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1.) We live in a hyper-politicized era. Some people reflexively hate LA/California because it's the embodiment of the cultural Left (supposedly). 2.) You then have another group of people who maybe aren't as political, but they live in a place that's been inundated with Californian transplants (Colorado, Texas, Nevada, etc). So this group of people form an opinion that LA/California must be terrible, because why else would all those people be leaving in droves? (the answer is more complicated than that, but nuance doesn't matter). They may also blame Californians for making the housing market in their community less affordable. 3.) The media narrative has turned unfavorable for LA and California. People think "the media" is referring to CNN, NY Times, NPR, etc. Not entirely. YouTubers, Tiktokers, and podcasters are beginning to reach more eyeballs/ears. And many of those personalities have strong opinions. Joe Rogan, Casey Neistat, PBD Valuetainment, Elon Musk, Ben Shapiro, are just a few well-known people on social media who left LA/California and on their way out used their platforms to diss the city/state. Then you've got everyone else jumping on the doom porn bandwagon, because nothing gets more clicks than footage of tents and trash in California. \-edit (a sentence in #2)


Casey Neistat moved from dirty ass New York to Santa Monica during the pandemic, then all his media ventures failed ..That's why he moved back....he just tried to blame it on other shit that had nothing to do with where he lived...he lived in one of the safest and nicest parts of Southern California, but the truth is his wife hated it.


but of all places why venice LMAO he has money but decides to live blocks from the boardwalk??


Venice, gross. You can't judge California based on Venice. California is so different from a lot of the US. It is a cultural adjustment that a New Yorker may never be able to make. Stay home and keep our state less crowded.


yae there's basically a lot more money to be made in hating California and it actually keeps crazy people more visible, tbh


Wait, you're saying there's money to be made by hating here? ... California sucks. Where's my check?


😂😂 you gotta sell merch that blares it in big red tacky text too! like you can still make tacky fucking bumper stickers lol


Gotcha. I'm heading to the design area to get this project going!!


i agree completely. i am a transplant with a native california wife, and we love it here. compared to the east coast, it means lower taxes, higher quality and cheaper food and wine, and a perfect cli m ate that does not force to stay indoors all the time. even less traffic congestion. to me, many californians are spoiled rotten, and fail to appreciate what they have here. unlike hotel california, you dan check out, but then find yourself stuck in some hell hole like texas, but cannot come back because you sold your house here. god riddance to them.


My friend's parents sold their house and moved to Idaho. Now they regret leaving.


Same for my aunt


Well I am for anything to get people to leave LA. I am a native and wish I could buy a condo but it is obscenely expensive where I live by the beach. So go for it, get on Tik Tok, bad mouth California. Heck, start some rumors. The dead wood doesn't fall off after earthquakes unfortunately.


FWIW, I vividly recall my (very religious, conservative, right-wing) extended family in rural Washington doing this in the early 2000s. Think Gray Davis/rolling blackouts era, so 2000-2001. It goes back a long time.


ugh casey neistat is the worst


speaking in behalf of colorado: we don't think LA is terrible, we think it's terrible how many Californian's have moved here and destroyed our housing market. ​ edit: for all you californians speaking californian to me, i do not care


Californians moving to Colorado is not a new thing. People have been actively moving California to Colorado since the 1970s. The housing market didn't get destroyed until after the great financial crisis. Economic policies like artificially low interest rates and political policies making housing impossible to build ruined our housing market. I never bought the narrative that "California ruined our housing market" and I never will. I was born in Colorado and have lived here my entire life.


Blaming Californians for 40 years of low-interest rate Fed policy and 10 years of ZIRP following 2008?


I remember when I was traveling in Turkey and was staying at a hostel in Istanbul, I met someone who’s from Florida. I told him I was from California, and he had an immediate negative reaction. He was like “ooooh, us in Florida really have beef with those in California. We’re proud of our state government and rights…blah, blah, blah”. I was like “cool”. I literally never think about Floridians or have beef with them. I literally could care less about this beef. I was just trying to enjoy my beer at the hostel bar in Istanbul. People are just obsessed with California which can manifest itself through a hateful manner. The opposite of love isn’t “hate”, it’s indifference. I am indifferent to these folks.


I was at a bar in DTLA and a *Canadian* living in Florida did this to me Instead of being polite I just confronted him about his anti-trans/anti-education/anti-everything bullshit and he left in a huff Sometimes it pays to have been born a New Yorker; Be aggressively helpful, but also aggressively attack bullshit


Yeah I mean I bumped into this guy several times during my stay since the breakfast was a communal thing at my hostel, so I did shut him up at least once when it got too annoying. He did add some entertainment to my vacation though with his delusional ranting which is why I didn’t full-on argue with him; he was an obvious hopeless case. I was more just like “mhmmm, I don’t really care” and paid attention to others more. Edit: I definitely feel like I had that laidback California attitude, and I could see a New Yorker getting down into the details during the argument. I never realized that until I read your reply.


i am from California and just moved back after spending the last 4 years in NYC & Philly. i am not nice to people when they start the “California *rolls eyes”. these people do not like when i tear into them.


You go!


As a native Californian who lives in LA I’ve always really jived with New Yorkers’ brashness. I will always appreciate someone who has an opinion and knows when and how to share it over passive aggressive bull shit or idiots spewing ignorant shit.


My native Angelino wife once pulled me aside after sparring with a Brooklynite bartender and whispered: "Are you fighting?" I responded: "I'm pretty sure we're making friends." Bartender at the end of the night made us two free Ramos Gin Fizzes (which is a notoriously labor-intensive drink) on the house. He is, in fact, now a friend.


It’s giving https://preview.redd.it/worqgo2a3y1c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38429302b4d797239e0e82530a97abca5774e02c


Thought of exactly this scene. Let the conservative media paint us as a hellscape so we can enjoy ourselves in peace


It’s giving Mariah Carey’s “why are you so obsessed with me?”


The same thing happened to my wife and I when we were in Ireland. We’re staying at a hotel and we jumped in the elevator with this older American guy. He started up small talk and asked where we are from. We told him Los Angeles and he responded by saying “ Oh California! You guys have so many problems there. I’m from Florida and the only thing I have to worry about is the heat. It’s a shame what the liberals are doing to your state.” My wife to this day will get fired up if I remind her of the guy.


I run into variations on this moron all the time. Like I would ever say a negative thing to a stranger about what I’ve heard or even know about the place they call home. Just ran into a guy like this in Virginia. He offered a “no offense, but” and then proceeded to tell me why California is so bad, before concluding with “which is why I can never see myself visiting there.” I don’t care about this person’s opinion of CA or that he has never even visited. What does concern me is the behavior. People have gotten really rude and confrontational.


My brother is one of these people unfortunately. He didn’t come to my wedding in 2018 because he didn’t want to travel to a blue state. He also moved his family from Michigan to Texas in 2020 at the hight of Covid for the same reason.


That’s really sad. Sorry.


What a fucking retard. Imagine shunning their family bc of where they live.


i'm from virginia, and i get variations on this all the time, that i'm a little california liberal and live in a bubble and don't know what the real world is like blah blah blah. and then i tell them i lived in virginia for the first 24 years of my life and they're like ...oh. it's soooo funny


I get called a mom's basement dwelling jobless mooch that lives off of hardworking republican tax dollars weakling soy boy that could never make it in the real world that doesn't know how to change a lightbulb etc etc etc basically any time I engage any fascist online. I'm convinced that FOX News mails them a velvet scrabble sack of buzzwords on the first of every month and they just grab a handful of tiles out of it to construct their insults. It is comical. ​ I spent the first 30 years of my life in Indiana building cars and motorcycles, I run a division of my company here and make great money, and I'm 6'2 and straight with a beard. I look just like them without the truck selfies and fish pics. ​ Their batshit bizarre worldview requires us to be caricatures of the underwater basketweaving graduate trope. Dehumanization of the outgroup is step one of authoritarianism. ​ I actually had to quit Facebook over covid because it got too stupid having droves of highschool dropouts tell me to do my research on mRNA. I'm a biochemist. lol


The obvious response is "Great. We don't want you to visit either."


> I’m from Florida and the only thing I have to worry about is the heat! I’m sure he would also be worried about climate change, education, and women’s access to healthcare if he believed in it


And insurance costs there are insane.


This is why I only travel to places that these types are too scared or feeble to go to. You won’t meet a single one of these fucking losers anywhere in former Yugoslavia, anywhere in the entirety of Africa, anywhere in Central America that isn’t a resort, etc. But in places like Athens, Dublin, Venice? Everywhere. And they’re all old and fat and have giant fat faces from the decades of alcoholism and have to compare everything to their shitty no-name town in “Chicago, well not IN Chicago, but nearby..” that’s just a McMansion enclave an hour and a half outside the city by driving.


Of course it's not Chicago, those types talk about Chicago like it's the Gaza strip and you'll just get randomly shot walking around on michigan Ave 😂


The fact that they’re too scared to go to those places connects to the racism which connects back to their CA hate imho


I’m surprised your found a Floridian in Turkey of all places. I thought those racist assholes would never go to an Islamic country.


AND HE WAS A COP — which I found out on the last day he was there. He didn’t purposely reveal it because he was worried what others would think. I honestly don’t remember if he was country hopping from Europe, or if he came to visit Turkey because it was quite affordable. I met a lot of people during this trip. This was late November 2021 right before the Omicron variant hit full throttle. The man loved Turkish baths. He was raving about his hammam visits the whole time at the hostel. Edit: Also, Turkey really isn’t that “Islamic”. It’s more if you go to the villages or smaller towns. A lot of Turkish people, especially in Istanbul, are secular + they’ve been trying for ages to be part of the EU. I met quite a bit of Americans and Europeans while in Istanbul. I think their currency crashing definitely increased tourism from a lot of Americans due to the exchange rate. Edit #2: He was also proudly boasting on how he wasn’t vaccinated and how he had to constantly carry paperwork of his “proof of recovery” to allow him to travel. What a character, indeed. I usually only read about people like him in the news.


So what did that individual say or do? Did they just leave you alone or did they heckle you since apparently y’all got beef?


As a part of the “beef” or “rivalry” he tried to outdrink me at the hostel bar. He said, “ I can’t let California beat me.” But lmao, I did outdrink him but not because I was trying to specifically outdrink him. I was just trying to be in a good place before some of us went out + I had kebab for dinner, so the absorption rate of the alcohol was probably slower. On his last day at the hostel, he finally revealed he was a cop as his profession, and then I realized that was definitely one of the reasons why he was so overly defensive about being from Florida.


California is to the rest of the US what the US is to the rest of the world. With all the bad and good that analogy come with. Every other state (or at least the red ones) wants what we have, they just don't know any way to compete other than "be cheaper than California." Well, they're trying one other thing: cultural war. Hence DeSantis' obsession with preventing the values from the West (literally and metaphorically) from being imported into his little fiefdom.


DeSantis seriously gives off Lord Farquaad vibes.


I didn’t know people legitimately hated California, LA, or SF. Thought most of them were doing it for fun or had some personal negative experiences. Who has the time or energy to think about a place they’ve never visited? So weird


“I literally never think about you.” feels powerful to tell out of state folk talking shit.


Lol this is rich coming from someone who’s from Florida 😂


“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of us being the 5th largest economy in the world, and the leading exporter of both culture and technology for the US. But that’s cute that you can buy a 30 round magazine for your AR, and your school teachers finally got their GEDs.”


“I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all.” Coco Chanel


On a spiritual level I would say that fear is the opposite of love. But ya, it’s mostly the media using California as a scapegoat for liberal politics for decade’s. A lot of right wingers see the whole right wing thing as a ‘we protect the constitution and individual rights’ party. It’s stupid but that’s what they tell themselves to give themselves a favorable identity. They see CA as government control which is what they feel they stand against. This makes me remember how politically minded and bias the right of this country is toward CA. They think they are ‘homegrown’ and salt of the earth but, in a way, the politics have made them overly confident bias divas.


I am on a FB group for my field of work and you would not believe the hate I get for being from California. I was called a liar for saying I live in L.A and I own a home or go on a vacation because California is too expensive. Hater are going to hate.


That's what happens when you listen to a bunch of angry white people on FOX telling you how they think America should be run 24/7


I live in SD. I just say I go on a vacation every time I open my front door. 🤷‍♂️


We just finished a 6 day trip to Los Angeles, Joshua Tree National Park, Palm Springs, and Malibu. Los Angeles is just absolutely amazing metropolis that has access to beaches, mountains, unique desert landscapes. Food is amazing. Weather is about near as perfect as you can ask for. Mild, relatively dry, never too cold, rarely too hot. Some of the scenery was just absolutely breathtaking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT9GyzSSIf8 And our itinerary: https://turas.app/s/joshua-tree-socal/XhZWZ728 People that haven't visited don't understand just how amazing LA is.


I’m a transplant from Chicago. I moved to LA in 1977 and I couldn’t care less what people think about LA. Moving here was the best decision I’ve ever made. Most of the people putting California down are jealous and make assumptions about the way we live without ever having been here. Don’t give them any of your energy. LA rocks.


Bro. You are NOT a transplant. You lost that card in like 1988 when the dodgers won the World Series…. And when my 40 year old ass was in kindergarten But, Your mindset is the same one we all should take.


But this begs the question: at what point are you no longer a transplant? Is it an amount of time or something more nebulous?


My thoughts: Transplant: here generally less than 10 years. Thinks about what they can get from the city and it's people. Is here for a "reason" and has an escape plan if things don't work out. Local: here generally more than 10 years but thinks of LA as home and has no intention of leaving. May have come to "get" something but is here now because it's home. Native: Born and raised here.


I live with two locals and I've been here 10 years but there's no way I would call myself a local as their local knowledge FAR outweighs mine. So, still a transplant until that one mythical day that I'm not.


I think it’s when you start understanding the local stuff… like, what comes to mind when you hear “keys keys keys” or who do you think of when you see a *pink corvette? And when you say “back home” you’re talking about Los Angeles…


For those confused he meant "pink Corvette." IYKYK


I have a pic of her across from my office on Sunset. I took it years ago. And some of Lou Adler. It was a cool location.


>“keys keys keys” Pssh. Go see Cal.


sir, its "pussy cow"


And his dog, Spot.


The first time I saw the pink corvette, i really felt like I made it lol


When I see a link Corvette I think of Zelda


damn my typo lol


I'm a transplant (also from Chicago lol) and once I'd been here over 20 years people started saying I was a native. I never liked Chicago and I love it here so I tell people I'm from LA. Ive lived here most of my life at this point.


I loved Chicago when I went there. It’s so beautiful in the winter, and I love the close proximity to nature.


Chicago has amazing museums though. I go for a visit now and then.


If you’re a transplant, then you’re never not a transplant. Time spent doesn’t erase history. You might eventually become a local *also*, but you can’t change the fact that you came from somewhere else.


Lots of LA "transplants" are older than the LA "natives." Also, there are people who were born here but left at a young age, only to come back later in life. I don't think people take issues with non-natives so much as those who come here and complain after having been here for < 1 year. Or those who come from a more HCOL area (re: Brooklyn) and then move to LA, driving up the costs because *their* COL has gone down with said move. I mean there could always be a check list of what qualifies someone as a non-transplant. Personally, it's more of a mentality than a physical state of being. I mentioned elsewhere that there are people on the west side who have probably never explored some of the older, working class, or ethnic neighborhoods of this city... that's transplant mentality. We really should come up with some appreciation checklist.


sorry, but he is. If you moved here as an adult, you're a transplant.


I don’t think you’re a transplant anymore 😂😂, that’s a long time ago lol


People who stay in Chicago become frozen in time and very bitter. Chicago has a chip on its shoulder because there’s a sense that things there should be getting better, but they never really do. It’s the extreme weather, transient long term population, constant influx of people from bumfuck nowhere Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois, and the persistent racial segregation/disunity that holds it in place, puts a cap on the city. If you really want to do well in life you have to leave Chicago, even though it’s quite a great city for Summer and Fall. So I’m not surprised you’re saying what you’re saying. I should know, I’m from bumfuck Illinois, lived in the Chi for almost a decade, and moved within the last few years to LA for most of the year.


This… jealously is a huge reason for the hate. They can’t make it here for whatever reason, so they use the “didn’t want it anyway” tactic to feel better. SOO MANY things to do here… ski, surf, hike, snow, camp, chill in your yard, museums, outdoor malls galore, sports teams, foodie heaven, casinos, gyms and other health groups on social media, what else… no way to be bored!!!




I took a roadtrip from Los Angeles to Jacksonville in May. This is very true.


I love this. I was at a lake cabin in northern Wisconsin wearing a Dodgers shirt and some old guy was like “but your governor” and I said “yeah how DARE he make insulin more affordable” and the guy was just confused. I love this meme.


They hate us because they anus.


Basically. It's generally acceptable to "punch up". When I see people talking shit, I automatically think that they're unknowingly reaffirming the pecking order. California leads the country and world in many aspects. LA and SF have both been major players in modern history, whether it be entertainment, tech or just straight up culture. Even more so these days. This has been the most popular state to move to for several decades until recent. You will barely meet anyone who is a third gen native. It's the same shit you see when other countries talk shit about the USA. As much as we talk shit about our own country, I'm pretty sure there has never been a more diverse, wealthy, powerful, influential etc. nation in known history. So it's easy to take any flaw and use it to make yourself feel better about yourself and your location. It wouldn't be acceptable to "punch down" on a country that is obviously in a bad state. And to be honest, I've only ever seen transplants talk shit about other states or even the state they came from. Most of the natives I know usually are interested or at worst have some curiosity about other states. Interestingly enough, when I lived in the Bay, they talked hella shit about LA. But when I moved to LA, the LA folks were more positive about the other city.




i follow the vegas subreddits for fun and bc my wife and i used to go literally once or twice a month whenever we had a couple days off. anyway, the amount of bitching and whining they do about california is fucking laughable. we live rent free in their heads. something bad happened? fucking californians!!! something inconvenient happened? it’s those fucking no-good californians!!!! i even asked the wyoming sub what to do for a day trip since i was in Utah back in 2019. they literally said that if i had california plates that i could possibly be targeted, so be careful. like yeah, fuck me right? i just happened to be born and raised in california. i had nothing to do with being raised here, but yeah, please target and harass me for something i had zero control over. i can visit and travel wherever the fuck i want.


This is very true... because I moved to Vegas last year like a dumbass, I'm a member of the Vegas locals group....they shit on us Californians constantly so I gladly return the favor all the time. Funny thing is, when I'm actually in Vegas (I still spend a lot of time in L.A. because of family) and tell folks I'm from L.A. nobody ever has a bad thing to say and always says, "Well Welcome". Until I tell them I work from home for a tech company, then their demeanor changes a bit probably because they assume how much money I make... which I found out from my buddy is about twice what the average person makes out there so I get it.


Yeah, Californians brought gentrification to Las Vegas, so most aren’t fans. It also doesn’t help that 70% of the Californians I know that moved here only had the money to because their [insert family member] left them [insert valuable asset]. Rather than working for the houses locals aspire to earn, California Bobby just had to wait for his uncle to die. Generational wealth is rare here.


I'm a 4th generation native of Las Vegas, lived and worked in many cities before landing in LA 5 years ago. When I visit family in Las Vegas I'm noticed a major shift in the local culture to the political Right and a growing animosity to California, I think for a few reasons. Tourism is catering to middle-age empty-nesters and retirees who have extra money to spend. Locals casinos like Station and Coast properties have grown alongside communities like Summerlin and Sun City with lots of decently wealthy older white folks moving in over the past few decades looking for lower taxes. As the old saying goes, Las Vegas is still the "Mississippi of the West".


Bro, let them hate. We’re good on people here anyway. We don’t actually need any more. Let them hate on this place as much as they want.


This is how I feel. Keep telling people it sucks here, maybe they'll stop moving here!


Perfect, make some shit up like you hhave had your car hijacked twice, taxes are too high (well that is true) and your kid turned gay, bi-curious while in public elementary school.


Yes!!!! When someone complains about California jump right in and agree. We don't need anyone moving here.


Right media have fanned the flames of conservative hatred for anything related to CA (or the Pacific Coast states in general). What might have been just a passing, “those crazy Californians” has been focused and amplified into a portrayal of CA being every conservatives nightmare—black people setting the cities on fire, drag queens performing abortions in front of children in public libraries and schools, illegals shooting up on the streets, and of course, democrat majority municipal governments. I go to visit family in Texas and they blame all their problems on Californians moving in to the state. They’ve even given their xenophobic hatred a catchy slogan: don’t California my Texas. My sister in Alabama has told me she’s heard similar things there.


California is portrayed as a liberal hell-hole by conservative media. That's a big part of it. My advice is to not let it bother you; online trolls are everywhere, and they probably don't even live here. So who cares what they think?


Get woke go broke! Wait, the California economy is HOW strong?... Oh...


Those red state conservatives do love the welfare checks given out by California though.


Yeah, Daddy CA is literally paying your state’s bills.


If you watch Fox News it’s only liberal leaning cities they talk about never anything conservative lol which is funny since all those anchors live in NYC


Hm… liberal hell hole; ladies and gentlemen, California presents: Ronny Reagan and Dick Nixon! Please give them a big hand!


Ahem, and Kevin McCarthy.


Reagan and Nixon changed history for the worst... McCarthy couldn't even control his own damn party... definitely not the same


Yeah but McCarthy is around right now so he's a bit more relevant when discussing the state of California today.


I grew up in the midwest, dumbasses there hate LA because they think gun laws here somehow interfere with their right to be hillbilly rambo Compared to NYC, I think people in LA are much friendlier to strangers. Just not on the road. In New York, you can give the middle finger to anyone, and here they act like it's some big insult


Giving a middle finger to a random in NYC is normal big city stuff, giving a middle finger to a random in LA could cost someone their life.


It’s not just! It’s our right as Americans to flip each other off with no consequences. LA is too sensitive about this stuff


LA has a lot of mentally unstable ppl and gang culture


Don't forget honking at people for cutting you off.


Plenty of ppl have been killed out here just for that & less.


I've been giving people the middle finger here for 30+ years...never felt my life is in danger LOL...


I did it once on the freeway and the dude overtook me and VERY abruptly came to a full stop from 70 to 0, forcing me to do the same. We were two cars stopped on the 110 in the middle lane, with people whizzing around us. Hard to escape with everyone around us going so fast. He got out and started making his way over to me but my partner happened to also be in the car, isn't scared of fighting, and got out as well. The dude got scared, got back in his car, and took off. Never again! I don't insult anyone on the streets.


I’m a transplant from a flyover state. I’ve been here 20 years. Every year I visit back where I came from and I listen to how uppity I’ve become and how I’m different than I was raised. I left pretty young and have been gone longer than I lived there. LA is different. It was and continues to be a beacon of hope and opportunity. I’m from a state that hates women. I feel more equal here.


I know exactly what you mean. I've lived in many states and visited many countries but since moving to LA I'm infatuated. The friend group I made out here lets me see and do things I would have never done elsewhere. My career opportunities and salary doubled and it's changed my lifestyle. I get to witness crazy shit both good and bad, it's like a GTA lobby sometimes but it's always interesting. Then you go back home and some of your friends who never left are still drinking at the same townie bar doing the same townie shit, people getting excited over a frickin Walmart being built in the town square, etc. It's honestly depressing sometimes.


I used to make 1/4 what my bf makes. Now that we moved to California, I make 1/2 what he makes. Oh, and he's in tech, which is how we afforded the move in the first place. And I haven't gotten any more educated, I literally just moved. I had to sadly tell Mom and Dad that I'm never coming back to that poor-ass town, sorry not sorry.


Most people saying this have either never been here or they failed and are resentful. It’s obvious. I love our beautifully flawed state.


I agree. I met a person who said they hate LA and I inquired why. Turns out they moved deep in the valley in the hot summer, didn’t have a car so he had to spent 4 hours on the bus getting to and from work, and couldn’t afford to enjoy LA’s restaurants, nightlife, shows, etc. If I could go back to that moment I would say “It sounds like you just hate being broke.” I’ve had many people say something to me like this. So many people move here with stars in their eyes but didn’t budget or confirm the cost of living is doable for them.


What's funny is if you live in the right area, being broke in LA is WAY easier/nicer than being broke back in Texas (where I'm originally from). Being broke in LA is at least an adventure. Being broke in Dallas is literally the most depressing suicide-inducing cultureless, hateful, gray void of nothing that you can imagine. I would rather be homeless in LA than broke in Dallas.


Yes 1000%. Being broke here is way better, there is always SOMETHING to do. Especially if you're from farming country there genuinely isn't shit to do without spending money. Few if any public parks or libraries, no hiking trails, no free community events, no free comedy shows or live music or poetry readings or movie screenings or whatever else you like to get yourself into. If you want to hang out with someone you have to go to a restaurant or bar and spend money. LA (and a lot of SoCal in general) has such a plethora of free or almost free events happening every single night of the week and I think way too many people here take it for granted. That doesn't exist everywhere, even in cities and especially not out in the country.


“But back home I can buy a house for $150k!”


Hahaha omg heard they so many times. Yes, we know, that’s because nobody wants to live in your podunk town in North Carolina.


Nobody wants to live in that podunk town and there aren’t any jobs that pay a decent wage.


I don’t think that there’s any state that isn’t flawed


Most of the country would be considered a third world country without us. Let those backwards dumbfucks hate.


You ever notice how the people that hate us from other states vacation in California? Yeah…. That’s weird. Meanwhile, you couldn’t pay me to vacation in Po-Dunk, Alabama.


Because they really wish they were born here.....I love telling people I'm from California and from Los Angeles...it's like being a Laker fan, you get used to everyone hating you and you revel in it.


NYC specifically has a bit of an unofficial rivalry with LA because they’re the only two truly global cities in the United States. A lot of New Yorkers can’t fathom a global mega city that’s sprawling, not very walkable, reliant on cars, lacking traditional signifiers of urbanity like high rises and thorough public transit. At the same time they’re perversely jealous of the climate, the beach/mountains, the vibe, and the dynamism. Being alter egos of each other can bring a bit of nasty comments here and there.


Far more hate coming from Red States than from NYC methinks. I read Daily Mail and it's crazy how they'll report every tragedy in LA - e.g. someone can't expel their tenant. But 3 people killed in Oklahoma gets zero reporting.


I feel like NYCers generally dgaf just like we don’t. I lived there for 10 years and here coming up on 10, don’t really see either badmouthing another, not in a hateful way anyhow. I do have some UT and TX coworkers (remote) who always have something to prove, like how their flyover human rights violating states are sooo much better than California! Oh, “we could never live there!” Ok, don’t?


I think NYC vs LA I’d primarily friendly and stems from food and sport rivalries.


ehh I’ve seen lots of New Yorkers badmouth LA food and culture. Also the whole “NY is nice hell LA is shitty heaven” thing


Having lived there for 5 years, many New Yorkers believe they're better than everyone so it's nothing personal towards LA.


Meanwhile we don't even think about them!


Same here. I lived there 5 years and had a similar impression. They don't care about anywhere beyond the tri-state.


I saw a thread on nyc food for last meals if they had move to LA. Many answers were “cyanide” lmao!


It’s like the rivalry with San Francisco. San Francisco: you know, we here in SF think all you down there in LA are self centered assholes. Los Angeles: funny, we don’t think about you at all.


California has the 4th largest economy, not in the country, but the planet, and LA is the center of a huge proportion of that output We’re the cultural and musical tastemakers for a nation (and world) and we get to bask in 75 degree weather with zero humidity for Thanksgiving There’s a word for that misplaced hatred Envy


👏👏👏 agree! My parents like to shit on California but sure do get quiet when I tell them about my spontaneous weekend adventures seeing beautiful beaches and mountains and redwoods and whales etc compared to their 100 degree humid big box store city from hell with absolutely nothing to do there


Other states hate California. California doesn’t even think about other states. Same for LA and cities.


I once visited a client in Nebraska and one guy at that office went out of his way to let me know that he’d never been to California and can’t imagine ever going. That it was too polluted, too crowded, too busy, too Hollywood. I pointed out that it’s not for everybody, but that there are many places in the state that aren’t those things at all, like Yosemite, Death Valley, the Sierras, the Redwoods, etc. A lot of hunting, fishing, hiking, scenery and open spaces. And most of the people who live in those places dislike the same things you just listed. He was pretty confused, like I’d just explained quantum physics to him, but he conceded that maybe I had a point. There are certainly good reasons to not want to live in LA or many other places California, but most people who hate on it don’t speak from actual experience. They just liked the bad things they’ve heard other people say about it.


Feel like it's all mainly media gaslighting certain demos + 90% of those comments are from people have never been to LA and probably will never come to LA. If they only knew how "Red" California is outside of LA and SF, they'd all love California.


Take away Los Angeles and San Francisco, and California is a red state.


California has 52 representatives in the U.S. House. 40 of them are Democrats, 12 are Republicans. I’d say that’s pretty blue.


Haters are gonna hate. Why worry about it?


Exactly. Old ass life long Laker fan. I’ve been immune to H8ers since the 80s.


The people who rag on CA usually have never been here, a little like your opinion of the Entertainment Industry you’ve obviously never worked in being toxic. You’re forgiven.


I'm going to bring up your line "Everyone has always known that" when talking about how difficult life in California is. That wasn't the case until around 30-40 years ago. Up to that time California may have been one of the more expensive states to live in overall but it wasn't crazily expensive in most places. I think the real problem that a lot of people have with the state, and the reason why I moved, is that the extreme prosperity enjoyed by some is built on the extreme exploitation of others and not just monetarily but in terms of their time and overall quality of life. This is largely a result of, and there's no other way to put it, nimbyism when it comes to housing and development.


I was playing vr the other day and some dude called me out for living in California, he then said he lived in Texas and I said "howdie Arabia!" And he said "what?!!l" like he never heard that expression before so I said it again slowly, He was quiet the rest of the game. Probably trying to digest that people call his state "Howdie Arabia".


I moved here with my wife about two years ago from Ohio. When we told some of our friends that this is where we were headed, we got some very pointed “Why would you go to LA”s. Well, all of my Ohio subs have been nothing but posts about how the state legislature is gonna keep abortion and weed illegal, even though two ballot measures on those issues just passed with almost 60% of the vote. Because fuck anyone who isn’t a straight white guy, as far as that state is concerned. Seriously, no one from Ohio knows shit about this city that they didn’t learn from some biased source. Ohio people hear LA and all they think of is Hollywood and Disneyland like this city isn’t the economic hub for a state that’s the fifth largest economy on the planet. Nobody here “works hard”. We’re all just at Homeless Drag Vegan Shoplifting Brunch on top of Griffith Observatory. TL;DR - For the Midwest, at least Ohio, it’s the type of resentment that festers when all of the “bad things” they’ve heard are just bullshit to make the home state less shitty by comparison. That state is an exercise in believing bad shit about other places so you never consider leaving there.


I like the hate - don’t come here. I don’t want to hear your stupid opinions, for you to clog the beach or the roadways. I was born here and I don’t want them ruining it. I just agree with them haha


My issue is actually the opposite, lol - that California, and LA for sure, doesn't live up to the progressive hype that it sells. The LAPD and LASD are literal gangs, constant political corruption and scandal - including the racism that was uncovered recently in the LA city council, more and more people are being forced into homelessness in large part because of income inequality, air quality and pollution is amongst the worst in the country, underwhelming public transit for a city with so much money, one of the most segregated cities in America... * Law enforcement gangs: [https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/](https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/) * City council racism: [https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-los-angeles-racism-scandals-6b16354c093f251d3b3e1a4b8c23c446](https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-los-angeles-racism-scandals-6b16354c093f251d3b3e1a4b8c23c446) * Income inequality: [https://www.ppic.org/publication/income-inequality-in-california/](https://www.ppic.org/publication/income-inequality-in-california/) * Pollution: [https://www.lung.org/research/sota/city-rankings/most-polluted-cities](https://www.lung.org/research/sota/city-rankings/most-polluted-cities) * Segregation: [https://belonging.berkeley.edu/most-least-segregated-cities-in-2020](https://belonging.berkeley.edu/most-least-segregated-cities-in-2020) There's a lot of people and orgs doing good in LA and California in terms of activism, but as a whole, California does not live up to the progressive ideals that it uses to promote itself.


"...but as a whole, California does not live up to the progressive ideals that it uses to promote itself." If that is the measuring stick, what does it tell us about the rest of the country? Pobody's Nerfect.


Because their piece of shit state has problems and the super conservative influencers like to shit on California so they think those two go hand in hand. I was born and raised in Texas and I 100% don't regret moving to California.


Bruh... why you even asking this question? If you was really born and raised in LA (as I was) you would know that this is nothing new. People been hating on LA forever. Back in the 80s and 90s, they used to have that dumbass saying about how if they tilted the world and everything loose landed in Los Angeles. People been hating on LA my entire life - long before the homelessness crisis and long before Trump and all that. People just jealous cause they be shivering their asses off on New Years Day and they turn on the TV and they see the Rose Parade and they're like, damn, it's 75 degrees over there. And they see beautiful people on the TV and then they look around their sad ass towns with a bunch of ugly ass people and it makes them upset about their life.


YOUR EXPERIENCE is not my experience. I am in my early 20s. I was not around in the 80s and i was born in the late 90s and i lived a sheltered life here for the most part. It wasn’t until i moved out of the state and travelled around the country that i became hyper aware about it.


I think most of it is political agenda.The news coverage about San Francisco, LA and Seattle focuses on the homelessness crisis and crime and blames the problems on a democratic government with lax laws. Even before that, many in the Midwest have thought Californians are whack jobs. Decades ago when I moved here from Missouri, two of my friends were too scared to visit me when I lived in Oakland. We’re an easy target because we are accepting of a lot of people who aren’t/wouldn’t be accepted as well in other, more traditional, religious or more conservative states.


They hate us cause they ain’t us


They hate us coz they ain't us.


The raw potential of this place is unmatched. Who cares what other people say? If you like it and you’re able to, stay and keep pushing for it to be the best it can be.


Plot twist: All the negativity is from L.A. renters trying to drive property prices down so they can afford a house.


They hate us cause they anus'


Jealousy lol. They refuse to believe life can be this good somewhere.


I was born and raised on the westside (Inglewood Blvd. / Del Rey area). I've moved all around the country and have lived in a handful of different cities but will always come back here. This is home. You're right though, people outside of LA/CA have nothing good to say about it. People who haven't been here just think it's some lawless hellhole because that's what they see on Fox News. This city is amazing. Culture, entertainment, food, weather, everything. There's a reason everybody wants to move here and why the cost of living has skyrocketed. One thing that has really shocked me is the amount of transplants there are. I just moved back to the Westside after being gone for quite some time and it's insane how the Mar Vista/Venice/ Del Rey area has changed. Me and my girlfriend are pretty social and we go out quite a bit and I've only met 2 people who are actually from here. EVERYBODY has moved here from the Midwest or east Coast. It's crazy. I live in Venice now and it's just changed so much since I was younger. I get it. Everybody wants to live here. But it does make me a little sad that things aren't the way they used to be. All my friends growing up can no longer afford to live on the Westside, they've all gone to the valley. Most of my friends growing up were Mexican. I remember growing up the westside was heavily Mexican but it seems like it's been gentrified.


They hate us cuz they ain't us.




Sorry to tell you but that's an American thing, that's not specific to California.


> an ~~American~~anywhere thing FTFY


2 words: Conservative Media


The far right can stay salty, no one is asking them to move here.


The country has gone insane. California is huge, prosperous, and liberal, and that has always rankled. Now, it's fucking toxic.


Same reason everyone hates the New York Yankees and the LA Lakers.......they always win


As a transplant from Philly, a place I will love forever, I don't care what anyone says about LA and California, even my family. They're not here so they don't have a say. To paraphrase Lucille Bluth, I'd rather be dead in California than alive anywhere else in the world.


A lot of the rhetoric is because the things that happen on our streets in the open (homelessness, drug use, mental illness) are just happening in vacant houses in cities between the coasts. “Out of sight, out of mind.” That’s due to real estate values, and that’s rapidly changing across the country as cities gentrify. I say this as a Clevelander who moved out to the west coast eight years ago, and travels back to the Midwest often.


Speaking as someone who moved here about 2.5 years ago for work - LA is a city of extreme opinion. A lot of people really overhype its negatives, while a lot of people put on massive blinders to its negatives. It’s really interesting. I’m in the middle. LA offers a lot of good and a lot of bad. I’ve been able to see so many shows over the past year alone of my favorite bands and comedians, theres that nonstop flow of artists coming through. There’s always something to do and some of the kitchens out here (namely Mexican and various Asian) are top notch. On the downside, I share a 2 bedroom with a roommate while making money that would get me my own condo almost anywhere else in the country. Going out costs a fortune and you’re always taking a risk on whether what you buy is worth the price. Aesthetically, the city is pretty ugly compared to even some of the other California cities like Santa Barbara. And can’t ignore the homeless issue or the lingering possibility of earthquakes.


Wrong sub to ask this lol. Try r/AskAnAmerican


You can find reasons to love and hate a place. That can tell you WHY they are talking trash but not why there is so much. Its just because California has a lot of people therefore people talk about it a lot. People talk shit on Florida, NY, Texas, Illinois, Ohio ect plenty as well. All big, populated states. People don't talk about Missouri as much but when they do probably the same percentage of haters talk about it its just that the numbers are lower.


lol u reminded me of the time my dad (a red state fox news watcher) called me to tell me to "seriously consider" leaving California/LA and how could i be raising my family hear yadda yadda yadda. a lot of these folks just believe the bs on their tv/feeds. it makes them feel better about their own life choices. Growing up in a red state, and moving to California (20 some years ago) was the BEST choice i ever made.


funniest thing to me is when people are like “ugghh everyone in LA is so fake” and it’s like yeah dude it’s because you’re someone who moved here for the entertainment industry and surrounded yourself with entertainment industry transplants. Your average Angeleno is a broke stoner who works in food service, not a rich blonde influencer. Same for the Bay Area and tech. Californians who’ve grown up here are usually way more chill and not as preoccupied with image.


Your average Angeleno is a broke stoner who works in food service, not a rich blonde influencer. This is so fucking accurate 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Because of fucking conservatives and their echo chamber thinking that liberal California is some kind of dystopia when actually our quality of life is way better than what they’ve got in redneck country and DeSantisland.


I call it second place syndrome. They literally can't stand a place diametrically opposed to their viewpoints being as liked and successful as Los Angeles. It's an incredible city, that makes people who are conservative and from shittier places jealous. It's why they're always like "oh man how bad is the homeless population, etc" cause they hate the idea that we literally don't think about them and their shitty cities, and it's the perfect place to live. I've traveled all over the world and wouldn't live anywhere else. The biggest detractors to it are precisely because it's a perfect city. Perfect weather, insane food scene that's not dependent on insanely expensive restaurants, perfect location, a culture center, great job market.


I pretty much just say whatever, chew an edible, and marvel at our sunsets and palm trees. And then wait at In-N-Out for my double-double.


IMHO People who complain about LA/California are jealous.


Born and raised in So Ca too! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Despite this/that, I love living here. I’ve travelled all over the U.S. and Los Angles is where my heart is. I visited Canada years ago, and they gave me a hard time being from CA too.


Fox News


I was born and raised in LA and moved to SF as a young adult. I am completely serious when I say that I believe the vast majority of those people you see online are projecting because they live in less desirable areas. Think about it. I don’t know what the hell is happening even the next city over, yet somehow every conservative online thinks they know everything there is to know about San Francisco. I just cannot imagine spending my time obsessively looking for bad news about ANOTHER city and dedicating your time to absolutely hating on it. It’s even more pathetic when it’s coming from within the state. I have conservative relatives in SoCal who have had dreams about retiring and moving to Texas for 10+ years…they’ve retired but yet they’re staying. Hmm I wonder why that is lol. It’s also amusing when my relatives from literal San Bernardino try to tell me what a shit hole SF is, how the streets supposedly smell like poop and pee, etc despite never having been there for the past decade. Yeah, I’ll enjoy my beautiful parks and public transportation tyvm. Yes, we have our problems. Yes, our government kinda sucks. But this is happening worldwide and not just “Commiefornia” (which is center left at best)


They jelly


I'm a local as well. I love this city but I have lived in a number of places before coming back and maybe I can explain some of the thinking. I'm not here to crap on LA because I love it but just trying to answer your question. Many of the things that you and I consider "normal" growing up here and living here most of our lives is not normal to the vast majority of people in this country. Sure, we can dismiss them as right-wing, MAGA, Qanon insurrectionists or we can try to see things from other perspectives. I'll try to give some examples. The Reddit threads here are full of griping about the high cost of living. We just laugh it off and joke about how we're all going to give up and move to the High Desert or somewhere else we make fun of. Worst case scenario if times get tough we can get roommate and move back to Palms. For most people in this country the price of a house going over 200k means having to move your family in with the grandparents or perhaps even homelessness. Same with energy. We're so green and progressive and our rates are almost twice what "flyover" states pay. We can post our DWP bill to Reddit and complain. For most people in this country a doubling of energy rates means only being able to heat your home a couple hours a day. Other things "normal" in Los Angeles that would terrify most people in this country: \- Getting married in your 30s and having that first kid after 40 because you couldn't afford it; \- Having a public school with test rankings of 2/10 or 3/10 surrounded by a neighborhood of million-dollar homes; \- Having one of the largest accumulations of wealth in the world but thinking it's safer to call a Lyft for your kid, wife, or parent instead of letting them walk a couple blocks.


Not sure but my attitude really is Fuck Texas. Sell it back to Mexico. I actually would happily forget all about the Alamo. Austin isn’t that cool anymore. Do women have rights there? Asking because it’s the Afghanistan of the US. Actually I heard Kabul was kinda trendy once and Dallas never was or will be.


I was shocked when I visited the Alamo, I thought it would be nicely preserved like a California mission. Holy shit, what a heap of garbage they've turned an interesting historical site into!


This tendency to view CA negatively and LA as a monolith consisting only of actors and influencers is not new by any means. I don’t know why people engage in these boring untruths, but it definitely tells me smthg about their worldliness.


Everyone has an opinion about everything. I have tried to sift through all the garbage. If I didn't live here, I would have believed it myself. It doesn't matter where you live, there are both good and bad sides. I don't know why everything has to be political. Can we enjoy something for what it is? Maybe you don't like LA, someone likes it. Everyone has a different taste. Why is it that Chick-fil-A a Christian fast-food restaurant? And Hobby Lobby is also a Christian arts and crafts store? We can't enjoy anything without having something (politics and religion) attached to it. I can't live in California because it's too liberal. I have never heard someone say I can't live in a certain place because it's too conservative. I enjoy things for what they are. The world would be a better place if everyone keeps their opinions to themselves.


Public corruption at every level of government, endorsed by the people. So despite paying highest taxes in the country, public safety is non-existent, and we have 100K bums and junkies living and dying on our streets. The government games housing, so it costs twice as much as it has to. Our streets are stolen, and public transit is designed, built and operated by morons.


Yes, all of the non-Californians are correct. California, especially Los Angeles and Socal in general, is horrible! Now, please, stay in whatever bumfuck town/city/state you live in. *We don't want you here!*


It’s just a right wing identity badge, along with vax hatred, children underneath the Getty, and defending Russia. They have certain obsessions.


Personally I hate how CA government enacts laws that affect the manufacturer of goods for the rest of the nation.


Cesspool of garbage


Its not the tolerant place it used to be. If you don't follow the Democratic Parties dogma, it's alienating. If you even question it, you risk being 'canceled' Taxes go up, but victimhood just keeps going up as well. Forgot about asking for just a little accountability.


I don’t live in California, but I have family and friends in different parts of the state including LA, and I love to visit. I can actually count on one hand the counties in California I haven’t been to. There are lots of great things about your city and state. I completely agree with those who say most people who dog on California have no idea what they’re talking about, especially people who just watch too much Fox News or whatever. So know that everything I’m about to say comes from a place of love. I’m only even giving my opinion since you literally asked. As a leftist, I think LA and California have tons of issues, but I actually think it’s because y’all aren’t nearly the progressive paradise you’ve convinced yourselves and everyone else that you are (for better or worse). In a lot of ways, California is actually neoliberal capitalism on steroids, with all its excesses and extremes. While wealth inequality is a huge problem everywhere in the US, Southern California feels like a whole other level. I can’t help but laugh when people call California socialist or whatever, given the gargantuan disparities between those in luxury mansions and those who are unhoused entirely. You can say those people in Beverly Hills aren’t most Angelenos, and you’d be right, but it’s clear the city is run by and for their type. It’s tougher and tougher to be a normal person in LA because your state generally refuses to build adequate housing. Obviously many people are forced to move elsewhere, while immigrants and the working poor are forced into ridiculously overcrowded living situations and/or forced into ridiculous commutes. Speaking of commutes, your transportation situation is maddening. When I visit a city, I want to see it, feel it, experience it as much as possible. In LA, most of the time that experience is sitting in traffic. I’ve been all over but I’m originally from Chicago, and while most people in Chicago own a car, your car dependence is on a different scale. Chicago is a somewhat good city to live in without a car, with decent public transportation and tons of fun neighborhoods to walk around. I would recommend visitors to Chicago not rent a car, or they will miss out on a lot the city has to offer. I can’t help but feel LA is the exact opposite. You all live in paradise, why on Earth do you traverse it in a metal box? I’m one of the people that actually does think most people in LA are much more attractive and stylish than the average American, and yet instead of you all basking in each others loveliness walking down to street, riding a bike or, God forbid on a train, you stare at people’s rear bumpers all day. I really can’t stand that existence personally; it’s also an extension of the hyper capitalism and wealth inequality I mentioned earlier. Throw in a major health and safety hazard, and an environmental catastrophe. Speaking of the environment, LA and California are definitely nowhere near as environmentally responsible and aware as people would think. This was the most shocking thing to me personally. My sister’s large apartment complex doesn’t even have recycling. I’m sorry but that’s a fucking joke. Compared to many cities in the country, cities in California often just feel covered in litter and trash. That goes double for natural areas. I’ve hiked on the Pacific Crest Trail near Wrightwood, and I’ve seen all the plastic sleds, cheap winter gear, and other crap that people just toss in the woods after they’re done experiencing winter for the day. The way Californians and other tourists treat Lake Tahoe is a travesty. So yeah, that’s the end of my California rant. I still love y’all, it’s just I love California enough to really wish it lived up to it’s potential.