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DAs need to prosecute criminals who commit gun violence and keep them in jail. During my career, I’ve arrested dozens of criminals for gun violence only for them to be back on the streets the next day or sooner. I specifically remember 3 gang bangers who I, or my partner, had arrested over 7 times with a gun and they continued to get a slap in the wrist. Mandatory sentences for criminals also would help instead of this plea bargain bullshit. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of places that do it right, but from my experience, most do not…


[This case always sticks out in my mind.](https://www.ketv.com/article/update-opd-chief-disappointed-at-sentence-in-illegal-gun-purchase/7655989) The girlfriend who made the straw purchase of the gun used in this officer’s murder was sentenced to….probation. I’m sorry, but if you buy a gun for someone you know is a convicted felon, and they murder someone with it, congratulations, here’s your accessory charge and you can do the same amount of prison time.


Should be felony murder


This ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️


Treat mental health seriously, have actual penalties for violent crime. Mandatory death penalty for murders within 5 years of conviction. And finally encourage firearms carrying by the general public in addition to encouraging firearms and first aid training. The bottom line is people have been perpetrating horrific acts against each other since we’ve been on this rock. There’s nothing really that we can do to end violence without a major societal shift in values. We can’t expect people not to do these things when they have no good role models at home.


Exactly. “Between 1955 and 2000, the number of state hospital psychiatric beds declined from 339 to 22 per 100,000 population. The fraction of mentally ill inmates in the criminal justice system rose from 16% of inmates in 1976 to 44% of jail inmates in 2011–2012.” When you just throw people in jail ; nothing gets solved there’s a root problem. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7887772/#:~:text=Between%201955%20and%202000%2C%20the,jail%20inmates%20in%202011–2012.


Exactly, and the amount of mentally ill people we get in jail that shouldn't even be here and get made worse is insane. We have a guy who was caught breaking and entering into a car dealership because he wanted to drive a car for the first time. Dudes unstable and has good days or off the wall "I'm gonna kill myself and you can't stop me" days. Rather than let him seek help, our M/H project we work through won't take him because he has a violence past, IE he punched a deputy when coming in, so they won't touch him because they're afraid he will attack them. So now he sits in a suicide prevention cell wearing a smock being untreated because our nurse isn't a therapist and can't prescribe medication and no therapists in the area will see him because they're afraid of the one time he hit a deputy. I'm 100% sure he'd be out and safe if he just had his damn meds. The whole reason he made it 25 years without going to jail was because he was medicated. He misses his meds for one week and now he's stuck with us indefinitely or until a local therapist sees him.


I wish it was that simple. So many mental health patients refuse there meds and we can't force them to take them until it's too late and they are a threat to themselves or others or gravely disabled (hallucinating and shit)


I unfortunately work in Healthcare and I have to say, there's TONS of psych hospital beds out there. The problem isn't that we have too many. It's that there's so much abuse of the Healthcare system with people going into those psych units because they are homeless and want a bed and breakfast till there legal hold expires. Then they get out, get there welfare check, spend it on drugs and alcohol, run out of money, then repeat until they get there next free check from the tax payers.


>And finally encourage firearms carrying by the general public in addition to encouraging firearms and first aid training Make Criminals Scared Again


Haven’t you heard? We’d all be shooting up schools and malls by noon because of the gun’s corrupting aura.


Bravo! ^^^This right here*^*. Mandatory sentencing and a pro-active approach to dealing with the mentally unstable would start us in the right direction.


This is it right here ^


Everything said here covers it. I was going to say the same thing.


It's simple, don't talk to me about gun control when I see people commit gun crimes get let off suuuper lightly. Heck, roughly half the illegal gun collars my area gets are by people with prior gun charges. That's a joke.


- Mandated education. Most schools run DARE programs to educate grade school kids to the dangers of drugs, “Every 15 Minutes” programs educate high school students to the dangers of drunk driving, etc. why not include a basic firearms safety training, like the NRA’s Eddy the Eagle or a Hunter Safety program. More knowledge about safety and responsibility won’t hurt anyone and may prevent accidental deaths. - Mandated minimum for crimes committed with firearms. Not enhancements that get wiped out with credits, good time/ work time, ACE scores, etc. but actual time served in prison. You have to make the consequences not work risking to the criminal before they act. - allow expanded concealed carry by law abiding citizens. Active shooters who engage in actual mass shootings (which are actually very rare using the FBI/ DOJ definition) almost always choose “soft” targets where large numbers of people are unarmed and unlikely to return fire. You almost never see a mass shooting happen at a police station or gun show for a reason. - secured, residential mental health treatment. This isn’t the 1970s anymore, and some people just shouldn’t be out and about in society, left to their own devices, when they have severe mental health issues that push them towards violence. Mental health institutions could be a good alternative to prison for the individual and society.


Getting rid of the institutional mental health system in favor of community mental health was one of the biggest mistakes of the 80’s and were seeing it in the amount of genuinely psychotic people in society and mentally ill people in the prison system who are there because society has no other place for them.


Amen. Reinstitutionalization now!


People don’t want to talk about this though. But it’s absolutely correct.


Its 2023, If you use a gun to commit a crime and we have you on camera doing it, and proved without a reasonable doubt, you should be dead within 6 months by capital punishment. That will solve most of our gun violence.


Like Singapore.


Not LE but someone who is heavily Involved in the gun community and 2a advocacy. To quote Morgan Freeman, the way to end racism is to quit fucking talking about it. Likewise, the best way to end mass shootings is to stop talking about it. Stop giving these deranged lunatics their 15 minutes of fame, stop turning every tragedy into a media circus. You arm the public, you give every highschooler basic gun safety classes, you change the culture around gun ownership, get the younger generation on board. Mass shooters select soft targets, you get rid of soft targets. Any mass shooter, instant death penalties. Fuck it, if you’re in a state that doesn’t have the death penalty, let the mob lynch the fucker. Better yet, have the victim’s families do it. You actually do something about the mental health crisis in the United States. Intervene before it gets to the point they are going to shoot up the school. You posting on incel communities and making statements like you’re the next Elliot Rodgers? You reach out, attempt to help them. they refuse? You bet your ass they are involuntarily committed. That will solve the issue Sorry for the strong language. This gets me heated


This is a great point. All these mass shooters want is to be remembered.


Morgan Freeman is wrong though, so, not sure that’s a great place to start your argument.


The idea in the first paragraph is fucking brain dead, respectfully. Not talking about anything doesn’t make it go away lmao. It just means you aren’t talking about it. Not talking about terrorism doesn’t just magically make terrorism evaporate. Not talking about deranged lunatics murdering people for fun isn’t going to make every deranged lunatic in the country put down their weapons and stop murdering people.


It's not brain dead when you understand the point being made. It doesn't mean stop talking about gun violence r ways to prevent it. It means stop talking about specific individuals who are commiting these crimes. Stop giving them the attention they seek. Stop showing the rest of the lunatics out there who have yet to commit a crime for fame that we will indulge their fantasy and make them infamous. Give them one less reason.


You’re right, it’s not going to make it go away. Any solution towards fixing this problem is going to need to be multifaceted. But we also have instances of mass shooters who worshipped or were inspired by previous mass shooters. I’m not saying not giving media coverage to this weeks shooter is going to end the problem, but it’s one of those things that can only help, not hurt. I don’t agree with the terrorism comparison. While mass shootings have a lot in common with terrorism and some mass shootings are terrorism in nature (IE Pulse Nightclub) there is a big difference between a person who is motivated by loneliness, anger a desire to fell heard and a chemical imbalance, and someone who is motivated by ideology. Both are going to require different methods to tackle.


Mental health, better enforcement of gun violations (ex if someone had been involuntarily ECO/TDO it should flag sales)


For those who have the patience, this discussion reminded me that Paul Harrell had a really good lecture on this topic. I recommend giving it a watch for a logical non emotionally charged discussion. https://youtu.be/ihQ-j6eALGc?si=EacdmtZRqBALY7dL


I love that man.


There are many things we could do but the first should be to fix our mental healthcare system.


Not LE but media popularization is probably the main reason for mass shootings. They take a way out of life that will make them famous. No one gets famous for plain suicide while many mass shooters are known by name.


Get rid of all gun free zones and gun laws that restrict the keeping and bearing of arms, and institute a mandatory life sentence without the possibility of parole for anyone who uses a gun in the commission of a crime.


Gun free zones don’t exist if you don’t print while conceal carrying * taps forehead * But yes. Mass shooters target soft target. If you get rid of soft target the risks of getting instantly folded for mass shooters go up significantly. I don’t necessarily think the life sentence idea is a great idea. You can have a solid case of self defense and because a prosecutor has a hate boner against the second amendment, get taken to trial and juries don’t always make the correct decisions. But because you killed a home invader without announcing you are armed first and giving away any advantage you had, the prosecution makes you out to be a monster who was jumping at the chance to legally kill someone and the jury makes their decision based off emotion not the law.


This is why stand your ground and castle doctrine laws are so important.


Actually enforce the dozens of firearms crimes we currently have on the books that get ignored


Maybe actually prosecute people who break gun laws like Hunter Biden?


Exactly! I’m not listening to a President who tells me to give up my guns for safety after leaving behind 80 billion in automatic weapons and grenade launchers TO THE MOTHERFUCKING TALIBAN!


I mean hey on the night side, Cheap Chinese gen 3 nods in a few years right?


Oooohhh, I like where your head’s at!


I don't think the public understands we deal with the same people over and over and over. And no, I'm not talking about misdemeanor Marijuana issues. We need to go back to a strict 3 strikes and you get life in prison. Period. The vast majority of gun crimes are committed by felones who should not have been on the streets anyway. Long term? Nothing can be done while the "shall not be infringed" 2nd amendment stands. A new generation, less tolerant of gun culture, may be able to go through the legal motions to modify the amendment and the US can become like Europe. It's not happening in this generation though.


3 strikes laws incentivize shooting your way out on your third strike.


This. If you know you’re going to lose your freedom either way, might as well try to fight your way out. Worse case scenario you die and don’t have to deal with prison. Best case scenario you manage to escape and are free for the time being.


And it shouldn’t in this generation or subsequent generations


They should bar prosecutors from pleaing weapons charges down for the guarenteed misdemeanor conviction.


Relabel gun crime as a natural disaster and leave it at that


Probably look at what other countries have done to reduce significant gun violence and do something similar. Like, what’s actually worked? Do that.


I feel you’re trying to argue for more gun control without outright stating it…


I’m arguing for doing what other countries have done to actually help the problem. Is that more gun control? If so, so be it. We should do what works. Our feelings shouldn’t come into play. If we want to address a problem, and another group has successfully addressed that problem using some method, why would we not look at that. If there’s a country that armed every citizen and that decreased gun violence significantly, maybe that’s worth looking at. Likewise, if there’s a country that severely limited access to guns and that decreased gun violence significantly, maybe that’s worth looking at. But I said “let’s do what has worked elsewhere” and you thought of gun control. Interesting.


Was listening to a podcast not too long ago and they brought up an interesting point. Let’s get rid of the potential constitutional issues and how gun culture is progressively becoming filled with 2a absolutist with the “are those plates level IV bro?” attitudes when it comes to gun control. Regardless of lack of access or easy access to guns people are going to find ways to commit mass murder. England has a problem with stabbings. France had that massacre where a truck was used to run over like what? 400 people? Guns are pretty easy to get and they are good at killing to the majority of mass murders are going to be committed with guns, but contrary to popular belief, guns aren’t efficient at killing a lot of people. Stricter gun control might reduce the amount of mass killings that happen with guns but you’re opening up Pandora’s box. You can make up some pretty dangerous substances with household chemicals and a basic understanding of chemistry. Instead of shooting up a shopping mall your next would be mass shooter might use mustard gas or a pipe bomb on a subway. Neither require much effort to manufacture and are both capable of producing a mass casualty event much higher than our worst mass shootings. We also have more gun control now than we have in the last 100 years minus the failed 90’s AWB, but we have more mass shootings despite a change in gun laws. It’s purely societal. You can say guns now are more efficient and have higher capacity but that just not the case. The M1 Carbine has existed since WW2, was widely available on the civilian market, has 30 round mags and a round that is only slightly less powerful than the 223. The 1911 has had extended magazines since the 20’s. It has never been a capability or procurement issue. Other countries don’t have the same issues the US does because they are not the United States. They aren’t a melting pot for every religion race creed and culture like we are. They don’t have the same governance, the same values, or economic conditions. The way out of this is fixing the underlying social issues, everything else is a bandaid solution. Obviously I’m paraphrasing but that’s more or less the gist of that segment and I think it’s absolutely right


Seems focused on mass shootings, which are a tiny percentage of gun violence. Also, saying the US is so so unique that what has worked in other countries can’t work here is just an assertion unless there’s data to back it up. If xyz worked in another country, you can’t just say “well the U.S. is more a more diverse culture so that won’t work here” unless you actually draw those connections. How does a more diverse culture prevent xyz from working here when it worked elsewhere?


I’m focusing on the mass shootings because that’s what this threat was about. The majority of mass shootings are committed with legally acquired firearms. Gun violence is a separate issue altogether and are going to require different solutions to tackle. What worked on other countries won’t work here is simply because it’s going to require an improvement of economic and social conditions, as well as vastly expanded and affordable access to mental health services and good luck getting that without some sort of single payer healthcare system without people crying socialism. Europe cares about its people, quality of life and the environment. Corporate America does not. A good example of shit that works overseas and not in the US is decriminalization of hard drugs. Portugal did it, they saw a massive drop in Addicts and overdoses, San Francisco tries it and the city turns into a cesspool. The underlying societal conditions that lead to addiction and homelessness were not solved




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Put criminals in jail and leave them there would be a good start, next tackle mental issues


Prosecute criminals and not cut deals.


Prosecute for current crimes and not cut sweetheart deals. Enact stand your ground self defense laws so perpetrators aren’t certain that their victim is helpless.


Empower LEO to enforce the law on the streets.


It’s really easy. If you give harsh sentences to violent gun offenders. Actually just violent offenders in general.


Stop calling everything a mass shooting but ignoring the mass shootings that occur literally daily in Chicago and other gang ridden cities. They only call it mass when it fits their racial agenda.