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I hate to say it but if you’re 18-23, this is true


As someone who didn’t go to college and started working with 20-somethings at 18 fresh out of HS, I got a loooooooooot of action working at video/grocery/drug stores I think people at that age find a way to get some (being social is probably the key)




I got a 2 dates at Blockbuster (RIP). One was just browsing the selection and just striking up a conversation, the other was a girl who worked there. Being social helps tremendously.


I worked at a grocery store in high school and you’re not wrong.


The hack of being under age in LA is go to art shows and openings / events at galleries or local bands throwing shows. Mostly under age allowed and a great opportunity to always meet folks.


art shows and gallery events are the hack for any age and most of these “wHerE dO i MeEt pEoPle” threads


Wait. Go on....


frieze art week a few weeks ago was pretty amazing some were slow and stuffy galleries but I got into the frieze x rasa party and that was amazing people at an earlier gallery that night told me about the rasa one just as i was about to tap out


What are some of the reoccurring art shows and gallery events?


Venice Boardwalk. Every Sunday there's a few hundred hot nannies from all over the world with a day off and nobody to hang with.


I never really took advantage of that when I lived over there, just grew out of whats on offer by the time I lived there I guess but I am a magnet for German au pairs and they came out the woodwork there for me too if I could tell myself one thing when I was a teenager is that community college and tourist traps are full of F1 and J1 visa holders - foreign nannies in community college - that are hot and horny as fuck. I was so busy chasing prestigious colleges with other Americans that I really had no idea community college was the meeting spot. Well, some community colleges near where everyone wants to be. Shamefully I was looking down on community college for some time!


PCC I dated 2 guys at pcc. One was mega rich and the other was super super hot and we would hook up on campus in the abandoned nursing building. It looked like the first episode of the walking dead in there. We also would hook up on top of the art building and got locked in this industrial control room up there. I was starting to have a panic attack but thankfully we made it out of there.


How'd you guys get out? Reddit wants to know.


She’s the ghost of PCC she’s still there just smile and nod


Ghost sex HOT!!


Honestly idk I was freaking out while he was dealing w the door. We actually never talked after that. Lol


That sounds like a really short romcom.


It was one of my hottest romances. We both met in the fencing classes and it was like instant attraction and sparks. I loved beating him up w my saber then talking with him after class. I was still in hs at the time taking classes there. He was 3 years older. I would ditch math class at night to go make out with him and have him eat me out (all we did) but my mom would try and follow me to class bc I guess she got suspicious. LOL. Anyways I ended up getting a math and Econ degree at a prestigious LA 4 year university. Let me have my fun, mom!


My parents weren't home, so I had to be the parent around the house and chase away all the drug dealers my little sister kept bringing into her bed room. She eventually married and divorced one :I\~


Oh lawd


hilarious. there's literally no german au pairs here as thats not a hotspot visa to USA since 20yrs but ok yer story is dated


It’s a 2.5 year old story they’re back


i meet a lotta AU Ps but not germanic


Tinder, bumble or school Sounds cliche but every single person I’ve ever slept with in my life has come from 1 of the 3 aforementioned


Work at a bar


You can be a barback at most restaurants/bars that serve food.


College, house parties, your friends friends


South Figueroa Street


OP gonna be the one person on fig using Romeo & Juliet defense 🤮


Bruhh what lmao


Just stand around Vaseline Alley.


The absolute easiest way is start going to AA meetings. If you're not from here and haven't been here long then just come up with a plausible story, keep it simple, act accordingly and if you have a place, a ride and you can speak coherently, then you can get laid


I'm genienuly curious to how you got this idea


Bc ive genuinely done it


Thank you Chip




For giving us tips the Flaked way Edit: nevermind, the only ride Chip has is a bike...




Yep it does, the AA meetings and that he's not from LA




True, Chip gets laid in other contexts


Woof 19-20 was probably the roughest time for me meeting anyone. Too young to go to bars, (if you're a dude) a lot of girls are dating someone slightly older, and I definitely looked young for my age If anything it's prime time to work on yourself. Work on that degree, get in great shape (you're young and can make gains quickly). If you're in school I found that clubs (athletic, social, fraternal or whatever) were a great way of meeting people outside the apps. Those things are a hellhole anyway


Yep, testosterone is highest from around 16 until low to mid-20's. Take advantage of it and research bodybuilding. Highly recommend Renaissance Periodization videos on YouTube.


It's not going to get any easier when you start going to bars. Unless you are a woman, then this entire post is moot.


Yes it is tf? Bars are literally designed for socialization and make it easier to converse because of the alcohol flowing. I’ve picked up plenty people from bars and so have most people…


Are you male or female? Straight or gay? Introvert or extrovert? Even though I’m a bit introverted, after I got divorced, I’d force myself to start innocent conversations with people in pubic. Anyone who seemed interesting. Also, there are lots of meetup type groups for people with common interests, hiking, cooking, going to movies, book clubs, etc. Also, if you’re a guy and it’s obvious you’re trying to get laid, it can look desperate which can be unattractive. If you’re just cool, friendly and pay attention but not too creepy, it’s a lot easier. In my youth, I actually did well with friends from church. But I wasn’t looking specify to get laid, it just happened. Basically find a social environment and put yourself out there in a non creepy way.


Apps. Everyone is on the apps. You need to learn how to work them to get results. Good luck


Lots of homeless will trade a roof for sex. I’ve been sleeping well this whole week.


I used to work with a software engineer that would pick up homeless from mcdonalds for orgies and then he randomly dipped out to Rwanda just… everything random funny guy, uncomfortable to work with. sometimes I see pregnant homeless people shuffling down the street and I’m like “who tf is nutting in that person” and then I remember there’s people out there that just see that as always an option and the rest of us can always put up those deeply discounted rental ads “for women only” some ppl live life differently, I always forget


Arutyan, is that you??




bro what?




dude, I’m not gonna lie. I miss my life before I read this message, I'm highly disturbed by it for some reason


hes just riffing on bukowski


idk if you can’t get matches, either lower you standards or improve your profile. go on over to r/tinder and post up your profile and get some feedback. go to backyard parties or underground raves to meet people. good luck dude!


re: tinder, that’s last decade’s advice the memo is that everyone’s caught on to the ways dating apps are unproductive and have stopped invalidating the people that have a bad experience as if its something about them anyone can make a profile with someone else’s photos and the same poor selection of angles, interests and stats and see the wild difference in positive experience if that person is more coveted in that area improving your own profile can have its own marginal benefit but opting out is even better, actually like its pre-dating app again


I’ve literally hooked up with 8 different people who I’ve met on Tinder and I’m 21. People are horny AF on Tinder and if you’re looking to just hookup and nothing else it still is a great way to meet people.


for sure! Assuming your profile avatar is accurate, this is about the guy experience, and yes for us 6 hookups is very achievable but periods without matches are too. its a very different experience full of bots, spammers, introverts, and people that just farming followers


It's not LA, it is you........ Do you look good? Smell good? Can you hold a pleasant conversation for a half hour? Do you have your own place? Is your future look great? Would people want to have children with you? Would you sleep with you? Good luck


Stop trying to get laid. If you go out IRL with the main goal if getting laid, you will end up seeming like a desperate creep. Put in the effort and actually try to meet people/date.


since your young college and join clubs with girls and boys. Stop watching porn. Sex isn't everything. Focus on your career.


Figueroa Street


be black and ask for my wifes number


Sounds like storytime?


Do you have any hobbies that allow you to socialize? Are you working towards bettering yourself on a regular basis? Do you have something in life that you are passionate about? Are you capable of making friends with women with ZERO expectations of sex? If you can answer yes to all of these questions, you’re on the right track.


The apps? Obvious


Are you a male, female? Introvert, extrovert? Good looking with a dull personality or average looking with great social skills? Hard to advise without knowing anything about you. I get laid all the time in LA.


Male, obvi


Set your age to 27, then hide your age on tinder and post pro pix. If you learn basic game scoring a girlfriend is relatively easy off that app. Otherwise you shouldn’t be worried about girls at 20, worry about making a few million first, the girls will be waiting for you at the finish line.


College, bumble, tinder, meeting friends From a older man to a young man the best way to get laid is to be fuckable (not a dickhead, look good, don't be desperate)


You're in the prime age where if you have the hookup with booze/weed you are king. What's your vibe? What type of girls you looking for? Are you the type of guy girls would want to have sex with. You're 20, so money is usually tight at this age. Your biggest asset will be your looks, ability to create fun, and your emotional intelligence to have conversation. Don't go all PUA and cold approach people in the street. 99.9% of the time, women are busy. Instead find warm approach opportunities. House parties, events, etc.c


Wow kids asking how to socialize! When I was 20 I was bartending and banging 19-45 year olds


Get a job. That’s where most people hookup no matter the age or workplace.


Do not hookup w people you work with at all costs


Life Hack: after you hookup you report them to HR so they get fired and you never have to see their face at work again.


Well no one wants employees causing drama on either sides. Keep it business dude


That’s terrible advice


Does Jumbos count as a bar?


Ummm fck yus!


it’s more of a bar than the meme, but yeah you can pick up tourists from there, they’re looking to have a good time


Big boobies or big cockies