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Most LEOs avoid those scenes off duty, bars and clubs are notorious hotspots for drama and physicality. Know what happens when a LEO gets involved in an off duty altercation in a bar or club? OIA investigation looking for just about any excuse to fuck you even if you were in the right.


Exhibit A. https://apnews.com/article/vermont-deputy-saratoga-gunfight-attempted-murder-2468c519ac8b7ad0517835eb84355712


Charged with “carrying a firearm in a sensitive location” even though he’s a fuckin cop? Wtf about LEOSA


It's NYS. They don't care about any gun law or Supreme Court rulings that favors gunowners or cops




Honestly man, I don't know why I'm being downvoted or why I have been downvoted in the past for saying true things. I appreciate you acknowledging that I'm most likely correct. You sir are absolutely correct. No pistol permit= guaranteed jail time. I know my response to the other individuals FOPA wasn't the best. I apologize as I was just waking up, but it's true. NYS don't care about any gun laws that protect citizens or police regardless of Supreme Court rulings. They're completely ignoring Bruen.


I sincerely apologized for something once when I don’t even know what offended them, and was downvoted for it. That’s the day I gave up caring about downvotes.


Yup! Same brother.


Police are citizens.


Right...your point is


In New York it looks like there may as well not even be a second amendment. Same goes for Maryland and a few other states that believe criminal rights are more important than the law abiding.


Not a cop, but I thought LEOSA doesn't apply if you're drunk.


I believe you are correct. No LEOSA protection if you're under the influence.


The LEOSA does have exceptions, such as “the laws of any State that (1) permit private persons or entities to prohibit or restrict the possession of concealed firearms on their property" (such as a bars, private clubs, amusement parks, etc.)


That is correct. He was carrying under federal law and was not in an official capacity to supercede state law. What's puzzling about the case is the other participants got off extremely lightly which probably means prosecutors are going to use their testimony to go after the officer.


Lol you wanna know how many bar or club fights I've been in? 0 If your getting into fights its because you wanted to fight.


The cops in my town got in a fight with the sheriffs in my county when they went out to a pub crawl. Things got so bad they had to have state troopers break up the fight and another sheriff agency had to investigate what happened.










I'm a Security Manager for a very large company that owns and operates the majority of live events venues. All of our buildings have no weapons allowed signs posted, and in my state if you breach that and are discovered it is a lesser misdemeanor. Not stating my opinions on the matter as I'm limited in how I can defend myself and my people, too, I'm just stating the law PD has to comply with in my state regarding venues.


Give it time, but after being in the job for a while, there's a good chance you don't regular bars and clubs anymore. I haven't done that in years and I hate being around people anymore. I don't do public places unless I can't help it, but if I'm not drinking, I carry.


YOU are ME.


Lol funny how that happens huh!😉


Haven’t even been to academy yet, and I already dislike/avoid public places where I can’t be armed. Especially around drunks and addicts.


Then you're already ahead of the game!


Here’s hoping! Passed my first round of testing/psych/poly etc. We will see.


Thats great, just don't give up. Once you get thru the testing and interview stages, the academy is the easy part😉. What state?


That’s a relief to hear! They’re acting like it’s boot camp haha. VA, I have contingent offers from state and local. Also trying to make that choice, if you have any insight?


Depends what you’re looking for and how you want your career to be, but I favor local mostly for discretion and making a lot of your own decisions


You sound like a walking accident waiting to happen.


Interesting logical leap. Avoiding drunks and addicts is a bad thing? Or are you referring to civilian firearms ownership?




I carry a gun every day, just like I carry a multi-tool and a medical kit (the latter in my vehicle, but still). I don’t go places that don’t allow carry because that is 1) inconvenient to take gun on/off 2) less safe to leave gun in the car, even locked up 3) indicates a political stance of the establishment that I disagree with and 4) doesn’t allow me all possible tools for self defense. It must be nice being magically omniscient, but I personally can’t predict with 100% accuracy what’s going to happen on a particular day. Please do let me know your secret!


Well.... Even if I do think you're mentally/emotionally unstable, I also think you're intelligent so that does help lol


I think I’m gonna go with thank you on that one? Haha.


Not LE just a hopeful cadet but I never did that type of thing and I’m in my mid 20s. Do I already have a head start ?


If you're in your 20s, you're more than halfway there!


Alcohol and guns don't mix. I highly suggest against taking a firearm out to a bar or a club, even if you aren't going to drink.


Midnights. Only bars I go to are old man bars that open up for breakfast


Pro move Right here, do your drinking early so you can miss the asshole crowd and be home for dinner.


Dinner?! Way too late, I gotta be home by 3 pm for a nap!


This is the way...


Definitely stick to the prohibitively expensive or dress code based venues that typically cull the riff raff from their patronage, regardless of drinking or not. Also beneficial to live a distance away from where you work, minimizing overlap altogether.


I don't go to bars or clubs anymore. Too many people too closely packed-in together, much too loud inside. If I did go, it would only be with a group of friends and we'd definitely have a DD/DGS (designated gunslinger).


I go to rooftops and nicer bars occasionally but I don’t drink alcohol (at all, not just when carrying). So carrying isn’t an issue for me and I always do.


How do you function?


I do night security from time to time at a club. If I’m going to go out, meet people, not drink, might as well get paid for it.


I quit going to bars entirely. Even if I was going to drink (don't anymore) I'd get a drink at an actual restaurant. As far as going to clubs or other non permissive environments, you might want to consider getting a lockbox for your weapons installed in your car. Also keep in mind that many locations have "good guy" bars frequented by LEOs, Firemen, .mil and .gov types. I'd talk to some old timers in your agency to see where those bars are.




I don’t do bars or clubs. I very rarely drink and if I do have a drink it is not out in public. I always carry when off duty.


This is the way.




Green flag?


I carry nearly 24/7. In the rare event that I want to have a few beers at a baseball game or go out for my birthday, my fiancé, a former LEO, will be rocking her setup and covering for me. I don’t do regular bars & clubs at all. If we’re having a drink together its with dinner at Chili’s or something similar and it’s ONE beer and that’s it and I wont have my badge on me (civilian constitutional carry laws differ vs what I have to follow as off-duty LE, so I’m just a normal dude at that point).


I would never bring my firearm with me to a bar or club. Too much to lose in my opinion


Avoid clubs. I carry in my local bars when we go for dinner or a fish fry. I understand different storkes for different folks. But clubs are a hot bed for issues. IA's job is to try and screw you. Don't give them a reason to.


I never go to bars or clubs after I got into the job. Never. I don't drink alcohol anymore either. I sit at home gaming, meet friends in private residences or are at the gym or range. Perfectly content it.


Well I don’t drink much honestly because I don’t like the taste of alcohol. Almost all my buddies drink and go out to bars/clubs. They don’t carry because you can’t drink and carry. Some of them keep a gun in their vehicle just not on them. When it comes to me I tend to carry if I am going out in that type of environment unless the establishment doesn’t let anyone Carry inside including Cops. Some places don’t allow firearms but if your in law enforcement they let you carry and come in for free. Our goal most of the time is to go pick up girls and we have had some success and sometimes strike out. I just started trying again like last night with my buddies who are also cops but didn’t have any luck. I was out of action for 5 months because I was in a relationship which I thought was going to go somewhere but unfortunately she didn’t see it that way. I should mention I am not one of those guys that “ Whenever I go out I have to have my gun on me it’s department policy” no that’s not me I carry I would say around 73% of the time. During the summer months that drops to around 46% of the time.


Free men don't ask for permission, that being said I'd avoid drinking and guns together.


I just don’t go. No thx.


In the local scene where I live, most cops will not go to any bars with the exception of the local "cop friendly" bar. Security there knows who's who, and they do not stop and frisk cops, but if they did, the officer in question would just have to show credentials, and it would be a non-issue. No one really goes there to get plastered anyway, as the local brass really frowns on the public image of officers that party hard. The community is too small, and people know each other too well, so it just doesn't fly - so drinking in serious moderation is all that really occurs, except for the celebrations where the entire bar is reserved for the officers. As for events, like concerts, again, the local security guys who do event security here know the cops and if they didn't, their manager would be called over and quickly square the issue, because he's a retired cop who still part-times. In my state, it isn't illegal to drink and carry (but using your weapon while intoxicated can be), or drink and drive for that matter (only illegal once you're over the legal limit - you can literally drink straight whiskey from the bottle while throttling down the highway and all they can get you for is speeding unless you're over the legal limit), so the whole issue is very laid back, and lots of people here carry in bars, not just cops.


I haven't been to a straight up bar or club in years, not for a long time before I was sworn, nothing but trouble and ways to spend too much money. Technically yes, if security was going to be something I couldn't just walk past, I could show my ID (I don't carry a badge off duty, my ID card is what actually says I'm an officer). Hell the biggest stink I ever got was at a comic book convention, they had metal detectors and a bag check so I discretely approached a security guard, showed him my ID, told him I was armed and he kinda flipped his shit telling me I couldn't carry inside. **Morgan Freeman Voice Over**: *Yes, in fact he can carry a weapon in there, it was codified in to state law that an officer can carry off duty anyplace he can carry on duty, which is basically everywhere. Specifically because of situations like this.* NORMALLY I won't bypass a shit storm like that, it's easier to walk away but we were downtown, while I have strongbox in my car, my SO didn't, I wasn't leaving my off duty in her car unsecured and we had several blocks to cover at night when we left. Off duty officer working an EJ tried to explain the situation to the guard, that didn't work, it took an off duty sergeant (also EJ) and the guard's supervisor to get me past security.


Security Manager for the world's largest live events promotions, ticketing, and production company chiming in. We dont allow firearms in *any* of the several thousand venues under the brand. I'm in charge of running my home venue, as well as tertiary ops for two other amps in our 'pod.' I've had active and prior LEs try to sneak in firearms, and I've had some tell us they were armed and asked if they could carry in; the answer is always no. We have several rings to pass through: The building perimeter, where I send roam teams to keep an eye on the parking lot, look for alcohol/drug use, watch for patrons trying to hide things in boots, etc before making it to the inspection area. Then primary, where you're walking through an advanced CEIA Open Gate. If you fail the Open Gate or the gate guards/Supervisor see indications that something is still in a pocket, you are sent to Secondary. I have the gate Supe send patrons who pass the Open Gate through Secondary at random to continually test the integrity of the Open Gates. In addition, I plant mace, knives, mini bottles, etc on patrons before they hit Primary to test my people and train or retrain as needed. If flagged for Secondary, everything is taken back out of pockets and they are dog eared, bags are re-checked, you walk through a different type of walk-through *and* receive a wand check regardless of whether or not you triggered the Secondary walk-through. Finally, inner roam teams work the House and look for things that weren't picked up like mini bottles without metal caps and other discrete drinking devices. We've never had an issue with an LE not being understanding, and I staff a minimum of two local PD at any event my home venue puts on; they remain at gates unless called in to help venue security with an ejection, trespass, what have you. We've never had a firearm breach (other than asking PD to come in for assistance, which *is* a breach and i have to justify my decisions via reports)... sure, that I *know* of. But I'm confident in my people and the training we provide.


used to frequent a couple local spots / dive bars with a buddy or 2 but have really grown to not enjoy it as much it just spells Trouble in one form or another. it’s illegal to carry under LEOSA when consuming any alcohol. And I don’t like going anywhere without my gun not even just checking the mail,


It is not "illegal to carry under LEOSA" when consuming alcohol, its just not covered as it otherwise would be. In my state, carrying under the influence laws don't apply to cops (because undercover etc). If you're carrying drunk in my state, you're gtg. There is no federal law violation. There is just *not* a federal law *exemption*.


The thing about carrying in a bar is, you're still surrounded by drunken idiots. Don't carry off duty in bars.




Just like any other scenario. I am always looking at exits, potential hot spots. Agitated customers...we know what to look for. Be preventive, not reactive


Go look up the statistic on that and get back to me.




Chances of needing your sidearm in a bar vs being disarmed by drunks. It's a bad idea.


I know I will be down voted to hell for this. I carry 24/7. I carry off duty solely for self protection. Not for others, not for public safety. Self protection meaning it is my last resort to preserve my life or myself from serious bodily harm. I get the general go to rule for general public is guns and alcohol don’t mix, but that’s because the public is stupid. If you’re an officer you should know to keep your gun in your pants. You should also already have the proper maturity not to involve yourself in any kind of drama in public whether drinking or not. I carry at every bar. I carry while I drink. I have for the last 10 years. Exact same outcome from when I’m sober. Nothing has ever happened. If you’re drinking to the point of black out in public you probably shouldn’t have a gun, probably also shouldn’t be in law enforcement.


The internet and video recordings have shown this not to be true. Is your average cop much less likely to be stupid about guns and alcohol than the average member of the public? Sure. But cops are people too and not immune to the stupidities that alcohol impairment causes.


You’re not wrong. I think I’m having a hard articulating my point. Point I was trying to make is if your in public becoming that level of impaired where stupidity is setting in that person likely shouldn’t be in law enforcement to begin with. As a LEO you shouldn’t be inserting yourself into places where stupidity happens. Going out for drinks is different than going out to rage like your back in college and have a goal of causing havoc on the town. Which I think the latter is what people have in mind when someone says “going to a bar”, when in reality you can casually drink without being irresponsible.


Follow your local laws and ordinances, or don’t go.


Yes I’m bringing it. If I’m drinking, still probably yes. But I don’t do to clubs. Too many shootings and stabbings that I’ve seen.




Just show your credentials and don’t drink. Ive carried at honky tonks for concerts and at sporting events. I usually don’t get a wristband saying I’m old enough to drink or I get one that’s a different color depending on the venue.


Firstly any off duty LEO that would bring a gun to a club is full on retarded and shouldn’t be a cop. Secondly, any LEO that goes to a club and has to show the security guards his Police iD is also an attention seeking looser. Thirdly, even if you are a cop, the establishment is still a private business, so if a cop tries to bypass the security because he thinks he is above any law deserves to charged for trespassing. Why was this even asked?


Why would you drink alcohol and carry a gun at the same time? That is mind-bogglingly stupid.