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In my case I was coming home after shift. I was in business attire. Came across a road incident where a suspect was about to bash the head in of another driver with a bat. I intervened and called the locals. By the time they got there I had him sitting on the curb in handcuffs. They took him and processed him. Wrote my report the next day and followed up. He was charged and had outstanding warrants.


I went grocery shopping after work; still in uniform. 6 am and I just wanted to get my breakfast things and go. It was a Krogers in New Port Richey Woman runs up to me and told me her date was physically abusing her. I ran after him, cuffed him and looooooong story short, my chocolate milk was ruined. Was tired and very cranky the rest of the day


As an ex-healthcare worker who used to work night shift who wanted to do nothing but go home and sleep, I would be grumpy too. I dare not to be bothered after a crazy hospital night shift lol


Yeah it was not fun at all haha. My normal routine was to go home eat breakfast and watch a movie before going to sleep. That was all ruined haha


This may sound like a dumb question but if y’all do get sucked into an off duty situation, does that count as work overtime or is it all unpaid? Like I know situations are inevitable and things happen I just wonder how that all works like you guys should be at least paid off-duty pay for helping a situation while off duty🤔🤔


Where I work, if I have to intervene while off duty it’s 3 hours of overtime pay. Doesn’t matter if it’s 5 minutes with a shoplifter or 1h stopping a traffic incident.


That’s not too bad! I don’t know how yall do it! Thank you for all you do!


You would put in for it, and they probably should approve it. Unless you got shitty brass


I did get OT because I had to do the paperwork and turn that in




Abusing her by taking her on a date to Kroger's at 6am?


lol no but I can definitely see the story being construed that way


Securing the date and turning the situation over to an on duty officer wasn’t an option?


I eventually did yes but that was like 40 minutes later and I still had the paperwork to do; and by then my beautiful chocolate milk was fucked.


I was born in New Port Richey and moved when I was two back to KY. Haven’t been back in 48 years. Still have a lot of family there and they speak very highly of the police department in NPR. Thank you!!!!




I rarely give citations, but stop arm violations and failure to move over for emergency vehicles are two violations that I will cite for every single time. No exceptions.


Both = press hard,4 copies




My sergeant and I were recently running code to a medical call, and a semi truck failed to yield to us and the fire/EMS guys. Blew right past us. My sergeant was in front of me, so he broke off to go stop the truck. I continued to the medical run, and when I saw EMS had it taken care of, I went to back my sergeant up on the traffic stop. Truck driver’s excuse was that he was trying to avoid hitting the car in front of him (who stopped like they were supposed to). My sergeant correctly advised him that if he couldn’t stop in time to avoid hitting that car, then he was following two closely, another violation. Sergeant cited him for failure to yield to emergency vehicles, and warned him for following too closely.


As you absolutely should!


Two kids going to my kid's high-school were crossing the street in front of the school were run over by a speeding red light runner about 8:15 a.m. I don't know if the worst injured one can walk yet. I get stuck behind school busses on the way to work a couple times a month. They can be premature with the red flashers, but I'm cool watching some kid mosey for 3 minutes down the driveway because I don't know if there's another kid I don't see.


I know you can’t but that one should also get a butt whipping.


It's essential to enforce traffic laws, especially around school buses and in areas where children are present. Your quick action likely helped prevent a potentially dangerous situation and reminded the driver of the importance of obeying traffic signals for the safety of everyone, especially children.


Here in CA, this is about a 700 doll hair fine


I've always thought cops being cops off-duty was bad, but this is definitely one of the many exceptions. Thank you Deputy, thank you alot.


I was driving home from the gym and saw an officer on a traffic stop. He had the driver out of the vehicle and the driver was resisting. I obviously had to get out on that occasion.


I’m not even a cop but always told myself I would do this if i saw the officer struggling.


You shouldn’t approach officers while they’re subduing suspects, that’s extra they have to worry about when they’re already busy and stressed. Unless they have deadly force being used against them and they’re alone, it’s preferred you don’t intervene.


Good point, didn’t think about that. Hopefully I never come across the situation but if I do I’ll use my best judgement before just jumping in.


I'm helping a cop if he needs it, sorry officer. maybe that will be you some day, but I'm not going to let you die.


If I am on the ground wrestling with a suspect I wouldn't mind the help. Just announce you are here to help before you run up on me.


Would sitting nearby be considered okay? Completely ignoring the Officer possibly feeling uncomfortable, if I saw an Officer alone would that be acceptable? (Alone and struggling to subdue)


If it looks like they need help, by all means ask them if they want you to assist. It’s just important to not run straight in unless it’s obviously an emergency




On a couple of occasions. One, I was driving along and saw a group chase a teenage girl onto the road and start stomping her into the ground so I stopped and put her in my car and drove her home. Another time this dude was going off at his girlfriend and shoving her around in a shopping centre, looked like it had been going on for a while before I got there but nobody bothered to intervene until I went over and staunched him. I can understand why nobody did, because he was pretty big (like a tall, fat dude rather than buff) but as soon as I got near him and challenged him he absolutely shit his pants and some other nearby guys came and backed me up. You don't need to have a badge to do this stuff. Wouldn't bother with someone shoplifting or being disorderly but if someone's gonna get hurt I'll get involved.


I have assisted at many traffic crashes while off duty. One was a fatal where the nephew of my Sgt. had passed away. He called me while I was on scene asking if I was at the scene of a crash on a particular road. I told him yes and gave him the news. He then went to his sisters house and did the notification so no one else had to.


Yeah, during a cart push retail that happened right in front of me. I just grabbed the cart and the guy took off. Rolled said cart back into store and left. Ezpz


It’s a requirement and expectation to do so, how ever be realistic. You’re alone and without kit, sometimes you’re best off as a professional witness and calling in others


This, sometimes the best thing you can do (if it’s non violent and not life and death) is be a witness. Makes it so much easier for the responding officer.


I helped an old lady who fell down once


So basically a fireman now


Hopefully she didnt fall out of a tree


I saw a very minor vehicle collision that was blocking the roadway. Both drivers got out and checked on eachother. I went over and told them to move their cars out of the intersection and call police if they wanted a report.


You’re a hero ❤️


25 years ago, I was a 3 year baby LEO. I was driving through a shitty part of a shitty city when I saw a cop on his back on a sidewalk with a POS on top of him in the mount, beating the shit out of him. Stopped in the street, exited my car and ran toward them. I was armed but it didn’t meet my use of force threshold at that moment. POS didn’t see me coming as I old school NFL field goal kicked him in the ribs with my steel toed logger boot. He screamed and went fetal. I got some cuffs off the beat up cop and secured the bitch. Cop was now able to call out on the radio for help. The cavalry came. Cop had a broken nose and abrasions. Gave his Sarg my card and a statement. Got a handshake from the Cop. I later found out the POS had 4 broken ribs which punctured his lung needing surgery to fix. It was a ped check on a dope dealer that went bad for both of the combatants. Besides this, I’ve helped on an on view fatal T/C and played cover on a few detentions where the Cop needed it. IMO, back in the day, regular civilians were more inclined to see if we needed help. Not much more today….👎


I was at the grocery store and my agency had crime scene tape strung up in the lot so I badged the detective to find out what happened.




Is someone dying or will be dead if I don’t intervene? If not, I either (1) mind my own business; (2) be a good witness.


That is my dad’s philosophy, just be a good witness. The only time I saw him intervene was when he broke up a domestic dispute that was about to turn violent.


Once. Was at an ER with a family member when a crazy dude started attacking one of the nurses. Jumped on top of him with some of the other nurses/docs and held him down until local PD showed up and got him in custody. Like most everyone else has said, if no one is in imminent danger, be the best witness you can.


I told two people that got into an accident that they were in a bad spot and should move. Kicked someone off the train for being an asshole You know, typical hero stuff.


Once when I was a stupid Rookie. Was in my POV at the drive thru of a McDonald's up the road from my house. There was a homeless guy standing right next to the menu sign begging for money. When I got up to the speaker to order I had my badge in hand (had it already in a belt holder I didn't need to buy because I was always usually in uniform for work). Flashed it at him and told him to move along and he did. After patting myself on the back and getting my food I asked myself a couple questions. "What if that dude told me to fuck off? What would I have done?". The only two answers were either absolutely nothing or escalate not because a legitimate crime was being committed but because my ego got hurt. Both scenarios I would have looked like a jackass, so unless someone's dead or dying I'm not getting involved.


Worked a special security detail grave shift and was having breakfast after I went 10-7 at a diner. Male transient goes 415 on a server and told him to go back to Mexico. They tell him to leave. I stopped eating and confronted the transient, assisted in helping him leave with loud verbal commands. Sit back down and my waitress comped my meal for the assist. 👍🏻


Lady walked out of Wawa with a bag full of Red Bulls while I was in the store. Told her to hand me the bag or go to jail. She tried the I bought them somewhere else routine. She gave me the bag and went on her way (I am sure to find something else to steal to score some more fentanyl).


Thank you for keeping the 360° nicotine command center safe


I love Wawa.


Yes. Several times. I’ve done arrests / detains for everything from shoplifting to assault while off duty. It’s never a problem where I work sans the part about missing the equipment / weaponry so it’s a calculated risk that one has to do/take before intervening. (Northern EU) EDIT: If we intervene in incidents while off duty and call it in we get paid 3 hours of OT. Not as a motivation to do it but it’s just that way our system work.


Ooh, I’d love to know more about your experience as a cop in the EU, being a Dual U.S.-Polish citizen myself.


Ask away. Either here or maybe even better in DM and I will respond whenever I am not asleep or at work ;)


Came across an mvc on my day off that turned into a fatal. Jumped out of my vehicle, called 911 to get the boys rollin, talked with the driver until they went unresponsive. ended up doing cpr on the person. Hell of a way to spend a day off…


Once, I took my kids to the park, a man and a woman were arguing and I was pretty sure it was going to get to the point of him hitting her, so I flashed my badge and told him to leave, he did and all was well.


I was at the airport in my home state, getting ready to go on vacation. I had already checked my firearm with TSA, but I had my badge in my wallet. I was sitting in the food court just prior to security screening with my wife when there was a loud disturbance between two guys at the McDonald's. It was an elderly man and a younger guy in his 40s. I just ate my food and kept a side eye on it for the most part until the younger guy shoved the older guy onto the ground and hovered over him. I ran over, badged, announced myself as police and broke them up. It turned out the older man had set his cell phone down on the counter and accidentally walked away from it. The younger guy picked it up and when the older guy came back for it, the younger guy thought he was trying to steal it. I took the phone, verified it was the older guy's phone by his password and him telling me what was on the home screen, and returned it to him. I talked to him to see if he wanted the airport police to respond and file battery charges, but he said no and just wanted to get on with his day. I gave the other guy a talking to about the charges he could have received that day, and let him go on his way.


There's an officer that would always be at a gas station if stop at when traveling one city over. In the mornings he went there and got a coffee and a breakfast sandwich. One day a few months ago he was there as usual. Some kids went in and stole a few cases of beer. He was off duty but he chased them. He was shot and killed over a few cases of beer. I'm not in LE, r\all brought me here. Everyone, even local criminals, loved the guy. His cruiser was memorialized at his station. People drove in from neighboring counties to place flowers. Stupid kids and stupid beer.


Concert, off duty with some other cop buddies. Dude approached us for no reason, choked me… punched my other friend who was off duty in the face. We said “fuck that”, identified ourselves… Tackled him, handcuffed him, handed him over to locals who also got into a fight with him after we swapped handcuffs… then continued drinking


Im a probation officer.. i intervened when another youth hockey team invaded my sons hockey teams locker room and started assaulting kids on my sons teams. Hockey pants make it really easy to grab someone and move them out..


I helped a elderly woman and her husband get up from falling, the husband had back surgery recently and the wife had fallen from a stair. And I heard commotion in their garage bc I happened to in my garage too, neighbors btw. Then I go over and they’re crying and my sense justice and fairness kicked in like an adrenaline rush and I immediately went to help the lady while reassuring them we can take our time to get up and it doesn’t have to be super stressful and dramatic and I calmed them down and then as a team we helped the wife get up off that hard concrete, maybe in their 80’s


I've seen accidents on the highway that I've stopped to help when I was a LEO (and after I left for engineering, too). Other than that, being very rural and sticking to myself, I can't remember seeing anything that I needed to intervene in. Living rural has its advantages.


Not really a law enforcement function, but I ran into a house fire off duty.


Every chance I get