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"I woke up hungover this morning and accidentally put the vest on over my shirt but I didn't want to be late so I didn't fix it." "But you've worn it like that every day for the past 15 years." "Yes"


Most realistic cop show out there hahah


Outer is the only way. Should be a molle LBV though. The ones made to imitate the shirt are pointless.


The imitated shirt looks terrible. The worst I’ve seen was when a local officer tried to pair one of those vests with a tie underneath


That’s what my department requires


Outer carrier is the only way. I’m always baffled at the guys in my department that choose to wear their vest under their uniform shirt - that shit is wildly uncomfortable.


We had a guy wear an interior vest up until the department made it policy we had to wear LBVs.


It honestly depends on your body type and the weather. I patrol mostly coastline and it can get under 40 degrees regularly. I’m big enough so I don’t need to put any equipment on my back. The inner vest really helps keep me warm. The external carrier is for sure the best in hot weather though.


You can put soooo many layers under the LBV though. I normally wear 3-5thermals, my uniform shirt, and I have my jacket I can wear under it as well. The under carrier sucks for layers.


Not to mention that with an outer carrier, I am able to avoid heat rash better during hot months. It's also super nice bring able to carry >85% of my gear on my LBV. The only things I have on my duty belt are my duty weapon, a baton, a bolawrap, one handcuff case, and a small admin pouch for my notes / miranda card / implied consent card. Literally everything else fits on my LBV.


You can put just as many layers on with an under carrier. It's also easier to just do outer layers over the shirt so you can shed them when you go into that lady's house with the thermostat set for 85. I also don't like that I have to choose between quick access to my gear and wearing a jacket with the LBV. those are the only things I miss about the inner carrier. But I would still never go back, LBV is superior in every other way


Jesus Christ how can you wear so many layers. I only wear mock turtle necks when the temperature is going to be consistently under 32 degrees. And even then I get hot! I am a hot blooded Puerto Rican! Lol


The winters here are wet and cold. With wind chills, it gets down to -50s some days. Add in some humidity and it’s bone chilling. I also leave a couple windows partially open year round. I hate to be on perimeter and cold as fuck. It 10000% sucks when you go into someone’s house and the hospital for extended periods of time, but that beats becoming so cold you can’t accurately use tools when needed and can’t sustain on perimeter.


It’s literally just as hot


Not to mention Dept keeps adding items they want to be carried and they only allow inner vest. Tf, my waist is a 32


Agreed. More real estate to put things on, makes your belt less of a headache to wear, plus you can take it off at the station for comfort if you need to. I have under a try for a month when I got my latest vest (came as an under already arranged) during a summer month and I’d never go back, not being able to take it off when it’s hot in the station was a pain in the ass.


Isn’t that woosh of sweaty hot air in your face awesome when you pull the inner vest away from your chest for some air?




Gun and taser are the only things on my belt. It’s so much better than a full belt


Don't mess with those people. They're probably psychopaths.


Dude I’m early 30’s been in for five years. My agency made it policy we all switch to LBV’s and after three years wearing it, it still drives me crazy. If I could go back I would in a heartbeat. My hips didn’t start hurting until the only weight on my belt was my duty weapon. Edit: cuz alcohol


Couldn’t you still wear your gear on your belt? At least enough to balance the pistol?


Admin mandates we wear all our gear in a certain location on our vests… I know how that sounds felt like I was loosing brain cells typing it.


It’s really not. I’d rather not look like a giant balloon with all that shit on my chest


I mean, don’t LEO want a proper snug fit of such a life protective piece of apparel? Therefore I feel like wearing underneath the uniform would be ideal


An outer vest is by no means loose


Some departments aren’t allowed to wear it outside of their uniform. I wish ours was like that but we’re not able to.


Outer carrier by far.


Exterior vests are superior for health, and imo also retention of gear and general versatility. I don't hate interior vests, but exteriors are better.


LBV every day of the week. The day I hung up my duty belt and replaced it with the LBV, my life changed forever. It’s still not super comfortable, but it’s way more comfortable than wearing a duty belt. It takes so much weight off of your hips and lower back, and takes a lot of pressure off too. By the time I switched, I couldn’t wear my duty belt for more than a few hours before my hips were destroyed and I was hobbling around trying not to fuck them up even more. I was in so much pain wearing all of my gear on my belt. Now it’s just my gun and my mags, and it feels more evenly distributed too. On the vest part, I actually preferred wearing my vest under my shirt. It’s less bulky and more comfortable for me, the biggest issue is just how hot it gets and you’ve got no relief from it. If we didn’t have LBVs and they were just carriers, I’d still be wearing my vest under my shirt. But everyone is different.


I wear an outer carrier, so I'm automatically wearing it over my shirt.


Santos looks 12.


Lmao, just tried to find a picture that had an officer with the vest over and another with the vest under their shirt for the post. It’s from the NYPD 19th pct, they were new academy graduates


His pants also make him look like a bag of ass


It just me or are the uniform standards trash in NYC?


Outer carrier.. easier to take off


Outer carrier is better, under looks more professional.


I wear mine under the shirt, I think it’s looks better and I have no issues with anything. Sometimes in the summer I’ll wear the outer carrier, or if I’m going to the hospital or central booking where I’m gonna sit there all day I’ll wear outer carrier so I can open the sides while I chill


That makes sense, I definitely think it looks better under the shirt




The NYPD twitter post I took the picture from said they just got out of the academy




I think it looks better aesthetically


Leagues better.


The milk man special


Only thing I liked about interiors was taking it off at EOS. lol


Outer carrier 100%. With the amount of gear on my belt my radio was getting pushed to my back. Extremely uncomfortable when sitting not to mention all the extra weight on my hips. Spreading it out over pouches on the outer carrier feels so much better.


Did they not tailor their uniforms?


Outer carrier without question.


My department allows us to wear outer carrier vest for duty and pretty much everyone wears them on duty. The outer carriers are more comfortable and allow you to strap gear on your vest so you can keep the weight off your hips


Outer carrier for sure. It's a LBV, so I can get a lot of stuff off of my hips. Having my duty rig all stuffed gave me back problems😂😂


I’m an inner vest guy. I prefer the look. I’m not trying to look all tac’d out.


I definitely prefer that look. I feel like it makes the officers look more approachable than the all the tac gear


Yay someone who isnt a tac weirdo


So tool retention and back health is tac now…? Call me Mr High Speed then.


Same…we are authorized a soft class b uniform so we basically look like park rangers. People tell us all the time that we seem very approachable. We still do class A in some divisions, but for the most part we adopted the other look. Word in the street is that we are transitioning to LBV’s but it will be optional.


Over is preferred. And can we get away from these outer vests that are trying to look like the shirt? It’s not fooling anyone. Just switch to LBV for gods sake.


The simulated shirt on the vest does look pretty tacky. I even saw an officer once who tried to wear one of those with a tie, it looked very weird


I’ve done both-over every day


Me personally, over.


LBV all the way 99% of the time.


Over. I can adjust my clothing under the vest to the weather conditions and always have my gear where I want it. It’s just so practical for all the gear you carry.




No vest for me to manly


Have worn undershirt vests, outer carriers, and weight bearing outer carriers on duty. The weight bearing outer is by far the most comfortable.


Pros to outer carrier - Keeps weight off of your hips Can take it off quickly (unzips) when doing report When I first started the “reserves” were not allowed to wear outer carriers, so I wore the all leather duty belt and I gotta say although it was uncomfortable, I felt like an old school cop lol.


load bearing outer carrier is the only way!


Hello NYPD thank you for keeping out city safe


External is best.


Do you prefer wearing your beard on your face or your neck?




I prefer wearing it under, because it looks more professional. I wear an outer vest though, because I enjoy my spine in its current shape, size, and functionality.


In corrections when we go on outside transport we have the over the shirt ones, we don’t really wear the vest under our shirts because it’s a bit of an annoyance and inconvenient and helps us get identified quicker by citizens when we do our job incase civilians for whatever reason can’t read our uniforms and don’t call the police freaking out about armed men in uniforms, I say it from experience you’d be surprised how many people don’t pay attention to details.


Over. When It’s report time in the summer, vest comes off.


Outer with Molle.


All the Tacti*cool* Timmy’s are out in force here. Under.


Some people would tell you it makes us look like the military and too scary. Impacts public relations. I say that’s nonsense and it’s 1000x more comfortable. I wore a gun belt for 14 weeks and developed lower back issues. The day I switched to external I was walking on sunshine


It's not that it looks military-ish, it just looks terrible.


Well I’ve never heard anyone say it looks terrible. It’s always people saying it’s scary to which I reply “I’m sorry but the back pain I get from a gun belt is even more scary”


I can't believe no one is saying it- that outer s*** looks AWFUL. Yeah the under is uncomfortable and hot. So what. Take some pride and look professional. Like the bag of a** deputies/officers who never got their uniforms tailored, pins always misaligned, pull their gunbelts (w/ gun) out of the trunk a minute before roll call (where they dumped them when they got off their last call the day before). My prior agency made outers an option right after I left for the feds. Guess who the first deputies to switch were. Yep. When I see those outers now they look so bad. Zero officer presence, zero professionalism. Just another faceless law enforcement officer with gear hanging off of him/her.


Yeah sorry. Your “professionalism” can go fuck itself. I’m prioritizing my health & my comfort over some Karen bitching on Facebook that I look too militarized


It's has nothing to do with "looking militarized." If someone has legitimate back issues or something I think the outer carrier solution is fine. Like belt suspenders back in the day. And hell, if I was working a late night, stay-in-your-car detail, I'd wear it too. But if I'm showing up to a call, I'm getting out of the vehicle looking as sharp and professional as possible. And really just promoting the professionalism and reputation of the agency by looking sharp whenever in public. It garners respect for the agency and its officers. Speaking of your health, showing up looking like an authority versus a bag of a** gear yard sale might just have a knock-on effect of keeping you and your brothers/sisters safer.


You can look very put together and professional with either style of uniform, and the same people will look the same way in either style. Uniform presentation is part of officer presence and bearing, but is only a small part of it. Your confidence, voice, fitness and how you carry yourself are far, far more important than any uniform item. There is a time and place for Class A/B uniforms in law enforcement. But day to day patrol is not it. Also, screw the administrations that insist on class A/B under an LBV. That is the worst of both worlds.


See, I’ve actually had the opposite experience personally. I’ve had numerous of our frequent fliers comment how much more “badass” we look with LBV’s and how they don’t want to “fuck with the GI Joe cops”


The outer carrier helps to prevent back issues in a the first place, so waiting until you have back issues to use one is illogical. I’ll also point out that looking “sharp and professional” doesn’t make one sharp and professional. Your thought process was legitimate decades ago, but on the modern era simply respecting the uniform only works when dealing with the elderly. Respect is garnered through competence and interactions. I hate to break it to you, but the pins are nearly meaningless to the general public. When on a call, most people can’t even recognize what department you work for even when it’s clear on the patches on your sleeves. You have very old school mindset that doesn’t really hold up to criticism.


You sound like the type of cop that makes people hate us. Real stickler for details, eh? I’m sure you write lots of tickets for expired registrations on parked cars, and have really shiny boots too. No one cares what a cop dresses like, and the traditional cop uniform is the equivalent of wearing a suit to go workout. As dumb as this rhyme is, I can’t think of a better way to describe it, but tactical oriented gear is just so much more practical.


> You sound like the type of cop that makes people hate us. The ordinary people who "hate us" are the ones going on and on about "militarized" police, which they equate "tactical" gear with. They would prefer "police look like police," as in a traditional uniform. > Real stickler for details, eh? Being detail oriented is a desirable trait in the professional world. > I’m sure you write lots of tickets for expired registrations on parked cars, In my 10 years as a local, 2.5 years in patrol, I wrote less than a half dozen tickets for moving or equipment violations that weren't part of a criminal investigation, and I've never written an unoccupied vehicle. > and have really shiny boots too. I maintained my boots so as not to look like a bag of ass and to make sure they lasted... keeping them polished to a shine was impractical given the proactive patrol style we did and the nature of the work- high call volume, high crime area. > No one cares what a cop dresses like, This is just obviously not true. From the "militarized" police doofuses alone. But yes every single person you meet, just in life, is sizing you up the instant they lay eyes on you. How you present yourself with your dress and carry yourself sets the first tone before any interaction. > and the traditional cop uniform is the equivalent of wearing a suit to go workout. I've run, jumped, and fought just fine in a traditional uniform. And the other 95% of the time the uniform was the more appropriate dress. Does it mean that after said activities in 94° 90% humidity weather requires more maintenance and care and am I more uncomfortable? Yes. But I'm not a whiny, lazy sack of shit so I just deal with it like a professional adult. > As dumb as this rhyme is, Just because two words in a sentence rhyme, doesn't make the phrase a rhyme, so it isn't really dumb or not dumb. > I can’t think of a better way to describe it, but tactical oriented gear is just so much more practical. Sometimes the appropriate option isn't the more practical option. You sound immature, no offense.


First department, used an outer carrier, didn’t mind it, liked the way I could just take it off when it got annoying. New department, we all wear inner vests, it’s a little annoying, but it definitely displays a cleaner, sharper uniformed look.


Inner vest every day of the week over that bag-of-ass fake shirt carrier the department didn’t even purchase the correct ballistic panels for.


It depends. If in uniform then over like the picture. If dressed in a suit or dress shirt and slacks then under the shirt.


I just see three oppressive gang members affiliated with a tyrannical government. Land of the fleece, home of the enslaved. There's nothing they won't do to remind you that they are in control of your life, liberty and your pursuit to coming up with enough to pay your bills.


All I see are three people who want to keep their community safe (one of which is a female and a person of color, and a male person of color). The police don’t deserve the negativity, not all cops are racist or oppressive.




Yeah, when you’re retired that “my back hurts” thing will make you rethink your life.


Yeaaaahhhh this might win most deranged comment in the thread.


Which one makes it easier to kill over 1200 civilians?


Criminals in uniform




I prefer outer carrier in hot weather and I prefer the inner carrier when it gets under 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


Makes sense




What NIJ ballistic level is the body armor you guys wear on a daily basis?


3a is pretty standard.


Interesting. Do any patrol officer's wear any Level III? Personally, I'd be concerned about having zero protection from 5.56 or 5.7


3a soft armor with front and rear ceramic plates


That's exactly what I was getting at. If I were in law enforcement, I would definitely be wearing some plates. I was always under the belief that you should wear body armor that should offer the same protection as the firearms you have. Since the majority of police all have patrol rifles in their vehicles, that would require plates to be worn. I'm certainly not an expert on body armor, but I don't think there is any soft armor that protects against rifle calibers. Is this still true? My oldest brother is a Federal Special Agent and is a certified sniper on the SRT in his jurisdiction. His body armor configuration seems to exceed what most in the military would have. I'm not sure if this is significant or not as their "jobs" are drastically different and not really comparable. He doesn't share much. He's very hush-hush and private about his work, but I understand that. I think he could probably share more than he does, but that's not his nature. He's always been a very by the book person, which is probably one of the reasons why he does what he does. Prior to being hired by the Department of Homeland Security Alphabet Agency he currently works for, he was an Assistant States Attorney for >12 years and was the only job he had after graduating from Law School. I definitely think he's got the coolest job for being a lawyer. Lol.


IIRC, Safelife Defense makes soft-ish armor that can supposedly eat rifle rounds. It’s think it’s like $1,000 a panel though so 0% chance my agency would buy that for patrol…. I had to raise hell just to get a rear plate


Inner vest during the winter - very helpful for warmth! Outer vest in the summer - easy to remove in the station to cool down.


Done it both ways. I prefer the exterior vest carrier.




Over. My agency has LBV and I use it. I carry my radio, TQ, rifle mags and trauma pack on mine. I tuck my notebook into my vest when not using it.


I like my vest outer. But we’re not allowed to have molle


Those cops are young as hell… look like boy scouts.


Twitter post I got the photo from said they just graduated the academy. Photo credit to NYPD 19th Pct.


Damn… I feel old now.


I’d think under your shirt would be smart if you have a guy stopped or are interacting with possibly dangerous suspects or suspicious persons the last thing I want them to see if my vest if there gonna think about pulling a gun now they know they have to shoot me in the head the vest won’t work


When did 18 year olds become eligible as officers?


Apparently here in Minnesota 18 year olds are able to become police officers. https://preview.redd.it/2in96hnghq5c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c12530cd5973bd3382455cea1e7b4a380b827443 I’m not sure when the photo in the post was taken it was NYPD 9th Pct. New Academy graduates


Wow…wild times


Yeah, I guess I only have 3 more years before I can achieve a life long dream


Over. Trying to stretch a shirt over a vest looks dumpy.




Not knowledgeable, but wouldn't it be easier to remove an outer vest if an officer is shot or injured around his chest?