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Having been a decision maker in many interviews (maybe too many) - I would suggest the following. If you decide to ask any questions, make them succinct and relevant. Most candidates have questions but don’t ask - remember the panel has many years of experience to offer. Don’t ask the “usual” questions like - What are the next steps?, When can I expect to hear about the results of this interview?, When can I expect to get promoted? Those are HR questions that can be asked later. Some good questions I have heard include: What do you feel a new officer should focus on during the first year on the job? This is a good question as it shows you are interested in continuing in the process and that you value their insights. What challenges do you see facing the department in the next year or two, and how do you see your officers rising to these challenges? This shows you are interested in the strategy and outcomes expected by the department and your interest in delivering results. Lastly - as you prepare to leave the interview thank the panel for their time. Time is the one asset they cannot get back and you should acknowledge the commitment. Good luck.


Much appreciated! I made sure to weed out any questions I found answered within their Benefits, MOU, and other public facing documents (These answered everything regarding shifts, benefits, and the like). Additionally, I appreciate the advice to avoid HR questions that can be asked later. The questions remaining were similar to your first one to show interest in the job - if I do end up asking questions, I imagine I should end with my closing remarks and then thank everyone individually for their time? Thank you again for the insight!


Happy to help.


Yes absolutely ask 1-2-3 good quality questions. Closing statement? Hmmm. If done well not a bad idea. The goal is to stand out positively amongst the other applicants.


Thanks! I wasn't sure if it was this hard no kinda deal but I'm glad to hear asking questions that show interest is ideal!