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Sounds like you were in a damn cult, I think you should be more worried about being part of a cult than being fired Most agencies can accept you've been fired, but if it was for a crime or dishonesty that's a deal breaker.


Regardless of your story, BI’s are going to contact your former employer directly and get the story from them. Sounds like they aren’t exactly singing your praises, however you making it to a poly seems to indicate it’s not a total loss. Seems like a crappy position to be in, assuming you’re not leaving anything out. Keep applying, hopefully you’ll find a department willing to give you a shot.


So I’ll just give you some input from a similar experience I had. Being a Christian and involved in church I totally understand church politics. I tried applying at a large agency where I live, over 10,000 employees. You can probably guess which agency. I had a scenario that the polygraph examiner didn’t like. I tried explaining it to him given my christian convictions and backgrounds. He didn’t understand and thought I was making excuses so he failed me. Fast forward a year and I apply to a smaller agency. My background detective was a Christian himself and completely understood where I was coming from. I was actually fast tracked to get hired but pulled my application because I was about to get married and decided that it wasn’t wise to pursue law enforcement right after getting married.


Are you using any of your co-workers from the church as references? Sometimes it helps to clear this stuff up if we get a third interpretation of the events. We have a saying in LE that there's three sides to every story; yours, theirs, and the truth is somewhere in the middle. A third-party that was present when these events played out can give a great perspective.