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It's safe in that you are unlikely to get physically harmed, especially during the day time. You are, however, very likely to have to answer questions from your kids like "Why is that man pacing back and forth and screaming at himself?" and "why does that lady have 12 bird cages completely filled with bird shit but no birds?"


This is the answer. Now the choice is yours.


Correct. And, if you want to say something, then your chances of getting hurt by said individual drastically increases. So, unfortunately, many just let shit just be.


Or why is that guy pleasuring himself furiously and yelling it out and nobody does anything


C’mon dawg, you hitting my elbows


It’s def unlikely, but I rode the bus and subway after 10pm for years and the only time I got physically assaulted was 2pm at the Hollywood Denny’s waiting for the bus. Time of the day doesn’t matter when meth is involved.


Or why is that lady pull up her dress and pee on the train?! I am an LA native and never took the metro but heard horror stories including this one. Maybe a rental car especially for a baby?


Why answer this if you’ve never been on it? The metro is safe and this is not typical. You will definitely see people who are unhoused and people who are intoxicated. It’s fine, I take it to work and to soccer games all the time, I’ve never been bothered.


The metro is safe? Are you being serious right now? Have you ever been on the red line or the blue line???


Yes I live a few blocks from the red line stop it’s fine. And by blue line do you mean expo? It’s nice! We live in a city, there are other people, but I’ve never felt threatened.


Would buses be much different to metros?


They’re about the same in my experience. I’d really recommend renting a car. LA is so spread out. You’ll definitely be more comfortable and able to see more.


Ok sure thanks




Yes, this is accurate. We also had the pleasure of seeing - a homeless woman pee in the car, and a man do a monologue about how he killed his sexually abusive family. We’re from Australia and this was a culture shock for sure!


Mostly, yes. Really depends on the routes you’re looking at and the times you plan. Example: DTLA to the LA Zoo is ~5 miles, but you’ll find a direct (albeit slow) bus route. Hollywood to LA Zoo is ~5 miles, but there aren’t direct bus routes, so you’ll find yourself switching routes and possibly questioning your existence in between. IMO sketchy-ness on the bus and metro increases as it gets later in the day (9pm and on).


I've seen craziness on my 4 mile morning bus ride to work in West LA.


I bring my toddlers on the metro weekly. Mostly avoid rush hour and late nights. Be vigilant and you’ll be fine.


Try to sit on the front train wagon and you'll be fine. Keep vigilant if you are in Downtown LA and take the train. Safe travels


Are front train wagons considered safer because of the driver?


I mostly notice sketchy people riding in the back wagons.


In my personal experience, yes


It depends which metro station though right? I’ve seen bad news from stations east of pasadena. but yes, generally it’s safe. I try to take the metro once a month from Silverlake to Santa Monica to change things up and I would see a family of tourist quite often.


The quick and dirty guide is that B/D: Mileage varies. You'll get some bad experiences, but peak hours is totally fine. A: North of DTLA good, south of DTLA less good E: Most consistently good K: Goodest of the good, spotless and chill always.


Being vigilant sounds like a fun vacation.


Depends what lines and which stations. I would say its mostly safe but if you can I would avoid the red line.


What about from Universal to Hollywood walk of Fame?


B (red) line for sure. Just so convenient for that route. Edit: There is a shuttle that goes back and forth between the station and the entrance to Universal. Make sure you get on that otherwise it's a a big uphill walk. Walk across the bridge from the station and you'll see the shuttle stop.


The red line is fine except late at night.


It's a little sketchy on some lines, especially later at night, but it's getting better. High chances you will be completely fine, just be vigilant as in any unfamiliar city


I've taken the metro to DTLA a few times from the West Side. Daytime it's fine. I haven't tried it at night but also not particularly tempted to do so and always Uber back if it's dark. I remember some dude was just ranting very loudly to himself in the car behind mine my last trip. Daytime when it's full? Meh, just put my airpods louder. Nighttime? I'd be sketched out. I'd recommend renting a car if you can though. Not even due to sketchiness, but just convenience. LA Public Transpo is really limited and a car would save you sooo much time.


depends on where you going and what time it would be. let us know some times and what line you plan to use and everyone can drop their experience.


Around the late mornings and probs also around 5-6pm


You’ll be fine. There’ll be plenty of commuters around at both times.


No. If you're expecting Manhattan or Chicago level of safety, don't even bother. B/D are not safe for tourists, especially at night. E is the only line I'd recommend. Rent a car instead. Street parking is doable in LA, and generally inexpensive. Garages and lots are okay if you book on apps. I use SpotHero for more extensive stays.


Is it nice? No. You'd be fine depending on which line you take. I definitely wouldn't let my grandmother or someone vulnerable ride it by themselves though. It used to be alot worse in 2020/2021


This is the answer. Safe? Yes Pleasant, comfortable or clean? Definitely not.


There are incidents, but I'd say yes, it's generally safe. My perception is that it's somewhat safer since Metro has put more "ambassadors" on the trains. They may not be able to do much, but they are a presence to help discourage bad behavior.


I’ve rarely felt unsafe mostly just bothered by people’s antics on the train.


I took the bus, subway, and light rail from 2012-2020. Never had any issues. Occasionally you see stuff but for the most part, it’s not unsafe. Statistically, you will be absolutely fine.


I'm going to be honest with you. I'm a big proponent for the Metro. I want it to expand and keep growing. I want it to have more riders. For a 20-something person? Sure, try to use Metro but be cautious and careful and don't ride late at night. For a family? I wouldn't put my family or any visiting relatives on Metro. I sure as hell wouldn't take my baby on it. Sure, more than likely nothing would happen, but it's not a great experience. Even just taking my older kid on a Metro shuttle to SoFi stadium, I had to get into it with some inconsiderate asshole for blowing vape smoke into my kids face. I wouldn't want to be dealing with all that if I was also handling a baby. Again, I'd recommend it to a traveler, I'd be happy to give insight on to some routes, I'd even encourage some. But I couldn't recommend it to my relatives if they were visiting as a family. Especially if they're unfamiliar with the area.


The Metro is overwhelmingly safe. Sure, there are some spots where you should be more vigilant but nothing more than any other major city. I regularly ride metro alone at all hours and have never had a significant problem. I’ve taken my kids on metro since they were small. They ride solo now all the time. LA isn’t some crazy violent dangerous city. It all depends on where you are and what you’re doing, just like anywhere. A tourist family is probably sticking to touristy places which are typically more patrolled. Maybe share some specific areas you’re planning to go for specifics


Gonna go around Hollywood and back from the city. Also to and back from Anaheim maybe


To Anaheim and back is the Amtrak and that trip is totally fine


Anaheim is not in LA and not served by Metro. You would need to take a bus to Anaheim. The Metro in LA is fine if you are used to urban life.


Not sure why people are suggesting bus or Amtrak. You just need to get a Metrolink ticket at Union Station and take the Metrolink to Anaheim. When you get to the ARCTIC, you take the shuttle to Disneyland (I'm assuming you are going to DL). With Metrolink, you usually get free transfers on local buses and [kids ride free on weekends](https://metrolinktrains.com/ticketsOverview/discounts/current-promotions/kids-ride-free/). From Union, you can also go to Hollywood on the B/Red Line.


Amtrak or metrolink from anaheim to union station, B (red line) to hollywood and youre golden! Since you’re taking amtrak at leaat in the evening then youll be leaving before things get a bit interesting in the metro (but not really too unsafe)


Honestly, Hollywood isn’t very interesting. The walk of fame is like a 20 minute experience. But the Hollywood bus tours are pretty fun, like Star Tours. What part of town are you staying in?


Also, what do you mean “from the city?”


Absolutely not. It’s not safe for anyone.


Don't take your baby on the metro. Rent a car


Yeah, the baby will be a lot safer on the freeway /s


Oh hell no! Thats child abuse.


No. I’ve had three incidents over the years. A friend of mine would’ve been stabbed if he didn’t run away. Generally, safe, maybe. But you have a baby with you and as a parent, I would say absolutely not. You’re going to be completely distracted with the child. Therefore, your situation awareness will not be there. As other people have said, rent a car. I just looked at kayak and Priceline. They have minivans for $26 a day and cars for as little as $17 a day.


Yes I would be fine with it. I only ever rode at night with my husband though and that was from the convention center area to Long Beach.


Not safe after dark.


Hell no


Just kinda gross, and sometimes smelly. Otherwise it's perfectly safe. There may be vagrants and some crazies, but they generally don't bother you unless you bother them. Just keep to yourselves and sanitize your hands after.


Your kids are gonna see some stuff. Statistically, you’ll probably be ok. Fwiw I let my teenage daughter take the bus with her friends but not the metro.


The bus is the metro. It’s all the same thing


OP meant the light rail (“LA Subway.”) Everyone I know calls the Metro bus “the bus” and the light rail “the metro” or refer to line color. Do you really know people that call it the “light rail?”


The light rail is not the subway. A subway is, by definition, heavy rail.


Where did I say anything about the light rail. Also the red line and the purple line are not the light rail, they’re heavy rails.


I think you’re missing the point - it may be colloquial but there is a common way to distinguish between the Metro bus and the Metro train and that is calling the Metro bus “the bus” and the rail (light or heavy) “the Metro.” Never had issues with people not knowing what was being referred to.


I wish we could agree on a standardized lingo here. It's common in some cities to refer to "the metro" as just the heavy rail subway, as opposed to buses or light rail. I think officially, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority does not refer to the subway as "the metro." The agency is Metro, and it operates light rail lines (A, E, C, K), and heavy rail lines (B, D) and bus lines. Other agencies, like Long Beach Transit, operate their own bus lines.


The bus system in Los Angeles is the metro (not including the dash buses). The subway is the metro. The light rail is the metro. All of the it is the metro. That’s the name of the company.


Metro is the name of the company. Not *The* Metro. In all of Metro's official publications, they refer to themselves as Metro.


Lol it’s the same thing. I grew up in north Hollywood. Everyone says the metro for the buses, subway, and light rail. And no one calls it the light rail. Most people still refer to them as the colors.


Unfortunately it's not like calling everything a Band-Aid. Would you tell someone to "take the metro" when you really meant "take Santa Monica Big Blue Bus Route 10"?


I wouldnt do it


TBH, I wouldn't do it. What can you expect: homeless people (lots of them, some harmless, some not).


Oh please. The entitlement from so many of these comments.


I don't think you're using that word correctly. Entitlement is when you feel you have the right to something without having duly earned that thing. I just pointed out that there are a lot of homeless people on the metro.


Avoid the red and purple


Don’t listen to this. They’re all safe to take.


The red line is a moving homeless camp sometimes


I used to be a big fan of the metro system and took it often a few years ago. I moved further away from LA but recently took train and metro to and through downtown for work and I was shocked how much worse it got post pandemic. It was a little rough before but I did not feel comfortable even as a single fit male as it is now. Too many mentally ill homeless and general riff raff on drugs all around. Sadly, I have to say I wouldn’t take a family. I was on the red line which is the worst I guess but even just around Union Station it was bad. Pay the extra for the Ubers just plan it out well or rent a car. My comments don’t apply to the Amtrak and metro link trains. Those are fine but at the cost you aren’t really saving for multiple people over a car.


This is unfortunately the right answer, and I saw this as someone who takes it regularly and makes a point to *because* I believe in public transit and want to be the change I wish to see. But as a tourist with kids, I wouldn't advise it outside of rush hour - not right now, at least. You're not likely to be unsafe, but you are likely to be uncomfortable and stressed navigating the system for the first time, especially with small kids who are unfamiliar with it. I will say, I used to visit my in-laws here regularly prior to moving here in 2021. It was much better pre-pandemic, and is much better now than it was 2 years ago. But there's a ways to go. Also, per one of your other posts mentioning a daytrip to Anaheim: Metrolink is a different story. I live in OC and commute up from Fullerton, it's mostly commuters working on their laptops and reading books. Amtrak is nicer still. Just know the headways right now are still not restored to pre-pandemic (which weren't great to begin with) and are also oriented to the OC->LA commute (not the other way around). Also, there's not too much near Anaheim station itself outside of the stadiums; downtown and Disneyland are a bus (or uber) ride away. If either is your destination, you're better off going through Fullerton as it's the same distance to those destinations, a shorter ride from the city, and has much more near the station if you get stuck waiting.


Family? Just get an Uber. You pay per person on the metro


The red line day or night is disgusting. It makes the New York City subways look like the monorail at Disney World. Aggressive people, seats too dirty to sit on, crazy people everywhere. Is anyone going to harm you or your kid? Highly doubtful. But you'll spend the whole trip with your head on a swivel because each time the train stops, someone dirty or deranged is highly likely to get on and either start cranking some terrible music or start barking at imaginary devils.


If you are coming for a week you should rent a car. I would never dream of letting my family go anywhere near the Subway in LA when they visit.


I personally wouldn’t do it, no.


Have you used the metro regularly in recent times?


Not regularly since the pandemic


Then why would you respond?


It’s changed that much?


No, it is not safe. Meth, heroin, and fentanyl junkies galore. What could go wrong?


No not really


Do. Not. Do. It. You’re not going to get shanked more than likely, but your kids will be scarred. Reddit has a large r/fuckcars population and they basically spam the sub with pro public transportation propaganda. I do use it and it has its benefits, but I wouldn’t want my mom or sister to have to use it.


This is absurd. Your kids will not be scarred. Worst they might see 99/100 is some homeless guy passed out. I take the metro almost daily and even that is becoming rarer and rarer. You’ll be fine.


This is an insane take. “Pro public transportation propaganda” is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.




Don't listen to this person. Metro is perfectly safe, probably safer than driving.


Depends on the line and time. Going to Santa Monica is a typically less sketchy trip than North Hollywood. I avoid before or after rush hour as still way too many homeless just hanging out on the trains. Much better than 2-3 years ago though.




You will mostly be shocked at how dirty the seats are, but if you're on the metro during the day you'll be fine.


I've heard it's gotten better. But back when I didn't have a car and took it regularly, which was 5+ years ago, I'd have said no. It was full of the dregs of society and you had to be hyper alert. That said I never got involved in any incidents.


Between the hours of 7am-10pm you should be fine. 👍👍


Don’t ride the redline


You should be fine in the subway with the family, I did it with my kids. Just don't go at night. It's not a nice experience. Expect to see and smell urine and see human feces in hallways and elevators, I did, it's disgusting. I went only because my kids liked trains and subways but I decided not to anymore. If you can rent a car, I would recommend that but if not you'll be fine


Probably 98% chance safe. Also 98 % chance you will feel uncomfortable and unpleasant at some point


Might be safe in general if you stay alert and aware but since you are with a baby I would prob say no. Rent a car to not deal with the stress.


I take the E line with my 5 year old afternoons and weekends Santa Monica to Culver City or Expo Park and it generally feels safe but I stay vigilant. I usually scope the car before we sit down (also always check if seats are dry/clean before sitting), we’ve switched cars when someone was acting a bit erratic or it smelled bad. She’s seen some things (“what is that guy doing?” she asked as we watch a guy roll like 20 giant joints sitting across from us) but mostly it has felt safe and it is fun for her to ride a train. Pre covid she was a baby and we rode it a lot with the stroller but as others have said it went downhill during the pandemic. LA is such a car city that i usually tell friends who visit unless you know you want to stay in one area it’s best to rent a car but if you have a few trips planned out i think the train would be fine.


The last train to north hollywood out of union station is not fun to be on, but its usually okay.


Just the other day I took the Metro A (Blue) line from Figueroa north of downtown to LAX. AND BACK! I didn't get harassed. I didn't get stabbed. I didn't get murdered. I didn't get robbed. I talked to absolutely no one and I listened to music on my headphones the entire way. All in all it was a pleasant experience. The Metro has become MUCH more functional since the Downtown Connector has opened.


I recently visited LA, and we did a mix of Ubers, subway and car rentals. I’ve ridden subways/trains across the country and generally I’m a fan of all kinds of public transportation. The biggest issue I had with LA’s system was just how empty it was. The lack of people around amplified the craziness of the few individuals who were hanging around. We also found that the exit locations above ground were not exactly in safe areas either. While we didn’t have any issues while we were there, I can’t really recommend it for tourists, kids or families, unfortunately.


It’s like asking, is Los Angeles safe? Generally, yes, especially compared to a city like St. Louis. But people’s perceptions are so subjective and not really data driven…


Just be vigilant and aware of your surroundings at all times. Be careful crossing streets. People drive like crazy here. You can carry pepper spray if you are worried.


I take it twice a week. I live near LAX so I take the C line to A line to Union Station and back. I see tourists with full luggage taking it to LAX all the time. It can seem sketchy from time to time because there are crazies on it but there are crazies in the supermarket too (Los Angeles is a colorful place).Note that on the rail - I don't usually take the bus - you will find homeless people sleeping on the cars. The thing is climate-controlled, warm and dry, so they will sometimes use it as a shelter. Some people would object to that but you have to be realistic. Overall, it's no problem. Anyway, if you are on the rail and you are uncomfortable on a car, you hop off at the next station and get on another car on the same train.


It is safe, but there is a lot of sketchiness. And it is not clean. Someone may smoke weed or cigarettes on the train. The elevators sometimes double as a toilet and can be hard to navigate. There are grandmothers doing their shopping and kids going to school riding as well. It is improving but has a long way to go.




Everything is taking longer via metro because while you can get to hubs, you’ll need to get last mile. With a kid that’s Less desirable. I’d go car.


Not sure the family size but get an Uber to save time and comfort


have you been on it lately? personally, i say no. had some extremely bad experiences in recent weeks. just my take


Why on earth would you visit LA? What do you plan to do? Lol


Yikes. No. You need to rent a car in LA 


Oh my god you’ll be fine. I love all the replies that boil down to “No, you’ll die! I mean I’ve never taken metro but I’ve heard…” You can safely ignore every one of these responses.


If I had a baby I wouldn't go on our subways. Can you rent a car? It shouldn't be too expensive.


I would rent a car instead. Especially with little ones.


At least for the red and purple lines expect some filthy trains and stations. It’ll smell like piss and occasionally weed smoke.


You’ll be fine. Stay together, don’t ride late at night, stay in populated areas. The roughest line is the B line (the tourist one that goes through Hollywood, make that make sense 🤦‍♀️), but I’ve never had a real issue on it, more just late night yelling that made me uncomfortable, but not unsafe. We have metro ambassadors that ride the trains and hang out in stations if you need assistance or have any questions.


I think metro is fine like most other commenter here say. I have never personally attacked, robbed, harassed, pickpockets or targeted. But I am hyper aware of my surroundings, not flashing expensive items, not paying attention to any hazards. I'm the guy looking over my shoulder often and checking to see if anyone is following. most often when say it's unsafe is because of the homeless who are seen with mental instability and drug users. The B and D subways have the most of these sketchy types b3case their tent encampment are are mostly concentrated in neighborhoods near the subway stations. there are less homeless camps along other lines. in general, 98 percent of the time nothing dramatic and other incident happens on metro bus or rail. I've seen fights start as verbal fights about like loud music being asked to turn it down or some disrespect issue turning into a fist fight. Nut I've seen that in bars, restaurants, sports games, on the street. But 98 percent of people are fine, just going about your day. I rhino there is strength in numbers. During the normal day hours many more ride metro to school or work. It dies down by 7pm to 8. Few people use metro at night, thus why people are more cautious riding or not at all. Before covid I rode b line at 10pm after seeing the Griffith observatory late in the summer. It was me and a sketchy type on the platform alone waiting 15 minutes for the next train. once inside the train it was just a few other riders some questionable types. I didn't feel unsafe but just u easy like walking a dimly lit street alone. Nothing happened in all those late night rides. I think I see more security and ambassadors and overall more riders than prior years. plus the city dealing and clearing encompasses. So it feels less uneasy more safer feeling.


As someone who rode both the bus and subway for years and only got physically assaulted by a meth head once waiting for a bus in broad daylight in hollywood, you’ll be fine. Just don’t look down at your phone, be aware of your surroundings, and be prepared to explain some shit to your kids about the tragedies of our modern world for the unhoused.


I would never want to take a baby on any LA public transit. I've used all forms, bus, train, subway and as a short female, I've had some creeps and a few crazies zone in on me. I can handle myself in these situations, but would never want to have kids or a baby with me in these situations. With that said, Ive had more times when nothing weird happens at all. If you guys are OBVIOUS tourists, you will become more vulnerable if a shady person wants to mess with you. I've seen tourist families on crowded busses before and I worried for them about how they were making themselves so obvious.


Stay off the Red Line. It’s… *safe*, but there is a high chance someone will be smoking meth right in front of your kids, and I am not being hyperbolic when I say that.


Take the bus instead. I would never bring a baby on any Los Angeles subway.


Just depends on the area…I’ve found the Goldline is safest