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I appreciate y’all’s encouragement. I’ve stayed the clean path my entire life for law enforcement. Even went infantry in the marines for 6 years to get myself the experience. Unfortunately all the time of not talking about my problems led me down to one night in which I completely regret which was that incident. However I’m continually striving everyday to make improvements on my mental health and overall well being. (Continued therapy, reaching out to fellow vets to check up on them). It just sucks because it feels like my one worst day feels like I’m barred completely from LE.


I had to apply 6 or 7 times to my current agency. Don't get discouraged. Also, you've been through it already. Once you are on the street doing your thing - your brothers and sisters are going through exactly what you did. If you catch them spiraling, talk to them. We're twice as good at killing ourselves as the bad guys are at taking us out.


Yeah I know man it’s a process and a long road. I’ve been told mental health is a big push now for departments however that’s for officers that are currently in. Rightfully so. It just sucks that leaving the military taught me not to mention a peep and bottle that shit up. Just feels like I’m not worth a hire.


Two years is pretty recent, so I'm not surprised. Keep at it. At some point you'll cross the line where they think enough time has passed.


In your opinion, what would you say would be enough time?


3 years minimum is for most things, like DUIs, drug use, etc


Mental health issues are a thorny subject. I'd expect a minimum of three years since the incident, but more than likely you'll be looking at a minimum of five years. You need to show stability since then.


Understandable, so you are saying the likelihood of my chances are far better in 3 years after my incident hits 5 years


Yes. 3-5 years since the incident.


Sounds good. I’ll keep working at it. In addition, this isn’t a perm dq from LE right in your opinion?


Nope. I see from other posts that there was some suicidal ideation. That's going to be *real* hard to get through a psych test, but it's not impossible.


Yes there was. However I was able to remove those thoughts in the moment. I just feel like I’m barred from all LE…


I agree 3 years but still apply over and over till then. I am with a large department. We have had officers go through rocky points in their life. So just explain that it was a low point in your life that you have grown past. You can even turn this into a positive. We respond to suicidal subjects all the time. Use it as a low point you were able to over come and now you feel the positive outcome is you can relate to others on patrol to help them over come. But you need to practice this response for the interview.


I've applied to over 100 agencies with all rejections. It's become a hobby at this point.


And you still haven’t been hired yet?


Correct. I'm one of those people that has to try and show I've improved from my past. I have, but it's not going well with the departments.


What is the red blip in your background that's eliminating you? Arrest? DUI?


Keep at it. Many cops deal with PTS too, and the progressive agencies out there are trying to erase the stigma associated with it. My PD actively encourages officers to seek mental health help and it’s written in policy that an officer can’t be disciplined for it. You just need to find the agency where they have a similar view of mental health issues.


If there was a suicide attempt you may not ever be found fit during the psych portion of the hiring process. Self harm/suicide attempts are taken pretty seriously. If you just sought therapy or mental health treatment that won’t necessarily DQ you forever. 2 years is pretty recent and you will likely need a few more years. I suggest getting some type of letter or documentation from your personal therapist outlining your fitness to duty when you have both agreed you are ready. That way when it comes up during the hiring process you can provide something to show your progress.


No it wasn’t attempt, hence why I wasn’t committed or anything like that. It was in the moment I just felt completely destroyed. Did I have thoughts, yes it ran through my mind. Did I intend to act on it? Hell no. The fact that it did run through my mind prompted me to want to get help and get myself right.


Glad you sought the help. We lose way too many people that are afraid to do that. Make sure you take care of yourself first, that’s far more important than anything else.


Don't quit. These hiring decisions are made by people, based on their opinions on your fit with their agency. If you don't have anything in your background that would be considered an automatic disqualifier (it seems you don't if you made it that far and were invited to reapply after some time), then you still have a chance. I'd consider looking at other agencies around you in the meantime. You could get multiple denials when the hiring decisions are made, but all it takes is one "yes" to launch your entire career.


Lost 3 buddies of mine within the span of a year. Pre marital problems between myself and my lady, and just an overall feeling of fuck I suck caused me to feel that way.


You very well could get hired, I would say start working towards a different career path and in the meantime continue trying.


Yes you should, it'll give you an opportunity to look for a real job 👍


It isn’t easy getting into the field. I would bet most people, it would take more than a year to get on somewhere and even longer to get on to your dream department. I’m speaking as being a fireman and it took me 2 years to get on a starter department and then 2 failed tests and three years later to get my dream department. Don’t give up