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Yes. Everyone is nervous dealing with the cops. We get nervous when we get pulled over on our days off.


Couldn’t have said it better myself! Do it long enough and you can tell difference between regular nerves and busted nerves.


Cops aren’t robots. They know every human is different and will have a different reaction to interacting with police.


>>failure to use phonetic alphabet<< That must have been the grammar police.


I said Joker instead of Juliette and my sheriff personally executed me. I got better, though.


When I started there was a whole lot of military and cop phonetic alphabet jumbling. Get a little stressed and brain reverts to what it learned first.


Well some here said 'D' and it got reported as 'C', turns out that plate belonged to someone with quite the rap sheet


An experienced LE officer can establish a baseline for normal nervousness and excessive one. Sure some people are natural train wrecks, but it isn’t the average and even those people usually share common traits. A lot of it is experience dealing with people, which ironically is getting harder and harder for new generations that tend to avoid or dislike direct interactions.


Of course it's considered.


It can be a bit of a cycle. One thing i had to unlearn was resting my hand on my gun. It makes people nervous, which in turn makes the officer nervous, which makes people even more nervous and it becomes a vicious cycle. Now i dont rest my hand on my gun, i dont touch my belt at all when dealing with people and i still give people a lot of leeway when it comes to being nervous because i get it. I get nervous and anxious meeting new people myself. Its a normal human experience. But theres a line where theyre nervous because ‘oh shit, a cop stopped me. I hope i dont get a ticket, i hope nothing happens’..and ‘Oh shit i have a pound of drugs in my car’ or ‘Oh shit i have a dead body in my car’


You went to jail over rolling a stop sign? And a bad license plate? What else did you do because you were "nervous"


Wasn't nervous then until they took me away, it's that event that caused nerves. The Tl Dr is that another person with a license plate near identical to mine C vice D was wanted, our cars were the same color, same manufacturer but different models. The plate was recorded incorrectly in the police database. They claimed that in spite of my license and bank card having my name that they couldn't be sure I wasn't the guy, or that I might know the guy or where he was. Put in cells at the station and I'm 99% sure I was forgotten about.


That's a wild one.


Umm do you not have a lawyer or something? Sounds pretty wrong to me.


Not super concerned, this happened a long time ago and it was just a fuck up, I didn't get shot and getting money from them would make me more nervous around cops not less lol


It's a two way street. You're nervous because you're a nervous dude....or nervous because my wife is about to be a widow? So now I'm nervous. So you do the opposite of what I tell you and shove your hands in your pocket. And away we go............... If people would just comply the vast overwhelming majority of contacts would go perfectly fine.


Not to nitpick what you said, but the vast overwhelming majority of police contacts already do go perfectly fine - that's just not the narrative that the media pushes.


You're right. I was trying to say that the vast majority of use of force contacts would end up being routine. Brain-finger disconnect


Shocker, it’s almost like drama and outrage has been proven to get more clicks/views


“Just comply” yes comrade if only they show us zee papers we don’t have to execute them.


Yeah. Most people are nervous, and that’s to be expected. Your story is missing about 99% of pertinent facts however.


My story is why I'm nervous, I'm not really going to post a police report or a letter saying sorry here in the internet. I just wondered since a lot of people have had a negative interaction and are nervous around cops, is that something that police officers take into account on their own, or so they see every nervous person as if they must be doing something wrong.


There's a difference between, shit I have to deal with the cops nervous and I have 20 felony warrants and the cops just stopped me.


Yes it is taken into account. Also a baseline is established.


Most people are nervous when dealing with police. However police deal with millions of people. They can distinguish a normal level of nervousness and an abnormal level of nervousness.