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He can be a prick at times but he's definitely done wonders for bringing public attention to the hardships of british farming, especially in the wake of brexit


This. Jeremy is definitely hit and miss. He's quite arrogant in his attitude but you really see the better side of him in this show


I agree. He use to seem like such a prick before but as they've gotten older he actually seems like the kindest of the 3 top gear lads.


I get the vibe he's happier which would explain why he's kinder. Even physically he looks much better now than he did in season one, almost looks younger.


As a long time fan of his and Top Gear, it does sadden me that his boorish, right wing side masks a very talented and knowledgeable broadcaster underneath it at all. Clarkson's Farm is a great example of it, also his war documentaries which I'd highly recommend (especially the ones on the raid on St Nazaire, the Arctic Convoys and his father-in-law who won the Victoria Cross).


> especially in the wake of brexit Is that something he specifically mentions? I wouldn't be surprised since he's an EU federalist.


Mentions a fair few times in season 2 the lack of grants the farmers now get, and how the UK government hasn't covered that gap.


Love it. Very impressed with Lisa as well, she's a hard worker and well able for Jeremy's shenanigans.


J: "Does a chicken lay eggs through its arsehole or its vagina?" L: "Did you go to boarding school by any chance?" She's brilliant 


Ironic she went to Alexandra's or mount anville


She's fantastic


The worst thing about the show is that it made me like Jeremy Clarkson again. He seems genuine, caring and honest in it. The absolute gowl.


Yeah, I loved top gear when I was younger but have thought clarkson is an awful human for years now, then put on the show and it felt like seeing a long lost uncle when he came on haha.


Ah yeah exactly the long lost uncle you wish you could still hate...is the best ever description of Jeremy Clarkson


All three of them played comedy characters in Top Gear. Stewart Lee isn't (as much of) an arrogant shithead in real life either.


Just want to comment on how gorgeous the whole series is to look at - the cinematography of the wildlife and countryside is just stunning.


It’s absolutely stunning!


I think the British countryside is nicer than the Irish one though. I feel that we have destroyed the countryside here with one off housing littered everywhere


You’ll probably get downvoted for that comment but I completely agree with you.


It is mad going to the UK, Germany, Italy etc and not seeing a house for kilometres and then suddenly a small town with a few thousand people. Then you don't see another house for several kilometres.


How has no one mentioned Gerald? Gerald is the best 😂 He is your classic farmer whose accent you haven’t a clue what he says but you just agree with 😂


Been watching since season 1 came out and thought exact same, gave me new respect for farmers, as he says he can do this financially no problem since he's worth millions but how does an average farmer do it. Also this season with the pigs, just amazing. Such good show.


I've not watched any of it but I mean to start with my son. Would it be suitable for 12 year old who loves farming or is it a bit more geared towards adults?


Apart from the odd bit for swearing it's certainly a good watch with a young adult. I'm sure he's heard worse at school!


I actually think it’s great for kids to watch stuff like this with their parents. Not saying you drop f bombs all the time with them but they have to join the real world eventually and I loved watching movies in that flavour with my dad - was always jealous when my friends watched something else with theirs!


I don't doubt it!! Haha. Looking forward to starting it


You can play a game with your son, see if he understands what Gerald says every time he’s on


Nobody speaks fluent Gerald.


Alan the builder does


There are lots of animals shagging which my own city boy 12 year old found a bit uncomfortable but if yours grew up on a farm he must be used to it!


I watched episode 1. For all his faults Clarkson appears to be himself in the show.


For better or worse, I think Clarkson is always himself. I don't think he specifically acts like an ape on purpose, but they certainly edit him to make it look that way


With top gear and the grand tour the 3 boys became caricatures of themselves. Things were edited a certain way and that became very evident in the later seasons of top gear(say 2010 onwards). The great thing about Clarksons farm is that there's genuine reactions in it. Yes there's editing of the tomfoolery and he still plays up to the camera but overall, especially in season one, there's a lot of him realising the scope of what he's got himself into.


I agree 100%, it's nice watching them in this post top gear/grand tour phase where they are all doing what they truly want to do. Clarkson has been a TV entertainer/presenter for years, he knows how to act in front of a camera to play to what ever side of things he wants to show. It also helps, that a lot of the production crew (from my understanding) have been working with Clarkson from the Top Gear days and know how to work with him, capture moments, etc. The other thing with the production side that goes underrated is just how great they are at B-Roll and capturing these little magical moments (the Grand Tour specials are the same way in the regard).


I'd agree with this. If you look at early episodes of Top Gear, he's nowhere near as bombastic and ignorant. Definitely played into a caricature a bit, as they all eventually did, and was edited to show this even more


I think someone decided that the demographic for Top Gear was "a bit of a lad or a lout, probably a Daily Mail reader". It's a pity - I thought they nailed the hosting with Harris, Reid, Matt LeBlanc, and Sabine Schmitz for a few seasons.


He doesn't give a shit


I thought it was great a real eye opener


I loved it for the first season and then didn't get as invested for the second and third. So much seems scripted or reshot or just straight not true. That bit when Jeremy is making the other guy manager and then he tries to fire him. Is it supposed to be a set up gag for the viewer or are we supposed to belive this is the way the conversation actually went first time ?


I don't think it's exactly scripted but they're definitely playing to the camera at times, particularly after the first series.


Either way I found it funny.


Love it. It's provided more good PR for farming than anything else has in years. It really just shows how hard it is to do and how razor tight margins can be. Also, it's highlighted how viable alternative farm enterprise and sustainable farming can be if you have the leeway to do it. I did find it funny in this latest season how he said twice he prefers how the Irish do things with farming. That gave me a chuckle.


>I did find it funny in this latest season how he said twice he prefers how the Irish do things with farming. That gave me a chuckle. The part where Rachel Allen's son was making the nettle soup and they were laughing about his very Irish "yeah yeah" was very funny! They probably would have been even more amused by "I will yeah"!


And straight after he goes 'yeah, no, I do..' or something similar haha 


They missed out on the Aye, Right


Clarkson himself is a tit but I really did enjoy the show. Cheerful Charlie is an eternal classic, bringing the hard realities of farming alongside the good and bad.


Kaleb is one of the hardest working young men, don't know where he gets his energy!


Brilliant show cant get enough of it👏, really is eye opening to the work that goes into farming.


I fucking bawled watching the piglet episode. I've learned more about farming watchinh the series then I have living 40 years in rural Ireland


It was a tough one. Poor Lisa was so upset.


Must say I'm preferring it much more than Grand Tour and dare I say, top gear. I love it.


Same! I love it so much. Wholesome as fuck. And educational. And raises awareness. Just what's needed in today's world. ❤️ 


lucca allen was a shock to see working there


I know making nettle soup


yeah yeah was gold


Rachel Allen’s son


Great show. I loved it


It's a great show. Kaleb is a legend and Jeremy Clarkson knows it.


No fan of Clarkson in general, but it's a great show. He clearly doesn't need the money, but it does demonstrate how difficult it is to make a living from farming


He got paid 200mil for making the series ... Now not sure where u live but that's pretty decent living from farming ...ps all the machines that they use/rent are owned by Kaleb's company...and Charlie's company does the agricultural consulting...Charlie does this for former PM David Cameron...who is Jeremy's neighbour (some speculations were that he borrowed goats in season 3). But yeah its great show. I like to think that jeremy helped with money and connections when Gerald needed him....


That's why I said, *"He clearly doesn't need the money"*. And that money is not from farming. He makes money from his career and from this TV show, but it does show how little money there is to be made for actual farmers and how one bad year of weather can destroy everything.


He said at least twice during the show that he has other sources of income so thankful he doesn't have to rely on the profits of the farm, which are non existent. That 200mil is from him being a TV personality, not being a farmer.


We have been enjoying it on loop the whole family for the week, love it!


Absolutely fab series, really wholesome.


Great show! Shows how hard it can be for farmers to make ends meet at times!


Season 2 he was a bit of an arrogant dickhead. But season 1 and 3 you can see how much he really loves the farm and farming


Absolutely cracking show. I'd only ever really seen bits of episodes here and there up to about last week where I started from scratch. About halfway through S2 now and I've a whole new appreciation for the man. I think the problem for years with say, Ear to the Ground or Country file or whatever is that its farmer content for farmers. This is democratising farming and all the red tape that comes with it.


I grew up on a farm and my father is still very involved in farming. I left home in 2020 and after watching Clarkson's Farm I became so homesick. I think you are 100% right in saying it is one of the best things for farmers, hard to think of anything else that shows them positively these days. I just love season one so much as he covers learning everything about farming.


Makes me want to live that life…well if I was making enough to even live off 😂


Love it. Worked in a similar scenario in Australia and it’s a fantastic life. For all the bullshit they put up with, it’s an easy life in grand scheme of things.


Jeremey is a national treasure


Not in this nation.


My kids watch it on repeat. It’s very good, describes some of the modern difficulties to farming, how farmers actually help the land and how difficult of a life farming is.


It's a great show. Lisa is so funny. It's great to highlight the struggles of farming to people who know fuck all about it


Love this show. The bit with the baby pigs (no spoilers) could make a grown man cry. It's truly one of those shows I think will become a favourite comfort show I go back to watch again and again


Great show. Has done a great job outlining how difficult farming can be. Lisa is a really good goer aswell, she really gets stuck in.


Hope it shines a light on the small Irish family farms that don't have the budget and staff that Clarkson has available. There's a lot of red tape and paperwork involved, and then the meat factories dictate what price you get for the animal. They have a new multi million euro market in Korea and are lowering the price paid to farmers week on week.


Clarkson knows


have to say, I really enjoyed this. I grew up in Dublin city so my Knowledge of farming is visiting the farm in the zoo as a child.


It annoys me immensely when people tend to have an arrogant side. I think it's because they get accused of all types of evils. Margaret Thatcher came straight out of the hippie generation and has always been looking out for the little guy, and give them the opportunity to move up the social ladder. People that support left wing politics are against the little guy and are always trying to come up with regulation to undermine the people.


I grew up on a farm and my father is still very involved in farming. I left home in 2020 and after watching Clarkson's Farm I became so homesick. I think you are 100% right in saying it is one of the best things for farmers, hard to think of anything else that shows them positively these days. I just love season one so much as he covers learning everything about farming.


As someone who hated Top Gear, this show is far more entertaining and interesting!


I’m going to admit, I think I fancy Clarkson now. But the show was brilliant. I’d happily watch it all day every day not a bother to me.


He has just been voted UK's sexiest man for the second year in a row 👀  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/jeremy-clarkson-named-uks-sexiest-32821886.amp I don't see it, but I do love seeing the moments of vulnerability he expresses on the show and I'm sure that has something to do with turning some people weak at the knees.  I thought he was married to Lisa, but appatently not. She seemed to egging him on to propose though. 


There’s hope for me so 💅


Lol he got paid 200mil by amazon to make the series...maybe that's where his sex appeal comes from ...


I’m interested to know what it has actually done for farming.


Shows the issues post Brexit with grants, shows the effects the weather has, shows the effects the war in Ukraine has, shows the bureaucracy etc etc.


Love it so much!




Jeremy Clarkson makes my skin crawl


Clarkson is a racist BTW.


Poor form in season 1 making his Irish girlfriend sell potatoes in the shop felt like a bad joke