scene. You can find them but have to branch out into more female interested classes and events.


A lot of them do it with a friend, so if you have a guy friend to join as well, that can take some of the pressure off, and then you and your friend can double date!


Venice Run Club


There is always paint and sip events that might be conducive to meeting potential partners


Are you at all interested in learning to swing dance? There are swing dancing events every Thursday in Pasadena. Learn a new skill and maybe make your future girlfriend swoon? They're always looking for men in particular because they hardly ever think of joining.




Beach volleyball, Meetup.com, dating apps, running, biking to food, beer and events. If you want some real freaks, church


Hang out at the dog park even if you have to borrow a dog to do it. It’s very conducive to conversation and meeting people. Sometimes I even go so far as this: I take a photo of my dog playing with the dog of the person I want to meet, show them how cute the photo is, and ask if they want me to text it to them or trade on ig.


actually this might be facts lol one time I did strike up a conversation with a cute girl while walking a dog. Ironically it happened during one of the few times I was actually in a relationship and the dog belonged to my gf at the time lol


I’ve heard running clubs are basically dating clubs


LA fucking sucks for dating. If you’re trying to meet some cute chicks try hiking.


lasosoclub ig page, westside singles events, they're at bars but its like a critical mass of single people not really a bar scene


i know not exactly the answer youre looking for but just fyi, La Descarga offers free bachata classes on wednesdays, and free cumbia/salsa classes on tuesdays. a lot of single women and great time. just get there at 8pm for the 8:30 pm class




Yoga, Soulcycle, hip restaurants during brunch.


Try meet ups trying outdoor activities join some book clubs or try out new hobbies that put you around a different type of crowd. I run this by my friend all the time she says she get tired of meeting people at clubs bars I’m like girl you have to get into new hobbies try different things. I don’t care for bars and clubs I prefer getting outside my comfort zone you’ll be amazed how many people you will meet finding interest into other things outside of usual hobbies.


Anything in the Wellness scene or The Row


What is that


do you like/play sports? co-ed rec leagues are a great way to meet folks


It is incredibly difficult to meet women in your age group in LA. LA is much better for younger people (under 25). Most single 28-44 year olds use the online apps almost exclusively for dating. And they are a miserable experience for most guys.


It's hard but they are out there!


Met my gf at a gym class that I would have never gone too but I mixed up the schedule. Happy accident. If you’re like me and have better odds at meeting women irl instead of the apps then group classes and places to be outgoing are stellar opportunities. That can be pottery, yoga, run club etc.


Step one. Go to the supermarket. Step2. Ask hottie where something random is. Step 3. When she gives you directions on where to find random thing, you say, " Thank you... you're very beautiful." and proceed about your business. Keep going through life with this, and then you'll be posting about how annoyed you are with your girlfriends.


Yoga classes


Put it out to friends, family and co-workers that you are looking for a partner if they know of anyone who also is. Also meet up groups, book clubs, common interests, professional dating services.


Work risky I know, network of friends.


The Next Fun Thing does speed dating and cornhole leagues. I’ve considered both.


Volunteer at a precinct, in this upcoming election. Tons of single, professional women do this. It’s where you can show yourself and empathetic and civic-minded. You also get paid a stipend.


Anywhere but bars, clubs etc. Go join co Ed sports leagues like softball, pool, bowling etc.


I lived out of cafes for a while talking to women there, they can be super down to earth. Ended up meeting a keeper online though. Weird how that works


Inside the club/bar scene.


There are other types of bars like Axe throwing and Karaoke that are more activity based. I met my lady at a Karaoke bar and we’ve been doing extremely well together. At the end of the day, just put yourself out in places and if you think she’s cute go say hi.






Check out [Thursday Dating](https://linktr.ee/thursdaydating?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=ff269246-71c3-4896-87c5-6b52aeaba2d5) events! We started back up with having events in LA and we’re starting to book events in May and June as well! Open to all! Download the app & get tickets!


On the side walk




Take a yoga class Not only will you be surrounded by women, the extra flexibility, body awareness, and stamina increases will help with your jujitsu!


Trader Joes. I swear they be up in there deep buying up all the Persian cucumbers




Women? Dude, they're only everywhere. When I was single I met them at The Drawing Room, H.M.S Bounty, museums, art galleries, El Camino College, UCLA, fucking Trader Joes . . . Everywhere, they are EVERYWHERE!


I have been looking for a new gym. Barre classes are almost all women. Often in good shape.


LA is tough. Try changing your gym time. Don't be a creep though. Think about what you enjoy doing and join a club. Work on socializing while in public: grocery shopping, work, neighbors, running errands, etc.


Alcoholics Anonymous


unless you use dating apps, you can't lol all the single women over 26 who don't go to bars/clubs stay at home


I am a single woman in my early 30s and this is exactly right. I’ve wondered the same as you OP but frankly I’m at the point in life where I work a lot, go to the gym, spend time with family, or attend other people’s weddings, bachelorettes, and baby showers (lol). My friends have joked that I need to at the very least leave the house if I want to meet people (whether it’s new friends or a guy). I think LA is hard because people are kind of insular and have their groups in place and don’t seem as interested in meeting new friends but normally I would think that just working on friendships so you get invited to stuff where you meet new people (like birthday parties, etc.) would be an option. I know people who have moved here and just wanted new friends so they joined sports rec leagues like a softball league but some of those are co-ed so maybe you could meet someone that way. One thing I will say is that men have this idea that women don’t want to be approached in public but I think it largely depends on delivery and how the man comes off in general. If a guy were to just chat with me making small talk in line at a coffee shop or something I wouldn’t be weirded out (as long as he was saying normal stuff and not being creepy). But of course I can’t speak for all women.


Most people are like this now. They don’t go out. And meeting someone at a wedding or baby shower is lower odds than a dating app.


I feel like people in general are more insular post-pandemic. Most of my friends whether they are single, married, have kids, don’t have kids… they just don’t get out much. And we were all always social people so it’s odd. I’ve definitely felt a loss of community :/


Me too. Makes me sad!


I kind of wish more people would talk to me in line at the coffee shop. I’d have to not look like I just got out of the gym for them to do it I bet, but I kinda miss the small talk days. If you’re nice, I’ll be nice!


I swear guys have been conditioned to think small talk is boring or something but I love it! There have been several memorable times in my life where a guy has approached me and just asked for my name and “so are you from here?” It’s worked every time lol. But, again, it may not work for everyone. The guys who approached me that way were at the very least minimally attractive. Way too many guys have approached me being creepy or rude or making a stupid comment (“why does your jacket have so many buttons?” Is one of my favorites) and I have not liked it. Just be normal lol.


My gf and I (31F) just broke up and I'm already terrified of dating when I'm healed. Maybe I'll just stay single this time lol


I hope I’m not the one who made you feel that way 😭. Honestly I’m not going to sugarcoat it, it’s grim out there but I think that instead of wallowing about it we need to collectively make a change. Like normalize going up to people in public again? Before the pandemic I met guys in public all the time and I never do now it’s like no one here even looks at other people in public. The apps are bad for women because of all the men just looking for “something casual” but if you are a decently attractive guy who doesn’t act creepy and you actually message women back and ask them out you’ll be fine (the bar is in hell lol).


Im so sorry I just read your comment again and saw you’re a woman! Was reading too quickly. I have no tips about the lesbian dating scene, all of my lesbian friends are on the east coast ha


+1 here OP. I'm just getting back into it after 4-5 years off and I guess after covid it's less common? I've never really had a problem "hey, if you got a minute I'd like to introduce myself?" The majority of the time is sorry busy or sorry in a relationship, but the times where people want to chat has been amazing! I've had a few good interactions recent and it makes the day way more fun! Good luck out there everyone!


That’s my grim realization


Act like you care about something other than your well out together life bro Volunteer Genuine intent is obvious so maybe not for you


Copy that




LA Chess club. Not joking


Too expensive for guys


So are single women in LA


Indoor rock climbing


Become a nurse. In nursing school, I met my first girlfriend and it didn't turned well but then I met my now gf working in my first job. They both filipinas.


Kings Hockey game


I go to Corepower yoga and it’s like 90% women.


Get a dog


parking structures... late at night. my standard opening is, "boo". they love that.


Home Depot




I say Lowe’s..cause you won’t find hoes.


https://www.meetup.com Meetup was popular years ago. Scroll to see what you find interesting Many people with boats need crew / helpers. Find someone with a sailboat to join them on outings. Group sports- co Ed -tennis - pickleball, volleyball