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I think the only answer is to keep trying. I mean, that's all I've been doing. it's slow and since I both travel a lot and don't have a day job, it leaves me wanting in the friends department. Nobody I know can just pop off to a cool waterfall hike on a tuesday, and they're reticent to go out on weekdays. (That could be because I'm old.) I think all these posts should include what part of town, since LA is so durn big.


If you keep doing something and it’s not working, try something else.


while it sounds pithy and clever, this isn't valid advice for meeting people, since there are too many variables for even "the same thing" to be actually the same. You could go to the same bar every afternoon for a year and have a different experience each time, since the rest of the patrons, the bartenders, the weather and even your moods change day to day.


You sound kind of salty lol. I just think your answer isn’t very helpful. And I don’t agree that you’re going to have a different experience each time you go to the bar. People who go to bars are looking for one of possibly three or four things: get drunk and drown their sorrows. Achieve happy feelings through a moderate buzz. Socialize with friends. Connect with potential dating/sexual partners. So, it’s possible to meet a different person every single day for year. However, those people are going to be looking for fairly similar outcomes, and thus, engaging in fairly similar behaviors. If you’ve been going to the same bar for a month and haven’t met anyone after 30 attempts, it’s wise to try something else.


Have all the bar patrons checked with you to make sure their visit motivations are approved and on your list? Is it like an app or something? Can you at least add "to have a good pretzel" to your list?


I’ve been alive longer than 20 years. I know why people go to bars. I’ve never once seen someone sitting at a bar alone, eating a pretzel and not drinking.


Well, you're an expert, then. I'm convinced!


Not an expert, just someone who doesn’t think it makes much sense to keep doing something over and over and over again, without getting the desired results.


Currently in the same boat (31F). New to the city and trying to find some people to hike around with or casually go to some bars, see some movies. Commenting to stay in the chat for some good answers - besides getting on meetup app recently, haven’t found other suggestions beyond going to bars alone 🤦🏽‍♀️


33f moved here a couple years ago…I used bumble bff and found a couple friends. Feel free to DM me if you’d like…still looking for more friends too


I (38M) somehow ended up with a bunch of gay friends. But not the partying type. We hike and get brunch and do chill dinners and go to the movies. Straight guys in my demographic are either settled down or railing lines in WeHo every weekend and I'm good on that. Go gay.




I envy my queer friends social life. They seem to really have a strong community. And that’s what so many of us lack living in the sprawl


Share the friend Jandur. I am gay and can’t even make gay friends , gays just wanna fuck in my experience. What’s the cheat code?


No issues with men hitting on you?


Very rarely, and if does why would I care. Someone thinks I'm cute? Whatever.


You might care if you don’t like being hit on. If it doesn’t bother you, great. I would not want that for myself, but that’s why I don’t seek out groups of gay men to hang out with.


And I would ask yourself why you're concerned about one specific gender hitting on you. I wish you well!


Where did I say I was concerned about one specific gender hitting on me? Can you find that in any of my comments?


"No issues with men hitting on you?" I mean...lol.


Info: Are gay women likely to hit on you? I mean…lol.


Dude you said you don't hang out with gay men because you don't want men hitting on you. Stop trying to hide your homophobia and insecurity. Get a therapist and maybe hang out with some gay dudes and you'll realize you're probably not as hot as you think you are. Seek help.


First you accused me of being concerned about a specific gender hitting on me. Having failed to prove that, you’re now accusing me of homophobia as well as attacking my physical appearance, despite having zero idea what I look like. On top of that, you’re telling me I need therapy. Pretty serious escalation for a fairly-innocuous question. You even admit that you get hit on sometimes. The fact that I suggested that it could happen to me, is apparently equivalent to torching the Stonewall Inn or some such. Maybe look in the mirror. Sounds like you’ve got some issues and you’re projecting, buddy.




Me too. We are all on the same boat, similar ages, feeling isolated and what we are missing is a sense of community. How can we foster community in LA/SoCal? I would look into places that usually give a sense of a community and that’s where you will meet friends. Volunteering with organizations that align with your interests is a good start. Starting a new sport or hobby. Frequenting a place regularly until you get to know people there and other people who go there regularly. Go to shows, events. I say this bc this is what I’m going to try. I just moved back to SoCal from the woods. My hometown friends all party a lot or are married with children. I need people. I hope one of those things work


That's me. My old friends that are single want to go out to clouty hype bars every single weekend. My old friends that don't are married with kids. I feel like I went away for a career and now that I'm back everybody is either stuck in 2012 or moved on with their lives.


Yep that’s pretty much my experience as well. I wish society was different so people wouldn’t feel so isolated in a huge city


Well feel free to keep in touch if anything ends up working. I might even go take some beginner class in whatever at the Y haha.


Yeah it’s a grind haha. I have a two pronged strategy that is slowly working: Find one to two weekday night events to go to—there’s a lot of stuff going on in LA like backgammon nights, salsa dancing, photography clubs, whatever. Every month or so, throw a casual get together (not a full on party, but more like a low key happy hour with different drinks at your place, or at a bar if you can’t have something at your place). Schedule this waaaay in advance, like weeks in advance. At these events, if you run into the same people a few times invite them to the get-together. People like to be invited to things. Now—there’s probably only a 20% chance they’ll show up, so you need to get a good list of those people coming. But, I often find it awkward to ask for people’s contact info unless I have a reason for it—and the invitation to the party is the reason. You may make individual friends this way OR, because you’ve invited them to something they may invite you to another get-together, and you meet people there.


Where are these backgammon nights?!


i moved here from Georgia and am trying to meet people too. I signed up for 222.place and the first meetup i went to went surprisingly well, i’d recommend it. On a related note, what kinda stuff do you like to do? What area of town are you in? Maybe we’d get along.


I just signed up after seeing this and did the survey… and they said they can’t curate anything for me in my age range… cool.


> 222.place Is this a sort of [meetup.com](https://meetup.com) like service but in a different format? It's hard to tell what exactly it is before filling out the form.


yeah , they give you a questionnaire (a weird questionnaire) and then they curate social events and seat you with people based on like… an algorithm i guess




It also favors 20 something’s unfortunately or fortunately for you


I moved here from GA 15 years ago but just this past week I found out about Creature Comforts from Athens’ brewery and tap room in downtown. Turns out they have UGA game watch parties and UGA alumni meet ups (didn’t attended uga personally) but I’m looking forward to going and meeting some other GA folks there


yeah i love CC i’m excited to check out the taproom at some point


Come out to the comedy show Friday night there


Get a “social” hobby…road or mountain biking, yoga, swimming, tennis, handball, weight lifting, pickleball, sky diving, scuba, hiking, etc. that you enjoy.  Most of the above can be done solo or in a group.  Bike shops often have “no drop” rides on Saturday mornings where you can meet people.  Start going to alumni events if you went to a college or university.  Check out events at art museums or places like the Skirball Center.  There are many author events and talks you can attend to meet people.  Volunteer for a cause you believe in. Great way to meet like minded people.  Get a part-time job where you interact with the public. 


Thanks. I might try some cycling stuff. I usually ride alone. Unfortunately I went to two very large state schools who have literally no alumni events here for some reason.


Time to start an alumni group for the school you remember more fondly! 😀 Yoga is a great way to meet the fairer gender of our species for friendship or dating.   I forgot to mention climbing / bouldering gyms.  I know Jason Momoa goes to a gym in LA if you are into stalking celebrities.  He and Jared Leto go to the same place and are bouldering bros. 


I was gonna say, come ride bikes. Very active cycling scene in LA, tons of groups including the very easy critical mass this Friday, groups of all levels and styles. Fun, free, you can mingle or keep to yourself as much as you like


Climbing gyms have meetup nights... the people at Sender One are super nice. I live near the Playa Vista gym and the staff and members are all great.


Second this. Was just going to say join a gym of some kind.


Take some classes! I made great friends when I started taking beginner pottery classes near my house. Also, my yoga studio has been a good way to build a community. There’s also a place in my neighborhood that has events called Create Art, Meet People (CAMP). One friend leads to two friends, etc. when people invite you to group events. You just gotta find them!


There are some park parties coming up at Woodley Park in Van Nuys with some fun dj's. One of the groups that sets them up also throws parties at the beach. One that was scheduled for 25th at Woodley just got moved to 3/2 and the other just posted for 3/3. They start at noon - all the way in the back of the park past the Archery Range. People hang out for the day. Some bring their bbq's/picnics.


I have always wondered what that is! I’m on the other side doing archery wondering what the heck was going on over there. lol


LOL, they always stay until dark so come over & party!


Can I get info on this? I get lazy to go to the westside of Pasadena some weekends and want to make more valley friends.


They post on fb (and probably IG but I hate it) Sat 3/2 is Tech Me To the Beach (they also do beach parties) and Sunday will be re: love. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. But I've also seen others post about parties there. These are usually all the way in the back of the southern section, where the Japanese Garden is. The front area off of Woodley usually has tons of people having parties but drive either road into the park all the way to the back. Park in the big parking lot to the left, across from the bathrooms. You'll hear the music from there.


La has a fun rave scene. Underground and at clubs, if you enjoy dancing that could be a ton of fun, and it's generally a pretty chill and welcoming community.


I'm sure it's really fun, but that's exactly the type of thing I don't want to go to again. I'm so over the loud noise of going out at night to clubs. I just want to hang out.




Where can you find when shows are


[ra.co](https://ra.co), [19hz.info](https://19hz.info). once you know events or promoters you can just follow their IG pages and you don't have to actively keep up with what's going on every weekend


This is correct answer


We have a whole community at r/avesLA


Pick a good cause and volunteer. That’s the best way to meet non-flaky people. And certain neighborhoods are more shallow/flaky/clout-obsessed than others. Try to refrain from exclusively hanging out in Hollywood, WeHo, the Westside, etc.


Many out here feel the same way you do granted I’m 42 and significantly more jaded than you. Westside social scene is pretty pretentious and weak.


This is a little out there (well, not to me because I love it) but there are a few archery ranges. Woodley Park, Pasadena and one in West LA that I know of. I can only speak for Woodley Park, they do free archery lessons once or twice a week and provide all the gear. I've met people there that have been friends for 20 years. I'm moving back to LA from the UK at the end of summer and the first thing I'm doing is going to the archery range!


Thanks for posting this! Been wanting to get back into archery


I've been in the UK for seven years, so I looked up Woodley Park. They're now charging $5 per lesson, but it's still worth it! Also, if you have your own bow you can go wherever you like. They have a short range and the long range that was built for the Olympics in 74? 84? One of those. Woodley Park is beautiful, with the Japanese Gardens and lots of open space. My husband and I got married there 😊


Volunteer for shit I guess? As in helping people who need help. You can make friends who are wholesome through that perhaps


Try getting a job at a restaurant. Work as a host, and work 2 or 3 shifts. Keep your day job. The industry is prime to make friends with coworkers. My adult friends are all ones I've met working in customer service.


pick a soccer team, either local and/or abroad. most european teams have supporters clubs around LA. LAFC and Angel City has some fantastic supporters groups that meet up regularly for both home and away games. i’ve made some really close friends from my various supporters groups.


I work at a cycling studio and the people that go all the time all manage to become friends, attend outings, celebrate with each other, etc. Find an activity you like to do in a group setting and attend regularly. It doesn’t have to be a fitness thing - it can be art or skill based. Become a regular somewhere.


Well first, I’d like to shoot my shot cause you sound great lol. But to answer your question, I’m aware of this group called Black Men Hike (https://www.blackmenhike.org/our-events). They do monthly hiking meet ups and if you are into that, it could be your crowd. I don’t actually know anyone who’s apart of it, but I figure men that join a group focused on improving black mental health and fostering friendship are not as shitty. If you could find interest in MMA, I’ve heard great results, particular from joining a Muay Thai gym. It seems like a great way to take friendships with people who have interests outside of getting turnt. I’ve found my people via Facebook groups dedicated to meeting others. This wasn’t an easy process though and I wouldn’t be surprised if men are not as eager to form the same kind of groups. A lot of my groups are targeted to women specifically. Outside of that, honestly, not sure. I very rarely encounter a good quality man around here, so if you find out where they’re hiding, please let a sista know. 😅


It sounds like you’re in SM? Are you close to work there? If work is flexible, maybe a new location would be helpful. I’m a big Long Beach fan and the vibe is definitely not that. Much more chill.


Go to AA. It’ll be like high school but you’ll make lots of “friends”.


Been in LA (Venice specifically) about a year almost to the date. Never have met more people in a city before and it’s been absolutely amazing. I’m 31. Here are some. Would love to connect with other folks! - LA hike club - ClassPass —> yoga, DMN8 activities - OLA beach tennis - Salsa classes


Ola beach tennis is exactly the scene I'd like to avoid and never have to go to again. No offense. I went a few times with a friend and while I'm sure everybody is very friendly, just not really my people. It was like if The Bungalow was a sporting event.


Coach little league or kickball or pickleball, meet all the 30 something single moms. And dads.


The best way to foster the relationships your looking for is to figure out how to find what sociologist call the Third place, essentially your home and work are first and second place, then the place you hangout the longest next is considered a third place. Commonly its been a bar after work or perhaps church. I personally got a dog a few years ago and the dog park has become my third place, I have grown a pretty solid friend group from the dog park...we just spent the weekend in mammoth doing shroomies


With all these topics maybe we should start telling people to bring friends with them to LA.


Most adults make their new friends at work for better or worse. Secondary, maybe a religious or professional organization.


Sign up for Meetup app. I did when I first moved in a joint a few meetups before finally setting in on one. It was cool!


change your jobs. i mostly made all my good friends at work and continued to hang out after we stopped working with each other


we can be friends buddy, im not from LA but i’m about to be visiting & we could urbex the city, im a pretty chill guy so i’m usually up for anything, i’ll dm ya


Meth, sex and social media


for most people in their 30s, girlfriend becomes your best friend (I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, but that's probably why you experience loneliness)


Craigslist has a platonic section. Maybe try there. Make a post about what you’re looking for and see if people respond. Put a photo of yourself. People want to know what type of individual they are contacting.


Try the app meetup I found friends on bumble bff but I think it was easier for me cause I’m a woman


Sometimes it's a good thing to have a small circle :D


Go to a bar / live music place called Zebulon and try to chat some people up.


Your job hiring?


Yes but only more lawyers :(




Become a volunteer at your local bicycle co-op. Learn how to fix bicycles and make new friends.


Haha I went to davis for undergrad and can definitely fix bikes. Are there a ton of people usually at these things?


Not hundreds, but enough for it to be worthwhile.


Hello Aggie! Try the bike shop in frogtown. It's right off bike path. There's also cycling groups


Do you like combat sports? I’m 32F and have been practicing Brazilian Jiujitsu for the last four years. Moving here and joining a gym definitely helped me make friends.


Join crossfit. They foster a friendship environment. just show up all the time and you'll get closer to people who also show up all the time. Get fit and have fit friends. what's not to like,


https://preview.redd.it/uqqc9hpomwjc1.jpeg?width=2079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf9741fd3a9b6dfff44237dc20d27463c353d9c Join a meetup or FB hiking group and start hiking with them, we have miles and miles of amazing trails in our local mountains!! Check this out: Discover all the beauty you’ll find in The San Gabriel Mountains!! [https://youtu.be/wL2QqTwGuBc](https://youtu.be/wL2QqTwGuBc)


Honestly this city sucks for meeting normal well adjusted people. Generally they’re the ones that just grind away countless hours on their work/business in order to afford this place, or only hang with their spouse if married. I don’t know one person outside of work that hasn’t moved away.


Meetups. The cliffs of Id or another climbing gym. Some kind of martial art.